3 Types of Yard Signs

3 Types of Yard Signs www.campaigntrailyardsigns.com


There are three types of yard signs: fold over yard signs, poly bag yard signs, and corrugated plastic yard signs. Learn important facts about each such as, which is the least expensive for your campaign.

Transcript of 3 Types of Yard Signs

  • 1. 3 Types of Yard Signs

2. Fold Over Yard Signs
Cardboard signs need folded and stapled
These signs are made from a thick paperboard.They are economical in mid-sized orders
3. Fold Over Yard Signs
A polyurethane coating protects the sign from weather damage
Cardboard signs are durable but will fray over time.
Fold over signs arent as recyclable as bag or Coroplast
4. Plastic Bag Yard Signs
You can see through poor quality bag signs.The thicker the plastic and the darker the interior of the sign the less transparent the sign is
5. Plastic Bag Yard Signs
Bag signs are economical in large quantities
Poly bag signs are durable and weather resistant.Over a few election cycles, they may wear around the edges and corners.
6. Coroplast Yard Signs
These signs are least expensive in small orders.
Corrugated plastic signs are fluted.
7. Coroplast Yard Signs
Along with poly bag signs, these all plastic signs are a completely weatherproof option
To assemble a corrugated plastic sign, insert the special H-shaped frame into the flutes.
8. For More Sign Information Visit