3 Common Nail Disorders And Treatments

3 Common Nail Disorders And Treatments Nail disorders are becoming more of a problem for more and more individuals nowadays. For those who visit a nail salon to have their nails done regularly, their nail technicians can point out the problem at its early stages, and treatment can be sought while the condition is still mild (and recovery time is much faster as well). However, for individuals who do not visit a nail salon, many of them do not realize they were suffering from some form of nail disorders until the one day, the pain became too excruciating for them to take, and by then, it may take longer than usual for their nails to recover... Plus most of the time when that happens, they will need to seek help from their family physician. What we are going to talk about today are 3 common nail disorders, as well as simple at-home treatments you can do to help your nails recover. 1. Ingrown Nails The first is an ingrown nail. And it can happen on your hands or your feet. An ingrown nail is when the nail grows into the side of the nail bed. Over time, your nail beds will become infected and you'll see a red area around the area and it will be tender to the touch. So, why do you get an ingrown nail? Most of the time, you get it because of your bad habit of consistently picking on your nails, or you have been wearing shoes that are one-size too small.

Transcript of 3 Common Nail Disorders And Treatments


 3 Common Nail Disorders And Treatments Nail disorders are becoming more of a problem for more and more individuals nowadays. For those who visit a nail salon to have their nails done regularly, their nail technicians can point out the problem at its early stages, and treatment can be sought while the condition is still mild (and recovery time is much faster as well).

However, for individuals who do not visit a nail salon, many of them do not realize they were suffering from some form of nail disorders until the one day, the pain became too excruciating for them to take, and by then, it may take longer than usual for their nails to recover... Plus most of the time when that happens, they will need to seek help from their family physician. What we are going to talk about today are 3 common nail disorders, as well as simple at-home treatments you can do to help your nails recover.

1. Ingrown Nails The first is an ingrown nail. And it can happen on your hands or your feet. An ingrown nail is when the nail grows into the side of the nail bed. Over time, your nail beds will become infected and you'll see a red area around the area and it will be tender to the touch. So, why do you get an ingrown nail? Most of the time,

you get it because of your bad habit of consistently picking on your nails, or you have been wearing shoes that are one-size too small.


To treat an ingrown nail, what you can do is to first soak your infected nails in warm water to soften them. Then slowly and gently lift the nail from the nail bed and cut it off. But, if the condition is too severe (with the pain unbearable), you'll need to make your way down to your family doctor where he/she will help to remove your ingrown nail with the help of an anesthetic jab (so that you'll not feel the pain). 2. Paronychia Paronychia is another common nail disorder - And this is caused over time when there's way too much moisture surrounding the nails. Most sufferers of this nail disorder include individuals who have the bad habit of constantly sucking on his/her thumb/fingers.

When one is suffering from Paronychia, he/she will experience the swelling of their nail bed (and hence the pain caused as a result of the swelling). Here's a simple at-home treatment to get rid of Paronychia: Soak the infected nail/nails into a tub of hot water (preferably as hot as possible, but not too hot that you'll scald your hands!). The reason is because, the bacterium that causes Paronychia, Streptococcus Pyogenes, dies in hot water. Not just that, hot water also helps to put out the infection (caused by Paronychia). After you've soaked your hand in hot water (for about 10 - 15 minutes), what you can do is to put some cayenne pepper on top of the infected area. You may experience a "stinging" effect (from the cayenne pepper), but this is necessary as it helps the blood to flow to the infected area and killing off all the bacteria. You should see a significant improvement after a day or two. If not, go see a doctor and get treatment.


3. Subungal Hematoma Subungal Hematoma is caused when you've have your hand or fingers slammed in a car door or injured it with a hammer or other object. Your nail will then swell up after a day or two, throbbing all the time, and then eventually turning black (in case you're wondering, the black is caused by blood pooling under the nail and drying out). The best way to treat this nail disorder at-home is to use a needle/pin to pierce a small hole in the middle of the infected nail (make sure you see blood starting to come out), and then soak your infected finger inside a tub of warm water and let all the blood drain out. Do you know that having clean, neat and healthy looking nails says a lot about your personality? Visit UrbaneWomen to learn how to maintain and care for your nails, along with how to give yourself a professional-looking manicure and pedicure at home.