303rd BG (H) Combat Mission No. 181 · be right in our formation. As we approached the bridge with...

Mission 181 - 1 Scorchy II #42-97058 (359BS) BN-V 41st CBW-A (359BS) - Pilot LtCol L.E. Lyle / CoPilot Capt L.E. Daub 303rd BG (H) Combat Mission No. 181 15 June 1944 Target: Bridge at La Possonniere, France Crews Dispatched: 36 Length of Mission: 6 hours, 15 minutes Bomb Load: 2 x 2,000 lb G.P. bombs Bombing Altitude: 16,000 ft Ammo Fired: 0 rounds W ith Lt. Col. Lyle back in the pilot seat after three missions as a bombardier, the 41 CBW-A formation of three 12-aircraft 303rd BG(H) formations took off to bomb a bridge at La Possonniere, France. One B-17 turned back just before reaching the enemy coast with engine trouble: #42-37875, Flying Bison, 427BS-A (Lt. Johnson). Thirty-five aircraft dropped 68 2,000-lb. G.P. M34 bombs on the bridge with excellent results. It was believed to be destroyed. Weather at the target was CAVU. No enemy aircraft were seen and only scattered meager and inaccurate flak appeared. Friendly fighter support was good. All aircraft returned safely to Molesworth.

Transcript of 303rd BG (H) Combat Mission No. 181 · be right in our formation. As we approached the bridge with...

Page 1: 303rd BG (H) Combat Mission No. 181 · be right in our formation. As we approached the bridge with our bomb doors open, a train that was headed in that direction suddenly s topped

Mission 181 - 1

Scorchy II #42-97058 (359BS) BN-V

41st CBW-A (359BS) - Pilot LtCol L.E. Lyle / CoPilot Capt L.E. Daub

303rd BG (H) Combat Mission No. 18115 June 1944

Target: Bridge at La Possonniere, FranceCrews Dispatched: 36

Length of Mission: 6 hours, 15 minutes

Bomb Load: 2 x 2,000 lb G.P. bombs

Bombing Altitude: 16,000 ft

Ammo Fired: 0 rounds

With Lt. Col. Lyle back in the pilot seat after three missions as a bombardier, the41 CBW-A formation of three 12-aircraft 303rd BG(H) formations took off to bomba bridge at La Possonniere, France. One B-17 turned back just before reaching

the enemy coast with engine trouble: #42-37875, Flying Bison, 427BS-A (Lt. Johnson).

Thirty-five aircraft dropped 68 2,000-lb. G.P. M34 bombs on the bridge withexcellent results. It was believed to be destroyed. Weather at the target was CAVU.

No enemy aircraft were seen and only scattered meager and inaccurate flakappeared. Friendly fighter support was good. All aircraft returned safely to Molesworth.

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Mission 181 - 2

LtCol Lewis E. Lyle became the fourth 303rdBG(H) airman to be awarded the DistinguishedService Cross "for extraordinary heroism" inconnection with military operations against anarmed enemy of the United States while servingas a B-17 pilot for the period 17 November 1943to 15 June 1944. His citation included thefollowing remarks:

"For extraordinary heroism inconnection with military operationsagainst an Armed enemy of theUnited States while serving as B-17pilot from the period 17 November1942 to 15 June 1944 .... On alloccasions he has demonstratedexemplary and courageous leadership, employing skillful and effective

counter measures against whatever fighter opposition he has encountered andbombing enemy installations with consistently excellent results ..... Colonel Lyle'sheroic and fearless leadership and his continued determination to fulfil hisassigned task in the face of all odds has reflected highest credit upon himself andthe Armed Forces of the United States."

This was the first DSC ever awarded in the ETO for consistent, outstandingheroism and an overall superior job. Col Lyle was one of the 303rd BG(H)'soriginal pilots. At the time of his award, he had flown 51 missions with the 303rdBG(H). In addition, he flew two bombing missions in North Africa during thecampaign there. He was the first 8th Air Force pilot to complete 30 missions andimmediately volunteered for another tour. He flew on many of the Group's mostdangerous missions. On all of his missions, Col Lyle emphasized bombingaccuracy over all other flying elements. For weeks he carefully studied and trainedas a bombardier and flew three missions as a bombardier, doing an excellent jobon two of them. On another occasion he flew as a bombing observer. Anappraisal of the bombing results on missions that he led indicated an unusuallyhigh percentage of bombs hitting near the aiming point. He was a leader on mostof his missions, including commanding a Squadron twelve times, the Groupnineteen times, the Combat Wing eleven times and the Air Division three times.

