29.proton supplier quality manual dec2006 new

SUPPLIER QUALITY MANUAL Perusahaan Otomobil Nasional Sdn Bhd (Company No: 100995-U) 1 st Edition: Release Dec 18, 2006 This document is controlled by: Perusahaan Otomobil Nasional Sdn Bhd Hicom Industrial Estate PO BOX 7100 40918 Shah Alam Selangor DE Malaysia Edited by: PROTON Quality & Standard Group Quality Management It is user’s responsibility to assure that only the latest revision of this standard is used.

Transcript of 29.proton supplier quality manual dec2006 new

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1st Edition –Dec 18, 2006 / PROTON Specific Requirements ~ Supplier Quality Manual i


Perusahaan Otomobil Nasional Sdn Bhd

(Company No: 100995-U)

1st Edition: Release Dec 18, 2006

This document is controlled by:

Perusahaan Otomobil Nasional Sdn Bhd

Hicom Industrial Estate PO BOX 7100

40918 Shah Alam Selangor DE Malaysia

Edited by:

PROTON Quality & Standard Group Quality Management

It is user’s responsibility to assure that only the latest revision of this standard is used.

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PROTON’s Supplier Quality Manual is based upon recognized automotive standards and the requirements defined in this manual are published on behalf of PROTON Group Quality Management. PROTON performs Supplier Quality Management System development in conformance with ISO/TS 16949 and it is in line with PROTON policy that all suppliers must attain ISO/TS 16949. This manual is intended to assist suppliers in their understanding of PROTON Specific Requirements regarding parts quality either in development process or mass production process. This manual does not change or eliminate any requirements contained in the AIAG manuals, other automotive industry requirements or PROTON Purchase Orders. While this manual is intended to cover all situations normally occurring either in development and mass production stages of parts, there will be questions that arise. These questions should be directed to Quality and Standard/Group Quality Management of PROTON. This document, which includes a reference manual and reporting format, represents the consensus of the members of the Quality and Standard, which comprise of the Supplier Audit, Project Quality Management, Supplier Quality Control and Quality Management System. December 2006

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1.1 Main Definitions 1.2 Other Definitions



2.1 General 4 2.2 PROTON Specific Documentation 4


4.0 PROTON/SUPPLIER INTERFACE 6 4.1 Quality Representative 6 4.2 PROTON GQM Organization 6

5.0 ADVANCED PRODUCT QUALITY PLANNING (APQP) 6 5.1 General 6 5.2 Organization 6 5.3 APQP Follow-up 7 5.4 Special Characteristics ‘++’ and ‘+’ 7 5.5 Control of Special Characteristics 7

6.0 PRODUCTION PREPARATION AND TRIALS 8 6.1 Purpose 8 6.2 Requirements 8 6.3 Sample Evaluation 9 6.4 Trial Parts Approval 10

7.0 PRODUCTION PART APPROVAL PROCESS (PPAP) 11 7.1 Purpose 11 7.2 Scope 11 7.3 Approach 11 7.4 Procedure 11

8.0 INITIAL STAGE CONTROL 12 8.1 General 12 8.2 Scope and Timing 12 8.3 Requirements 13

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9.0 PROJECT MANAGEMENT SCHEDULE 14 9.1 General 14 9.2 Schedule Content 14

10.0 MANUFACTURING PROCESS AUDIT (MPA) 15 10.1 General 15 10.2 Audit Conditions 15 10.3 Category of Audit Results 15 10.4 Audit Reply 16


12.0 TEMPORARY ADOPTION 16 12.1 General 16 12.2 Conditions 16

13.0 PERMANENT CHANGES 17 13.1 General 17



16.0 SUPPLIER QUALITY PERFORMANCE 20 16.1 General 20 16.2 Criteria 20 16.3 Performance Results 20

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Appendix A: GQM Organisation Chart Appendix B: PPAP/PSW Procedure Appendix C: PPAP/PSW Formats C-1 PPAP/PSW Submission – Validation List

C-2 Production Part Approval: Part Submission Warrant C-3 Concession Application Form

C-4 Waiver Notice C-5 PQCM Summary Report C-6 Status List of Approved Drawing And Design Change C-7 Status List of Specification C-8 Inspection And Test Results C-9 Inspection Result C-10 Appearance Approval Sheet C-11 Summary of Test Results C-12 Design Failure Mode And Effects Analysis C-13 Process Failure Mode And Effects Analysis C-14 Process Capability Summary Report C-15 Gauge Repeatability And Reproducibility Study C-16 List of Checking Aids And Inspection Jigs C-17 Sub-Supplier Production Part Approval Summary Report C-18 Inspection Agreement Sheet C-19 Revision Sheet C-20 Amendment Record Sheet C-21 Process Flow Chart C-22 Quality Control Plan C-23 Inspection Standard C-24 List of Raw Material/Child Part C-25 List of Coloured Part Appendix D: Special Characteristics Appendix E: Audit Formats E-1 Facsimile E-2 Manufacturing Process Audit Plan E-3 Corrective and Preventive Action Plan Appendix F: Temporary Adoption

F-1 PROTON Sdn Bhd Shah Alam F-2 PROTON Tanjung Malim Sdn Bhd

Appendix G: Permanent Changes G-1 Process Change Proposal G-2 Process Change Plan Notification Appendix H: DCRS

H-1 PROTON Sdn Bhd Shah Alam H-2 PROTON Tanjung Malim Sdn Bhd

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INTRODUCTION The objective of this manual is to provide a guideline to all suppliers on the quality requirements and activities necessary to satisfy specific requirements pertaining to the system, process and product during development and mass production of Parts (as defined below) for Proton cars. PROTON Quality Policy "PROTON is committed to manufacture quality cars, KD parts and spare parts that satisfy customer requirements and meet the required safety and environmental standards of each market" PROTON Quality Objective To achieve the required standard of:

Vehicle Product Quality Customer Satisfaction Effective of Quality Management System

PROTON Corporate Mantra and Core Values

Core Ideology

Audacious Goal Driving Malaysia’s transformation into a leader in technology and quality. Vivid Description We deliver innovative and superior quality products and services. Our brands inspire confidence and pride. Purpose We are passionate group of people working together, creating exhilarating products and services for global markets, synonymous with great styling, innovation and leading technology.

Core Values

Quality We make products that work first time, every time. Customer Focus Customers are the source of our income. We deliver on our promises to customers’ satisfaction.

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Innovation We challenge the convention; always seek new and better ways to do things. We view changes as opportunities. Teamwork We trust, respect and share knowledge to foster teamwork at the workplace. Speed We have a “can do” attitude and will not rest until the problem is solved. We have inherent sense of urgency in everything we do. Caring As a responsible corporate citizen, we invest in safety, health and the environment.

Quality System Requirements

Minimum quality system requirements for Suppliers are:

• Third party registration to ISO/TS 16949 by an accredited third party certification body, unless otherwise specified by PROTON as a customer.

Copies of ISO/TS16949 certificates shall be submitted to PROTON Group Procurement (hereinafter referred to as “GP”) and PROTON Group Quality Management (hereinafter referred to as “GQM”). For supplier who has still not certified with ISO/TS 16949, it is a requirement for the supplier to submit a plan towards ISO/TS 16949 certification to PROTON GP. Any change of the accreditation status (i.e.: new certification, de-certification, etc.), it shall be communicated/notified to PROTON GP and GQM in writing immediately. PROTON reserves the right to remove or delist any Supplier for failure to notify PROTON of any de-certification status.


This manual is a supplementary (i.e.: PROTON Specific Requirement) to the ISO/TS 16949 Technical Specification. In the case of any inconsistency, the Supplier shall comply with PROTON Specific Requirements. Parts supplied to PROTON shall be produced, controlled, inspected, and tested according to the requirements set forth in these documents and other applicable specifications, unless otherwise specified by the PROTON GQM.

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1.1. Main Definitions

The word 'shall' indicates mandatory requirement. The word 'should' indicates a mandatory requirement with some flexibility allowed in compliance methodology. Suppliers choosing other approaches to satisfy a 'should' requirement must be able to show that their approach meets the intent of ISO/TS16949. 'Part' is defined as the original equipment manufacturers part(s) to be supplied by the Supplier to Proton such as but not limited to any component, sub assembly, complete assembly, system or module. When referring to this Manual and ISO/TS 16949 Technical Specification, please be aware of the following terms: The term “ORGANIZATION” in ISO/TS 16949 shall be referred as “SUPPLIER” in this Manual.

