2.UNO products

HEALTH PRODUCTS: Grape Seed Extract 150 mg Capsule Content: Grape Seed Powder Extract 150 mg. Packaging: 30Capsules/box The Fact: Close to 2,377,987 fatal heart attack incidence every year. Modern living in the Philippines has now influenced majority of the peoples eating habits. Less nutritious food and more fatty diet now characterize that you see on every table- a situation resulting in rising cases of Cardiovascular ailments include heart attacks and stroke- the top two killers in the country today. • Helps in the fight against cardiovascular death. • Has the ability to scavenge free radicals and reduce the cholesterol build-up. • Stops cholesterol from building up in the arteries. • Regulate the intensity of artery expansion as blood passes through them causing stokes and heart attacks. • Lowers your blood cholesterol. • Aids in nursing aneurysm or the dangerous ballooning of a weakened area of an artery. • Helps aging Filipino males struggle prostate cancer. • Has anti-cancer effects beyond that of an antioxidant studies have been made at the effect of naringenin on DNA repair in human prostate cancer cell cultures. • The Department of Health (DOH) has staged on active campaign as prostate cancer incidence among aging Filipino males are said to be on the rise. Besides age and family history, poor diet and high- animal-fat diet are contributory. Virgin Coconut Oil 1000mg Soft Gel Content: Virgin Coconut Oil 1000 mg Packaging: 50 Soft Gels / box Coconut oil has been used for centuries as a vital source of food for health and general well being in traditional communities of tropical regions. Recent research verifies traditional beliefs that the coconut palm is “The Tree of Life” and that, just like any other pure, whole food, coconuts and virgin coconut oil have a significant role to play in a well balanced, nutritious diet. Abandoning unhealthy lifestyles and reverting to natural foods can help to reverse many of the diseases that have manifested in our bodies through the highly refined diet of our modern society. Here are some of what coconut oil can do for you. Coconut oil can: • Improve your energy • Reduce your risk of heart disease • Reduce your risk of cancer • Improve your digestion and ability to absorb nutrients • Promote weight loss and maintenance of your ideal weight • Help prevent bacterial, yeast, fungal, and viral infections • Support and enhance your immune system • Help regulate your blood sugar and prevent or control diabetes • Help prevent osteoporosis Help prevent premature aging and wrinkling of the skin • Help keep your skin smooth and soft • Help protect against skin cancer and blemishes


uno products for more info pls call or txt 0947-588-7179 aries..

Transcript of 2.UNO products

Page 1: 2.UNO  products


Grape Seed Extract 150 mg Capsule Content: Grape Seed Powder Extract 150 mg.

Packaging: 30Capsules/box

The Fact: Close to 2,377,987 fatal heart attack incidence every year.

Modern living in the Philippines has now influenced majority of the

peoples eating habits. Less nutritious food and more fatty diet now

characterize that you see on every table- a situation resulting in

rising cases of Cardiovascular ailments include heart attacks and

stroke- the top two killers in the country today.

• Helps in the fight against cardiovascular death.

• Has the ability to scavenge free radicals and reduce the cholesterol


• Stops cholesterol from building up in the arteries.

• Regulate the intensity of artery expansion as blood passes through

them causing stokes and heart attacks.

• Lowers your blood cholesterol.

• Aids in nursing aneurysm or the dangerous ballooning of a

weakened area of an artery.

• Helps aging Filipino males struggle prostate cancer.

• Has anti-cancer effects beyond that of an antioxidant studies have

been made at the effect of naringenin on DNA repair in human

prostate cancer cell cultures.

• The Department of Health (DOH) has staged on active campaign as

prostate cancer incidence among aging Filipino males are said to be

on the rise. Besides age and family history, poor diet and high-

animal-fat diet are contributory.

Virgin Coconut Oil 1000mg Soft Gel Content: Virgin Coconut Oil 1000 mg Packaging: 50 Soft Gels / box

Coconut oil has been used for centuries as a vital source of food for health and general well being in traditional

communities of tropical regions. Recent research verifies traditional beliefs that the coconut palm is “The Tree of Life”

and that, just like any other pure, whole food, coconuts and virgin coconut oil have a significant role to play in a well

balanced, nutritious diet. Abandoning unhealthy lifestyles and reverting to natural foods can help to reverse many of the

diseases that have manifested in our bodies through the highly refined diet of our modern society.

