33rd sunday

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Transcript of 33rd sunday

  • 8/14/2019 33rd sunday


    SAMBUHAY33rdSundoyn OrdinoryTimeC)- GreenYeor27No.20

    n e s e r i o u s c c u s a t i o nl e v e l l e da g a i n s t e s u sby h is c r i t i cswashisa l legedthreat o destroyhe temPle nJeruSalem.he emplewasamarvel f a gem or theJews,symbol f heir dentity sGod'speople , nd an embodimentof their cherished opesandambi t ion. heJewsbel ieved

    thatbecauseCod reposed nt h i s h a l l o w e d r o u n d , he ywould a lwaysbe protectedby Cod'sabiding resenceslongas he emple toodproudand al l .It thussentshockwavesndcreatedipples f apprehensionto many peoplewhen Jesuspredictedhedestructionf thetemple: Not one stonewill beleft on another,but it will allbe torndown".ThisproPhecYwould be fulfilledabout ortvyearsater, n 9 August 0 AD,whenRoman oldiers,utragedat the stubborn esistanceftheJews, et he empleablazeupon he orders f Titus.The emple nJerusalemasrazed o the ground, ts ruincomplete ndonly hewail ingwall remains.esus' rophecywas hus ulf i l led. he emplewasno more, et heworlddidnotstop urning.esus redictedthat the end-t imes ould bepresaged y naturaland man-madecalamities ut that hesewould not immediately r ing

    t h e w o r l d t o i t s e n d .J e s u swarned gainstalseProPhetswho teachotherwise,hosewho sow ear n peoPlelseartsand feedon people's nxietYby pretendingo know he inaldate nd ime.A t t h e b e g i n n i n go f h i sministry,he apostle aulgavethe mpressionhathebelievedt h a t he e n d - t i m e o u l d beimminent. grouP f scholarsa l s o h o l d t h e r e m a r k a b l eopinionhateven esusimselfhad houghthat heendwouldsoon ome, nly hathedid notknow hedaynor hehour.T i m e a n d a g a i n ,u s u a l l Yaf tera wor ld catast roPherdisasternaturalr man-made),rumorsabout he end of theworld f lv thick and fast.Thewor ld doesnot run shor to fdoomsayers ho ,mouth hehorrorof Armageddon. anYa r e h o o d w i n k e d b Y f a l s e


    prophets ho pride hemselvesin "decoding"he ScriPtures,claimingheyhavean "insidetrack" nto hemindof God.Noprivateevelationsgivento anyperson ecause od hasalreadyul ly revealed imselfto us hroughh is wordsanddeeds, he storY f which isnow nscribedn the Biblebutwhosemeanings l lumined Ythe ong radition f thePeoPleof Codguided y heChurch.T h e A p o s t l eP a u lw a i t e dfor the returnof the LordbYe m b a r k i n g P o na n a c t i v em i n i s t r yo r t he C o s P e l . edid not oldhishands ndwaitpassively;ather,he workedhard o the point of death nb r i n g i n g h e G o s P e l o t h efarthestndsof theearth.Our LordJesus hrist avea t e r r i b l e c e n a r i oha tw i l laccompanyhe end-t ime, uthedevoted imselfo a ull-timeministryo those elongingothebottomof societal Yramid(the ast, he east nd he ost).I t was a min is t ry hat ed toh is own deathon the cross .Despi te he gr im shadow fpersecutionnd hecross,esusc o u n s e l sh e PeoP le g a i n s tw o r r y i n g , s s u r i n ghem o fCod's providential are. BYpatientendurance,"esusellstts, you will saveYour ives."

    - Fr.Paulf.Marquez,SSP

  • 8/14/2019 33rd sunday


    $ankq for your great glory, Hr:srrc_insoriallsalrn (ps 9g)Lord God, heavenly King, O -God, almighty Father. Lord R - The Lord comes to ruleJesus Christ, Only Begotten the earth with iustice.Son,Lord God, Lamb ofGod,F.i::r'ir.r'ls:;r::.r . _,lq.,r$er 29:1I-12,L4)(Recited henheresnoofening ong)The Lord said: I thinkthougfrts of peace and not ofaffliction. You will call uponme, and I will answer you,and I will lead back yourcaptives from every place.(The ignof hecrosssmadeere)P -TheLordbewithyou.Atl - And with your spirilt l i a '1 i : , r , ' t j f , t i(Maybeeadusingtheserother imilarwordlP - As the liturgical seasondraws to a close, he readingsdeal wi th the last things:death, judgment, reward,and punishment.Jesus n theGospelspeaksof the endof thetemple of Jerusalem.This endpoints to yet another: the endof the present ealitywhich willbe transformedwith the Inrd'sSecondComing.

