3.7 Evidence PDF

Mary Buffon S00134651 June 24th 2014 Reflective Journal: 24/06/2014 Today I was provided with the opportunity to attend a PSG (Program Support Group) meeting after school with a parent, student, associate teacher and the literacy coordinator. The aim of this meeting was to develop an ILP (individual learning plan) to support a student. This was an exceptional opportunity as it allowed me to gain knowledge and skills to develop the ability to not only report to parents/carers on their students learning, but to involve them in their child’s learning process. During this time, we planned and developed SMART goals for literacy. Smart Goals refers to goals that are ; Specific Measurable Attainable Relevant Timely Setting SMART goals is a beneficial strategy to be used in consultation with parents as it allowed us to set goals that could be achieved both in the home and school environments, discussing strategies and techniques that may be used to achieve these goals. Using SMART goals is an exceptional way to improve student achievement as this provides structure and realistic goals for students to work towards. I believe this program support group meeting was extremely beneficial for myself as it provided the opportunity to explore strategies and ways to address and engage parents in their child’s educative process. I was able to recognise the importance of setting SMART goals with all students, and the further importance of engaging parents in this process so you are able to form collaborative partnerships to put in place strategies in both the home and school environment to achieve these goals.


Standard 3.7

Transcript of 3.7 Evidence PDF

  • Mary Buffon S00134651 June 24th 2014

    Reflective Journal: 24/06/2014

    Today I was provided with the opportunity to attend a PSG (Program Support Group) meeting after school with a parent, student, associate teacher and the literacy coordinator. The aim of this meeting was to develop an ILP (individual learning plan) to support a student. This was an exceptional opportunity as it allowed me to gain knowledge and skills to develop the ability to not only report to parents/carers on their students learning, but to involve them in their childs learning process.

    During this time, we planned and developed SMART goals for literacy. Smart Goals refers to goals that are ; Specific Measurable AttainableRelevantTimelySetting SMART goals is a beneficial strategy to be used in consultation with parents as it allowed us to set goals that could be achieved both in the home and school environments, discussing strategies and techniques that may be used to achieve these goals. Using SMART goals is an exceptional way to improve student achievement as this provides structure and realistic goals for students to work towards.

    I believe this program support group meeting was extremely beneficial for myself as it provided the opportunity to explore strategies and ways to address and engage parents in their childs educative process. I was able to recognise the importance of setting SMART goals with all students, and the further importance of engaging parents in this process so you are able to form collaborative partnerships to put in place strategies in both the home and school environment to achieve these goals.