Here are some of what coconut oil can do for you. Coconut oil can:

• Improve your energy

• Reduce your risk of heart disease

• Reduce your risk of cancer

• Improve your digestion and ability to absorb nutrients

• Promote weight loss and maintenance of your ideal weight

• Help prevent bacterial, yeast, fungal, and viral infections

• Support and enhance your immune system

• Help regulate your blood sugar and prevent or control diabetes

• Help prevent osteoporosis Help prevent premature aging and wrinkling of the skin

• Help keep your skin smooth and soft

• Help protect against skin cancer and blemishes

Page 2: 2.UNO  products


KryptOrganic Content: Cryptomonadales 200 mg Packaging: 100 Tablets / bottle

Richest source of CHLOROPHYLL “ Nature's Healer”

the most powerful blood cleansing agent & it detoxifies the bowel, kidney & liver. Richest source of Chlorella Growth Factor (CGF) “ long life factors”, enhancer of immunity, retardant of

aging, stimulates tissue repair & improves nutrients intake. Richest source of natural PPAR Agonists- the most promising biomedical mlecule for metabolic syndrome, anti-inflammation, and cancer in the 21st

century. C leanses blood E nergizes cells L ower cholesterol

L ose weight

R egulates blood sugar E nhances libido P rotects liver & liver A nticancer Improves brain/ nerve function R ejuvenates cell

G rowth enhancer R educes stress A lkalizes cells B uilds strong immune system E xtends good, healthy life

Ultima-C Sodium Ascorbate (Alkaline-based) Content: Sodium Ascorbate 500 mg. Packaging: 100 Capsules / box ULTIMA - C is effective in addressing the adverse effect of the following: ULTIMA-C vs. LEADING BRAND

Sodium Ascorbate, Alkaline based (7.2-7.8 pH) - Ascorbic Acid, Acid based (2.5-3 pH)

100% pure and natural - with binders (gawgaw)

Dissolves 4x to 8x faster to quicker absorption - Dissolves slowly

Stays from 12 to 14 hours in the body - Stays 3 to 4 hours in the body

Neutralizes acidity - Reinforces acidity

Non irritant to the stomach - Irritate stomach

Safe for babies - Not advisable

Can be taken in mega doze for better health result - Body cannot tolerate more than 500mg. per day

96% is absorbed by the body - Only 25% is absorbed by the body Dosage: Take 1 to 3 capsules daily with beverage or meal or as prescribed by a healthcare professional. ULTIMA - C is a revolutionary yet natural Vitamin C that is readily absorbed by the body cells. It's unigue cellular actions are due to Vitamin C metabolites that work to maximize cellular utilization of Vitamin C. ULTIMA - C is effective in addressing the adverse effect of the following: ULTIMA-C vs. LEADING BRAND

Sodium Ascorbate, Alkaline based (7.2-7.8 pH) - Ascorbic Acid, Acid based (2.5-3 pH)

100% pure and natural - with binders (gawgaw)

Dissolves 4x to 8x faster to quicker absorption - Dissolves slowly

Stays from 12 to 14 hours in the body - Stays 3 to 4 hours in the body

Neutralizes acidity - Reinforces acidity

Non irritant to the stomach - Irritate stomach

Safe for babies - Not advisable

Can be taken in mega doze for better health result - Body cannot tolerate more than 500mg. per day