    ' ' t ' _P - Brethren (brothers andsisters),etusacknowledge ursins,and so prepareourselvesto ce lebra te th is sacredmysteries. (Pause)P - Havemercyonus,O Inrd.All - For we have sinnedagainst you.P - Show us, O lnrd, yourmercy.Alt - And grant us yoursalvation.P - May almighty God havemercy on us, forgive us oursins,andbring usto everlastinglife.All -Amen.

    AJI - Glory to God in thehigfoest and on earth peacetopeopleof goodwill. Wepraiseyou, we bless you, we adoreyou,we glorifi you, wegiveyou

    away the sins of the world, 6mhavemercyr";";y.;;;; #away he sins of the world, Y+ffiSon of the Father, you take

    receive our prayer; you areseated at the right hand ofthe Fattrer, havemercy on us.For you alone are the HolyOne, you alone are the l-ord,you alone are the Most Higfr,Jesus Christ, with the HolySpirit, in the glory of God theFaflrer. Amen.i. 'q i i;..r:fP-Ituspray. (Pause)Grant us, we pray, O lnrdour God, he constantgladnessof being devoted to you, for itis full and lasting happinesstoservewith constancyheauthorof all that is good.Through our Lord JesusChrist,youi Son,who livesandreigns with you in the unity ofthe Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever.All -Amen.

    "i ll:: fj.iq::,;,li;.rlMal3:19-20a1S#)The Old Testament closeswith the oraclesof theprofhetMalachi who speaksabout thecoming of the Lord. It sets hetoneortesus'second orningonthe last day.A reading from the Book ofthe Prophet MalachiLO, THE DAY is coming,blazing like an oven,when allthe proud and all evildoerswillbe stubble,and the day that iscoming will set them on fire,leaving them neither root norbranch,says he l,om of hosts.But for you who fearmy name,therewill arise he sunof iusticewith its healing rays.-The word of the Lord.AIt - Thanks be to God.


    The Lord comes o rule

    earth with justice.1. Singpraise o the Lonowith the harp,/ with the harpandmelodious ong./Withhumpetsand hesoundof thehorn/ sing oyfully before heKing, he nm.(R)2.[-et the seaand what illsit resound,/ he world andthosewhodwell n it;/ let ttreriversclap heir hands,/ hemountainshoutwith hem orjoy.(R)3. Before he Lono, or hecomes,/ or he comes o rulethe earth,/ he will rule theworld with justice/ andthepeopleswith equity. R)'{e,etirid l{etacllng(2Thes3:7-12)The afostle Paul rent.indsthe Thessalonianso conductthemselaesn an ord,eily way.The Master should ind theseruantsburyand actiaeon hisreturn.A reading from the secondktter of Saint Paul to theThessaloniansBROTHERSandsisters:You know how one mustimitate us. For we did not actin a disorderlywayamongyou,nor did we eat food receivedfree from anyone. On thecontrary, in toil and drudgery,night anddaywe worked,soasnot to burden anyofyou.

    Not that we do not havetheright. Rather, we wanted topresentourselvesasamodel oryou, so that you mlght imitateus. In fact, when we were withyou, we instructed you that if

  • 8/14/2019 33rd sunday


  • 8/14/2019 33rd sunday


    Flr?ver ovep ihr {.}iferla.rl,;P - Grant,O lnrd, wepray,thatwhatweoffer in the sightofyour majestymayobtain orus the'graceof beingdevotedto youandgainus the pize ofeverlastingappiness.ThroughChristourInrd.AII -Amen.i ) r i ' l ' a r ' r " i r f l h c F r . r t . l , . . , r ' .{-}rdina*'v 3lirur:P -The Itrd be with you.All-And with your spiriLP - Lift up your hearts.All-We liftthem up to theIord.P - [,et us give thanks to theLord our God.All - It is right and jusLP - It is truly right and just,our duty and our salvation.alwaysandeverywhere to giveyou thanks, I-ord, holy Father,alrntghty and eternal God.

    Foryou laidthe foundationsof the world andhavearrangedfor the changingof times andseasons; ou have ormed manin your own image and sethumanity over the whole worldin all its wonder, o rule in yourname over all you have madeand or everpraiseyou in yourmighty works, through Christour lnrd.And so,with all the Angels,we praise you, as in joyfulcelebrationwe acclaim:AII - HoIy, holy holy Lord,God'of hosts, heaven andearth are full of your g;lory.Hosanna in the highest.Blessed is he who comesin the name of the Lord.Hosanna in the highest.(Kneet).\c[auatlo" (St44Atl - When we eat thisBread and drink this Cup,we proclain your Death, OIord, until you come again.

    "ihe furr"d's 5r;r_3,er

    P - Deliver s, nrd...All - For the kingdom, thepower, and the glory areyours, now and for ever.; f i i ; : , 1i i, : r i l i ] , , f - i ' , r 1 1 ' . " q '$r ' r - o ' r i i . r : , ; r , i ,. , '1_ ;11 : : ' . , 5 , ; :(Knee[)P - Beholdthe Iamb of God,behold him who takes awaythe sins of the world. Blessedare those called to the supperof the tamb.AII - Lord, I am notworthythat you should enter undermy roof, but only saythe wordand my soul shall be healed.

    Llt t L,tl t .tr ,,r,,,,. ".r,:.1i :i:.i 'n+;lPs73 72):281To be near God is my happi-ness, to place my hope inGod the I-ord.i lr ';r1*.,;'a ftlt- { -'.,iti l l: i q ui, rr-r(StanAP - l"etus pray.(Pause)Wehavepartaken of the giftsof this sacredmystery,humblyimploring, O Lord, that whatyour Son commandedus to doin memory of him rnaybringusgrowth in charity.Through Christ our lnrd.AII -Amen.

    P -The lnrd bewithyou.All - And with your spiriL: ' " : : : . ' i ' i < ,q+ t t r3 t r ' '

    P - Bow down or theblessing.(Pause)May the Godof all consola-tion order your days in his

    peaceand grant you the giftsof his blessing.All - Amen.P - May he free you alwaysfrom everydistressandconfirmyour hearts n his love.All - Amen.P - So that on this life'sjourneyyoumaybe effective ngood works, rich in the gifts ofhope, aith andcharity,andmaycomehappily to eternal life.All - Amen.P - And may the blessingofalmighty God, the Father, andthe Son,(t) and he Holy Spirit,comedown on you and remainwith you for ever.All -Amen.I )is:l'lii;:r';,1.iP - Go and announce heGospelof the l,ord.All - Thanks be to God.

    INTEGRALAITHFORMATION:A Year f FaithCatechesisFr. ames .Kroeger, M

    Continuing the y earof FaithAs the Church's earof Faithdraws o a clese,we renewourcommitmentocontinueur faith-journey."hepastoraletter f cardinalLuisA. Tagle n the Year f Faith ffers enuinelyelpfulnsightsor usas pilgrimsn aith."TheCardinal rites: ln our time, he Second atican ouncils hegrgatmoment f renewaln aith.BlessedohnXXlll esiredhat hroughtheCounciltheChurch il lbecomereaternspiritualiches,.. hewiltlook o the uturewithout ear'.',"ln a spanof fiftyyears fterVttican l, the worldhasseendramaticchanges....utwealsobelievehat hecontemporaryorld ..expressesitssearchor God nwayshat he Churchmustalsodiscover.,,_..Thus, sanenduringruitof theyearof Faith, earechallengedo"listeno thedeep ries ndaspiratignsfthepeople ndsocietiesfourtimeso hatwecanproclaimesus hristo themwithnewmethods,ewexpressionsndnew ervor." rueaithdemandsontinual.listeningandmission." ndoubtedly,very earmustbeoyeorof oith


    All - Our Father...