1.2. Other Definitions

“Affected Part,” means a non-conforming part as referred to in Part 14.1. “AIAG” means Automotive Industry Action Group “Approved Drawings” as defined in PPA. “APQP Team” shall be set up by the Supplier in accordance with the APQP Manual “APQP” means Advance Product Quality Planning “Concession” shall be as defined in Appendix B, Part 2.4 “Cpk” means the Process Capability Index as referred to in Appendix B, Part 2.13 “DCRS” shall mean Defect Countermeasure Request Sheet as referred to in Part 14.1.4 “DFMEA” shall mean Design Failure Mode and Analysis Effect, as referred to in Appendix B, Part 2.11 “Dimensional Result” means reference to the Part drawing requirements where the results are legibly written on a Part drawing including cross section, tracing or sketches. “FMEA” means Failure Mode and Analysis Effect

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“GQM” means PROTON’s Group Quality Management Division. “GRR” means Gauge Repeatability and Reproducibility as referred to in Appendix B, Part 2.14 “IATF” means International Automotive Task Force “ISC” means Initial Stage Control as defined in Part 8.0 “ISO/TS 16949 Technical Specification” means the ISO/TS 16949 technical specifications issued by IATF. “Manual” means this Supplier Quality Manual. “Master Part” means the master part referred to in Appendix B, Part 2.15 “MSA” means Measurement System Analysis as referred to in Appendix B, Part 2.14 “PCP” shall mean Process Change Proposal as defined in Part 13.1 “PCPN” shall mean the Process Change Plan Notification as referred to in Part 13.1 “PFMEA” shall mean Process Failure Mode and Analysis Effect, as referred to in Appendix B, Part 2.12 “PPAP” means Production Part Approval Process. “Ppk” means the Process Performance Index as referred to in Appendix B, Part 2.13 “PPM” means Parts Per Million. “PQM” means PROTON Project Quality Management Section “Product and Process Documentation” means all the documents to be submitted in the form as indicated in Appendix C in accordance with PPAP and PSW format. “Project Management Schedule” means the schedule referred to in Part 9.0. “PROTON Specific Documentation” means the documents referred to in Part 2.2. “PROTON Specific Requirements” shall mean the requirements as stated in this Manual. “PROTON Vehicle” means the vehicles assembled with the PROTON badge.

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“PSW” means Parts Submission Warrant “QMS Certified” means certified according to ISO/TS 16949 and ISO 9001:2000. “Quality Control Plan” shall have the meaning as referred to in Appendix B, Part 2.18.2 “RPN” means Risk Priority Number, being the multiplication of the Severity (S), Occurrence (O) and Detection (D) rating, or RPN = S x O x D “Significant Production Run” shall have the meaning as described in Appendix B, Part 1.6 “SPC” means Statistical Process Control “SQC” means PROTON’s Supplier Quality Control Section “Supplier Audit Team” means PROTON’s Supplier Audit Section. “Temporary Adoption” shall have the meaning as defined in Part 12.0 “Waiver” shall be as defined in Appendix B, Part 2.5

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2.1. General

2.1.1. The Supplier shall:

i. Deliver to PROTON the Parts together with the Delivery Order, strictly in accordance with the applicable ordering document.

ii. Deliver to PROTON the Parts incorporating the most up to date changes/revisions, if any.

2.2. PROTON Specific Documentation

2.2.1. PROTON Specific Documentation related to Part conformance are, but not

limited, to the following:

i. Part list, Bill of Materials ii. Test specifications

iii. Approved Drawings iv. Part Submission Warrant v. Inspection Agreement

vi. Material specifications vii. Other supporting specifications/documentation

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The following is a list of AIAG / ISO documents referenced in this standard:

Manual Published by Description

ISO/TS16949 IATF Technical Specification Second Edition

ISO 9001:2000 ISO Quality System

APQP AIAG APQP and Control Plan

FMEA AIAG Potential Failure Mode and Effects Analysis

MSA AIAG Measurement System Analysis

SPC AIAG Fundamental SPC

ISO/TS16949 IATF Checklist Checklist PPAP AIAG Production Part Approval Process

To obtain information of these documents, contact the following: www.AIAG.org www.iso.ch

The Supplier shall have the responsibility to ensure that the standards referred to are the most up to date versions of the standards.

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4.1. Quality Representative

4.1.1. Supplier shall nominate a quality representative (“Quality Representative”) who has the authority to address quality requirements such as setting quality objectives, implementing corrective and preventive actions, quality maintenance, quality improvement, and/or any quality initiatives for the mutual benefit of both the Supplier and PROTON. In the event that there is a change to the Quality Representative, Supplier shall immediately notify PROTON Supplier Audit in writing.

4.1.2. Supplier shall communicate in writing any change to the organization

structure of the Supplier’s quality management team to PROTON Supplier Audit immediately.

4.2. PROTON GQM Organization

4.2.1. PROTON Supplier Audit should communicate any change to the

organisation structure of PROTON’s Group Quality Management (“GQM”) (as attached in Appendix A) to the Supplier as soon as practicable.


5.1. General

5.1.1. The Supplier shall utilize the planning procedures from the AIAG Advanced Quality Planning and Control Plan (APQP) manual. All elements of the APQP must be incorporated into the planning process, unless waived in writing by PROTON GP.

Note: It is supplier’s responsibility to assure that only the latest revision of AIAG manual is used.

5.2. Organization

5.2.1. APQP Team shall be a multi-disciplinary/cross-functional team comprising competent personnel of various departments with relevant qualifications, skills, training and experiences to plan and coordinate the overall development activities.

5.2.2. The project manager and person-in-charge of each important area (i.e.:

Engineering, Production and Quality) shall be identified and officially appointed.

5.2.3. Supplier shall establish an organization chart for the APQP Team.

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5.3. APQP Follow-Up

5.3.1. Monitoring mechanism should be established for every phase of the APQP for the status of the effectiveness and progress of the program, and shall be submitted to PROTON GP representative at requested intervals anytime during the development of the Part.

5.4. Special Characteristics ‘++’ and ‘+’

5.4.1. Generally, ‘Special Characteristics’ are defined in Approved Drawings, FMEA and Process Control Plans. The presence of the ‘Special Characteristics’ is not intended to reduce the importance of other dimensions but to differentiate the product and process requirements which can affect compliance with government regulation or safety (++) and that is important to customer satisfaction (+). (see Appendix D)

5.5. Control of Special Characteristics

5.5.1. Special Characteristics shall be included on the PFMEA, Quality Control Plan and process instructions (Working Stations, Work Instructions, Standard Operating Procedures, Inspection Standards, Check sheets, etc.) unless otherwise agreed upon in writing by PROTON GQM (i.e.: PQM, Supplier Quality Control and, Supplier Audit). The data (i.e.: dimensions, specification test, operation parameters, etc.) shall be controlled, documented and retained by the Supplier. PROTON GQM may at any time request for a review of all such data whereupon the Supplier shall submit such data no later than seven (7) days from PROTON’s request.

5.5.2. Supplier shall monitor the process performance or process capability

utilizing the appropriate statistical techniques in accordance with the AIAG SPC Manual. Supplier shall periodically perform the Ppk/Cpk studies and record the process capability from the initial production onwards. The results shall be documented and retained at supplier’s premises, and shall be made available upon PROTON request.

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6.1. Purpose

6.1.1. It is important for the Supplier to ensure all production trial parts delivery for production trial at PROTON i.e. P0, P1…, Pn conform to design requirements and specifications as practicable.

6.1.2. Supplier is required to conduct production trials at these stages to confirm

the status of production preparation and readiness based on 4M elements i.e. Man, Machine, Material and Method and to ensure completion prior to Pre-Production Stage.

6.2. Requirements

6.2.1. Production trials shall be conducted using the production intent tools (hard

tools) and all equipment shall be ready before the P0 stage. Supplier is required to notify PROTON if the trials are conducted using soft tools. Suppliers shall ensure the quality system, production methods, inspection methods and controlling methods are confirmed and finalised before Pre-Production Stage.

6.2.2. Supplier shall ensure all manpower are trained and familiarised to the

acceptable manufacturing practice and quality assurance system of process and product. The detailed training programme, which includes planning and scheduling and the records shall be made available for verification.

6.2.3. During these trials, supplier shall also determine the process and product

special characteristics so as to confirm the method and level of inspection and control. Supplier shall then use these characteristics for the construction of Quality Control Plan, Standard Operating Procedures, Check sheets and Forms.

6.2.4. Supplier shall produce reasonable quantity of part during each trial to

ensure trial’s results are valid to be used for analysis and study. Supplier is responsible to ensure quality level/target achieves the set target on each production trials.

6.2.5. Supplier shall conduct Process FMEA during the production trials to detect

possibilities of failures throughout the manufacturing process. At the same time, all measurement tools shall be ready for measurement system evaluation.

6.2.6. Suppliers shall finalize the study on the material handling, material and

process flow, production capacity, production rate, machine’s utilization rate and cycle time.

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6.2.7. Prior to the Pre-Production run, all the documentation (SOP, check sheets, forms, etc) for the production reference shall be confirmed and readily available.

6.2.8. Supplier shall record and summarize every findings found during the trials.

Type of defects/rejects during trials shall be identified and percentage of rejection shall be recorded.

6.2.9. The root cause of the problems shall be identified and appropriate

countermeasure shall be carried out. The effectiveness of the countermeasure shall be monitored during next trial and should be resolved prior to Pre-Production.

6.3. Sample Evaluation

6.3.1. Supplier shall discuss and finalize the inspection and testing requirements

specified in the Approved Drawing with PROTON PQM. Supplier shall fabricate the inspection jigs if deemed necessary to evaluate the samples effectively.

6.3.2. All inspection jigs shall be accompanied with drawing and data to confirm

its accuracy/functionality. The engineering level of inspection jigs and its drawing shall be updated for any change in product construction.

6.3.3. Suppliers shall also decide product’s inspection and test frequency for

periodical inspection and test purpose to be specified in the Inspection Agreement Sheet.