96% is absorbed by the body - Only 25% is absorbed by the body

Page 3: 2.UNO  products


Attention Deficit Disorder - 1cap every hour

Age Spots - 1-2caps 4x a day

Allergies - 1cap every hour

Anemia - 1-2caps 4x a day

Angina Pectoris - 1-2caps 4x a day

Anxiety - 1-2caps 4x a day

Arthritis - 2caps every hour

Asthma - 2 caps every hour

Back Pain (myofacial pain disorders) - 1cap 4x a day

Bed Wetting (chikdren) - 1cap 2x a day

Bladder Infection - 1-2caps 3x a day

Blood Pressure (High) - 1-2caps 2x a day

Bruises - 1-2caps 2x a day

Cancer Prevention - 1-2caps 4x a day

Cancer Sores - 1-2caps 4x a day

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome - 1-2caps 4x a day

Cataracts - 1-2caps 4x a day

Cholesterol (High) - 1-2caps 4x a day

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome - 1-2caps 4x a day

Circulatory Problem - 1-2caps 4x a day

Coutis (Chron’s Disease) - 1-2caps 4x a day

Constipation (Chronic) - 1-2caps 4x a day

Dental Problems - 1-2caps 4x a day

Depression - 1-2caps 4x a day

Diabetes - 1-2caps 4x a day

Digestive Problem - 1-2caps a day

Eczema - 1-2caps a day

Edema - 1-2caps a day

Emotional Disorder - 1-2caps a day

Endometriosis - 1-2caps a day

Fibromyalgia Thendonitis - 1-2caps 2x a day

Bursitis - 1-2caps 2x a day

Haemorrhoids - 1-2caps 4x a day

Hot Flashes - 1-2caps 4x a day

Hypoglycema - 1-2caps 4x a day

Insomnia - 1-2caps 4x a day

Joint Pain - 1-2caps 4x a day

Kidney Stones - 1-2caps 4x a day

Liver Disorders - 1-2caps 4x a day

Low Libido - 1-2caps a day

Lupus - 1-2caps 2x a day

Lyme Disease – 1cap a day

Neuritis - 1-2caps 3x a day

Osteoporosis - 1-2caps 4x a day

Pain Relief - 1-2caps 4x a day

Phlebitis - 1-2caps 4x a day

Premenstrual Syndrome - 1-2caps 4x a day

Prostate Problems - 1-2caps 4x a day

Psoriasis - 1-2caps 4x a day

Shingles - 1-2caps 4x a day

Sinusitis (Inflamed Sinus) - 1-2caps 4x a day

Sport Nutrition - 1-2caps 4x a day

Stress - 1-2caps 4x a day

Stroke - 1-2caps 4x a day

Temporomandbular (TML) Problems - 1-2caps 4x a day

Thyroid Problems - 1-2caps 4x a day

Ulcers - 1-2caps 4x a day

Vaginitis - 1-2caps 4x a day

Varicose Veins - 1-2caps 4x a day

Vertigo - 1-2caps 4x a day

Warts - 1-2caps 4x a day

Weak Immune System - 1-2caps 4x a day

Weight Management - 1-2caps 4x a day

Worms - 1-2caps 4x a day

Page 4: 2.UNO  products


Acai Berry Juice Content: Acai Puree, Cane Juice, Apple Juice, Acerola, Guarana & Green Tea

Packaging: 1000 mL / bottle


one-fourth of the oxygen in the entire world is produced by the Amazon rain forests. They’re known as “the lungs of the earth.” An ecosystem protecting an earth’s biological treasures. More than 10 million species of plants, animals and insects live in the forest. The Amazon contains the largest collection of living plants, species animals on earth.

Recently discovered by Brazilian elites and North Americans for its unprecedented nutritional value and the health benefits it has provided to the natives in Brazil. Heralded as the No. 1 Super food in the World by Dr Nicolas Periccone, Dr Ozz (both Anti-aging experts in US), world class athletes Christian Slater, celebrities like Oprah Winfrey, Brad Pitt, Julia Roberts and Eva Longoria to name a few.

And also Philippines own, Ms. Cory Quirino, Ambassador of Wellness.

This makes acai berry the brightest star among other anti-oxidant rich fruits like blueberries, pomegranates, grapes, cranberries and blackberries.

Wheat Grass & Barley100% Natural Packaging: 500 grams 60 capsules/ box HEALTH BENEFITS OF BARLEY

• Promotes cardiovascular health and helps prevent heart diseases. • Aids in reducing high levels of cholesterol in the body and helps prevent high blood pressure. • Helps in prevention of stroke (ischemic stroke).

• Helps prevent cancer. • Aids in the fight against diabetes by providing essential elements needed by diabetic patients.

• Aids in the improvement of Asthmatic condition. • Provides good supply of iron to organs and may help improve anemic conditions. • Helps in increasing the numbers of red blood cells in the body and aid in the body's ability to use oxygen.

• Increases stamina or energy level of the body as well as strengthening the immune system. • Aids in the treatment of gastro-intestinal disorders such as duodenal and colon disorders. • Promotes a healthy circulatory, digestive, immune and detoxification system of the body.

• May help improve memory and clarity of thought. • Helps in purifying the blood and liver from toxins and other free radicals by washing it out of the body. • Helps decrease carbon dioxide in the body. • Helps in the healing process of wounds, scrapes and sores. • Helps fight harmful bacteria that might cause infection to wounds and scrapes.

• Helps provide help in the treatment of any inflammation in the body due to its

anti-inflammatory properties. • Helps in the prevention against gallstone formation. • Helps fight body odor and bad breath. • Cleans and deodorizes tissues in the bowel system. • Promotes better looking skin, hair and nails. • Helps prevent the dryness of the skin due to aging and promote a youthful looking skin.

• Improves sexual energy

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Supercharged100% Organic

Packaging: 450mg/capsule 30capsules/box

TONGKAT ALI is a tree native to the jungles of Malaysia, Thailand, and Indonesia. It is commonly known as tongkat ali

in Malaysia and Singapore, Tung Saw in Thailand, and Pasak Bumi in Indonesia. The tree can grow up to about 12

meters in height. Natives consider every part of the tree as medicine. The tongkat ali root has been used as traditional

medicine and promoted as a tonic, energy enhancer, and as an aphrodisiac. There is a great deal of misinformation on

the internet regarding the ideal dosage of this root and its extracts. I have done my best to provide you with reliable

and honest information based on scientific evidence and my personal experiences as a medical doctor who has had

extensive feedback from patients.

