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  • 8/14/2019 30 Vol 6 Epaper


    The South Asian Timese x c e l l e n c e i n j o u r n a l i s m

    excellence in journalismArt & Film 18

    Vol.6 No. 30 November 16-22, 2013 60 Cents New York Edition Follow us on TheSouthAsianTimes.info

    Humor 28 Spiritual Awareness 30Op Ed 13

    Playing with

    a special

    tricolor bat in

    his last Test

    match at his

    home ground

    in Mumbai,

    and bucked

    up by a





    scored 74,

    taking Indiawell beyond

    West Indies

    first innings


  • 8/14/2019 30 Vol 6 Epaper


    2 November 16-22, 2013 TRISTATE COMMUNITY TheSouthAsianTimes.info

    Hicksville, NY: The re-election of

    Ed Magnano as Nassau County

    Executive with a bigger mandate

    was celebrated by the South Asian

    community on November 11 at a

    Gala Reception here.

    Wholehearted support from the

    community saw Hon. Mangano

    cruise to victory against his

    Democratic challenger Tom

    Suozzi with a handsome 18 point

    margin in the Nov 5 election.

    The reception at Antuns by

    Minar was attended by Hon.

    Mangano and Chief Deputy

    County Executive Rob Walkerand organized by The South Asian

    Communities United Forum, an

    initiative of Bobby KumarKalotee (Chairman, All American

    Political Party) and Zahid Syed

    (Chairman, Human Rights

    Commission, Nassau) with sup-

    po rt fr om Ka ml esh Me ht a

    (Director, Nassau County Office

    of Business & Economic


    Over 300 guests -- a veritable

    whos who of the South Asian

    community were there to cheer

    Mangano. Prominent among them

    were: Purna Aramalla, Jerry

    Kohli, Animesh Goenka, Haridas

    Kotahwala, Habib Ahmed, Dr

    Surinder Malhotra, Jagdish

    Sewhani, Sazid Shah, RaviBhooplapur, Kamal Gupta, Zeb

    Pirzada, Moh. Saleh, Kanwaljit

    Chandi, Dr Shashi Shah, Kishore

    Kuncham and Rizwan Qureshi.

    Indu Jaiswal and BeenaSabhapati led the Pledge of


    Zahid Syed welcomed the

    guests and praised County

    Executive for his great service to

    the county. In his opening

    remarks, he also thanked all sup-

    porters of Mangano.

    Kamlesh Mehta appreciated

    Bobby Kumar and Zahid Syed for

    their initiative of uniting the com-

    munities and congratulated the

    attendees on Manganos victory,

    which he saw as the victory of

    himself, everyone in the room and

    1.3 million residents of Nassau

    County. He called Ed Mangano agreat leader and friend of every-


    Harendra Singh, who has cher-

    ished Manganos friendship for 20

    years, called Ed the nicest human

    being, and that he never had any

    doubts about Manganos win.

    Zahid Syed thanked the media

    for their help and presence before

    introducing Rob walker.Chief Deputy County Executive

    Walker was honored for his piv-

    otal role in Manganos re-election

    campaign. He was presented a

    plaque by Kamlesh Mehta, Bobby

    Kumar and Zahid Syed.

    Rob Walker appreciated Bobby

    Kumar and Zahid Syed for their

    support and mentioned bonding

    with and friendship of Kamlesh

    Mehta since 2008.

    While introducing County

    Executive Ed Mangano, Bobby

    Kumar congratulated him for a

    great victory. He also mentioned

    his long standing cordial relation-

    ship with Mr Mangano and his


    Ed Mangano thanked everyone

    for their support and promised to

    work steadfastly to make Nassau

    County a better place to live, work

    and raise a family. He called

    Harendra Singh the dearest friend

    and like a brother. He thankedBobby Kumar, Zahid Syed and

    Jerry Kohli for their support. He

    especially thanked and admired

    the role and contribution of

    Kamlesh Mehta during the elec-

    tion, saying, "Kamlesh Mehta is

    one of the most effective persons

    in my team."

    In his closing remarks, Kamlesh

    Mehta named 12 people who gen-

    erously contributed five digit

    sums -- to the Mangano cam-

    paign through him.

    He also thanked Rasraj,

    Rajbhog and Bengali Sweets for

    their sponsorship, and DJ

    Sharukh, DJ Lucky, as well as

    Ni tu Sing h an d Ra j Ma in i of


    Zahid Syed and Bobby Kumar welcoming Nassau County Ed Manganowith bouquets as Kamlesh Mehta looks on.,

    The front-line supporters of Ed Mangano's re-election cam-paign: (from left) Jerry Kohli, Harendra Singh, Bobby Kumar,

    Zahid Syed and Kamlesh Mehta.

    Happiness all around for Manganos well deserved victory.

    Photos: Sandeep G.

    Chief Deputy County Executive Rob Walker was honored for his pivotal role in Manganos re-elec-tion campaign by Kamlesh Mehta, Bobby Kumar and Zahid Syed. (right) Rob Walker speaking.

    Zahid Syed and Bobby Kumar speaking at the gala reception.

    Ed Mangano thankedeveryone for their support in

    his election.

    South Asianscelebrate

    Ed Manganosthumping win

  • 8/14/2019 30 Vol 6 Epaper


    3November 16-22, 2013TheSouthAsianTimes.info TRISTATE COMMUNITY

    By Arun Kumar

    Washington: In a country where

    baseball rules and few people know

    of cricket and even fewer play

    cricket, America's leading daily

    New York Times has chosen to pay

    rich tributes to India's "cricket

    God" Sachin Tendulkar.

    Taking note of Tendulkar's iconic

    status in India, NYT carried two

    OpEds on the day the maestro

    played his 200th and last Test in

    Mumbai saying the sense of loss

    after his retirement will "scarcely

    be any less in the rest of the crick-

    eting world."

    In an OpEd titled "Where the

    Gods Live On ... and On", Tunku

    Varadarajan, a research fellow at

    the Hoover Institution, noted,

    "Tendulkar, whom everyone calls

    Sachin, is the most revered crick-eter in India."

    "In fact, it would be entirely

    accurate to describe him as the

    most revered contemporary Indian,

    or even, with only a pinch of

    hyperbole, the most revered Indian

    since Mahatma Gandhi held the

    nation in thrall."

    "Suspend your disbelief andthink of him as a cross between

    Babe Ruth and Martin Luther

    King," Varadarajan wrote compar-

    ing Tendulkar to two American

    icons - one in the sports arena and

    other on the political field.

    Ruth was a Major League

    Baseball pitcher, nicknamed "the

    Sultan of Swat" who played for 22seasons on three teams, from 1914

    through 1935 and King was leader

    of African-American civil rights

    movement inspired by Mahatma


    "In a land of chronic inefficiency,

    he was remorselessly efficient; in a

    land with a global inferiority com-

    plex, he was the best in the world;

    in a land where public figures are

    strutting peacocks, he was often a

    pic ture of painful humili ty; in a

    land that thirsts for self-respect,

    Sachin spelled pride," he wrote.

    However, in Varadarajan's view

    "there has been an unlovely whiff

    of selfishness in his reluctance to

    give way to younger players, in his

    limpetlike clinging to his place, and

    in his relentless pursuit of mile-


    "But we shouldn't blame Sachin,"

    he added noting, "In any other land,

    he would have aged, recognized the

    limitations brought on by age ...

    and moved on. India has not let

    him do so. It is India, by its corro-

    sive love, that has betrayed Sachin

    Tendulkar."In a separate piece titled

    "Tendulkar Stepping Away From

    Cricket, but His Impact Remains"

    Huw Richards wrote, "Sachin

    Tendulkar's ability to generate

    mind-numbing numbers has sur-

    vived to the very end of his prodi-

    gious career."

    Much of Sachin's greatness

    comes from the fact that he consis-

    tently fulfilled the expectations he

    carries in India and among the

    Indian diaspora, he wrote noting,

    "Few players have left so compre-

    hensive or so potentially enduring a

    mark in the record books."

    "If there is a doubt where he

    ranks historically, consider that

    Tendulkar was the only active play-

    er named by Wisden Cricketers'

    Almanac to its all-time team last

    month. The sport's leading chroni-

    cler had 150 years of cricket to

    choose from," Richards wrote.

    "Records can be broken. South

    Africa's Jacques Kallis or

    England's Alastair Cook might

    overtake his Test numbers, but

    Tendulkar's impact will remain," hewrote.

    "And if the sense of loss is most

    intense in India this coming week,

    it will scarcely be any less in the

    rest of the cricketing world,"

    Richards added.

    From the land of baseball, tributes to India's 'cricket God'

    In a land of chronic inefficiency, he was remorselessly efficient;in a land with a global inferiority complex, he was the best in

    the world; in a land where public figures are strutting peacocks,he was often a picture of painful humility; in a land that thirsts

    for self-respect, Sachin spelled pride.

    UNSC reforms can't wait till cows come home: India New York opens first World Trade Centre towerNew York: Saying that the

    credibility of the UN

    Security Council is at stake,

    India has sought a results-

    based timeline for reforms in

    the world organization's

    supreme decision-makingbody to give it a more equi-

    table representation globally.

    "The exercise of UNSC

    reforms cannot be seen to be

    going on till the cows come

    home!" India's Deputy

    Permanent Representative

    Manjeev Singh Puri told the

    UN General Assembly last

    week, participating in a

    debate on increasing the

    council's membership.

    "Recent developments

    around the world have

    increasingly put to question

    not just the representative-

    ness, but also the credibilityof the UNSC is at stake," he

    said. "And the clarion call

    for change is only growing

    louder by the day."

    "All these are important

    tidings which cannot be

    ignored in our collective

    quest to achieve UNSC

    reforms," said Puri, asserting

    that a results-based time line

    was needed.

    He suggested that 2015,

    marking the 70th anniver-

    sary of the UN as well as 10

    years following the 2005World Summit mandating

    early reforms of the Security

    Council, "will be an impor-

    tant occasion to deliver 'con-

    crete outcomes' on this most

    pressing subject".

    Puri hoped that the UN

    "can collectively work

    together in a constructive

    and forward looking manner,

    not just on the process but aswell as on the substance,

    in the interim, so as to

    deliver on this long due


    New York: The first new

    office tower at New York

    City's Ground Zero opened

    Wednesday, marking a

    rebirth of the Lower

    Manhattan site where old

    World Trade Centre towerswere destroyed in the Sep

    11, 2001 terrorist attacks.

    The 72-story Four World

    Trade Centre becomes the

    first skyscraper that opens its

    doors for business on the

    original 16-acre site where

    about 2,700 people were

    killed in the terrorist attack

    on Twin towers, Xinhua

    reported. "Four World Trade

    is the first building to be

    completed within the borders

    of the original World Trade

    Centre, and is a testament to

    the strength and resiliency of

    New York er s, " MayorMichael Bloomberg said at a

    ribbon-cutting ceremony for

    the glass building.

    Next ye ar, One Wor ld

    Trade will follow, helping to

    continue the revitalization of

    Lower Manhattan and its

    business community.

    Manjeev Puri is new Indian envoyto Belgium, EU

    One World Trade Centre tallestbuilding in the Americas

    Manjeev Singh

    Puri, India's

    D e p u t y

    Permanent Representative

    to the United Nations, has

    bee n app oin ted the nex t

    ambassador to Belgium, it

    was announced Tuesday.

    An Indian Foreign

    Service officer of the 1982

    bat ch, Pur i wil l al so be

    accredited as Indian ambas-

    sador to the Council of the

    European Union and The

    European Commission.

    The FreedomTower in New

    York is the tallest

    bu ildi ng in the

    western hemi-

    sphere at 542

    meters, surpass-

    ing Chicago's

    Willis Tower, for-

    merly the Sears

    Tower, the

    Council on Tall

    Buildings and

    Urban Habitat

    (CTBUH) said


    The New York

    edifice, whose

    official name is

    One World Trade Centre, takes the title as tallest after including

    the spire installed this year, which raises it from 417 meters to

    542 meters, leaving the 442 meters of the Chicago skyscraper


    Once complete next year, the Freedom Tower will be the

    third tallest building in the world, trailing only the Burj Khalifa

    in Dubai and the Makkah Royal Clock Tower in Mecca, Saudi

    Arabia, the CTBUH said.Manjeev Puri

  • 8/14/2019 30 Vol 6 Epaper


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    4 November 16-22, 2013 TheSouthAsianTimes.infoTURN PAGE

    Washington: President Obama is

    nominating Dr. Vivek Murthy of

    Harvard Medical School and

    Brigham and Womens Hospital as

    surgeon general of the United

    States, the White House announced

    Thursday. Murthy is a hospitalist atthe Brigham and is co-founder and

    president of Doctors for America, a

    Washington, D.C.-based group that

    advocates for access to affordable,

    high quality healthcare. When con-

    firmed by the Senate, Murthy would

    replace acting surgeon general Boris

    Lushniak. The surgeon general

    serves a four-year term and the post

    is essentially a bully pulpit to speak

    out on public health issues.

    Dr. Murthy has served President

    Obama on his advisory group on

    Preventive Health Promotion and

    integrative Public Health. Dr.

    Murthy has MD and MBA from

    Yale and undergraduate studies inBio Chemical Sciences from


    Indian American Forum for

    Political Education has welcomed

    Dr. Murthys prestigious appoint-

    ment, saying he represents the next

    generation of Indian Americans.

    and we look forward to his lead-

    ership in changing the Face of

    Health of the Country in coming . New York: The Association of

    Indian Americans NY celebrated

    Children's Diwali Program at the

    Glen Oaks Branch of Queens Public

    Library on Nov 8. The overflowing

    audience was treated to cultural per-

    formances by young students (age

    3-12 years).Sunil Modi, president of AIA-NY,

    explained the importance of Diwali.

    Suvreen Kaur, Miss National

    America Preteen, spoke to the chil-

    dren about setting high standards

    and goals in life. She also requested

    the parents to help their children in

    fulfilling the children's dream and


    The audience also participated in

    various crafts related to celebrating

    Diwali and were treated to Indiansnacks.

    This event was organized by Anita

    Thakkar, wife of Harish Thakkar,

    vice president of AIA-NY.

    Mumbai: Indian shares rose 1

    percent on Thursday, snapping a

    seven-session losing streak as

    lenders rallied after the central

    bank governor anno unce d bond

    purchases, easing some concerns

    about losses in the sector tied to

    their heavy debt holdings.

    Shares also tracked a regional

    rally after U.S. FederalReserve

    Chairman nominee Janet Yellen

    said the Fed has "more work to

    do" to help the U.S. economy,

    spurring hopes she would opt to

    delay tapering of monetary stimu-

    lus if her confirmation is approved

    by the U.S. Congress.

    With reporting of July-

    September earnings results largely

    over, traders said the focus will be

    on a series of state polls this

    month ahead of general elections

    next year, and the Reserve Bank of

    India's policy review next month.

    Data on Thursday showed

    India's headline inflation acceler-

    ated to an eight-month high of 7.0

    per cen t in Oct obe r, rai sin g the

    pr os pe ct of a fr es h ra te hi ke

    despite the central bank governor's

    soothing words on Wednesday on

    core retail inflation.

    Colombo: Britain's Prince

    Charles arrived in Sri Lanka

    Thursday for the Commonwealth

    meeting even as President

    Mahinda Rajapaksa pledged to

    "look into" charges of human

    rights abuses that have kept away

    the prime ministers of India,

    Canada and Mauritius from the


    The prince will Friday represent

    the Queen as Head of the

    Commonwealth at the opening

    ceremony, and will host other

    Commonwealth events, including

    a reception for business leadersand a dinner for heads of govern-


    Pakistan Prime Minister Nawaz

    Sharif too arrived here Thursday

    for Commonwealth Heads of

    Government Meeting (CHOGM).

    Amid a boycott by the PMs of

    Canada and Mauritius who have

    voiced concerns over human

    rights violations in Sri Lanka, and

    the absence of Indian Prime

    Minister Manmohan Singh,

    Rajapaksa said he was willing to

    "look into" human rights issues

    surrounding the war that crushed

    the Tamil Tigers in 2009.

    Rajapaksa told a media confer-

    ence that ending the three decade

    old war had proved immensely

    benefic ial for Sri Lanka, report s

    Xinhua. He insisted that his gov-

    ernment had established adequate

    systems to tackle rights issues.

    "We have suffered for the last 30

    years. All people suffered, but no

    one is getting killed in Sri Lanka


    Rajapaksa said he would be

    willing to impartially investigate

    allegations made against the mili-


    The spotlight on Sri Lanka'shuman rights situation intensified

    after Rajapaksa was given chair-

    manship of the Commonwealth

    till the end of 2014.

    British Prime Minister David

    Cameron has vowed to raise

    accountability issues with


    Indian American named US Surgeon General

    Dr. Vivek Murthy is based inBoston, MA.

    As Prince Charles arrives for CHOGM,

    Rajapaksa makes a promise

    AIA holds Diwali event for kids

    Indian shares snap 7-day losing streak;RBI policy, state polls in focus

  • 8/14/2019 30 Vol 6 Epaper


    5November 16-22, 2013TheSouthAsianTimes.info TRISTATE COMMUNITY

    New York: Stephen Labate, a fi-

    nancial advisor and Iraq War Vet-eran, has announced his candidacy

    for Congress in New Yorks 3rd

    Congressional District.

    Citing stalled economic growth

    and job creation, as well as the

    failed Obamacare initiative, La-

    bate lambasted the current stalled

    Congress and its failures to set

    aside partisan grandstanding as

    driving factors in his decision to


    The status quo in Washington is

    simply unacceptable. We need to

    reign in wasteful spending, stimu-

    late economic growth and work in

    a bipartisan manner to create com-

    mon sense solutions to our nation-

    al issues.

    As a soldier and a financial advi-

    sor, I want to represent Long Is-

    landers in the 3rd Congressional

    District and challenge my fellow

    representatives to uphold their

    duty, Labate said.

    Pointing to a distracted Steve Is-

    rael as a slap in the face to the lo-

    cal electorate Labate noted, as

    Chairman of the Democratic Con-

    gressional Campaign Committee,Steve Israel is more concerned

    about electing candidates 3,000

    miles away than with the issues

    that are affecting constituents here

    at home.

    After 12 years in office, Steve Is-

    rael has introduced 245 bills and

    only two have become law and

    they were for the renaming of post


    That is a striking figure and begs

    the question, after so many years,

    what has Steve Israel ever really

    accomplished to help his con-

    stituents? It is for that reason I

    have decided to answer the call of

    duty in a new capacity so as to pro-vide the type of focused

    leadership that Long Islanders

    deserve. I am excited for this race

    and look forward to an open dia-

    logue; one that challenges the sta-

    tus quo of how politics is

    being done and to effectuate pos-

    itive change within our communi-

    ties in the 3rd Congressional Dis-

    trict and across the country.

