3rd Nine Weeks - Suffolk Public Schools Blogblogs.spsk12.net/.../2012/...Portfolio-2013-2014.pdf1....

Suffolk Public Schools | Curran, Ellis, McClain, Perry-Clarke - Gifted Resource Teachers 1 Suffolk Public School’s Portfolio Packet 2013-2014 3 rd Nine Weeks Student’s Name: ______________________________ School: ____________________________________ Accelerated Course: 8 th Geography Core Teacher: _______ Block: ______ Gifted Resource Teacher: ______________________ This packet must be submitted at the conclusion of this nine week grading period, along with evidence of completed work. Date Submitted: __________________________________ _______________________________ ____________________________________ Student Signature GRT Signature These unit packets can be electronically accessed at http://blogs.spsk12.net/spsgifted/ . If there are ever any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact your assigned Geography Teacher or Gifted Resource Teacher. GRT (KFMS): Debra Curran Email: [email protected] GRT (JYMS): Linda Perry-Clarke Email: [email protected] GRT (FGMS):Linda Ellis Email: [email protected] GRT: (JFKMS): Michael McClain__________ Email: [email protected]

Transcript of 3rd Nine Weeks - Suffolk Public Schools Blogblogs.spsk12.net/.../2012/...Portfolio-2013-2014.pdf1....

Page 1: 3rd Nine Weeks - Suffolk Public Schools Blogblogs.spsk12.net/.../2012/...Portfolio-2013-2014.pdf1. Completed Gifted and Talented Portfolio 2. Research will be focused on: regions,

Suffolk Public Schools | Curran, Ellis, McClain, Perry-Clarke - Gifted Resource Teachers


Suffolk Public School’s

Portfolio Packet


3rd Nine Weeks

Student’s Name: ______________________________

School: ____________________________________

Accelerated Course: 8th Geography

Core Teacher: _______ Block: ______

Gifted Resource Teacher: ______________________

This packet must be submitted at the conclusion of this nine week grading

period, along with evidence of completed work.

Date Submitted: __________________________________

_______________________________ ____________________________________

Student Signature GRT Signature These unit packets can be electronically accessed at http://blogs.spsk12.net/spsgifted/. If there are ever any

questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact your assigned Geography Teacher or Gifted Resource


GRT (KFMS): Debra Curran Email: [email protected]

GRT (JYMS): Linda Perry-Clarke Email: [email protected]

GRT (FGMS):Linda Ellis Email: [email protected]

GRT: (JFKMS): Michael McClain__________Email: [email protected]

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Suffolk Public Schools | Curran, Ellis, McClain, Perry-Clarke - Gifted Resource Teachers



1. All assignments are due on the assigned date. Students are expected to follow the handbook policy for all assignments.

2. Students will be responsible for seeking out missing work due to absences. Student Name _______________________ Parent Signature: __________________________________ (please print)

Page 3: 3rd Nine Weeks - Suffolk Public Schools Blogblogs.spsk12.net/.../2012/...Portfolio-2013-2014.pdf1. Completed Gifted and Talented Portfolio 2. Research will be focused on: regions,

Suffolk Public Schools | Curran, Ellis, McClain, Perry-Clarke - Gifted Resource Teachers


Latin America, Caribbean, North Africa, Southwest Asia, Sub-Saharan

Africa, Asia

Welcome to the third nine weeks of World Geography! Students will complete this packet independently at home.

Any other materials that we work on in class will be given to you at the appropriate time. We will be working from the following SOLs this nine weeks when the students are in class:

WG.4 – The student will locate and analyze physical, economic, and cultural characteristics of

world regions: Latin America, Caribbean, North Africa, Southwest Asia, Sub-Saharan Africa, Asia Latin America

Central America

South America

Caribbean North Africa Southwest Asia

(Middle East)







El Salvador



Costa Rica






French Guiana












Dominican Republic

Land size







United Arab Emirates



Land size

Saudi Arabia





South Africa



Land size

Democratic Republic of Congo








Democratic Republic of Congo

South Africa



South Asia







Sri Lanka

Southeast Asia






Burma (Myanmar)





East Asia


China (People’s Republic of China)


Taiwan (Republic of China)

North Korea

South Korea

Page 4: 3rd Nine Weeks - Suffolk Public Schools Blogblogs.spsk12.net/.../2012/...Portfolio-2013-2014.pdf1. Completed Gifted and Talented Portfolio 2. Research will be focused on: regions,

Suffolk Public Schools | Curran, Ellis, McClain, Perry-Clarke - Gifted Resource Teachers


Passport to the World

Understanding By Design Unit Plan

Title – Passport to the World Subject/Course – Geography

Topic – Cultural Connections Grade: 8 Designers: Curran, Ellis, McClain, Perry-Clarke


