3. Subhash Chandra Bose is known as ? 4. A state of south ...

SANT NIRANKARI PUBLIC SCHOOL, GOVINDPURI SUMMER VACATIONS HOLIDAY HOMEWORK (2021-22) ASSIGNMENT-1 SUBJECT-ENGLISH CLASS-V NAME-___________________ SECTION-______ DATE-____________ Q-1. Solve the crossword puzzle using nouns. ACROSS DOWN 1. A holy book of the Hindus. 2. Name of Lord Buddha. 3. Subhash Chandra Bose is known as ? 4. A state of south India. 5. Capital of Rajasthan. Q-2. Complete the sentences using subject or predicate. i. ____________________ is a good player. ii. My elder brother ____________________________. 1. G 2. G 4. K 3. N T 5. J

Transcript of 3. Subhash Chandra Bose is known as ? 4. A state of south ...






NAME-___________________ SECTION-______ DATE-____________

Q-1. Solve the crossword puzzle using nouns.


1. A holy book of the Hindus. 2. Name of Lord Buddha.

3. Subhash Chandra Bose is known as ? 4. A state of south India.

5. Capital of Rajasthan.

Q-2. Complete the sentences using subject or predicate.

i. ____________________ is a good player.

ii. My elder brother ____________________________.

1. G

2. G

4. K

3. N T 5. J

Q-3. Make sentences using the given words.

i. Carefully- _________________________________________________________________

ii. After- _________________________________________________________________

iii. Fast- _________________________________________________________________

Q-4. Complete the conversations using pronouns.

TEACHER : Students, ____________ are going for a class picnic next week.

NEHA : ______________ are _______________ going ?

TEACHER : _________________ will go to the Disney Water Park.

RAHUL : ___________ is interesting. _____________ will ______________ there ?

NEHA : ____________ will play games, eat something and have fun.

TEACHER : Yes! We will have a good time.

Q-5. During lockdown you are at home. What are you missing most ? Write in five lines.









NAME-___________________ SECTION-______ DATE-____________

Q-1. Read the poem carefully and answer the questions.

New shoes, new shoes,

Red and pink and blue shoes.

Tell me, what would you choose,

If they’d let us buy ?

Buckle shoes, bow shoes,

Pretty pointy- toes shoes,

Strappy, cappy low shoes;

Let’s have some to try.


Flat shoes, fat shoes,

Stump – along- like that shoes,

Wipe them in the- mat shoes,

That’s the sort they’ll buy.

A . Complete the following sentences.

i. The poet wants ________________, ___________________ and ______________ shoes.

(Write the colours.)

ii. The poet does not like ____________________.(buckle and bow shoes/ flat and fat shoes)

B. Write the full form of the following words.

i. Let’s- ______________

ii. They’ll - ______________

C. Write any two pairs of rhyming words.

i. ________________ , __________________

ii. _______________ , ___________________

Q-2. Identify the kinds of sentences.

i. Don’t make a noise. _________________

ii. What a good girl you are ! _________________

iii. It is raining very heavily. _________________

iv. Is he reading his book ? _________________

Q-3. Rearrange the group of sentences to make complete sense.

i. Sometimes / car / go / we / by


ii. Coffee / you / like / ? / some / would


iii. Always / Shimla / to / go / we / winter / in /.


Q-4. Write a short paragraph of about five sentences.

“ Happiest day of my life “






Q-5. Fill in the blanks using a / an / the

i. Does this dog have _____________ name ?

ii. _________ collar of my shirt is dirty.

PROJECT- Do any of the following projects. ( Any one )


Make a project on synonyms and antonyms using the same word in a creative manner.



Make a project on genders showing masculine and feminine genders in a creative manner.




❖ Find sometimes to visit any 5 museums/ monuments via your parents smartphone or laptop. You can

search on Youtube . Read and learn about them. Explain them in 3-4 lines each.

❖ Since we all are living in a pandemic . Paste any 5 things which are useful for us to keep ourselves

safe from Covid-19. Also write their benefits.

EXAMPLE- MASK- helps to prevent spreading of droplets.