    The 3rd Congressional District

    encompasses parts of Nassau and

    Suffolk Counties as well as

    Queens, New York. Stephen La-

    bate, a husband and father of two

    young children, has been deployed

    three times since the attacks of

    September 11, 2001 and as a fi-

    nancial advisor has earned the Cer-

    tified Retirement Counselor Des-

    ignation from the International

    Foundation of Retirement Educa-


    Labate will bring a disciplined

    and thoughtful approach to gov-

    erning that is sorely lacking today.

    Stephen Labate announcesCongressional run

    It has been brought to the notice of the

    Consulate General of India, New York

    that some of the applicants are asked to

    pay fees which are in variance with the pre-scribed fees for various consular services.

    The Consulate hereby clarifies that no one at

    the Consulate or at the service provider,

    through which the consular services have

    been outsourced, asks for fees different than

    the prescribed ones. The prescribed fees for

    various consular services could be seen at

    the websites of the Consulate(www.indi-

    acgny.org) and the service provider


    If there are any issues/enquiries with re-

    gard to the consular services rendered by the

    Consulate directly or through the serviceprovider kindly approach the Consulate

    General of India, New York through follow-

    ing email ids:

    For Passport: [email protected]

    For Visa: [email protected]

    For OCI and PIO: [email protected]

    For Attestation & other Misc. Services:

    [email protected]



    he Consulate General of India, New

    York has been receiving number of

    complaints through e-mails, letters,

    phones and blogs regarding the consularservices outsourced. We have taken note of

    these complaints some of which are of fairly

    serious nature. These concerns have been

    communicated to the service provider who

    has been asked to address them efficiently.

    These issues have also been brought to the at-

    tention of the concerned authorities. We are

    hopeful that the situation will be sorted out

    soon. Meanwhile the Consulate is trying to

    assist those requiring emergency consular


    For issues or complaints with regard to theconsular services kindly approach the Con-

    sulate General of India, New York through

    official mail ids.

    For Passport: [email protected]

    For Attestation & other Misc. Services:

    [email protected]

    For Visa: [email protected]

    For OCI and PIO: [email protected]


    Stephen Labate

    Washington,DC: Manhattan's In-

    dian American US Attorney Preet

    Bharara has brought down yet an-other insider trader with a former

    Indian internet analyst Sandeep Ag-

    garwal pleading guilty.

    Aggarwal, who admitted to pro-

    viding inside information about a

    pending deal between Microsoft

    and Yahoo to a portfolio manager at

    SAC Capital, would be the 76th

    person convicted in Bharara's four-

    year insider trading crackdown.

    Other prominent convictions ob-

    tained by Bharara, dubbed "Sheriff

    of Wall Street" by Time magazine,

    include those of India-born former

    Goldman Sachs director Rajat Gup-

    ta and his Sri Lankan hedge fund

    billionaire friend Raj Rajaratnam.The manager, Richard Lee, plead-

    ed guilty to insider trading in July

    and SAC this week agreed to plead

    guilty to criminal charges and pay a

    record $1.2 billion penalty.

    Aggarwal, 40, a former analyst

    for San Francisco-based Caris &

    Co, who has residences in San Jose,

    California, and in Gurgaon, in In-

    dia's Haryana province, was ac-

    cused of leveraging his tech indus-

    try contacts for the alleged miscon-

    duct in 2009.

    Aggarwal is also founder and for-

    mer CEO of ShopClues.com de-

    scribed as India's first and largest

    managed marketplace. Last month,

    co-founder Sanjay Sethi took over

    from Aggarwal as ShopClues CEO.

    Aggarwal might face 25 years in

    prison when he's sentenced and may

    also be deported to India, although

    he has apparently agreed to cooper-

    ate with prosecutors in the hope of

    receiving a lenient sentence.

    FBI agents arrested Aggarwal last

    July and charged him with one

    count of conspiracy to commit se-

    curities fraud and one count of con-

    spiracy to commit wire fraud. A day

    later, Aggarwal was, however, re-

    leased on a $500,000 bond.

    Harvard-educated Bharara, 45,

    has vowed to keep up his crusade,saying he has the "greatest job in the

    world" though he will "walk the

    earth and get into adventures"

    whenever he retires.

    "I am going to do this job as long

    as I can. I think I have the greatest

    job not just in the country but in the

    world. It has been four years and it

    has been a lot of fun and I am going

    to do this as long as I can," he said

    at the New York Times' Dealbook

    Conference in New York last week.

    Bharara said he would continue

    working on "those great and awe-

    some prosecutorial tools" that have

    helped his office charge some of the

    most prominent and influential ex-

    ecutives on Wall Street with insider


    But when he does retire or gets

    "kicked out" of his job, he would

    want to travel the world and meet

    people. "I'm going to walk the

    earth," said Punjab-born Bharara,

    quoting a dialogue from the movie

    "Pulp Fiction".

    Preet Bharara brings downShopClues' Indian founder

    Preet Bharara

    New Jersey: One of five teens

    accused in the 2010 fatal beat-ing attack of a New Jersey pro-

    fessor received a 15-year

    prison sentence Nov. 12 in

    New Brunswick Superior


    Earlier this year, Julian Daley

    pleaded guilty to a charge of

    aggravated assault in the June

    25, 2010 attack on Old Bridge,

    New Jersey resident Divyendu

    Sinha, 49 at the time of his


    Daley entered the guilty plea

    with Middlesex County, New

    Jersey prosecutors, agreeing to

    testify against co-defendants

    Cash Johnson and ChristianTinli in exchange for a lighter

    sentence of 15 years. Had the

    case gone to trial, Daley would

    have likely received a 30-year

    sentence. Daley must serve

    seven and a half years of his

    state prison sentence before he

    is eligible for parole.

    15 years in jail for

    teen accused in

    fatal attack on Prof

    Divyendu Sinha

    Julian Daley

  • 8/14/2019 30 Vol 6 Epaper


    6 November 16-22, 2013 TheSouthAsianTimes.infoTRISTATE COMMUNITY


    Sureshchandra Bahadkar passes awayS

    ureshchandra Bahad-

    kar was born on May

    28, 1940 in Mumbai,

    India and passed on Novem-

    ber 10, 2013 in Elmont, NY.

    Suresh was a pure and in-

    nocent soul and was happi-

    est when surrounded by

    family and friends. By

    trade, Suresh was an ex-

    porter/importer of fashion

    textile until he retired in 2001. He was

    passionate about fashion and the perform-

    ing arts. In fact, while in India, Suresh

    participated in numerous theatrical pro-

    ductions.Suresh lived an altruistic life. He re-

    ceived great joy and happiness by assisting

    not only his family, but also others in

    achieving great success. His concern for

    the welfare of others was a deep rooted

    part of what defined his char-


    Suresh was an active mem-

    ber of the Indian community.

    Specifically, he volunteered

    and assisted in the coordina-

    tion of various events for The

    Indian Association of Long

    Island, India Home, and Indi-

    an American Forum, Inc.

    Suresh was recently honored

    by India Home for his outstanding volun-

    teering efforts.

    Suresh is survived by his wife, Jaya Ba-

    hadkar, his two children: Rahul Bahadkar

    and Rakhi Bahadkar, his sister, PratimaChowdhari, and brother, Mohan Bahadkar.

    He was also a proud grandfather of Asha

    Bahadkar. A puja will be held at the Arya

    Samaj in Hicksville on Friday, November

    15, 2013 at 5:30pm.

    IAAC to honor Salman Rushdie, Mira Nair &

    Dr Manjula Bansal at 15th Gala

    The Indo-American Arts Council

    turns 15 this fall, and to celebrate the

    non-profit organizations numerouscontributions of Indian performing, visual

    and literary arts to New York Citys diverse

    cultural landscape, the IAAC is hosting a

    gala celebration at the Angel Orensanz

    Foundation for the Performing Arts on

    Thursday, November 21. The IAAC will

    honour three outstanding Indian-Ameri-

    cans, author Salman Rushdie, filmmaker

    Mira Nair and Dr. Manjula Bansal, for their

    commitment and contributions to the glob-

    al artistic community. Headlining the en-

    tertainment at the event is an Oscar-win-

    ning duo: singer/songwriter/composer Paul

    Williams (Oscar winner with Barbara

    Streisand for Evergreen) with

    pianist/composer Kenny Ascher, of Rain-

    bow Connection (from The Muppet

    Movie) fame. Additionally, Exclusively.In

    will present a runway show featuring thecreativity of iconic Delhi-based designer

    Manish Arora.

    The emcee for the evening will be come-

    dian Dan Nainan, and some of the celebri-

    ties presenting awards and walking the red

    carpet include: chef and author Madhur Jaf-

    frey, actor Sarita Choudhury (Homeland),

    writer and filmmaker Sabrina Dhawan, ac-

    tor Sakina Jaffrey (House of Cards), author,

    screenwriter, producer Tracey Jackson,

    tabla artist and musician Suphala, Consul

    General of India Dhyaneshwar Mulay, Am-

    bassador Vijay Nambiar, Ambassador Man-

    jeev Puri, actors Reshma Shetty (Royal

    Pains) and Deep Katadare, just to name a


    AIT to stream live telecast on internet

    It was the night where all roads led to

    Katra, the Moroccan-themed lounge

    and restaurant on the Lower East side in

    Manhattan. The glitterati, all dressed to

    please, heralded an event that had an enor-

    mous impact on the Indian entertainment

    industry not only in America, but all over

    the world. It was the dual launch of Awe-

    some Internet Television(AIT) and 3rdRock International.

