2VFTUJPOT UP 3FBMMZ (FU UP ,OPX :PVS 4QPVTF · 2016-02-29 · What was the last thing that made you...

If you had to choose one superpower, which would you choose and why? What is your biggest fear? What was the last book you read? What is your favorite movie/book line? Choose one: wisdom, love, fame or for Choose one: wisdom, love, fame or for- tune? If you won the lottery, what would be the first thing you spend the money on? Choose one: beach, forest, desert, mountains or city? What’s your favorite story to tell? If you could trade lives with anyone, who would it be? What was your favorite TV show when What was your favorite TV show when you were a kid? If there was no electricity, what would you do for entertainment? What’s your favorite compliment you’ve gotten from someone? tonightsbettertogether.com

Transcript of 2VFTUJPOT UP 3FBMMZ (FU UP ,OPX :PVS 4QPVTF · 2016-02-29 · What was the last thing that made you...

Page 1: 2VFTUJPOT UP 3FBMMZ (FU UP ,OPX :PVS 4QPVTF · 2016-02-29 · What was the last thing that made you cry? If you had to listen to one song for the rest of your life, what would it

If you had to choose one superpower, which would you choose and why?

What is your biggest fear?

What was the last book you read?

What is your favorite movie/book line?

Choose one: wisdom, love, fame or forChoose one: wisdom, love, fame or for-tune?

If you won the lottery, what would be the first thing you spend the money on?

Choose one: beach, forest, desert, mountains or city?

What’s your favorite story to tell?

If you could trade lives with anyone, who would it be?

What was your favorite TV show when What was your favorite TV show when you were a kid?

If there was no electricity, what would you do for entertainment?

What’s your favorite compliment you’ve gotten from someone?


Page 2: 2VFTUJPOT UP 3FBMMZ (FU UP ,OPX :PVS 4QPVTF · 2016-02-29 · What was the last thing that made you cry? If you had to listen to one song for the rest of your life, what would it

What was the last thing that made you cry?

If you had to listen to one song for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Choose a decade to go back to live in: 20’s, 30’s, 40’s, 50’s, 60’s, 70’s, 80’s or 90’s?

WhatWhat’s the best advice you’ve ever received?

Choose one: 1 best friend or a ton of acquaintances?

What is your ultimate Saturday night?

What extracurricular activities did you participate in high school?

If you had to study one subject fIf you had to study one subject from high school for the rest of your life, what would it be?

What do you miss most about being a kid?

When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?

What’s your favorite family tradition?

What’s the biggest lesson you’ve learned in life?

What is your view of failure?

What habit do you want to break?

If you got a month oIf you got a month off from work and had all of the money in the world, where would you go, what would you see and what would you like to do?

If you met someone new, what’s the first impression you want to make?

If you could sum up your life to one sentence in a fortune cookie, what sentence in a fortune cookie, what would it say?

If you could choose a past president - dead or alive - to come back and be president again, who would you pick?

What’s the scariest situation you’ve ever been in?

What is your ultimate bucket list item?What is your ultimate bucket list item?

Page 3: 2VFTUJPOT UP 3FBMMZ (FU UP ,OPX :PVS 4QPVTF · 2016-02-29 · What was the last thing that made you cry? If you had to listen to one song for the rest of your life, what would it

If you could change your name, what would you change it to?

What was your childhood nickname?

What was the last thing you did that made you feel challenged?

What makes you feel the most loved or appreciated?

What goal have you given up on?What goal have you given up on?

Is there something that you are holding onto that you should give up?

What’s the best adventure you’ve been on so far?

If you weIf you were on a deserted island and could only bring three items, what would they be?

If there was a fire in the house, what would be the first thing you would grab?

What are you most thankful for?

What scent brings up the most memories?

If you could choose anyone in the world to mentor you, who would it be?

If you could choose one thing to change If you could choose one thing to change about the world, what would it be?

What is one thing that makes you truly happy?

What defines a good friend to you?

If you could go back in time and change one thing in your life, what would it be?

What is your biggest pet peeve?What is your biggest pet peeve?

What’s your favorite childhood memory?