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    2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology, 7, 189193 189

    Original Contribution

    BlackwellPublishingIncORIGINAL CONTRIBUTION

    Hydrolysis of arbutin to hydroquinone by human skin bacteria and its

    effect on antioxidant activity

    Seo-Hyun Bang, MS, Sang-Jun Han, PhD, & Dong-Hyun Kim, PhD

    Department of Life and Nanopharmaceutical Sciences and College of Pharmacy, Kyung Hee University, Seoul, South Korea


    Arbutin, the



    -glucopyranoside of hydroquinone, is a skin whitening cosmetic ingre-dient. Compared with arbutin, hydroquinone is a more potent skin lightening agent,but shows cytotoxicity, nephrotoxicity, and genotoxicity. To evaluate whether skinmicroflora can hydrolyze arbutin to hydroquinone, we measured the hydrolytic activity

    of the main skin microflora: Staphylococcus epidermidis

    and Staphylococcus aureus

    . Allstrains hydrolyzed arbutin, with activities of 0.164.51 nmol/min/mg. The hydrolyzedhydroquinone showed more potent 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl radical scavengingactivity and tyrosinase inhibition than arbutin. These findings suggest that normal skinmicroflora may increase the skin lightening effect of arbutin due to the antioxidantaction of hydroquinone.



    arbutin, cosmetic, hydroquinone, skin microflora, Staphylococcus epidermidis


    Arbutin, a plant-derived



    -glucopyranoside of hydroquin-one, is an ingredient in skin care products


    for treatingcutaneous hyperpigmentation and works by inhibitingmelanogenesis in melanoma cells.


    Normal microflorareside in human skin and intestines,


    with Staphylococcusepidermidis

    and Staphylococcus aureus

    common in theskin.


    Bacterial growth is dependent on host immunityand skin status, such as sweat, and skin care productsdesigned for moisturizing may stimulate the growth of skinmicroflora,


    which may in turn metabolize skin careingredients such as arbutin. However, there are no studies

    on the arbutin-hydrolytic activity of normal skin microflora.We therefore analyzed the ability of the normal micro-

    flora, S. epidermidis

    and S. aureus

    , to hydrolyze arbutinand change its bioactivity.

    Materials and methods


    Arbutin, hydroquinone, and p




    -glucopyranoside were purchased from Sigma Co. (StLouis, MO, USA).

    Staphylococcus epidermidis

    and S. aureus

    were obtainedfrom Kyung-Hee Medical Center. Twenty-six microbes(13 S. aureus

    and 13 S. epidermidis

    ) were clinically iso-lated from 20 healthy women according to the method ofJeong et al



    The isolated Staphylococcus

    species wereidentified according to whether they produced coagulase

    and deoxyribonuclease and used mannitol salt agar test,but S. epidermis

    was determined to be negative usingMicroScan Walk-Away 96 (Dade Behring, Marburg,Germany).

    Escherichia coli

    HGU-3, Lactobacillus acidophilus

    , Bifido-bacterium longum

    H-1, and Bacterioides stercoris

    HJ-15were isolated from human feces according to ourreported method.


    Correspondence: Professor Dong-Hyun Kim, College of Pharmacy, Kyung

    Hee University, 1, Hoegi, Dongdaemun-ku, Seoul 130-701, South Korea. E-

    mail: [email protected]

    Accepted for publication February 18, 2008

  • 8/13/2019 33533383irir6i


    Hydrolysis of arbutin to hydroquinone by human skin bacteria

    S-H Bang

    et al.


