2420 Homelands Drive, Mississauga, Ontario L5K …...robin play and games within one or two points!...

2420 Homelands Drive, Mississauga, Ontario L5K 1H2 Phone (905) 822-2031 Fax (905) 822-4502 Website: http://schools.peelschools.org/1323 Follow us on Twitter @Homelands323 November 2019 Newsletter Mateja Drinovac Principal Simone Wallace Vice Principal Roberta Leonardi Office Manager Robin Sciascia Office Assistant Nina Jaiswal Superintendent (905) 366-8800 Brad MacDonald Trustee Wards 2 & 8 (905) 828-6929 Transportation Stopr.ca (905)890-6000 Attendance Check 1(855)209-6155 Safe Arrival Parent Portal pdsb.schoolconnects.com Student Senate Report By: Afnan, Hang, Jonathan and Sara L. Student Senate in October Assemblies, creative posters and cultural foods are all things the Student Senate has helped to prepare in October! First, students filled out a Google Form to apply to be a Student Senate Leader. Next, Student Senate Leaders signed up to be involved in different activities (e.g., Ambassadors, Food Drive, and Assemblies etc.). Then, students organized and prepared for our Islamic Heritage Month Assembly on October 31st. Students worked very hard practising for the assembly. Student Senate Equity Advocates also decorated our Equity Board to represent Islamic Heritage Month. On October 29th, students who ordered their shawarma and falafel wraps were treated to a delicious lunch as a part of our Cultural Foods Day. Finally - exciting news - two multilingual welcome banners, which were designed by Student Senators, arrived and are now put up in the school. The Homeland's Herald

Transcript of 2420 Homelands Drive, Mississauga, Ontario L5K …...robin play and games within one or two points!...

Page 1: 2420 Homelands Drive, Mississauga, Ontario L5K …...robin play and games within one or two points! Mr. Cobban and Mr. Williams are very proud of your hard work! The girls defeated

2420 Homelands Drive, Mississauga, Ontario L5K 1H2

Phone (905) 822-2031 Fax (905) 822-4502

Website: http://schools.peelschools.org/1323 Follow us on Twitter @Homelands323

November 2019 Newsletter Mateja Drinovac Principal

Simone Wallace Vice Principal

Roberta Leonardi Office Manager

Robin Sciascia Office Assistant

Nina Jaiswal Superintendent (905) 366-8800

Brad MacDonald Trustee Wards 2 & 8 (905) 828-6929

Transportation Stopr.ca (905)890-6000 Attendance Check 1(855)209-6155 Safe Arrival Parent Portal pdsb.schoolconnects.com

Student Senate Report

By: Afnan, Hang, Jonathan and Sara L.

Student Senate in October

Assemblies, creative posters and cultural foods

are all things the Student Senate has helped to

prepare in October! First, students filled out a

Google Form to apply to be a Student Senate

Leader. Next, Student Senate Leaders signed

up to be involved in different activities (e.g.,

Ambassadors, Food Drive, and Assemblies etc.).

Then, students organized and prepared for our

Islamic Heritage Month Assembly on October

31st. Students worked very hard practising for

the assembly. Student Senate Equity Advocates

also decorated our Equity Board to represent

Islamic Heritage Month. On October 29th,

students who ordered their shawarma and falafel

wraps were treated to a delicious lunch as a part

of our Cultural Foods Day. Finally - exciting

news - two multilingual welcome banners, which

were designed by Student Senators, arrived and

are now put up in the school.

