3 Days to Kick the Sugar Habit - Renewed Living...

RENEWED LIVING 2016 © | www.renewedlivinginc.com These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Page 1 3DAYS TO KICK THE SUGARHABIT with Elaine Gibson www. RenewedLivingInc.com

Transcript of 3 Days to Kick the Sugar Habit - Renewed Living...

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JUICE CLEANSE - with (optional) smoothie support -


JUICE CLEANSE - with (optional) smoothie support -


JUICE CLEANSE - with (optional) smoothie support -

with Elaine Gibson

www. RenewedLivingInc.com

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Hello, I am so excited that you are ready to take the leap off the sugar roller coaster. Sugar takes away from your beauty – inside and out. It is truly the silent killer and yet it is everywhere. I could not believe how many foods I was eating that were filled with sugar even though I was avoiding white sugar. I was using brown sugar and eating multigrain bread, but sugar is sugar. I also used to love a good coffee, especially during the winter months, but I kicked that habit, too, for two reasons:

1. I wanted to ditch the caffeine that contributes to blood sugar imbalances. 2. I wanted to ditch the sugar that was making its way into my coffee cup.

I took control of my own health and beat stage IV cancer without traditional protocols. On my journey to discover the true foundation of health it became apparent that sugar was Public Enemy #1! Today I share my hard won lessons so that you can live the life you desire and deserve in the easiest possible manner.

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Did you know that sugar is a toxin? Too much glucose in the blood leads to digestive issues, blood sugar imbalances, fatigue, and even diabetes. Do you know just how much sugar that yummy Starbucks drink contains?

ü A grande Caramel Brulee Latte has 52 grams of sugar and a whopping 430 calories.

ü The frappuccino version contains 63 grams of sugar and 410 calories. ü A venti contains 82 grams of sugar and 510 calories.

We are going to have some fun over the next 3 days. We are going to kick the sugar habit, but without deprivation. Giving up something that gives you pleasure cold turkey is difficult. Instead, I am going to teach you the exact tools and tips I used myself to kick this habit to the curb.

Let me first introduce you to sugar, because once you know the facts, you will have an easier time saying good-bye.

ü Sugar occurs naturally in all foods, and when in its most natural state contains vitamins and minerals. A great example of a sugar in its natural state is honey.

ü But refined sugar depletes the body of its own minerals and enzymes, and creates an acidic environment leading to digestive distress, headaches, mucus in the body, and allergies.

ü When we consume refined sugar, it has a negative impact on the blood sugar, which can lead to depression, fatigue, poor sleep, and many serious health conditions.

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When sugar is out of your life and not depleting your beautiful body, then you will experience: ü Glowing skin ü Less bloat ü Better sleep ü Improved sex drive ü No more bags under the eyes ü Stabilized blood sugar – which means less cravings ü Weight loss ü Less cellulite

Need I say more? Are you ready to get started?


Hi there! My name is Elaine Gibson. I am an Extraordinary Health Coach and a Disease Prevention Specialist. Cited as One of the Top 10 Most Inspirational Natural Cancer Survivors by Extreme Health Radio and featured in The Quest for

the Cure documentary series. I am living proof that choices matter. I work with busy people who truly desire health and peak performance yet are way too busy to figure it out. The men and women I mentor adore shedding pounds, having more energy and renewing their health. Today I am a green juice lovin” grandmother!

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To ditch the sugar, you need the following:

1. Mindset – the first step is tapping into your willingness to say no to something that, while pleasant in the short-term, is ultimately detrimental to your happiness. Keep in mind that you are what you eat. The goal is to get into the habit of putting the right foods into your mouth to give you the energy you desire.

2. Knowledge – get educated about how sugars affect your body. Use this e-guide as a way to get inspired. Sugar leads to chronic inflammation that can cause premature aging and a multitude of health issues.

3. Commit to self-care – yes, it is about the food you eat, but self-care is a big part of letting go of consuming sugar. When the body is stressed, we reach for sugar as a way to calm our nervous system.

