

Transcript of 24679545-Numerology.pdf

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Table of Contents Calculating Your Life Number ............................................................................................. 1 Life Number 1 ....................................................................................................................... 3 Life Number 2 ....................................................................................................................... 5 Life Number 3 ....................................................................................................................... 7 Life Number 4 ....................................................................................................................... 9 Life Number 5 ....................................................................................................................... 11 Life Number 6 ....................................................................................................................... 13 Life Number 7 ....................................................................................................................... 15 Life Number 8 ....................................................................................................................... 17 Life Number 9 ....................................................................................................................... 19 Your Balance Number........................................................................................................... 21

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Calculating Your Life Number

umerology shows us just how our choice of name affects us. Names do reflect a person's

personality and character traits, and the name you select to use most often can be used to

reveal your true personality through numerology. Modern numerology is based on the same

system devised centuries ago by the Greek philosophers. This system equates each letter of

the alphabet with a number. The chart below shows you the numerical value for each of the

26 letters of the English alphabet.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


Even though there are 26 letters in the alphabet, numerology only uses single-digit

numbers—the numbers 1 through 9. Therefore, the chart was set up so that each of the

letters corresponds to its single-digit number. If you were take the actual numerical value

of the letters and add them together until you had a single digit, you would find that they

correspond to the chart above. (For example: Z = 26, 26 = 2 + 6 = 8, Z = 8.)

Determining a Life Number

To determine what your life number or anyone else's life number is, always use the name

by which you're best known, or most comfortable with. For example, if your name is

Edward Keith Smith, but you sign everything and everyone uses the familiar Ed, then you

would calculate your life number using the name Ed Smith. For a woman, if you're married

you usually use your married name, for example if your name is Elizabeth Downs, but you

go by Liza, then you would use Liza Downs. If, however, you continue to use your maiden

name or you hyphenate your last name, then you need to figure your life number either with

your maiden name or with both last names. For example, if you are known by or usually go

by the name of Liza Siddons-Downs, then you need to figure your life number based on

that name.


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To calculate your life number, use the table above to find the value of each letter in each of

your names. For example, to find the life number for the name Tyler A. Randolph, you

would do the following:

T Y L E R A R A N D O L P H 2 7 3 5 9 1 9 1 5 4 6 3 7 8

(2 + 7 + 3 + 5 + 9) + 1 + (9 + 1 + 5 + 4 + 6 + 3 + 7 + 8) = 70 70 = 7 + 0 = 7

The life number is always a one-digit number, so you need to keep adding the digits until

you end up with only a single digit. In our example the single digit is 7. This indicates that

Tyler's life number is 7. To find out the characteristics of a 7 (or any other life number),

refer to the chapter that explains that life number's character and personality traits.

There are also two balance numbers that contribute to the overall effect of the life number

(refer to the section on balance numbers for instructions on calculating these). The balance

numbers can strengthen or soften certain attributes of the life number, and can contribute to

your overall destiny.

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Ones are identified with the sun --- strong and brilliant. They are pioneers and innovators;

strong-willed, determined, and independent, they take great pride m themselves and their

accomplishments. They are born leaders and organizers. They are not easily influenced (not

always a favorable trait, as it is just as difficult to steer them in the right direction as from

the wrong one). They hate hindrance in their projects, and they tend to dominate all

situations (when possible). This tendency to dominate, if unchecked, sometimes can turn a

one into a bully or dictator.

Ones have generous natures, but great ambitions. This combination, along with their being

extremely prideful of their own achievements, can sometimes cause them to be unpleasant

(selfish, thoughtless, and inconsiderate) when they use these traits negatively. However,

when these same traits are used positively, the driving ambition, energy, and determination

of ones can be quite admirable.

Love, Romance, and Relationships

Ones are frequently thoughtful, and considerate. They are high-spirited, usually making

excellent first impressions. They enjoy going places and seeing things, and they like being

busy. They have a keen sense of humor, and a quick-to-explode temper. They usually have

many friends (if they control their dominating tendencies). Because of their strength and

energy, ones are likely to have many admirers. Despite a certain lack of diplomacy and a

sometimes critical nature, ones can usually be excellent friends. They usually have a

relaxed, warm, loving nature--and there is very little they won't do for a friend. Watch out

if you make an enemy of a one, though; they neither forgive nor forget easily, and when

deeply angry, they are capable of being spiteful, vindictive, and even cruel. Surprisingly

(considering they themselves are prone to be thoughtless of others) they are highly

sensitive, and easily hurt. They very much seek approval from those that mean the most to

them. They usually cannot abide criticism and will become quite obstinate when criticized.

It is the depth of their sensitivity that causes them to explode in the face of criticism; it

hurts so much that they simply can't bear it.

Since ones tend to dominate all relationships, they must select a softening number in love.

Ones are very loving, warm, and affectionate, but they are very jealous and possessive.

They are usually happiest with a 2 or 6, which are the gentlest numbers and are quite

compatible with the aggressive and possessive ones. A 3 or 4 is also a good match for a

one, but only if the one has learned to curb his/her critical demanding nature. A one can

also be happy with a 5 or 7, but neither will ever know the other very well.


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Careers, Employment, and Money

Ones tend to express themselves in their work, so they are often drawn to the arts;

however, their quick minds and original thinking make them better at administration and

executives than artists. They are well qualified to be in the field of science--such as an

engineer, inventors, or researcher. They are best in positions of authority or when working

alone. They are hard-working and ambitious, driven, and determined. For many, their

office relations are fraught with friction-in particular, their relationships with bosses. They

are not known for their diplomacy, and have a great tendency to speak their minds; this

fact, combined with the belief that 'they're always right' can cause them and everyone

around them a lot of trouble. As employers they are apt to be demanding one minute,

considerate the next; patient sometimes, and impossible at other times. No matter what

their mood, however, working for a one is never dull. Working for a one is always a

challenge, but woe to the person who covets the job of a one-- they will not hesitate to

break that employee.

They are dynamic and creative, and make excellent mentors and teachers. They have the

ability to earn themselves fortune and fame--if they don't become too impatient. They also

have a great talent at losing money almost as fast as they earn it due to their recklessness

and extravagance. They are quite likely to invest in highly speculative stocks or other risky

ventures. They have a great need to surround themselves with things of beauty, and these

things usually have a high cost, so it is to their advantage that they can earn as well as they


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Gentle and perceptive. twos are associated with the moon--constant yet ever changing.

They are the helpers and diplomats. They are distinguished by their tact and consideration

for others. They are followers, rather than leaders, They. prefer the familiar and secure to

the unknown and untried. They are quiet and reserved. and will usually consider all sides of

an issue before taking action. Cooperation is the cornerstone of a two's life. They cannot abide quarrels or discord. so

they will strive as hard as they can to maintain harmony in all situations. It is this trait that

can make a two unreliable. The-, are not above resorting to dishonesty and deceit in their

efforts to maintain peace and tranquillity. Unless a two learns early that life isn't always

pleasant, they are prone to be restless. nervous. and easily depressed.

When used wisely. their diplomacy and agreeability can accomplish near miracles,

however. used unwisely. these same traits can cause the discord that they're trying so hard

to avoid.

Most two's are ruled by emotion rather than by intellect-they follow their hearts. not their

heads. They are romantics--gentle, sweetly sentimental. and highly sensitive. They may

appear calm on the surface. but many of them alternate constantly between laughter and

tears. When in a congenial atmosphere. no one is sunnier; but when in a tense or angry

atmosphere, no one is more despondent.

Love, Romance, and Relationships

Because of their tact and their concern for others, twos make friends easily. They are the

people others turn to when seeking a good listener or a shoulder to cry on. They are not

life-of-the-party types; they are quietly charming individuals who make few demands on

others. Twos have no desire to be the center of attention; they prefer being in the audience

rather than on the stage. It is the hardworking, cooperative twos that often make up the

backbone of successful charitable or community projects and organizations.

Twos rarely lose their temper or display anger. When hurt or angry, they are more likely to

weep or sulk than to rage. While it is true that many twos are overly sensitive, it is also true

that their sweet dispositions keep them from sulking for very long. No one is more eager to

kiss and make up than a peace-loving two.

In many ways twos are ideal mates. They are extremely warm and affectionate, and there's

little they won't do to get along with their loved ones--no sacrifice is too great to make to

ensure their loved ones happiness. Twos are rarely, if ever, demanding or dominating--a

male two has to make an effort to assert themselves or they will likely be dominated by

their spouse. All twos need to make sure that their overly romantic tendencies don't

overrule their good sense. Twos are very apt to be naive in matters of the heart, believing

exaggerated vows of love that other people would never dream of taking seriously. Twos

need to realize that reality rarely meets their expectations, and therefore, they need to

radically change those expectations.


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There are few people that a two cannot get along with; however, time and experience have

shown that twos are best matched with another 2, 4, or 6 if they want to find enduring

happiness. Twos who have curbed their over sensitivity and who enjoy being dominated,

are usually happiest with their emotional opposites, the aggressive 1 or 8. For flamboyance,

flash, and glamour, twos do well with a 5 or 3. But they risk grief if they link up with a 7 or

9. These numbers are too reserved and independent for the clinging, and romantic 2.

Careers, Employment, and Money

Twos are creative and imaginative, but then, are usually better at carrying out someone

else's plans and ideas than at implementing their own ideas. Twos are more likely to

succeed as performers than playwrights' musicians than composers, draftsmen than

architects. This is because twos are followers rather than leaders—they like to cooperate,

not compete. Because of their tact and diplomacy, twos do well as psychologists, social

workers, marriage counselors, nurses. and secretaries. They also do well in the fields of

teaching, homemakers, medical research, and accounting.

As employees. twos are excellent. They are loyal, trustworthy, and conscientious. They

take orders without resentment, and execute them quite efficiently. However, few twos

don't get ahead in their careers because they hold off asking for raises and promotions,

preferring to maintain the status quo than to risk an unpleasant or tense confrontation. As

employers they are scrupulously fair, and extremely easy going. They dislike giving orders

(and having to enforce them), which makes them prey to lazy employees who enjoy taking

advantage of them.

Twos are excellent at handling money--their own and other's. They are rarely extravagant,

unless it is to purchase something for someone they love, and they have an intense dislike

of going into debt. Twos bargain hunt shop sales, and go to auctions. They firmly believe

in the old adage of a dollar saved is a dollar earned. If they have money to invest, they most

likely will invest in real estate, preferred stocks, government bonds, or a savings bank.

They are not speculators or gamblers--they are not willing to risk a large loss in the hope of

making a large profit. The only way in which twos are unwise with money is because of

their generosity. They often make 'loans' to friends and family who 'forget' to pay them

back, and twos would never think to ask for it.

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Due to ft popularity of threes they are linked with the planet Jupiter--it being the planet

with the most 'followers' (moons). Threes epitomize affection, talent, and cheer. They are

blessed with cheery dispositions, an abundance of talent, and a deep interest in learning.

Threes are enthusiastic, optimistic, and endowed with much bubbling energy. They are

witty and gregarious, and, because they enjoy life so much, they usually make life

enjoyable for all those around them. They seldom brood or indulge in self-pity. They

simply accept that unpleasantness and unhappiness are an inevitable part of life.

Threes are usually versatile people with many talents and interests. They are dynamic, but

rarely dominating; however, they are self-indulgent and therefore prone to selfishness.

They like having their own way and will fight hard to get it. Money and material comfort

mean a great deal to most threes, and, because of this, they are highly ambitious. Threes

enjoy the good things in life--gourmet food, fine clothes, imported sports cars, beautiful

homes, etc., and they will work hard to give themselves these things.

Love, Romance, and Relationships

Threes are extremely sociable--and usually extremely popular. They enjoy going places and

seeing people; entertaining and being entertained. They are adept at the art of conversation,

and they are most always poised in new situations, with new people, and so are greatly

sought after as guests. Threes have a knack for putting others at ease--except on rare

occasions, when anger or a conflict of opinion causes them to become stingingly sarcastic.

Threes usually have friends, but unless people know a three very well, they are prone to

consider him or her somewhat superficial. This is because most threes have a happy,

positive outlook on life and a tendency to leap from activity to activity because of their

restless nature and diversified interests, which can give the impression of being flighty and

shallow. But nothing is farther from the truth. Although fully aware of life's down side,

they don't believe that gloom solves anything, so they don't indulge in it; and they leap

from activity to activity, because once they've mastered something, they need new


Threes are capable of deep abiding love, but before they fall in love permanently, they are

prone to 'think' they're in love over and over again. When a three does settle, he/she is

usually a devoted mate --- affectionate, but not smothering; warm, but not clinging. Threes

care deeply for their families/spouses, but they also have other interests which they pursue.

Because of their sunny natures, threes seldom sulk after a quarrel. They can be raging one

minute and all smiles the next. They believe that marriage can and should be fun, and they

will work hard to prove this. Threes get along with any number, but not all numbers can

numbers can adjust to threes; therefore, threes are best suited to a 1, 5, 8, or another 3.

3 � � �

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Careers, Employment, and Money

Threes are highly creative, and greatly imaginative. These qualities, plus their ambition,

make them highly successful in anything they decide to undertake. Threes are suited to

careers as writers, photographers, artists, designers, entertainers, or in business--public

relations, advertising, sales, and communications. Any job that lets them use their natural

charm and gregariousness is where a three will excel. Threes will show great initiative,

unless the task their working on bores them, then they have a tendency to let the work

slide. As employers, threes create an atmosphere of fun and excitement. They welcome

new ideas and innovations, and they never stifle those that work for them--they're not

afraid of competition from their employees.

Threes are prone to squander money. They despise budgets and economizing, and adore

buying impulsively. Most threes are generous with their money, and take great pleasure in

giving gifts, favors, etc. Most threes believe money should be used, not left sitting in a

bank. Fortunately, considering their expensive tastes and their lack of self-control, many

threes have the capacity for earning large sums of

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Fours are linked with Saturn--the most stable of planets. Fours are seekers of justice, and

the most responsible and secure of individuals. They are hardworking, steady, and reliable.

They are distinguished by their service and dependability. They are the organizers and

builders who get things done, not the creators or innovators. They approach most tasks

with thought and care--precision characterizes their work, no matter if the job is something

as simple as clipping a hedge. They are thorough and conscientious. It is this same

conscientiousness that can sometimes cause them to lose sight of their primary objective.

This precision can be an asset, or it can cause them to waste a lot of time and effort on

matters of little import.

They are usually conservative, and refuse to make changes until every option has been

thoroughly examined. Money is important to them, but only as a means of security.

Because of their respect for hard work, they are usually suspicious of 'instant' or easily

gained success. Though usually slow to anger, they respond and react quickly when they

perceive injustice or inequality.

Straight forward and honest, fours are not known for their tact--they usually will say

exactly what is on their minds. However, they can sometimes forget that there is a delicate

line between frankness and rudeness. Fours are rarely overbearing or dominating, but No

One is more stubborn than a four whose mind is already made up concerning some matter.

It is probably easier to move a 10-story building than to get a four to change their minds on

a decision or opinion. Fours are happiest when they are busy--they dislike being idle, and

for that reason they can sometimes find it hard to relax. For sitting and doing nothing

makes them feel guilty for wasting time.

Love, Romance, and Relationships

They are quiet sober-minded, and not always openly demonstrative. They are loyal,

faithful, reliable, and rarely fickle. Fours are excellent friends, and will frequently keep the

same friends for a lifetime. Generally a four is likely to be introverted. They usually are not

good at, nor do they care to indulge in gossipy, light conversation--not when there are so

many other important issues that need their attention. Fours are cautious and practical,

therefore they do not fall in love easily. Occasionally a four may lose his/her heart but this

is rare. They are more likely to date someone steadily for awhile before making any kind of

decision or commitment. For those seeking the Hollywood-type romances (moonlight-and-

roses marriages), fours are not always the best partner. Fours are often reserved and not

given overly to sentimentality or open displays of emotion. That is not to say that fours do

not need or do not seek romance and love, because without these, fours suffer terrible

depressions and melancholy. Because of their reserve, and their difficulty in expressing

their emotional side, fours are usually happiest with someone who is a 4, 7, or 9 because

these numbers are more like them. They can also be happy with someone who is a 1 or 8 (if

the 1 or 8 curb their dominating tendencies and aggression). Although a 2 or 6 may be

drawn to a four, this combination rarely works due to the overly romantic natures of the 2

and the extreme idealism of the 6. It is only with a 3 or 5 that disaster is tantamount. This

combination is like oil and water --- fun-loving, happy-go-lucky 3's and 5's can never be

tied down and the four will never accept their devil-may-care attitudes.


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Careers, Employment, and Money

Fours excel in jobs that demand the ability to concentrate on details. They make excellent

engineers, editors/proofreaders, mathematicians, accountants, or scientists. Because of their

unshakable honesty and deep sense of fair play, the law offers them a chance for success

and satisfaction. As employees, they are never guilty of shirking duty or responsibility.

They are one of the most ideal employees. As employers, they are not so ideal. They have a

tendency to demand of their employees the same zealous passion to work they exhibit, and

they are likely to be intolerant of errors or any kind of carelessness.

In money matters, they are prudent and thrifty. They tend to save for rainy days; take

advantage of sales; investigate second-hand items before buying them new; or even

bartering when possible. They aren't stingy, they just want the most for their hard-earned

dollar. Because of their respect for hard work and money, and their need to right wrongs,

they are more likely to 'invest' their money in some cause than to invest in any speculative

business or monetary deals.

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Five is the life number associated with Mercury--impulsive, active, bold and daringly

adventurous. Fives are quick-witted, quick-tempered, and quick-acting. If any trait

personifies a five it's their need for personal freedom. They are restless spirits that are

constantly on the go. Most fives "I happily give up prestige, power, and position for the

chance to chase an adventure or get right into the action. If chained down by responsibility,

fives become moody, irritable, and nervous. Fives are impulsive and believe in living from

n-minute-to-minute, day-by- day. They do not makes advance plans, they simply let 'life

happen'. Fives are bundles of suppressed energy and enthusiasm if given their own way.

Their moods, like them can change swiftly, but no one has more resilience than a five.

Variety is the keynote of a five. No one is more eager to try a new restaurant, club, or sport.

Security and money mean little to most fives. They enjoy the good things in life, but they

won't sacrifice their freedom to pursue monetary security, unless that money is in the form

of some hidden treasure or sunken pirate ship. Excitement and adventure is what they seek,

and if forced to choose to between a life offering responsibility and security, and pleasure

and challenge, they'll almost always choose the latter. Pleasure is a five's favorite diet.

Fives are dynamic, decisive individuals. They do not hesitate before answering a question,

nor do they think twice when making a decision. They are impulsive in thought and deed,

and frequently impatient and irritable with those who are not. These same people are also

endowed with tremendous charm and warmth. They love people and parties, laughing,

singing, and conversations on any subject. It is fives who often make dull social gatherings

come to life. They can make the sick or the old smile forget their problems. When fives are

happy, their gay spirit is infectious. Their mood, like themselves, are irresistible to almost

everyone. Surprisingly, fives are usually highly intellectual and highly creative. Many fives

will use this craving for something new to develop their eclectic talents and intellectual


Love, Romance, and Relationships

Fives are often adored by acquaintances, but they are usually not well loved by those who

get to know them better. This is because of their very explosive temper. They have the

most vicious tongue when angered, and although most fives tend to forget an argument

moments after it's done, many of their friends and lovers do not or cannot. Their feelings

have been too bruised and hurt by the sniping of the five. Fives attract admirers as easily as

flowers attract bees. Fives usually have highly sensual, sensuous, and sexual natures, and

they are usually wild romantics--making reckless vows of undying love, writing passionate

letters, or hasty engagements--and just as quickly, changing their minds and hearts as soon

as someone new comes along. Marriage to a five may be heaven or hell, but rarely will it

be stable or dull. Fives are most likely to be happiest with another 5. The marriage will

often be chaotic and stormy, but order and peace matter little to fives. What matters is love,

pleasure, and challenge.


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Fives may also find compatibility with a 3, if the 3 is willing to give up some of their need

for security. A 2 or 6 will respond to a five's forceful, romantic qualities, but difficulties

may arise over the lack of stability and a steady home life, which is important to a 2 or 6.

Sometimes a 7 or 8 can be a congenial mate for a five, if the five is exceptionally talented

(extremely important to a 7) or willing to give in occasionally (exceptionally important to

an 8). However, there is no way a union between a five and a 1, 4, or 9 would ever be

happy. There is just no commonality between them.

Careers, Employment, and Money

Fives are intelligent, talented, energetic, and extremely personable--a combination that

usually makes them highly successful. However, the acquisition of money and power is of

little interest to most fives. To them, success is living to the fullest, meeting and

conquering new challenges, and avoiding boredom at all costs. The best fields of endeavor

for a five is as a journalist, creative writer, photographer, artist, criminal lawyer, aviators,

stock brokers, and any of the communications fields (advertising, publishing, television--

acting, producing, writing, etc.). Actually a five will do well in any career in any field, as

long as that job offers stimulation and variation; doesn't demand following a set routine;

and satisfies his/her craving for excitement. As employees or employers, fives are

stimulating, energetic, and exciting. But don't look to a five as a mentor--they haven't got

the 'time' or patience. Either you learn from watching and trying to keep up, or you'd better

find someone else to show you the ropes.

Fives are usually very casual about money. They may have a fortune, or be totally broke, it

usually makes little difference to them. They are generous with whatever they have, but

they'll never be sure of exactly what it is they do have, for they have no patience or

inclination to be a bookkeeper. This means they may never balance their checkbook or pay

much attention to what's in the bank (if they even have a bank account). If they need or

want to save money, they usually find someone else to monitor their funds for them.

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Six, one of the most stable life numbers, is linked with Venus due to its associations with

harmony, beauty, balance, and rhythm. Sixes are solid, dependable people who are able to

hold their own wherever they go. Nobility and a strong sense of fair play characterize


as well as a deep love of beauty. The humanitarian instincts of a six are strong, and they

take a warm interest in the welfare of others. However, their focal point is always their

home and family. They are devoted to their families--so much so, that sometimes they

overdo it, smothering those no" to them with an excess of solicitude.

Sixes are extremely conscientious and exacting. They want everything just so before they

are satisfied, and since they don't like to criticize, they "I often redo other's work if it

doesn't measure up to their superficially high standards. If they're not careful they can

worry themselves to death over inconsequential details.

Sixes love beautiful things and their homes usually reflect this. They are usually extremely

fond of music, and as hobbies, many of them play instruments, sing, paint, sculpt, etc.

Sixes are excellent hosts; they enjoy entertaining and will work for days to make sure

everything is perfect. They are idealistic, sympathetic, unselfish, and always eager to help a

friend in need. Often, they offer help when it isn't asked for--or even necessary. Sometimes

people are quick to sense the giving nature of a six and will try to take advantage of them.

it is for this reason, that sixes must learn how to say "No", and to curb their overly

generous impulses.

Love, Romance, and Relationships

Sixes are even-tempered and soft spoken, with a quiet charm that endears them to most

everyone. Because of their loving natures, sixes make friends easily and keep them just as

easily. It's hard not to like a six, and sixes rarely dislike anyone-unless he/she perceives

someone as a threat to the ones they love. If this happens, sixes can turn into raging tigers.

There is little they won't do to protect their loved ones.

Sixes do not fall in love casually, From adolescence on, whenever they are attracted to

someone, it is always with the thought of marriage--of building a permanent relationship.

Sixes are extremely affectionate. Sometimes this emotion can show itself in an almost

smothering outflow of love, and if not careful, sixes can sometimes drive away the very

ones they only want to love with this oppressive demonstration of emotion. Sixes are

usually happiest with another 6 or a gentle, domestic 2. They can also be happy with a 3 or

5 (if the 3 or 5 control their happy-go-lucky tendencies). Sometimes a 6 and a 4 can make a

happy union, but there will be definite areas of conflict, due to a 4's aloofness. Usually a 6

and their opposite numbers 1 and 8 can be happy, because many 6's likes being dominated

and many 1's and 8's like the possessive nature of a 6. A 6 and a 9 can join if both relent a

little, but a 6 and a 7 do not complement each other at all, and unless one of them changes

radically their life together will be filled with bitterness and anger.


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Careers, Employment, and Money

Sixes are very creative, however, most of them are too devoted to their families to find

success in the arts. Writing, painting, sculpting, music, etc. are demanding professions, and

most sixes cannot spare the time away from their families to make it in the arts. Sixes do

not usually have a lot of ambition; they admire success, but they realize there is far more to

life than fame or power. A successful six is usually a six that was pushed or helped by a

mate. Their humanitarian instincts qualify sixes for careers as teachers, social or welfare

workers, or nurses or doctors. Because of their steadiness and dependability, sixes do well

in jobs that demand trust and responsibility such as bookkeepers or accountants, cashiers,

or clerics.

As employees, sixes need frequent contact with other people. Sixes are honest, loyal,

attentive to detail, and proud of doing a job well. As employers, sixes feel a deep personal

obligation toward anyone they hire. So they need to curb their tendency to treat employees

like their children, which can make an employee feel like he can do nothing right.

Sixes are more interested in security than in getting ahead. They rarely amass spectacular

fortunes, however, they are good at managing money (theirs or other's), so they rarely go

into debt or waste a dollar. Though they are generous in many ways, they are not generous

with money--in many cases, not even with members of their own family. They almost

never gamble or take chances with money. If they invest, it is usually in 'blue chip' stocks.

They are prudent and thrifty, and even if wealthy, they rarely buy things to 'impress' others.

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Sevens are linked with Uranus, the symbol of intellectual pursuit, philosophy,

individuality, and thoughtful pursuits. Sevens are deeply thoughtful and analytical. They

are original thinkers, very independent, and often restless in mind and body. More than

other life numbers, sevens are interested in and curious about world affairs. They enjoy

travel (especially to far off or little known places), and they would (if possible) spend most

of their time traveling. Most sevens are private people, and have a great need for solitude.

Few sevens are extroverts. Mostly they are introverts, dedicated to the pursuit of

knowledge and beauty. Sevens are always deeply moved by art in all of its forms.

Sevens are frequently non-conformists. They often disagree with majority's opinion, and

their views are usually highly philosophical and/or intuitive. They rarely follow fads or

fashions because 'everyone else does'. They insist upon forming their own judgments, and

they will refuse (often stubbornly) to accept the views of others. They are prone to be

perfectionists--highly self-critical-and will set impossibly high standards for themselves. It

is this trait, that causes most sevens to always feel frustrated and at way with the world.

Love, Romance, and Relationships

Sevens are apt to be loners. They aren't easy to know, nor do they get to know others easily.

They are reserved and often shy, and they make friends very slowly. However, once a

seven does form a friendship, he/she is usually loyal, patient, and generous. Because of

their pensive natures, sevens are usually quite ill-at-case in social gatherings. They dislike

cocktail parties, dances, etc. They like people, but they are happiest in small groups of

people they know. They are good conversationalists and exceptional listeners, but they do

not converse on idle matters or engage in gossip. They are dignified and reserved, which

makes some people think they are easily manipulated. However, this couldn't be more

untrue. Sevens are silently stubborn-they will fight extremely hard for those things that

they truly believe in, but they "I never engage in fits of rage or loud scenes. Sevens, when

they are pushed too far, are stubborn, immovable, and experts at passive resistance. Many

sevens are either devoutly religious or deeply involved in the occult. They are intrigued by

life's mysteries, and succored by the rituals of religion. They are most often enigmatic,

silent and thoughtful.

Most sevens either many early or not at all, because the older a seven gets, the more

reserved and withdrawn they become. They find it increasingly difficult to express their

emotions the older they get, so unless they find someone when they are young, their own

aloofness may cause them to lose that person. Sevens are among the gentlest of people, but

they are not usually very demonstrative or openly affectionate. They are not very dependent

upon others, which does not endear a seven to some of the other life numbers, such as a 6.

Sevens are usually happiest with a 9, 4, or another 7. These are the most compatible as far

as temperament and personality, and so are not likely to make demands that a seven isn't

likely to meet. A match between a 6 or 2 is usually a disaster, as the seven is too

independent and undemonstrative for them. Sometimes a seven can find happiness with a 3

or 5, but the 3 or 5 must have some outstanding creative talent that can make the seven

overlook the other troubles caused by the 'personality flaws' in their mate.


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Careers, Employment, and Money

Sevens do best in jobs that let them to work with little or no supervision. They are

dedicated and talented, and so could do well as artists, writers, or musicians. Usually they

are drawn to the fields of education, science, and religion, which lets them indulge their

search for answers to life's mysteries, or use their patience and intellect. They can often be

found working in museum and galleries, because of their great love and admiration for art

and artists. Because of their love of travel, they also find happiness with careers as

merchant seamen, pilots, and travel coordinators.

As employees sevens need jobs that challenge their creative minds. Day-to-day business

matters bore them. But because of their conscientiousness and dedication, they make

excellent employees. They are usually hard-working and rarely temperamental or

troublesome. They dislike close or constant supervision, and if this occurs, they just may

walk off the job. As employers, sevens are awkward and uncomfortable. They dislike

giving and receiving orders, and are therefore, happiest with employees that have the

initiative to work largely on their own.

Sevens are seldom impressed with money and its power. They realize money is important

for the necessities of life, but they don't dream of fancy cars or joining exclusive country

clubs. They handle money well, because are rarely tempted to do anything foolish or to

make grand expenditures. They are quite willing to economize when necessary, and are

rarely interested in 'keeping up with Jones'.

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Eights are the most powerful of the life numbers. Symbolizing both success and strength,

and war and destruction, it is linked with Mars the planet of strength and war. Eights are

gifted with enormous self-discipline and intense concentration. They have great

individuality and a will of iron; theirs is the kind of determination that moves mountains.

Eights rarely do anything halfheartedly. For example, those eights who feel strongly about

religion are apt to be out-and-out fanatics. Eights despise mediocrity; they are either

colossal successes or abysmal failures. Because eights drive themselves hard, they are

prone to drive those around them equally hard. To some it may seem that an eight is bully

mad for power, but this is not usually true--it is usually that they believe others are as

passionately devoted to an idea or cause as they are.

Love, Romance, and Relationships

Eights may sometimes appear cold and aloof, but this too, is rarely true. Eights are

extremely kind-hearted, but if they seem distant it is usually because they have difficulty

expressing themselves. Often eights are lonely people, wishing for the friendship of others,

but unable to actively seek out and find the closeness they desire. Because of their great

drive and determination, they must choose their goals wisely. Their strength and

determination and drive, if used negatively, can cause extreme destruction, chaos, and

havoc to others and to themselves.

