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FOR DECISION Draft Integrated Education, Training page 1 of 24 Workforce and OD Committee and Development Strategy 13 September 2011 AGENDA ITEM 3.1 13 September 2011 DRAFT INTEGRATED EDUCATION TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY Report of Director of Workforce and OD Paper prepared by Head of Learning, Education and Development Executive Summary In January 2010 The Learning, Education and Development Department was formed within the UHB. This gave the organisation the ideal opportunity to investigate the potential of having one education strategy for all staff groups. This strategy outlines the education issues that pertain to all staff groups. It also discusses the requirement for an integrated education group to be developed to discuss education issues collaboratively. This would enable the organisation to move forward collectively, reduce duplication and explore the potential for inter-professional education opportunities. The Strategy has been considered and jointly written by AHP, Medical and Nursing leads and shared with University and non- registered staff representatives.

Transcript of 3.1 draft integrated education strategy - Cardiff and … DECISION Draft Integrated Education,...

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13 September 2011


Report of

Director of Workforce and OD

Paper prepared by

Head of Learning, Education and Development

Executive Summary

In January 2010 The Learning, Education and Development Department was formed within the UHB. This gave the organisation the ideal opportunity to investigate the potential of having one education strategy for all staff groups. This strategy outlines the education issues that pertain to all staff groups. It also discusses the requirement for an integrated education group to be developed to discuss education issues collaboratively. This would enable the organisation to move forward collectively, reduce duplication and explore the potential for inter-professional education opportunities. The Strategy has been considered and jointly written by AHP, Medical and Nursing leads and shared with University and non-registered staff representatives.

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Action/Decision required

To consider and comment on the strategy and action plan for 2011/2013. The final strategy will be brought to the January meeting for approval.

Link to other Board Committee (s) and sub-committees

Nursing and Midwifery Board in July 2011 Medical and AHP networks.

Link to Standards for Health Services in Wales

Standards 8, 10, 11, 14, 15, 16, 20, 22, 23, 24, 27, 28,

Link to Public Health Agenda

Education can be the vehicle that supports the development of the Practicing Public Health Organisation objectives of the UHB

Link to UHB Strategic Direction and Corporate Objectives / Legislative and Regulatory Framework

OD Strategy UHB Visions and Values UHB Operational Plan Annual Quality Framework ‘Making A Difference’

Link to relevant evidence base

The Annual Quality Framework (AQF 2011) The NHS Wales Strategy for a flexible and sustainable workforce (2006) The One Wales (2007) the Older Peoples Commissioner for Wales (March 2012) report `Dignified Care ‘Wales has Talent’ – WAG 2010 Organisation Development Support for NHS Wales - NLIAH (Jan 2009) Building Team Based Working; a practical guide to organisational transformation - Michael A West and Lynn Markiewicz (2002) 1000 Lives Safety Climate Survey (primary and secondary) - (2009)

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INTRODUCTION The aims of the UHB indicate that education, training and development are key to the success of the organisation and the safe and appropriate treatment and care of patients, clients and carers. This, coupled with the University status of the organisation, dictates that a strategy for the provision of education and development opportunities be outlined to identify appropriate interventions and opportunities for staff. We have an opportunity to consider education provision differently and build an approach which is fit for purpose for an organisation of the size and complexity of Cardiff and Vale University Health Board. The integration of dynamic new learning opportunities with those traditionally utilised will facilitate the process of moving the organisation away from traditional uni-professional or single team ways of working. This strategy (attached as Appendix 1) recognises that when staff develop in their roles within an organisation, patients and clients benefit and staff gain better job satisfaction. The strategy covers these education areas that go across all staff groups:-

• Employee well-being and Mental health first Aid training • Induction and Mandatory education • Staff appraisal processes • Pre-retirement • Workforce skills development • Equality and diversity • Leadership and management • Team based working • Mentorship and coaching • Working with partners • Volunteers and carer education • The Education resource • And sharing good practice events

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STRATEGY REVIEW PROCESS The Education Priorities Matrix outlined in Appendix 2 denotes the current UHB education action plan. This will evolve within the 3 years duration of this strategy. The integrated education group that the strategy discusses will inform the changes that would be required to make education more responsive to the changing needs of the organisation. This is the first draft of the strategy and although many staff groups have been consulted and have contributed to it the Workforce and OD committees’ comments will assist in its final development. CONCLUSION The Workforce and OD Committee is asked to:

• RECEIVE and DISCUSS the draft Integrated Education, Training and Development Strategy to enable a final strategy to be developed.

IMPACT ASSESSMENT Health Improvement

The Integrated Education Strategy supports the organisation to achieve its objectives.


The initiative will lead to improved staff engagement development and competence to undertake activities.

Education and Training

All education and training within the UHB should align with the objectives of the Integrated Education Strategy.


Resources from within the current UHB budgets


Designed to support compliance with equality and employment legislation


This work underpins the Equalities agenda within the UHB.

Environmental The Corporate Social Responsibility agenda has

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specific actions around achieving positive environmental impact.

RISK ASSESSMENT Clinical/Service

Positively impact on Service Delivery


Will enable managers and staff to better align their work with the financial objectives of the organisation


Heightened levels of staff engagement and improved quality of patient care will lead to the improved reputation of the UHB.

Acronyms and abbreviations

IES - Integrated Education Strategy AHP – Allied Health Professionals

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Appendix 1


Organisational Aim To ensure all staff are appropriately trained, competent and qualified for the work they undertake and that they continue to learn and develop ensuring the provision of a world class service to patients and clients. Purpose of the Strategy To outline how the organisation will use education, training and development to support staff to deliver the organisational aim stated above in a way which presents an integrated approach that is applicable to all staff groups where appropriate. 1. Introduction The aim of the UHB stated above indicates that education, training and development are key to the success of the organisation and the safe and appropriate treatment and care of patients, clients and carers. This, coupled with the University status of the organisation, dictates that a strategy for the provision of education and development opportunities be outlined to identify appropriate interventions and opportunities for staff, (other key strategic documents aligned to staff development are reflected in appendix 3). We have an opportunity to consider our education provision differently and build an approach which is fit for purpose for an organisation of the size and complexity of Cardiff and Vale University Health Board. The integration of dynamic new learning opportunities with those traditionally utilised will facilitate the process of moving the organisation away from traditional uni-professional or single team ways of working. This strategy recognises that when staff develop in their roles within an organisation, patients and clients benefit and staff gain better job satisfaction. The NHS in Wales is facing increasing pressure to deliver its service with increased efficiency and effectiveness, education is a key tool in enabling the service to achieve its future objectives. 1. Background The Annual Quality Framework (AQF 2010) targets and the NHS Wales Strategy for a flexible and sustainable workforce (2006) outlines the challenges that currently exist for NHS staff. The likely impact on NHS organisations and professional groups is substantial as new models of working to meet the health and social care needs of the patient and client population are considered and programmes of service and

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workforce re-design initiated. This changing health care environment presents our staff with both challenges and opportunities. The One Wales document outlines a progressive agenda for the government of Wales (2007) and denotes in the Learning for life section how education can empower the workforce. It calls for:-

• Establishing a right to learn • Reforming funding • Developing adult Learning

Ongoing modernisation of the NHS is in progress with the needs and expectations of patients, clients and carers altering as a result. This meaning that teams will need to consider the environment in which patients are cared for and be able to respond flexibly to work safely in different settings. This is possibly most relevant in the Care of the Elderly population and this strategy pays particular attention to the Older Peoples Commissioner for Wales (March 2012) report `Dignified Care? 2. Process to Respond to Education and Learning Needs This strategy is consistent with the overall objectives of the Health Board, which focuses on improving patient safety, service efficiency and increasing service flexibility through modelling care provision in different contexts. Strategic initiatives however, will not achieve desired outcomes unless the workforce is educated, skilled, informed, engaged and prepared to change working practices. The importance of supporting organisational initiatives with awareness raising and educational input is increasingly recognised as key to the success of change programmes. One priority is the initiation and embedding of the `1000 Lives+` methodology in the organisational culture and the day to day provision of care. Tools being used to facilitate the processes of ensuring patient safety should be incorporated into educational programmes for all staff. It is also essential that staff develop appropriate leadership skills, knowledge and behaviours that will best effect change in the organisation and the delivery of care/ services in order to meet the following organisational objectives:

• Increase the availability of services closer to home. • Empower patients to take personal responsibility for their own wellbeing and to

be supported in caring for themselves. • Improve the care and management of clients with long term conditions. • Carer and volunteer preparation and education. • Staff engagement and well being.

