3D Printing and How it Relates to IT - California State University

Bio-CAD modeling and its applications in computer-aided tissue engineering By W. Sun, B. Starly, J. Nam, and A. Darling 3D Printing and How it Relates to IT Armaun Emami BUS 550 Spring 2013 Professor Chen

Transcript of 3D Printing and How it Relates to IT - California State University

Bio-CAD modeling and its applications in computer-aided

tissue engineering By W. Sun, B. Starly, J. Nam, and A. Darling

3D Printing and

How it Relates to IT Armaun Emami

BUS 550 Spring 2013

Professor Chen

Background • What is computer-aided tissue engineering?

Edited Video From http://www.explainingthefuture.com/video_bioprinting.html

The Future • Biotechnology will enable us to

– Identify, – Understand, – Manipulate, – Improve – and control living organisms (including ourselves)


The Future

• Biotechnology will enable us to increase quantity and quality of human life – Better disease control – Custom drugs – Gene therapy – Age mitigation and reversal – Prosthetics – Bionic Implants – Animal Transplants – 3D Printing


IT Major Issues • What controversial issues may arise?

– Storing all the information – Sharing the information through appropriate channels – Nurturing multi-disciplinary interactions – International Intellectual Property Rights – Help Globalization Continue to Prosper – Reduced Privacy

IT Role in Biotech • How is the technology being applied?

IT Role in Advancement of Biotech

Experiment Data

Generate Information

Share Challenge Ideas

Stimulates more Experiment

3D Printing Applications of IT

From the Ground Up

Example of the Process

Future Applications

The 3D Ink

The 3D Ink

Analysis After Printing

Analysis After Printing

Biotech Advancement Solutions

• What strategies need to be implemented in order for this to be successful? – Effective storage of data – Collaborative and shareable

networks of data – Universal methodologies of

tracking and analyzing data – Standards of practice – Safety and security of information


Questions 1. What does Bioprinting require?

A. Cells B. Ink C. Hydrogels D. A & C

2. What major dilemmas will need to be addressed in the future? A. Security and Storage of Biotechnology Information B. Moral and Ethical Issues Created from the Technology C. Reduced Privacy D. All the Above

3. What informational technology strategies can be implemented for this technology?

A. Large storage networks and transferring data over secured networks B. Relation of biological experimental data for improved processes C. Improved computing capacity D. All the Above

References • Anton, P, Silberglitt, R, and Schenider, J, 2012. The Global

Technology Revolution. National Defense Research Insititute. • Sun, W, Starly, B, Nam, J, and Darling, A, 2005. Bio-CAD

modeling and its applications in computer-aided tissue engineering. Department of Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics at Dresel University.

• http://www.explainingthefuture.com/video_bioprinting.html • http://cdn.indulgy.com/0G/o/u/futureMITcellcircuitsrememb

ertheirhistorytechnologyfuturistic1.jpg • http://www.bbsrc.ac.uk/web/MultimediaFiles/ageing-2.jpg • http://d3j5vwomefv46c.cloudfront.net/photos/large/432902


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