3 Takeways on AI

3 Takeways on AI Alberto Bartoli Direttore Machine Learning Lab, Università di Trieste

Transcript of 3 Takeways on AI

3 Takeways on AI

Alberto Bartoli

Direttore Machine Learning Lab, Università di Trieste

Takeaway #1: AI is here to stay

• 20 US lawyers were asked to review 5 NDAs and highlight potential issues

• AI by a specialized firm did the same

• Results compared to ground truth by senior top lawyers

• 20 US lawyers: 85% accuracy, 92 minutes

• AI: 95% accuracy, 26 seconds

Just one of many examples: NDA analysis

Takeaway #2: Beware of ready-to-use solutions!

• AI technology is this magical thing, right? It’s useful for so many different things!

• But the reality is, AI technology needs a lot of customization for your business context.

Andrew Ng

Stanford, Google, Coursera, Baidu...

(equivalente a Cristiano Ronaldo + Messi)

You cannot just "buy" these innovations

Takeaway #3: Italy is bound to have serious problems

• Digital Economy and Society Index - European Communities

• Human Capital: 25 out of 28

• Human Capital (2014): 24 out of 28

Where are people and skills?