6.3.4. Suppliers shall discuss with PROTON PQM on the type of design and

quality evaluation. The design and quality evaluation of samples normally covers the following, but not limited to:

i. Dimensional Inspection ii. Appearance Inspection

iii. Material Test iv. Specification/Homologation/Regulation Test v. Endurance/Reliability Test

vi. Functional/Characteristics/Performance Test vii. Fitting Trial

viii. Workability Trial

6.3.5. The pre-production samples shall be used as the initial samples for Production Part Approval Process.

6.3.6. All the inspection and test results shall be retained and submitted to

PROTON upon request. Simultaneously, suppliers shall also finalise the inspection and test standard/items for the Inspection Agreement.

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6.4. Trial Parts Approval

6.4.1. All trial part deliveries shall conform to design requirements and specifications. Supplier is responsible for contacting PROTON PQM for approval prior to delivering any non-conforming part.

6.4.2. Supplier shall arrange with PROTON PQM for a joint inspection of the

trial parts at every stage of production trial. Supplier shall prepare all necessary documentations and items including, but not limited to:

i. Sample Parts ii. Approved Drawing

iii. Quality Control Plan iv. Inspection Standard v. Check sheet and Forms

vi. Checking Aids/Inspection Jig vii. Measuring tools

6.4.3. The joint inspection shall be conducted for all quantity of trial parts to be

delivered for Vehicle production trial at PROTON. The inspection shall confirm on the dimensional, appearance criteria and function of the trial parts.

6.4.4. The inspection data shall be recorded using the Inspection and Test Result,

and Inspection Result Forms (see Appendix C-8 and C-9). Supplier shall clearly indicate, on the form, the stage of trial the parts being inspected.

6.4.5. The parts shall then be identified with appropriate label/tag indicating the

part number, part name, change letter, supplier name and the trial stage they are used for.

6.4.6. Supplier shall be allowed to release and deliver the trial parts, once the

parts are judged acceptable by PROTON PQM upon signing on the form and endorsing the part label/tag.

6.4.7. If the latter is not applicable, then PROTON PQM shall conduct the

inspection upon receiving the trial parts. The trial parts shall be accompanied by the inspection results addressed to PROTON PQM for verification.

6.4.8. Any non-conformances shall be noted on this form accompanied by

countermeasures and due dates and approved by PROTON PQM. Supplier shall implement the approved countermeasures before parts are produced for next trial.

6.4.9. The inspection results shall be submitted to PROTON PQM and one copy

shall be retained by Supplier for record.

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7.1. Purpose

7.1.1. It is a requirement for Supplier to submit Production Part Approval Process / Part Submission Warrant (PPAP/PSW) for Part approval.

7.1.2. This is to ensure that all PROTON design requirements and specifications

are met and the process has the potential to produce the Part meeting these design requirements and specifications during an actual production run.

7.2. Scope

7.2.1. Supplier is required to produce PPAP/PSW for the following:

i. All Parts developed and manufactured by the Supplier that are assembled to PROTON Vehicles.

ii. Subject to PROTON request, materials or consumables that have direct impact towards workability, applicability and finished quality of PROTON Vehicles and can cause problems if quality of materials or consumables degrades or does not comply with specifications for the Part.

7.3. Approach

7.3.1. ISO/TS 16949 and ISO 9001:2000 certified suppliers.

i. QMS certified Suppliers should follow and conform to all requirements as defined in the AIAG manual. In the event that there is any difference between the requirement in the AIAG manual and this Manual, the requirement of this Manual shall prevail, and be treated as PROTON Specific Requirements.

ii. In the case of non-QMS certified suppliers, a total compliance to this guideline is a MUST. (i.e.: Use all PROTON formats and procedures).

7.4. Procedure

7.4.1. PPAP/PSW Procedure (see Appendix B and C)

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8.1. General

8.1.1. The Supplier shall impose a stringent quality control during the initial stage of mass production for all newly approved parts or existing parts with design/process changes.

8.1.2. The purpose of the Initial Stage Control (ISC) is to ensure the parts quality

is maintained and stabilized at the earliest possible time.

8.2. Scope and Timing

8.2.1. The ISC period corresponding to the type of development is described in the following table:

Table 1

Part ISC Period

No. Type of development ISC period at Supplier

ISC period at PROTON (unless

otherwise specified) 1. Full model change project

Example: New platform with completely new body shape and interiors.

From PPAP approval until SOP date + 3

months SOP date + 3 months

2. Major design change project Example: 2-door to 4-door or vice versa, Hatchback to Sedan or vice versa.

From PPAP approval until SOP date + 3

months SOP date + 3 months

3. Cosmetic change project Example: CC#1, CC#2

From PPAP approval until SOP date + 3

months SOP date + 3 months

4. Enhancement project Example: Interior and exterior colour and fabric change.

From PPAP approval until SOP date + 1

month SOP date + 1 month

5. Parts design/Process change Example: Process Change Proposal.

From PPAP approval until Pilot lot date + 10 consecutive lots

Pilot lot date + 10 consecutive lots

(300 units)

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8.3. Requirements

8.3.1. Supplier shall use the Initial Stage Quality Control Plan to conduct the ISC activity at their premises. Suppliers shall ensure the quality system, production methods, inspection and controlling methods are strictly performed.

8.3.2. Special attention shall be given to the critical and significant characteristics

especially for the safety/regulated, fit/function and appearance Parts.

8.3.3. Supplier shall submit Parts dimensional inspection report for 3 consecutive months to PROTON PQM on the Parts categorized under item 1, 2 and 3 described in the Table 1 during the ISC period at PROTON.

8.3.4. The ISC status shall be automatically lifted by the period specified unless

otherwise notified by PROTON PQM. Extension of ISC period shall be imposed until the part quality has stabilized.

8.3.5. In the case of non-conformances, Supplier shall carry out corrective and

preventive actions in accordance with the procedures defined in Section 12. Supplier shall communicate with PROTON PQM during the ISC Stage

8.3.6. Supplier should station their Quality Engineer at PROTON Plant to

monitor the parts quality during the ISC period.

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9.1. General

9.1.1. The Supplier shall develop a project management schedule (“Project Management Schedule”) that contains a detailed schedule highlighting main activity timelines and milestones from development until mass production stages.

9.1.2. The purpose of the Project Management Schedule is to ensure the timing of

programs as defined by PROTON GP (With reference to PROTON Project Master Schedule).

9.1.3. The Project Management Schedule shall be maintained at the Supplier’s

premises at all times. Updated copies of the Project Management Schedule shall be submitted to the PROTON as required.

9.2. Schedule Content

9.2.1. The Project Management Schedule shall be structured, but not limited to the following phases:

i. Product and Process Development

ii. Prototype (F-stages) iii. Pilot (P-stages) iv. SOP (Start of Production)

9.2.2. The Project Management Schedule shall be identified by:

i. Project Name ii. Product part number and/or description

iii. Supplier name iv. Originator v. Date and revision level

vi. Authorisation (Both Supplier and PROTON GP)

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10.1. General

10.1.1. The PROTON Supplier Audit team shall perform audits of the Supplier's manufacturing process (“Manufacturing Process Audit”) as deemed necessary in order to ensure full compliance with the quality standards and PROTON specific requirements implementation.

10.2. Manufacturing Process Audit Conditions

10.2.1. Conditions that warrant manufacturing process audits (MPA) may include the following:

i. Incoming quality control issues i.e.: Defect Countermeasure

Request Sheet ii. Market quality issues i.e.: Market claims

iii. Safety part supplier iv. Critical non-conformity has occurred v. Previous audit results which were unsatisfactory

vi. New supplier vii. Process Change

viii. Manufacturing location change

10.2.2. Supplier will be notified with Memorandum and Audit Plan prior to the commencement of manufacturing process audit and/or by verbal communication (in case of special instruction from PROTON GQM) (see Appendix E-1 and E-2)

10.3. Category Of Audit Results

Description Rating Marks Good or Full Compliance A 90 – 100% Above Average or Pre-Dominance Compliance

AB 80 and < 90%

Average or Partial Compliance B 60 and < 80% Below Average or No Compliance C < 60%

10.3.1. PROTON Supplier Audit shall communicate the audit results to the Supplier and PROTON related divisions (i.e.: GQM, GP, Engineering and Manufacturing).

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10.4. Audit Reply

10.4.1. The Supplier shall give to Proton its proposed corrective and preventive action plan within 2 weeks from the date of notification of the audit results. (In the format as attached in Appendix E-3)


11.1. General

11.1.1. The Supplier shall perform inspection and testing periodically as per Inspection Agreement. The results shall be made available upon any request by PROTON. (i.e.: SQC and Supplier Audit) (see Appendix C-8 and C-9)

11.1.2. PROTON SQC is entitled to be involved in inspections and/or testing

carried out by the Supplier or to have access to findings obtained.

11.1.3. Supplier should allow PROTON SQC access to its premises at any reasonable time by prior notice to enable PROTON SQC to verify, evaluate and inspect its part(s) either at Supplier premises or at PROTON.


12.1. General

12.1.1. Requests for Temporary changes to specifications or requirements shall be documented. Approval shall be obtained from PROTON’s Supplier Quality Control (hereinafter referred to as “SQC”).

12.2. Conditions

12.2.1. Temporary Adoption shall be exercised whenever manufactured and approved Parts do not comply with the required design requirement and specification. It is regarded as “Out of Specification” products but could still be judged as acceptable or usable to meet design or quality intended requirements when some actions are taken or remain as it is.

12.2.2. In principle, Temporary Adoption shall be awarded whenever the following

conditions are met: -

i. Aspect of safety, regulation and product liability is not affected. ii. Effect on ordinary functions and commodity value is very small.

iii. Fitting and workability aspects are found acceptable. iv. Root cause analysis is completed. v. Corrective and preventive actions have been taken.

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12.2.3. Supplier shall fill-up all details in the columns provided in the Temporary Adoption form (see Appendix F-1 and F-2) and submit the form to PROTON SQC. PROTON SQC team shall be responsible for judging the quality status of the Part and to decide whether or not the Part can be adopted before granting approval.

12.2.4. At the same time, Supplier must conduct investigation as to why the

defect(s) occurred in the first place. Corrective actions shall be taken to prevent the defect(s) from recurring in the future. Supplier is fully responsible for updating PROTON SQC on the progress of the corrective actions and its status of completion.

12.2.5. It is important to note that the Temporary Adoption shall be limited to a

certain quantity and a specific period of time. The duration of adoption shall be agreed between the Supplier and PROTON SQC. (see Appendix F-1 and F-2)

12.2.6. Supplier must ensure this Part is clearly marked or labelled for

identification and trace-ability purpose during supply process.

12.2.7. The Temporary Adoption approval, however, does not relieve the Supplier from the warranty claim obligation.


13.1. General

13.1.1. Permanent changes shall be appropriately documented (see Appendix B). Supplier shall notify PROTON regarding the changes using “Process Change Proposal” (hereinafter referred to as “PCP”) format. (see Appendix G-1)

13.1.2. Where the procedures of PCP (determined by PROTON PQM) have been

observed and followed, and the Part (affected by the changes) has been approved by PROTON PQM, Supplier shall notify PROTON PQM the date of commencement/resumption of supply using “Process Change Plan Notification” form (hereinafter referred to as “PCPN”) (see Appendix G-2)

13.1.3. In case of “No Change”, please refer PCPN format under “Special

Notation”. (see Appendix G-2)

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14.1. Requirements

When PROTON has issued the Supplier of a 'Non-conformance' notice with Part which are affected (“Affected Part”), the Supplier shall responsible for:

14.1.1. Initial Containment Action

• This initial containment action shall:

a. Be implemented immediately by sorting out, re-working or

disposing the Affected Parts. b. Include all Affected Parts in the Supplier's control, in transit to

PROTON, in the possession of PROTON, or in the finished PROTON Vehicle delivered/shipped to PROTON customers.

• The Supplier shall notify PROTON SQC of their containment

actions and to discuss coordination of containment of Affected Parts at PROTON.

14.1.2. Certified Delivery

• All deliveries of Affected Parts, which have been corrected, shall be

'certified' by PROTON SQC (i.e. in compliance with the Initial Containment Actions) until corrective action issues are formally closed by PROTON SQC.

• All Affected Parts, which have been corrected, shall be delivered per approved methods and identified with the appropriate label. PROTON SQC may require individual component identification.

14.1.3. Initial Response

• A written initial response (as deemed necessary based on the

criticalness of the problem) shall be submitted to PROTON SQC within 48 hours (or otherwise specified time frame) of formal notification of the concern from PROTON. This initial response shall, at minimum, contain:

i. PROTON Part Number And Date Of Non-Conformance

ii. Name Of The PROTON SQC Representative iii. Problem Description iv. Containment Action Description v. Containment Action Verification (Quantitative Results)

vi. Certified Parts Delivery Dates And Identification vii. Root Cause Analysis Status

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14.1.4. Defect Countermeasure Request Sheet (DCRS) – Formal Corrective Report

• Any non-conformances will be recorded in DCRS issued by

PROTON SQC. Supplier is responsible to reply the DCRS within 7 working days or otherwise specified by PROTON SQC. (see Appendix H-1 and H-2)

• First, Second and Third Reminder will be issued respectively if the Supplier does not respond to the DCRS by the specific date(s) given.

• Third Reminder will be copied to GP with the assumption that the quality of the Supplier’s Parts is questionable.

• DCRS shall contain:

i. Error-Proofing Methods In The Corrective Actions ii. Responsibility And Effective Date

14.1.5. Documentation

• FMEAs, Control Plans and/or other appropriate documentation

shall be revised to reflect changes resulting from the concern. These documents shall be maintained on file and provided to PROTON SQC representative for review as required.


15.1. Requirements

15.1.1. An analysis of overall corrective and preventive action on DCRS and market claims shall be made available for PROTON's review and shall contain, at a minimum, the items listed below:

i. Description of the problem.

ii. Containment action. iii. Root Cause of the problem with verification. iv. Corrective action. v. Verification of containment and corrective action. This is a

measure of the action's effectiveness utilizing appropriate statistical or process performance analysis methods.

vi. Preventive measures for 'Lessons Learned' and applicable to similar products and processes.

vii. Preventive actions assess the applicability of the action taken to similar processes. These are actions with a proactive and predictive intention with the focus on avoiding occurrences.

viii. Verify Process Flow Diagrams, PFMEAs and Process Control Plans have been updated.

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Note: Changes to the Part and/or the Product and Process Documentation (i.e. drawings, specifications, Control Plans, PFMEAs, Flow charts, etc) due to implementation of any corrective action(s) shall be documented through revision levels/dates and the Product and Process Documentation shall be updated accordingly. Any changes in revision levels/dates that may require PPAP/PSW re-submission shall be communicated with PROTON PQM.


16.1. General

16.1.1. PROTON GQM shall assess the supplier in regards to their quality performance.

16.2. Criteria

16.2.1. Criteria for assessments may include, but not limited to, the following:

i. DCRS (Number of DCRS, demerits, PPM) ii. Market Claims (Quantity, Amount, PPM)

iii. Incoming Quality Control (PPM) iv. Manufacturing Process Audit

16.3. Performance Results

16.3.1. Results of the quality performance assessments should be documented by the PROTON GQM, communicated throughout PROTON related Divisions (i.e.: GP, Engineering and Manufacturing) and Supplier.

16.3.2. Supplier shall communicate the results of the assessments to their management.

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APPENDIX A: GQM Organisation Chart

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PPAP/PSW Procedure

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1.1 In the beginning of the PPAP preparation, the PPAP/PSW submission item requirements shall be determined by PROTON PQM Engineer and communicated to the Supplier. The submission items are shown in Table 1.

Table 1: PPAP/PSW Submission Items

PPAP/PSW Item Requirement Format Doc. No.

0. PPAP/PSW Submission-Validation Checklist S 7-13-02(PQM/QA)/F26 1. Part Submission Warrant S 7-13-02(PQM/QA)/F2

2. Concession Application If applicable 7-13-02(PQM/QA)/F22

3. Waiver Notice S 7-13-02(PQM/QA)/F3 4. PQCM Summary Report S* 7-13-02(PQM/QA)/F5 5. Design Control and Change Status S* 7-13-02(PQM/QA)/F6 & F7 6. Dimension Inspection Report S* 7-13-02(PQM/QA)/F8 & F9 7. Appearance Approval Sheet S* 7-13-02(PQM/QA)/F10 8. Summary of Test Results S* 7-13-02(PQM/QA)/F11 9. Design FMEA S* May use optional format 10. Process FMEA S* May use optional format 11. Process Capability Study S* 7-13-02(PQM/QA)F27 12. Measurement System Analysis/Gauge R&R S* May use optional format 13. Master Part R Retained at supplier site 14. Checking Aids / Inspection Jigs R* 7-13-02(PQM/QA)/F12 15. Sub-Supplier PPA Summary Report S* 7-13-02(PQM/QA)/F20 16. Inspection Agreement

16.1 Inspection Agreement Sheet S* 7-13-02(PQM/QA)/F13 16.2 Revision Sheet S* 7-13-02(PQM/QA)/F14 16.3 Amendment Record Sheet S* 7-13-02(PQM/QA)/F15 16.4 Process Flow Chart S* 7-13-02(PQM/QA)/F16 16.5 Quality Control Plan S* 7-13-02(PQM/QA)/F17 16.6 Inspection Standard S* 7-13-02(PQM/QA)/F18 16.7 List of Raw Material/Child Part S* 7-13-02(PQM/QA)/F19 16.8 List of Coloured Part S* 7-13-02(PQM/QA)/F21 Legend:

S Suppliers shall submit PPAP items/documents S* Suppliers shall submit PPAP items/documents unless waived with valid reason R Suppliers shall retain and update PPAP items/documents at supplier’s

manufacturing location but items/documents shall be ONLY submitted for PROTON verification upon request.

R* Suppliers shall retain and update PPAP items at supplier’s manufacturing location and ONLY submit document

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1.2 Details of submissions required are given in the Section 2. All the required

formats are given in Appendix C. 1.3 If there is any design change at component/assembly level or process change

mentioned in Section 3, Supplier is required to notify the same to PROTON’s PQM Engineer. The change situation would be reviewed and approved, and PROTON may require Supplier to submit fresh PPAP/PSW for approval.

1.4 Any Waiver or Concession by PROTON PQM of any PPAP/PSW requirements

must be in writing.

1.5 Items to achieve PPAP/PSW shall be submitted by such time as stipulated by PROTON PQM prior to PROTON’s Pre-Production run (PP stage). Supplier should use the Parts only from supplier’s pre-production run (significant production run) for PPAP/PSW submission such as dimensional results and performance tests, Process Capability Studies and Measurement System Analysis.

