4 AHRC Complaint Emails Gary Looney 10 Oct2014 to 10 Feb2015

Gary Looney <[email protected]> Tony Abbott - Prime Minister and Cabinet (PM&C) Complaint Gary Looney <[email protected]> Thu, Jul 10, 2014 at 10:11 AM To: Employment - National Customer Service Line <[email protected]> Dear Tony Abbott I have asked and again ask Murdi Paaki be specifically removed as my service provider immediately You would not accept being persecuted by Government Contractors without the right to defend yourself, I request legal representation to challenge Governments actions. See Attached Document: "Tony-Abbott_Prime-Minister-and-Cabinet-Complaint.pdf" Gary Looney Menindee NSW 2879 Tony-Abbott_Prime-Minister-and-Cabinet-Complaint .pdf 603K Gmail - Tony Abbott - Prime Minister and Cabinet (PM&C) Complaint https://mail.google.com/mail/?ui=2&ik=5c6328926b&view=pt&search... 1 of 1 24/02/2015 10:22 AM


I have asked and again ask Murdi Paaki be specifically removed as my service provider immediately.You would not accept being persecuted by Government Contractors without the right todef end yourself, I request legal representation to challenge Government s actions.See Attached Document: "Tony-Abbott_Prime-Minister-and-Cabinet-Complaint.pdf"I need your help to remove discrimination resulting from a previous complaint.Restore my Government Service equality and access requirements to that of the wider community.I remind the Australian Human Rights Commission and Anti-Discrimination Board that "Discrimination is not excused through ignorance by choice" or the inability to understand, admitor acknowledge discriminative acts.As an Australian citizen I wish to issue proceeding of Discrimination and removal of basic rights in acourt of law, "against the Australian Government for allowing and defending discrimination tocontinue for 3 years."In light of continued Harassment, Victimisation and Discrimination over 3 years and the Governments attempt to deny.I will be following PM and cabinets action and not accepting or responding to any GovernmentCorrespondence until my complaint with your bodies is official acknowledged and a pledge of changes is made from PM&C through the Australian Human Rights Commission and Anti-Discrimination Board.I have serous concern that AHRC and Anti-Discrimination Board refuse to lodge my complaint ofCommonwealth authorization of Discrimination.Please lodge my complaint officially within your bodies to create a time stamp and email confirmation a reference details.

Transcript of 4 AHRC Complaint Emails Gary Looney 10 Oct2014 to 10 Feb2015

  • Gary Looney

    Tony Abbott - Prime Minister and Cabinet (PM&C) Complaint

    Gary Looney Thu, Jul 10, 2014 at 10:11 AMTo: Employment - National Customer Service Line

    Dear Tony Abbott

    I have asked and again ask Murdi Paaki be specifically removed as my service providerimmediately

    You would not accept being persecuted by Government Contractors without the right todefend yourself, I request legal representation to challenge Governments actions.

    See Attached Document: "Tony-Abbott_Prime-Minister-and-Cabinet-Complaint.pdf"

    Gary LooneyMenindee NSW 2879

    Tony-Abbott_Prime-Minister-and-Cabinet-Complaint .pdf603K

    Gmail - Tony Abbott - Prime Minister and Cabinet (PM&C) Complaint https://mail.google.com/mail/?ui=2&ik=5c6328926b&view=pt&search...

    1 of 1 24/02/2015 10:22 AM

  • Gary Looney


    Gary Looney Fri, Oct 10, 2014 at 10:32 AMTo: [email protected], [email protected]

    To: Anti-Discrimination Board of NSW and Australian Human Rights Commission

    Please find attached document bellow describing discrimination complaint of Government, their Contractors andAgencies.

    I need your help to remove discrimination resulting from a previous complaint.Restore my Government Service equality and access requirements to that of the wider community.


    Gary Looney

    Box 191, Menindee.NSW. 2879


    Gmail - Discrimination-Complaint10-Oct-2014Gary-Looney https://mail.google.com/mail/?ui=2&ik=5c6328926b&view=pt&search...

    1 of 1 24/02/2015 10:27 AM

  • Gary Looney

    Signed Official Human Rights and Discrimination Complaint of Government15-Oct-2014

    Gary Looney Thu, Oct 16, 2014 at 10:29 AMTo: [email protected], [email protected]

    To: An-Discriminaon Board of NSW and Australian Human Rights Commission

    I need your help to remove "Australian Government" discriminaon.

    I remind the Australian Human Rights Commission and An-Discriminaon Board that"Discriminaon is not excused through ignorance by choice" or the inability to understand, admitor acknowledge discriminave acts.

    As an Australian cizen I wish to issue proceeding of Discriminaon and removal of basic rights in acourt of law, "against the Australian Government for allowing and defending discriminaon toconnue for 3 years."

    I'm asked of any needs, in order for me to contribute and assist in the complaint process?

    Represent me so I can ght this Government Discriminaon with equal weight and legal resourceequal to that of the Australian Government.

    Please nd aached documents tled:



    Ocial Signed Complaints and document of Government Discriminaon and lodge as an ocialcomplaint within your bodies.

    In light of continued Harassment, Victimisation and Discrimination over 3 years and the Governments attempt todeny.

    I will be following PM and cabinets action and not accepting or responding to any GovernmentCorrespondence until my complaint with your bodies is official acknowledged and a pledge of changes is madefrom PM&C through the Australian Human Rights Commission and Anti-Discrimination Board.


    Gary Looney

    Box 191, Menindee.

    NSW. 2879

    Gmail - Signed Official Human Rights and Discrimination Complaint of... https://mail.google.com/mail/?ui=2&ik=5c6328926b&view=pt&search...

    1 of 2 24/02/2015 10:31 AM

  • Gary Looney


    Gary Looney Mon, Nov 17, 2014 at 11:00 AMTo: [email protected], [email protected]

    To: An-Discriminaon Board of NSW and Australian Human Rights Commission Please find attached Additional supporting documentation Brief1A_Operation-of-law_Case-GaryLooney-17-11-2014.pdfThe Human Rights Commission and Anti-Discrimination Board should be aware further supportingdocumentation will be supplied after fully considering detremental consequencies and the safety of myself andothers. In light of continued Harassment, Victimisation and Discrimination over 3 years and the Governments attempt todeny. I will be following PM and cabinets action and not accepting or responding to any Government Correspondenceuntil my complaint is official lodged with Australian Human Rights Commission and Anti-Discrimination Board. Please lodge my complaint officially within your bodies to create a timestamp and email confirmation a referencedetails. Regards

    Gary Looney

    3 attachments




    Gmail - Additional-Discrimination-Complaint-of-Government-17-Nov... https://mail.google.com/mail/?ui=2&ik=5c6328926b&view=pt&search...

    1 of 1 24/02/2015 10:36 AM

  • Gary Looney

    Discrimination Complaint of Commonwealth Government - Additional25-11-2014

    Gary Looney Tue, Nov 25, 2014 at 12:48 PMTo: [email protected], [email protected]: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

    To: Anti-Discrimination Board of NSW and Australian Human Rights Commission

    I have serous concern that AHRC and Anti-Discrimination Board refuse to lodge my complaint ofCommonwealth authorisation of Discrimination.Please lodge my complaint officially within your bodies to create a timestamp and email confirmation a referencedetails. Notification is given that legal action will be brought against Commonwealth AHRC and Anti-Discrimination Boardif this complaint is not officially lodged.Discrimination is not limited to a category of person and I challenge this notion perpetuated by the AHRC. See Additional Supporting Document: Human-Services-Assessment-and-Centrelink-Agency-Absent-Notification.pdf There is no excuses for poor comprehension of facts to protect Government, the Ombudsman is included incomplaint for illegality of process and authorising Discrimination. I will be following PM and cabinets action and not accepting or responding to any Government Correspondenceuntil my complaint is official lodged with Australian Human Rights Commission and Anti-Discrimination Board. Regards Gary Looney Menindee. NSW.Please reply by email at this time.

    4 attachments




    Gmail - Discrimination Complaint of Commonwealth Government - Add... https://mail.google.com/mail/?ui=2&ik=5c6328926b&view=pt&search...

    1 of 2 24/02/2015 10:41 AM

  • Gary Looney

    Government Authorization of Discrimination - Complaint Attributes23-Dec-2014

    Gary Looney Tue, Dec 23, 2014 at 11:03 AMTo: "[email protected]" , [email protected],"[email protected]" Cc: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

    To: The Legal Rights Lawyer recipients

    I officially make request for Legal representation and sight ignorance, continued Harassment, Victimisation andDiscrimination over 3 years and the Governments attempt to deny any responsibility. I have evidence ofcorruption in Government departments which will be shared privately once legal representation is obtained.