The Homeland's Herald

Page 2: 2420 Homelands Drive, Mississauga, Ontario L5K …...robin play and games within one or two points! Mr. Cobban and Mr. Williams are very proud of your hard work! The girls defeated

Recent School Events and Activities

Here are some of the highlights of activities and

events happening at Homelands. First, in

September the Colour House Sorting Assembly

and the Terry Fox Run took place. That day

many Grade 6 and 7 students new to the school

were sorted into their Colour Houses! The

chocolate fundraising started at the beginning of

October and ended recently. Students sold many

boxes and received amazing prizes! There have

been many clubs and sports teams going on this

year too! So far these have included:

-Sports (soccer, running club, intramurals,


-Model UN

-Library Leaders

-Bake Club

-Eco Club

-Art Club

-Boys’ and Girls’ Club

-Music (Jazz Band, Choir, Senior Band, Music

Study Hall)

-Games Club

Stay tuned for more clubs and teams starting up.

Students are to remember to check the online

announcements each day.

Coming Up in November:

You might have been excited about the

awesome things that have already taken place,

but here are some of the upcoming events yet to

happen! First of all, the Homelands Food Drive is

in November and will be organized by the

Student Senate. Please bring in non-perishable

food and toiletries from November 12 - 29 for

families who need help in the community.

November is also Indigenous Heritage and

Hindu Heritage month. The Student Senate will

be preparing activities and events to recognize

and celebrate these communities. Over the

school year, the Equity Advocates will update

the Equity Board and prepare assemblies and

activities for monthly recognitions. The Student

Senate will also be voting on Spirit Days to help

build our school spirit and community. Finally

(for now), the Student Senate will be creating a

Student Voice Survey to get more input from


We hope you had a great start to the term for

this school year. Stay tuned for more clubs,

teams, events, and Student Senate news!

Important Dates

November 7, 14, 21, 28 ~Pizza Days

November 8 Progress Reports go home

November 11 Remembrance Day

November 14 Reporting to Parents - PM

November 15 Reporting to Parents - AM

November 15 PA Day – No School for Students

November 28 Monthly Assembly

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Physical and Health Education

Wow it got cold outside all of a sudden! But

that's ok, because our work in the gym will heat

things up. Students will be alternating between

volleyball and Health classes. In the former, we

will focus on skill building around volleying,

passing and serving, and in the latter we will

focus on personal safety and injury prevention,

as well as on mental health and substance

abuse. Students will be expected to complete

activities during class time and hand them in, for

assessment, on time inside their duotangs.

Parents, please check to ensure that your child

is bringing a change of clothing for gym class, in

a bag with deodorant. Unscented roll-ons only

please, no sprays.

Sports Corner Congratulations to the boy’s football team who had an amazing tournament; some tough round robin play and games within one or two points! Mr. Cobban and Mr. Williams are very proud of your hard work! The girls defeated every team in the round robin at their tournament, but a ‘suspect’ call in the semi-finals placed them in the bronze medal match. The girls demonstrated resilience and excellent athletic skills and finished with the bronze medal. Ms. Breuer is super proud of all of them! Intramural European handball action continues in the gym at lunch time. Games continue on Tuesdays and Thursdays and playoffs happen in November. All information is posted on the morning announcements! Volleyball tryouts are currently underway. The senior girl’s tournament will be on Nov 27th, and the senior boy’s tournament will be at the beginning of December. Fundraising We are pleased to announce that Homelands school has organized a clothing collection with Bag2School to raise funds. Please donate any unwanted clothing - hats, belts, purses, footwear (tied in pairs please) - and soft/stuffed toys. You may drop off the items at the school on November 13 -20 from 8:30am to 3:00pm.Thank you for your continued support.



Be Aware!

Staff, students and visitors are asked to

remember that the Peel Board has “No Scents is

Good Sense” guidelines. In consideration of

those with allergies, staff, students and visitors

are urged not to wear or use scented products

such as perfumes, deodorants, lotions, shampoo

or cologne. Thank you for contributing to a

healthy indoor air environment for everyone.

Medications at School

For any students requiring medication at school

please come to the office and pick up an

Administration of Medication Form (Appendix A

and B) and a Plan of Care Form. The Plan of

Care form must be completed by parents and

the Administration of Medication Forms must be

completed by your physician and signed by the

parent/guardian. When completed they must be

returned to the office where we will keep them

on file.