1.6 A significant production run is a production run conducted at actual production site

using production intent equipment and tools, production method and process, approved materials and parts and trained manpower or operators. Significant production run requires a time of run of one to eight hours with production quantity of 300 minimums, unless otherwise specified and agreed by PROTON PQM. The disposition will depend on the complexity of the product and processes e.g. low volume models, off the shelf parts or expensive/bulky parts.

1.7 The degree or extent of implementation of each PSW/PPAP items and its

judgments are decided based on Part characteristic and also depending on type of Part’s development.

1.8 The Part characteristics, specifically Safety, Important and Ordinary is normally

decided based on product and process special characteristics as described in Table 2 below:

Table 2: Part Characteristics

Part Characteristic Definition Symbols

Critical (Safety and/or


Product and process requirement (dimension, specification test, operation parameters) which can affect compliance with government regulation and/or safety and which require specific manufacturer, assembly, shipping or monitoring action and inclusion in the control plan. Severity index FMEA of 9 or 10.

+ + Product/process

critical characteristics

Significant (Important)

Product, process and test requirements that are important to customer satisfaction and for which quality planning action shall be included in the control plan. Severity index FMEA of 5 to 8.

+ Product/process

significant characteristics

Ordinary Other than the above conditions. Not Applicable

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1.9 Supplier shall meet the requirements of the critical and/or significant characteristics on their product and process. The designated symbols in Table 2 should also be mentioned in the documents to be submitted along with the PPAP/PSW such as the FMEA, Quality Control Plan, Inspection Standard and Inspection, and Test Results.


2.1 PPAP/PSW Submissions Package

2.1.1 A4 2-ring file or binder. Use of spiral binder is not allowed. 2.1.2 Binder cover sheet attachment showing: PROTON Part Number, Change

Letter (Revision Level), Part Name, Model Variant, Supplier Name and Submission Date.

2.1.3 Section separators with tabs, identifying each section according to the

sequence described in this section.

2.1.4 One hardcopy of each PPAP/PSW submitted. Supplier to keep another copy on file at their location and shall be made available upon request.

2.2 PPAP/PSW Submission – Validation Checklist (PROTON format)

2.2.1 Suppliers shall use this checklist to assure that all PROTON submission requirements and expectations have been satisfied and confirmed.

2.2.2 Supplier shall review the submission items together with PROTON PQM

Engineer during the documentation validation process prior to submission for approval.

2.2.3 PPAP/PSW submission will not be accepted without the Validation

Checklist. (see Appendix C-1) 2.3 Part Submission Warrant (PROTON format)

2.3.1 Part Submission Warrant (PSW) is a PROTON standard document on which approval is formalized. (see Appendix C-2)

2.3.2 Supplier shall verify that all of the measurement and test results show

conformance with Approved Drawings and that all required documentation are available and complete.

2.3.3 PSW form will not be accepted if any information required is missing.

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2.3.4 Supplier’s Representative, preferably Quality Manager or higher portfolio (senior managerial level), shall sign off on the PSW and shall print the name, signature, title and authorized company’s stamp.

2.3.5 In principle, a separate PSW is required for each part number unless

otherwise indicated in writing by PROTON. However, should the need arise; one PSW may cover more than one part number as appropriate. These part numbers shall be clearly tabulated in the product matrix attachment.

2.3.6 PROTON PQM shall review the submissions and notify the Supplier

whether the PSW has been approved, rejected or approved with concession.

2.3.7 PPAP/PSW Approved: means that the Part meets all requirements as stated in the Approved Drawings and PPAP Submission requirements. The Supplier is therefore authorized to deliver production quantities of the Part subject to PROTON scheduling activity.

2.3.8 PPAP/PSW Rejected: means that the submission, the production lot from

which the sample Parts were taken, and accompanying documentation do not meet all requirements as stated in the Approved Drawings and PPAP Submission requirements. If the PPAP/PSW is rejected, the Supplier will be given the reason(s) for the rejection and the Supplier shall provide the corrective actions to resolve the causes of the rejection within such time as stipulated by PROTON PQM. In the event that PROTON accepts the corrective actions recommended by the Supplier, PROTON shall notify the Supplier and the Supplier shall resubmit PPAP/PSW documents with the corrective actions incorporated.

2.3.9 PPAP/PSW Approved with Concession: means that the Part does not

meet all engineering drawings and specifications or PPAP/PSW requirements and PROTON has deemed it acceptable for limited use, the Part may receive a Concession status. In this case, Supplier has to submit a Concession Application for approval by PROTON prior to delivery of Parts. The details are described in the Section 2.4

2.3.10 A copy of PSW approval would be sent to Supplier. Supplier shall retain

the copy of approved PPAP/PSW as well as copies of other submissions for the length of time the Part is active for production and warranty requirement plus one calendar year.

2.4 Concession Application (PROTON format)

2.4.1 The Concession status shall authorize the Supplier to deliver the Part to PROTON for a limited quantities or a specified period of time. All concessions require a corrective action or recovery plan to be submitted and endorsed by PROTON. (see Appendix C-3)

2.4.2 Supplier shall fill up and complete the Concession Application form and

obtain endorsement by all applicable approving authorities within

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PROTON. The Part with Concession status shall not implicate any direct negative impact or consequences towards assembly and quality of the PROTON Vehicle.

2.4.3 The Concession is categorized into 5 classes as shown in Table 3. Parts

classified under Concession Class A, B, C and D can be delivered to PROTON for production use and do not require retrofit to make the vehicle saleable. However, Parts classified under Concession Class E requires retrofit to make the vehicle saleable.

2.4.4 The Concession approval, however, does not relieve the Supplier from the

warranty claim obligation. Table 3: Concession Classification

Class Definition


Parts are produced using 100% production intent tooling, and meet design record specifications. However, not all production part approval requirements have been met. Examples: - a) A process capability study has not been completed or inadequate to

demonstrate process capability and process stability: A capability study of < 300 pieces, and in the judgment of the QA function, satisfactory stability and capability have been demonstrated.

b) Too many documentation improvements required or ineffective PSW/PPAP: Examples Process Flow Chart, Quality Control Plan, Inspection Agreement, DFMEA, PFMEA.

c) Part only lacks of formal PPAP processing: Parts and data have been reviewed by PQM, and there is no indication of non-compliance.

d) Testing has not yet been completed, and in the judgment of the appropriate engineer, usage of the parts does not pose a significant risk to customer dissatisfaction. E.g. long-term material performance tests, long-term functional tests, environmental exposure etc (engineer signature required).

e) Part and drawing do not match, and a part change is not desired or anticipated: The concession shall specify the differences between part and drawing, and shall document a commitment date for the specification to be changed (engineer signature required).


Parts are produced using 100% production tooling, and require rework to meet design record specifications. Examples: - a) Parts have been produced not following the documented process

flow. Examples include trimming, and buffing.


Parts are produced using non-production tooling and/or process, but meet design record specifications. Examples: - a) Incomplete production tooling. b) Parts produced using additional, temporary, low volume or substitute


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c) Parts have not been produced completely at the manufacturing site/location.


Parts do not meet design specifications. Examples: - a) Dimensional, material validation/functional testing, or appearance

characteristics that do not meet design record specifications, but will not impact vehicle assembly, or customer satisfaction (engineer signature is required)


Parts do not meet design specifications. Vehicles with class E parts require retrofit to make them saleable. Examples: - a) Dimensional, material or appearance characteristics that do not meet

design record requirements, and will impact on vehicle assembly and/or customer satisfaction. (Engineer signature is required).

b) Incomplete testing with a high probability of failure and/or a failed performance/functional material testing.

2.5 Waiver Notice (PROTON format)

2.5.1 Each PPAP/PSW submission shall always be attached with Waiver Notice whether or not any waivers are given by PROTON. If no waiver is requested, Suppliers should leave the form blank and print “NOT APPLICABLE” across the page. (see Appendix C-4)

2.5.2 Waiver Notice is applicable:

• to carry over Parts which have changes in appearance • to changes in the manufacturing process of the Part • to minor design changes • to Parts which PPAP/PSW requirement(s) has been permanently

waived with its valid reason • in any such circumstance as deemed necessary by PROTON.

2.5.3 Suppliers shall request waiver officially and clearly specify reason(s) why waiver should be granted. The Waiver Notice shall then be signed, company stamp marked and dated by Supplier’s Representative.

2.5.4 Waiver of any PPAP item can also be issued by PROTON as appropriate

and shall be notified to the Supplier accordingly.

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2.6 PQCM Summary Report (PROTON format)

2.6.1 Supplier shall conduct Production Quality Confirmation Meeting (PQCM) internally after the completion of supplier’s pre-production run. Supplier’s top management shall decide whether the production preparation, pre-production run results and 4M are satisfactory and ready for mass production run. (see Appendix C-5)

2.6.2 Supplier shall also obtain the overall production capacity study to

determine the actual production output rate to ensure it meets PROTON production requirements.

2.6.3 It is the responsibility of the Supplier to ensure the PQCM is conducted

timely to obtain Supplier’s management’s approval before proceeding with the mass production.

2.6.4 Where necessary, PROTON personnel may attend the PQCM as a witness

to observe the running of the meeting and ensure the PQCM meets the objectives. The attendance of PROTON’s personnel at the PQCM does not imply in anyway that PROTON accepts and approves the Part as having achieved the requirements for PPAP/PSW.