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Mission 181 - 3

ELIMINATING THE GERMAN FIGHTERS–AGAINfrom the book “25 Milk Runs" by Richard R. "Dick" Johnson

On this date we were assigned a railroad bridge in Tours, France, carrying two, two-thousand pound bombs on the belly of the planes, since a two-thousand pound bomb wouldn't fitinto the bomb-bay.

My diary for the day reads: "Tours, France, Massive railroad Bridge across Loire River.CAVU (Ceiling And Visibility Unlimited). Destroyed it completely. Stopped a train from crossing it.Meager but accurate flak. No damage to us."

We flew over a single flak battery at St. Martin and the flak gunners aimed visually. Ourevasive turns were sufficient to ruin their aim and they only did minor damage to a few of the 12planes in our squadron.

Our bombs were fused at one tenth second at the nose and one hundredth at the tail. Wedid a twenty mile bomb run and all three squadrons hit the bridge with a good pattern. This was oneof the longest bomb runs that I remember, being 14 minutes in a straight line. Lucky for us therewas very little defense at the target, as we would have been sitting ducks on such a clear day flyingat fifteen thousand, five hundred feet. Usually, when the bomb-bay doors opened on a clear day,the flak would come up in bunches, because the German gunners knew that we would not makeany evasive turns. They could lead us by about one and a half kilometers so that the bursts wouldbe right in our formation.

As we approached the bridge with our bomb doors open, a train that was headed in thatdirection suddenly stopped and started backing up. We were amazed that they were so desperateas to venture out in broad daylight. We worried that they might be carrying prisoners, but sincethere were no enemy fighters to harass us, some of our escort planes went down to see what theycould break. We were so busy getting into wing formation for our return home that we couldn'twatch much of the ground activity. I sort of envied Charlie Latta, our ball turret gunner, as he hada ring-side seat, as did some of the other gunners.

Ed Cooper, our bombardier, was flying with the crew of 1st Lt. C.T. Savage on this mission,for whatever reason I don't remember, however, we had another bombardier that day. His namewas J.B. Parker. Crews were often mixed for training purposes.

At any rate, we had no failures that day, except that the aircraft flown by Lt. C.E. Johnsonaborted for mechanical reasons and our spare took his position in the formation. All 36 aircraftreturned to Molesworth and were on the ground before noon. When we arrived back at base aftera mission, the field was always lined with personnel who were "sweating us out." This also put theonus on the pilot to make decent landings since all spare personnel on the base would be thereto count planes and check damage.

Total flight time was six hours and fifteen minutes with two and a half hours over enemyterritory.

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Mission 181 - 4

Aircraft Formation at Assembly Point - Group A


Moreman Langford 537 405

Sirany Cunningham 484 076Tulloss Morgan Oranges Savage 781 960 569 099 Thompson 496 Crozier Arnold 944 483

Aircraft Formation at Assembly Point - Group B


Vaughn Latshaw 085 086

Cook Beiser 298 9875Rosser Bailie Johnson Means 680 739 7875 096 Watson 590 Way Morningstar 037 002

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Mission 181 - 5

Aircraft Formation at Assembly Point - Group C


Bartholomew Fisher 432 841

Williams Spindler 544 861Parker Brown Flick Gallagher 997 860 391 027 Johnston 187 Evans McMillan 423 853

One (1) aircraft aborted this mission: Lt. Johnson in 7875


CREW POSITIONSCMP - Command PilotP - PilotCP - Co-PilotNAV - NavigatorANV - Ass't. NavigatorMNV - Mickey NavigatorENG - EngineerBOM - BombardierRO - Radio Operator

TOG - TogglierBT - Ball Turret OperatorTT - Top Turret OperatorTG - Tail GunnerNG - Nose GunnerRG - Radio GunnerWG - Waist GunnerLWG - Left Waist GunnerRWG - Right Waist GunnerGUN - Gunner