    AIT is the brainchild of Ritesh Parikh and

    Nutan Kalamdani. Entertainment in all its

    forms is not at all new to both of the co-

    owners. They have dabbled in producing

    movies, television, event management, par-

    ty promotions and talent management and

    everything in between. Awesome Internet

    Television is a 24-hour TV channel freely

    available online that will telecast world-

    class entertainment while investing in lead-

    ing edge technologies and providing a plat-

    form for advertising and marketing oppor-

    tunities. AIT will be available on TV, lap-

    top, tablet or cellphone for free.

    AIT also boasts of an impressive Adviso-

    ry Board consisting of veteran media per-

    son John Perry, Shailesh Jhalani, Paul

    Singh, Jeetender Singh, and Sunil Shah.

    Finally, Aarnavv Shirsat of 3rd Rock En-tertainment and Director of India Opera-

    tions for AIT, spoke a few words and intro-

    duced his company with a small video pres-

    entation. 3rd Rock launched its US division

    in New York - 3rd Rock International

    which will collaborate with Awesome Tel-

    evision as its strategic partner on many up-

    coming projects in the near future.

    Awesome Internet Television will offi-

    cially launch on the Thanksgiving Day -

    Thursday, November 28th, 2013.

    Free concert Ragas and Rhythms


    haranams will present a free public

    concert - "Ragas and Rhythms"on

    Nov 16, 2 pm onwards, performingoriginal compositions of Nivedita Shivraj

    based on carnatic ragas and carnatic rhythm

    structures blended with different styles of

    world music. It will be held at Langston

    Hughes Community Library and Cultural

    Center, 100-01, Northern Boulevard, NY

    The concert features Nivedita ShivRaj onveena, Marcus Cummins on saxophone, Ja-

    son Goldstein on guitar, Samyuktha Shiv-

    Rajs vocals and Narendra Bhudhkar on


    AICI celebrates silver jubilee year

    Dr. Avtar Singh Tinna completes 22 marathons

    On Friday, November 8, Associa-

    tion of Indians in Construction In-

    dustry (AICI) had its annual Di-

    wali gala celebrating 25th year of its glo-

    rious service to New York Citys construc-

    tion industry. Started as a networking plat-

    form for Indian professionals, it has now

    blossomed into one of the largest gather-

    ing of its kind in New York City construc-

    tion industry.

    This year also, 400-plus professionals

    from all walks of construction industry

    gathered for this eagerly awaited black-tie

    affair at Grand Hyatt Regency in NYC

    where Indians have been consistently out-numbered by main stream Americans for

    past 15 yrs. It was not only an evening of

    cocktail, dinner and entertainment but also

    an occasion to recognize outstanding pro-

    fessionals, dispense scholarship and honor

    one of organizations founding members

    like Mr. Siraj Bora.

    The support and patronage that AICI and

    its members have received from the Con-

    struction Industry over the years signifies

    the bond that has been forged between the

    Industry and Indian professionals. High-

    lighting it, the evenings Chief Guest, Mr

    Karl Anoushian, Senior V.P. of Structure

    Tone, (the biggest Construction Compa-

    ny in NYC), paid tribute to Indian profes-

    sionals talent, skills and professionalism,

    and lauded their contributions. Mr Vipul

    Bhatt, the current President, in his speech

    expressed gratitude to the Industry on

    AICIs Silver Jubilee year and attributed

    all its success to the teamwork of its mem-


    Mr Mahesh Hemrajani, the out-going

    Chairman welcomed the new Executive

    Committee and expressed hope that it will

    take the organization to new level of suc-

    cess with innovative ideas.

    On November 3, Dr. Avtar Singh Tin-

    na ran his 22nd marathon. Since

    1991, Dr. Tinna has been a regular in

    the 26.2-mile New York City Marathon

    running with his club Sikhs In America.

    Donning their signature t-shirts labeled

    Proud to be a Sikh the teammates run with

    their saffron (kesri) turbans, attracting an

    enormous crowd of spectators as they trek

    through the citys five boroughs. This year,

    in fact, a staggering 2 million spectators

    watched the event along on the citys streets

    and more than 315 million via international

    live broadcast. A new addition this year to

    Dr. Tinnas loud pageantry was the fact that

    he ran the entire race while carrying a Nis-

    han Sahib, the sacred flag of the Sikhs. Heran this year alongside his two friends (and

    strong patrons of the community) Mr. Sat-

    nam Singh Parhar and Dr. Ashok K. Dogra.

    Dr. Tinna, a dentist by profession, main-

    tains a practice in Queens, New York City.

    He was born in Punjab, India in the village

    of Seh Jhangi, Jalandhar. Having studied at

    DAV College in Jalandhar and graduatingfrom Punjab Government Dental College

    and Hospital in Amritsar, Dr. Tinna moved to

    New York in 1980. He lives there today with

    his wife and four children.

    Dr.Avtar Singh Tinna at NYCMarathon 2013

    Vipul Bhatt, Karl Anoushian,

    Mahesh Hemrajani

    The Mayapuris performing sacred bhajan at the Diwali at Chapel event inPrinceton University campus

  • 8/14/2019 30 Vol 6 Epaper


    7November 16-22, 2013TheSouthAsianTimes.info NATIONAL COMMUNITY

    New York: A mysterious India-

    born investor is said to be among

    the big winners from Twitter's ini-

    tial public offering as its stockzoomed to $31.7 billion after its

    first day on the stock market,

    according to media reports.

    Suhail R. Rizvi, 47, runs a pri-

    vate investment company that is

    the largest outside investor in

    Twitter, with a 15.6 percent stake

    worth $3.8 billion at the end of

    trading Thursday, the New York

    Times reported.

    "Using a web of connections in

    the tech industry and in finance,

    as well as a hearty dose of good

    timing, he brought many promi-

    nent names in at the ground floor,

    including the Saudi prince and

    some of JPMorgan's wealthiestclients," the influential daily said.

    "Rizvi's rise illustrates how a

    new tech investor class with deep

    Wall Street connections is carving

    new paths into the unfamiliar and

    insular terrain of Silicon Valley,"

    it said. "His money and connec-

    tions have also led to slices of

    several other hot start-ups:

    Flipboard, the social news app;Pinterest, an online pinboard;

    Square, Jack Dorsey's payments

    service; and Twitter, Dorsey's

    other company," the Times said.

    Rizvi was born in India and

    raised in Iowa Falls, Iowa, and

    although he is known as a quiet

    man, he has built a powerful and

    diverse group of friends from his

    perch in Greenwich, Connecticut,

    according to the Times.

    Those in his circle include

    Richard Branson, founder of the

    Virgin Group, and Salar

    Kamangar, chief executive of

    YouTube. And Rizvi has been

    seen partying atop Eric Schmidt'syacht, the Oasis, at Cannes, it


    According to a Forbes profile,

    Rizvi has served as a member of

    the US business magazine's Board

    of Directors since April 2003.

    Washington, DC: Braving subzero temperatures,

    scores of Indian-Americans, some even driving a

    few hundred miles, gathered on the banks of the his-

    toric Potomac river in the suburb of the US capital

    over the weekend to celebrate the ancient Hindu fes-

    tival of Chhath.Into its fifth year, the celebration of Chhath, which

    was initially started by a software engineer from

    Patna, the annual Hindu festival dedicated to wor-

    shipping the sun has now started attracting large

    numbers of the Indian American community and also

    from the small Nepali American community.

    "It has been an overwhelming response and the

    number of people coming to watch us performing

    Chhath Puja has been increasing every passing year,"

    said Kripa Shankar Singh, who has been single-

    handedly organizing the annual event for the past

    few years.

    A few of the Indian Americans, he said, drove from

    as far as Atlanta in Georgia, adding that there is

    demand from the community members to make it a

    larger event from next year.

    Singh's wife Anita Singh was joined by Manisha

    Singh, a Nepali-American, in performing the puja onthe bank of the Potomac river on Friday evening and

    early Saturday morning when the weather was below

    freezing. Still several of the devotees were seen

    entering the chilly waters of the Potomac river to

    perform the Chhath Puja in tradit ional style with

    their early morning offerings to the Sun God.

    A huge tent was erected by Singh on the banks

    with bonfire and electric heaters being run through

    portable generators to keep the scores of visitors

    warm on the chilly morning.

    It all started some six years ago, when Anita was

    asked by her mother-in-law in Bihar to do Chhath

    Puja come what may as this is something they could

    not afford to miss.

    Singh and some of his friends once went for a pic-

    nic on the banks of the Potomac River in Loudon

    County, a suburb of Washington DC.

    The concrete boat ramp there, Singh said, gave him

    the idea that the place was good for performing

    Chhath Pooja in the real way with all the traditionaland religious rituals.

    Soon he approached the Loudon County Parks and

    Recreation Department with the details and sought

    permission to do the Chhath Puja on the river banks.

    "Permission was granted," he said, adding that the

    Loudon county is enthusiastic about supporting the

    Indian-Americans in organizing this rare festival out-

    side India.