संत निरंकारी पब्लिक विद्यािय {गोविदं पुरी}

ग्रीष्मकालीन अवकाश

कार्य-प्रपत्र – 1

कक्षा - पााँचवी

सामान्र् ननरे्दश :–

• हिन्दी के गिृकार्य के लिए आप अिग से पतिी कापी र्ा फोल्डर बनाए।

• कार्य साफ एवम स्पष्ट भाषा मे करे।

• घर पर रिे, स्वस्थ रिे, सुरक्षित रिे।

ववद्र्ार्थी का नाम :– ववभाग :–

व्र्ाकरण वस्तुननष्ठ प्रश्न (objective) ननम्नप्रश्नों के उत्तर का सिी ववकल्प चुने।

1. भाषा ककसका साधन िै?

र्ातार्ात का मनोरंजन का ववचारो के आदान-प्रदान का

2. गाना सुनना भाषा का कौन सा रूप िै।

लिखित मौखिक सांकेनतक

3. हिदंी मे ककतने स्वर िै?

ग्र्ारि तेरि दस

4. वणय ककतने प्रकार के िोते िै?

तीन पााँच दो

5. संज्ञा के ककतने भेद िै?

तीन चार सात

6. ककसी प्राणी, स्थान, वस्तु और भाव के नाम को क्र्ा किते िै?

सवयनाम संज्ञा किर्ा

7. लिगं के भेद िोते िै?

पााँच चार दो

8. कौन सा शब्द ‘घर’ का पर्ायर्वाची निीं िै?

आवास गिृ साथी

9. सवयनाम के ककतने भेद िोते िै?

छि आठ सात

10. ‘सरि’ ककस शब्द का वविोम िै?

आसान कहठन सचेत

11. संज्ञा और सवयनाम की ववशषेता बताने वािे शब्द क्र्ा कििाते िै?

वचन ववशेषण लिगं

12. जो किानी लििता िो–

ववदेशी कववकार किानीकार

13. प्रत्रे्क वषय िोन ेवािा–

दैननक मालसक वावषयक

14. किर्ा का अथय िै–

नाम काम ध्र्ान

15. प्रश्न पूछे जाने वािे वाक्र्ों के अंत में कौन-सी चचह्न िगार्ा जाता िै।

पूणयववराम प्रश्नसूचक अल्पववराम

16. ववराम का अथय िै–

संकेत रूकना बोिना

17. िार का वविोम शब्द क्र्ा िै?

देना जीत िानन

18. सोमवार के बाद कौन-सा हदन आता िै?

शुिवार शननवार मंगिवार

19. फरवरी से पििे कौन सा मिीना आता िै?

जनवरी जून माचय

20. ‘घी के हदरे् जिाना’– मुिावरे का अथय चुनो

शाबाशी देना िुलशर्ााँ मनाना भाग जाना

ग्रीष्मकालीन अवकाश कार्यप्रपत्र – 2

कक्षा – पााँचवी ववषर् – ह िंर्दी

ब ुवैकल्पपक प्रश्नोत्तर :– ननम्न प्रश्नो के उत्तर का सिी ववकल्प चुने।

प्र01 िोनपोगार राजा के क्र्ा थे?

बेटा मंत्री भाई

प्र02 ‘सरिुि’ क्र्ा िै?

फूि अन्न त्र्ौिार

प्र03 पििी बार मंत्री के बेटे न ेभडे़ का क्र्ा बेचा?

सींग बाि पूाँछ

प्र04 मचचर्ा पर साड़ी पिनकर कौन बैठी थी?

दादी चाची बुआ

प्र05 मंत्री ने बेटे को किााँ भेजा?

गााँव शिर ववदेश

प्र06 गुजरात में पतंगे ककस त्योहार पर उड़ाई जाती िै?

दीवािी िोिी मकर संिांनत

प्र07 ‘चााँपाकि’ शब्द का अथय चुननए :–

िैंडपम्प साइककि पहिर्ा

लघु प्रश्नों के उत्तर ललखो :–

प्र08 नतब्बत के राजा का नाम क्र्ा था?

