30 Days to Soulful Wellness - Alexa...

You Are What You Believe You Are… You Are Beautiful. 30 Days to Soulful Wellness: Tiny Tweaks for Total Transformation

Transcript of 30 Days to Soulful Wellness - Alexa...

  • You Are What You Believe You Are…

    You Are Beautiful.

    30 Days to Soulful Wellness:Tiny Tweaks for Total Transformation

  • A little dedicationThis ebook is dedicated to anyone who is caught in a routine that leaves them tired, exhausted and stuck in a rut.It’s for those who are feeling the nudge to create sustainable habits for personal health and happiness.

    It’s for those who are ready to step into their power and transform.

    This is for you.

  • When I change the way I look at things, the things I look at will change.

    You know that saying ‘the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, even when it doesn’t work’?

    We laugh at the concept, yet somehow we still buy into the familiar cycle of indulgence followed by restriction, debauchery followed by austerity. Even though

    we know from personal experience that it’s a sure-fire path to failure.

    This book is about choosing a different approach for yourself and your life. A soul-centered, loving approach.

    Rather than making a seismic shift, let’s take a series of small steps to get

    healthy, serene and lean. Let’s choose tiny tweaks and incremental changes that – over time – result in impressive results.

    This book is your opportunity to learn, explore and discover.

    Make new choices. Steer a new course.

    And to do it in a way that’s filled with ease, grace and soulful alignment.


  • IndexDay #1: Start Where You Are AtDay #2: Celebrate Yourself! Day #3: Let Go of Comparison & Move Into Your Upward Spiral Day #4: Community - You Are Not Alone Day #5: Schedule Your Day - Schedule Your Night! Day #6: Your Yoga Day #7: How Stay Healthy, When You Don’t Live AloneDay #8: Mindfulness Day #9: Replenish With WaterDay #10: Hello High-Alkaline Foods!  Day #11: BLOOD SUGAR BALANCE - Stabilize Your Blood Sugar LevelsDay #12: BREAK A SWEAT - Make Small Changes And Reap The Huge RewardsDay #13: BE SUGAR FREE Day #14: Are You Caffeinated? Day #15: Super Foods! Day #16: Relax A LittleDay #17: Vegetable Creative Day #18: What’s Wrong With Soy?Day #19: A Smoothie LoveDay #20: Au Revoir AlcoholDay #21: Fabulous Fiber Day #22: Dining Out And Loving Every Bite And Every Moment Of It! Day #23: Your Daily Mini-CleanseDay #24: Embrace The Early Dinner Day #25: Get Spicy! Day #26: Sunny! I Love You! Day #27: Easy Does It - Food CombiningDay #28: Go Allergen Free (At Least For A While And See How You Go) Day #29: Ultimate Balance: Emotionally, Physically And Mentally - The Principles of Ayurveda

    Day #30: Time For Reflection And Celebration!

  • About The Author

    Hi there!

    In this beautiful book, I’ve collected my most precious health tips to help you release weight, get loads of lit-from-within energy, and ultimately, create amazing radiance!

    How It All Started…

    The idea for this guide came to me after coaching one of my beautiful clients. Part of her health coaching program involved receiving text messages from me for 30 days – little bite-sized chunks of wellness guidance – in order to kick start her health & weight loss journey.

    The 30 day text message project was a resounding success! My client was excited by all the little changes and tweaks we were making to her program, not overwhelmed (as so many people are when asked to make massive changes all at

    once). She also felt supported and encouraged by the constant stream of advice and guidance. Like little pocket-rockets of inspiration were lighting her up, each and every day!

    And of course, I loved the journey too – seeing her transform, little by little, degree by degree, day by day. It’s the BEST feeling in the world for someone like me – a total wellness nerd and yoga devotee, who’s committed to spreading the wellness message to all four corners of the globe.

  • Practice Makes Perfect

    So this got me thinking: bite-sized changes are the way to go. They’re the way to create the wellness we are craving, one baby step at a time. In order to change our health for the better in a sustainable, achievable way, we should be adding in teeny, little changes every day. It’s a fool-proof method: do not underestimate the power of the tiny tweak!

    The key to this approach is the ‘daily’ factor. We must be willing to change a little something each and every day, to accept that every day is a new day, and that every moment is a new moment. It’s about learning to forgive yourself, to accept yourself, smile about yourself and to keep on going. Every single day.

    So that’s what this book is all about.

    Every day I will give you a new habit to introduce into your day – sometimes it’s about food, sometimes it’s about meeting emotional needs, sometimes it’s about diving deep into the sacred ‘inner’ stuff. We’ll talk diet, spirituality, exercise, sugar-free living, and of course yoga.

    This book is for you, no matter where you are on your wellness journey. Some of you may be just starting out and this can serve as a beautiful introduction to the core principles of vibrant health. Some of you may be experienced wellness worshippers, in which case this book will be a gentle, soulful reminder. Both are totally perfect! Health is a journey. It’s your journey. Be the change now!

    Aim for each day to be effortless and visionary. Each new day builds on the previous ones – if you miss one day, pick up where you left off the next day! This is absolutely not about perfection. It’s about progress – practicing health and gradually exchanging unhealthy choices with new healthy habits.

    The concepts introduced are the basic building blocks of health, which are always true and which you can always go back to. When in doubt, push the reset button, get back to these evergreen truths, and elevate your health and happiness! 

    I would love to hear your experiences on your own path to wellness – keep me posted with how you are going! And if you’d like more updates on holistic nutrition and yoga, head on over to the Yogic website – www.yogic.com.au – to sign up for the newsletter. It’s jam-packed with even more nuggets of wellness wisdom.

    Enjoy the journey!

    With joyful love of life,


  • Start Where You Are At

    Affirmation: I am perfect the way I am.

    Day #1

    Accepting where you are right this moment is essential for creating beautiful, ease-filled wellness. When you live in a wave of guilt because you are holding the bar too high for yourself, you are sabotaging your emotional, mental and physical wellbeing. This can lead to uncontrollable cravings, because we start to look for things to satiate what our emotions are depleting from our body.

    You are better off releasing any crazy and unrealistic expectations you have for yourself. Otherwise, you’re just setting yourself up for a big release of stress hormones into your blood stream. This starts a vicious cycle of emotional highs and lows, cravings, depression and so on.

    Accept where you are, embrace the journey, and above all, be gentle on yourself. Remember: it all starts with the conversations your have with yourself…


    Get yourself a notebook and start to keep your Bliss Journal. This will take a few minutes, but it’s really worth it. Please answer the following question:

    How do you want to feel on a day-to-day basis? Write down as many feelings as you can think of. Then narrow it down. Focus on 10 that really resonate with you, then reduce it even further to 3-4 core desired feelings. For the next 30 days, let those feelings guide you as much as possible. When you feel ‘off’, angry, indecisive or confused, remember how you really want to feel.

    You will also be using your journal for two more things:

    1. Just after waking, sit up, lean against the wall and spend one to three minutes recalling what you are thankful for. Is it your warm bed? The sunshine? The opportunity to meet a friend for a chat? Your loving partner next to you making you smile? Note these things down. An attitude of gratitude will make a huge difference in your life. Mentally, emotionally and physically.

    2. Take a few minutes in the evening to note down the little successes you had during the day. Have you caught yourself speaking in a negative way to yourself and turned it around? Have you been present and patient where you usually would have stormed off or distracted yourself with food?

    Please don’t disregard this step or underestimate its potency. Start right now. Trust me, it’s a powerful practice.

  • Celebrate Yourself!

    Day #2

    One day, when I was talking to life and business coach Julie Parker, I had an epiphany. She kept on reminding me – directly and indirectly – to acknowledge how loveable, beautiful and amazing I am, and what I do is. She stopped me when talking, over and over again, because I kept on overlooking this truth.

    How could I forget? In the way I was explaining myself, in the way I looked at my life, in the way I thought about my work – all of it was suffused with moments where I forgot to love myself.

    And sadly, this is a trap that so many beautiful, amazing women fall into every day.

    In the heat of the moment and the heart of the storm, we sometimes simply forget and we just don’t want to remember what is true. We’re so used to the ‘I am not good enough’ way of thinking, which seems so much easier than actually loving and respecting ourselves.

    So do it now: love yourself.

  • Louise Hay suggests doing the following in front of a mirror. It may seem a bit odd at the beginning, but you will get the hang of it.

    Say to yourself every morning and evening, or anytime you feel like it:

    I accept myself and love myself unconditionally.

    Now, in the space below write down 5 things that you rock at. What are 5 things that are absolutely beautiful about you? (If you can’t come up with something, try answering this: What do others compliment you about? Where have you made a difference in somebody else’s day?)

    Revision: Repetition is the foundation of all success. Head back and review Day #1. Have you embraced where you are?


  • Let Go of Comparison and Move into Your Upward Spiral

    Day #3

    In these modern, technology-fuelled times, where social media is an ever present part of our lives, there are some unique problems that we face day in, day out. One of the biggest is comparison. Social media shows us the highlights of our friends’ and family members’ lives. We see the filtered shots of the beach, the fancy plates of food, the shiny new hair-do’s. We see promotions and parties and endless shots of pretty dresses. In short, we are witnessing a carefully curated selection of the best parts of people’s lives. Not an accurate depiction of what life is actually like.

    When we compare the amazing status updates we see with the reality of our own life (complete with dirty laundry, traffic jams and a packed to-do list)… Well, it can be oh-so-easy to fall into envy, jealousy and full-blown comparison.

    To avoid falling into this trap of feeling unworthy – not rich enough, not thin enough, not happy, hot or healthy enough - remember how beautiful you really are and how much love you have within you. Magnifying your true essence through this way of thinking is beauty in itself.

    Personality begins where comparison ends. ~ Karl Lagerfeld

  • Here is a Buddhist practice I learned a few years ago:

    Being jealous or feeling envy of other people’s successes is just a sign that they have manifested a talent that you already have within you. (Yes, it’s already a part of who you are.) Otherwise you wouldn’t be able to recognize it or it wouldn’t be of interest to you. So begin to see yourself in them. Cheer them on and celebrate their achievements. It will be a bit uncomfortable at first, but as soon as you get going, you won’t want to stop. Use their achievements as your inspiration, to uplift you to happiness and place yourself in a spiral of positive, ever growing success.

    And don’t forget to use your journal and spend a few minutes every morning to recall what you are thankful for and when you felt envy creeping up. Write in your bliss journal for a few minutes about what you learned, what you achieved, the little things that made you happy, how you changed the world to a better for another person. In this way you begin to own your awe, happiness and confidence.

    Revision: Check back in with Day #2. How can you celebrate yourself in some little way today?

  • Day #4

    Community - You Are Not Alone

    Too few people understand the value of having a partner in health and fitness. Having a buddy or being part of a likeminded tribe can keep you on track and lead you down the road to successful, long-term health. Here’s why:

    They’ll help you to blossomHaving a partner or group along your journey to health and bliss will make you thrive! A likeminded posse will inspire, listen, understand, support, push and nurture you. 

    They make you accountableAccountability and a support system are the keys to staying sensible, strong and successful. You may break promises to yourself, but when others are counting on you, you’ll be far more likely to stick to your journey towards wellness.

    You’ll be part of a teamNot only that, but us humans are herd animals. We function better and make wiser decisions when we have a partner or posse on our side. A wing-woman that will lead you to improved health and weight loss success.

    You’ll power through the tough timesA health community will also help you to get through the rough times. They’ll give you a little push when you are lacking energy, and exercising as a team is way more fun than going it alone, because you’ll be distracted by all the socializing, gossip and giggles. 

    You’ll have someone to share your hopes and dreams withBy telling someone your goals, you’re more likely to reach them, because you don’t want to look foolish by not doing what you told someone you would do. In addition, having a common goal with your fitness friend can be helpfully motivating when it seems easier to just give up. 

    You’ll have your own cheerleaderBy partnering with someone, you won’t be alone. Your partner is your teammate, someone who is cheering you on, picking you up when you fall, and helping you every step of the way. 


    Write down the people you want to be surrounded by, those who inspire and uplift you. Now make the phone call, send the email and create your energy boosting connections.

    Revision: Time to review Day #3. Are you still falling prey to ‘comparisonitis’? For your journal: How can you leave this tendency behind?

  • Schedule Your Day - Schedule Your Night!

    Day #5

    Schedule your day so you can organize all activities, meals and free time in a healthy and balanced way. In this way, you are leaving room for peace of mind and spontaneity. 

    Make sure that you get at least 7 hours of sleep every night.

    Rise with the sun (yes, yes you can – it’s all practice! Gradually shifting to the new rhythm by waking 10 min earlier each day works a treat!).

    The early hours hold special meaning for so many cultures across the globe. It’s the time to pray, to do some yoga or to sit in peaceful meditation. At dawn, the world is the stillest and coolest, and is filled with the plentiful potential energy for the forthcoming day. It is a wonderful, magical time of the day. You won’t want to miss it if you begin to get the hang of it! Being awake and already having had your “ME”= time is the greatest feeling that takes you through your day feeling uplifted and joyful.


    Go to bed early. There is no TV program, website or Facebook conversation more healing and life enhancing than your own precious sleep! It is not only great for your energy and mood levels for the next day, but with more sleep, your entire endocrine system will naturally begin to tune into its optimum and most effective metabolism, detoxification and rejuvenation processes. 

    Revision: Have you started building your wellness team yet? Head back to Day #4 for a quick refresher!

  • Day #6

    Your Yoga

    Even though you might think you’re tight as anything, a beginner, self-conscious about your body, and just way too busy to get into yoga, consider these amazing benefits that yoga practice provides.

    You connect with yourself. The yoga practice gives you a time set aside just for you. It’s the ultimate in ‘me time’. You have the opportunity to get in touch with your intuition, emotions and energy.

    You connect with others. As you meet and share your journey of self-improvement with others through yoga class, you experience community and collaboration in a lovely way.

    You exercise in a way that suits you. Exercise builds your strength, balance, and flexibility. It prepares your body for everyday life and complements any other way of exercise.

    You practice letting go. Life is change; it’s about ebb and flow. Yet we so often suffer because we hold onto the known, clinging to the way

    things are. Yoga demands moment to moment attention. In this way, we learn to let go of the past, weed out any distractions and let go of expectations.

    You improve your breathing, and regulate your mind and nervous system. Through the yogic breathing practices, you build awareness of the life force within you and strengthen your respiratory system.

    You improve your concentration. With time, it becomes easier to focus on the things in life that truly matter. Our mind calms down and focuses, and we find more time for studying ourselves and the forces that have an influence on our lives.

