3. production experiments

Experiments Rhiannah Baker

Transcript of 3. production experiments

Page 1: 3. production experiments


Rhiannah Baker

Page 2: 3. production experiments


First I changed the hue, and saturation.

I changed the original image to be a darker version.

I slowly added more tally marks to the original image.

I then set the effect on the tally marks to screen, so that the black was no longer there and the read was more transparent.

I added text stating the title of my horror movie, I overlayed the text to make it hardly visible.

Finally, arced my text to fit the curve along the finger to complete my movie poster.

Page 3: 3. production experiments


Page 4: 3. production experiments


• What elements of your experiments will you include in your final product? The final poster will be used at the end of my teaser trailer to just give it the

final touch of advertisement, so that people remember the image and it sticks in their head more.

In my actual teaser trailer, there will be a lot of darkness, contrasted with bright white. There will also be bright blood to make it stand out.

On the poster, there are red tally marks, in my teaser trailer, there will be red tallies in various places throughout.

I will also do many close up shots of small details like hands and eyes, rarely showing the bigger picture to create a sense of mystery, not giving away much to the plot.