Latin America, Caribbean, North Africa, Southwest Asia, Sub-Saharan Africa, Asia

Stage 1 – Desired Results

Established Goals: Quest Standards: Q1.1 The students will apply problem solving skills (i.e.: identify problems, formulate hypotheses, generate ideas, employ deductive reasoning, choose and apply solutions) to achieve an outcome or solution to problems. Q1.2 The students will use critical thinking skills (i.e.: inquiry, abstract logical thinking, inductive reasoning, critical analysis, and the ability to find and use information) to achieve understanding, evaluate view points, and solve problems. Q1.3 The students will be able to use effective communication in processing complex problems. Q2.1 The students will be able to identify and utilize inductive and deductive thinking processes. Q2.2 The students will gather and assess relevant information using abstract ideas to interpret the information effectively. Q2.3 The students will arrive at well reasoned conclusions and solutions, testing them against relevant criteria and standards. Geography Standards: WG.4 The students will locate and analyze physical, economic, and cultural characteristics of world regions: Latin America, Caribbean, North Africa, Southwest Asia, Sub-Saharan Africa, Asia Students will Understand:

1. The development of a region is influenced by many factors, including physical, economic, and cultural characteristics.

2. The interaction of humans with their environment affects the development of a region.

3. Different criteria may be used to determine a country’s relative importance.

4. Elements of the physical environment, such as major bodies of water and mountains, influence the economic and cultural characteristics of regions.

Essential Questions: 1. In what ways do physical, economic, and

cultural characteristics influence regional development?

2. What are some ways that human interaction with the environment affects the development of a region?

3. What are some criteria that may be used to determine a country’s relative importance?

4. What impact do elements of the physical environment, such as major bodies of water and mountains, have on countries in a region?

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Suffolk Public Schools | Curran, Ellis, McClain, Perry-Clarke - Gifted Resource Teachers


Students will be able to…. 1. Identify primary ideas expressed in graphic data. 2. Gather, classify, and interpret information. 3. Draw conclusions and make inferences about data. 4. Explain cause-and-effect relationships. 5. Identify and locate regions, continents, oceans, and major features on maps and globes. 6. Participate in problem solving

Students will know…. 1. About human interaction with the environment 2. Criteria for determining relative importance of countries 3. Impact of physical elements in the countries

Stage 2 – Assessment Evidence

1. Completed Gifted and Talented Portfolio 2. Research will be focused on: regions, countries, physical characteristics, economic characteristics and

cultural characteristics. 3. Project choices:

a. Travel Journal (1500 words) b. Documentary – Movie/slideshow c. Travel commercial

Stage 3 – Learning Plan

Learning activities:

1. Students will work independently to meet project due dates. 2. Students will demonstrate research capabilities by successfully completing the research journals for

their country. 3. Students will create a travel journal, documentary, or travel commercial. 4. The teacher will provide a positive learning environment to foster student independent learning.

Page 6: 3rd Nine Weeks - Suffolk Public Schools Blogblogs.spsk12.net/.../2012/...Portfolio-2013-2014.pdf1. Completed Gifted and Talented Portfolio 2. Research will be focused on: regions,

Suffolk Public Schools | Curran, Ellis, McClain, Perry-Clarke - Gifted Resource Teachers


Your final project must contain the following items:

I. Completed Gifted and Talented Portfolio II. Research will be focused on: regions, countries, physical characteristics, economic characteristics and

cultural characteristics. III. Choose one of the following:

a. Travel Journal (1500 words) b. Documentary - Movie c. Travel Commercial

IV. Each project must include all the research found on your region and country.





Describe physical characteristics that influence regional development.

What is the impact of the physical environment on the country?

Describe economic characteristics that influence regional development.

5 Themes of Geography – “Place” Must include all information from research

questions. Describe how cultural characteristics influence regional development.

Choice A

Travel Journal (1500 words)

You are to become a Peace Corps volunteer. Explain your travels

throughout the region and country.

Must include the following: (may be digital)

Cover 10 pages – include your research information Journal must highlight a two week journey through your region/country (travels must reflect

research) One regional map and one country map Create one stamp to represent your country. (2” square”) Works cited page for references – follow MLA style

Page 7: 3rd Nine Weeks - Suffolk Public Schools Blogblogs.spsk12.net/.../2012/...Portfolio-2013-2014.pdf1. Completed Gifted and Talented Portfolio 2. Research will be focused on: regions,

Suffolk Public Schools | Curran, Ellis, McClain, Perry-Clarke - Gifted Resource Teachers


Choice B –Movie-Documentary

You are an anthropologist studying your region and country. Create a

documentary explaining your travels and research.

Movie may be presented as a show for the Travel Channel or the National Geographic Channel. Must include the following:

Opening must have a flashy title, an illustration, and your name. 2-3 minutes based on your research 2 maps (one of the region and one of the country) Must include music and pictures related to research Works cited page for references – follow MLA style Credits

Choice C – Travel Commercial

You are a travel agent trying to boost tourism in your country and region.

Create a commercial (movie/slide show) highlighting your research.