    Chhath Puja celebrated in US

    Seven Indian-origin managementgurus among Thinkers50

    Washington, DC: Seven Indian-ori-

    gin academics figure among

    Thinkers50, described as the Oscars

    of management thinking published

    every two years with Indian-born

    thinker Vijay Govindarajan, known

    as VG, ranked fifth.Pankaj Ghemawat (11), Nirmalya

    Kumar (20), Nitin Nohria (21),

    Subir Chowdhury (40), Anil K.

    Gupta (44) and Rakesh Khurana

    (46) are the six other Indian-origin

    management gurus figuring in the

    rankings announced Monday in


    "Management thinking is no

    longer the preserve of the West,"

    said Thinkers50 co-founder Stuart

    Crainer. "The last few rankings have

    seen an Asian invasion with the

    arrival of the Indian thinkers."

    Govindarajan, Earl C. Daum 1924

    professor of international business

    at the Tuck School of Business atDartmouth College in New

    Hampshire, is described as "one of

    the world's leading experts on strate-

    gy and innovation".

    With co-author Chris Trimble, he

    coined the phrase "Reverse

    Innovation" to describe products

    and services designed for emerging

    markets and then imported into

    western economies.

    Govindarajan is also responsible

    for posing the question that sparked

    a global challenge to build a $300

    house, which earned him the

    Thinkers50 CK Prahalad

    Breakthrough Idea Award in 2011.

    In 2013, he was shortlisted for the

    Thinkers50 Innovation Award.No mi na ted fo r the 20 13

    Thinkers50 Global Solutions Award

    for his Global Connectedness Index,

    Ghemawat (11) is based at New

    York's Stern school and IESE

    Business School in Spain. Prior to

    that he was the youngest full profes-

    sor at Harvard Business School. His

    2011 book "World 3.0" won the

    Thinkers50 Book Award.

    Ni rm alya Ku ma r (2 0) is the

    recently appointed director of strate-

    gy at Tata Group. He was previously

    profe ssor of marketing at London

    Business School and is the author ofPrivate Label Strategy and India

    Inside, among others.

    "Prolific and insightful" Nitin

    Nohria (21), is the dean of Harvard

    Business School. His books include

    "Driven: How Human Nature

    Shapes our Choices" (2001); "The

    Arc of Ambition" (with Jim

    Champy, 2000.

    Subir Chowdhury (40) is chair-

    man and CEO of ASI Consulting

    Group. Tagged "The Quality

    Prophet" by Business Week,

    Chowdhury is author of "The Power

    of Six Sigma: An Inspiring Tale of

    How Six Sigma is Transforming the

    Way We Work" (2001), and, mostrecently, of "The Power of LEO:

    The Revolutionary Process for

    Achieving Extraordinary Business

    Results" (2011).

    Anil K. Gupta (44) is the Michael

    D. Dingman Chair in Strategy and

    Entrepreneurship at the Smith

    School of Business, the University

    of Maryland and a visiting professor

    at INSEAD.

    He is also chief advisor to the

    China India Institute, a Washington

    D.C.-based research and consulting

    firm. Rakesh Khurana (46), the

    Marvin Bower professor of leader-

    ship development at Harvard

    Business School, Khurana is proba-

    bly best known for "Searching for aCorporate Savior: The Irrational

    Quest for Charismatic CEOs"

    (2002) and his 2007 book "From

    Higher Aims to Hired Hands: The

    Social Transformation of American

    Business Schools and the

    "Unfulfilled Promise of

    Management as a Profession".

    Prof VijayGovindarajanranked fifth onthe list

    Washington: A popular bas-

    ketball team has launched

    Hindi version of its website as

    part of its effort to reach out to

    the large Hindi-speaking audi-

    ence in India and in turn popu-

    larize the game in the country.

    The Hindi-edition of the

    website for Sacramento Kings

    has been launched a few

    months after Indian American

    Vivek Ranadive acquired

    majority ownership in the


    Ranadive said this this is

    part of his goal to make the

    Kings and NBA basketball a

    major attraction in India and

    in other Asian countries. "Akey facet of our ownership

    group's vision is for the Kings

    to become India's home team,"

    Kings president Chris Granger


    Mysterious India-born investorearns big from Twitter: reports

    SacramentoKings launch

    website in Hindi

  • 8/14/2019 30 Vol 6 Epaper


    8 November 16-22, 2013 TheSouthAsianTimes.infoUS AFFAIRS

    New York: Twice as many

    Americans will be eligible

    for cholesterol-lowering

    drugs, based on controver-

    sial new heart guidelines

    from two of the USA's lead-

    ing cardiovascular associa-


    The number of adults con-

    sidered likely to benefit

    from statins will rise from

    about 15.5% today to 31%,

    according to the new crite-

    ria, developed by theAmerican College of

    Cardiology and the

    American Heart Association,

    in collaboration with the

    Nat iona l Hea rt, Lung and

    Blood Institute. While

    statins have been widely

    prescribed to reduce the risk

    of heart attacks, the new

    guidelines recommend that

    they also be considered for

    people at high risk of stroke.

    The guidelines also call

    for doctors to work closely

    with patients to improve

    their diets and increase exer-

    cise. Rita Redberg, a profes-

    sor at the University ofCalifornia-San Francisco,

    says she is concerned about

    exposing more patients to

    statins' side effects, which

    include an increased risk of

    diabetes, as well as muscle


    The average patient is

    likely to notice two major

    changes in the way that doc-

    tors manage their choles-

    terol, experts say.

    For years, doctors often

    prescribed statins based on

    patients' cholesterol levels,

    especially their LDL, known

    as "bad" cholesterol. The

    new guidelines advise doc-tors to base their decisions

    on a patient's overall risk,

    rather than just their


    New heart guidelines could putmore Americans on statins

    Washington: Planting a paltry number on a

    national disappointment, the Obama adminis-

    tration revealed Wednesday that just 26,794

    people enrolled for health insurance during

    the first, flawed month of operations for the

    federal Obamacare website.

    Adding in enrollment of more than 79,000

    in the 14 states with their own websites, the

    nationwide number of 106,000 October sign-

    ups was barely one-fifth of what officials had

    projected and a small fraction of the mil-

    lions who have received widely publicized

    private coverage cancellations as a result of

    the federal law.

    The White House raced to reassure anxious

    Democrats who are worried about the contro-

    versial program, which they voted into exis-

    tence three years ago and which seems sure to

    be a major issue in next years election cam-

    paigns. The administration, trying to regain

    the initiative, for the first time indicated a

    willingness to consider legislation to stave off

    the wave of cancellations thats compounding

    the website technology problems.

    Some Democrats are seeking changes inObamas signature program, and key

    Republicans, many pressing for repeal, said

    that even Wednesdays feeble sign-up figures

    appeared to be pumped up. Administration

    officials and senior congressional Democrats

    expressed confidence in the programs future.

    We expect enrollment will grow substantial-

    ly throughout the next five months, said

    Health and Human Services Secretary

    Kathleen Sebelius.

    Even with the issues we've had, the mar-

    ketplace is working and people are enrolling,

    Sebelius said.

    The administration said an additional 1 mil-

    lion individuals have been found eligible to

    buy coverage on the markets, with about one-

    third qualifying for tax credits to reduce their

    premiums. Another 396,000 have been found

    eligible for Medicaid, the safety-net program

    that is shaping up as the health care laws

    early success story.

    For many Democrats, concerns over the cas-

    cade of website problems has been com-

    pounded by the focus on Obamas misleadingpromise that Americans who liked their health

    insurance plans could keep them under the

    overhaul. But millions of people are receiving

    cancellation notices. They have plans that for

    various reasons dont qualify for the laws

    grandfather clause protection against can-

    cellations. Obama has said hes sorry that peo-

    ple are losing their coverage and has vowed to

    find ways to address holes and gaps in the

    law. Advisers originally said the White House

    was considering administrative fixes, not leg-

    islative options.

    Obamacare sign-ups fall far short of goal

    Washington: Congressional budget negotia-

    tors tasked with avoiding another govern-

    ment shutdown met in public for a secondtime Wednesday but reported little progress

    toward an agreement.

    Were trying to find common ground, but

    were not there yet, House Budget

    Committee Chairman Paul Ryan (R) said as

    he opened the meeting. The hard part is fig-

    uring out where we agree.

    Senate Budget Committee Chairman Patty

    Murray, the lead Democratic negotiator,

    expressed more optimism, saying she and

    Ryan have had a number of private discus-

    sions about the parameters of a potential


    Im very encouraged, Murray said,

    adding: Im hopeful we will get to a biparti-

    san compromise very soon.

    At the very least, both sides hope to agreeon a plan to replace sharp automatic cuts to

    agency spending known as the sequester

    with more considered reductions to other

    parts of the federal budget. That would per-

    mit Congress to set a funding level for feder-

    al agencies in the fiscal year that began Oct.

    1 and keep the government open past a Jan.

    15 deadline.

    But the parties disagree about how to

    replace the sequester, which is set to reduce

    agency budgets by about $109 billion a year

    through 2021. Soaring health spending is an

    obvious target, but Democrats say they will

    take steps to reduce federal health benefits

    only if Republicans agree to close a few of

    the hundreds of loopholes that litter the tax

    code, reducing federal revenue by more than

    $1 trillion a year.Senior Republicans say they would rather

    live with the sequester despite an addi-

    tional $20 billion cut scheduled to hit the

    Pentagon in January than agree to replace

    existing spending cuts with potential tax

    increases. Tax loopholes should be eliminat-

    ed, they say, but the savings should be

    returned to taxpayers in the form of lower

    rates as part of a comprehensive overhaul of

    the federal tax code, not used to increase

    government spending.

    These days, annual deficits are shrinking,

    and the debt is growing much more slowly.

    Lawmakers in both parties have grown

    weary of the partisan confrontations thathave rattled consumer confidence and weak-

    ened an economy struggling to fully recover

    from the 2007 recession most recently by

    shutting down the government for 16 days.

    Though both sides say they are powerfully

    motivated to cut a deal and avoid another

    showdown, evidence of compromise was

    scarce Wednesday. One panelist, Sen.

    Charles E. Grassley (R-Iowa), even ques-

    tioned the need to replace the sequester,

    arguing that sequestration is working to

    ease Americas indebtedness.

    Republicans in the House who worry about

    scheduled cuts to the Defense Department

    are shortsighted, Grassley said, adding:

    The economic strength of our nation is a

    necessary precondition of our military

    strength.Panelists from both parties who serve on

    the House Appropriations Committee plead-

    ed with their colleagues to set aside their dif-

    ferences and settle on a spending level for

    fiscal 2014 that would get rid of at least a

    portion of the seques ter and let them pass

    appropriations bills for most agencies.

    Democrats and Republicans are only

    about $90 billion apart. Thats not that big a

    deal in a budget of $3.5 trillion, said Rep.

    Tom Cole (R-Okla).

    Few signs of progress on a budgetdeal to avoid another shutdown

    The model Adriana has asked for herface to be removed from the home pageof the much-maligned Obamacare web-

    site after she was cyber bullied.

    House Budget Committee ChairmanRep. Paul Ryan (R) speaks with Senate

    Budget Committee Chair Sen. PattyMurray ( D) on Capitol Hill at the startof a Congressional Budget Conference.

  • 8/14/2019 30 Vol 6 Epaper


    9November 16-22, 2013TheSouthAsianTimes.info INDIA

    Over 2,900 candidates filenominations in Rajasthan

    Jaipur: Over 2,900 candidates

    filed nominations seeking peo-

    ple's mandate in the Rajasthan

    state assembly elections, sched-

    uled to take place Dec 1, offi-

    cials said.

    "A total of over 2,900 candi-

    dates have filed over 3,900 nom-inations for 200 assembly seats

    since Nov 5 as per the informa-

    tion available till 8 p.m. from

    across the state Tuesday," the

    officer added.

    He said maximum number of

    nominations were filed Nov 9

    and Nov 11. As per the Hindu

    calendar, aspirants considered

    the two dates auspicious for fil-

    ing nominations.

    State Chief Minister Ashok

    Gehlot and Pradesh Congress

    Committee president

    Chandrabhan were among the

    861 candidates who filed their

    nomination papers Monday.Former chief minister of

    Rajasthan and state Bharatiya

    Janata Party (BJP) president

    Vasundhara Raje also filed her

    nomination from Jhalawar dis-

    trict's Jhalrapatan constituency


    Accompanied by a crowd of

    supporters, Raje, while filing the

    nomination, vowed to change the

    "pathetic" present state of

    Rajasthan if BJP came to power.Scrutiny of papers will take

    place Nov 13 and candidates can

    withdraw nomination by Nov 16.

    "The fight is mainly between

    the Congress and the BJP, how-

    ever NPP may hurt the prospects

    of both the political parties in at

    least 20-30 constituencies," said

    Vijay Sharma, a keen political

    watcher. Sharma said besides

    NPP, rebel factor may also hurt

    both the main political parties.

    "Rebel factor may hurt both

    the parties, but it might hurt BJP

    more as at least in 50-60 odd

    constituencies the party is facing

    prob lems ," he said adding theparty has already started to hold

    talks with these disgruntled lead-

    ers and picture would be clear

    after the withdrawals.

    2 million defy Maoists, vote in ChhattisgarhRaipur: More than two million

    voters - or 67 percent of the elec-

    torate - defied Maoists to vote in

    the first phase of Chhattisgarh's

    assembly elections that marked

    the start of the biggest popularity

    contest ahead of the Lok Sabha

    polls . Spora dic vio len ce lef t a

    trooper dead.

    All through the day, men and

    women from the predominantly

    tribal belt of the sprawling Bastar

    region and Rajnandgaon district

    queued up to vote in an election in

    which the Congress is determined

    to end 10 years of reign by the

    Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP).

    After Maoists called for a boy-

    cott of the exercise, ballotting

    began on a dull note -- at 7 a.m. in

    all 12 constituencies of Bastar and

    one in Rajnandgaon and an hour

    later in the remaining five seats in

    Rajnandgaon.Polling rapidly picked up as the

    day progressed. About 30-35 per-

    cent had voted by afternoon. By

    the time curtains came down, 67

    percent of the 2.9 million voters

    involved in Monday's voting had

    exercised their franchise.

    A total of 143 candidates were

    in the fray in the 18 constituen-


    "The poll process was marked

    by vi si bl e en th us ia sm. It was

    largely peaceful. There were spo-

    radic incidents of firing," Deputy

    Election Commissioner R.

    Balakrishnan said in New Delhi.

    Central Reserve Police Force(CRPF) trooper V.C. Joseph, from

    the 186th battalion, was killed in a

    gun battle with Maoists at


    A Border Security Force (BSF)

    trooper was injured in a bombblas t in Kanker dist rict while a

    bomb weighing some 10 kg was

    recovered in Bijapur, police said.

    To scare away voters, Maoists

    triggered multiple blasts in polling

    booths located in forested areas in

    Konta, Dantewada, Bijapur,

    Kanker, Antagarh, Bhanupratapur

    and Narayanpur areas.

    Balloting for the 90-member

    assembly in Chhattisgarh are

    being held in two phases Nov 11

    and 19.

    The sprawling region where vot-

    ing took place includes Bastar,

    which with around 40,000 sq km

    is bigger than the size of Kerala.Bastar accounts for 12 assembly

    constituencies and Rajnandgaon

    six. Together, this mineral rich

    area -- with dense forests and

    Maoist hideouts -- is infamously

    known as the red zone.There was tight security at all

    4,142 polling booths. Among

    these, 1,311 were declared "hyper-

    sensitive" and 1,517 "sensitive" --

    official euphemism to mean they

    were prone to violence.

    Director General of Police

    Ramnivas said 15 Improvised

    Explosive Devices or IEDs were

    recovered from different parts of


    Chief Minister Raman Singh

    said the high percentage of voting

    revealed "enthusiasm" among vot-

    ers which he added was a "good

    sign for the BJP".

    The `None of The Above'(NOTA) option, widely called the

    Right to Reject, made its debut in

    India in the polls.

    The `None of The Above' (NOTA) option, widely called the Right toReject, made its debut in India in the elections

    AAP's foreign funding beingprobed: Shinde

    New Delhi: The government is

    probing the source of foreign fund-

    ing to the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP),

    Home Minister Sushilkumar Shindesaid. The AAP hit back, demanding

    a probe into the funding of the BJP

    and the Congress too.

    "We have got complaints about

    foreign funding to AAP and are

    probing the matter. Investigations

    take time, and we are looking for the

    source behind the funding," Shinde

    said. The Bharatiya Janata Party

    (BJP) also said that foreign funding,

    if any, needed to be probed.

    "Foreign funding of a political party

    is not allowed, it should be probed,"

    BJP's Ravishankar Prasad said.

    AAP founder leader Arvind

    Kejriwal said he was ready for any

    investigation but a similar yardstickshould also be applied to the BJP

    and Congress.

    "They can probe us but they

    should also investigate the funding

    of the BJP and Congress. The home

    minister should reveal the source of

    the Congress party's funding too,"said Kejriwal. "We don't have for-

    eign funding, we have NRI donors.

    We have put up details of all donors

    and audit report on our web site."

    AAP leader Kumar Vishwas chal-

    lenged the government to prove

    them guilty.

    "There's no point in making alle-

    gations against us. I challenge both

    the Congress and the BJP to prove

    us guilty. We receive all our funds in

    a transparent manner," he said.

    "Both the parties are sacred of us,"

    he added. A statement from the

    party later quoted the Association of

    Democratic Reforms (ADR) as say-

    ing that two-thirds of funding forpo li ti ca l pa rt ie s li ke the BJ P,

    Congress and Bahujan Samaj Party

    is from unknown sources.

    AAP founder leader Arvind Kejriwal said similar yardstick shouldalso be applied to the BJP and Congress.

    BJP, Congress in close fight in Delhi: SurveyNew Delhi: The BJP may get 25

    seats, the Congress 24 and the

    Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) 18 in

    the Delhi assembly polls, says a

    Times Now-CVoters survey.

    AAP leader Arvind Kejriwal is

    the most popular figure for chief

    minister's post with 34 percent

    pe op le ch oo si ng hi m ag ai ns t

    incumbent Sheila Dikshit (31

    percent ) and Bha ratiy a Janat a

    Party's (BJP) Harsh Vardhan (24


    For Rajasthan, the survey says

    the BJP will gain seven percent

    vote share and get 112 seats. The

    Congress' tally is likely to come

    down to 65.