The way in which education and development activity is providing the organisation with the necessary support to achieve those objectives outlined above is currently not the subject of any focussed group within the UHB.

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An Education, Training and Development Steering Group will therefore be established to consider education activity and the wider impact of its provision. It will also ensure that the provision is fit for purpose and delivers a return on investment.

• Establish a UHB Integrated Education, Training and Development Steering Group (IETDSG) with representation of all professional groups and Divisions.

3. Development of Inter-professional Education Inter-professional education will be nurtured through the actions outlined in this strategy. The relocation of the Learning Education and Development (LED) and the Department of Postgraduate Medical and Dental Education to the Cochrane Building in October 2011 also has the potential to promote a new way of working for both departments; utilising more inter-professional education opportunities in taught programmes to improve patient treatment and care. Inter-professional Education (IPE) is defined as:- “occurring when two or more professions learn with, from and about each other to improve collaboration and quality of care.” CAIPE (1997:19) Clinicians should have a co-ordinated approach to their inter-professional education and training, an approach that values their unique knowledge whilst recognising the intrinsically linked nature of their roles to care for patients. Zwarenstein et al (1999), in a systematic review of IPE, highlights the need for patients to benefit and notes this as the key to IPE actually working in practice. With all healthcare professionals working within their codes of conduct the organisation has a responsibility to enable them to develop professionally along their careers. The advent of the HCSW Code of conduct outlines 7 standards for all UHB staff to adhere too implementing this and ensuring it is embedded will require varied education and development interventions. A flexible workforce in the future will also need to have skills grounded in an evidence base. To enable staff across all professional groups to access this evidence increasing access to Cardiff Library resource (Appendix 2) is vital as is addressing the IT access for staff within the UHB.

• Increase opportunities for staff to share educational opportunities and experience through flexible learning programmes. Taking into account the requirements of the professional regulatory bodies ( e.g., GMC, HPC NMC HCSW Code of Conduct) and the needs of all the workforce.

4. The Integrated Learning and Teaching approach for the UHB In order to respond to the aim of this strategy, and to achieve its objectives, learning and teaching activity will need to be flexible and meaningful for staff. The following

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six principals will therefore guide any future education development or provision within the UHB.

4.1. Support and actively promote an integrated approach to education and learning where appropriate whilst recognising the uniqueness of individual staff groups.

4.2. Prioritise learning and teaching activity that improves patient /client care and

promotes multi-disciplinary and inter-professional learning. 4.3. Promote access to learning and development, which supports the needs of

the individual and that of the organisation (IT and Library resources). 4.4. Value learning and recognise that learning should be applied, recorded and

wherever possible accredited, utilising a system to recognise prior learning. 4.5. Provide a system internally to ensure that experienced staff are supported to

undertake teaching and education activities within the workplace with appropriate supervision. (Clinical supervision, mentorship, preceptor, coaching or Lead Link roles).

4.6. Move towards equality of access for education and learning so that all staff

can benefit from the rewards of personal development. 4 Employee Well-being and Mental Health Awareness Promoting the well being of our staff is the responsibility of all managers within the organisation. It is recognised that stress and mental health issues can have a detrimental effect on staff and team performance. To support managers and staff a range of education based interventions are available to raise awareness and facilitate skills development in these areas. Specific provision of Mental Health First Aid training for managers and activities in response to the UHB status as a Mindful Employer will also be created. Education for staff in areas such as smoking cessation, and nutrition is also required to nurture a healthy workforce for the future. Developing teams and helping our staff have a flexible, relevant and appropriate work life balance is fundamental to ensuring a supportive working environment. 5 Induction and Mandatory training Co-ordinated induction that is appropriate and meaningful to all staff is a priority for the organisation. The Induction strategy encompasses mandatory training and is the fundamental basic requirement for all staff. Managers within the organisation should progress towards 100% of staff attaining their mandatory training prior to pursuing any additional development. This requirement ensures all staff in the UHB has the appropriate basic knowledge to act in the best interests of all patients and other staff, for example in the areas of Fire Safety and Infection control, and is the basic building