2.6.5 A copy of approved Part Packaging Standard (PPS) shall be attached to the

PQCM Summary Report.

2.7 Design Control and Change Status

2.7.1 The Supplier should retain Approved Drawings received from PROTON. 2.7.2 Suppliers must possess with them copies of latest version of general

standards such as ES-X, Japanese Industrial Standard (JIS), PROTON Engineering Standard (PES), and Malaysian Standards (MS) as specified in the Approved Drawings. Supplier shall verify the status of design control and change status: • Status List of Approved Drawing and Design Change

(see Appendix C-6) a) Supplier shall state the engineering change level of the Part that is

fitted or assembled to the PROTON Vehicle at the time of PSW/PPAP submission.

b) Supplier shall also clearly state any authorized engineering change documents e.g. Product Change Order, which has not been incorporated in the Approved Drawings; but already incorporated into the Part.

• Status List of Specification (see Appendix C-7) a) Supplier shall state the engineering specifications being used for

reference during the Part development and its change letter.

2.7.3 Supplier shall submit a copy of the Approved Drawings.

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2.8 Dimensional Inspection Report (PROTON format)

2.8.1 Supplier shall submit dimensional results for Parts produced from the significant production run as mentioned in Section 1.6.

2.8.2 A minimum of 10 pieces of the parts shall be measured according to the

established and approved Inspection Standard (see Appendix C-23) and Quality Control Plan (see Appendix C-22). All the inspected items shall be clearly indicated. (see Appendix C-8 and C-9)

2.8.3 In the case of multi-cavity tools, dimensional measurements for 10 pieces

of the parts for each cavity shall be performed.

2.8.4 The best-measured Parts shall be identified, as “Master Part” and it shall be retained by the Supplier for a pre-determined period. In the event of any change to the Parts, the Supplier shall retain a “Master Part” accordingly.

2.9 Appearance Approval Sheet (AAS) (PROTON format)

2.9.1 Appearance Approval is obtained on the finishing surfaces; colour for tone, gloss, texture, grain and pattern based on the representative production Master Part (“Controlled Appearance Items”) that is presented to PROTON. Whenever necessary, several samples shall be produced as limit samples to determine the upper and lower acceptance criteria. (see Appendix C-10)

2.9.2 Supplier shall state clearly the Controlled Appearance Items as designated

in the Approved Drawings from relevant angle/views when the Part is fitted to PROTON Vehicle. If appearance items are not designated in the Approved Drawings, then Appearance Approval shall not be required.

2.9.3 For colour matching approval activity i.e. exterior or interior colours,

Suppliers shall submit to PROTON the following documents: • Sample parts, n=3 pieces (Lower Limit, Standard and Upper Limit) • Approved master panels (colour master) • 2 copies of completed Appearance Approval Sheet (AAS) with the

numerical colour data of ∆L*, ∆a*, ∆b*, and ∆E* readings of the Master Part shall be made available.

• The picture must be in colour. • For texture, the texture code and texture level shall be stated in the


2.9.4 Appearance approval is not required for surface quality of internal sheet of body-in-white panels.

2.9.5 AAS shall be signed off by Styling Department of PROTON.

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2.10 Summary of Test Results (PROTON format)

2.10.1 Supplier shall summarize all the testing results as required in the Approved Drawings and specifications and record the actual test results. (see Appendix C-11).

2.10.2 End of Life Vehicle (ELV) requirement of PES-2003 shall also be reported

in this form.

2.10.3 Upon PROTON request, copies of testing report shall be submitted as evidence that the entire tests have been performed and meet test requirements or specifications.

2.11 Design Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (“DFMEA”) (Optional format)

2.11.1 For design responsible Suppliers, DFMEA shall be submitted and

completed. 2.11.2 DFMEA shall be initiated before or at design concept finalization and

continuously updated throughout the product development stages. The DFMEA Sheet shall be completed and submitted prior to release of production drawing. (see Appendix C-12)

2.11.3 Special characteristics (e.g. Critical and Significant) as per design and

PROTON requirements shall be identified on the DFMEA Sheet.

2.11.4 For RPN > 125 or Severity > 8 in accordance with Table 4, Suppliers shall specify the recommended action and whenever related actions had been carried out, DFMEA document shall be updated accordingly. Related records to prove effectiveness of actions taken shall be retained by Suppliers and PROTON may request for such record for verification purposes.

2.11.5 If Supplier’s DFMEA is a classified and confidential document, Supplier

can request an exemption via Waiver Notice to keep the DFMEA document at Suppliers’ premise and shall be made available for PROTON verification upon request.

2.11.6 The generic DFMEA Severity, Occurrence and Detection Indexes are

shown in Table 4, Table 5 and Table 6, respectively.

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Table 4: Design FMEA Severity Index

SEVERITY (S) Rating Effect Criteria: Severity of Effect

10 Hazardous without warning

Very high severity ranking when a potential failure mode affects safe vehicle operation and/or involves non-compliance with government regulation. Failure will occur without warning.

9 Hazardous with warning

Very high ranking when a potential failure mode effects safe vehicle operation and/or involves non-compliance with government regulation. Failure will occur with warning.

8 Very High Vehicle/item cannot operate, with loss of primary function.

7 High Vehicle/item can operate, but at a reduced level of performance. Customer dissatisfied.

6 Moderate Vehicle/item can operate, but comfort/convenience items cannot operate. Customer experiences discomfort.

5 Low Vehicle/item can operate, but comfort/convenience items can operate at reduced level of performance. Customer experience discomfort.

4 Very Low Fitting and Appearance items do not conform. Defect noticed by most customers.

3 Minor Fitting and Appearance items do not conform. Defect noticed by average customers.

2 Very Minor Fitting and Appearance items do not conform. Defect noticed by discriminating customers.

1 None No effect. Table 5: Design FMEA Occurrence Index

OCCURRENCE (O) Rating Possible Failure Rates Probability of Failure

10 More than or equal to 1 in 2 9 1 in 3 Very High: Failure is almost inevitable.

8 1 in 8 7 1 in 20 High: Repeated failures.

6 1 in 80 5 1 in 400 4 1 in 2000

Moderate: Occasional failures.

3 1 in 15000 Low: Relatively few failures. 2 1 in 150000 Very Low: Only isolated failures. 1 Less than or equal to 1 in 1500000 Remote: Failure is unlikely

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Table 6: Design FMEA Detection Index

DETECTION (D) Rating Detection Criteria: Likelihood of detection by design control

10 Impossible Design controls will not or cannot detect a potential cause/mechanism and subsequent failure mode; or there is no design control.

9 Very Remote Very remote chance the design controls will detect a potential cause/mechanism and subsequent failure mode.

8 Remote Remote chance the design controls will detect a potential cause/mechanism and subsequent failure mode.

7 Very Low Very low chance the design controls will detect a potential cause/mechanism and subsequent failure mode.

6 Low Low chance the design controls will detect a potential cause/mechanism and subsequent failure mode.

5 Moderate Moderate chance the design controls will detect a potential cause/mechanism and subsequent failure mode.

4 Moderately High Moderately high chance the design controls will detect a potential cause/mechanism and subsequent failure mode.

3 High High chance the design controls will detect a potential cause/mechanism and subsequent failure mode.

2 Very High Very high chance the design controls will detect a potential cause/mechanism and subsequent failure mode.

1 Almost Certain Design controls will almost certainly detect a potential cause/mechanism and subsequent failure mode.

2.12 Process Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (“PFMEA”) (Optional format)

2.12.1 PFMEA shall be up-to-date and complete when submitted. (see Appendix

C-13) 2.12.2 Special characteristics (e.g. Critical and Significant) as per design and

PROTON requirements stated in the Approved Drawings shall be identified on the PFMEA.

2.12.3 For RPN > 125 or Severity > 8 in accordance with Table 7, Suppliers shall

specify the recommended countermeasure and where countermeasures have been carried out, PFMEA document shall be updated accordingly. Related records to prove effectiveness of such countermeasures taken by the Supplier shall be kept by the Supplier and shall be provided to PROTON upon request for PROTON’s verification purposes.

2.12.4 The generic PFMEA Severity, Occurrence and Detection Indexes are as

shown in Table 7, Table 8 and Table 9, respectively.

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Table 7: Process FMEA Severity Index

SEVERITY (S) Rating Effect Criteria: Severity of Effect

10 Hazardous without warning

May endanger machine or assembly operator. Very high severity ranking when a potential failure mode affects safe vehicle operation and/or involves non-compliance with government regulation. Failure will occur without warning.

9 Hazardous with warning

May endanger machine or assembly operator. Very high severity ranking when a potential failure mode affects safe vehicle operation and/or involves non-compliance with government regulation. Failure will occur with warning.

8 Very High

Major disruption to production line. 100% of product may have to be scrapped. Vehicle/item cannot operate, with loss of primary function. Customer very dissatisfied.

7 High

Minor disruption to production line. Part may have to be sorted and a portion (less than 100%) scrapped. Vehicle/item can operate, but a reduced level of performance. Customer dissatisfied.

6 Moderate

Minor disruption to production line. A portion (less than 100%) of the Part may have to be scrapped. Vehicle can operate, but some comfort/convenience items can operate. Customer experiences some dissatisfaction.