Requirements for a Travel Commercial must include the following:

Opening attention grabber 10 pictures (The pictures/text should be relevant to your research.) 2 maps (one of the region and one of the country) 2 minutes (if video)/10 slides and text (if slideshow) Video must be edited and polished Works cited page

Page 8: 3rd Nine Weeks - Suffolk Public Schools Blogblogs.spsk12.net/.../2012/...Portfolio-2013-2014.pdf1. Completed Gifted and Talented Portfolio 2. Research will be focused on: regions,

Suffolk Public Schools | Curran, Ellis, McClain, Perry-Clarke - Gifted Resource Teachers


Complete the following questions for your assigned region.

WG.4 Locate and analyze physical, economic, and cultural characteristics of world regions: Latin America, Caribbean, North Africa, Southwest Asia, Sub-Saharan Africa or Asia.

Research Questions CIAworldfactbook.gov

Complete the following questions, for your assigned region/country. What are three ways physical characteristics influence regional development? 1.__________________________________________________________________________________






What are three economic characteristics that influence regional development? 1.__________________________________________________________________________________






What are three ways cultural characteristics influence regional development? 1.__________________________________________________________________________________






Include a present day map of your assigned region and a map of your selected country. (List below.)

Region _____________________ Country ____________________

Page 9: 3rd Nine Weeks - Suffolk Public Schools Blogblogs.spsk12.net/.../2012/...Portfolio-2013-2014.pdf1. Completed Gifted and Talented Portfolio 2. Research will be focused on: regions,

Suffolk Public Schools | Curran, Ellis, McClain, Perry-Clarke - Gifted Resource Teachers


Place (Theme of Geography)

Human Characteristic “Culture” www.everyculture.com


1. Choose one of the countries from your assigned region. List your country ______________

2. Complete the following research questions.

Research Journal

Daily Life:

1. What is a common occupation for a man in your country? What is the typical role of the male?



2. What is a common occupation for a woman in your country? What is the typical role of the female?



3. What is a typical day like for someone of your age in the country?



4. What do people do for fun or relaxation in your country?



5. Is equality important to people in your country? Give an example to support your answer.



6. What is a common food in your country?



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Suffolk Public Schools | Curran, Ellis, McClain, Perry-Clarke - Gifted Resource Teachers


7. What is a great tradition in your country?



8. Religion: What is the main religion of your country?



9. How does religion play a role in the lives of the people of your country? Explain.



10. Language: What is the major language/s of your country?



11. Arts: Give an example of a common art form of your country.



12. Communication: How do people communicate in your country?



13. Etiquette: What is a proper greeting in your country? What is proper behavior in your country?


14. What is something that is taboo or rude, in your country?



15. What is a major problem facing your country?



16. What major holiday is celebrated in your country? How do the people celebrate?



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Suffolk Public Schools | Curran, Ellis, McClain, Perry-Clarke - Gifted Resource Teachers


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Suffolk Public Schools | Curran, Ellis, McClain, Perry-Clarke - Gifted Resource Teachers


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Suffolk Public Schools | Curran, Ellis, McClain, Perry-Clarke - Gifted Resource Teachers


Reflection Rubric

Block ______Name _____________________________________________________Date __________________________

Select a lesson that was presented to you when the Gifted Resource Teacher was in your class this quarter. Construct a personal narrative (at least 1 page) in which you fully develop your voice addressing the main topic/s covered from the lesson. [1] Include the important elements of the lesson and how it connects to your life [2] what aspects of this lesson were particularly positive or negative to your own personal academic development and learning style (Metacognition), [3] what would you do to improve the lesson if you were given the opportunity to present the lesson yourself (If you wouldn’t change the lesson, you must fully justify why). You will be scored based on the following RUBRIC:



25 points

I recall the important elements of the lesson in order, with details. My response has a sense of story.

I made connections from my life to the lesson. I made connections to my own personal academic development and learning style. I give details to explain my connections.

I tell what I think about the lesson. I support it with details from the lesson or my life.

Presentation is neat, orderly, and has no mechanics and usage errors


22 points

I recall the important elements of the lesson in order. My response has a sense of story.

I made connections from my life or to my own personal academic development and learning style to the lesson. I give few details to explain my connections.

I tell what I think about the lesson. I support it with details from the lesson.

Presentation is neat, orderly, and has few mechanics and usage errors


19 points

I recall some important elements of the lesson. The elements are not in order and/or complete.

I made connections from my life or to my own personal academic development and learning style to the lesson. I lack details to explain my connections.

I tell what I think about the lesson, but I don't use details from class.

Presentation is sloppy, has little sense of order, and has several mechanics and usage errors


17 points

I recall elements of the lesson. They may not be important or complete.

I tell events from the lesson and/or my life, but they are not connected.

I tell about the lesson without telling what I think.

Presentation is sloppy, no sense of order, and has many mechanics and usage errors


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Suffolk Public Schools | Curran, Ellis, McClain, Perry-Clarke - Gifted Resource Teachers


Name _________________________

“Passport to the World”

Portfolio Submissions Due Date Grade

(100 point total)

Daily Grade Reflection

Lesson Topic: __________________________________________

Test Grade

Choose One Project

Travel Journal (1500 words)

Documentary Movie

Travel Commercial





Research Journal


Project Choice


Teacher Comments: