29 November El Clarín

I suspect that too often when we teach the Word of Wisdom to our investigators, we get the reaction that this law is restrictive, takes away some of my worldly pleasures, is hard for no apparent reason, and makes my joining “your Church” much more difficult. It is important that they understand the “Why” as they strive to put this new law into practice in their lives. First, they need to understand that God never takes away our agency. Living this law is our choice—a decision made freely and openly. He never forces us to live any of His commandments. Second, every commandment he gives us is linked to a promise— that if we obey the commandment He will richly bless us beyond our capacity to receive it. Third, it is a spiritual law because all things to God are spiritual—for Him there is no temporal law. Fourth, this law reflects our belief that our bodies are temples in which the Spirit may dwell. We have great love, appreciation, respect, and even awe for these incredible physical bodies with which our Heavenly Father has blessed us. Finally, we need to promise them great blessings if they abide by this law (D&C 82:10). As a practicing academic surgeon for over 32 years, I have seen up close and personal the indisputable impact of lifestyle on health and well-being. I have learned that those who live the Word of Wisdom are healthier, live longer, accomplish more and are happier because they enjoy good health. I recall the first time I operated on a heavy smoker and opened up his chest cavity. His lungs were literally grey-black in color instead of the nice pink color they ought to be. He did not do well after surgery because his lungs were so compromised. Similarly, heavy drinkers often had severe cirrhosis of the liver and massive eaters had so much obesity they suffered a litany of health-compromising problems (reflux, arthritis, diabetes, cancer and heart problems). There is indisputable evidence that the Word of Wisdom makes us the healthiest people on the face of the earth. The revelation from God regarding the Word of Wisdom was given in 1833—over 130 years before the Surgeon General of the U.S. announced that heart attack and lung cancer were directly related to cigarette smoking. How could Joseph Smith have known the deleterious health hazards of all of the agents listed in the Word of Wisdom? Because he was tutored by God Himself and given this revelation (found in D&C 89) like so many other revelations found in the our scriptures. Message From Presidente Dayton God´s Health Law to Bless His Children – The Word of Wisdom 29 de Noviembre de 2015 El Clarín de El Faro


El Clarín de 29 de noviembre del 2015.

Transcript of 29 November El Clarín

Page 1: 29 November El Clarín

I suspect that too often when we teach the Word of Wisdom to our

investigators, we get the reaction that this law is restrictive, takes away some of my worldly pleasures, is hard for no apparent reason, and makes my joining “your Church” much more difficult. It is important that they understand the “Why” as they strive to put this new law into practice in their lives. First, they need to understand that God never takes away our agency. Living this law is our choice—a decision made freely and openly. He never forces us to live any of His commandments. Second, every commandment he gives us is linked to a promise—that if we obey the commandment He will richly bless us beyond our capacity to receive it. Third, it is a spiritual law because all things to God are spiritual—for Him there is no temporal law. Fourth, this law reflects our belief that our bodies are temples in which the Spirit may dwell. We have great love, appreciation, respect, and even awe for these incredible physical bodies with which our Heavenly Father has blessed us. Finally, we need to promise them great blessings if they abide by this law (D&C 82:10).

As a practicing academic surgeon for over 32 years, I have seen up close and personal the

indisputable impact of lifestyle on health and well-being. I have learned that those who live the Word of Wisdom are healthier, live longer, accomplish more and are happier because they enjoy good health. I recall the first time I operated on a heavy smoker and opened up his chest cavity. His lungs were literally grey-black in color instead of the nice pink color they ought to be. He did not do well after surgery because his lungs were so compromised. Similarly, heavy drinkers often had severe cirrhosis of the liver and massive eaters had so much obesity they suffered a litany of health-compromising problems (reflux, arthritis, diabetes, cancer and heart problems). There is indisputable evidence that the Word of Wisdom makes us the healthiest people on the face of the earth. The revelation from God regarding the Word of Wisdom was given in 1833—over 130 years before the Surgeon General of the U.S. announced that heart attack and lung cancer were directly related to cigarette smoking. How could Joseph Smith have known the deleterious health hazards of all of the agents listed in the Word of Wisdom? Because he was tutored by God Himself and given this revelation (found in D&C 89) like so many other revelations found in the our scriptures.

Message From Presidente Dayton

God´s Health Law to Bless His Children – The Word of Wisdom

29 de Noviembre de 2015El Clarín de El Faro

Page 2: 29 November El Clarín

Message From Presidente Dayton Cont.

29 de Noviembre de 2015

It has been so fun to see the positive impact of this amazing law on Mormons in the scientific journals. In a study published in the prestigious New England Journal of Medicine, cancer rates were compared in the state of Utah between Mormons in Utah and people of other faiths in Utah. In other words, both groups were breathing the same air, drinking the same water, and living in the same environment. The study revealed that of 22 cancers types studied in Utah, members of the LDS Church had lower cancer rates in 20 out of 22 types studied (including lung, esophagus, pancreas, stomach, breast, uterus, cervix, gall bladder, intestinal, mouth, bladder, kidney, etc). Most impressive was that the cancer rates were even lower in those cancers not related to cigarette smoking—making it clear that it was the dietary habits of the Mormon people that accounted for the difference.

In a study published by Dr. James Enstrom, a non-LDS scientist from the UCLA School of Public Health, he compared death rates between active LDS members and their non-LDS equivalents living in California. His study is remarkable because he followed it up for 25 years. He found that LDS women have among the longest life expectancies yet reported—86.1 years which is 5 ½ years longer than comparable women in the US. LDS men had a life expectancy of 84.1 years—nearly 10 years longer than that of comparable males. Similarly, researchers at Intermountain Health Care found that people who fasted once a month (LDS), were about 40% less likely to be diagnosed with clogged arteries than those who did not regularly fast. There are many other studies like this in medical literature.

It is clear to me that because of his great love for his children, God has given us this marvelous health law with a promise and a blessing. His promised blessing states that, “they shall receive health in their navel and marrow to their bones; and shall find wisdom and great treasures of knowledge, even hidden treasures; and shall run and not be weary and shall walk and not faint. And I, the Lord, give unto them a promise, that the destroying angel shall pass by them… and not slay them.”

As we teach the Word of Wisdom make sure our investigators know the “Why”---the promised blessings of longevity, better health to enjoy life, less suffering, increased capacity to do virtually everything, and the presence of the Holy Ghost who cannot dwell in an unclean temple SPIRITUALLY or PHYSICALLY. May we all appreciate the amazing blessing of living this law; may we be powerful and effective in teaching the “Why”, and may we have increased love for our Father in Heaven for ongoing revelation is my prayer.

Con gratitud por buena salud,

Presidente Dayton

El Clarín de El Faro

Page 3: 29 November El Clarín

Endurance vs. Discouragement

Message From Hermana Dayton

29 de Noviembre de 2015El Clarín de El Faro

Endurance is the inward strength to withstand stress and do my best. Most days involve some stress and high stress situations seem to come in bunches. Endurance insists in remembering the objective and taking the next step to get there. It is focusing on a goal greater than distractions along the way. In Specialized Training we learned the importance of dealing positively in stressful situations by repeating the words “That’s Great” to keep our energy high and to keep us moving toward our goals.

When we focus negatively it usually doesn’t lead to solutions. Each challenge we encounter can stretch us to accomplish more than we believe possible. Resolving problems can reduce future stress and the endurance you build can steady your confidence in future situations. Endurance is often associated with the physical stamina required for a race; the character quality of endurance is much deeper than physical stamina. In the scriptures there are many examples of things we need to endure: Enduring hardness, afflictions, persecutions, tribulations, grief, temptation, and even chastening from the Lord.

There are many examples in the scriptures of people who endured--Daniel maintained high

standards during the reign of four kings, Luke endured with Paul to the end, Nephi and Ammon endured many trials. Joseph Smith is a perfect example of one who endured to the end.

Endurance is based on faith and hope. In the mission field we have faith that bringing others to Christ will bring happiness. We have hope that others will join the church. Very often through this process we endure rejection, trials, and disappointments. I’ve noticed that after the disappointments we very often experience a greater measure of spiritual power as we continue to grow and endure knowing we are doing the Lords work. We can have confidence that God will provide what is necessary to accomplish a necessary task. Our Heavenly Father always enables us to do what He calls us to do.

Page 4: 29 November El Clarín

We can apply endurance to missionary work by:

-Sticking to language study even when we are tired, or think we know Spanish well enough.

-Not giving up and getting discouraged when people reject our message.

-By continuing to proselyte even when it is cold, rainy, or we are tired.

-By not letting the criticism of others discourage us.

-Keeping our eye on the reason why we came on a mission.

-Following the spirit when the spirit bears witness that a slowly progressing investigator is one of the lost sheep.

Our loving Heavenly Father has promised us everything if we faithfully endure. In D&C 121:29 we read, "All thrones and dominions, principalities and powers, shall be revealed and set forth upon all who have endured valiantly for the gospel of Jesus Christ.”

President Dayton and I feel grateful for the many examples we see around us of missionaries enduring in the face of challenges, rejection, and discouragement. Righteous persistence always results in Character growth and invites the support of the spirit. We love you very much and feel

grateful for all you do to bless the lives of the good people in Spain. We will continue to pray for you daily as you faithfully serve the Lord.


Hermana Dayton

Message From Hermana Dayton Cont.

29 de Noviembre de 2015El Clarín de El Faro

Christlike Attributes- Faith, Charity, Love, Virtue, Hope, and Humility,

Knowledge & Wisdom, Patience, Diligence, Creativity, Enthusiasm, Generosity, Forgiveness, Dependability, Availability, Orderliness, Gratitude, Endurance

Page 5: 29 November El Clarín


29 de Noviembre de 2015

“Eran contados … y se

inscribían sus nombres”



























Bautismos 4 10 8 8 0 4 6 8 11 10 6 8 9

Confirmaciones 4 10 6 10 0 4 5 9 11 9 6 9 9

Fechas bautismales 132 123 136 95 77 129 133 114 86 103 113 121 95

Inv reunion sacramental 213 174 195 212 166 184 205 220 170 188 222 164 211

Lecciones con un

miembro762 731 738 681 562 684 802 748 713 757 653 696 734

Lecciones con un m. p. 52% 51% 51% 51% 44% 44% 50% 48% 47% 51% 42% 45% 45%

Nuevos Investigadores 474 444 487 455 441 572 566 522 502 478 533 567 620

Bautismos/Confirmaciones esta

semana 9


Confirmaciones este mes 43

Bautismos/Confirmaciones hasta la

fecha este año436

El Clarín de El Faro

Nestor Arnaldo Berrios Rojas Barcelona 2C Hermanas Fenn y Stapley

Jordi José Castro López Terrassa B Élderes Smith y Saunders

Gladys Bose Osagie Badalona 2A Élderes Smith y Wardle

Carolina Del Carmen Alvarez Mataró A Élderes Greenwood y Bronson

Josep Marco Fernandez Mejía Bilbao A Élderes Stapleton y Ponce

Maria Elena Valladarez Leon Tortosa Élderes Streadbeck y Parker

Luis Alfonso Toapanta Pinanjota Valencia 1B Hermanas O´Neill y Moser

Dina López Valencia 2A Élderes Islas y Hemeyer

Kiara Díez Berenguer Logroño B Hermanas Walker y Martinez

Page 6: 29 November El Clarín

And the Spirit shall be given unto you by the prayer of faith.Doctrine & Covenants 42:14

CINCO: Élderes Stapleton y Ponce

Élderes Islas y Hemeyer

CUATRO: Élderes Dunn y McArthur

TRES: Élderes Carballo e Ipsen

Hermanas Vilariño y Manotas

Hermanas McWhorter y Eyring

Élderes Streadbeck y Parker

Élderes Burton y Vickery

Hermanas O´Neill y Moser

Élderes Turner y Moulton

Hermanas Storer y Cragun

Élderes Baumann y Kimball

Hermanas Mayes y Johnson

Hermanas Ratliff y Stilson

Toni Badalona 1A

Dileyla Gerona A

Irma Gerona B

Eve, Faith Zaragoza 2C

Manuela Bilbao C

Augustina San Sebastian B

Alba Santander B

Nilda Las Arenas A

Vicenta Hospitalet 2B

Silvestre Hospitalet 1B

John, Tintsil Tarragona B

Danni, Maria Carmen Tortosa

Augosto Valencia 3C

Trini Castellón B

Patrick, Alexia Valencia 1A

Gabriela, Grecia, Valencia 1B


Francisco Vitoria B

Marlena Menorca

Magdalena, Silvio Palma 2A

Ali Ibiza A

29 de Noviembre de 2015

Compañerismos que lograron las pautas de excelencia:

Oremos por estos investigadores con fechas bautismales para esta semana:

El Clarín de El Faro

The Zone

Valencia is in The Zone!-With an average of 9.79 member present lessons per companionship!

Badalona is in the Zone!-With an average of 10 new investigators per compansionship

Page 7: 29 November El Clarín

This week was full of

miracles! My companion and I were blessed with 2 baptisms, one of which was not planned for this week. The man we baptized is named Fernando. He is 37 years old Spanish man. He was contacted some 5 months back by elder _____ and Elder ______). He progressed rather quickly with them and within a few weeks was going to get baptized. Then there was a certain commandment that kept him from getting baptized and he got angry at the elders and broke contact with them. Fastforward a few months and I arrive here. We decided one day to go pass by his house. We made contact with him and began to be his friend. ….. We also have got him to come to church for some activities and we were finally able to begin teaching him the gospel again. This last Wednesday,

we had a really spiritual lesson with him. We left, and about an hour later he called us and explained how he felt so peaceful and tranquil and stuff like that. We suggested we see him the next day. On Thursday, we had a similarly strong lesson and he decided to

be baptized

on Saturday. It was a true miracle.The other baptism was also a miracle of a man from Ghana. He was also found in the streets by Elder Baumann and I. He had been prepared beforehand by missionaries several years ago near

Barcelona. We were able to reteach him the lessons and he was baptized on Saturday as well.