Keeping lunches and

snacks peanut-free Anaphylaxis is a potentially life-threatening

allergic reaction that affects some children. We

ask that you help us take care of these students

by sending lunches and snacks for your child

that are free from peanuts or nuts, because

these foods are the leading cause of


Please read the label of any food you plan to

send to school with your child. If the label says,

"May contain nuts or peanuts," please do not

send it to school.

You can get a complete copy of the Peel board's

anaphylaxis guideline at www.peelschools.org

under the Parent tab, under Student Health.

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School Council Corner

Parents/Guardians: You can make a difference in your child’s education! Each month we will be sharing information, resources and tips for parents about how they can get more involved in their child’s education. The following link will take you to the Ontario Ministry of Education’s Parent Information page. Here, parents can access a range of useful information in a number of different languages. Ontario Ministry of Education: Parents -


Our next School Council Meeting will be on

November 21st at 6:30 pm. We will be talking

about grade 8 course selection.

If you would like to know more or are interested

in joining our council, please contact Bradley

Knight at [email protected]

Get involved in your child’s

education Research shows parent involvement positively

affects student success. Becoming more involved

brings many benefits. You will get to know teachers,

the principal and other parents better. You will be

able to share your talents, experiences and ideas.

You will inspire youth—and be inspired by them. You

will show your child how much you value

education. You will gain insights that can help you

to boost your child's learning. And you could develop

skills and knowledge that can help you in your own


There are many ways to be involved. Attending

the Peel District School Board's annual parent

conference, volunteering at your child's school,

talking to your teen about their school day and

reading with your child at night are all forms of

parent involvement.

Visit www.peelschools.org/parents/involved

to learn more

Homelands celebrates Indigenous Heritage Month in November

Schools across Peel will participate in a number

of activities in November to recognize, celebrate

and honour the rich heritage, culture,

contributions and diversity of First Nation, Inuit

and Métis communities across Canada.

On June 19, 2019, as part of the board’s

commitment to equity and inclusion and to help

better reflect student identity, trustees approved

a motion to recognize and celebrate Indigenous

Heritage Month in the month of November. This

month includes several dates of significance,

including, Treaty Recognition Week, Indigenous

Veterans Day, Louis Riel Day, and the Peel

Community Cultural Indigenous Celebration and

Pow Wow.

In addition to Indigenous Heritage Month, the

Peel board has also approved a motion to

recognize and celebrate Islamic Heritage Month

in October, Hindu Heritage Month in November,

Sikh Heritage Month in April and Jewish

Heritage Month in May. The board will continue

to recognize Black History Month in February,

Asian Heritage Month in May and Pride Month in


The House of Commons officially recognized

June as National Indigenous History Month

following a unanimous motion in 2009. In the

month of June, Peel board schools and

worksites will raise and/or display the flag of the

Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation in the

spirit of equity, inclusion and reconciliation. The

raising of this flag is only one of the ways we

help to create spaces that are inclusive,

welcoming and safe for students, staff and


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Peel District School Board to support Treaties Recognition Week

Treaties Recognition Week was introduced in 2016 to honour the importance of treaties and to help Ontarians learn more about treaty rights and treaty relationships between Indigenous and non-Indigenous people. This year, Treaties Recognition Week will take place from November 4 to 8, 2019.

The Truth and Reconciliation Commission of

Canada (TRC) has issued 94 Calls to Action,

which include calls for schools and communities

to teach students about Treaties. Addressing the

TRC’s Calls to Action are embedded in Peel’s

commitment to achieve inclusion for all through

continuous progress on equity. This commitment

is captured in Peel’s Plan for Student Success.

The Peel District School Board is proud to

support Treaties Recognition Week to help bring

awareness to students and staff about their

collective treaty obligations in Canada.

For resources and information on Treaties,

please visit the Government of Ontario website

as well as The First Nations, Métis and Inuit

Education Association of Ontario website.

Nov. 7 – Celebrate Peel Teaching Assistant and Early Childhood Educators’ Appreciation Day In 2014, the board of trustees declared the last

Wednesday in October as the Peel Teaching

Assistant and Early Childhood Educators’ (ECE)

Appreciation Day. This year, the recognition day

falls on Nov. 7, 2019. The Peel board

appreciates the important work of teaching

assistants and ECEs, and the contributions that

they make in the lives of children, families and

community members

Homelands Sr. P.S. celebrates

Hindu Heritage Month

During Hindu Heritage Month, schools across

Peel will participate in a number of activities that

recognize and celebrate the rich heritage,

history, culture and contributions of Hindu

Canadians as well as Hindu communities from

around the world.

On April 9, 2019, as part of the board’s commitment to equity and inclusion, the Peel board approved a motion to recognize and celebrate Hindu Heritage Month in November. In addition to Hindu Heritage Month, the Peel board also approved a motion to recognize and celebrate Islamic Heritage Month in October, Indigenous Heritage Month in November, Sikh Heritage Month in April and Jewish Heritage Month in May. The board will continue to recognize Black History Month in February, Asian Heritage Month in May and Pride Month in June. The Province of Ontario declared the month of

November as Hindu Heritage Month in 2016.

The month of November was chosen in

recognition of “Deepawali” or “Diwali”, which is a

significant festival in the Hindu community.

On October 4, 2018, a Member of Parliament

introduced a Private Member’s Bill (PMB), Bill C-

416 in the House of Commons to designate the

month of October as Hindu Heritage Month in

Canada. The bill is currently going through

several stages to become law.

Nov. 29 – Say 'thanks' for Peel Custodial & Maintenance Workers’ Day In 2014, the board of trustees declared the last

Friday in November as the Peel Custodial and

Maintenance Workers’ Day. This year, the

recognition day falls on Friday, Nov. 29, 2019. Take

this opportunity to thank the important work of

custodial and maintenance workers and their hard

work and commitment to well-being and safety.

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Bus cancellation and closing schools due to bad weather During the winter months, we may need to

cancel buses or close schools because of

inclement weather.

Information regarding details of cancellations or

closures will be announced on radio, television

stations and will also be available on Twitter

@Peelschools, Twitter @STOPRinfo, Facebook

at www.facebook.com/peelschools,

www.peelschools.org and www.stopr.ca or by

calling 905-890-1010 or 1-800-668-1146.

One of the following messages will be


Peel District School Board buses are

cancelled -

This means that schools remain open for

students and staff, but buses are cancelled. Bus

cancellations could occur in all or parts of

municipalities. Buses will remain cancelled all

day. All activities that require busing will also be

cancelled. Permits, night school classes, child

care and other activities in schools will operate

as usual.

All Peel District School Board schools and

board offices are closed -

This means that all schools and Peel board

offices are closed to students and staff. All

activities in schools and board offices are also

cancelled, including child care, night school and


All evening programs and permits at the Peel

District School Board are cancelled -

This means that all activities in schools and Peel

board offices are cancelled, including continuing

education courses and events. The buildings will

be closed.

All weekend programs and permits at the

Peel District School Board are cancelled -

This means that all activities in schools and Peel

board offices are cancelled, including continuing

education courses and events. The buildings will

be closed.

Peel Public Health shares tips to help prevent the flu

It’s flu season and we want to make sure

students stay as healthy as possible this year!

Influenza (flu) spreads easily from one person to

another and Peel Public Health has some tips to

help reduce the risk of catching the flu and

spreading it:

Get your annual flu shot: The flu shot is

your best defence against the flu. There

are many locations across Peel where

you can get your flu shots:

Family Doctors’ offices

Walk-in clinics


Peel flu clinics

Keep children home when they’re

sick: If your child develops flu-like signs

and symptoms (fever, cough, sore throat,

body aches, headache, chills and

fatigue), keep them home from school.

Contact your health care provider if

symptoms are severe.