  • You find the stillness within. Your practice on the mat itself is a moving meditation. As we bring our awareness to our body’s posture, our breathing and our balance, everything else gets filtered out. Yoga as a system offers so many different ways of mediation - one of them will be for you!

    You’ll become more you. Something that is missing in most of our lives – but proven to be a great factor in happiness – is faith. Yoga is not a religion, nor does it give you any rules to live by. It’s simply a system that offers different ways of becoming yourself – the self you know is there, but is covered by layers of habits, thinking patterns, and engrained beliefs. So feel free to explore, find what resonates for you, and trust that this 2000 year old system has survived until now – and continues to grow and flourish – for a good reason.


    Do your research. Is there a yoga school nearby? A beginners’ course at the nearest community college? Do you know a person who does yoga? Before you dive into the yoga world, know that not every style or every teacher will be right for you. So shop around a little and be patient. You will find the right class for your yoga evolution.

    Revision: As a teacher of mine would say, if it’s not scheduled, it’s not happening! Have you been scheduling time for wellness? Dive back in to Day #5 to review these principles.

  • How Stay Healthy, When You Don’t Live Alone

    Day #7

    Living on your own often makes it easier to have the discipline to commit to a healthy diet and exercise, since our roommates or family members can present interesting challenges to your weight-loss goals. Surrounded by high-calorie foods your roommate loves or being saddled with household responsibilities that prevent workouts are all obstacles along the path to healthy living. If you share your home with others, here are some tips to help you navigate the relationship.

    Be You

    Tell everyone about your healthy endeavors so they can support your needs. Your husband, housemate or parent might want to get in on the action to join you in your workouts or start keeping a food journal.

  • Be Proactive

    Shopping: Do the shopping yourself. This puts you in control of what foods make it into your pantry and fridge.

    Take charge of the cooking: If you’re doing all the meal prep, you can make sure that each meal is well balanced and healthy. But this doesn’t mean you have to be the only cook — invite the house together to make your meals. Have your housemate, partner or parent work as your sous-chef.

    Don’t separate - unite! It’s easier to eat healthfully when those around you are eating healthfully too. Avoid the temptation of unhealthy meals by preparing the same healthy meals for everyone. If someone prefers something outside of your nutritional universe, find ways to make healthier versions and help them to understand how good it feels to eat this way.

    Set up a house calendar: If you find it hard to make time for yourself, schedule your yoga session or workouts in the early morning hours before anyone else is awake. As you do with any other important appointment, write your exercise time into the calendar, so your house mates and family know when you are unavailable.

    Find healthy ways to enjoy decadent foods: Find healthier alternatives to the foods you and those you’re living with desire. No one will feel deprived when nibbling on low-cal / high nutrient kale chips, or rich chocolate-banana-almond milk smoothies!  

    Revision: Day #6 was all about yoga. I invite you to head back and re-read that section, then get your booty on your mat to dive deep into downward dog. Yogic bliss awaits!

  • Day #8

    Mindfulness Most complementary approaches don’t have much research showing how well they work for weight loss, yet I – along with so many others – have experienced the amazing benefits for myself. Through yoga and meditation, I was able to develop a greater sense of self-respect and self-love that supported my daily choices towards better health. 

    Mindfulness is a nonjudgmental way of paying attention to the present moment. It is used to deal with anxiety, depression, stress and sleep problems, and simply to feel better. 

    It will help you to notice what is in the moment.  You will increase your awareness about when you are hungry and when you are feeling full. It will help you notice that you’re not all that hungry, or that you’re satisfied sooner than you think. 

    Mindfulness practices like meditation teach you to bring your attention to the breath, your thoughts, your feelings or a mantra. It will bring a sense of relaxation into your day, of deep inner peace, and from that place of peace you make much better choices.

    Please don’t listen to the common rumor that meditation is hard to do. There are many different meditation techniques, and there is truly one that will suit you. Go out and try a few. It is easy to learn meditation and mindfulness.

    You may want to take some classes, but once you know how to do it, it will cost you nothing, you can practice it anywhere, anytime and it will give you everything. 

    Here you can read my article on how to mediate every day.

    Revision: Living with other people can place a strain on your wellness goals. How are you going with this? Day #7 has some excellent tips worth reviewing!

  • Day #9

    Replenish With WaterBe a water warrior. Drink loads of it… And then have a bit more! Water is life; embrace it.

    Many of us consume too many caffeinated, sugary drinks and/or alcohol, all of which leave us dehydrated.

    Hydration helps with detoxification and weight loss, ensuring healthy bowel movements, increasing energy levels, and maintenance of

    your body’s energy and flexibility gains. That is why it’s so important to drink plenty of water each day.

    Try drinking 1 − 1.5 liters of water during the day. This will help you to satisfy your thirst, detoxify your body, stay sharp-minded and release some excess weight.

    MY H2O TIPS: • Can you set an hourly alarm in your phone that will remind you to drink your

    regular dose of hydration replenishment?

    • Get a beautiful water bottle that you love having with you.

    • Make it to a habit to drink before you eat. That will satisfy your thirst first, and will reduce your hunger by 30%.

    • Make your own jazzed-up brew. With a little bit of lemon, mango and mint, a pinch of cinnamon or a drop of stevia, your water will taste (and be) 100 times better than any packaged juice or soft drink.

    Revision: Mindfulness is the key to inner peace and profound calmness. Day #8 invited you to incorporate some mindfulness practices into your day. How can you embrace a little mindfulness into today?

  • Day #10

    Hello High-Alkaline Foods!

    I highly suggest that you start your day alkaline! Consider the following information from Dr. Robert Young:

    “The PH level of our internal fluids affects every cell in your bodies. The entire metabolic process depends on an alkaline environment. Chronic over-acidity corrodes body tissue and, if left unchecked, will interrupt all cellular activities and functions….” (From The pH Miracle.)

    If there are times you are tired, restless and moody, or your muscles always feel tight and are getting sore quickly, it could be that your body and mind are trying to tell you that your system is too acidic. Here’s the rundown on what you need to know about getting alkaline.

    Simple pH-scienceOur inner biochemistry is measured and discussed in terms of its pH. 

    pH refers to the ratio of acid versus base. It ranges from 1 to 14, with 1 being extremely acidic, and 14 being extremely basic (or

    alkaline). In the middle is a neutral state, which has a pH of 7. Mixing acids and bases can cancel out or ‘neutralize’ their extreme effects. A substance that is neither acidic nor basic is described as being neutral. 

    Certain parts of the body (including the stomach, kidneys and bladder) have a more acidic environment than others, but the overall pH of your body and blood should be maintained within a narrow range of alkalinity (pH 7.30 -7.45). Let’s delve deeper into the reasons behind this…

    Effects on the body of being too acidicAcidity in your body can sap your energy, impair the functioning of your hormonal system and leave you prone to illness and pain. Studies have shown that acidy contributes to weight gain and even cancer. So it is extremely important that you keep your body in a healthy state of equilibrium, slightly tilting towards alkalinity. 

  • What happens when you are alkaline? Natural News says that you will: 

    1. Boost your energy dramatically

    2. Keep your body functioning at its optimal level.

    3. Slow down the aging process. An acidic diet can take its toll on our bones and muscles the older we get.

    4. Lower your cancer risk. Some research suggests that an alkaline-rich diet is linked to lower rates of cancer, if only because such diets consist primarily of vegetables.

