30/11/051 The Millimetre-Wave Astronomy White Paper Michael Burton UNSW.

30/11/05 1 The Millimetre-Wave The Millimetre-Wave Astronomy White Paper Astronomy White Paper Michael Burton UNSW
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Transcript of 30/11/051 The Millimetre-Wave Astronomy White Paper Michael Burton UNSW.

30/11/05 1

The Millimetre-Wave The Millimetre-Wave Astronomy White PaperAstronomy White Paper

Michael Burton


30/11/05 2

What place for millimetre-wave What place for millimetre-wave in Australian radio astronomy for in Australian radio astronomy for

the next decade?the next decade?

ALMA 2012?SKA 2020?

Maintaining the vitality of the astronomical community till SKA

MM White Paper 3

Australian MM-Wave FacilitiesAustralian MM-Wave Facilities

ATCA, Mopra, Parkes, Tidbinbilla3 + 7 + 12 mm (100 + 50 + 20 GHz)Interferometry + OTF mappingBroad band + Spectroscopy

MM White Paper 4

What’s coming in AustraliaWhat’s coming in Australia

8 GHz correlator for Mopra2 GHz correlator for ATCA7 mm system for ATCA + Mopra115 GHz extension for ATCA?

MM White Paper 5


HEAT 0.5mSPT 10mAST/RO 1.7m

APEX 12mASTE 12m

MM White Paper 6

What’s coming now in the SouthWhat’s coming now in the South

Atacama Plateau of Chile– 4m NANTEN2– 12m APEX– 12m ASTE– Plus, of course, ALMA

Antarctica– 1.7m AST/RO– 10m South Pole Telescope– 0.5m HEAT (THz frequencies)

MM White Paper 7

What role for Australia’s facilities?What role for Australia’s facilities?

They’re here now!– only southern interferometer for > 5 years

7+12mm unchallenged, 3mm largely so.Broad Band, Fast Mapping.

Complementarity to the Chilean / Antarctic facilities?

MM White Paper 8

Science Drivers: Science Drivers: Formation ProcessesFormation ProcessesWhen Planets are youngWhen Stars are youngWhen Galaxies were youngWhen the Universe was young

MM White Paper 9

QuickTime™ and aTIFF (LZW) decompressor

are needed to see this picture.

MM WindowsMM Windows

12 mm – ATCA

7 mm – ATCA3 mm – ATCA2 mm – Oz!

sub-mm – ALMAMIR+ 200+300µm – Dome C

far-IR – Dome A


z~6 Starburst / AGN

MM White Paper 10

Science Drivers: IScience Drivers: I

Evolution of circumstellar disksSearch for biogenic moleculesEvolutionary sequence for MSFTurbulence-regulated star formation?Star formation in other environments

– The LMC & SMC

MM White Paper 11

Science Drivers: IIScience Drivers: II

Extragalactic star formation– calibrating the Schmidt Law and the radio-

FIR relationStar formation history of the Universe

– red-shifted CO as a proxy for SFRUnique objects

– SN1987A– The Central Molecular Zone

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Science Drivers: IIIScience Drivers: III

Other ideas welcome!

MM White Paper 13

Include possible future enhancementsInclude possible future enhancements

115 GHz extension to ATCA

Adjustable secondaries Real time phase monitoring

Million channel spectrometers Focal Plane Arrays

– or re-shape dish for a multi-beam?

Need to have science drivers!

MM White Paper 14

Science Drivers Science Drivers vs.vs. Capabilities Capabilities

QuickTime™ and aTIFF (LZW) decompressor

are needed to see this picture.

QuickTime™ and aTIFF (LZW) decompressor

are needed to see this picture.

MM White Paper 15

MM White Paper: the processMM White Paper: the process

1. First Draft for MM Science + ATUC meetings (30/11/05 + 01/12/05)

2. Open invitation for contributions3. Second draft for “Future directions for

southern hemisphere mm-wave astronomy” meeting 30-31/03/06

Place in the international context, esp. Chilean facilities Funding sources?

4. MM White Paper delivered to ATUC for June 06 meeting

30/11/05 16

Please contribute!Please contribute!