Practice good hygiene: Help your child

get into the habit of covering their nose

and mouth with a tissue when they cough

or sneeze and throw tissues in the trash.

Cough or sneeze into a sleeve or elbow,

if they don’t have a tissue. They should

also avoid touching their eyes, nose or

mouth. This is how germs are spread.

Wash your hands: Encourage your child

to wash their hands often with soap and

water or use hand sanitizer, especially

after they cough or sneeze.

For more information, call Peel Public Health at

905-799-7700 or visit www.peelregion.ca/flu.

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Help your teen plan for grade 9 course selections for 2020-21

Soon, current grade 8 students will select their

courses for grade 9. Before they do, we want to

ensure that they have the opportunity to consult

with their teachers, guidance counsellor, if

applicable, and their parents.

As our partners, families are encouraged to help

prepare their teens for course selection. We

encourage you to become familiar with the

process by creating a myBlueprint account.

Additionally, parents/guardians and students can

review Chart Your Course, the Peel District

School Board’s common course calendar, at


secalendar. This guide will help you understand

the course selection process and provide

information on the courses and programs offered

in Peel secondary schools.

You can also visit www.myBlueprint.ca/Peel,

an online planning tool that includes the


high school planner for course selection


career spectrum for finding your learning style

occupation planner for exploring careers

post-secondary planner for opportunities after high school

The grade 9 course selection process will be

open from Nov. 11 to Dec. 3, 2019. If you have

questions or are looking for course suggestions,

please contact your teen’s teachers or guidance


Regional Learning Choices

programs unlock passions

Regional Learning Choices Programs, offered by the Peel District School Board, empower students by providing them with opportunities to develop and explore skills in a particular area of interest. Regional programs are open to all students who meet the criteria for acceptance. Students and their families are encouraged to attend the information night for the program of their choice to receive more information about the program and application details. Transportation is not provided for students in regional programs. If students have been accepted into a regional program and they live within the school boundary, they are eligible for busing only if they meet the distance criteria outlined in the board’s Transportation Policy #39. All regional programs include a non-refundable application fee and an annual program fee. All RLCP application fees are $40 annual fees, except the Truck and Coach program that is offered at no cost. IMPORTANT DATES


Applications open

Jan. 28, 2019 at 12:01 a.m.

Nov. 5, 2018 at 12:01 a.m.

Applications close

Feb. 11, 2019 at 3 p.m. Nov. 21, 2018 at 3 p.m.



Starts in grade: 6 7 9

Actively in Motion (AIM) – Royal

Orchard MS

Advanced Placement – Central Peel SS,

John Fraser SS

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Arts – Earnscliffe Sr. PS (starts in grade

6), Queen Elizabeth Sr. PS (starts in

grade 7), Cawthra Park SS, Mayfield SS

Arts and Technology – Morning Star MS

Graphic Design Management – T.L.

Kennedy SS

International Baccalaureate – Bristol

Road. MS, W.G. Davis Sr. PS, Erindale SS,

Glenforest SS, Harold M. Brathwaite SS,

Turner Fenton SS

International Business and Technology –

Allan A. Martin Sr. PS, Lisgar MS,

Williams Parkway. Sr. PS, Meadowvale

SS, North Park SS, T.L. Kennedy SS

International and Executive Leadership

Academy – T.L. Kennedy SS

Regional Skilled Trades – West Credit SS

(starting in September 2019)

SciTech – Centennial Sr. PS, Macville PS,

Tomken Road. MS, Chinguacousy SS,

Port Credit SS

Sports – Applewood Heights SS

Strings – Central Peel SS, Port Credit SS

Truck and Coach Engineering

and Technology – Bramalea SS

For more information about program information

nights, busing, fees and the application

process/dates, visit


Engage. Educate. Empower.

Speakers Series.