    Vasundhara Raje emerges pop-

    ular with 58 percent voters

    choosing her compared to 24 per-

    cent opting for present Chief

    Minister Ashok Gehlot.

    In both Chhattisgarh and

    Madhya Pradesh, the Congress isseeing an upswing, but not

    enough to emerge the winner at

    the polls.

    In Chhattisgarh, the survey

    says, the Congress may gain

    three seats in the tribal belt.

    While the BJP has been fore-

    cast to come down to 40 seatsfrom the present 50, it will still

    hold majority in the state assem-

    bly. In Madhya Pradesh, accord-

    ing to the survey, the BJP will get

    126 seats, down from the present

    143, and the Congress will get

    88, up from 71.

    A total of 58 percent voterschose Shivraj Singh Chouhan as

    the chief minister compared to 23

    pe rc en t wh o op te d fo r

    Jyotiraditya Scindia.

    AAP leader Arvind Kejriwal is the most popular figurefor chief minister's post

  • 8/14/2019 30 Vol 6 Epaper


    10 November 16-22, 2013 TheSouthAsianTimes.infoINDIA

    New Delhi: Acting on a complaint

    by the Congress , the Elec ti on

    Commission issued notice to BJP'spr ime mi ni st er ia l cand idate

    Narendra Modi over his "kho oni

    panja" (bloodied paw) remark at a

    rally in Chhattisgarh, a reference to

    the Congress election symbol. The

    remark was made last week at an

    election rally at Dongargarh.

    Modi has also used the term "jalim

    haath" (cruel hand) to describe the

    Congress symbol. The Election

    Commission asked Modi to explain

    by 5 p.m. of Nov 16 why act ion

    should not be initiated against him

    for alleged violation of the model

    code of conduct

    The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP),

    however, maintained there was no

    violation of the election code of con-

    duct."The Election Commissionnotice has reached us. We will go

    through the details and respond,"

    BJP spokesperson Nirmala

    Sitharaman said. She said she

    wished to clarify that there was "no

    violation of the code of conduct in

    his (Modi's) statement". The

    Congress complained to the Election

    Commission that Modi's comment

    was "intemperate, malicious and

    defamatory"."The use of the expres-

    sion 'khooni panja' is extremely sig-

    nificant and deplorable and has an

    effect of terrorising the public at

    large against the Congress," the

    Congress said in its petition.

    EC notice to Modi over 'khoonipanja' remark New Delhi: Congress vice presi-dent Rahul Gandhi faced the dis-

    pl ea su re of th e El ec ti on

    Commission over the "tone, tenor

    and content" of portions of his

    two election speeches and wasasked to be more circumspect in

    his public utterances in the future.

    The commission in its order

    took exception to portions of

    Gandhi's speeches last month at

    Churu in Rajasthan and Indore in

    Madhya Pradesh. The panel said it

    was not satisfied with the expla-

    nation given in Gandhi's reply.

    "Having regard to the totality of

    facts and circumstances of the

    case and submissions and con-

    tentions made by you (Rahul

    Gandhi) in your reply under refer-

    ence, the commission conveys its

    displeasure and advises you to be

    more circumspect in your public

    utterances during election cam-

    paigns ," the commiss ion said in

    its order.

    "While the commission

    acknowledges the underlying

    intention and spirit of your

    impugned speeches to foster and

    promote communal harmony, it

    takes exception to the tone, tenor

    and content of the impugned por-

    tions of your speeches (extracted

    in the commission's notice) which

    are part of your said speeches,"

    the commission said.

    "The commission considers that

    the aforesaid portions of your

    speeches were not in consonance

    with the letter and spirit of the

    Model Code of Conduct which

    prohibits any speeches or state-

    ments which may tend to aggra-

    vate differences between different

    religious communities and which

    also prohibits criticism of other

    poli tica l part ies on the basi s of

    unverified allegations," the poll

    panel said in its five-page order.

    Gandhi was served notice by the

    poll panel on Oct 31 for violating

    the model code of conduct over

    his remarks made in Churu Oct 23

    and in Indore Oct 24 in which he

    had charged the Bharatiya Janata

    Party (BJP) with instigating riots.

    He also said Pakistan's Inter-

    Services Intelligence (ISI) was

    trying to be in touch with riot vic-

    tims in Muzaffarnagar.

    The BJP had complained to the

    poll panel over Gandhi's speeches.

    The panel said it had carefully

    considered Gandhi's reply Nov 8

    and duly analysed his submis-

    sions. Gandhi had denied violat-

    ing the model code of conduct and

    had sought to justify his remarks

    during election speeches, saying

    he had only criticized the policies

    and programs of BJP.

    EC unhappy with tone of Rahul's speeches

    Rahul Gandhi has been served notice by the poll panel for violat-

    ing the model code of conduct

    Washington: Describing Bharatiya Janata Party's

    prime ministerial candidate Narendra Modi as the

    "poster child for India's failure to punish the violent",

    two US officials have wondered which India would

    prevail in 2014 elections.

    There are "two faces of India" suggested Katrina

    Lantos Swett, Vice Chairwoman of the US

    Commission on International Religious Freedom

    (USCIRF), an independent commission created by

    an act of US Congress, and Mary Ann Glendon a

    USCIRF Commissioner in an OpEd published in the

    CNN website.

    The annual commemoration of end-of-year holydays from Diwali to the Islamic New Year to

    Christians "are a testament to India's remarkable reli-

    gious diversity, they wrote. "Yet on the ground, in a

    number of key areas across the country, there exists a

    second, markedly less benign India."

    "Indeed, the governments and societies of several

    Indian states display unmistakable hostility to free-

    dom of conscience and religion, especially for reli-

    gious minorities," Swett and Glendon wrote noting

    "Over the past decade, hostility has often devolved

    into violence."

    "At least two factors have fueled the bloodshed -

    anti-conversion laws and a failure to bring perpetra-

    tors to justice," the officials wrote.

    "But the poster child for India's failure to punish

    the violent remains Narendra Modi, who is Gujarat's

    chief minister - a post he held during the 2002 riots,"

    they wrote noting in 2005 the US State Department

    had revoked Modi's visa at USCIRF's recommenda-


    The officials acknowledged that in April 2012, the

    Indian Supreme court's Special Investigative Team

    had failed to prove guilt against Modi and others in a

    case involving the deaths of nearly 70 people.

    "But he remains implicated in other Gujarat-asso-

    ciated cases that have yet to be investigated or adju-

    dicated. That is why, more recently, 65 members of

    India's parliament wrote to President Barack Obama,

    requesting that he not issue Modi a visa," they said.

    "Sadly, despite all this, Gujarat's most controver-

    sial resident is the main opposition Bharatiya Janata

    Party candidate in India's 2014 prime ministerial

    election," the two officials wrote.

    Noting " It was another son of Gujarat, Mahatma

    Gandhi, who once offered a broad, tolerant vision for

    the country and its multi-religious society," they

    wondered, "So, as 2014 draws nigh, whose vision

    will be embraced?"

    "Which India will prevail - that of religious free-

    dom or religious intolerance? Time will tell," the

    officials wrote.

    Modi or Mahatma, who would prevail in 2014?

    Which India will prevail - that of religiousfreedom or religious intolerance?

    Narendra Modi has also used the term"jalim haath" (cruel hand) to describe the Congress symbol

    New Delhi: In an

    apparent suggestion to

    Na rendra Modi and

    Rahul Gandhi following

    their speech controver-

    sy, Home Minister

    Sushilkumar Shinde

    said remarks on sensi-

    tive issues should bemade with caution.

    Speaking to reporters

    here, Shinde said one

    should not make anti-law

    remarks. "One has to make such

    statements carefully. One should not

    say those things which do not fall

    under the ambit of law," Shinde said

    in response to a question about con-

    troversial remarks made by Modi

    and Gandhi.

    Both Gandhi and Modi landed in

    controversy over their election rally


    Gandhi was served a notice by the

    Election Commission on a Bharatiya

    Janata Party (BJP) complaint over

    his rallies in Rajasthan and Madhya

    Pradesh. Gandhi replied to the notice

    last week.

    The BJP had told the poll panel

    that Gandhi violated the model code

    by accusing it of instigating commu-

    nal riots. Gandhi also said Pakistan's

    Inter Services Intelligence (ISI) was

    trying to reach out to Muslims

    affected by September's

    Muzaffarnagar riots.

    The Congress also moved the

    commission last week demanding

    stern action against Modi over his

    "khooni panja" (bloody hand) barb

    at a rally in poll-bound Chhattisgarh.

    Shinde did not answer a specific

    query about Gandhi's remarks about

    ISI trying to get in touch with someMuzaffarnagar riot victims.

    "I have said on a number of occa-

    sions that I have nothing to say on

    this," he said.

    Shinde for caution afterRahul, Modi speech row

    Home Minister Sushilkumar Shinde

  • 8/14/2019 30 Vol 6 Epaper


    New Delhi:The number of internetusers in India is expected to rise

    18.53% in the coming eight months

    to reach 24.3 crore by June 2014, on

    the back of higher adoption of

    mobiles as a means to access the

    internet, a report said.

    India is also expected to overtake

    the US as the second largest internet

    base in the world by the same time.

    "The report estimates that by June

    2014, India will have 243 million

    internet users, at which point of

    time, it is expected to overtake the

    US as the second largest internet

    base in the world," the I-Cube 2013

    report, released by the Internet and

    Mobile Association of India

    (IAMAI) and IMRB International


    At present, China leads with more

    than 300 million internet users

    while the US has an estimated 207

    million internet users.The report said the number of

    internet users in India has reached

    20.5 crore as of October this year,

    registering a year-on-year growth of

    40% over last year and by

    December 2013, it is expected to

    reach 21.3 crore.

