360 Degree Performance Appraisal System in Corporate World

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Transcript of 360 Degree Performance Appraisal System in Corporate World


Submitted by Garima PantEnr no. 17024360 DEGREE PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL SYSTEM IN CORPORATE WORLDCh-1 IntroductionPerformance appraisal quantifies and develops performance and productivity in organizations.

"Performance appraisal is the systematic description of the job related strengths and weaknesses of an individual or a group". Ch-2 Human Resource Management And Performance Management SystemMeaning Of Human Resource Management:Human resource management (HRM) may be defined as a set of policies, practices and programmers designed to maximize both personal and organizational goals. It is the process of binding people and organizations together so that the objectives of each are achieved. Ch-1 IntroductionObjective --Primary Objective --Secondary Objective

Scope- Performance Appraisal is a continuous process with -in the organization. An organization constantly spends a large amount of its capital resources on the development of its Human Resources.

Need and ImportanceCh-2 Human Resource Management And Performance Management SystemDefinition of Performance Management:The process of performance management starts with the joining of a new incumbent in a system and ends when an employee quits the organization. Performance management can be regarded as a systematic process by which the overall performance of an organizationCh-3 Role Of Performance Appraisal Of Human ResourceObjective - The most significant objective of appraisal is that, in the rush and bustle of daily working life, it offers a rare chance for a supervisor and subordinate to have "time out" for a one-on-one discussion of important work issues that might not otherwise be addressed.

Ch-3 Role Of Performance Appraisal Of Human ResourceScope - The scope of any performance appraisal should include : Provide employees with a better understanding of their role and responsibilities; Increase confidence through recognizing strengths while identifying training needs to improve weaknesses; Improve working relationships and communication between supervisors and subordinates; Increase commitment to organizational goals; develop employees into future supervisors; Assist in personnel decisions such as promotions or allocating rewards; and allow time for self-reflection, self-appraisal and personal goal setting.

Ch-4 360 Degree Performance Appraisal SystemFramework360 Degree Feedback is a system or process in which employees receive confidential, anonymous feedback from the people who work around them.

This typically includes the employee's manager, peers, and direct reports. The feedback forms include questions that are measured on a rating scale and also ask raters to provide written comments.

The person receiving feedback also fills out a self-rating survey that includes the same survey questions that others receive in their forms.

Ch-4 360 Degree Performance Appraisal SystemProcess - The 360 degree feedback process, in which subordinates, peers, bosses and/or customers provide behavioral and performance feedback to recipients, has become pervasive in management and human resource development practices.

Implementation and Evaluation - It is not an easy task to implement and maintain 360 Degree Appraisals. For this you have to Train all your personnel whoever involved in executing the 360 Degree Appraisals. In the initial stage, you take the help of out-side Consultants' help and expertise.

Ch-4 360 Degree Performance Appraisal SystemAdvantages

A more balanced view of individual performanceMore likely to cause behavior changeReveals unique information not captured by other methodsOften the only reliable feedback sourcefor top-level managersIncreases understanding performance expectations

Ch-5 Accuracy Of 360 Degree Performance Appraisal System In Comparison To Other Performance Appraisal System360 Degree Feedback - Organizations tap into these vital sources of information through 360-degree feedback, a process originally developed by NASA to evaluate their space program. Peter Ward who introduced this technique into Tesco explains its advantages over other assessment methods and offers detailed practical guidance on implementation.

Ch-5 Accuracy Of 360 Degree Performance Appraisal System In Comparison To Other Performance Appraisal SystemAlternatives performance review - The best performance reviews let managers and employees communicate -- share ideas, opinions, and information. Unfortunately, most traditional reviews put managers into the position of uncomfortable judges.

Ch-6 Road Blocks/Hurdles of 360 Degree Performance Appraisal SystemDisadvantage - Some people may fear retaliation if they give negative feedback. This is mostly in cases where the organization does not have an open culture.The pitfalls - 360-degree appraisal is a little complex process where adherence to process and record-keeping will consume a lot of time. Cost could also be one of the stumbling blocks, especially if the process is conducted through an external agency. No doubt it reduces biases but is not free from pitfalls. Hence a 360-degree feedback program is doomed if the HR is its only champion. It needs buy-in from senior management as well. Companies should train people in giving and receiving feedback. Ch-7 360 Degree Performance Appraisal System In It-sector And BPO-sectorThe performance appraisal form is filled by all of the employees. It is a general form for everyone no matter what is the designation of the employee. It is an online form.

Ch-8 Effectiveness Of 360 Degree Appraisal FeedbackHow 360 Degree feedback is differ from others.The 360 degree review process is purported to be superior to traditional forms of evaluation and feedback because it provides more complete and accurate assessment of the employees competencies, behaviors and performance outcomes. A traditional performance review, where one supervisor assesses a subordinate, is no longer seen as an effective means of obtaining accurate feedback for employees.

Ch-8 Effectiveness Of 360 Degree Appraisal FeedbackThe role of feedback in behavioral change Nothing happens until a person wants something to happen. In the 360 degree process, the acceptance of feedback is the catalyst to behavioral change. Feedback provides individual motivation if the learner accepts it. Not all learners feel as if they are capable or are interested in change. If and when the learner becomes truly motivated, this energy will serve as the elixir to change.

Ch-9 Drawbacks Of 360 Degree Appraisal SystemsHow to interpret the findings when they differ from group to groupAs each person sees a different behavior, how do we know the basis upon which the ratings are observed?360-degree feedback ignores the system in which the behavior occursThere may be the fear of retribution from the supervisor if the rating is unfavorableSelf ratings are unreliable, biased and inaccurateThere is no empirical research to support upward appraisal for any purpose

Ch-10 Experience Of Personnel Managers

360-degree Feedback, or multi-rater feedback, was used by 90% of Fortune 500 companies in year 2002 2003. It is generally believed to be a highly effective performance evaluation tool yet there are many who doubt its benefits. Various factors for the success and the failure of this popular method evolved which will provide guidelines and suggestions for its use.Ch-11Findings - The most common appraiser is the manager/supervisor. The self-appraisal of an employee emphasized. Most of the companies followed a combination of self-appraisal and manager assessment.

Conclusion - The common type of appraisal system is the open system and the management by objectives; some of the companies followed the 360-feedback process. The point-based system of appraisal is also very popular among the software companies, with the 5-point scale being widely used.

Ch-11Suggestion The management should also take proper care in handling dissatisfied employees, because they may create problems in the organization. The management should help the employees to overcome the stress and strain at their work place. A competitive environment at the work place should be maintained. The management should also encourage the efforts and suggestions from employees. The employees should inculcate in themselves a feeling of family in the organization. The organization should implement modern methods of performance appraisal such as performance management system (PMS).

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