    Please note that the local legal Aid centre has not been able to offer practical assistance in this matter and thereis conflict of interest within the Legal profession and Government in my regard.

    RegardsGary Looney

    To: Tim Wilson (Human Rights Commissioner)

    Please help me to have my complaint lodged, after carefully reading the Act I strongly believe my case is valid. In addition to Complaint Documentation I include: "Government-Authorisation-of-Discrimination-9-Dec-2014.pdf"I have more information and hesitation in consideration of minimal requirements to resolve issue whilst retaining alife in my community.

    I will be following PM and cabinets action and not accepting or responding to any Government Correspondenceuntil my complaint is official lodged with Australian Human Rights Commission and Anti-Discrimination Board. Asa result I have had no Government Support, income or Services since beginning this process.This will remain the case until PM&C accepts the discrimination and offers acceptable settlement conditions forpast and present situation.

    Note: The Three Single PDF documents contain the complete Complaint Content in "Text" suitable for Copyand Paste Research References. (Zip has Signed Scans.)

    4 attachments





    Gmail - Government Authorization of Discrimination - Complaint Attrib... https://mail.google.com/mail/?ui=2&ik=5c6328926b&view=pt&search...

    1 of 1 24/02/2015 11:06 AM

  • Gary Looney

    Discrimination through Job Seeker Classification 6 Jan 2015

    Gary Looney Tue, Jan 6, 2015 at 1:24 PMTo: "[email protected]" , [email protected],"[email protected]" Cc: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

    Hi Tim Thank you for assistance. In addition to complaint documents I include: "Discrimination-through_Job-Seeker-Classification_6-Jan-2015.pdf". Due to the nature of discrimination described in this document I have had no Government Support, income orServices since beginning this process.No money, very little food and my electricity is due to be disconnected. I am following PM and Cabinets action and not accepting or responding to any postal mail or GovernmentCorrespondence until my complaint is official lodged with Australian Human Rights Commission andAnti-Discrimination Board. Should PM and Cabinet refuse to negotiate with me through AHRC they will find themselves explaining theirresult to my family and the Australian public. Only AHRC or Legal Representation emails will be accepted. RegardsGary Looney PS: The CC addresses remain in the hope of representation or honesty.

    5 attachments






    Gmail - Discrimination through Job Seeker Classification 6 Jan 2015 https://mail.google.com/mail/?ui=2&ik=5c6328926b&view=pt&search...

    1 of 1 24/02/2015 11:10 AM

  • Gary Looney

    My request for resolution

    Gary Looney Fri, Jan 16, 2015 at 10:55 AMTo: "[email protected]"

    Dear Mr Wilson

    I have concerns of no reply, if discrimination Bodies are to refuse please give yes/no reply in email as I need tomake decisions.

    My request for resolution is in the attached document, which I would very much appreciate if you read to discusswith Mr Abbott.I have attached a document: Dear-Mr-Abbott-Re-Discrimination-Personal-and-Confidential-15Jan2015.pdf If you a have a private email address for Mr Abbott and he agrees please forward this Email.There are and will be no other recipients of this Document because of concerns for my safety.

    I have no money, little food and the Power is due for disconnection from an Origin bill of 18th Nov 2014, havinghad no income since last Centrelink payment September 2014. As Centrelink is the department involved in my continued maltreatment and discrimination along with the ServiceProvider, I have decided to make a stand.

    As stated, I am following PM and Cabinets position in not receiving or responding to any postal mail orGovernment Correspondence other than that from AHRC by email only.

    Re: Email 6 Jan 2014 from- [email protected]: As the Board is not dealing with your complaint, we ask that you remove the Board's email address fromall future correspondence.If you have any questions, please contact our enquiries line on 9268 5544. Regards,Cathy Hahn - Conciliation and EnquiriesDepartment of Justice - Promoting a Just and Safe Society.

    In regards to the NSW Discrimination Board I am a NSW resident being discriminated against by Governmentand Contracted Services.I have no money or phone and will not be calling them, if they are playing some type of game I deserve astraight answer


    5 attachments






    Gmail - My request for resolution https://mail.google.com/mail/?ui=2&ik=5c6328926b&view=pt&search...