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block of providing a safe healthcare environment. Understanding that the personal Appraisal and Development Review process commences on induction is also a key message to convey to staff. Competencies in the area of communication skills should also now be considered mandatory for all staff. The Older People’s Commissioner for Wales report highlighted the impact that inappropriate communication can have on patients, clients or carers. The need to understand the impact of what is said or not said is vital for all UHB staff. Therefore a key component of education provision needs to be in this area with targeted activity for those in patient or client facing roles.

• Establish a communication skills framework for all staff to embed a culture of respect dignity and confidentiality.

• Ensure induction processes are clear for all staff, outlining what is

mandatory education, indicating each staff members responsibility in undertaking this and demonstrating the managers responsibilities to staff in accessing such opportunity.

6. Staff Appraisal Processes Appraisal of all staff groups within the UHB is vitally important to ensure continued professional development occurs and that staff understand their organisational and professional responsibilities. . For those staff to which it applies, the Knowledge and Skills Framework (KSF) and attendant mapping of roles to competencies, establishes a common language for those health care professionals and the basis for the development of a transferable, competency skills base. The KSF also highlights previously untapped opportunities for inter-professional and multi-disciplinary learning in relation to the unregistered workforce. Furthermore, across all levels of the workforce, the KSF is being used as a tool to outline and standardise educational attainment associated with roles; informing an important component of the career framework for those Health Professionals. Using this as a basis for all Personal Appraisal Development Reviews (PADR) is at the core of identifying the skills that those staff requires. Ensuring that all staff have appraisals that appropriately allows the organisation to identify skills gaps is essential for success. The Learning Education and Development Department is the enabler for the organisation to realise the target of 100% of PADR`s undertaken by 2012. The Medical Director has responsibility for appraisal and revalidation of Medical and Dental Staff. All appraisals should ensure that appropriate communication skills exist in the workforce and that the focus on dignity, respect and high quality customer care across the UHB is facilitated. It should empower staff to address their colleagues, patients, relatives, carers and volunteers in a manner which conveys dignity and respect. This framework is crucial to the success and reputation of the organisation and the internal communication networks.

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Along with this process is the process of pre-retirement and ensuring staff are prepared and enthused to embark on their retirement journey. This preparation programme needs to be relevant and of a consistent high standard.

• Ensure Personal Appraisal Development Reviews occur in a timely manner throughout 2011-12. Report this activity to Board and ensure there are varied means to empower staff to undertake this activity on-line or in paper format.

• Ensure that Appraisal for Medical and Dental Staff occurs in a manner consistent with the requirements of revalidation by the professional regulatory bodies.

• Ensure pre-retirement education is of a consistent high standard and relevance to all staff

7. Workforce skill developments The workforce of the future will need to have a variety of new skills. This can only be achieved through education and training embracing the challenge to ensure that new roles that may be required by the organisation are supported with skills being monitored and competencies identified. Education processes and systems need to work together to ensure information is available to monitor that appropriate training is being provided. The UHB needs to develop effective processes to ensure that education and development needs which arise from workforce plans are reflected in short, mid and longer term workforce training opportunities. Most professional groups have contemporary Modernising Careers documents. These have wide implications for the workforce of the future and should not be considered in isolation. Modernising Medical Careers has implications for all staff groups as does the Modernising Nursing Careers, Allied Health Professionals and Modernising Scientific Careers. The organisation needs appropriately skilled leaders and teams who understand and respect each others roles, talents and responsibilities.

• Promotion of consistency and recognition of the value of competency assessment throughout all professions, with the appropriate monitoring of the process.

• Ensure the transferability and recognition of previously acquired competence or skills within the workforce.