    5. Keep off the extra pounds. By boosting your consumption of alkaline-producing foods, you can naturally shed weight.

    So you can see, embracing an alkaline diet helps pretty much everything our society tries to counteract with quick fix solutions. Meaning we can save ourselves a lot of time, money and suffering by simply embracing this style of eating before problems arise in the first place.

    Here are 10 simple steps that will help you to get a more optimal pH:  Remember, this is not just achieved in one day. Living la vida alkaline it is an ongoing, extremely rewarding practice which requires loving self-awareness and mindful proactivity. Pick one a day or one a week and see how it affects you.

    1. Cut out sugar. Do not eat any refined or processed sugars (including corn syrup, agave, maltose, and aspartame).

    2. Drink fresh vegetable juices in the morning for breakfast. 

    3. De-stress. Slow down. Smile more often. Learn how to meditate. High stress levels create acidity in your body. Relax and alkalize yourself every morning. 

    4. Practice Yoga. Yoga cleanses the acids from your body and deeply relaxes and rejuvenates you. 

    5. Avoid fried foods (toxic trans fats) and use coconut oil for cooking. Please repeat after me: I will never, ever eat fast food again!  Eat fruit and vegetables. 

    6. Use natural soaps, shampoos, deodorants, mouthwashes, creams, toothpastes. 

    7. Drink high quality water. 

    8. Cut down on (or cut out, your choice) dairy products, soft drinks, coffee, tea and alcohol. See what works for you best.

    9. Cut down on meat. Meat is very acidic. Especially red meat. Eat fruit and vegetables instead.  

    10. Learn about and enjoy alkalizing foods like barely grass, alfalfa grass, chlorella, broccoli, kelp, cayenne and cucumber. Don’t be afraid, be experimental! 

    Revision: Have you been hydrating your body? Review Day #9 for some excellent tips.

  • Blood Sugar Balance - Stabilize Your Blood Sugar Levels

    Day #11

    Research has shown that the most damage we can do to our body is by having blood sugar imbalances. 

    Do you skip meals or have long periods without eating? Do you have a high sugar/carbohydrate intake? Are you consistently under stress? Are you getting shaky or irritable between meals, tired without food, waking up at night, or experiencing overall fatigue? Do you have difficulties concentrating, waves of nausea, reflux, or sugar cravings?  If so, you might need to address your blood sugar levels.

    By eating natural whole foods, a low sugar diet and exercising frequently, you can prevent inflammation, adrenal fatigue, hardening of the arteries, ageing and cancer. 

    • What you can do: Eat low sugar, high protein and high fat food regularly. Here a few examples:

    • Eggs. Yes, we can’t have enough of them. Many studies have now put to rest the ‘eggs lead to high cholesterol’ myth.

    • Eat the whole spectrum of the rainbow. Choose fruit and vegetables in an array of colors in your salads, soups and sauces.

    • Fish & organic grass-fed meat.Fibrous foods, like vegetables and fruits that are low in sugar like citrus fruits or sour apples.

    Revision: Have you read through the wisdom in Day #10? Head back on over to refresh yourself on the importance of a highly alkaline diet.

  • Break A Sweat - Make Small Changes And Reap The Huge Rewards

    Day #12

    I am not one of those coaches that tries to mold you into a certain form with a whip, but one thing I am very serious about: You have got to move for at least 30 minutes every day. This is the absolute minimum.

    Of course there is the occasional exception, but – and I really want to lovingly hammer this point into your heart – as a human, your body is designed to move! Find every opportunity where you can move your body. Maybe it’s yoga, walking, swimming, cleaning, house moving, lawn mowing, whatever! No matter what it is, do what you enjoy and make it a highlight of your day.  

    Exercise is super important to help clear waste from your system. Your body not only detoxes through sweating, it also removes

    toxins through the lymphatic system. The lymphatic system is the body’s sewer system. Lymph is moved by muscle action, walking, breathing and intestinal activity. As your muscles tighten, the lymph vessels are squeezed and lymph can be pushed and filtered through the lymph nodes on its way back to the veins and heart.

    Getting yourself moving does not need to be an onerous chore. As Marianne Williamson says, it is a matter of where you place your consciousness now. You really can make movement a beautiful, every day habit. Know who you are, own your power, and make the choice. Soon moving mountains will seem small, compared to the towering potency you know resides within you. 

    Revision: Day #11 taught us that keeping our blood sugar levels stable is KEY for optimum wellness. This ties in well with today’s topic. Review Day #11 to enhance your understanding of the role of sugar in our bodies.

  • Be Sugar Free

    Day #13

    PS: When I say being sugar free, I’m actually talking about being fructose free.

    Do you get an energy slump in the afternoon? Do you feel like something sweet after lunch or dinner? Have you lost your waistline and are having trouble getting it back? Do you often feel indecisive, unclear and foggy and believe only a sweet treat can lift you up? If so, sugar might be the not-so-sweet reason that you feel less than a goddess.

    Here are two reasons why sugar detracts from your divine, glowing health and leads to putting on weight.

    First of all, there is no “full” switch for fructose. Normally, for every molecule we absorb, a corresponding appetite hormone is released that tells our brains to stop eating when we’ve had enough. Not for fructose though. Which means it is all too easy to overeat and over consume.

    Secondly, fructose is directly converted into fat (unlike other carbohydrates, fats or proteins which can be used as energy first). In his book Sweet Poison David Gillespie explains: “Eating fructose is like eating fat, that your body can’t detect as fat… and that makes us eat more fat.”

    Fake Sugars Are Not For Real People Like YouIf refined sugar is bad, fake sugars like aspartame are significantly worse.

    Before I dove into my own health journey, I fell for the hype that diet foods and drinks could help me to be slim. But nothing is further from the truth. Diet products actually do the opposite!

    Studies show that diet drinks and foods actually make you heavier over time and that sweeteners (like aspartame, for example) actually accelerate diabetes in mice.

    Aspartame is what is called an excitotoxin, which is a substance that damages and kills nerve cells by excessive stimulation.

    This can create or accelerate all sorts of nervous system-related conditions -- including memory loss, Alzheimer’s and more.

    We know that the health of our brains is closely married to the health of our whole body. So if we damage our brain cells and nervous system with excitotoxins, we are putting a huge toxic load on all the essential biological body systems.

    So try to avoid products with artificial sweeteners at all costs. Which means giving up sugar-free gum, diet drinks and other pseudo-sweet treats.

  • Making the moveTo help you with the transition away from sugar, you could use stevia. Stevia is a non-toxic sweet herb that has virtually zero calories and no known side effects. Some of the products that used to be artificially sweetened have now replaced those harmful chemicals with stevia.

    While you are making the switch away from sugar and artificial sweeteners, it may take a little time for your body to readjust to the true taste of many foods and drinks. Get creative in your kitchen to come up with solutions. For example, if you used to be a big soda fan, drink lemon water instead to ease the transition.

    The Many Names for SugarBarley Malt, Beet sugar, Blackstrap molasses, Brown sugar, Cane sugar, Cane juice crystals, Caramel, Carob syrup, Castor sugar, Corn sweeteners, Corn Syrup, Date sugar, Demerara sugar, Dextrin, Dextrose, Diastatic malt, Diastase, D-mannose, Evaporated cane juice, Fructose, Fruit juice concentrate, Galactose, Glucose, High-fructose corn syrup (HFCS) , Honey, Invert sugar, Lactose, Malt syrup, Maltodextrin, Maltose, Maple syrup, Molasses, Raw sugar, Rice syrup, Sucrose, Syrup, Table sugar, Treacle, Turbinado sugar.

    Names for Artificial SweetenersNutraSweet, Splenda, Acesulfame potassium, Aspartame, Cyclamate, Isomalt, Saccharin, Sucralose, Alitame, Neohesperidin dihydrochalcone, Aspartame-acesulfame salt.

    Revision: Have you broken a sweet sweat today? Check in with Day #12 to cement the importance of movement in your mind.

  • Are You Caffeinated?

    Day #14

    How much coffee do you drink per day? Feeling guilty? Remember: small changes can make a huge difference.

    In my yoga & health retreats, the participants are always amazed at the massive effect that all of the small diet and lifestyle changes have on their physical, emotional and spiritual wellbeing.  

    Today your healthy tweak is to reduce – or ideally, eliminate – caffeine out of your day. Get into the spirit of this new adventure and do it for the rest of the challenge.  

    Too much caffeine can overload the liver, which affects its ability to efficiently burn fat and cleanse other toxins from our system. 

    It also increases our levels of the hormone cortisol. Cortisol is linked to excess fat storage, especially around our belly.

    Instead of drinking coffee, try dandelion tea. It has a similar thick and creamy consistency as coffee, PLUS it’s an effective liver cleanser.

    What to do if you are tired?

    My clients often tell me that they simply MUST have caffeine to get through the day because they are tired and fatigued. Here’s my loving response:

    • You won’t feel that way if you have applied the tips and techniques from the previous days.

    • Try having a nap.

    • Make sure you’re drinking a lot of water. I mean a lot. Take your water with you, all the time.

    Revision: Day #13 highlighted the importance of sugar-free living. Have you been cutting back on the sweet stuff?

  • Day #15

    Super Foods!

    Even though I believe that ALL whole foods are super foods, I’d like to discuss a few extra special ones. These are packed with goodness and are a super-source of anti-oxidants and essential nutrients - nutrients we cannot produce ourselves. Adding super foods to your diet will help you to increase physical and mental energy, create emotional balance and reduce – even diminish – any cravings. 

    Here are some of my favorite super foods: 

    • Dark leafy greens • Avocado • Coconut oil • Sea weed • Spices (especially cinnamon and turmeric)• Cucumber • Kale

    Revision: Caffeine is not all it’s cracked up to be. Revisit Day #14 to remind yourself why!

  • Day #16

    Relax A LittleNo excuses! Relax! Take out your diary and put in your relaxation dates!

    The more you relax, the less you have to worry about your diet, weight loss, yoga and meditation. Worries will fall away and you will naturally, automatically do things that are good for you more often.

    Again, the spotlight is on the leading lady of all the stress hormones – cortisol. Cortisol plays a key role in your metabolism and your body’s fight-or-flight response.  

    Normally, cortisol converts fats and proteins into energy, which is great! It keeps us alert, regulates the heartbeat, balances electrolytes and counteracts inflammation. If experienced short term, it is protective and restorative. High five for cortisol!

    However, under chronic stress, your body releases cortisol all the time, which eventually wears out your adrenal glands so that they are not able to respond to stress appropriately anymore. Instead of a proper food-energy conversion, you might experience impaired digestion, sluggish metabolism, a decrease of mental functions and diminished cell regeneration and healing. 

    It can also lead to muscles loss (and remember, muscle tissue burns calories), increased

    fatigue (which might be the reason why you have a hard time getting up early to exercise), increased appetite and even cravings for sugary and fatty foods. 

    Yoga, joyful activities, spiritual work and self-development efforts – or simply doing nothing at all – are all excellent ways to counteract chronic stress. I personally have to schedule these times into my calendar to make sure I create space for them (early in the mornings, for example).

    Some of the most common stress triggers are a busy lifestyle, constant feelings of guilt, unresolved relationship problems, permanent stress at work, an unbalanced diet, high caffeine consumption, sleep deprivation, burnout and calorie restriction.

    To live your life in a smart, soulful and serene way, make the commitment to reduce those bad guys and fill your days with relaxing, wholesome activities instead!

    Whip out your diary and make some dates with yourself. Take this activity seriously – your self-care efforts are super important for both yourself and those around you!

    Revision: Have you been including super foods in your daily food intake? Head back to Day #15 to check out some awesome options.

  • Vegetable Creative

    This is a beautiful creativity exercise for you. Not much to read, but something to do.

    1. Using the table below, list your favorite veggies.

    2. Next to each vegetable, list possible ways to cook it. Take your time, do some research and get creative!

    3. Now, ask yourself: how can you incorporate veggies at breakfast, lunch and dinner?

    Revision: Aaaaaah! Relaxation feels oh-so-good. Have you been scheduling time for it in your day? Review Day #16 for more tips.

    Day #17


  • What’s Wrong With Soy?

    Day #18

    Here’s the truth: avoid soy products: There’s a myth that cultures with a high intake of soy products – such as many Asian cultures – are super healthy because of this element of their diets. But the truth is, their wellness and longevity are because their diets are built on beautiful whole foods -- fresh veggies, rice and small amounts of fish or meat – not because of the soy.

    What is wrong with soy? Soy is an allergenic food.

    Most soy is genetically modified. 

    Isoflavones in soy can depress your thyroid function (the thyroid controls essential processes in your body, like your metabolism, which can be another reason for weight gain or difficulties achieving a healthy weight). 

    Soy is heavily contaminated with pesticides which can damage your nervous system and reproductive system and your overall health!

    It’s not all doom-and-gloom though: you can eat fermented organic soy products like tempeh and miso. Just eat them in moderation and make sure you balance them with other healthy foods, like organic vegetables, fresh fish and whole grains.  

    For your good health, please avoid soy milk, soy sausages, soy spread, and other highly processed soy products.

    Revision: Day #17 was all about getting creative with vegetables. Could you include some creative veggies in your green smoothie?

  • Day #19

    A Smoothie Love

    If you haven’t done it yet, it’s time to introduce green smoothies into your life. Trust me, you will never look back! Ever!

    Green smoothies are not the bitter, salty, nasty tasting drinks that some people may imagine. You can seriously mix up the most amazing, replenishing goodness in your blender!

    As well as being delicious, they’re so good for your body. When you blend the vegetables and fruits, you ‘predigest’ them, which means that your body does not have to work so hard to do the work and extract the nutrients. Many of the minerals and nutrients in fresh foods are encapsulated in the cell walls. The blending process ruptures these walls and releases the nutrients so that they are readily available for your body to absorb. It’s the healthiest fast food you can imagine!

    All you have to do is pop some leafy greens, some other veggies, and some fresh fruit to your blender, add your liquid of choice – water or coconut water are both great – and blitz

    away. You can also add a super food or two if you really want to pump up the goodness. Enjoy it nice and cool, straight from the blender! 

    Here is the smoothie I had this morning: 

    Alexa’s Green Wave 1 grapefruit1/2 kiwi fruitA few blueberries (or berries of choice)2-3 handfuls spinach 2 stalks of celery 1-2 leaves of kale 1 teaspoon chia seeds Cinnamon & turmeric A few drops organic liquid stevia (Ideally filtered) water as needed

    Blend away, then enjoy the green goodness!

    Revision: Day #18 was all about the not-so-nice factors surrounding soy. Have you been clearing the soy out of your kitchen and your diet?

  • Day #20

    Au Revoir Alcohol

    Alcohol can harm the body, regardless of how many times you drink each month. Even if you don’t drink much or very often, cleansing the body of these toxins should be done on a regular basis. 

    When you drink, your cells are trying to fight off the toxins from the alcohol. Your liver cells become swollen from an overload of fat globules and water, which can lead to a fatty liver. The good news is that fatty liver caused by alcohol consumption is reversible through discontinuing drinking and a healthy diet. (Note: there are

    generally no physical signs of a fatty liver; it is usually diagnosed with blood tests.)When you drink, your body does not break down foods containing carbs and fat. Those calories are converted into body fat and are carried away for permanent storage in your body. Cleansing also helps your kidneys to function properly to filter out the waste that is accumulated from drinking alcohol. It will also help you to increase the functioning of your intestines, which are responsible for digestion and absorption of the nutrients in the food you are eating. 

    Revision: Have you made a smoothie today? Head back and review Day #19 for a delicious recipe.

  • Day #21

    Fabulous Fiber

    It’s easy to eat a diet that’s high in fiber if you’re sticking close to a whole foods diet packed with fruits and veggies.  

    Being ‘fibered up’ will help you detoxify your system and feed the good bacteria in your gut. It helps stabilize your blood sugar levels and keeps you full for longer because it slows down your stomach emptying. This then suppresses ghrelin, the hormone that sends hunger signals from your stomach to your brain. 

    There are two kinds of fiber: soluble and insoluble fiber. 

    Soluble fiber soothes the gut and helps to heal it. It can also raise the good cholesterol (HDL) while it lowers the bad cholesterol (LDL). It is found in fruit, veggies, seed husks, lentils and peas. 

    Insoluble fiber (which makes up the structural parts of plant cell walls) adds bulk to feces and helps prevent constipation. Good sources are the skins of fruits and veggies, nuts, seeds, dried beans and wholegrain foods. 

    So stay fibrous, beautiful!

    Revision: Be honest with yourself – what role is alcohol playing in your daily life? Day #20 has some excellent wisdom in this area.

  • Day #22

    Dining Out And Loving Every Bite And Every Moment Of It!

    Remember, healthy eating is not about being perfect!  

    Here are my favorite tips to keep you healthy and happy when you are on the road or eating out with your family and friends: 

    • If there is nothing appealing to you on the menu, create your own meal composed of side dishes and a healthy line-up of entrees.

    • Skip the starch and up your veggies & protein. Saying no to the bread basket is not rude; it is simply a healthy preference.  

    • Start your meal with salad. Feel free to add olive oil with lemon or your favorite vinaigrette, but order your salad dressing on the side. 

    • Try new veggies you normally don’t prepare at home. 

    • Be mindful with foods described as fried, crunchy, crispy, glazed, creamy or breaded. Better words to look out for are grilled, roasted, steamed or sautéed. 

    • Share your entree with a friend. 

    • Take home half of your portion and enjoy it the next day. 

    ...and most important of all: enjoy your decisions and share them with your fellow diners!

    Revision: Day #21 taught us that fiber is fabulous! Have you been including loads of it in your meals?

  • Day #23

    Your Daily Mini-Cleanse

    Every one of us carries toxic waste in our bodies. Especially if you are eating a lot of fatty, sugary, unhealthy foods, your liver will have an overload of toxins, which means that they remain in the cells and may affect bodily functions, cause premature ageing or even food sensitivities. 

    A mini cleanse every morning is an excellent way to flush out old toxins. 

    Here is your new daily cleansing ritual:1. Drink apple cider vinegar + warm water +

    lemon juice = your body will love you! If you can’t handle apple cider vinegar, just go for lemon juice. 

    2. After having your juice of youth – practice yoga!  “In a well-rounded yoga practice, every part of the body is pushed, pulled, twisted, turned and upended,” explains New York City yoga teacher Witold Fitz-Simon, founder of the YogaArtAndScience.com blog. “This facilitates the removal of waste products such as carbon dioxide, lactic acid and lymphatic fluid from the deep tissues and extremities of the body that a jog or a bike ride just don’t reach.” 

    Revision: Eating out is one of the great pleasures in life. Review the tips in Day #22 to ensure you are prepared for your next restaurant visit.

  • Day #24

    Embrace The Early Dinner

    If you have trouble eating before your usual time, just aim for a few minutes earlier every day. 

    The longer the time between your meals, the more you allow your precious body to process the food efficiently. 

    Scientists noticed that even mice fed a high-fat diet gained less weight when they fasted for 16 hours than those who eat more frequently. The time-restricted mice lost more body fat,

    had normal glucose tolerance, reduced serum cholesterol, and increased bile acid production, improved motor function and normal sleep cycles even though the daily caloric intake of all groups did not differ.

    Interesting isn’t it? Just a few more reasons for us to say goodbye to late-night meals and snacks (at least most of the time!).

    Revision: A mini-cleanse can be such a peaceful, fulfilling way to start your day. Day #23 will tell you how to do it!

  • Day #25

    Get Spicy!

    Many people love salt because it adds some kick or zing to their food. Nevertheless, a diet high in sodium increases blood pressure because it holds excess fluid in the body, placing an added burden on the heart and is therefore linked to heart disease. 

    A great alternative is adding spices to each meal. This gives your food an exciting flavor and you won’t miss the salt as much. 

    Herbs and spices are actually some of the most potent antioxidants in our food supply; in many instances surpassing other more well-known sources of antioxidants. Oregano, for example, has 42 times more antioxidant activity than apples!

    Here are a few spices to give your food a facelift!

    Cinnamon: This delicious spice regulates blood sugar and helps to lower your bad cholesterol. In Ayurveda, it is used to treat indigestion, diabetes and colds. It’s also known to boost metabolism. 

    Dandelion: Known for its antioxidant properties, dandelion helps slow digestion, which helps to keep you feeling full for longer. It also contains vitamins that normalize blood sugar and acts as a potent liver cleanser. 

    Turmeric: This bright yellow spice is a powerful detoxifier. It reduces the formation of fat tissue and improves insulin resistance. It is antibacterial, anti-fungal and antiviral. 

    Cumin: This delicious spice is high in iron, a mineral needed for energy and immune function. It helps digestion and has anti-carcinogenic properties. 

    Revision: Early dinners are so good for your health (review Day #24 for a reminder). Can you move your evening meal a little earlier tonight?

  • Day #26

    Sunny! I Love You! Especially here in Australia, Vitamin D is one of those vitamins that many of us take for granted. But studies have shown that there is a great Vitamin D deficiency amongst our society. Yep, even in the Land of Oz.

    Most often when we are out in the sun, we are totally covered up with clothes and lotion in order to prevent skin cancer and ageing. Which is well-meaning, but it also stops us from soaking up the vitamin D goodness from the sun’s rays. A little bit of sun on our skin is not only good for you, it’s essential for optimum health. It’s the only way your body can produce vitamin D.  Here are a few reasons why Vitamin D is so good for your precious health and wellness: 

    • It boosts your immune system and regulates calcium and phosphorus levels – which are necessary for strong bones and teeth. 

    • It helps filter out the waste in the kidneys and keeps vitamins and minerals in check. 

    • It can alleviate pre-menstrual symptoms, reduce high blood pressure, reduce (bad) cholesterol levels and prevent certain forms of cancer and autoimmune disease. 

    • Low levels of vitamin D prevent your body from finding its healthy weight. The brain uses the vitamin to increase levels of serotonin, the “feel good” chemical, while keeping hunger and cravings at bay. If it is low, you’ll find you are hunting for fast-releasing carbs – meaning sugars and processed foods. The solution: have enough vitamin D and you’ll eat less, but feel more satisfied. 

    • Vitamin D triggers weight loss in the belly area, as it has been found that it may work with calcium to reduce production of cortisol, the hormone that makes you store fat around your waistline. (Remember: waistline fat is dangerous. You can reduce it, one day at a time.)

    Revision: Remember Day #25? What can you add to one of your meals today to really spice things up?!

  • Day #27

    Easy Does It - Food Combining

    Have you ever been on a date, a business meeting or dinner with friends, when you suddenly experience uncontrollable bloating, gas or grogginess?

    Take a moment and ask yourself: How do you feel after having lunch or dinner? Are you feeling tired after the meal, even though you wanted more energy? Do you experience digestive issues or cravings for more sweets after the meal? 

    I came across the concept of food combining in my teens. Funnily enough, in Germany we call it the ‘food separation diet’, not food combining. It will help you decrease signs of ageing, get rid of the bloat and any extra layers you might want to lose.

    Here’s how it works:Different foods require their own unique enzymes to help them be broken down and digested. If you are eating too many foods from different categories (that is, that require different enzymes) your body will be confused and overwhelmed, and is unable to produce all the necessary enzymes simultaneously. Cue heartburn, gas, abdominal pain, swelling and belching. (Delightful!)

    The idea behind this dietary concept is to eat high protein foods, starchy foods and high-fat foods separately. Which means a new way of eating your meals: no steak with potatoes, no rice with fish fillet. Spinach and eggs for breakfast are great, but having eggs on toast is not so hot. 

    Here is your Food Pairing Cheat Sheet...

    Fruits are eaten only on an empty stomach

    DO mix Starches with veggiesDO mix Proteins with veggiesDO mix Starches + starchesDO mix Fats + starchesDO mix Fruits + raw greensDO NOT mix Proteins + starchesDO NOT mix Proteins + proteinsDO NOT mix (pair moderately) Fats + proteins

    Revision: Day #26 was all about the importance of sunshine. Have you been out to soak up the golden rays today?

  • Day #28

    Go Allergen Free (At Least For A While And See How You Go)

    Maybe it’s not you, but maybe it is.....

    Chronic inflammation, fluid retention and gas often get mistaken for irritable bowel syndrome. Not only will food allergies lead to bloating, but also, there are symptoms that can put a wrench in your exercise plan, such as fatigue and joint pain.

    Here are some common allergens to be aware of:Wheat/ Gluten: An allergy to gluten or intolerance to wheat can cause an inflammation of the lining of your gut upon consumption of the food, and your body will try to work harder to digest the food by producing more gas, which leads to bloating, constipation, and weight gain.

    Dairy: Adult bodies especially can have difficulties digesting lactose, the sugar found in cow’s milk.  An allergy to lactose will lead to inflammation in the gut, hence the appearance of stubborn belly fat.

    Tree Nuts: Usually an allergy to nuts is fast-acting and found in children. But it can be a slow-acting allergy in adults too. Tree nuts and peanuts can cause weight gain for adults who develop an allergy because, as in most food allergies, your body fights the foreign agent by increasing insulin levels. Insulin stores fat and can lead to obesity.

  • Corn: Yep, it’s official: corn is the new gluten. It contains very large, commercially made proteins known as zein. Zein is a grain protein that is very similar to the gluten in wheat.  Most people do not have the ability to digest these types of grains, so they are only partially digested, messing with your body’s digestive tract.

    Have you heard about the Elimination diet?  Try cutting out the most common food allergens found in the typical adult’s diet, including wheat, dairy, tree nuts, corn, eggs, soy, fish, and yeast.

    After 10 days, introduce one allergen back into your diet, eating the food two to three times a day for three days. If you notice a reaction, then eliminate the allergen for at least 90 days before reintroducing the culprit.

    Remember: Chronic inflammation creates cellular oxidation and contributes to all degenerative diseases, including diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease, and obesity and cancer.

    Revision: Revise Day #27 for all the principles behind food combining. Can you tweak one of your meals today to follow these principles? How does it make you feel?

  • Day #29

    Ultimate Balance: Emotionally, Physically And Mentally - The Principles of Ayurveda

    The state of true BALANCE might be scary for you, because you haven’t felt it for a long time and you might think that going hard and full steam is the only way to lose weight and find eternal bliss. Like yoga, Ayurveda shows you how to find the longer breath within the overload of systems, diets and programs. Diving into it, you will see that it makes total, intuitive sense and offers you a golden path to your personal wellbeing. 

    I have incorporated the overall ideas and guidance of Ayurveda into my life since I thoroughly lived it in India. I combine it with the latest knowledge of nutritional and exercise science, as well as with my day-to-day life here in the fast moving western world.  It makes sense to me, and I have experienced tremendous benefits from aligning my life to its principles.

    Ayurveda is the ancient medical system of India and offers a fast path to physical, emotional and mental wellbeing, and takes all

    the guesswork out of getting healthy. It has been developed for your unique body, mind and soul constitution – known in the Ayurvedic tradition as your ‘dosha’. 

    The three Ayurvedic body types, or doshas, are Vata (Wind/Winter), Pitta (Fire/Summer) and Kapha (Earth/Spring). Each dosha has its own unique set of physical, physiological and behavioral characteristics and most people are a combination of two doshas that are predominant. 

    To determine your dominant dosha, I suggest you visit an Ayurvedic practitioner or physician who will be able to give you the most accurate analysis. To give you a good, overall idea you can also do a dosha test online (although nothing is as good and accurate as a qualified practitioner). Once you know your dosha, you can learn about the dietary and lifestyle recommendations that will help you to balance your body, mind and spirit. 

  • When you follow the Ayurvedic diet and lifestyle suggestions that match with your specific dosha, you avoid triggering a survival response in your body and will release weight naturally, allowing you to maintain your ideal weight effortlessly and energetically, without deprivation or exhaustive programs. 

    Ayurveda is the ancient answer to our modern-day problems. It’s a wholehearted system of effective and sustainable solutions. It is a holistic map that allows you to become a vital and happy person with the least amount of effort. What I personally love about Ayurveda

    is that YOU can adjust, mix and match food, type and style of movement, beauty treatments etc. to your personal needs. The very logical information given is all related to your own individual body-mind constitution and provides the tools that YOU can use to achieve balance for your unique situation.

    This is what has made the system so powerful and this is why it has survived over 2000 years. It empowers you to take ownership of your health, to find balance and peace in body and mind, and to embrace the true essence of who you really are. 

    Revision: Consider Day #28 – what allergens do you think might be an issue for you? What causes you the most bloating, gas, or abdominal discomfort? What can you eliminate today?

  • Day #30

    Time For Reflection And Celebration!

    Dear sweet, beautiful you!

    Congratulations on the amazing steps you have taken towards creating wholehearted, life-affirming wellness! Throughout these 30 days, you have made some incredible changes, all of which are about embracing new, uplifting habits that support and sustain you, whilst saying see-ya-later to the dud habits that were not serving you.

    Today is a day for reflection and celebration. Get out your journal and dive in to the following questions.

    Self-reflection can be an incredibly potent tool for cementing change, so take your time as you explore the answers to these questions.