KOREAN GINSENG Root is Korean ginseng that has been cultivated and aged for 4 - 6 years or more, and goes through

an extensive cleaning, steaming and drying process to improve its efficacy. Korean ginseng benefits include an increase

in energy and are commonly thought to give an immune system boost, as evidenced in scientifc studies. Korean ginseng

root is part of the Panax species of ginseng, which has the active ingredient of ginsenosides. Ginseng is classified by the

FDA as a GRAS product, or Generally Recognized as Safe. Korean ginseng root is also available in the form of red

ginseng tea and red ginseng extract for ease of consumption. MACA is a root that grows in the high mountains of Peru.

Rich in nutritional content (potassium, and higher levels of calcium than in milk), it is a natural hormonal balancer which

provides great health benefits for both, men and women. Due to its high nutritional value, it is not only popular as a

sexual libido enhancer and menopause symptoms savior due to stress, but also greatly affects energy, stamina,

depression, memory, and more.

Maca is recommended for fertility problems, sterility, and other sexual disorders. However, in Peru it has long been

known as a potent APHRODISIAC. Research has proven that it acts on certain areas of the body that produce hormones

and energizing substances, which enhance libido and increase virility.

Its amazing libido booster is a result of completely natural hormonal balancing. It is a safe natural product that will

improve your marriage, love and sexual life by boosting your libido and stamina, and by producing a general sense of

well being!

DHA OMEGA 3 There has been a dramatic surge in interest recently, amongst the public and health professionals alike,

on the health effects of omega-3 fatty acids derived from fish/fish oils. Current research shows that consumption of EPA

and DHA omega-3 fatty acids may reduce the risk of coronary heart disease, lower blood pressure and help reduce

arthritis inflammation. DHA is also required in high levels in the brain and retina as a physiologically essential nutrient to

provide for optimal neuronal functioning (learning ability, mental development) and visual acuity, in young and old alike.

DHA plus EPA are both considered to have beneficial effects in the prevention and management of cardiovascular

disease plus associated risk factors as well as other chronic disorders. Whereas considerable amounts of the plant-

derived omega-3 fatty acid


DHA, is consumed at much smaller levels (approximately 80 mg/day) while EPA is consumed at the level of

approximately 50 mg/day in a typical North American diet.

MORINGA also known as the Miracle Tree is a multipurpose plant, as the leaves, pods, fruits, flowers, roots and bark of

the tree can be utilized. It is also referred to as Drumstick Tree by the Britishers. The specialty of this tree is that it

actually bears fruits in the warm season.

Page 6: 2.UNO  products


1st Health iCare Napkin Magnetism & Negative Ion Sanitary Napkin

Packaging: Day Use 10pcs, Night Use 8pcs, Panty Liners 30pcs per box

This sanitary napkin is designed specially in mind the customer satisfaction.

Four functions (magnetism negative Ion) in one chip carter the needs for healthier living, body and and mind.

"Negative Ion" has the ability to promote metabolism, relieve pressure,

tiredness regulate endocrine and dispel unpleasant smells. "Magnetism" has the ability to help body detoxification process, promote blood circulation and

blood oxygen level, reduce menstruation's pain and irregular cycle, increase negative ion and adjust the balance between negative and positive ion. Use ICARE Sanitary Napkins series for comport and Healthier living.

Professionally formulated with Natural Citronella, Lemongrass and Neems Oils to safety and effectively protect

children and adults from insect bites Tough On Mosquitoes! Gentle On Skin! SCARE AWAY INSECTS REPELLENT LOTION IS FORMULATED WITH POTENT BLEND OF NATURAL OILS

Citronella Oil has been used for over 50 years as a natural insects repellent. It has a distinctive odor which makes it difficult for insects to locate a host. With its pleasing aroma, overall effectiveness, and anti-inflammatory properties. Lemongrass Oil has become one of the most popular of all natural insects repellent.

Neem Oil's natural mosquito repellent properties are important weapon in the fight against malaria in third world countries. Scare Away Insect Repellent Lotion used a potent blend of Citronella, Lemongrass and Neem Oils to repel a

greater variety of pests than most natural "single-scented" formulas.

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Beauty Products:

Glutathione Soap with Grapeseed Oil Extract

(Glutathione, Vit-C, Grapeseed, Rosehip) Packaging: 135g/bar

WHITENING & ANTI-AGING SOAP with three potent ingredients that make more wonders to beauty lovers.: ROSEHIP OIL, GRAPESEED & VITAMIN C

GLUTATHIONE: proven to diminish the skin imperfection, dark spots, and blemishes. ROSEHIP OIL: works on fine lines and wrinkles and other natural or manmade marks on our skin. It has been proven that rosehip creates miracle specially in reducing pigmentation. Beauty experts attest to its

powers. It moisturizes and revitalizes the skin by fixing damaged skin cells resulting in smoother skin. GRAPESEED OIL: It has moisturizing and nourishing properties. Used by experts and beauty aficionados’ for hundreds of years. Grapeseed oil which from the seeds as a by-product of manufactured wine is best absorbed into the skin and is good oil for acne and oily skin.

