2nd Grading Science Kto12

Date: ______________________ Day: _______________________ Day 1 I. Objective 1. Describe the functions of the bones and muscles. II. A. Materials Charts of bones and muscle Ppt./videos Learners’ Materials ( Lesson 14-Activity 1-5) Activity Notebook B. References: TG and LM,pp.73-78 Science For Daily Use 4, pp. C. Process Skills: observing, describing, comparing and inferring D. Value Integration: Care for our bones and muscles. III. Learning Tasks: A. Engagement: 1. Drill: Name the different parts of the body. Using a graphic organizer. 2. Review: Enumerate the different sense organs and which part of the body does it belong. 3. Motivation:


lesson plan

Transcript of 2nd Grading Science Kto12

Date: ______________________Day: _______________________Day 1I. Objective1. Describe the functions of the bones and muscles.II. A. MaterialsCharts of bones and musclePt.!videos"earners# Materials $ "esson 1%&Activity 1&'(Activity )oteboo* +. ,eferences:-. and "M/.01&023cience 4or Daily 5se %/ . C. Process 3*ills: observin6/ describin6/ comarin6 and inferrin6 D. 7alue Inte6ration: Care for our bones and muscles.III. "earnin6 -as*s: A. 8n6a6ement:1. Drill: )ame the different arts of the body. 5sin6 a 6rahic or6ani9er.:. ,evie;: 8numerate the different sense or6ans and ;hich art of the body does it belon6.1. Motivation:3ho; the s*eletal system and muscular system. As*: