CUSTOMER RELATIONS AT YOUR SERVICE As property sales and building progress advance at a steadily increasing rate, the Customer Relations Department is expanding to keep pace. This department will now come under the umbrella of the newly formed management company, Pebble Beach Services S.A. (see back page), but the established format will not change. Now employing four personnel and a secretary, this section deals with handovers of apartments to owners, on-going maintenance and handles general after-sales enquiries. One service that the department provides to owners is the provision of furnishings. Furniture collections are prepared for each Project to enable Customer Relations to offer a comprehensive service. This service includes delivery, installation and quality control which enables owners to furnish their properties with the minimum of inconvenience. A wide choice of styles and fabrics ensure that there will be a high degree of individuality as well as a variety of furnishings to suit all tastes and all budgets. A good example of this combination is the furnishing of the one- bedroom show apartment in Project 3, Gemini. The collection shown in the photographs on this page EDITORIAL We are very pleased to bring you up to date with progress at Pebble Beach Village through the pages of our 'new look' company magazine called 'The Villager'. We have chosen this name for the magazine as this is how we like to think of you, our valued clients. To us you are not simply 'buyers' or 'investors' or just 'customers'. Having purchased property at Pebble Beach Village, you have joined like-minded people who are looking for more than 'just another holiday home in the sun' . . . and whilst this is one side to Pebble Beach Village there is much much more. As you will read in the pages of the 'Villager', our company is growing rapidly. We have a wealth of experience in all departments and our philosophy throughout is to take care of our clients, as Pebble Beach 'Villagers'. The publication of the Villager is to keep you in touch with progress on site in Tenerife, to inform you of developments, and to remind you that there is an alternative to the cold winter weather of the U.K. 'The Villager', Pebble Beach Village, Centro Comercial Las Palmeras, Local No. 14, Playa de las Americas, Arona, Tenerife. is both tasteful and reasonably priced at around £3,500 including curtains, ceiling fans and other touches of luxury. One Pebble Beach 'Villager' recently commented, "7736 furnishings do a great job of complementing the finish and quality of the apartment. I am delighted with the result". Before the next edition of 'The Villager', we hope to have our new furnishing brochure which will coincide with the completion and handover of the first phase of Project 5 Virgo.


is both tasteful and reasonably priced at around £3,500 including curtains, ceiling fans and other touches of luxury. One Pebble Beach 'Villager' recently commented, "7736 furnishings do a great job of complementing the finish and quality of the Before the next edition of 'The Villager', we hope to have our new furnishing brochure which will coincide with the completion and handover of the first phase of Project 5 Virgo. apartment. I am delighted with the result".

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As property sales and building progress advance ata steadily increasing rate, the Customer RelationsDepartment is expanding to keep pace. Thisdepartment will now come under the umbrella of thenewly formed management company, Pebble BeachServices S.A. (see back page), but the establishedformat will not change. Now employing fourpersonnel and a secretary, this section deals withhandovers of apartments to owners, on-goingmaintenance and handles general after-salesenquiries.

One service that thedepartment provides toowners is the provision offurnishings. Furniturecollections are preparedfor each Project to enableCustomer Relations to offera comprehensive service.This service includesdelivery, installation andquality control whichenables owners to furnishtheir properties with theminimum of inconvenience.

A wide choice of stylesand fabrics ensure thatthere will be a high degreeof individuality as well as avariety of furnishings to suitall tastes and all budgets.

A good example of thiscombination is thefurnishing of the one-bedroom show apartmentin Project 3, Gemini. Thecollection shown in thephotographs on this page

EDITORIALWe are very pleased to bring you up to date with

progress at Pebble Beach Village through thepages of our 'new look' company magazine called'The Villager'. We have chosen this name for the

magazine as this is how we like to think of you, ourvalued clients. To us you are not simply 'buyers' or

'investors' or just 'customers'. Having purchasedproperty at Pebble Beach Village, you have joinedlike-minded people who are looking for more than'just another holiday home in the sun' . . . and whilst

this is one side to Pebble Beach Village there ismuch much more. As you will read in the pages ofthe 'Villager', our company is growing rapidly. We

have a wealth of experience in all departments andour philosophy throughout is to take care of our

clients, as Pebble Beach 'Villagers'. The publicationof the Villager is to keep you in touch with progresson site in Tenerife, to inform you of developments,

and to remind you that there is an alternative to thecold winter weather of the U.K.

'The Villager', Pebble Beach Village,Centro Comercial Las Palmeras, Local No. 14,

Playa de las Americas, Arona, Tenerife.

is both tasteful andreasonably priced ataround £3,500 includingcurtains, ceiling fans andother touches of luxury.One Pebble Beach'Villager' recentlycommented,"7736 furnishings do a greatjob of complementing thefinish and quality of the

apartment. I am delightedwith the result".

Before the next edition of'The Villager', we hope tohave our new furnishingbrochure which willcoincide with thecompletion and handoverof the first phase of Project5 Virgo.