VI - Voice InterpreterOBS - ObserverPAS - PassengerPHO - Photographer


KIA - Killed in actionWIA - Wounded in actionMIA - Missing in actionPOW - Prisoner of war

DOW - Died of woundsEVD - Evaded the enemyINT - Interned in neu cntryREP - RepatriatedRES - RescuedESC - EscapedBO - Bailed outDCH - DitchedCR-L - Crashed on landCR-S - Crashed at sea

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Mission 181 - 6

358th Bombardment Squadron Crew Lists

B-17G #44-6086 My Blonde Baby

P Latshaw, William E., 2LtCP Kirkland, Robert A., F/ONAV Anerhamer, John C., 2LtBOM Nelson, Richard G., 2LtENG Pickens, Donald E., S/SgtRWG Murphy, Joseph A., SgtRO Tidwell, Andrew W., S/SgtTG Hedrick, Warren L., SgtBT Ginn, William E., SgtLWG Miller, Horace J., Sgt

B-17G #42-32037 (No Name)

P Way, Henry G., 1LtCP Raese, Warren G., 2LtNAV Sigurdson, Elden A., 2LtBOM Bell, Julian P., 2LtENG Lynam, Stanley A., S/SgtTT Wright Gene D., S/SgtRO May, James G., S/SgtBT Meredith, Garland T., S/SgtTG Parks, Robert E., SgtRWG Manning, Robert L., Sgt

B-17G #43-37590 Neva-The Silver Lady

P Watson, John P., 2LtCP Neely, Glenn H., 2LtNAV Coe, Charles F., 2LtBOM Borg, John E., 2LtENG Kapes, Paul J., S/SgtRO White, John H., S/SgtTT Hollifield, Robert G., SgtBT Goldfarb, Wallace, SgtTG Hendin, Bernard J., S/SgtLWG Byerly, William C., Sgt

B-17G #42-102680 (No Name)

P Rosser, Samuel E., 2LtCP Helms, John R., 2LtNAV Sweig, Morris, 2LtBOM Morris, Warren B., 2LtENG O'Leary, James M., S/SgtLWG Foster, William D., SgtRO Rowe, Ollice Z., S/SgtRWG Putney, Norman W., SgtBT Severson, Jack O., Jr., SgtTG Pressentin, Robert H., Sgt

B-17G #42-97085 (No Name)

P Vaughn, Clifford F., 2LtCP Moody, James D., 2LtNAV Connor, John P., 2LtBOM Ney, Russell L., F/OENG Rodgers, John E., S/SgtLWG Wagner, William H., SgtRO Kustic, Mark S., S/SgtRWG Mikola, Robert, SgtTG Loveland, William H., S/SgtBT Lappo, Teddy, Sgt

B-17G #42-31739 Pugnacious Peter

P Bailie, Homer P., 2LtCP Markos, Costa, F/ONAV Waterland, Edward L., 2LtBOM Barkin, Herbert L., 2LtENG Ham, William J., S/SgtTT Martinez, Gregorio, SgtRO Sawyer, Robert B., S/SgtBT Oss, Frank E., SgtTG Naylor, Richard G., SgtRWG Munn, Charles F., Sgt

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Mission 181 - 7

358th Bombardment Squadron Crew Lists - Cont'd.

B-17G #42-97298 The Floose

P Cook, John H., 1LtCP Whittall, Ernest A., 2LtNAV Ivy, Wallis S., 2LtBOM Doan, Curtis E., 2LtENG Moody, Stanley E., S/SgtRWG Stafford, Sheldon A., S/SgtRO Lesser, Edward R., S/SgtBT Vanderhoff, Grant W., S/SgtTG Gamon, Edward J., S/SgtLWG Stone, Robert L., Jr., S/Sgt

B-17G #42-107002 Mairzy Doats

P Morningstar, Thomas H., 2LtCP Patterson, Fred M., 2LtNAV Kinder, Richard O., 2LtBOM Dooley, Bernard D., 2LtENG Schutz, Ted J., S/SgtLWG Schuster, Robert G., SgtRO Hartman, Fred G., S/SgtTG Casillas, Bart M., SgtBT Grob, John H., SgtRWG Bruno, Philip, Sgt