Baptism this week. Sonia was baptized on Saturday and it was amazing. She bore her testimony after and talked about how the

first time she saw missionaries was years ago in her pais which is Bolivia. At first she didn't want anything to do with the church, but little by little her heart changed and she worked with missionaries until she was ready to be baptized this Saturday. It made me realize we are all a team here in missionary work, and I feel so privileged I was the missionary who was able to finish teaching her, and see her take that step in her life.

¡El sábado Kevin was baptized! Antes del bautismo mi compañera y yo estábamos preparando todo para el bautismo (el programa bautismal, las sillas, la canción que íbamos a cantar, etc...)

13 de abril de 2014

The Miracle of Baptism

29 de Noviembre de 2015El Clarín de El Faro

después teníamos que llenar la pila y los Élderesnos dijeron cómo encender el calentador. Mi compañera y yo estábamos solas en la capilla y fuimos a encender el calentador tal como los Élderes nos dijeron, pero.... Algo pasó. ¡Empezó a salir agua de una bomba! Volvimos a cerrar todas las llaves y... ¡Todavía seguía saliendo agua! Llamamos a los Élderes corriendo para que vinieran a ayudarnos. Mi compañera y yo sentimos muy fuerte que teníamos que pedir ayuda al señor. Le pedimos que por favor que los Élderes pudieran encontrar el problema y encender bien la Caldera y llenar la piel para que Kevin fuera bautizado sin problemas y que pudiera sentirse bien en ese día tan especial. Nuestra oración fue contestada. Al momento, los Élderes nos dijeron que habían encontrado el problema y lo solucionaron. Pudimos llenar la pila, vino Kevin, se sintió muchísimo el espíritu en la reunión y pudimos ver cómo entraba a las aguas bautismales y empezó una vida nueva siguiendo el ejemplo de Jesucristo.

Page 8: 29 November El Clarín

Miracle of the week is the

baptism of Alex we were blessed with. We met him in October in church one day. He was the boyfriend of a recent convert. Before September Alex or Guillermo didn't want anything to do with the church. He was of the world. One day the Spirit spoke to him and he had a

spiritual experience that his life was out of order and he needed to do something about and I count that day for him as his D-day his day of decision. One month later we contacted him in church and he accepted a visit with us. Before he had a lot of association with the church

but he never wanted anything to do with it we didn't know any of that when we met with him we had always thought he was an eternigator of the area We met with him over the period of about a transfer and found out like a week before the baptism that he had never been taught any lessons and that he had only decided to investigate when we set up a visit with him it was a great miracle to see him baptized and confirmed.

Angelina got baptized!!! She was a huge miracle and blessing to the work here in Menorca. From the moment we started teaching her, she couldn't wait to follow the example of her Savior by being baptized. She, from the start, was willing and able to do whatever it took to begin a new life as a true follower of Christ. When we asked her who she wanted to perform the ordinance, she paused for a few seconds, and then pointed at me and said, "tú me bautiza." For my first baptism on the mission I really wasn't sure what to think. I asked her if she was sure she wanted me and not one of the other elders, or our branch president, but she confirmed I was her choice. It was such an amazing experience to be the one to help her into the waters of baptism. Afterwards, she wouldn't stop telling us how excited and happy she was.

The Miracle of Baptism

29 de Noviembre de 2015El Clarín de El Faro

This past week, I had the opportunity to witness the baptism of Laura Fernandez and the confirmation of her and her husband, Santos. It was a blessing to see her

want to change her life around and how she put the lords will before her own. I had the opportunity to also stand in the confirmation circle of both them. It was a very spiritual and awesome experience, especially it being my first week in the mission field.

Week two went really well! I am truly blessed to be sent to Spain. We just baptized Milenka this Saturday. Her testimony is so strong! I love the work. I love seeing my testimony and knowledge growing. Christ is walking beside us each day. I know this.

Esta semana ha sido maravillosa, hemos visto el bautismo de Cristóbal, él es buenísimo y estoy tan agradecido por darme la oportunidad de enseñarle y conocerle y tener la oportunidad de bautizarle.

Hey Presdident Dayton. This week has been awesome. Elder _____ and I were blessed enough to be able to attend the baptism of Yoselyn. She was the one who had lost her registro. The baptism was super amazing.

Page 9: 29 November El Clarín

Mission News

29 de Noviembre de 2015El Clarín de El Faro

President Dayton and the Senior

Missionary Couples at a Thanksgiving

dinner hosted by the Daytons.

Baptismal service of Maria

Elena from Tortosa.

Elder Cifuentes teaching

the Book of Mormon at the

Specialized Training

Conference in Bilbao.In line for flu shots after

Specialized Training.