3 Point Perspective Tutorial

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3 Point Perspective Tutorial

Transcript of 3 Point Perspective Tutorial

3 Point Perspective Tutorial - Mechanical Drawing Perspective Grid Techniques

3 Point Perspective Tutorial - Mechanical Drawing Perspective Grid Techniques

Lesson in how to map out a 3 pt perspective drawing.

In this lesson we are going to create a 3 Point Perspective view drawing of the same subject covered in the 2 Point Perspective Drawing Tutorial (Fig 1). This type of angle is referred to as a "3/4 View Perspective", "3 Point Perspective View" or "Angular Perspective View".

2 Point Perspective INCLUDEPICTURE "D:\\_AUTODESK VIDEO TUTORIALS\\PERSPECTIVE\\3_point_perspective_files\\3_point_perspective_fig1.jpg" \* MERGEFORMATINET

Following the instructions in the Drawing Tutorial, our first line to draw will be the Picture Plane Fig. 2. From this point, we will follow every step that is described in the 2 pt perspective tutorial with one notable exception; the addition of a third vanishing point - the "Nadir" (Fig 2). This will create what is known as a "Bird's Eye View" or "Ariel View" of the subject.

You would use the exact same technique if you were looking up at the subject (Fig 3) but instead of projecting vertical lines downward towards the Nadir you would be projecting the vertical construction lines upwards towards the "Zenith." This angle of view would be known as a "Worm's Eye View."

We are now ready to start projecting lines to the vanishing points. Referring to Fig. 4, draw lines from both horizon vanishing points (LVP & RVP) to the reference points of our subject (green dots). You will also project lines from our third vanishing point, the "Nadir."

For this demonstration I have chosen an arbitrary placement for the Nadir. The further the Nadir is from the subject (downward), the less "forced' the perspective will look. "Forced Perspective" gives the impression that you are viewing the subject through a "fish eye" or "wide angle" lens of a camera. By moving the Nadir downward, you will "flatten" the perspective giving the impression that you are viewing the subject through a "telephoto" or "long" lens.

In Fig. 5 & 6 we will start to construct the secondary features of the subject (green dots). The first step will be to establish the secondary vertical plane shown in Fig. 5. Then we will construct or secondary horizontal plane shown in Fig. 6.

Once we have completed our construction lines we will start to "draw" our final black outlines by using Adobe Illustrator's "Scissors (C)" tool to cut the construction lines (in the location of the green dots) and give them new thickness and color attributes. For additional information on this line technique go to the "Controlling Line Weights & Quality" Adobe Illustrator Tutorial.

Continue the process of cutting the construction lines and using Illustrator's "Eyedropper (I)" tool to sample the attributes of your other black outlines. As was shown in Fig. 7, make your cuts in the location of the green dots.

Now that you have completed the process of cutting out all of the necessary lines in out subject, you can eliminate the distraction of the construction lines. Cut them back using the "Scissors (C)" tool, but keep them handy in the event that you need to change the position of, or add additional lines to the subject.

The last step is to darken the object's construction lines, and add weight to all of the exterior and outside edge lines, to increase readability Fig. 10. See the "Controlling Line Weights & Quality" Adobe Illustrator Tutorial for additional information on "line" control.