5 Low

Minor disruption to production line. 100% of the Part may have to be reworked. Vehicle can operate, but some comfort/convenience items can operate at reduced level of performance. Customer experiences some dissatisfaction.

4 Very Low

Minor disruption to production line. The Part may have to be sorted and a portion (less than 100%) reworked. Fitting and Appearance items do not conform. Defect noticed by most customers.

3 Minor

Minor disruption to production line. A portion (less than 100%) may have to be reworked off line. Fitting and Appearance items do not conform. Defect noticed by average customers.

2 Very Minor

Minor disruption to production line. A portion (less than 100%) may have to be reworked on line. Fitting and Appearance items do not conform. Defect noticed by discriminating customers.

1 None No effect

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Table 8: Process FMEA Occurrence Index


Rating Possible Failure Rates

Cpk Probability of Failure

10 ≥ 1 in 2 < 0.33 9 1 in 3 ≥ 0.33 Very High: Failure is almost inevitable.

8 1 in 8 ≥ 0.51

7 1 in 20 ≥ 0.67

High: Generally associated with process similar to previous processes that have often failed.

6 1 in 80 ≥ 0.83 5 1 in 400 ≥ 1.00

4 1 in 2000 ≥ 1.17

Moderate: Generally associated with process similar to previous processes that have experienced occasional failures, but not in major proportions.

3 1 in 15000 ≥ 1.33 Low: Isolated failures associated with similar processes.

2 1 in 150000 ≥ 1.50 Very Low: Only isolated failures associated with almost identical processes.

1 ≤ 1 in 1500000 ≥ 1.67 Remote: Failure is unlikely. No failure ever associated with almost identical processes.

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Table 9: Process FMEA Detection Index


Rating Detection Criteria: Likelihood the existence of a defect will be

detected by process controls before next or subsequent process, or before Part leaves the

manufacturing or assembly location. 10 Impossible No known controls available to detect failure mode.

9 Very Remote Very remote likelihood that current controls will detect failure mode.

8 Remote Remote likelihood that current controls will detect failure mode.

7 Very Low Very low likelihood that current controls will detect failure mode.

6 Low Low likelihood that current controls will detect failure mode.

5 Moderate Moderate likelihood that current controls will detect failure mode.

4 Moderately High Moderately high likelihood that current controls will detect failure mode.

3 High High likelihood that current controls will detect failure mode.

2 Very High Very high likelihood current controls will detect failure mode.

1 Almost Certain Current control almost certain to detect the failure mode. Reliable detection controls are known with similar processes.

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2.13 Process Capability Study

2.13.1 Process Capability Study shall be conducted for all Special Characteristics (e.g. Critical and Significant) designated by PROTON or by PROTON and Supplier teams, as appropriate.

2.13.2 The minimum quantity to conduct the capability study is 100 pieces per

process stream or cavity taken from the 300 pieces pre-production run. The study results shall be submitted on the Process Capability Summary Report. (see Appendix C-14). All associated data shall also be submitted.

2.13.3 Process Performance Index, Ppk shall be calculated based on overall

process variation that comes from common causes and special causes where variation is estimated by ‘s’, the sample standard deviation using all individual readings. Ppk is normally a short-term study to obtain early information on the performance of new or revised process.

2.13.4 Process Capability Index, Cpk shall be calculated based on inherent

process variation that comes from common causes only where R, ranges, estimates variation. Cpk is normally an ongoing long-term study applicable once process stability is achieved where process is in a state of statistical control.

2.13.5 The Process Capability Requirement for Critical and Significant Parts are

shown in Table 10 below: Table 10: Process Capability Requirement for Special Characteristic Items

Item Process Performance Index (Ppk)

Process Capability Index (Cpk)

Process Capability Requirement

Ppk ≥ 1.67 Stable – status is acceptable

Cpk ≥ 1.33 Stable – status is acceptable

If requirement not met but parts are within


1.33 ≤ Ppk < 1.67 Not fully sufficient.

Corrective actions required

1.0 ≤ Cpk < 1.33 Not fully sufficient.

Corrective actions required

If requirement not met and one or more parts

are beyond specification

Ppk < 1.33 Not sufficient – conduct

100% inspection. Corrective actions required

Cpk < 1.0 Not sufficient – conduct

100% inspection. Corrective actions required

2.13.6 For attribute characteristics, all Parts run in the Significant Production Run

must be inspected on its appearance for zero defects to confirm on its process capability.

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2.14 Measurement System Analysis/Gauge Repeatability and Reproducibility (“GRR”) (Optional format)

2.14.1 All measuring equipment that is being used to measure the critical quality

items, as appropriate, i.e. critical and significant characteristics are subjected to the measurement system analysis and evaluation in particular GRR. (see Appendix C-15)

2.14.2 It is also important to conduct measurement equipment analysis such as

accuracy, linearity, stability and discrimination to understand how measurement system can affect part variation before GRR is done.

2.14.3 The deciding criteria of the MSA/GRR Studies is shown in Table 11:

Table 11: Gauge Repeatability and Reproducibility (GRR) Acceptance

Gauge Repeatability/

Reproducibility Judgment/Action to be taken

GRR ≤ 10% Measuring equipment variation is acceptable. No action is required. The equipment is acceptable for given application.

10% < GRR ≤ 30% Measuring equipment variation may be acceptable. Further analysis and evaluation must be conducted to determine status of the equipment before deciding application status.

GRR > 30% Measuring equipment variation is unacceptable. The equipment cannot be used for given application.

2.14.4 For attribute gauge, short method studies shall be performed on 20 parts,

with 2 operators and 2 trials. In selecting the 20 parts, it is desirable that the parts are slightly below and above both the specification limits. The gauge is acceptable if all measurement decisions (4 per part) agree.

2.15 Master Part

2.15.1 “Master Part” shall be retained at Supplier’s premises for reference purpose and whenever requested shall be submitted to PROTON.

2.15.2 The Master part shall be retained for a pre-determined period and shall be

subject to verification upon reaching the due date. Supplier shall verify and update or re-establish the Master Part where appropriate if the existing Master Part is no longer valid and representative for reference.

2.15.3 Purpose of Master Part on whether it is meant for dimensional or

appearance or colour matching shall be mutually agreed by both parties in writing between PROTON and Supplier.

2.15.4 Appropriate tag/label shall be made available showing the part number,

part name, change letter, date and purpose and signed by both PROTON and Supplier.

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2.15.5 First article layout data (all items specified in the drawings) or inspection

data as agreed between both parties of the Master Part (for dimensional purpose) shall be submitted.

2.15.6 Master Part (for dimensional purpose) inspection data against the

inspection jig shall also be submitted upon PROTON request.

2.16 Checking Aids / Inspection Jigs (PROTON format)

2.16.1 Checking Aids/Inspection Jigs can include fixtures, gauges, or templates specific to the Part being submitted. The Supplier shall identify and specify all checking aids/inspection jigs used for Part confirmation. (see Appendix C-16)

2.16.2 Inspection jig shall be verified against inspection jig drawing and

specification. Supplier shall retain the inspection data and submit a copy thereof to PROTON upon request.

2.17 Sub-Supplier PPA Summary Report (PROTON format)

2.17.1 Supplier shall summarize the sub-supplier PPAP/PSW submission and completion status. (see Appendix C-17)

2.17.2 The Supplier shall maintain records of the approved sub-supplier

PPAP/PSW sheet and shall produce and submit a copy thereof to PROTON upon request.

2.18 Inspection Agreement (PROTON format)

2.18.1 The “Inspection Agreement” is a document that summarizes the quality control requirements and production control plan during Start of Production (“SOP”).

2.18.2 Inspection Agreement documents to be submitted by the Supplier where applicable are as follows: -

a. Inspection Agreement Sheet – summarizes critical quality items and

confirmation of inspection items of a part. (see Appendix C-18) b. Revision Sheet – summarizes content of changes in the Inspection

Agreement. (see Appendix C-19)

c. Amendment Record Sheet – summarizes all engineering changes that take place during SOP with regards to PCO. (see Appendix C-20)

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d. Process Flow Chart – shows manufacturing processes of the Supplier involved from raw material receiving till finished goods i.e. Part and storage. The Process Flow Chart shall flow smoothly and the process numbering and names shall be consistent with PFMEA and Quality Control Plan. (see Appendix C-21)

e. Quality Control Plan – a description on all product and process

characteristics and specifications and its controlling/ evaluation/ inspection methods and techniques. Inspection frequency must in quantifiable terms e.g. Define what is “lot”? (see Appendix C-22)

f. Inspection Standard – summarizes inspection items during the initial

stage, ordinary production and periodical confirmation requirement. Inspection during Initial Stage should have tighter controls compared to the others. Inspection items shall include but not limited to datum, dimensions and tolerances, appearance, weight, materials and performance testing, and a sketch or diagram. (see Appendix C-23)

g. List of Raw Material/Child Part. (see Appendix C-24)

h. List of Coloured Parts. (see Appendix C-25)

2.18.3 Upon any change to the Part agreed upon between the Parties, the

Inspection Agreement shall be updated and submitted together with PPAP/PSW for approval.

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3 CHANGES REQUIRING NOTIFICATION FOR APPROVAL 3.1 The Supplier shall identify any changes that might affect further processes at

PROTON. Therefore, Supplier shall notify PROTON regarding the changes in any of the situations described in Table 12:

Table 12: Situations or Changes Requiring Notification

Situation Description PROTON creates a design change through new drawing release / PCO.