Eights are dynamic and generate excitement wherever they go. They are energetic and

active, and they enjoy and participate in both physical and intellectual pursuits. Eights can't

bear failure, and they will always compete to win--there is no in between for them, not in

games or in life. Their single-mindedness and determination to be the best can sometimes

alienate (frighten) other people. Many people are attracted to eights when they initially

meet. An eight's strength, personal magnetism, and dynamic bearing attracts many people,

however, it is these same qualities that can cause eights to lose friends. When they want to

be, eights are extremely personable and charming, but most of the time, they have no desire

to be--only when it is to their advantage. They can become so absorbed in whatever it is

they are trying to attain, that they oftentimes become abrupt and even rude to people that

don't interest them or can't help them. As a friend, eights are loyal and trustworthy. They

are always willing to stand up to any opposition to defend or protect someone they like. Try

to pick an enemy that isn't an eight. Eights may fight with their perception of fairness and

justice, but they Never forget a slight or a quarrel. Once a fight has begun, eights will fight,

and fight, and fight ...


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As mates, eights are prone to vacillate from complete absorption to almost total disinterest.

They may overwhelm a loved one with affection one day, and ignore them the next because

they're too caught up in something else. Eights do not know a happy medium--in love or

anything else. Marriage to an eight will never be dull, and it is this aura of excitement that

makes eights so attractive to members of the opposite sex. They may lack close friends, but

eights are often sought after as dates or spouses. Eights do best with a 2 or 6, if the 2 or 6

can accept the eight's erratic interest and affection, because the gentle 2 or 6 can help soften

the explosive, aggressive personality of the eight. Sometimes an eight is attracted to a

reserved 7, 4, or 9, but these unions are usually lacking in warmth and depth. An eight and

a 3 or 5 can sometimes form a happy union, if both partners will give in, even occasionally.

With another 8 or a 1 there is likely to be a major war, because of the rigid, domineering

tendencies of both of them.

Careers, Employment, and Money

Eights usually do well in 'big business' or in any executive or authoritative position. Eights

are shrewd planners, and can create and execute original and exciting ideas. This combined

with their intense concentration and great self-discipline, make them destined for greatness.

As employees, eights are conscientious and thorough, combining speed with efficiency.

Determination more than anything else, motivates an eight. Others, however, may see

eights as pushy, and power hungry--wanting to get to the top at any cost. Eights especially

need to learn diplomacy and tact, to help them counter their excessive mandativeness. As

employers, eights are exciting and stimulating. They are human dynamos who expect their

employees to be constantly on their toes. Eights expect everyone to work as hard as they

do, to care as much as they do, and to strive ft way that they do.

Eights have a flair for finance. They are hard-headed and practical, and they make sure that

they receive M value for every dollar that they spend. They heartily disapprove of reckless

spending, and would never think of 'wasting' his/her money on risky ventures or in

gambling. They're shrewd, conservative, and usually with sound, banker's judgment. It is

only in finances where an eight never goes to extremes. They know how to earn, invest,

and enjoy money without going overboard.

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Nines are associated with Neptune, and represent man's love for fellowman, philosophy,

and nobility, and above all--mysticism. Nines are extremely sensitive and perceptive--more

so than any other life number. They sense others' emotions, and 'know' others' needs even

before anything is said. Nines are tremendously compassionate and warm, and they

respond to victims of tyranny and oppression, the under-privileged, the sick and the aged,

as if they were members of their own families. Nines can sometimes get so caught up in

their causes, they will totally forget their own families. They are passionately idealistic and


Intuition and emotion rather than reason and intellect, control nines. Yet, although very

emotional, many nines are highly reserved and withdrawn. Frequently they are involved in

philosophy and metaphysics. Neither wealth nor authority hold great attraction for most

nines--except perhaps as tools to assist others. Nines are courageous and determined, and

they usually have a great deal of stamina. Yet they rarely seek glory for themselves--their

goal in life, is usually to find a way to bring love, generosity, and understanding to the


Love, Romance, and Relationships

Nines are frequently greatly liked and at the same time, greatly disliked by many people.

This is due to the fact that although most nines make friends easily, they have explosive

tempers that lose them friends even more easily. Nines seldom quarrel over petty matters,

but over matters they consider extremely important such as social welfare, poverty, etc.

They are quick to explode with people who do not share their beliefs or who do not seem to

care as deeply as they do. Many nines are reserved, withdrawn and highly independent--

qualities which others sometime resent. Nines are also prone to frequent and rapid changes

in mood. One day a nine may be morose and depressed, and the next day they will be

bubbling and elated. One week a nine may be absorbed in the occult and the following

week they may be equally involved in politics. No matter what their interest or mood on

any given day, their goal always remains the same-- freedom and love for all mankind.

As mates, nines are exceptionately loyal and faithful. They view marriage as sacred, and

seldom will indulge in infidelity. Nines rarely discuss their mates, even with close friends,

are hurt and surprised if a loved one talks or complains about them with someone else.

Although highly honorable, nines are far from ideal mates. They tend to be involved in so

many causes that loved ones are sometimes forgotten and ignored. Nines may fantasize

about moonlight-and-roses, but they usually have trouble expressing this or finding the

time to express their need for it. Nines love affection, if it isn't a smothering, overwhelming

absorption. Though undemonstrative, nines are secret romantics and sentimentalists. They

crave the spontaneity and romantic gesture of a love poem, or a secret rendezvous. Without

love and affection, nines become truly tortured--without romance, nine are lost and

wretched. Nines are usually happiest with a 6, 4, or another 9, if the 6 can curb their

tendency to smother their mate. Often 9's and 2's are drawn to each other, but a 2 usually

needs more constant affection and attention than a 9 is able or willing to give.