प्र09 सूरज ककतने हदनों से निी ंननकिा था।

प्र010 दादी के बाि ककसके समान थे?

प्र011 िड़की ने रस्सी का क्र्ा ककर्ा?

प्र012 िोनपोगार का बेटा कैसा था?

प्र013 खिचड़ी बनाने में कौन-कौन सी सामग्री इस्तेमाि करते िै? मम्मी से पूछकर सूची बनाओ।

प्र014 आहदवासी आमतौर पर ककसकी पूजा करते िै?

प्र015 पाठ्र्पुस्तक ररमखिम र्ा अन्र् ककसी पुस्तक मे स ेदस सुिेि करे। प्रतिदिन पुस्िक पठन


प्र016 वाचन कार्य :– पाठ-3 कववता – ‘खििौनेवािा’ का सस्वर उच्चारण सहित अपनी वीडियो तैर्ार


प्र017 शब्द-िड़ी बनाओ :–

ककताब बादि िड़का कमि िाि



प्र018 पाठ्र्पुस्त ररमखिम पाठ-5 ‘जिााँ चाि, विााँ राि’ में स ेपजे 46 पर हदए गए लभन्न टााँको का इस्तेमाि करते िुए (जैस ेकी मछली टाांका, जांजीर ) बड़ो की मदद स ेरूमाि तैर्ार करो।


कोरोना वायरस महामारी के बारे में आप क्या जानिे है? यह कैसे फैलिी है िथा बचाव के पाांच उपाय


प्र019 पाठ्र्पुस्तक ररमखिम से पाठ-6 ‘चचट्ठी का सफर’ के आधार पर संदेशवािक कबूतरो से िेकर

आजकि संदेश भेजने के नए-नए व तेज साधनों के चचत्र चचपकाकर र्ा बनाकर एक सुन्दर

कोिॉज बनाइए।

रचनात्मक कार्य :–

प्र020 अपन ेघर मे रिे गमिे में से चचकनी लमट्टी ननकािकर कुछ मनपसन्द खििौने तैर्ार करो तथा घर मे रिी िल्दी र्ा आिता से रंग भरो। गनतववचध शीट मे पूरा वववरण भररए व अपनी वीडियो भी तैर्ार कीजजए।

(1) गनतववचध का नाम :–

(2) छात्र/छात्रा का नाम :–

(3) गनतववचध बनाने के लिए सामग्री

(4) गनतववचध का पूरा वववरण, चचत्र एवं वीडियो सहित



NOTE : Do the Assignment 1 & 2 in your Mathematics notebook.

Q1. Tick the correct option

i. 15,125 + ___________ = 15,125

a) 0 b) 1 c) 10

ii. 56 ÷ 14 = _________

a) 8 b) 4 c) 1

iii. 65,158 + (12,789 + 25,758 ) = (65,158 + 12,789) + ___________

a) 87, 902 b) 0 c) 25,758

iv. 15 x 100 = _________

a) 500 b) 100 c) 1.500

v. 20,000 ÷ 1,000 = __________

a) 20 b) 10 c) 0

vi. Find the length of the missing side where Perimter is 30 cm

a) 9 cm b) 19 cm c) 20 cm

vii. What will be the difference if the sum of 71,786 and 65,897 is subtracted from 2,67,435 ? a) 1,29,752 b) 1,30,876 c) 1,98,765 viii. 132 ÷ 12 =__________ a) 11 b) 10 c) 0 ix. The figure formed with three sides is called ____________. a) Rectangle b) Triangle c) square x. Compare the given pair of numbers and put appropriate sign in the blank.

