32 Unhealthy Foods You Think Are Good For You

By: EatRealStaySane.com

Transcript of 32 Unhealthy Foods You Think Are Good For You

By: EatRealStaySane.com

Extrusion process (forms the flakes and shapes) destroys virtually all nutrients

Tons of added sugar

Added synthetic vitamins give the appearance of a healthy meal

Synthetic vitamins lack cofactors that aid absorption

Often stored in fat or lost through urination because your body can’t absorb fake vitamins

Synthetic versions often more toxic than natural vitamins

Worse than regular soda because …

People who drink diet soda are 65% more obese

Aspartame = Neurotoxin

Diet soda causes hormone imbalances and makes you crave sugar

Butter is better because …

Butter is made with 1 natural ingredient = cream

Margarine is very processed with hydrogenated vegetable oil and chemical additives

People eat 14 lbs less butter per year than in 1909, BUT heart disease, cancer, and diabetes is rising

Causes inflammation which leads to cancer, diabetes, heart attacks, hormone imbalance, and much more

Found In: Salad Dressing, Mayo,

Chips, Margarine, Boxed Foods MANY More

Use Coconut Oil Instead

You're paying extra for little added benefit

Labels like multigrain and whole grain are deceiving terms that often don't offer extra nutrition

Buy 100% whole wheat Even better, stick to sourdough, sprouted grains, or grain-free flours

An average American diet contains plenty of protein already

Many contain soy ingredients. Soy is usually genetically modified -leading to dangerously high estrogen levels and organ failure

Protein is often denatured during processing

Many low-fat foods have added sugar, chemical additives, and other fillers to replace the lost fat

Healthy Fats Weight Gain or Heart Attacks

Sugar causes many ailments but is still better than artificial sweeteners

Use natural sweeteners instead such as: Raw honey, sucanat, real

maple syrup

Many artificial sweeteners are neurotoxins

What You Think: They're healthy because

they are low-cal and low-fat You'll lose weight

In Reality Very little nutrition Full of

sugars and synthetic vitamins Weight loss unhealthy and unsustainable