    • What changes have you most enjoyed making?

    • Which habits or shifts have you struggled with the most?

    • Which changes are you most proud of?

    • What areas of your life would you like to explore more in the future?

    • How do you feel now – in your body, in your mind, in your heart? How is this different to how you felt 30 days ago?

    • And finally, what are you most grateful for about this journey?

    Craving some soul-centered support?

    Come on over to the Yogic website and connect with other people on this beautiful journey towards wholehearted wellness.

    I’d love to hear your answers to some of these questions, and to share in your celebrations!

    Thank you so much for riding this wellness wave with me. I am so proud of everything that you’ve explored, discovered and achieved. I can’t wait to see the big, beautiful, amazing things you do next!

    Yours in effervescent health!


  • About the Author

    Alexa’s approach to yoga and nutrition is holistic, and references your whole being – body, mind and spirit. It is about embracing wellness and yoga in your daily life in a way that is life affirming, empowering and uplifting. Her greatest wish is that everyone who participates in her programs will step into their personal power in all aspects of their health – fitness, nutrition, relaxation, spirituality, and simply by having a whole lot of fun!

    You can connect with Alexa through her website, on Facebook and on Twitter.

    www.alexanehter.com facebook.com/yogiconlinetwitter.com/alexanehterhttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGNPAetp-o6eCgL0CemiSPwintagram.com/alexanehter

  • Bonus Material

    On the following pages, you’ll find a customized meal planner and a blank weekly planner for you to print out and use.

    The meal planner comes complete with gorgeous whole food recipes, snack suggestions and self-care rituals. Feel free to mix things up and move things around if necessary, and to swap ingredients for alternatives if something isn’t to your taste.

    The weekly planner is for you to record your progress, one day at a time. As you know, it’s the tiny tweaks you make -- day after day, week after week -- that add up to the big

    transformations and impressive results you are seeking. Tracking your commitment and progress using a tool such as this is an excellent motivator and will help to keep you on course. At the end of the week, I recommend setting aside time for reflection, so that you can see how you’ve gone over the past 7 days and identify any areas for improvement.

    It’s also an opportunity to reward yourself for the excellent work you’ve done. Just make sure you reward yourself in a way that enhances your health efforts!

  • ~ DAILY LOVE LIFE PLANNER & LOG ~Alexa Nehter, Yoga Teacher & Health Coach, http://www.alexanehter.com


    Love Life Practice

    Mantra Meditation: I love myself and accept myself unconditionally.

    ☐ Gratitude notes☐ Success notes☐ Sleep ____☐ Movement

    Mantra Meditation: I am grateful for the little things in life.

    ☐ Gratitude notes☐ Success notes☐ Sleep ____☐ Movement

    Mantra Meditation: I am here to elevate others.

    ☐ Gratitude notes☐ Success notes☐ Sleep ____☐ Movement

    Mantra Meditation: My challenges are my greatest teach-ers.

    ☐ Gratitude notes☐ Success notes☐ Sleep ____☐ Movement

    Mantra Meditation: What I believe I receive.

    ☐ Gratitude notes☐ Success notes☐ Sleep ____☐ Movement

    Mantra Meditation: I love my life and my life loves me.

    ☐ Gratitude notes☐ Success notes☐ Sleep ____☐ Movement

    Mantra Meditation: When I slow down I allow life to work on my behalf.

    ☐ Gratitude notes☐ Success notes☐ Sleep ____☐ Movement

    BreakfastApple with amaranth porridge (made with almond milk)

    2 scrambled eggs with mushrooms, onion & heaps of spinach

    Morning salad with 1/2 avocado, sliced tomato, squeezed lemon & a pinch of Himalayan sea salt

    2 poached eggs with carrots, onion, a handful of seeds & spinach

    3 small almond meal pancakes (egg, rice milk, stevia) with berries & shaved coconut

    1 grapefruit + 1 kiwi + 1 apple breakfast salad with shaved coconut, lemon juice and a hint of honey

    Let your intuition guide you what you need today.

    LunchRed potatoes with salmon, lemon juice & veggies of choice

    Quinoa, egg & walnut salad (2 – 3 eggs)

    Organic chicken with lettuce, cu-cumber, mush-rooms, roasted pumpkin & olive oil - apple cider vinegar - lemon juice dressing

    Smoked fish salad with spinach, lettuce, carrots, potato cuts & walnuts

    Salad with ½ - 1 avocado, 2 eggs, steamed veggies + lemon dressing

    Brown rice with Salmon, lemon juice & Veggies of choice

    Take time to prepare your food. Enjoy the creative process of cooking and eating.


    150g chicken breast grilled with olive oil & herbs (thyme, oregano etc.) with steamed asparagus spears & wilted spinach

    50g smoked salmon with rice and sliced tomato salsa

    Roasted beet root and yam, marinated in lots of herbs (mint, turmeric, coriander) with steamed asparagus & a rocket, tomato, radish salad

    150g coconut crusted chicken ‘schnitzel’ with cauliflower mash & green salad

    150g Moroccan-spiced chicken breast with ½ cup quinoa, seed mix, grapefruit & cabbage slices

    1 sliced red capsicum with 1 tbsp. almond butter

    Breathe 10 times before you begin to eat your meal. Chew your food 15 times and explore the different tastes of your meal.

    Liquid Love

    Lemon juice/apple cider vinegar & stevia, 2 lit. water, 2 cups lemon water & dandelion or green tea

    Lemon juice/apple cider vinegar & stevia, 2 lit. water, 2 cups lemon water & dandelion or green tea

    Lemon juice/apple cider vinegar & stevia, 2 lit. water, 2 cups lemon water & dandelion or green tea

    Lemon juice/apple cider vinegar & stevia, 2 lit. water, 2 cups lemon water & dandelion or green tea

    Lemon juice/apple cider vinegar & stevia, 2 lit. water, 2 cups lemon water & dandelion or green tea

    Lemon juice/apple cider vinegar & stevia, 2 lit. water, 2 cups lemon water & dandelion or green tea

    Lemon juice/apple cider vinegar & stevia, 2 lit. water, 2 cups lemon water & dandelion or green tea

    Snacks Apple + almond spreadCacao hot chocolate with almond milk

    Alexa’s Green wave smoothie

    Carrot and Celery sticks with hummus

    Boiled egg with mustard

    Cacao hot chocolate with almond milk

    Fruit of choice + green tea

  • ~ DAILY LOVE LIFE PLANNER & LOG ~Alexa Nehter, Yoga Teacher & Health Coach, http://www.alexanehter.com


    Love Life Practice

    Mantra Meditation:

    ☐ Gratitude notes☐ Success notes☐ Sleep ____☐ Movement

    Mantra Meditation:

    ☐ Gratitude notes☐ Success notes☐ Sleep ____☐ Movement

    Mantra Meditation:

    ☐ Gratitude notes☐ Success notes☐ Sleep ____☐ Movement

    Mantra Meditation:

    ☐ Gratitude notes☐ Success notes☐ Sleep ____☐ Movement

    Mantra Meditation:

    ☐ Gratitude notes☐ Success notes☐ Sleep ____☐ Movement

    Mantra Meditation:

    ☐ Gratitude notes☐ Success notes☐ Sleep ____☐ Movement

    Mantra Meditation:

    ☐ Gratitude notes☐ Success notes☐ Sleep ____☐ Movement




    Liquid Love