VITAMIN C: is of course man's best protection against common skin imperfection like acne, blackheads and etc. combined these four and you get the wonders of our NEW GLUTATHIONE SOAP.

1st Health Glutathione New Light Formula Lotion

Packaging: 120mL/bottle

Direction for Use: Apply liberally on the whole body at least twice a day. Re-apply for prolonged sun exposure.

Health First Gluta Lotion is created to whiten and protect your skin from harmful ultraviolet sun rays. Plus, it moisturizes and revitalizes your skin... making you radiant... making you desirable.

Whitens, blocks (SPF15), Moisturizes and Hydroquinol Free. Health First Gluta Lotion is Dermatologist - tested and approved For Best results, use with Health First Gluta capsule and Gluta soap.

1st Health Pure Glutathione Capsule

Content: Glutathione 225 mg (Anti-Oxidant), Vitamin E 50 mg (Free Radicals Neutralizer), Vitamin C 100 mg (boosts and maximizes Collagen Effectiveness) and Alpha Lipoic Acid 25 mg (increase production of glutathione which dissolve toxic substances in the liver) Packaging: 30 Capsules / box

Dosage: Take 2 to 3 capsules daily or as directed by a healthcare professional. The nourishing benefits of Glutathione serves as powerful antioxidant to

protect key cell components from damage by neutralizing these free radicals. It improves the cardiovascular and immune systems. It also detoxifies. Eliminates free radicals and peroxides. It repairs DNA synthesis, an important factor in the prevention of cancer (prostate cancer)

Amino acid transport - the steady schedule of amino acid in our body is necessary. Immune system enhancement - the body like any machine weakens and deteriorates. Enzyme activation - these protein molecules that posses catalytic activity needs pump priming every now and then to speed up chemical reactions

in the body and maintain its over - all healthy condition.

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Beauty Products:

1st Health Kojic Acid Soap Packaging: 135g/bar

Kojic acid soap is used as a skin lightening agent for people who

may have sun spots, freckles and other forms of pigmentation on their face, hands and neck. Benefits: Using Kojic acid soap on a regular basis may help reduce the appearance of age spots, eliminate or reduce freckles, reduce or

eliminate skin discoloration from pregnancy and strengthen cell activity. The soap is used by many Japanese men and women as part of trier regular facial regimen so that the skin stays soft and vibrant. Kojic acid also has antibacterial and anti-fungal properties.

Organic Thanakha Cream Scents: Available in Rose Scent / Shiles Scent Packaging: 35g/jar

Direction for Use : Dilute a pinch of Thanakha Cream in a few drops of water and apply thickly on cleansed face as an overnight facial mud pack. A lighter mixture can be used as a make-up base or liquid foundation.

Organic Thanakha comes in 8 different variants; Shihn, Shiles, Lime, Nat, Rose, Sandal Wood, Kankaw (Iron Wood), Spa

and Jasmine. All of these variants possesses unique natural agents that cares for the skin. It easily smoothen the skin naturally from annoying blemishes without any fear of damaging. Aside from being a skin cleaning agent, it can also be a make-up base, facial powder and oil controller during day time that effectively protects

our skin from some of the damaging cosmetics that we use. It also reverses premature aging by increasing the production of our Collagen and Elastin, our skin protein that keeps our skin supple elastic and young looking. It is the only cosmetic and facial mask product in one that is herbally pure and authentic in nature in the country. ORGANIC THANAKHA SHILES Clears your skin from blemishes especially like: Freckles, acne, pimples, blackheads &

whiteheads, sunburn, skin discoloration, skin's itchy rashes, & facial rashes. Moreover, it increases the production of Collagen and Elastin (skin proteins) to protect and prevent your skin from premature skin aging like wrinkles and dryness. Organic Thanakha Shiles is not based on any large amounts of chemicals and synthetic oils used by traditional cosmetics. Natural Thanakha Make-up is 100% Organic without question! It will cause you no allergies, skin irritations or any other side effects even in a lifetime of use.