    1 of 1 24/02/2015 11:17 AM

  • Gary Looney

    My request for representation and resolution

    Gary Looney Wed, Jan 21, 2015 at 11:07 AMTo: "[email protected]"

    Dear Mr Wilson

    I have concerns of no reply, if discrimination Bodies are to refuse please give yes/no reply in email as I need tomake some very serous decisions.I have no internet and travel 110km for internet access to contact you and make this discrimination complaint.

    I have no money or food and the Power will be disconnection this week from an Origin bill of 18th Nov 2014.Menindee, where I live, holds the NSW Temperature record for January record of 49.7 Degree Celsius in 1939.

    Without power I will have no computer for writing or accessing my documents from my PC (Offline), no cooling,fridge or cooking facility.

    I have had no income since last Centrelink payment September 2014. As Centrelink is the department involved inmy continued maltreatment and discrimination along with the Service Provider, I have decided to make a stand.

    As stated, I am following PM and Cabinets position in not receiving or responding to any postal mail orGovernment Correspondence other than that from AHRC by email only.

    Re: Email 6 Jan 2014 from- [email protected]: As the Board is not dealing with your complaint, we ask that you remove the Board's email address fromall future correspondence.If you have any questions, please contact our enquiries line on 9268 5544. Regards,

    Cathy Hahn - Conciliation and EnquiriesDepartment of Justice - Promoting a Just and Safe Society.

    In regards to the NSW Discrimination Board I am a NSW resident being discriminated against by Governmentand Contracted Services.

    I have no money or phone and will not be calling them, if they are playing some type of game I deserve astraight answer.

    I would appreciate this email and 6 attached files being forwarded to the Commission's complaintservice if possible.


    6 attachments

    Gmail - My request for representation and resolution https://mail.google.com/mail/?ui=2&ik=5c6328926b&view=pt&search...

    1 of 2 24/02/2015 11:40 AM

  • Gary Looney


    Gary Looney Wed, Jan 21, 2015 at 1:09 PMTo: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

    I supply this private, personal and confidential document to Prime Minister Mr. Tony Abbott (Leader of the LiberalParty) and Mr. Bill Shorten (Leader of the Australian Labour Party) for the betterment of Australia and its people.

    I will not be send snail mail, or accept any protocol excuses, as such I ask your staff to show some good oldfashion humanity and maturity to ensure you receive this document. Please work together.

    Further I include the 2014 Sydney Peace Prize winner Mr. Julian Burnside AO QC and approve of Mr. JulianBurnside reading this document as the only other recipient to keep folks honest.

    I wish Australia and its people the best.

    RegardsGary LooneyA Citizen of Australia and all its Territories

    3 attachments




    Gmail - To-Tony-Abbott_Bill-Shorten_Julian-Burnside-Private-persona... https://mail.google.com/mail/?ui=2&ik=5c6328926b&view=pt&search...

    1 of 1 24/02/2015 11:27 AM

  • Gary Looney

    Discrimination Submission - my request for representation and resolution

    Gary Looney Fri, Jan 23, 2015 at 11:23 AMTo: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],[email protected], "[email protected]" ,"[email protected]" , [email protected]

    I have concerns of no reply, if discrimination Bodies are to refuse please give yes/no reply in email as I need tomake some very serous decisions. Disclosure: I have been hesitant in releasing information because of the damage to others and my safety butthis has been in vain because of Government protectionism and unwillingness of Discrimination bodies tocooperate, so be it.

    I have Emailed a Private Personal and Confidential document To-Mr-Tony-Abbott-Private-Personal-and-Confidential-20Jan2015.pdf to Mr. Abbott, Mr. Shorten and Mr. Julian Burnside AO QC. Promise: Ifnothing is done, I have nothing to lose & will publish all online.

    I have no internet and travel 110km for internet access to contact you and make this discrimination complaint.I have no money or food and the Power will be disconnection this week from an Origin bill of 18th Nov 2014.Menindee, where I live, holds the NSW Temperature record for January record of 49.7 Degree Celsius in 1939.

    Without power I will have no computer for writing or accessing my documents from my PC (Offline), no cooling,fridge or cooking facility.I include doc: Origin-Energy-Abbott-Government-QForum-practices-Gary-Looney-22Jan2015.pdf as partof this complaint to be addressed by AHRC and Prime Minister. An employee of Origin threatened me beforeAug 2013 incident in Albermarle Pub Toilet, I'm not making a direct connection but believe he was supporting,and I was informed by justice of peace that he was a drug user, possibly involved in distribution.