13.2 ___________ 2.14

a) > b) < c) = xi. 4 L = ________ ml a) 1000 ml b) 4000 ml c) none

xii. Perimeter of a ____________= 2(l+b) a) Square b) Triangle c) Rectangle

xiii. 1 m = __________cm a) 200 cm b) 100 cm c) 10 cm xiv. 4.8 - 2.4 =_________

a) 2.4 b) 4.2 c) 2.2.

xv. 6:30 p.m. = _________ hrs a) 2030 hrs b) 1230 hrs c) 1830 hrs


i) There are ____ zeroes in 20 millions. a) 1 b) 7 c) 25

ii) Which of the following is successor of 8,64,512?

a) 8,86,000 b) 95,200 c) 8,64,513

iii) Write the face value of 9 in 29,645. a) 7 b) 1 c) 9

iv) 2,76,212 + 2,628 = ___________ + 2,76,212

a) 0 b) 2,68 c) 1

v) What numbers do this roman numeral CMXVI stand for

a) 10010001051 b) 956 c) 916

vi) I am not divisible by 2.

I am less than seven hundred thousand.

My thousand digit is half of my tens digit.

My hundred thousands digit is greater than 4.

Who am I? (Circle the answer)

482,549 389,326 528,345 626,231

701,429 528,347 613,266 591,427

vii) Write in Roman numerals : March has ____________ days. a) XXV b) XXXX c) XXXI viii) Write true or false : C X = 110

a) True b) False c) none

ix) Write in Roman numeral : 162 _______


x) Round off 52,96,253 is _________________

a) 52,50.000 b) 53,00,000 c) 52,00,000

xi) I am amultiple of 4.

My hundreds digit is two less than my hundred- thousands digit.

If you multiply me by 10 then my value is e million.

If you round me to the nearest 10 , then I round up.

Who am I ? (Circle the answer)

xii) The successor of the greatest 8 digit number is ____________

a) 10,00,00,000 b) 99999991 c) 1,00,00,000

xiii) 100 millions = ____________ crore

a) 2 b) 1 c) 0

xiv) 10 lakh = __________ million

a) 2 b) 1 c) 3

xv) Ten millions ___________ crores

a) less than b) equal c) more than

526,312 227,056 59,368 107,340

163,388 216,038 192,044 316,128


NOTE : Do the following activity in A-4 size sheet with colourful pencil colours.

I) Find out the 2021 Population of the following countries :



Now, answer the following questions.

Q1. Fill in the boxes with < , >

a) Japan ________ Bangladesh

b) Sri Lanka _________ Saudi Arabia

c) Thailand _______ Bangladesh

d) Indonesia ______ Pakistan

Q2. Which country has the smallest population?

Q3. Which countries have population greater than 15 Crores?

Q4. Which countries population is closest to 7 Crores?

Q5. Arrange these countries on the basis of on their population sizes in Descending order.

II) Write the age of your family members in Roman Numerals by using matchstick in A-4 size sheet.

Learn Tables 12- 20 through new technique from the following Youtube Links (copy and paste on

youtube ) :

a) https://youtu.be/JW1_EilIBCE

b) https://youtu.be/iL42jSttDFQ



SESSION 2021 22



Q1. Give one example for each of the following.

1. Micro Computers

2. Super Computers

3. Mini Computers

4. Mainframe Computers

Q2. State True or False.

1. Mainframe Computers use highly sophisticated technology

like Parallel Processing.

2. Micro Computers use a microprocessor chip called CPU.

3. Super Computers handle most complex scientific, statistical

applications or programs.

4. Mini Computers are faster than Micro Computer

5. Micro computers are high speed, costly and big size computers.

6. Data processing is ultra-fast in super computer.

7. CRAY-I was world's first super computer.

Q3. Name the technology used in the following generations of


(Microprocessor, Transistors, Artificial Intelligence, Vacuum

tube, Integrated Circuit)

1. 1st generation ___________________

2. 2nd generation __________________

3. 3rd generation __________________

4. 4th generation __________________

5. 5th generation ___________________

Q4. Fill in the blanks.

1) _________contain the multiplication tables written on strips of wood or bones.

2) _________is an example of second generation of computers.

3) ________was the basic component of Fourth generation of computers.

4) ‘UNIVAC' is an example of ------------------ generation of computers.

5) Third generation of computer are ------------------ --.

6) The brought the fourth generation of computers.

7) The First generation of computers used for


8) __ processing technology is used in Fifth generation computers.

9) Working of was based on the movement of its beads up

and down.

10) Second generation computers used languages for


Q 5. Choose the correct answer.