How often when you’re stressed out do you reach for a candy bar or a doughnut? Or even healthy desserts like gluten-free cake? This happened to me too often, until I started to notice I was lagging and depending on my next “hit” of sugar or coffee to get me through the day. Since successfully kicking the sugar habit, I jump out of bed with energy in the morning and keep a stable level of high energy throughout the day without resorting to blood sugar “highs” which inevitably crash.

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In addition to feeding inflammation in the cells and suppressing immunity, sugar can also:

ü Increase the risk of cancer ü Lead to gastrointestinal problems ü Cause reactive hypoglycemia ü Interfere with your absorption of protein ü Cause food allergies ü Hamper weight loss ü Increase cholesterol ü Accelerate the aging process ü Increase anxiety and make you moody ü Complicate ADD, ADHD, and spectrum-related issues ü Weaken eyesight

Did you know there are 60 names for sugar? Can you imagine? Before we embark on getting the sugar out of your life but keeping in the sweetness, take a look at this list.

60 NAMES FOR SUGAR Agave Nectar Amasake Apple Sugar Banana Sugar Barbados Sugar Barley Malt Beet Sugar Black Strap Molasses Brown Sugar Buttered Syrup Cane Juice Crystals

Cane Sugar Caramel Carbitol Corn Syrup Corn Syrup solids Confectioner’s Sugar Carob Syrup Castor Sugar Date Sugar Demerara Sugar Dextran

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Dextrose Diastatic Malt Diatase Ethyl Maltol Fructose Fruit Juice Fruit Juice Concentrate Galactose Glucose Glucose Solids Golden Sugar Golden Syrup Grape Sugar High-Fructose Corn Syrup Honey Icing Sugar Invert Sugar Locust Bean Gum

Lactose Maltodextrin Maltose Malt Syrup Mannose Maple Syrup Molasses Muscovado Sugar Panocha Raw Sugar Refiner’s Syrup Rice Syrup Sorbitol Sorghum Syrup Sucrose Sugar Treacle Turbinado Sugar Yellow Sugar Xanthan Gum

Please note that sugar substitutes, like Sweet‘N Low, have the same effects on blood sugar and contain toxins as well, so are to be avoided. (Yes, this means no diet sodas!) What really is a healthy sugar?

• Honey (raw) • Agave • Coconut crystals • Stevia • Brown rice syrup • Xylitol

Remember we are all unique and some people thrive on honey and natural sugars while others feel tired. Take the next few days to embark on this journey with yourself – and discover are your thriving or surviving. Thriving is our goal.

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ü Protein balls made with stevia ü Low-glycemic fruits such as green apples, berries and grapefruit ü Smoothies made with natural low-glycemic fruits ü Baked apples with cinnamon ü Celery sticks with almond butter and cinnamon ü Pumpkin seeds sautéed in coconut oil and cinnamon ü Avocado and raw cacao chocolate mousse ü Almond milk (unsweetened) with vanilla extract and stevia ü Walnuts and homemade applesauce with cinnamon ü Greek yogurt or non dairy yogurt with cinnamon ü Baked root vegetables with cinnamon ü Soups with cinnamon, ginger or allspice ü Shredded coconut with pumpkin seeds and raw cacao nibs ü Trail mix made with shredded coconut, goji berries and almonds ü A sweet potato with ghee, coconut oil or olive oil and cinnamon ü A piece of no-sugar-added dark chocolate ü A cup of tea with honey or stevia ü Hummus and veggie sticks (carrots and red peppers) are so sweet.


ü Meditation ü Yoga or tai chi ü Exercise ü Dancing ü Being in nature ü Taking a bath or sauna ü Healthy and delicious foods ü Talking with friends ü Laughing a hard belly laugh ü Self massage

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DAY 1 UPON WAKING Drink warm water with lemon and a dash of cinnamon (helps to reduce sugar cravings)



1 ½ cups dairy free milk (almond, coconut or hemp) 1 avocado, peeled and pitted

1 cup spinach 1 tablespoon raw cacao 1 scoop hemp protein powder

Blend all the ingredients in a Vitamix, other high-speed blender, or normal standup blender. If needed, add water to reach your desired thickness. Note: If you feel cold from drinking your smoothie, you can add ¼ teaspoon of a warming spice such as cinnamon, nutmeg, or clove. Or have a hot cup of dandelion or chamomile tea with raw honey to warm your digestion.

