293-Military Strategy in Cyberspace

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  • 7/29/2019 293-Military Strategy in Cyberspace


    Military Strategy in


    Stuart Staniford

    Nevis Networks08/12/[email protected]

  • 7/29/2019 293-Military Strategy in Cyberspace


    Introduction to this exercise

    This is my attempt to predict what cyberwar willlook like in 5-20 years Ie. This is all gross speculation

    Like trying to think about air war in 1912

    No real cyberwars have happened

    Cyberwar will develop rapidly once it starts to reallyhappen

    There will be surprises

    Useful nonetheless: forewarned is forearmed

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    Relevant Expertises

    Network security,Network ops,

    Cryptography, IDS,Vulnerability AsessmentDDOS, worm defense

    Military Strategy,

    Military History

    Economics,Management Science,


    No-one is an expert in all of these

  • 7/29/2019 293-Military Strategy in Cyberspace


    Five Levels of Strategy

    Due to Luttwak, Liddell-Hart


    Iron swords, longbows, railroads, aircraft, tanks Exploits, DDOS, worms, firewalls, IDS

    Tactical Tanks in formation (WWI/WWII), longbows in

    dismounted ranks behind stakes (Crecy, Agincourt)What we do with a DDOS tool, or an IDS?

  • 7/29/2019 293-Military Strategy in Cyberspace


    Five Levels of Strategy

    Operational (individual battle level)Waterloo, Crecy, Midway, Carshemish

    Individual organization (utility, bank, ISP, carrier battlegroup)

    Theatre StrategyWWII: Pacific, European, North African

    Cyberwar same (but opens new theatres for attack)

    Grand Strategy National level strategy - decisive military defeat,

    econonomic exhaustion, nuclear blackmail, erosion ofwill

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    Scenario: China vs US

    Why did I choose this?Because its fun! Because I can!

    China finally invades TaiwanHas been sabre-rattling for yearsRegular exercises in Taiwan straitsTaiwan and China have been in consensus

    that they are ultimately one countryJust temporarily two administrations with two

    systemsConsensus slowly breaking down in Taiwan

    starting to want to be independent

    Creating great anxiety in China

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    Sequence of Events

    Chinese troop/naval buildups 2 US carrier groups en route to area Heavy Chinese missile attacks on Taiwanese AF bases

    to suppress air resistance Chinese invasion force sets across straits

    Establishes beachhead US aircraft inflict substantial damage on operation

    Small US marine expeditionary force flies to Taiwan to

    help reinforce. US involvement can make the difference between

    success and failure for China.

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    Chinese Grand Strategy

    Inflict enough pain on US to make us goaway, so they can

    Reintegrate Taiwan without interference

    NB China and US both have crediblestrategic nuclear deterrent

    So neither side can use nuclear weaponsexcept as a last resort.

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    Chinese Grand Strategy (II)

    Suppose for purpose of this exercise They launch a large scale cyberattack on US


    Opens a North American theater to war In addition to south-east Asian Theater

    They can only do via cyber-means

    Goal is to make the war intolerable to us

    Our choices are nuclear exchange Invade China

    Counter with cyberattacks on China

    Give up on Taiwan

    Last is much the cheapest and most practical solution

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    Concentration of Force

    Why doesnt China go after everything?

    Traditional doctrine of concentration of force

    Create local huge superiority of forces in favor of attackers Win completely at those key points

    Rest of resistance crumbles

    If they defeat defense in electric power and oilrefining/distribution, dont need to win anything else

    Choose both so arent completely dependent on one


  • 7/29/2019 293-Military Strategy in Cyberspace


    Tel El Kebir (1882)

    Egyptians: 23000 under Col Ahmed Arabi

    70 field artillery pieces

    British: 17000 under Lieutentant GeneralSir Garnet Wolseley

    36 field pieces

    About 3000 cavalry

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    Tel El Kebir

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    Lessons of Tel El Kebir

    Victory of smaller force Deception



    Concentration of force

    All these factors will be critical too

    Challenge for defense in cyberdomain:Defense has to protect all critical infrastructures

    Attackers get to pick 1-2 to throw all their resourcesagainst.

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  • 7/29/2019 293-Military Strategy in Cyberspace


    Is the Vulnerability There? Almost certainly

    SCADA done over IP/Windows these days

    Developers not used to a hostile environment Labor in obscurity

    So just about certain to be plenty of vulnerabilities Machinery trusts its control system to look after it




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    Is the Attack Trivial Then?

    Could a small band of hackers pull this off?


    Huge amounts of obscurity

    Great diversity in SCADA systems Need vulnerabilities in most of them

    Lots of testing needed

    No public community working on this to help

    Great diversity in deployments Which IP range is power station XYZ?

    Attackers know none of this ab-initio Either reconnoiter up front

    Or find out on fly

  • 7/29/2019 293-Military Strategy in Cyberspace


    Attacker Information Needs

    For each of O(100) operational targets, need

    Fairly detailed map of network/organization

    What assets are where on network? What software is in use for most critical purposes?


    Where defenders are?

    Where key operational execs are?

    To have developed vulnerabilities For all key software systems in use

    Requires being able to get copies of them

    Pretend to be a customer

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    Advance Reconnaissance Options

    InsidersGet spies jobs as (preferably) IT staff.Over time, stealthily map network and organization

    Ideally want several in different areas for 1-2 yrsGives layer 8 view.