8. Equality and Diversity Education provision has a significant role to play in helping staff of the UHB embrace the culture change that is necessary to ensure that all patients, clients, carers and relatives are treated with dignity and respect and receive a service which is appropriate for them and their needs. It is a culture which encourages and supports

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difference and uses that diversity to strengthen the bonds that exist within our services and our teams. To this end information about this agenda is embedded in all programmes offered to staff to enable them to see the links between this subject and every different aspect of the work they are engaged in. Where specific programmes are required they will be developed such as the Welsh Language education framework for staff. 9. Leadership, Management and Team Based Working. In an environment of continual change it is vital to develop leaders and managers as they play a crucial part in the delivery of high quality healthcare. The Integrated Leadership and Management Framework supported by a coaching framework both being developed in partnership for all professions will provide a clear pathway for maximising potential through succession planning and talent management. As a UHB we need to engage in key partnerships with education providers to assist us in achieving our goals. In order to meet the changing needs of the organisation it will be essential to develop a culture of ownership and commitment to both developing and maintaining team based working within the UHB. Team based working education and coaching is considered as core in establishing team identity, autonomy team member interdependency as well as role clarity and objectives that align with the purpose of the organisation.

• Establish a Leadership and Management framework that enables all staff to aspire to be high calibre leaders within the NHS, operating within a team with the ability to deliver Demonstrable Measurable Outcomes (DMO).

• Ensure Talent Management structures are clear throughout the organisation to enable effective succession planning.

• Establish and embed a culture of team based working that develops all teams to function at their full potential.

• Establish a coaching/mentorship culture to develop staff at all levels in the organisation.

10. Partners in Education Provision The UHB remains committed to working in partnership with other organisations to ensure the standard of education and learning activities is of a high quality and meets the needs of staff. It will continue to maintain and develop a strong partnership with all Schools in Cardiff University. The Universities of Glamorgan, Swansea, Birmingham, UWIC and Liverpool are all essential to the provision of Education that is pertinent to the roles of UHB staff.

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Further Education Providers and independent training companies will also be encouraged to work with us to continue providing comprehensive vocational training that is fit for purpose. Working closely with the National Leadership and Innovation Agency for Healthcare and Public Sector Management Wales ensures we can liaise with other NHS organisations and learn lessons, disseminating best practice. This also ensures the organisation can share areas of excellence with other organisations; helping the organisation to build a reputation of local and national high standard education. Working collaboratively with staff representatives and their organisations can also increase the opportunities available for staff education and training. In addition the UHB’s relationship with volunteers and carers needs to be developed to support and enhance efficient and effective service delivery and quality care to patients and their families.

• Build on existing partnership working with Higher Education Institutions (HEI) and other education providers to ensure staff get access to high quality education provision that is pertinent to practice and meets the changing needs of the NHS in Wales.

• Ensure all students and others undergoing training in the UHB achieve their educational goals, in learning environments that are provided with the adequate and appropriate resources.

11. Volunteers and Carers Education Volunteers perform a critical role in the organisation and require information to undertake their roles safely and effectively. Providing this in a flexible way and evaluating its outcome has the potential to increase the amount of volunteers that can assist the UHB in achieving its objectives. Carers and families are essential to the achievement of positive outcomes for users of the services we provide and co-ordinating information and training that can be given to carers can benefit patient care, improving relationships with people that use our service and people that deliver it.

• Appropriate preparation for volunteers that is co-ordinated and evaluated, with ongoing education offered to volunteers in a flexible way.

• Appropriate education and information for carers to be offered and audited for its effectiveness.

12. Education Resource The UHB is proud to invest a considerable resource in education, training and development activities. The current education budget sits in a number of different places within UHB structures which means that funds are accessed through varied

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means. To ensure equity of access to opportunities the process of accessing funding requires more transparency and ring fenced money needs to be monitored so that money spent can be monitored appropriately.

• An audit of resources invested in education and training should be undertaken to take account of local and corporate investment.

13. Sharing Good Practice Learning from the achievement and innovation of others is key to the development of staff and services within the UHB. Within an organisation as complex as Cardiff and Vale University Health Board organising education events that facilitates the sharing of good practice is important. However, the way in which the workforce is encouraged to attend these events and the ability of managers to release their staff can prove problematic. Sharing good practice should be co-ordinated with appropriate staff being encouraged to use this as a vehicle to inform change.

• Good practice sharing to be encouraged through varied formats; Information Technology, events and programmes.