    "The internet in India took more

    than a decade to move from 10 mil-

    lion to 100 million and only 3 years

    from 100 to 200 million. From here

    on, we can hope to develop a robust

    internet ecosystem with a multitude

    of local and global players and a

    thriving Internet economy," said

    IAMAI chairman Rajan Anandan.

    The report said internet access

    from mobile devices will see huge

    growth in the coming years.

    "Mobile internet is going to be the

    next game changer for internet in

    India." it added.

    India to beat US in number of Internet usersMars Orbiter raisedto over 1 lakh km

    Chennai: India's Mars Orbiter was

    successfully raised to over 100,000

    km apogee (farthest point from

    earth) this week, the space agency


    In a statement issued, the Indian

    Space Research Organisation

    (ISRO) said: "Fourth supplemen-

    tary orbit raising maneuverer of

    Mars Orbiter Spacecraft, starting at

    05:03:50 hrs (IST) Nov 12, 2013,

    with a burn Time of 303.8 seconds

    has been successfully completed.

    The observed change in apogee is

    from 78,276 km to 118,642 km."

    The velocity added to the Mars

    Orbiter was 124.9 metres per sec-


    The activity was additional one

    against ISRO's plans of having only

    six manoeuvres since a hitch was

    faced during the orbit raising activi-

    ty Monday morning.

    The Mars Orbiter was not able to

    be rai sed to

    the required

    l e v e l

    M o n d a y

    morning as

    the fuel to

    the motorss t o p p e d

    when the

    systems were


    11November 16-22, 2013TheSouthAsianTimes.info INDIA

    India is also expected to overtake the US as the second largestinternet base in the world by the same time.

    Tendulkar walks out to bat in his final Test

    New Delhi: Former Prime

    Minister Rajiv Gandhi wanted

    commission paid by defense sup-

    pliers to be used exclusively for

    the purpose of meeting expenses

    of running the Congress, a former

    CBI director has claimed in his


    "Such a step would largely pre-vent the collusive nexus between

    the middlemen, ministers, bureau-

    crats and that such a step could

    enable the government to do away

    with the quid pro quo relationship

    with some unscrupulous business-

    men and equally unscrupulous

    po li ti ci an s an d bu re aucr at s, "

    writes Dr A P Mukherjee who was

    the CBI director in 1989-90.

    Mukherjee said Gandhi

    explained his position in a meet-

    ing on June 19, 1989, during a

    meeting between the two at the

    Prime Minister's residence. In

    1987, Gandhi got embroiled in the

    Bofors scandal, in which people

    close to him where accused oftaking kickbacks from the

    Swedish artillery gun manufactur-

    er for an Indian Army contract

    signed in 1986.

    Mukherjee says Gandhi came to

    know towards the end of 1984

    that some "senior officers of the

    armed forces had been surrepti-

    tiously collecting huge amounts

    of money as 'commissions' in

    respect of most of the defencepurchases, quite of ten in con-

    nivance with some ministers, mid-

    dlemen and civilian officers as


    New Delhi: British Prime

    Minister David Cameron is open to

    meeting Gujarat chief minister

    Narendra Modi and said he will do

    so in time while his government

    goes ahead with steps to engage

    with him and his government.

    "We have started a proper

    engagement with Gujarat and with

    the first (Chief) minister there. Our

    foreign office minister has met

    with him... The connection is there,

    the engagement is there. I think the

    engagement should continue," he

    said at an interaction with Indian

    businessmen here on Thursday.Cameron, on a short visit to India

    ahead of the CHOGM meeting in

    Colombo, also met Prime Minister

    Manmohan Singh and held consul-

    tations with him on improving

    bilateral and trade ties between the

    two nations.

    Asked if he would like to meet

    Modi in the near future, Cameron

    said, "In time, yes. It's good to

    meet. We have an approach of

    meeting all politicians and leaders.

    In the end, it will be for the people

    of India whom to elect. But I'm

    open to meeting elected leaders."

    Mumbai: Sachin Tendulkar

    kept his emotions in check

    and showed his genius for

    one last time in front of ador-

    ing fans with an unbeaten 38

    as India seized early control

    of his 200th and final Test

    against the West Indies after a

    disciplined bowling display

    on Thursday.

    The 40-year-old maestro

    walked in to the middle amid

    thundering applause from the

    crowd and a guard of honor

    from his West Indies rivals as

    he showed glimpses of his

    vintage form to remainunconquered at close of an

    eventful opening day of his

    last Test.

    At stumps, India were com-

    fortably placed at 157 for two

    after bundling out the hapless

    West Indies for a meagre 182

    by tea, riding on le ft -a rm

    spinner Pragyan Ojha's five-

    wicket haul.

    While Ojha (5/40) grabbed

    the spotlight in the first half

    of the day, it was the retiring

    legend, who held center stage

    in the last session with his

    entire family and childhood

    coach Ramakant Achrekar

    watching from the stands.

    For India, openers Murali

    Vijay (43) and Shikhar

    Dhawan (33) posted 77 runs

    in quick time. The two were

    sent back by Shane

    Shillingford before Tendulkar

    and Cheteshwar Pujara (34)

    took control of the proceed-

    ings. India, leading 1-0 after

    winning the first Test in

    Kolkata inside three days,

    were just 25 runs behind

    West Indies at close of play

    raising doubts whether thematch will go the full dis-


    Call him a picture of confi-

    dence or an epitome of con-

    centration, Tendulkar was

    everything during his unde-

    feated stay at the crease in

    which he faced 73 balls hit-

    ting six boundaries.

    No t on ly di d he lo ok in

    control but also helped Pujara

    (34 batting) gain in confi-

    dence as they added 80 runs

    in an unbroken third wicket

    stand. At exactly 3:33 pm,

    India's most loved sportsman

    walked down the staircase of

    the pavilion to the deafening

    applause from the near-

    packed Wankhede sta dium

    with spectators on their feet

    after the fall of Vijay's wicket

    to welcome the legendary


    He acknowledged the

    'Guard of Honour' from the

    West Indian cricketers, shook

    hands with rival captain

    Darren Sammy and umpire

    Nigel Llong and did what no

    one ever saw him do during a

    match. He touched the 22-yard strip which has given

    him everything and sought its

    ble ssin gs, as mother Rajni

    Tendulkar, immediate family

    members and Achrekar

    watched from President's


    A mistimed slog sweep got

    him off the mark and when

    Shillingford offered width, he

    rocked back to cut it past

    po in t fo r a boun dary.

    Shillingford tried a doosra

    but Tendulkar read it early to

    hit that signature cover drive.

    'Rajiv wanted Boforsmoney to run Congress'

    British PMopen to

    meeting Modi

    Unbeaten Sachin takes India to 157/2,

    Day 1, 2nd Test

    Former prime ministerRajiv Gandhi

  • 8/14/2019 30 Vol 6 Epaper


    12 November 16-22, 2013 TheSouthAsianTimes.infoINDIA TOURISM

    Patna: Airports, railway stations and bus termi-

    nuses have been packed with milling crowds as

    hundreds of thousands of migrants from Bihar,

    who work all over the country and abroad, have

    returned to their homes in Bihar to celebrate and

    infuse "new life" to the four-day Chhath festival,

    the state's biggest community celebration.

    The returnees also give a huge boost to the

    rural economy.

    A group of factory workers - Lakhender Rai,Suresh Choudhary, Raju Paswan, Maheshwar

    Singh and Saryu Yadav - who reached Patna rail-

    way station Wednesday from Tamil Nadu and

    Andhra Pradesh were happy to be back. "Now, I

    will leave for my village in Vaishali district. For

    this day I have worked hard for months...

    Finally, I will be with my family and friends to

    celebrate Chhath," said Lakhender Rai, in his

    mid 40s, who works in Coimbatore in Tamil

    Nadu. Maheshwar Singh, in his early 30s, too

    was upbeat.

    "I am really lucky to be with my family in

    Arwal district nearly after a year to celebrate

    Chhath. There is nothing like this," Singh who

    works in a factory near Hyderabad, said.

    They are just two of hundreds of thousands of

    migrant workers who plan to enjoy a few days intheir villages before returning to earn their liveli-


    According to police officials, more than two

    million migrant workers have already reached

    their homes. The four-day Chhath festival is cel-

    ebrated six days after Diwali.

    Millions of people, most of them married

    women, throng the river banks in the morning to

    bathe before preparing traditional food.

    Chhath is dedicated to Surya, the Sun god.

    During the festival, married women observe a

    fast for 36 hours. Devotees offer wheat, milk,

    sugarcane, bananas and coconuts to the gods.

    The main ritual is known as arghya -- when

    devotees stand waist-deep in water and offer

    prayers to the Sun god on the banks of rivers.

    This is the season when Biharis insist on being

    in Bihar.

    "Thanks to the coming of migrant workers in

    Bihar, mostly in rural areas, for Chhath, it has

    added a new life to the festival and given freshoxygen to socio-economic activities. Each

    migrant worker brings some (money) that

    increases the purchasing power and boosts econ-

    omy during and after Chhath...," said Ranjeev,

    an activist who is associated with the flood-

    prone Kosi belt of no