B-17G #42-31574 Ole George

P Moreau, Joseph A., 1LtCP Packard, Peter L.M., CaptNAV Contos, Spiros P., 2LtBOM Wilson, Claud, Jr., 1LtENG Rossman, Carl H., SgtRWG Tate, Royce G., SgtRO Lowe, Gareth W., SgtLWG Tomasini, Michael, SgtTG Fox, Howard E., SgtBT Ross, Ben A., Sgt

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Mission 181 - 8

359th Bombardment Squadron Crew Lists

B-17G #42-102960 (No Name)

P Morgan, William D., 2LtCP Parker, John W., 2LtNAV Wodinsky, Abraham, 2LtBOM Destito, Frank S., 2LtENG Hayes, Theron M., S/SgtRO Stemmle, Edward C, S/SgtBT Lloyd, Stanley W., SgtTG Caperton, James R., SgtRWG Gross, James J., SgtLWG Wolfe, Ralph E., Sgt

B-17G #43-37537 Queen of Hearts

P Moreman, Robert, 2LtCP Quiggle, Robert D., 2LtNAV Nielsen, Carl V., 2LtBOM Day, Dean K., 2LtENG Genovese, Elic V., S/SgtRWG Cappucci, Joseph R., SgtRO Barnts, Warren E., S/SgtLWG Alexander, Ray, SgtTG Smith, Richard L., SgtBT Leonard, Joseph F., Sgt

B-17G #42-97944 Daddy's Delight

P Crozier, Harry J., 2LtCP Mowrey, Paul M., 2LtNAV Kennedy, Clyde R., 2LtBOM McCoy, Charles W., 2LtENG Passenant, Robert J., S/SgtRO Hoyt, Robert B., S/SgtBT Jara, Felix M., SgtTG Stumpff, George W., SgtLWG Payne, Charles R., SgtRWG Butcher, Robert C., Sgt

B-17G #42-102496 Special Delivery

P Thompson, Lawrence C., CaptCP Johnson, Richard O., 2LtNAV Young, Warren I., F/OBOM Champ, William J., 2LtENG Hammons, Charles G., S/SgtRO Hamann, Delos, H., S/SgtBT Stephan, Kenneth R., S/SgtTG Held, Armin C., S/SgtTT Lemley, Jack A., S/SgtWG Christensen, Lars, S/Sgt

B-17G #42-31405 Wallaroo MKII

P Langford, Allen W., 2LtCP Zimmerman, Paul E., F/ONAV Donovan, James R., 2LtBOM Torley, Donald W., 2LtENG O'Leary, Daniel R., SgtRO Whisman, Chester C., S/SgtBT Gray, William W., SgtTG Mulstein, John E., Jr., SgtRWG Munn, Edwin C., S/SgtLWG Tartaglia, Raymond, Sgt

B-17G #42-97058 Scorchy II

P Lyle, Lewis E., LtColCP Daub, Leroy E., CaptNAV Lunde, Frithjof M., 1LtNAV Bates, Robert L., 2LtBOM Bowen, Richard R., CaptENG Carter, Edward K., S/SgtRO Kelly, Victor S., T/Sgt RWG Haman, Ray T., S/SgtTG Paton, Wallace L., 2LtBT Gilmore, Charles E., T/SgtLWG Considine, Louis W., S/Sgt

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Mission 181 - 9

359th Bombardment Squadron Crew Lists - Cont'd.

B-17G #42-97781 The '8' Ball MK III

P Tulloss, John W., 1LtCP London, Walter H., Jr., 2LtNAV Hollingsworth, William, 2LtBOM Campbell, Frank P., 2LtENG Robinson, Charles R., T/SgtRO Hanson, Robert W., S/SgtBT Wernet, Charles E., PvtTG O'Connor, Julian J., SgtLWG Richard, John, Sgt.