After 18 years, the Peel District School Board is

revamping its annual parent conference. After

hearing from participants, we are changing the

traditional full-day workshop model to a multi-

evening speaker series focused on a specific subject,

where parents and caregivers will hear from a

keynote speaker followed by a panel who will take

audience questions. We will also invite Peel board

departments, groups and community partners to

share their information in an exhibitor area.

The Engage. Educate. Empower. Speaker Series is

co-presented by the Peel Elementary Teachers’

Local. Without their support, this free learning event

for parents/caregivers would not be possible.

Date and Time

Location Topic and Speaker

Monday, Nov. 4, 2019 5 to 8 p.m.

HJA Brown Education Centre, 5650 Hurontario St., Mississauga

Digital citizenship and online safety featuring Jesse Miller

Wednesday, Jan. 22, 2020

Chinguacousy Secondary School, 1370 Williams Pkwy., Brampton


Wednesday, Feb. 26, 2020

Mayfield Secondary School, 5000 Mayfield Rd., Caledon East


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*These free events are open to all Peel board parents

of students at all grade levels.

Reserve your spot for the first session starting Oct.

7, 2019 at


Jump start your future with Explore

High Skills Explore High Skills is a Peel District School Board

pathway program that allows secondary schools with

Specialist High Skills Major (SHSM) programs to offer

a unique specialized program choice for grade 9 and

10 students.

These sector-related programs are available to

students in all skill levels and in all pathways.

Specialized programs in grade 9, like Explore High

Skills, provide unique learning experiences to engage

students as they transition to high school. Students

can focus their learning on an area of interest as they

build self-confidence, learn essential skills, and

develop a sense of belonging in school and in the


To enroll in the Explore High Skills program,

students will indicate their interest when selecting

high school courses in the fall. For more

information about the program and participating

schools, go to


Peel District School Board program

offers flexible school options for

student athletes, artists

Does your child/teen have an intense sports or arts

training and competition schedule that makes it

difficult to attend school regularly? The Peel District

School Board’s Peel Region High Performers Program

will offer flexible timetabling to accommodate

student athletes and artists with demanding

practice, competition, rehearsal and/or performance


Peel Region High Performers Program is offered at:

Britannia Public School (grades 4 to 5)

Dolphin Sr. Public School (grades 6 to 8)

Mississauga Secondary School (grades 9 to 12)

Information nights will be offered as follows:

Location Information Night

Britannia Public School Nov. 7, 2019 from 6:30 to

8 p.m.

Dolphin Sr. Public School Nov. 6, 2019 from 6:30 to

8 p.m.

Mississauga Secondary


Nov. 5, 2019 from 6:30 to

8 p.m.

For more information, visit


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Registration open – Continuing

Education International Languages

program for K-12 students

The opportunity to study a language in addition to

English and French can benefit all students, society in

general and an increasingly independent world,


students with no prior knowledge of a particular language

students whose first language is English or French and who wish to study their home languages as a second or third language

students whose first language is their home language

The International Languages program is based on

oral communications, reading and writing in

languages other than English or French. Grammar

and language knowledge are incorporated into each

of the three skill areas.

Any student who is currently enrolled in a Peel

District School Board elementary or secondary

school is eligible to attend.

Classes operate each Saturday from mid-September

to mid-June, except for holiday weekends and school

vacations. Credit classes are 3.5 hours per day and

run from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Elementary classes

are 2.5 hours per day and run from 10 a.m. to 12:30


Registration is currently open. In partnership with

School-day, Continuing Education offers an online,

cashless registration process. Please visit

www.peelschools.org/conted/il for further


Our work has just begun.

The Peel Learning Foundation’s mission is to raise

funds to enable Peel District School Board students

to achieve personal excellence by providing

resources that help them overcome barriers. We

officially launched in February 2019, and to date, the

foundation has supported more than 200 students.

Did you know that 1 in 5 students in Peel Region face

barriers related to poverty!

That’s more than 27,000 Peel board students.