SNACK Handful of trailmix (shredded coconut, pumpkin seeds and cacao nibs)

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1 strip kombu, hijiki, or other sea vegetable (available at natural food stores and Japanese groceries) 5 cups water

½ cup sliced carrots 3 teaspoons miso 1 cup chopped chard, kale, or other greens

PREPARE YOUR SEA VEGETABLES. Soak the sea vegetables in cold water for 10 minutes. If you are using arame, do not soak it. Wipe with a towel to remove excess sodium. Cut the sea vegetable into small strips and add to your soup pot. PREPARE THE SOUP BROTH. Add 5 cups of water to your soup pot. Bring the water to a boil. Add the carrots, cover and turn the heat to medium-low. Simmer for about 10 minutes. Add the greens and simmer for 2 to 3 more minutes.

SNACK Celery with almond butter and cinnamon

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1 head cauliflower Sea salt to taste Black pepper to taste 2 tablespoons coconut oil or extra virgin olive oil

½ teaspoon garlic powder ½ teaspoon ginger 1 lime, juiced

PROCESS THE CAULIFLOWER. Place the cauliflower into a food processor and pulse until it has a grainy rice-like consistency. Season with sea salt and freshly ground black pepper. SAUTÉ THE CAULIFLOWER RICE. Heat a large sauté pan over medium high heat. Add coconut oil or olive oil when hot. Sauté cauliflower in a pan with oil and seasonings. Top with lime juice and toss. Serve immediately. Serve dish with clean protein selection

BEFORE BED - drink chamomile tea with lemon.

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DAY 2 UPON WAKING Drink warm water with lemon and a dash of cinnamon (helps to reduce sugar cravings)


CHIA SEED PUDDING (Makes 1-2 Servings)

1 cup non-dairy milk ⅓ cup chia seeds 2 tablespoons raw honey or 5 drops stevia (optional)

½ teaspoon vanilla (powder or alcohol free vanilla) Dash of cinnamon Dash of ground ginger

WARM YOUR MILK. In a small saucepan, add your non-dairy milk over a medium low flame. Warm the milk for 2 to 3 minutes. Make it is as hot as you can stand it without boiling. MIX YOUR CHIA SEEDS. Add your chia seeds to a cereal bowl. Add the milk, sweetener (optional), cinnamon, vanilla and ground ginger. Mix thoroughly and allow it to gel. This process should happen in less than 2 minutes. Serve the chia pudding. Top your chia pudding with fresh fruit. Serve immediately. NOTE: If you would like to serve this cold, allow your pudding to chill for at least 4 hours in the refrigerator or overnight is best.

SNACK Coconut water with ¼ cup pumpkin seeds

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(Makes 2 Servings) 1 cup dandelion leaves, chopped 1 cup red cabbage, chopped

1 large carrot, shredded ½ cup parsley, chopped

MUSTARD VINAIGRETTE:¼ cup raw apple cider vinegar 1 tablespoon Dijon mustard ⅓ cup extra virgin olive oil 1 small garlic clove, minced

1 lemon, juiced liquid sweetener to taste sea salt to taste black pepper to taste

PREPARE THE DRESSING. In a small bowl, add raw apple cider vinegar, Dijon mustard, extra virgin olive oil, garlic, lemon juice, liquid sweetener, sea salt, and black pepper. Whisk until well incorporated. Set to the side. ASSEMBLE THE SALAD. In a large salad bowl, add dandelion leaves, red cabbage, shredded carrot, and chopped parsley. Top with mustard vinaigrette and mix until well coated. Serve immediately.