14. Conclusion

In a complex organisation such as the UHB there will be constantly changing priorities for education, training and development. As a consequence these should be kept under constant review to ensure that organisational needs are met. To facilitate this it is suggested a priority matrix is utilised (Appendix 1). There is a need to be able to monitor and demonstrate that the inter-professional approach to education and development is having an impact for the investment that is being made. This impact will be monitored using ;

• Staff satisfaction surveys. • Exit interviews. • Patient concerns and complaints. • Adverse incident reporting. • Achievement of KSF gateways. • Improved PADR rates. • Talent Identification tools being actively utilised in practice. • Education audits undertaken by partner organisations. • Increased numbers of staff achieving mandatory skills compliance • Increased skills being recorded and monitored appropriately. • Compliance with professional revalidation requirements

In a climate where financial resources are constrained an approach to education as outlined above in necessary to ensure a workforce that is fit for purpose. This does not mean that any one staff group should loose out to another, quite the

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contrary, all staff groups should benefit from shared learning experiences that could mean better utilisation of these resources.

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Appendix 1. Education Priorities Matrix for the UHB (reviewed annually) No Action By When By Who Resource Progress/comment 1 Establish a UHB Integrated Education,

Training and Development Steering Group (IETDSG)

Oct 2011 Head of LED Minute taking Quarterly meeting with virtual papers in-between

2 Increase opportunities for staff to share educational opportunities and experience through flexible learning programmes. Taking into account the requirements of the professional regulatory bodies (e.g NMC, GMC, HPC and HCSW Code of Conduct) and the needs of the workforce as a whole.

Oct 2012 All unknown Sharing programme development information. Improve access to all staff.

3 Establish a communication skills framework for all staff to embed a culture of respect, dignity and confidentiality.

May 2011 Head of LED 4K WAG funding and ongoing delivery

Report evaluated sessions to WAG by August 2011Discuss sustainability plan

4 Ensure induction processes are clear for all staff, outlining what is mandatory education, indicating each staff members responsibility in undertaking this and demonstrating the managers responsibilities to staff in accessing such opportunities.

All Induction programmes mapped by Dec 2011. Mandatory Policy ratified by Dec 2011

Head of LED Staff time to undertake

Continually improving the induction processes

5 Ensure Personal Appraisal and Development Reviews (PADR) occur in a timely manner throughout 2011-2012. Report this activity to Board and

Incremental deadlines throughout the year working

All Staff time to undertake the activity

Champions to assist LED staff to monitor the activity.

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ensure there are varied means to empower staff to undertake this activity on-line or in paper formats.

towards 100% by March 2012

6 Ensure the appraisal for Medical and Dental staff occurs in a manner consistent with the requirements of revalidation by the professional regulatory bodies

Incremental deadlines throughout the year working towards 100% by March 2012

All Medical and Dental staff

Staff to undertake the activity

7 Ensure pre-retirement education is of a consistent high standard and relevance to all staff

Oct 2011 Head of Learning and teaching strategy

Staff to attend LED to co-ordinate a new approach to this education Commencing in Oct 2011

8 Promote the consistence and recognition of the value of competency assessment throughout all professions, with the appropriate monitoring process.

March 2012 Head of LED Strategic help from IETDSG

LED to work with clinical colleagues to develop standards for UHB competencies

9 Ensure the transferability and recognition of previously acquired competence or skills within the workforce.

March 2011 Head of LED Strategic help from IETDSG

All staff

10 Establish a Leadership and Management framework that enables all staff to aspire to be high calibre leaders within the NHS, operating within a team with the ability to deliver Demonstrable Measurable Outcomes

Oct 2011 Senior LED manager for Leadership and Management

Clinical Leadership programme 20K

Networking on an all Wales Basis is required to ensure the UHB is Nationally aligned

11 Ensure Talent Management structures are clear throughout the organisation to enable effective succession

June 2011 Senior LED manager for Team Development

Completing Questionnaire and setting objectives for the

Aston University programme for Team Based Coaching is being introduced throughout the

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planning. team senior teams in the UHB

12 Establish and embed a culture of team based working that develops all teams to function at their full potential

Dec 2011 Senior LED manager for Leadership and Management

unknown Networking on an all Wales Basis is required to ensure the UHB is Nationally aligned