ORGANIC THANAKHA ROSE Aside from relaxing your mind from stress and anxiety of the everyday grind, the scent of

rose also: Moisturizes, regenerates skin and Hydrates aging skin. It also lightens Large and Open Pores, Increases Skin Collagen and Elastin, Controls Excessive Facial Oil, Removes Serious Acne, Pimples, Blackheads and whiteheads and is an excellent Make-up foundation, Facial powder and oil controller on day time. Organic Thanakha and Rose oil combined will make sure your skin gets a revolutionary revival from the dull!!! ORGANIC THANAKHA SANDALWOOD For 4,000 years, Sandalwood has been used as a calming incense in peaceful

meditation as it calms the mind, enhances mental clarity, and aids in opening the mind to a greater awareness. But Sandalwood is also used for; Skin regeneration, Skin Hydration, Skin revitalization, Skin moisturizer, removing serious acne, pimples, blackheads & whiteheads, Skin rashes. Sandalwood essential oil with Natural Thanakha helps to moisturize and hydrate aging dry or flaky skin, relieving itchiness and its astringent action balances oily skin.

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Beauty Products:

Magic Cream Content: Glutathione, Collagen, Chamomile Extract, Vit B, Vit E & Vit C, Allantoin, Titanium Dioxide, Glycerin, Lactic Acid, Shea Butter, Methyl and Prophyl Paraben Packaging: 130 g / Tube

1st Health Magic Cream with Glutathione and Collagen is an advance formula that combined the popular premium ingredients

known for effective maximum; skin lightening, skin protection, anti-aging and skin tightening. 1st Health Magic Cream has all the healthy benefits from Glutathione and anti-aging benefits from Collagen., but more than that, 1st Health Magic Cream has other power pack ingredients that

delivers amazing benefits. Check this out; • Natural rejuvenating benefits from Vitamin C and Vitamin E, • Effective skin renewal agent from Lactic Acid & Vit. C, • Healthy moisturizing benefits from Vitamin E and Allantoin • Powerful treatment and protection against acne and pimples from

Vit. C and Lactic Acid • Helps erase scars, skin discolorations and check uneven skin

tone(from Lactic Acid & Vit. C) • Skin lightening from Lactic Acid, Glutathione and Vitamin C • Natural UV protection from Shea Butter Your complete skin care regimen in a jar, transforming you… Magically young and beautiful! 1st Health Magic Cream is HYDROQUINONE AND MERCURY


Body Works Exfoliating Body Scrub

Content: Kojic Acid, Papaya, Puenscrub, Vit A. E & C Variants: Available in Blue, Yellow and Orange Packaging: 220mL / bottle

Direction for Use : Massage into skin then rinse The benefits of using body scrubs: The main benefiting component in body scrubs is that

they ex-foliate the skin and thoroughly cleanses and refreshes skin deeper than regular soaps and body washes normally have the ability to do. This is both good for those with dry skin, as it stimulates the blood circulation and the production of the skins natural oils, and produce new healthy skin. For those with oily skin,

body scrubs is an effective way to deeply clean clogged pores and blackheads that thrives in an oily environment. Dead skin cells, dirt and oil will be released and leave the skin rejuvenated when using a body scrub. If using body moisturizer after the body scrub, your body

will be left with a smooth, baby-soft and silky feeling.

1st Health Body Works can stimulate the immune system of skin to fight skin aliments, skin disease and keep it's youthful vitality. It helps pull out toxins from the skin. To massage the skin with a good body scrub has shown that the blood circulation in a person is improved, which has many health benefits.

Since the skin covers a large area of our body, it is important to nurture and take care of it. 1st Health Body Works is a healthy way to get clean, get invigorated, get the blood circulation going, and the mood uplifted.

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Beauty Products:

6-in-1 Hair Treat Packaging: 220mL/bottle

Direction for Use : Wet hair. Massage 6 in 1 Hair Treats unto your scalp and hair evenly. Leave on for 5 to 10 minutes then rinse thoroughly. For best result use daily.


-Anti-Dandruff -Anti Falling HairYour Hair is your crowning glory, but can be the source of major

headaches and problems when your hair scalp is not working properly and you are left limp, dead and lifeless hair. This blend has proven to be effective and extremely popular with people

that take their hair seriously.

Nutrihair Shampoo Content: Patchouli, Aloe Vera, Virgin Coconut Oil, Tea Tree Oil and Depanthenol Packaging: 250 mL bottle

Patchouli Patchouli is used widely in modern perfumery and modern industry to scent products. It is popular aromatherapy oil that induces relaxation.It is also used as an effective all purpose insect repellent. Patchouli oil has also been used as a hair conditioner to moisturize and

protect dreadlocks and afro hairs. Chinese medicine uses the herb to treat headaches, colds, nausea, diarrhea, and abdominal pain. Aloe Vera Aloe Vera gel is used as a popular ingredient in commercially available personal care products such as lotions, soaps, facial creams, and other cosmetics and toiletries. It is s common practice for cosmetic companies to add sap or other derivatives from Aloe Vera.

to products such as makeup, tissues, moisturizers, soaps, sunscreens, incense, razors and shampoos.