    2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

    Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology

    , 7

    , 189193

    Arbutin-hydrolyzing activity assay

    Cultured bacteria were collected and suspended in50 m


    phosphate buffer (pH 7.0). The reaction mixturecontaining 0.5 mL of 1 m


    arbutin, 0.5 mL of bacterialsuspension (50 mg), and 1 mL of 0.1 m

    phosphate buffer(pH 7.0) was incubated for 5 h at 37

    C. Saline was used

    as the blank instead of bacterial suspension. The reactionmixture was extracted with ethyl acetate and evaporated.The extracted compounds dissolved in methanol wereanalyzed by a high-performance liquid chromato-graphy system consisting of a Younglin SP930Dquaternary pump and a Younglin UV730D detector. Theinstrument was controlled, and the data were processedby a Younglin AutoChro-3000 (1.0 build no. 5). Theanalytical column was a Develosil C30-UG-5 (250

    4.6 mm

    inter-diameter (i.d.), 5

    m, 100 ; Nomura Chemical,Seto, Japan) protected by a C18 Security Guard Cartridge(Phenomenex, Torrance, CA, USA). The elution solventwas 10% methanol. Separations were performed withan isocratic over a period of 15 min at a flow rate of1.0 mL/min and detection at 287 nm. A sample volumeof 15

    L was used for injection. The retention times of

    arbutin and its metabolite, hydroquinone, were 6.32 and8.95 min, respectively.

    -Glucosidase activity assay

    We measured the

    -glucosidase activity for a synthetic



    -glycoside, p




    -glucopyranoside. Thereaction mixture containing 200

    L of 1 m






    -glucopyranoside, 400

    L of 50 m


    phosphate buffer,

    Figure 1 Metabolic pathway of arbutin tohydroquinone by skin microflora. (A) Thereaction of arbutin metabolism byStaphylococcus epidermidisisolated fromnormal skin flora. (B) High-performanceliquid chromatography (HPLC)chromatogram of the reaction mixtureof arbutin and S. epidermidis: (a) arbutinstandard; (b) hydroquinone standard;(c) 10 min before incubation; (d) 30 minafter incubation; (e) 1 h after incubationof arbutin with S. epidermidis; (f ) 1 h afterincubation of arbutin alone withoutS. epidermidis. The HPLC system consistedof a Younglin SP930D quaternary pumpand a Younglin UV730D detector: column,

    Develosil C30-UG-5 (250 4.6 mm i.d.,5 m, 100 ; Nomura Chemical); elutionsolvent, 10% methanol; flow rate,1.0 mL/min; detection, 287 nm; andsample volume, 15 L.

  • 8/13/2019 33533383irir6i


    Hydrolysis of arbutin to hydroquinone by human skin bacteria

    S-H Bang

    et al.

    2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

    Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology

    , 7

    , 189193


    and 200

    L of the cultured microbial suspension (orsaline as blank) was incubated for 15 min at 37

    C in ashaking water bath. The reaction was stopped by adding1.0 mL of 0.5 N sodium hydroxide, centrifuged at 3000


    for 10 min, and the absorbance at 405 nm was measured.

    Tyrosinase activity assay

    To evaluate skin lightening effect, the inhibitory effectsof arbutin and its metabolite hydroquinone against theformation of hyperpigmented product, dopachrome, bytyrosinase was measured. The activity assay of tyrosinasewas performed according to the modified method of Curto





    The reaction mixture containing 0.1 mL of testagents and 0.8 mL of l

    -DOPA (0.05 mg) in 0.05 m

    phosphate buffer (pH 7.0) was preincubated at 25

    C for10 min, and then 0.1 mL tyrosinase solution (10 units/mL) in phosphate buf fer (pH 7.0) was added and

    incubated at 25

    C for 15 min. Kojic acid was used as apositive agent. The amount of dopachrome produced inthe reaction mixture was measured at an absorbance of595 nm.

    Antioxidant activity assay

    We measured the antioxidant activity of arbutin and itsmetabolite, hydroquinone, by assessing their radical

    scavenging effects on 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH)according to the method of Xiong et




    DPPH inethanol (0.5 mL) was added to a 75% ethanolic samplesolution (0.5 mL), incubated at 37

    C for 15 min, andthen the absorbance at 530 nm was measured. Caffeicacid was used as a positive agent.


