34geometry in Architecture




Transcript of 34geometry in Architecture


**To understand the relation between geometry and

architecture, you must first understand the definition

of geometry and geometric concepts.

* In simple terms, geometry is a branch of math that

studies shapes. Everyone, including you has used

geometry at some point of your life.

*For example:

If you construct an airplane model, you are using geometry.

Geometric concepts are ideas that exist in geometry.

For example: The idea that a dot is an infinitely small point

is a geometric concept.

**So this brings us to our next question.

*What is architecture?

*Architecture is a branch of science that

deals with the design and construction of



*Architecture begins with geometry. Since

earliest times, architects have relied on

mathematical principles. The ancient Roman

architect Marcus Vitruvius believed that

builders should always use exact ratios

when constructing temples. "For without

symmetry and proportion no temple can

have a regular plan." Vitruvius wrote in his

famous treatise De Architectura, or Ten

Books on Architecture.

*From the pyramids in Egypt to

the new World Trade Center

tower in New York, great

architecture uses the same

necessary building blocks as your

body and all living things.

*Moreover, the principles of geometry are not confined to great temples.

*Geometry shapes all buildings, no matter how simple. Believers say that when we accept geometric principles and build upon them, we create dwellings that comfort and inspire.

*So what does geometry have to do with architecture?

*To answer this question, let us consider that the design and construction of a building are both art and science. A building has to look good, but it also needs to be strong. For a building to look good, it must have certain shapes that are visually pleasing.

*To make a building strong, architecture, must use certain shapes. For example, cones are stronger than cylinders. So, most architects build towers in the shape of a cone.

*Various geometric shapes provided maximum use as well as a

pleasing appearance in all types of architecture.

*Next, we will cover some simple shapes and their geometric concepts.

*Polygons *Polygons are evident in all architecture. They provide variation and charm in buildings. When applied to manufactured articles such as printed fabrics, wallpapers, and tile flooring, polygons increase the beauty of the structure itself.


*A triangle is a polygon that has three sides. It is the simplest and one of the most familiar of all polygons. It is used in construction and design of every description.

*A triangle gives the feeling of stability. Roof tops are often constructed in a triangle shape. We can think of practical reasons for building this way . Generally, rain and snow do not stay on a roof with a pitched roof.

*Phsically, a triangle is stronger than other shapes. Unlike rectangles, the angle between any of the triangle's two sides can not be changed without changing the length of one of its sides. A triangle is also the most stable, in that the triangle has a large base and a low center of gravity.

*Rectangle *Another very familiar polygon used in architecture is the rectangle. A rectangle is a polygon with four sides.

*Ceilings, floors, walls, windows and doors usually are rectangle.

*Rectangles are the most common shape in building design. Most

apartments, sky scrapers, and other multi-story buildings are made in

this shape.

*While rectangular buildings may not be as interesting as buildings of

other shapes, the construction of such a building is much cheaper and

fast to build. The reason is because, scaffolds have to build in cubical

shapes. If you build a circular structure, scaffolds needs to be done

extra modifications.

*Circle *Not all geometric figures

are formed by straight lines. One of the most useful geometric shapes is the circle. It plays a vital part in our lifes, in wheels, in machine parts, in design, and in architecture.

*Very few completely spherical buildings exist in this world, the concept of half spherical, or domical building are adapted for stadium designs or domes of mosques.

*There are many benefits of a domical room. First, the center of a domical building is higher than the outer rim, making ventilation more efficient.

Second, the weight of a domical roof is supported by its rim, so there is no need for pillars in the middle.

*This is especially important for stadiums since there can not be any pillars in a football or

baseball field.

*Professional architects use geometric concepts that are much more advanced than the use of simple shapes.

*One of the more advanced concepts is symmetry. The idea is that if you divide a building into two, one side of it would be the same as the other.

*Most buildings adopt the concept of symmetry for two reasons: Firstly, they are visually pleasing because most things in nature are symmetrical. Secondly, they are easier to build because one half of the design could be help to create the other.

*Advanced Geometric Concepts



* References

*Cansu YAVUZ