    I have had no income since last Centrelink payment September 2014. As Centrelink is one of the departmentsinvolved in my continued maltreatment and discrimination along with the Service Provider, I have decided to makea stand.

    As stated, I am following PM and Cabinets position in not receiving or responding to any postal mail orGovernment Correspondence other than that from AHRC by email only.

    Immediate Resolution:

    I request redress compensation (Undisclosed).

    All Human Services records wiped including falsified JSCI "Job Seeker Classification Instrument" before anyfresh application.

    Search and removal of any similar personal characteristic files, serial annoyance notes on Government and staffsystems.

    Broken Hill GP Super Clinic records wiped including those held by DOH.

    Full unconditional surrender of all my Department of Health records without conditions or Freedom of Informationrequirement,

    as a starting point to ensure information kept by DOH is accurate and uncorrupted.

    No Medical/Psychological Assessment in near future.Also: during Telstra dispute I wrote true Release & Indemnity that I include for the CEO to consider.

    Gmail - Discrimination Submission - my request for representation and ... https://mail.google.com/mail/?ui=2&ik=5c6328926b&view=pt&search...

    1 of 2 24/02/2015 11:46 AM

  • Gary Looney

    Discrimination by Australian Government through Beneficiaries 26 Jan 2015 -Zip removed

    Gary Looney Tue, Jan 27, 2015 at 12:37 PMTo: [email protected], [email protected]

    AHRC: I have not and will not receive any posted mail, as stated numerous times all correspondence must be byemail.Please promptly email any correspondence that has been sent through Australia post. PM&Cabinetcorrespondence must go through AHRC.

    I am following the PM&Cabinet-Reply document position and not receiving any Australia Post Mail until mycomplaint is official lodged with Australian Human Rights Commission and Anti-Discrimination Board andnegotiation with Government is accepted.Quote: you are formally advised that the Customer Service Line will not accept further contact from youabout your servicing arrangement. Any further correspondence on this issue will be filed withoutacknowledgement. :End Quote

    Governments have Discriminated against me directly and through beneficiaries including Unions, HumanServices, Central Darling Shire Council and contracted employment service providers.

    I submit a chronological compilation document Event-Time-Line-Encouraging-Discriminative-26Jan2015.pdfthat includes new and supporting information. Again: AHRC & Discrimination Board, please lodge this document& commence proceedings. All Correspondence by Email only.

    Request representation: from a Lawyer that is willing to represent me in a case against the AustralianGovernment.I have been Assaulted numerous times in regard to people trying to intimidate against matters disclosed inattached document with 3 attempts on my life. Proving this is difficult against people with resources andexperience in covering up Government and Union corruption.My position is to go public and fight to the death, knowing I have stood for a better Governance and rights ofthose mistreated for power.I have no money, no food, no Government services and power is being disconnected. This is my position of prideto the grave awaiting.

    Mr Abbott: I include my ETS Submissions documents and add my belief we should convert the public sectorto Gas, create a policy of Australia first and Tax all fossil base fuel exports at extraction source, to drive thedevelopment/manufacture of sustainable energy and remediate the land.

    Given my Life has been ruined the following days after attending a NBN Hearing in Broken Hill with MalcolmTurnbull, the happenings at this event and Malcolms position on ETS I suggest you read my ETS Submissiondocuments written just prior.

    I wish Australia luck, it does need it.

    Gary Looney

    5 attachments




    Gmail - Discrimination by Australian Government through Beneficiaries... https://mail.google.com/mail/?ui=2&ik=5c6328926b&view=pt&search...

    1 of 2 24/02/2015 11:55 AM

  • Gary Looney

    Government Discrimination through Beneficiaries Revised and Corrected 28Jan 2015 - don't be shy folks

    Gary Looney Wed, Jan 28, 2015 at 11:07 AMTo: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],[email protected], "[email protected]" ,[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],[email protected], Michael Keenan MP , [email protected],Nick Xenophon , [email protected], [email protected],[email protected], "[email protected]" , [email protected],[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

    AHRC: Your reply 3 Dec 2014 "LOONEY, Gary - Letter 031214.pdf" is outdated and not applicable to theSuperseding Discrimination Complaint document, including new and additional information added today: Event-Time-Line-Encouraging-Discrimination-Revision-28Jan2015.pdf

    I submit a chronological compilation document Event-Time-Line-Encouraging-Discrimination-Revision-28Jan2015.pdf that includes new and supporting information. Pages 9 to 24 describe discriminative actions ofGovernment through HS, CDSC and Contracted Service Providers.In addition I include: Malcolm-Turnbull-and-Adrian-Piccoli-4Aug2011.pdf regarding Central Darling ShireCouncil actions on Page 2.