Aloe Vera extracts have antibacterial and antifungal activities, which may help in the treatment of minor skin infections in the scalp. Aloe Vera extracts have also shown to inhibit the growth of fungi that cause Tinea and have shown to inhibit growth of Streptococcus and Shigella species. Aloe Vera is also widely used to retwist dreadlocked hair, it soothes the scalp while keeping it moist, thus eliminating the risk of flaky scalp.

Tea Tree Oil Tea tree has a long history of traditional use. Australian aboriginals used tea tree leaves for healing skin cuts, burns, and infections by crushing the leaves and applying them to the affected area.

Tea tree oil has beneficial medical properties when applied topically, including antiseptic, antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral action, and is also believed to have beneficial cosmetic properties particularly in hair care products for it is also effective against mites such as scabies, and

lice such as head lice. Tea tree oil contains terpenoids, which have been found to have antiseptic and antifungal activity. The compound terpinen-4-ol is the most abundant and is thought to be responsible for most of tea tree oil's antimicrobial activity. In recent studies, the use of tea tree oil in shampoo, helps significantly reduced symptoms of dandruff, with 5% tea tree oil being responsible for the treatment of dandruff due to its ability to treat Malassezia furfur, the most common cause of the condition.

It is gentle enough to recommend for baby’s hair shampoo yet twice as potent compared to leading pharmaceutical grade treatment shampoo for scabies and lice. VCO Virgin Coconut oil is an excellent scalp moisturizer and hair softener. A study has shown its effectiveness and safety without absence of adverse reactions. A study found also that coconut oil

when used as a conditioner; helps prevent protein loss from the wet combing of hair.

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Beauty Products:

Gentle Enough for A Woman, Strong Enough For A Man NATURA WHITE LIGHTENING DEODORANT IS

FORMULATED WITH REVOLUTIONARY NATURA SONGYI EXTRACT The Songyi Extract, used in Japan for its potent whitening properties, is a unique bio-herbal extract. It consists of amino acids, powerful antioxidants, minerals and vitamins well known for their synergistic effect in the skin's anti-ageing process.

It will lighten skin without causing dangerous cell death to any

melanin pigment cell during the skin-whitening and rejuvenation process. The uptake of Songyi Extract by the skin helps maintain a normal biological balance in the endocrine system, enhances

the colorless melanin pigment of the skin, and nourish and maintain its fair, youthful appearance by balancing skin tone, and removing blem

NYS New York Scent For Men and Women

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8-in-1 Coffee Content: Agaricus Mushroom, Tongkat Ali, Ginkgo Biloba, Calcium Carbonate, Omega 3, Arabica Coffee, Non-Dairy Creamer Packaging: (21g sachet) 20 sachets/box

Health coffee never tastes and smells this good!! Health 1st 8-in-1 Coffee is a food supplement from premium Arabica beans roasted to perfection and combines the wonders of Agaricus Mushroom, Tongkat Ali, Ginkgo Biloba, Omega 3, Calcium Carbonate, mixed with non-dairy creamer and natural sugar.

The anti-oxidant properties of natural coffee is boosted with the combination of Ginkgo Biloba which is known to improve memory and other cognitive functions, Tongkat Ali with its vitalizing effects, the immune-strengthening qualities of Agaricus Mushroom, Omega 3 DHA which is proven to reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases. All these help prevent, if not eradicate, occurrence of most common

diseases towards a healthy and vigorous lifestyle. AGARICUS MUSHROOM Immune system booster Anti Cancer/ Anti Tumor Aids in weight loss lowers cholesterol level. CALCIUM CARBONATE

Promotes bone formation, Prevents osteoperosis, enhances joint functions and activities, fortifies bone mass, strengthens the bones. OMEGA 3 maintains cardiac rhythm, maintans flexible blood cells and vessels.reduces blood viscosity, reduceshigh blood pressure.

GINKO BILOBA improves memory and other cognitive functions, enhances blood circulation to the brain & heart, helps reduce cardiovascular risks, used in treating cerebral insufficiency, senile dementia, Alzheimers disease.

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Cappuccino with Guyabano & Moringa Packaging: 21grams x 20 sachets per box

INGREDIENTS: Cappuccino, Agaricus Blazei Murill, Calcium Carbonate, Gingko Biloba, Guyabano Powder, Mangosteen, Moringa Powder, Omega 3 & Tongkat Ali

DIRECTION: Empty one sachet of I st Health Cappuccino with Guyabano & Moringa in a cup of hot water. Stir well and enjoy. Take 2 to 3 cups daily for ahealthy and vigorous life.