1. _______ is considered as India's first Supercomputer.

a) PARAM Yuva b) PARAM 8000

c) PARAM First d) PARAM Robo

2. Thousands of integrated circuits were built into single silicon chip called ------------------- --

a) Vacuum Tube b) LED

c) Integrated Circuit d) None of these

2. ________ was the first calculating device invented by Chinese around 5000 years ago.

a) Napier's Bones b) Pascaline

c) Abacus d) Tabulating machine

3. In Fifth generation, researches are focused on developing “thinking computer” or “smart

computer” known as .

a) Smartness b) Speed only

c) Size d) Artificial Intelligence

4. is known as the father of modern computer.

a) Charles Babbage b) Bill Gates

c) John Napier d) Pascaline



Q1. Choose the correct answer-

a) The process by which liquid changes to a gas is called:

i) Melting ii) evaporation iii) filtration

b) A farmer ploughs his field with :

i) Trucks ii) bullocks iii) cycles

c) All ___________ are rich in oils and minerals.

i) Pulses ii) fruits iii) nuts

d) __________eat both plants and animals:

i) Herbivores ii) carnivores iii) omnivores

e) Parents, grandparents, uncles and aunts living together:

i) Nuclear family ii) Joint family iii) none of these

f) A ________ treats sick animals.

i) Orthopedic ii) veterinarian iii) radiologist

g) The official language of Goa is:

i) Hindi ii) Portuguese iii) Konkani

h) Shrikhand is a typical _________ sweet dish.

i) Punjabi ii) Rajasthan iii) Marathi

i) A person whose job is to design and build roads, bridges, etc.

i) Doctor ii) teacher iii) engineer

j) The name of one of the campaigns to improve cleanliness in India is:

i) Clean Bharat Mission ii) Keep Bharat Swachh iii) Swachh Bharat Abhiyan

Q2. Fill in the blanks-

i) A wall built to stop water from flowing is known as ___________.

ii) __________ buildings have many floors or storeys with many flats or apartments

on every floor.

iii) _________ is an important part of our life as it gives us energy to work and play.

iv) We must be _______ and sensitive towards animals.

v) Aeroplanes, trains, metros, buses and ships are means of ________ transport.

vi) The Great Indian Desert or the Thar Desert is located in ___________.

Q3. Give one word answers-

i) Animals that eat meat_____________

ii) Impurities that dissolve in water_____________

iii) A mixture of cement, gravel and water_________

iv) Animals that people ride on to travel from one place to another________

v) Famous sweet dish of Goa________

Q4. Solve the crossword puzzle -

Q5. Find eight words related to food in the word search-


Q1. Fill in the blanks-

i. All living things need ______________to survive.

ii. Animals are dependent on _______________ for food, shelter & oxygen.

iii. Green plants are also called __________________.

iv. Tiny pores present in the leaves are called ___________________.

v. A pigment which gives green colour to the leaves is known as _______________.

vi. Food is stored in the form of ________________ in plants.

vii. The characteristics which passed on from one generation to another are called


viii. _______________ are children born together to the same mother.

ix. _________________ is a writing system that helps blind people read by feeling with

their hands.

x. Members of a family _____________ each other.

Q2. Choose whether each trait is inherited or acquired –

i. Brown eyes – …………………………………………….

ii. Ear piercing- …………………………………………….

iii. Nose shape- …………………………………………….

iv. Reading books- ………………………………………….

v. Cut on leg- ………………………………………………..

Q3. Read the passage and answer the following questions-

Q4. Answer the following-

i. Green plants are producers. Give reason




ii. Define photosynthesis. Also write photosynthesis reaction-






· Take some black grams (chana).

· Put black grams in the bowl and fill it up with water.

· Put a damp piece of cloth or some cotton in the bowl. Make sure that the cotton or cloth remains wet. Observe after two days and note the changes in the bowl. Also paste photos of your black grams at Day 1 and Day 3.



photosynthesis model science project | craftpiller | diy at home


• Make a MODEL on “SENSE ORGANS” https://youtu.be/8IWcLm9mXuM