13 Establish a coaching/mentorship culture to develop staff at all levels in the organisation

Sept 2011 LED coaching and leadership facilitator

5K External and internal coaching and mentorship networks need establishing

14 Continued partnership working with Higher Education Institutions (HEI) and other Education providers to ensure staff get access to high quality education provision that is pertinent to practice and meets the changing needs of the NHS in Wales

March 2012 LED staff and professional staff to make links with the Universities

nil Many links are established, mapping all is needed

15 Ensure all students and others undergoing training in the UHB achieve their educational goals, in learning environments that are provided with the adequate and appropriate resources. The organisation is required to provide all students with a mentor or supervisor throughout their placement.

Ongoing Head of all professions

Government funded

Mentorship is ongoing.

(The new Cochrane Building will be beneficial in promoting the right educational environment)

16 Appropriate preparation for volunteers that is co-ordinated and evaluated with ongoing education offered to

Ongoing Volunteer co-ordination

No funding required

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volunteers in a flexible way. 17 Appropriate education and information

for carers to be offered and audited for its effectiveness

March 2012 All No funding An informed co-ordinated approach is required

18 Ensure transparency in education budgets and the opportunity to seek collaborative funding for education provision is sought.

March 2012 IETDSG nil Transparency in processes for department who holds budgets for education.

19 Good practice sharing to be encouraged through varied formats, Information technology, Events and programmes.

Ongoing All Within Divisions Corporate and Clinical events

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Appendix 2 Summary of library services for C&V UHB staff provided by Cardiff University Library Service All staff employed by Cardiff and Vale UHB, (and GPs working in the Cardiff area), are entitled to join the library service on production of their Cardiff and Vale UHB identity card as proof of employment. Library membership cards can be used in any of the University libraries. The hospital-based health libraries provide an extensive range of services including:

• Enquiry service – information on all areas of healthcare • Borrowing books from any of the Cardiff University libraries • Voyager Library catalogue at: http://library.cardiff.ac.uk/ available 24 x 7 via

the internet • Inter-site lending and return of books • Journal collections both in print and electronically (subject to licensing

agreements) • Inter-library document supply (books and articles) • Information skills training both individually and in groups • Assistance with literature searching, using databases and systematic literature

reviews • Advice on copyright • Athens usernames and passwords to access the NHS Wales e-Library for

health • Photocopying facilities • Cardiff and Vale UHB PCs and printing • Cardiff University networked PCs (where eligible)

All health libraries in C&V UHB locations have computers on both the Cardiff and Vale UHB and Cardiff University (CU) networks. Cardiff and Vale UHB staff who are either current CU students, or training grade doctors and dentists will have usernames and passwords for the CU network. CU honorary title holders are entitled to access the CU e resources. Health libraries http://www.cardiff.ac.uk/insrv/libraries/locations/index.html

• New health library, Cochrane building, UHW

The new library in the Cochrane building, UHW, is to be known as the Health Library, and will be open to all C&V UHB and Velindre NHS Trust staff in addition to CU staff and students. It will be the largest multidisciplinary health library in Wales containing the collections of three existing libraries (School of Nursing and Midwifery Studies, Caerleon, Nursing and Healthcare Studies Library, and the Sir Herbert Duthie Library) and have extensive coverage of medicine, nursing, midwifery, physiotherapy, radiography, occupational therapy and operating department practice. It is hoped that once operational 24 x 7 access can be offered. Currently internal fittings and fixtures are being chosen and library staff are planning the move of the collections, and themselves, to the new library.

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• Archie Cochrane Library, UHL

The Archie Cochrane Library is now located in the Education Centre at UHL and offers reading rooms, a choice of IT work areas, and an IT training room which can be booked for small group teaching. The library continues to house the Cochrane Archive containing memorabilia relating to the life and work of Archie Cochrane. The librarian offers one-to-one training sessions on using databases in addition to regular sessions on evidence-based resources to medical students undertaking the respiratory block at Llandough.

• Brian Cooke Dental Library, Dental School, UHW

The Dental Library is the only specialist dental library in Wales. It is now offering self issue and return of books using RFID technology. The dental library continues to score very highly in the National Student Survey.