Choco 8 Chocolate Drink Content: Agaricus Mushroom, Ginkgo Biloba, Natural Calcium, Chlorella

(CGF) and Omega 3 with DHA

Packaging: 25 grams x 20 sachets / box

1st Health Choco 8 is a refreshing healthy beverage that contains all

the natural goodness from nature. Sourced from premium selected

Cocoa Beans from Ghana, Africa, 1st Health Choco 8 is fortified with all

the health giving benefits of Agaricus Mushroom, Ginkgo Biloba, Natural

Calcium, Chlorella and Omega 3. Here’s what those active ingredients


COCOA– Neurotransmitters; DOPAMINE & ANADAMIDE – Antioxidants;

EPICATECHINS & POLYPHENOLS – Antidepressants;TRYPTOPHAN & SEROTONIN – Magnesium for healthy heart–

Phenyletylamine for mental alertness

CHLORELLA– Clinically proven Chlorella Growth Factor (CGF)

– Superfood, complete with 8 essential Amino Acids

– Promotes cellular reproduction, repair and rejuvenation

– Effective detoxifying agent

– Accelerates wound healing


– Supports bone health

– Supports healthy heart and regulates heart rhythm

– Promotes healthy colon

– Essential in preventing blood clotting,

– Enhances nerve transmission

– Improves muscle and cell membrane functioning


– Improves memory and other cognitive functions

– Enhances blood circulation to the brain and heart

– Helps reduce cardio vascular risk

– Used in treating cerebral insufficiency, senility, dementia and Alzheimer’s Diseases


– Maintains Cardiac Rythmn

– Promotes healthy blood vessels and blood cells

– Reduces blood viscosity

– Reduces high blood pressure


– Immune system booster

– Anti-Cancer / Anti-Tumor

– Aids in weight loss

– Lowers cholesterol levels

Now your invigorating energy drink brings life in its every cup, keeping you healthy, strong and mentality alert. Truly, a

premium chocolate mix with a healthy twist!

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Prime Juice (Mangosteen & Goji Berry) Content: Mangosteen Extract, Goji Berry Extract and other fruit extracts Packaging: (25g sachet) 24 sachets/box

Direction for Use: Empty 1 sachet to a glass of water. Stir well. Just the few of the many reasons why we should start drinking Prime Juice 1. Extend your Life - Goji is known as the "longevity fruit". Its unique molecule polysaccharides and powerful antioxidants defend against premature aging, fighting free radical damage throughout the body. 2. Energy and Strength Booster - Prime Juice increases exercise

tolerance, stamina and endurance. Helps to eliminate fatigue, especially when recovering from illness. 3. Look and Feel Younger - Stimulates the secretion by the pituitary gland of Human Growth Hormone, the youth hormone for a more youthful

appearance.. 4. Improve Your Immune System- Regulates immunity by commanding and controlling many of the body's important defense functions, enhance and balance the activity of all classes of immune cells.

5. Improve Disease Resistance - The free radical superoxide has been implicated to have an important role in the onset and progression of human disease.

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Bio-magnetic Bracelet with Far Infrared (FIR) Variants: Available in various designs

Content: 3,000 Gauss

Magneto Therapy is the application of magnets to the body to

stimulate the nerves and create a better blood flow to various

parts of the body. In turn, this helps the organs and glands to

function better. Medicine itself is considered irrelevant as no

medicine is orally fed or injected with magneto therapy. It is a

natural way of stimulating your body to combat pain.

Some types of pain and illness are associated with imbalances in these biological electric and magnetic fields. Bio-

electro-magnetic therapy realigns the fields to correct imbalances and bring relief in a number of common conditions

including Arthritis, Joint and Muscle Pain, Shoulder Pain, Back Ache, Neck Ache, Period Pain and Stress.

Immediate benefits of wearing Bio-Magnetic Therapeutic Bracelet. The secret lies in the right combination of 2500

“GAUSS” (term used for measurement of magnet) Neodymium (rare magnets) and Titanium which helps to:

• Improve Blood Circulation

• Increase Body Metabolism

• Relieve Muscle Aches and Pain

• Increase Energy Level

• Ease Arthritic Pain

• Control Diabetes and High Blood Pressure

• Lowers Cholesterol Be Wealthy, Healthy and still Fashionable!

Immediate relief in common conditions:

• Arthritis

• Joint and Muscle pain

• Back ache

• Stress

• Period pain

UNO Scalar Energy Pendant Variants: Available in Brown and Black

It is made from natural minerals and Germanium Dioxide that are fused and bonded at a molecular level. It produces Scalar Energy that restores the body's energy by helping to balance its bio-electric field.

Inwardly, Scalar Energy helps by facilitating cell permeability thereby enhances

many physiological functions. Outwardly, it enhances the body's bio-electric field which is essential to overall good health. BENEFITS

Promotes the unclumping of the cells thereby enhances cellular movement

Protects cell from harmful electro-magnetic waves and radiation

Helps fight cancer

Enhances blood circulation

Boosts the immune and endocrine systems

Protects the DNA

Helps retard the Ageing process

Enhances cellular nutrition and detoxification