Design Change Supplier creates a design change on the Part or any change that may affect Part or vehicle performance and PROTON has issued a PCO. Adding or changing sub-supplier. New or Change of

Sub- Supplier Changing from in-house production to external sub-supplier (out-source).

Manufacturing Location Change

Change of manufacturing location for the current Supplier.

Use of optional material other than was used in the previously approved Part. Change from purchasing material to supplying from in-house production. Change Supplier’s source of material. Change in grade of material.

Material/Grade Change

Change in machining, heat treatment, plating, welding, surface treatment, adhesives, paints, etc that may affect part or vehicle quality.

Manufacturing Method Change

Any change in method of manufacturing that potentially affects PROTON product requirements for fit, function, durability and performance. Use of other optional process than was used in the previously approved Part. Process Change Removal of any process used in the previously approved Part.

Machine/Equipment Change

Production from the use of new machine or assembly equipment. Part re-released after correction of non-conformity.

Supply resumption Tooling has been inactive for volume production of 12 months or more.

Tools/Dies/Moulds Change

Production from new or modified tools (except perishable tools), dies, moulds, patterns, etc including additional or replacement tooling.

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3.2 A written communication shall be addressed by completing the Process Change

Proposal (PCP) form (see Appendix G-1) and submit it to the Group Procurement of PROTON. Supplier shall specify the type and reason for changes including the implementation schedule and necessary attachment of supporting documents.

3.3 Group Procurement shall review and recommend for disposition of the proposal. If

the proposal is approved, the PCP shall be forwarded to PROTON PQM for further approval process. If the proposal is rejected, the PCP shall be returned to Supplier and Supplier must only produce and supply the current approved part.

3.4 PROTON PQM shall then review and recommend for disposition of the proposed

change. The PROTON PQM will notify supplier on the final disposition of the proposal.

3.5 Supplier shall only start development work or change activities once the PCP has

been approved by PROTON.

3.6 The procedure and process of part approval is the same as described in Section 2. Discussion on the evaluation items shall be conducted with PROTON PQM Engineer to determine the requirements for part approval.

3.7 The PPAP/PSW for the part undergoes change activities or development shall be

approved and all appropriate PPAP documentations shall be updated to reflect the recent changes.

3.8 Once PPAP/PSW is approved, supplier shall complete and submit a Process Change

Plan Notification (PCPN) form (see Appendix G-2) to notify PROTON on the pilot lot and mass production supply schedule dates.

3.9 Supplier shall deliver the Pilot Lot quantity of 30 units and submit the inspection and

test results report (10 units for dimensional inspection and 30 units for the appearance and functional confirmation). PROTON PQM shall conduct stringent control on the Pilot Lot Trial and shall record all affected body/engine numbers for traceability purpose. PROTON PQM shall retain the Pilot Lot result to accompany the approved PSW and provide one copy to Supplier for reference.

3.10 In the event the Pilot Lot is rejected, Supplier shall carry out appropriate

improvement and corrective actions and re-submit the improved lot in accordance with the procedure stipulated.

3.11 Supplier shall also clearly identify the pilot lot quantities on its packaging with a

label/tag indicating “Pilot Lot”. Appropriate identification on the Part shall be clearly specified to differentiate with the current Part and for traceability purpose.

3.12 When the Pilot Lot is successfully conducted, Supplier shall then be allowed to

supply the Part for mass production after all current stock has been finished or scrapped to ensure no mix of Parts in production. PROTON PQM shall retain the record of the first body/engine numbers for mass production to accompany the approved PSW and provide one copy to Supplier for reference.

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3.13 Initial Stage Control at PROTON shall be conducted for a minimum of 10 lots

(equivalent to 300 units) by default, unless otherwise specified and agreed by PROTON PQM. Supplier shall station their engineer at PROTON during the ISC period upon PROTON PQM request as appropriate.

3.14 The details of the process are depicted in the Figure 1.

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Figure 1

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QQuuaalliittyy && SSttaannddaarrdd GGrroouupp QQuuaalliittyy MMaannaaggeemmeenntt

1st Edition –Dec 18, 2006 / PROTON Specific Requirements ~ Supplier Quality Manual


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1 Edition –Dec 18, 2006 / PROTON Specific Requirements ~ Supplier Quality Manual



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1st Edition –Dec 18, 2006 / PROTON Specific Requirements ~ Supplier Quality Manual

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1st Edition –Dec 18, 2006 / PROTON Specific Requirements ~ Supplier Quality Manual

APPENDIX D: Special Characteristics

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1.0 Safety and/or Government-Regulated CUSTOMER TERM SYMBOL

PROTON Critical Characteristic + + Chrysle Safety Item Shield ( ) <S>* r Ford Critical Characteristic Inverted Delta ( ∇ ) GeneraMotors

Safety/Compliance Key Product Characteristic Inverted Delta ( l

) <S/C>*

*Alternate symbol for electronic transmission

.0 Important, Performance, Fit or Appearance Characteristic CUSTOMER TERM SYMBOL


PROTON Significant Characteristic + Chrysler Critical

>* Characteristic

Critical Verification Diamond (⃟) <D>* Pentagon (⌂) <P

Ford Control Plan

Significant Characteristic None – Identified in

General Motors

Fit/Function Key Product Characteristic

Diamond (⃟) <F/F>*

* Alternate symbol for electronic transmission


1st Edition –Dec 18, 2006 / PROTON Specific Requirements ~ Supplier Quality Manual

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1st Edition –Dec 18, 2006 / PROTON Specific Requirements ~ Supplier Quality Manual 3

: Audit Form


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eerruussaahhaaaann OOttoommoobbiill aassiioonnaall SSddnn..BBhhdd..



PPNN (No. Syarikat : 100995-U)



ax No. F


MANUFACTU Please be informas follows:

The agenda for Scope of the au


Should you reqat the following

Best Regards ( Mohd Juhari M

1st Edition –Dec 1

hould you have any problem with the transmission kindly contact : Ext. 2298 / 2292 for assistance

Quality Assurance Department/Group Quality Management


: CEO / MD / GM From : Manager Quality Assurance

Group Quality

Management :

Fax No.

: 03 – 5191 3107

Ref. No.

: MPA/


QA/QC Manager/Head Date



: 1 of 2


ed that, we will be conducting the above audit at your factory. The details are

Date Time 9.30 a.m. – 5.30 p.m. Auditors 1. Raja Ahmad Nizam Raja Mat Jamil 2. Ahmad Zulfikri Muda 3. Adif Ismail

this audit exercise is as per the attached audit plan.

dit shall be:-

Inspection Agreement Items Verification of Previous Audit Others i.e.: 5S , Improvement items, PPAP/PSW etc.

uire any further clarification on this matter, please do not hesitate to contact us number; Raja Ahmad Nizam, 03 – 5195 2292.

ohd Juni ) Core Value: QUALITY

We make products that work first time, every time.

8, 2006 / PROTON Specific Requirements ~ Supplier Quality Manual

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PPeerruussaahhaaaann OOttoommoobbiill



is ments.

Objective :

Nasional Sdn. Bhd.



Bas : Proton Require


10.00 am 11.30 am

1. Introduction by Lead A it - Confirm purpose and scope of audit - Review and confirm the audit program

2. Briefing by Auditee ( Vendor ) e Company, Nature of Business

- Organization Chart, Area / Factory Layout

Product Development Process 1. Pr uc evelopment Planning 2. Realizin

Pr esRealizin

Suppliers /

30 am Opening Meeting

- Background of th

- Quality Assurance System

ud or ( Proton )

od t Dg Product Development

3. 4.

oc s Development Planning g Process Development

Input Material

1.00 pm Break

2.15 pm

00 pm

Production ication



Closing Meeting.

1. Personnel and Qualif 2. Production Material and

3. Transport / Parts Handling / Storage / Packaging 4. Fault Analysis / Corrective Action / Continual Impr

4.30 pm

5. Customer Service, Customer Satisfaction / Services Auditors internal meeting


1. To assess the implementation, effectivenes aquality management system with regard to the product / process development, purchasing a d production capa

2. To initiate continual improvement activity in order to assure minimum requirements of system, process and product quality are fulfilled.

s nd efficiency of th




PROTON QUALITY POLICY facture quality cars, KD parts and spare parts that satisfy customer requirement

and meet the required sa standards of each market” “ Proton is committed to manu

fety and environment

(No. Syarikat : 100995-U)

1st Edition –Dec 18, 2006 / PROTON Specific Requirements ~ Supplier Quality Manual 5


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1st Edition –Dec 18, 2006 / PROTON Specific Requirements ~ Supplier Quality Manual

APPENDIX F: Temporary Adoption

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1st Edition –Dec 18, 2006 / PROTON Specific Requirements ~ Supplier Quality Manual


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APPENDIX G: Permanent Changes

1st Edition –Dec 18, 2006 / PROTON Specific Requirements ~ Supplier Quality Manual

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1st Edition –Dec 18, 2006 / PROTON Specific Requirements ~ Supplier Quality Manual



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1st Edition –Dec 18, 2006 / PROTON Specific Requirements ~ Supplier Quality Manual


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1st Edition –Dec 18, 2006 / PROTON Specific Requirements ~ Supplier Quality Manual 2