    We evaluated the ability of normal skin bacteria,

    S. epidermidis


    S. aureus

    , to hydrolyze arbutin, acosmetic ingredient, to hydroquinone (Fig. 1). Theseisolates potently hydrolyzed arbutin to hydroquinone,with average values of 0.164.51 nmol/min/mg (Fig. 2),which were similar levels as intestinal bacteria such as

    B. stercoris

    and B. longum

    . These intestinal bacteriapotently hydrolyzed arbutin to hydroquinone as previouslyreported.


    The average activities of S. epidermis


    S. aureus

    were 1.38 0.40 (mean standard deviation)and 1.38 0.29 nmol/min/mg, respectively. The skinisolates also hydrolyzedp




    -glucopyranoside,but with lower potency than arbutin. The averageactivities of S. epidermis

    and S. aureus

    were 0.23 0.04and 0.23 0.06 nmol/min/mg, respectively.

    We next investigated the free radicalscavengingactivity, tyrosinase inhibition, and cytotoxicity of arbutinand hydroquinone (Fig. 3). Hydroquinone showed more

    Figure 2 Arbutin- (a) andp-nitrophenyl--d-glucopyranoside-hydrolyzing activities (b) of bacteria isolated from skin and intestinalmicroflora. These activities were assayed for 13 Staphylococcus aureus and 13 Staphylococcus epidermidisisolates from human skin;S. aureus andS. epidermispurchased from KCTC,Escherichia coli, Bacterioides stercoris HJ-15, andBifidobacterium longum H-1 isolated fromhuman feces. Activities of isolated strains indicate mean standard deviation.

  • 8/13/2019 33533383irir6i


    Hydrolysis of arbutin to hydroquinone by human skin bacteria

    S-H Bang

    et al.


    2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

    Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology

    , 7

    , 189193

    potent DPPH radicalscavenging activity and tyrosinaseinhibition than arbutin, which also has these activities.


    Their 50% radicalscavenging concentrations were 0.02and 0.05 m


    , and their 50% tyrosine-inhibitory concen-trations were 0.06 and 1.6 m


    , respectively.


    Arbutin and hydroquinone are plant-derived ingredientsin hair dye, fingernail coatings, and skin lighteningcosmetics.


    Hydroquinone is a skin lightening agent, butshows cytotoxicity, nephrotoxicity, and genotoxicity.


    Arbutin, or hydroquinone-

    -d-glucopyranoside, is aherbal medicine that is metabolized to hydroquinone byhuman intestinal microflora.15,18 The effects of arbutinmay be due to the hydrolyzed hydroquinone, but it isunclear whether similar metabolism occurs in normalskin microflora. Two skin isolates, S. epidermidis andS. aureus, potently hydrolyzed arbutin to hydroquinone atsimilar levels (0.164.51 nmol/min/mg) as intestinalbacteria. When the hydrolytic effect of arbutin was com-pared with that of p-nitrophenyl--d-glucopyranoside,the skin isolates also hydrolyzed p-nitrophenyl--d-glucopyranoside, but with lower potency than arbutin.

    Bacteria density on skin is between 104 and 107 percm2,19but can vary by skin conditions such as moisture,sweat, nutrition, and body temperature.

    The metabolite hydroquinone showed more potentDPPH radicalscavenging activity and tyrosinase inhibi-tion effects than arbutin.20 Hydroquinone also exhibitsan antimelanogenic effect, such as skin lightening, aswell as toxicity.59 These findings suggest that arbutinmay be partially hydrolyzed to hydroquinone by normal

    skin microflora, and that skin lightening may be due toarbutin itself as well as its metabolite hydroquinone.


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    Figure 3 Tyrosinase inhibition (a) and 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical scavenging activity of arbutin and hydroquinone (b).(a) The inhibitory effect of arbutin () and hydroquinone () and kojic acid () against tyrosinase was measured as described in the Materialand Methods (b) The antioxidant effect of arbutin (), hydroquinone () and caffeic acid () measured by using DPPH dissolved in ethanol.These experiments are triplicates.

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    Hydrolysis of arbutin to hydroquinone by human skin bacteria S-H Banget al.

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