B-17G #44-6076 Liberty Run

P Cunningham, Robert L., 2Lt CP Moyer, William G., 2LtNAV Riley, Milton S., 2LtTOG Huddleston, D.O., PvtENG Merrow, Robert K., T/SgtRO Rose, William A., CplBT Manchester, Robert E., T/SgtTG Miller, Theodore G., S/SgtWG Arendt, John L., S/Sgt

B-17G #42-31483 Bonnie B

P Arnold, William J., 2LtCP Altman, Maurice V., 2LtNAV Claster, Stanley M., 2LtBOM Callahan, Ellsworth D., 2LtENG Williams, Robert M., S/SgtRO Moreira, Joseph A., S/SgtBT McClure, James D., SgtTG Surrell, John M., SgtWG Lichtenwalter, Ralph W., Sgt

B-17G #42-102484 Heller's Angel

P Sirany, George R., 1LtCP Whitaker, Joseph C., 2LtNAV Ehrke, Warren D., 2LtBOM Joyce, John D., 1LtENG Stephenson, Thomas O., T/SgtRO Van Horn, Everett E., S/SgtBT Bale, Gordon E., SgtTG McPherson, Frank V., S/SgtTT See, Cecil J., S/Sgt

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Mission 181 - 10

360th Bombardment Squadron Crew Lists

B-17G #42-97860 (No Name)

P Brown, Leonard M., 2LtCP Caldwell, Frederick J., 2LtNAV Edwards, Frank A., 2LtBOM Blythe, Robert W., Jr., 2LtENG Jamison, Charles A., S/SgtRO Libert, Irving, S/SgtBT LaFranchi, Alfred D., SgtTG Johnson, Francis D., SgtWG Enget, Obert L., Sgt

B-17G #42-31997 (No Name)

P Parker, John T., 1LtCP Anderson, John G., 2LtNAV Lacey, Norman R., 2LtBOM Pence, Granville A., 2LtENG Wall, Claudia W., S/SgtRO Grace, Charles, Jr., T/SgtBT Rhyne, Samuel A., S/SgtTG Szczudlo, Joseph W., S/SgtWG Fox, John L., S/Sgt

B-17G #42-97861 Iza Vailable III

P Spindler, Benjamin L., 1LtCP Doughty, Gordon R., 2LtNAV Caffrey, James J., F/OBOM Proud, Rexford I., 2LtENG Fambry, Lewis F., S/SgtWG Pfeffer, William W., T/SgtRO Uhl, Willard H., T/SgtBT McKinnon, Neil W., S/SgtTG Petrie, Joe D., S/Sgt

B-17G #42-97853 Lucky Linda

P McMillan, Murdock B., 1LtCP Polezoes, Stanley, 2LtNAV Shaw, Marvin E., 2LtBOM Weaver, Thomas E., S/SgtENG Herr, Allen H., SgtRO Balcombe, Clayton S., T/SgtBT Karp, Harold, S/SgtTG Cain, Leroy H., S/SgtWG Cox, James D., S/Sgt

B-17G #42-31423 Jigger Rooche

P Evans, Ernest N., 1LtCP Fisher, Stanley L., 2LtNAV McDevitt, Theodore D., 2LtBOM Lovett, William E., S/SgtENG Bachman, Clifford D., T/SgtRO Smith, Benjamin H., T/SgtBT Kepics, George, S/SgtLWG O'Hearn, Robert J., S/SgtTG Cogdell, Clarence L., S/Sgt

B-17G #42-31432 Old Glory

P Bartholomew, Dale E., 2LtCP Ross, James A., 2LtNAV Blume, William H., III, 2LtBOM Andreason, Joseph G., 2LtENG Litwiller, Harold D., S/SgtRO Allard, Charles G., S/SgtBT Smith, Victor H., S/SgtLWG Blackwell, Haywood E., Jr., SgtRWG Lowe, Ralph R., S/SgtTG DeBartolo, Albert L., Sgt

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Mission 181 - 11

360th Bombardment Squadron Crew Lists - Cont'd.

B-17G #42-97187 Miss Umbriago

P Johnston, Donald M., 1LtCP Heussler, Robert W., 2LtNAV Dunn, Robert L., 2LtBOM Kleppner, Clarence J., F/OENG Barnum, Abraham E., M/SgtRO Treece, Charles E., T/SgtBT Pesetsky, Paul W., S/SgtTG Nestok, Frank, S/SgtLWG Turner, Kenzie H., S/SgtRWG Smith, Herbert L., S/Sgt

B-17G #42-97805 (No Name)