    Again: AHRC & Discrimination Board, please lodge this document & commence proceedings. AllCorrespondence by Email only.I have not and will not receive any posted mail. As stated, all correspondence must be by email.PM&Cabinet correspondence must go through AHRC, lets by mature adults and begin conciliation Mr. Abbott?

    I am following the PM&Cabinet-Reply document position and not receiving any Australia Post Mail until mycomplaint is official lodged with Australian Human Rights Commission and Anti-Discrimination Board andnegotiation with Government is accepted.Quote: you are formally advised that the Customer Service Line will not accept further contact from youabout your servicing arrangement. Any further correspondence on this issue will be filed withoutacknowledgement. :End Quote

    Request representation: from a Lawyer that is willing to represent me in a case against the AustralianGovernment.I have been Assaulted numerous times in regard to people trying to intimidate against matters disclosed inattached document with 3 attempts on my life. Proving this is difficult against people with resources andexperience in covering up Government and Union corruption.My position is to go public and fight to the death, knowing I have stood for a better Governance and rights ofthose mistreated for power.I have no money, no food, no Government services and power is being disconnected. This is my position of prideto the grave awaiting.

    Governments have Discriminated against me directly and through beneficiaries including Unions, HumanServices, Central Darling Shire Council and contracted employment service providers.

    Immediate Resolution: I request redress compensation (Undisclosed).

    All Human Services records wiped including falsified JSCI "Job Seeker Classification Instrument" before anyfresh application.

    Search and removal of any similar personal characteristic files or serial annoyance notes on Government andstaff systems.

    Gmail - Government Discrimination through Beneficiaries Revised and... https://mail.google.com/mail/?ui=2&ik=5c6328926b&view=pt&search...

    1 of 2 24/02/2015 12:05 PM

  • Gary Looney

    Single Page Private Letter for Prime Minister - Discussion and Offer - GaryLooney

    Gary Looney Tue, Feb 10, 2015 at 10:41 AMTo: [email protected]

    I wish to talk with the Prime Minister, unfortunately I have no phone or money.

    As an alternatively to phone discussion with offer, I have written a Single Page Letter for Prime Minister.Dear-Mr-Abbott_9Feb2015_from-Gary-Looney.pdf

    Additionally for general interest of the Office or Prime Minister I includeAWU-Corruption-in-1999-Encourages-Retaliation-in-2015_Gary Looney_6Feb2015.pdf


    Gary LooneyMenindee. NSW(No Australia Post or Ph/Fax availability)

    2 attachments


    AWU-Corruption-in-1999-Encourages-Retaliation-in-2015_Gary Looney_6Feb2015.pdf3965K

    Gmail - Single Page Private Letter for Prime Minister - Discussion and ... https://mail.google.com/mail/?ui=2&ik=5c6328926b&view=pt&search...

    1 of 1 24/02/2015 12:17 PM

    Tony Abbott - Prime Minister and Cabinet (PM&C) Complaint 10-7-14Discrimination-Complaint-10-Oct-2014-Gary-LooneySigned Official Human Rights and Discrimination Complaint of Government 15-Oct-2014Additional-Discrimination-Complaint-of-Government-17-Nov-2014Discrimination Complaint of Commonweath Government - Additional 25-11-2014Government Authorization of Discrimination - Complaint Attributes 23-Dec-2014Discrimination Through Job Seeker Classification 6 Jan 2015My request for resolution 16-1-2015My request for representation and resolution 21-1-2015To-Tony-Abbott_Bill-Shorten_Julian-Burnside-Private-personal-confidential-21-1-2015Discrimination Submission - my request for representation and resolution 23-1-2015Discrimination by Australian Government through Beneficiaries 26 Jan 2015 - Zip removedGovernment Discrimination through Beneficiaries Revised and Corrected 28 Jan 2015 - don't be shy folksSingle Page Private Letter for Prime Minister - Discussion and Offer - Gary Looney 10-2-2015