3 Day Raw Detox Prepared for Karin Anderson © Embrace True Health 2010.

3 Day Raw Detox Prepared for Karin Anderson © Embrace True Health 2010


What to Drink Water! Water! Water! Your body will say THANK YOU! Drink your water between meals, not during. When you drink during your meals, it dilutes the hydrochloric acid in your system which can negatively impact your digestion. Remember, this is a detox. The water you drink will help transport the toxins out of your body so drink up! Need some variety? Try flavoring your water with a slice of lemon or cucumber. Freshly Squeezed Juice This is juice that you make yourself at home or that you got from a juice bar. Do NOT buy the pre-made juice that’s been sitting in the fridge at the grocery store, as they’re often filled with preservatives. Only drink juice that you or someone else has made right before your very eyes. © Embrace True Health 2010

Transcript of 3 Day Raw Detox Prepared for Karin Anderson © Embrace True Health 2010.

3 Day Raw DetoxPrepared for Karin Anderson

© Embrace True Health 2010


ApplesApricotsAvocadosBananasBlackberriesBlueberriesCantaloupeCherriesGrapefruitGrapesHoneydew melonKiwiLemonsLimesMangosNectarinesOrangesPapayaPeachesPearsPersimmonsPineapplePlumsPomegranatesRaspberriesStrawberriesWatermelon


ArtichokeAsparagusBeetsBroccoliCabbageCarrotsCauliflowerCeleryCornCucumbersEggplantJicamaMushroomsOkraParsnipsPeasPeppersRadishesRutabagaSquashSweet potatoesTomatoesTurnipsWater chestnutsZucchini

Leafy Greens

Beet greensBok ChoyChardCollardsEndiveEscaroleFennelKaleLettuceMustard GreensParsleySpinachTurnip GreensWatercress


SunflowerLentilMung beanAdzuki beansOnionAlfalfaBroccoli



What to Eat

© Embrace True Health 2010

What to DrinkWater! Water! Water!

Your body will say THANK YOU!

Drink your water between meals, not during. When you drink during your meals, it dilutes the hydrochloric acid in your system which can negatively impact your digestion.

Remember, this is a detox. The water you drink will help transport the toxins out of your body so drink up!

Need some variety? Try flavoring your water with a slice of lemon or cucumber.

Freshly Squeezed Juice

This is juice that you make yourself at home or that you got from a juice bar. Do NOT buy the pre-made juice that’s been sitting in the fridge at the grocery store, as they’re often filled with preservatives. Only drink juice that you or someone else has made right before your very eyes.

© Embrace True Health 2010

What NOT to EatAvoid Processed & Hard to Digest Fats:


Note: Avocados are okay to eat for these 3 days…limit yourself to 1 per day though.

Other Items to Avoid:

Cooked FoodProcessed FoodGrainsAll animal products (meat, cheese, dairy, honey)Dried Fruit

© Embrace True Health 2010

Your body will LOVE having a break from these ugly, dead, processed, brown or white foods.

Putting it all together

Meal & Snack Suggestions:

Green SmoothiesFruit SmoothiesFruitBig SaladsLettuce Wraps (cabbage, chard and collard greens will work too)Banana “Ice Cream”

Prep Work:

To Make Life Easier:Wash/Chop/Slice your fruits & veggies ahead of time for easy access

Frozen Bananas (perfect for smoothies & “ice cream”)Peel and slice bananas into fourths. Put in a resealable bag and freeze.


BlenderFood Processor (optional)Juicer (optional)Salad Spinner (don’t need for the detox, but I recommend you get one eventually)

© Embrace True Health 2010

Tips for Success

© Embrace True Health 2010

1. Eat when you’re hungry. Stop when you’re 80% full or satisfied.

2. Eat slowly. It takes your mind about 20 minutes to get the memo that it’s full.

3. Chew your food well. The more you chew, the less your body will have to “chew” the food for you. Because you’ve already pre-digested your food, your body won’t have to work as hard, thus making you feel more energized.

4. Eat mindfully. Savor each bite. Actually taste your food. Imagine how different a strawberry tastes if you chewed it 20 times and tasted all of the flavors that came out in the process. When you just toss food into your mouth and swallow it after chewing it 2 or 3 times, are you really tasting it? This detox will transform your eating experience.

5. Be patient with the process. This is a new way of eating, both what you’re eating and how you’re eating. It might be tough in the beginning, but keep a positive mindset and be patient. When you are having a tough time, remember that you are doing something AMAZING for your body. Plus, it’s only for 3 days. You can do this.

6. Get 7-8 hours of sleep each night. It’s imperative that you get plenty of sleep during your detox. This will aid in the detoxification process and you’ll be setting yourself up for success. If you don’t get sleep, you know what happens…sugar cravings, lack of energy, unhealthy food choices. Set yourself up for success.

7. Relax and have fun! Stress is just as much a toxin as junk food is. Relax and have fun these 3 days. If you feel stressed at any point, I recommend that you write, read, meditate, exercise, breathe, call a friend, or do something else that soothes you.