P Lynch, Robert J., CaptCP Schuknecht, Frederick R., CaptNAV Ross, Lawrence D., 1LtBOM Merz, Dick W., 2LtENG Roszell, Thomas M., T/SgtRO Schuler, Frank H., T/SgtBT Chudej, Josef R., S/SgtTG Krogh, Kenneth R., S/SgtLWG Schoonmaker, Elwood, Jr., S/SgtRWG Pleasanton, Kenneth H., S/Sgt

B-17G #42-102544 Sack Time

P Williams, John T., 1LtCP Coats, Neil, 2LtNAV Fazio, Joseph, 2LtBOM Grunseth, Roald J., 2LtENG Schwenke, Howard A., T/SgtRO Barber, Stewart L., T/SgtBT Whitten, Cleveland W., SgtTG Ott, John E., S/SgtRWG Northam, James W., S/SgtLWG Mitchell, John B., S/Sgt

B-17G #42-37841 Banshee

P Fisher, Dale M., 1LtCP Johns, Carlos H., Jr., 2LtNAV Felton, Carl H., 2LtBOM Gaskin, Carthel C., 2LtENG King, John M., S/SgtRO Johnson, Robert H., S/SgtBT McKeever, Bernard E., SgtTG Moore, Willard F., SgtRWG Cooper, Robert M., SgtLWG Crandell, Victor P., Sgt

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Mission 181 - 12

427th Bombardment Squadron Crew Lists

B-17G #42-97096 (No Name)

P Means, Wilford T., 2LtCP Luther, Joseph P., 2LtNAV Sumbur, Simon, 2LtBOM Keese, Thomas R., 2LtTT Payne, Joseph E., S/SgtBT Miller, Robert L., SgtRO May, J.H., S/SgtTG Turner, James W., SgtWG Sileo, J.J., Sgt

B-17G #42-107099 Old 99

P Savage, Gilbert T., 1LtCP Keating, Donald W., 2LtNAV Cooper, Edward G., 2LtBOM Wright, Edgar A., S/SgtTT Jefferson, Arthur G., S/SgtBT Holt, Richard R., S/SgtRO Paul, Samuel D., S/SgtTG Stover, Edward J., SgtWG Layton, Wilber A., Sgt

B-17G #42-32027 Betty Jane

P Gallagher, John W., Jr., 2LtCP Bitel, Peter, 2LtNAV Hibbard, Troy W., 2LtBOM Tow, Weyman J., 2LtTT Lynn, William V., SgtBT Kail, Nicholas F., SgtRO Gervais, Joseph R., S/SgtTG Jacques, Warren, SgtWG Soltero, John, Sgt

B-17G #42-97391 (No Name)

P Flick, Chester E., 2LtCP Parham, James S., 2LtNAV Curley, Walter A., 2LtBOM Fontaine, Clifford F., S/SgtBT Forry, Harvey W., S/SgtRO Abeyta, J. Charles, S/SgtTT Eberly, Charles P., S/SgtTG Brock, Charley F., SgtRWG Wilson, Robert J., Sgt

B-17G #42-39875 Buzz Blonde

P Beiser, Theodore R., 2LtCP Johnson, Richard R., 2LtNAV Gepner, Isadore, 2LtBOM Parker, Joseph B., 2LtTT Buchanan, Lonnie J., T/Sgt BT Latta, Charles W., SgtRO Gorchesky, Benny J., S/SgtTG Brackey, Carroll H., SgtLWG Haines, James W., Sgt

B-17G #42-102569 Miss Lace

P Oranges, Chester N., 1LtCP Byers, Ballard T., 2LtNAV Whitman, John H., 2LtBOM Harper, Kenneth L., 2LtTT Eisenhauer, James A., SgtBT Gentry, Richard A., S/SgtRO Sorese, Leonard V., S/SgtTG Franklin, Robert E., S/SgtRWG Ward, Homer J., Jr., S/Sgt

B-17G #42-37875 Flying Bison

P Johnson, Charles E., Jr., 2LtCP Gable, Richard E., 2LtNAV Pero, Aloyius R., 2LtBOM Dombrowski, Alexander, 2LtBT Hollritt, Alfred K., SgtRO Yonge, Walter C., SgtTT Alston, Madison I., T/SgtWG Wallrobinstein, Harry, SgtTG Gude, Richard C., Sgt(Abortive)