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Careers, Employment, and Money

Nines are best suited for careers that let them help others. If they control their tempers,

nines are excellent religious leaders, doctors, nurses, social and welfare workers, and

teachers. Although reserved, nines still enjoy being in the spotlight occasionally, therefore,

they make excellent lecturers, fund raisers, entertainers, and politicians. Nines who are

drawn into metaphysics, make great hypnotists, herbal heaters, dream therapists, and

psychic counselors. Many nines are very psychic, but rarely advertise this fact in a manner

to make money, but rather use it to help others. Many nines also find happiness working as

philosophers and librarians. Even though nines have the drive and intelligence to do well in

business, few do so. This is because working for money and/or prestige is likely to leave a

nine feeling depressed and dissatisfied. They need a job where they feel useful and needed.

As employees, nines are apt to be enthusiastic one day and dreamy and listless the next. To

do their best work, nines must believe whole heartedly in what they are doing. They must

be emotionally involved in their labors. As employers, nines are honest and scrupulous.

They have a tendency to become emotionally involved in their employees and this

benevolence can cause some employees to take advantage of them.

Nines are usually too vague or dreamy to handle money well. When a nine does acquire

wealth it is usually because of some 'hunch' that paid off, rather than any skillful

investment. Nines are extremely generous, often giving their money to perfect strangers to

may need assistance. Because of this generosity, it isn't unusual for a nine to be heavily in

debt. Nines like money, but they believe it should be used to buy food, housing, clothing,

etc. (the essentials), and it should be enjoyed (such as in purchasing trips and vacations),

but it should Never be used to acquire power or more money. Money used this way, is

money used for evil, and will only bring bad luck to those who use it got way.

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Your Balance Numbers

Each person also has two balance numbers--that is, two numbers that either oppose,

modify, soften, or emphasize the characteristics of their life number. One balance number

is based an the initials of your name--the name you calculated your life number on. So, if

you calculated your life number on the name Tyler A. Randolph, you would use the initials

TAR to figure your first balance number.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


Using the same chart that you used to figure your life number, you find out that the initials

TAR add up to 3. (T A R = 2 + 1 + 9 = 12 = 1 + 2 = 3) So the first balance number for Tyler

is 3.

The second balance number is based on your birth date. Tyler's birth date is September 24,

1960--or 912411960. Again, you add the numbers together until you get only one digit--in

this case, 4. (9 + 24 + 1960 = 1993 = 1+ 9 + 9 + 3 = 22 = 2 + 2 = 4 )

The following pages explain what each of these balancing numbers means, and how they

can affect the characteristics of your life number.

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Balance Numbers--What They Mean

adds determination and boldness to those with this as a balancing number. It causes the

conservative to become more venturesome; the adventurous to become actually foolhardy.

This is the number of those destined to attain their goals through dedication, perseverance,

and unceasing, conscientious hard work.

acts as a restraining influence. It makes the nonconformist more conventional; increases the

rigid outlook of someone who is already conventional. This number adds tact to the

outspoken; causes more shyness in the timid. This is the number of those destined to seek

out personal happiness and harmony-placing more importance on love, friendship, and

security than on power or financial success.

adds gaiety, originality, and a love for pleasure. It has a positive influence on those who are

Three, serious minded and dedicated, and a negative influence on those who are already

frivolous and self-indulgent. This is the number of people destined to lead cheerful,

optimistic lives--achieving the success they desire by nature of their ability to accept the

bad with the good all through life.

makes those who have 4's as a balance number, more efficient and practical. It helps

dreamers and visionaries become more focused, and makes those solid, hard-working

individuals too dedicated—turns them into work-aholics. This is the number of people

destined to forge ahead, slowly but surely. They will achieve their goal (security for

themselves and their loved ones) fairly and squarely.

is filled with the love of freedom and joi de vivre. It adds spirit to those bound by

convention and those needing to control every little aspect of their lives. It is a potential

danger to those who are already highly independent and adventuresome. This is the number

of people destined to lead an active, adventurous life. They may not have great success or

fame, but they will rarely be bored.

adds thoughtfulness, care, and caution. This is a positive addition to those who tend to be

impetuous and impulsive, but negative to those who are already conservative and fearful.

This is the number of people destined to seek out and to create love, beauty, and

contentment in the world around them.

adds perfectionism making the slipshod more thorough and painstaking. However, it makes

the already conscientious person too self-critical. This is the number of people destined to

place integrity and intellect before material gain and power--no matter what the cost to


is a boon to those who lack drive and authority. But it makes those who are already

ambitious, overly so and very demanding. This is the number for people are energetic,

helpful, and courageous. This lets them use their discipline and discrimination in

everything they do.









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adds inspiration and nobility. It helps those that are narrow-minded or selfish have a more

open and positive outlook; however, for those who are already visionaries or dreamers, it

can make them impossible idealists. This is the number of people destined to seek and fight

for perfection--in themselves and in the world. They will rarely see the world as it really is,

but will strive to make it into a utopia.