• Cancer Research Wales Library, Velindre Hospital

The library is the only specialist oncology library service in Wales. It is supported by the charity Cancer Research Wales and provides a professional library and information service to both the academic and NHS Wales communities. The librarian is also the co-ordinator of the Cochrane Information Retrieval Methods Group which has been established to develop methodology and advise The Cochrane Collaboration on how the validity and precision of systematic reviews can be improved.

• Nursing and Healthcare Studies Library, 2nd floor, Ty Dewi Sant, UHW

In the busiest of the health libraries, library staff are preparing the collections for RFID self issue and return service in the new library. This has involved a rigorous weed of the collection, prior to tagging and programming each book. This process is also ongoing at the School of Nursing and Midwifery library at the Caerleon campus.

• Sir Herbert Duthie Medical Library, B2, UHW

The Duthie Medical Library closed for 3 weeks around Christmas due to a flood from a waste pipe above the library space. The damaged area was deep cleaned and carpet tiles replaced. 240 crates of books have been sent to a specialist book company to assess whether they can be saved. If so, this is likely to cost £16,000, and an insurance claim. The subject areas affected are psychology, anatomy, physiology, exam books and embryology. The Duthie operated a reduced service from a desk in the corridor until 4 January when the library was allowed to re-open. Services are back to normal bar the absence of the books, and some ceiling tiles. Staff are looking forward to the move to the new library.

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• Support Unit for Research Evidence (SURE) www.cardiff.ac.uk/insrv/libraries/sure/

SURE is a largely grant-funded unit that specialises in carrying out and supporting systematic reviews and other research evidence syntheses. Staff have expertise in advanced literature searching, critical appraisal, summarising best available evidence and the development of evidence based methodologies. SURE offers consultancy and training services to those undertaking systematic or literature reviews.

• AWHILES - All Wales Health Information & Library Extension Services awhiles.cf/ac/uk

AWHILES is a partnership of Cardiff University health libraries and hospital based NHS Wales libraries providing health information to support education, training and patient care for NHS Wales staff, and Cardiff University staff and students on placement. All AWHILES libraries use the Voyager library management system hosted and maintained centrally by Cardiff University which enables interlending and document supply across Wales.

Meg Gorman, Senior Health Librarian, Cardiff University Library Service [email protected] 02920687484 9.2.2011

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Appendix 3 Key Strategic Documents Aligned to this Strategy

• Organisational Development Strategy • Integrated Workforce Plan for the UHB. • Strategy for Postgraduate Medical and Dental Education Strategy • Strategy for Undergraduate Medical Education • Induction Strategy • Leadership and Management Strategy • Maximising Potential Framework • Customer Care Education Framework • Study leave guidance document • Team Development Strategy • Staff Engagement Strategy • Preceptorship policy • Clinical Supervision policy • Mandatory Training Policy


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Annual Quality Framework (2011) CAIPE (1997) Interprofessional Education: A Definition. Centre for Advancement of Interprofessional Education, London. IDEAL Integrated Directorate of Education and Learning Education and learning Strategy and Business Plan 2008 and beyond. SUHT. Meads, G. and Ashcroft. J, (2005) The Case for Interprofessional Collaboration in Health and Social Care. Blackwell Publishing. Oxford. National Assembly for Wales (2006) Modernising nursing careers setting the direction: Setting the direction. Scottish Executive. NMC (2006)`Standards to support learning and assessment in practice.` One Wales (2007) A progressive Agenda for the government of Wales The NHS Wales A strategy for Flexible and sustainable workforce (2006) The Older Peoples Commissioner for Wales (March 2012) report `Dignified Care?` The Experiences of older people in Hospital in Wales Welsh Assembly Government (2004) `The Fundamentals of Care: Improving the quality of Fundamental aspects of health and social care for adults.` Welsh Assembly Government (2006) Health and Social Services Committee: Report of the Chief Nursing Officer for Wales: November. Zwarenstein. M., Atkins, J., Barr, H .,Hammick, M., Koppel, I., and Reeves, S., (1999) A systematic review of interprofessional education Journal of Interprofessional Care 13, 4, 417-424.