SNACK Apple slices with nut or seed butter

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COCONUT LEEK SOUP (Makes 3-4 Servings)

1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil 3 to 4 large leeks, chopped 3 large garlic cloves, chopped 1 medium head cauliflower, chopped

2 cups vegetable broth 1 15-ounce can coconut milk (look for a BPA-free can) Sea salt to taste Black pepper to taste

WASH THE LEEKS. Chop off the top dark green portion of the leeks and throw it away (or save it later for soup stock). Remove the root and split the leek down the middle. Wash the leek in a bath of cold water, making sure to remove any sand in between the layers. Rinse thoroughly and chop. SAUTÉ THE VEGETABLES. In a large soup pot, add the olive oil over a medium low flame. When the pot is hot, add the chopped leeks and garlic. Sauté for 8 to 10 minutes until the leeks are soft and sweet. PREPARE THE SOUP. Add the chopped cauliflower to the leeks and garlic. Then add the vegetable broth and coconut milk. Cover and bring the soup to a boil. When the soup is boiling, turn down the flame and allow it to simmer until the cauliflower is soft. When the cauliflower is soft, remove it from the heat and allow it to cool. BLEND THE SOUP. When the soup is cool, ladle the soup into a blender and blend in batches. Add salt and pepper to taste. The soup should be smooth. Serve immediately.

BEFORE BED Drink chamomile tea with lemon.

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UPON WAKING Drink warm water with lemon and a dash of cinnamon

(helps to reduce sugar cravings)


GREEN APPLE SMOOTHIE (Makes 1-2 Servings)

1 ½ cups dairy free milk (almond, coconut or hemp) or coconut water 1 green apple, cored

1 cup kale ½ cucumber 1 avocado Juice of 1 lime or lemon

Blend all the ingredients in a Vitamix, other high-speed blender, or normal standup blender. If needed, add water to reach your desired thickness. Note: If you feel cold from drinking your smoothie, you can add ¼ teaspoon of a warming spice such as cinnamon, nutmeg, or clove. Or have a hot cup of dandelion or chamomile tea with raw honey to warm your digestion.

SNACKCelery sticks with almond butter and cinnamon

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(Makes 2 Servings) 4 nori sheets ½ cup baby spinach leaves ¼ cup purple cabbage, chopped ¼ cup carrots, shredded ½ cup sprouts

1 small cucumber, sliced lengthwise ⅛ to ¼ bunch cilantro, chopped 2 to 3 one-inch pieces of ginger, cut in thin strips ½ avocado, sliced thin

LEMON MUSTARD DRESSING: 1 tablespoon Dijon mustard 1 tablespoon raw honey 1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil

1 lemon, juiced Sea salt to taste Black pepper to taste

PREPARE YOUR DRESSING. Add Dijon mustard, liquid sweetener, extra virgin olive oil, lemon juice, sea salt, and black pepper to a small bowl. Whisk until well incorporated. Set to the side. ASSEMBLE YOUR WRAPS. Lay out a nori sheet on a clean, dry surface. Layer your vegetables about 1 inch away from one of the sides. ROLL THE WRAPS. Take the 1-inch side and roll the nori sheet towards the opposite end. Try to roll it as tight as possible without tearing the nori sheet. When you roll the nori sheet to the end, place a drop of water on the end tips to keep it closed. Slice the wraps into one-inch pieces. Serve with lemon mustard dressing.

SNACK Coconut water with ¼ cup pumpkin seeds

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1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil 1 large onions, diced 1 bunch kale, chopped 2 large garlic cloves, minced

Sea salt to taste Black pepper to taste Fresh lemon juice

SAUTÉ THE KALE. Add extra virgin olive oil to a large sauté pan over medium high heat. When the oil is hot, add the onion. Sauté for 2 to 3 minutes until brown. Add the chopped kale and sauté for another 2 minutes until it is wilted. Add the minced garlic, sea salt, and black pepper. Sauté for another 1 to 2 minutes until the garlic is fragrant. Remove the sautéed kale from the pan on to a plate. SERVE THE SAUTÉED KALE. Top with a squeeze of fresh lemon juice and serve. Serve dish with clean protein selection

BEFORE BED Drink chamomile tea with lemon.

