4 biomass

23 Apr 2013 Philipp von Bothmer Agency for Renewable Resources (FNR) 4Biomass – Putting Biomass into Action!


presentation during the kick-off meeting of the EC IEE financed BIOEUParks project in April 2013

Transcript of 4 biomass

  • 1. 23 Apr 2013Philipp von BothmerAgency for Renewable Resources(FNR)4Biomass Putting Biomass into Action!

2. 2Contents 4Biomass basic facts CENTRAL EUROPE Programme Project Partner Aims Project Activities Publications Events 3. 3Project information Fostering the Sustainable Usage of Renewable Energy Sourcesin Central Europe Putting Biomass into Action! Duration: 48 months (December 2008 until November 2012) This project is implemented through the CENTRAL EUROPEProgramme co-financed by the ERDF (European RegionalDevelopment Fund) 4. 4CE countries and Project Partner 5. 5Project Partner FNR Agency for Renewable Resources, Glzow, Germany BMU, Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation andNuclear Safety, Germany AEA, Austrian Energy Agency, Vienna, Austria AGH, University of Science and Technology, Krakow, Poland ApE, Energy Restructuring Agency, Ljubljana, Slovenia CZ Biom, Czech Biomass Association, Prague, Czech Republic EC, Energy Centre Hungary, Budapest, Hungary ENEA, Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy andSustainable Economic Development, Rome, Italy IEN, Institute of Power Engineering, Warsaw, Poland 6. 6Associated Partner SEC Biomass, Ukraine Czech Ministry of Agriculture Italian Ministry of the Environment Slovenian Ministry of Agriculture 7. 7Aim of the Project Promote and foster the sustainableexploitation of biomassthroughout Central Europe (CE) Develop recommendations for ajoint and consistent policyapproach in the CE region Establish a TransnationalNetwork to support transnationalcooperation 8. 8Activities to promote sustainablebioenergy investmentsFacilitate investments Preparation of studies forpotential biomass projects Organisation of workshops forinvestors Preparation of pre-feasibilitystudies for sustainable investmentprojects Establishment of a JointManagement ToolExchange best practise Set up of a database ofdemoprojects Analyse of technology,management approach andbiomass supply of demoprojects Organisation of study tours forpartners 9. 9Best practise Database fordemoprojects www.4biomass.eu/en/best-practice 10. 10For example: Heating plant inPannonhalma /Hungary among other 25demoprojects 11. 11Country Studies - contents Overview of availability of biomass in CE region Overview of policies to promote biomass/RES in CE countries Energy strategies Biomass Action Plans Sustainable development strategies EU national targets 2020 (nREAP) National RES regulation Financial Support and Economic Incentives 12. 12Conclusions from country studies CE region disposes of a considerable amount of available biomassresources Biomass is a regional source and is best used in de-central systems Biomass offers potential for economic development in rural areas,increasing employment opportunities and keeping value added within theregion Biomass is a limited resource and should be deployed only in the mostefficient way 13. 13Trade Studies Contain overviews of the present situation of biomass and bioenergypotential, production and trade flows within the CE region Challenge: currently no reliable data for biomass markets available for allCE countries Focus of the study is lead on the markets and trade of pellets and biofuels 14. 14Biomass Markets and Trade in CE Trade flows are hardly detectable on local and regional biomass markets no reliable data available Mainly local supply of biomass (forest and agricultural residues) fromindividual suppliers such as public and private forest owners However, data are available for solid biomass (pellets, wood chips) and tosome extend for liquid biomass (biofuels) The data presented here are from different sources, prices have not beenconsidered for this study 15. 15Summary from trade study Analysis of trade flows in CE region shows considerable intra-regionaltrading activities Predominantly exports and imports to and from neighbouring countries Considerable amounts particularly of raw materials are imported from thirdcountries: Ukraine, Belarus, Russia Minor amounts (liquid biofuels) are imported from overseas 16. 16Conclusions Biomass is the most important source for energy purposes among otherrenewables in the CE region In all CE countries domestic biomass is supplemented by imports (biofuels,solid biomass) Still, there is unused potential from unused agricultural areas, for i.e. shortrotation coppice Rapidly increasing pellet trade brings up the discussion of extending thesustainability standards for solid and gaseous biomass within the EU 17. 17Stakeholder dialogue consultingbioenergy experts in the CE region In addition to country and trade studies, a comprehensive onlinequestionnaire had been conducted App. 20 questions about the political bioenergy frameworks in the CEcountries Online questionnaire was open during Oct 2009 till Sep 2010 More than 1200 participants from the CE region concerned withrenewable energies Following graphs summarise the results 18. 18National Biomass Action Plantargets vs. reaching the targets0%5%10%15%20%25%30%35%40%45%very good good adequate poor very poor%ofexpertsHow do you rate the nBAP targets ofyour country? (n=580)How do you rate the success rate ofyour country in reaching these targets inthe future? (n=550) 19. 19Ratings of national nBAPs0%10%20%30%40%50%60%70%Poland Hungary Austria SlovakRepublicCzechRepublicItaly Germany SloveniaPositive rating of nBAP targetsPositive rating of success rate of reaching the targetsPositive = "very good" and "good" | Questions: How do you rate the nBAP targets of your country? (n=580); How do you rate thesuccess rate of your country in reaching these targets in the future? (n=550) 20. 20Which renewables could provide most additionalgain in primary energy supply of your country in2020? 21. 21Stakeholder dialogue results andreport The results indicate that the experts rate the targets more positively thanthe probability of reaching the targets. Biomass for heating/cooling will considerably contribute to the reachingthe targets in the nREAPs 22. 22Activities to set up aTransnational Action Plan Country and trade studiesprovide the data on biomass useand potentials and trade in CEcountries Stakeholder online questionnaire- Transnational survey onpolitical framework andNational Biomass Action Plans Development ofrecommendations for acoordinated transnationalsustainable bioenergy policy TAP: Common action plan forthe Central Europe Recommendations for policy makers andimplementing authorities towardssustainable bioenergy development by ajoint and consistent policy approach Second Transnational forum 23. 23Thank you for your attention!