    Cyber-surveillance Remotely compromise some desktops internally

    Use them to map network at layer 2-7Capture keystrokes etcMust be stealthy and untraceable

    No Chinese strings in Trojan Communication path home must be convoluted

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  • 7/29/2019 293-Military Strategy in Cyberspace


  • 7/29/2019 293-Military Strategy in Cyberspace


    Balance of Force in operations

    Attackers: 150-1000 attackers

    Defenders (today): Security group: 1-10

    Network group: 10-20 End-host sysads: 100s-1000s

    Attackers have surprise,

    superior organization

    Defenders know terrain better

    Have physical access (sort of)

    Could your organization survive this kind of assault?

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    Defense Response (today)

    Reboot the company Disconnect from network

    Turn everything off

    Unplug every phone cable

    Bring things up and clean and fix them one at a time

    A single Trojan left untouched lets attacker

    repeat the performance Likely to take weeks

    Cannot have confidence that we fixed all thevulnerabilities the attacker knows.

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    Attacker Requirements

    Discipline, training

    Hard to get hundreds of people to execute a complexplan.

    Everyone must understand the plan Everyone must be extensively trained on tactics/technology so

    its second nature

    Must follow plan and replans flawlessly

    And yet be creative enough to improvise

    Plan never survives contact with the enemy Fog of War

    These issues have always been critical in military operations

    And have to repeat this for O(100) simultaneousoperations

  • 7/29/2019 293-Military Strategy in Cyberspace


    Crecy (1346)

    French: 60,000 under Phillip VI

    15000 armored knights

    8000 Genoese Crossbowmen

    English: 11,000 under Edward III

    6000 longbowmen

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  • 7/29/2019 293-Military Strategy in Cyberspace


    Lessons of Crecy

    Victory of vastly smaller force

    Technology (longbow)

    Tactics Ranks of longbowmen behind stakes

    Fight on defensive

    Training (indenture)Organization (single military command)

    Discipline (extensive experience)

    All these factors will be critical in cyberwar

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    Total Chinese Effort Required

    Force of about 50,000 attackers Strong shared culture of how to fight Disciplined and trained

    Detailed planning Takes ~10 years to develop this institution Maybe 3 years as all-out effort during a war Strong visionary leadership required

    Hard to do with no in-anger experience Internal war-gaming only Would much prefer a Spain, but reveals capability

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    Cyberwar Myths (I)

    Small teams can do enormous damage

    Best hope of a small team is O($10b) in wormdamage Cannot target anything other than commonly available


    Cannot manage broad testing of attacks

    Only penetrate

  • 7/29/2019 293-Military Strategy in Cyberspace


    Cyberwar Myths (II)

    Attacks in cyberspace can be anonymousTrue at micro-scale of individual technological

    attackNot true at macro-scale

    Will be completely clear in grand strategic contextwho is conducting attack

    Will be very large amounts of control traffic that willbe hard to miss 50,000 Chinese all doing something in US will get


    Attacker will generally want to be known

  • 7/29/2019 293-Military Strategy in Cyberspace


    Cyberwar Myths (III)

    Cyberspace erases distance

    Mobility is more like land/sea than air Contrast to other thinkers

    Battlefield is all information/knowledge Expertise on disabling power turbines

    Takes years to acquire

    Is not instantly transferrable to, say, crippling banks

    transactional systems

    Similarly defenders need deep understanding of thenetworks they defend.

    First day on new network, will be pretty useless True for attackers and defenders

  • 7/29/2019 293-Military Strategy in Cyberspace


    Defensive Implications

    The networks of critical organizations will needto be run as a military defense at all times.

    Constant alertnessWell staffed

    Regular defensive drills

    Standing arrangements for reinforcement under

    attack Extensive technological fortification

    Excellent personnel and information security

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    Patches, AV, external firewalls etc

    Failsafe design of critical machinery:

    Not just idiot-proof but enemy-proof

    All critical, but

    There will still be a way in

    There will still be vulnerabilities

    Current paradigm will be inadequate

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  • 7/29/2019 293-Military Strategy in Cyberspace



    Network must be internally subdividedContain worms

    Loss of some systems does not lead to loss ofeverything

    Networks within network within networks

    Critical resources must be proxied

    everywhere (not DOSable)

    Network must give highly deceptiveappearance

    Subdivisions small!

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    Software damage

    Integrity checkers

    Backup/rollback systems

    Hardware damage

    Supply of spares and spare parts

    Distributed appropriatelyMilitary logistics approach

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    Cyberwar defense system

    Must exist throughout network

    Enforce segmentation

    Quantitative resistance to worms/DDOS/etc Provide deceptive view of anything IP is not

    allowed to see

    Proxy critical resources

    Facilitate recovery Allow management of all this

    Allow for defensive extemporization

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    Defending nation in cyberspace is a militaryproblem.

    Will require militarizing critical infrastructures.

    Will require new paradigms and tools

    Critical infrastructure is in private hands.

    Huge tension - not a good outcome for civil

    society Deeply ironic that this is result of network

    promoting openness

    Luttwaks Paradoxical logic of strategy