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This is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

BEATING CRAVINGS When you feel like the cravings are the worst, take time to check in with your body. Consuming five mini meals per day is ideal to combat sugar cravings. Often we go too long and our body goes into starvation mode. Additionally, ensure you are getting sufficient healthy fats and clean protein to stabilize blood sugar. Make sure you are physically fed, but let’s also address emotionally feeding the soul. Ask the following questions? 1. Are you physically or emotionally hungry? 2. Have you given yourself love today? 3. Does your inner child feel seen, heard and happy? 4. Have you eaten enough today or did you skip a meal leaving you

feeling starved? Take time to sit with the cravings and know it will pass. Drink a cup of water with lemon. Take 5 deep breaths and see your goal – a radiant you in the mirror.


HELPFUL TIPS FOR CLEANSING • Start a journal to document this amazing three-day process, as

journaling can be very healing for the soul. • Eat/drink every 3 hours to stabilize your blood sugar. • Hydrate! You should be drinking at least half of your body weight in

ounces of water each day. • Read labels. Look for the hidden sugars in your foods. • Note after each meal in your food diary how food is affecting your

mood, your energy levels and your body. Look for subtle changes in your waistline and the coloring in your face.



GET PREPARED • Clean out the processed foods and foods high in sugar in the

refrigerator and the pantry. This process will really help you to get mentally prepared to change your body and change your life.

• Get support. Tell your friends you are you doing a 3 day sugar detox and see if they want to join in on the fun. Ask your family members and/or coworkers to avoid eating sugar in front of you if possible during this time to avoid temptation.

• Find inspiration and put it somewhere you can see it over the next 3 days. Make a vision board, stick an inspirational quote on your bathroom mirror, or put up a picture that inspires you.

TOP TIPS FOR CHANGING THE MINDSET 1. Believe in yourself. 2. Set realistic goals for the next three days. Make sure you have

prepped and prepared for success. 3. Get rid of old negative thought patterns. Every time a negative

thought comes into your mind, tap your leg and say to yourself, “I love me.”

4. Say positive affirmations everyday that align with your goals and intentions.

5. Do not give in to stress. Take 5 minutes a day to step back into your power. Getting control over your mind is how we release old habits.

6. Watch inspirational videos daily. My personal favorites are Gabby Bernstein, Tony Robbins, and Geneen Roth.



TAKE THE NEXT STEP I know how crazy life can get and how easy it is to run out of gas at 3 pm. I have been there. For me, in addition to the extra pounds, the overwhelm was the most frustrating. Once I began making healthy choices, I lost 28 pounds, dropped 4 sizes without even trying and increased my energy. If you are ready to let go of the frustration and overwhelm, let’s talk. I offer a 15 minute Complimentary Find Your Focus Call. To book your session, simply visit www.renewedlivinginc.com and book your FIND YOUR FOCUS SESSION.

My goal is to help you Feel Fabulous Now!




“I thought I didn’t have time to introduce new concepts into my life… I was wrong.” It is never too late to make positive changes. Open your mind and your heart and allow Elaine’s inspiration and knowledge be the catalyst for the progression to a healthy you. I, like many others, lead a hectic life. I thought I didn’t have time to introduce new concepts and activities into my life, it was just too much effort. I was wrong. With Elaine’s assistance and

understanding, the small steps of change I took have now become an integral part of my routine. I no longer see the future desired changes as large and unachievable. Take care of yourself, you deserve it. And so do those who love you. Marianne Baker, Annandale, VA, Clinical Project Manager “Thanks for the help, lost 78 pounds.”

THANK YOU so much for the advice and information on green juicing and smoothies, which I am absolutely addicted to. Your raw food tips, coupled with simple steps to better health have helped me lose 78 pounds! Yes weight loss, although not the focus as you say-getting healthy is-was a direct by-product. I have not felt better in years. My 2 year old thanks you; her daddy will be around to see her milestones in life. Thank you Elaine and the folks at Renewed Living!

Brian Ellsworth, Buffalo, NY, Business Owner




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I dream of a life where you will

Look and Feel Extraordinary! Do You?

In health and gratitude,

Elaine Gibson