Through the Student Emergency Needs program and

Student Backpack program, the support we provide

can be as simple as providing funds for food or

transportation, a winter coat, or a backpack filled

with school supplies. This type of support can enrich

a student's school experience and help them achieve

success. Any teacher, staff or support person can

speak confidentially to their school’s principal, vice-

principal or supervisor when they encounter a

student in need, who will then reach out to us to ask

for help.

There are many ways that you can support the

foundation. A gift will help us achieve great things

for students. To learn more, visit


You can help us create hopeful tomorrows.

www.PeelLearningFoundation.org l 905-890-1010 ext. 2461 l [email protected]

@PeelLearningFDN l /PeelLearningFDN

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Give what you can on United Way Giving Day – Nov. 14, 2019 At the Peel District School Board, our mission is

to inspire success, confidence and hope in each

student – each and every day. Yet we know that

there are many needs in our community that we

can’t address on our own, like providing food for

families that may go without or supporting

communities after a crisis. That’s why we are

holding a board-wide giving day in support of

United Way Greater Toronto, a key partner and

supporter of Peel families.

This year, the Peel board has declared Nov. 14

as United Way Giving Day to raise much needed

funds for United Way Greater Toronto and the

network of local, Peel social service agencies it

supports. Whether it’s providing shelter for a

mother and her children in Brampton, matching a

child who is at risk with a mentor in Caledon, or

funding a breakfast program in Mississauga for

youth that would otherwise go hungry, United

Way offers hope and possibility to thousands in

our community.

A donation of:

$2 may go towards a breakfast program for a child from a low income family.

$10 supports a child with interactive, recreational outings for one year, including healthy snacks and transportation, to help them build their social skills and self-esteem.

$25 is enough to provide a daily homework club that gives children and youth access to computers, peer support and mentors.

This is a completely voluntary campaign and any

contributions are welcome. Whether you send a

loonie, toonie, cheque made out to United Way

Greater Toronto, or donate through school cash

online, your contribution will make a difference.

Pledges of $25 or more will receive a tax receipt

from United Way Greater Toronto. To receive a

receipt, you must fill out the pledge form on the

back and send it to school with your donation by

Dec. 13, 2019. If you donate through School

Cash Online, attach a copy of your receipt to

your completed pledge form.

Thank you for lending a helping hand to those

who need it most. Together, we can help those

in poverty which wouldn’t be possible without

your continued support – your local love can

change lives.

Stan Cameron Peter Joshua

Chair of the Board Director of Education

#chooseACTION on Bullying Awareness and Prevention Week

The Peel District School Board will recognize

Bullying Awareness and Prevention Week,

November 17 to 23, 2019.

Bullying is a form of harassment. The World

Health Organization says, “Bullying…demands

the concerted and coordinated time and

attention of health-care providers, policy-makers

and families.” (Prevention of Bullying, 2010)

Bullying is a relationship problem, with

relationship solutions.

Each year, across the Peel board, students, staff

and families engage in learning and

programming opportunities focussed on actively

disrupting bullying, by creating positive and safe

Climates for Learning and Working, built on a

foundation of healthy relationships.

Page 12: 2420 Homelands Drive, Mississauga, Ontario L5K …...robin play and games within one or two points! Mr. Cobban and Mr. Williams are very proud of your hard work! The girls defeated

This year the Peel board community will

‘#chooseACTION to STOP hate’ in their

classrooms, offices, schools and communities, in

order to make these spaces better places for


Establishing and maintaining a positive Climate

for Learning and Working requires all of us to

actively intervene on assumptions, stereotyping,

bias, discrimination and hate. We must

proactively act and speak in ways that are

inclusive, accepting of others and values


Throughout the week, we will be highlighting the

importance of being an upstanding bystander by

acting to stop hate:

Step 1: Stop the Action

Step 2: Name it

Step 3: Explain the impact/harm

Step 4: Ask the person causing the harm to

change their behavior

Step 5: Support the person harmed.

The Peel board would like to hear about the big

and small actions, pledges, and promises our

Peel community values, and ask that you take a

moment to share your #chooseACTION to STOP

hate” moments on social media.

Bullying Awareness and Prevention Week is one

of the key items contained in Bill 13: The

Accepting Schools Act that came into effect on

Sept. 1, 2012. For more information, visit


ng or



Is Extended French right for my child? If your child will be starting grade 7 in September

2020, one of the important choices you will make is

whether you want to apply for the Extended French

(EF) program.

Your EF school your child would attend, is Green

Glade Sr. P.S. (905) 822-8386.

Information night - Attend the information

meeting at the EF school your child would attend -

Thursday, Nov. 21, 2019 at 7pm

Applications open - Apply at

www.peelschools.org/French Monday, Nov. 25,

2019 at 8:30 a.m.

Application deadline - Applications received after

this date will be put on a waiting list. Friday, Jan. 31,


Page 13: 2420 Homelands Drive, Mississauga, Ontario L5K …...robin play and games within one or two points! Mr. Cobban and Mr. Williams are very proud of your hard work! The girls defeated

Student Transportation of Peel Region November Newsletter 2019

Dear Families, Parents and Guardians: Now that the clocks are turned back an hour winter will soon be here! It is very important that everyone using the school bus system is familiar with STOPR’s winter weather procedures. STOPR will monitor weather and road conditions during the winter months and will make a decision to cancel school transportation by 06:00 am each morning. When it is necessary to cancel school transportation, STOPR will post this information on our website at www.STOPR.ca and on our “twitter” account @STOPRinfo. Local radio stations and media will also broadcast cancellation information, however we encourage parents/guardians to follow us on twitter and check the STOPR website for the most up to date cancellation information. We also encourage Parents, Guardians and older Students to visit our website and sign into the “Parent/Student login” to register to receive automatic email or text alerts for school bus delay or cancellation information.

Here are some school bus safety tips to help keep your children safe through the winter months:

children at the bus stop or arrange to have someone wait with them;


appropriately for the cold winter weather as unexpected mechanical problems with school buses can occur during winter months;

coat with reflective safety strips for added visibility;

snow banks while they are walking to the bus stop and while they are waiting for the bus;

while walking to the bus;

bus, someone could fall and slide under the bus;

or exiting the bus to prevent slipping on wet or icy steps; Student Transportation of Peel Region November Newsletter 2019

Page 14: 2420 Homelands Drive, Mississauga, Ontario L5K …...robin play and games within one or two points! Mr. Cobban and Mr. Williams are very proud of your hard work! The girls defeated

What should you do if your bus is late or cancelled? It is important to talk to your children about what to do if their bus is delayed or cancelled on inclement weather mornings. Here are some suggestions:

bus is delayed or cancelled? For example, do they have an emergency contact person they can call or a neighbour they can go to;

someone they can walk to the bus stop and wait for the bus with? Always remember that if your school bus is cancelled in the morning due to inclement weather, it will also be cancelled in the afternoon. Parents and Guardians should know their

children’s school bus route number and the

name of the Bus Company transporting their

children. If you do not know this information, visit

our website and sign into the “Parent/Student

login” to find and document this important


Tips for staying warm and comfortable during the winter from the Canada Safety Council:

hat, most body heat is lost through the head;

trapped around the body;

warmth and stability look for these features: well-insulated, waterproof, thick non-slip tread sole made of natural rubber, wide low heels and light-weight;

school with you;

pair of mittens to school with you;

help you keep warm and healthy in the winter.

Student Transportation of Peel Region November

Newsletter 2019

Page 15: 2420 Homelands Drive, Mississauga, Ontario L5K …...robin play and games within one or two points! Mr. Cobban and Mr. Williams are very proud of your hard work! The girls defeated

Islamic Heritage Month


Presentation Assembly

Page 16: 2420 Homelands Drive, Mississauga, Ontario L5K …...robin play and games within one or two points! Mr. Cobban and Mr. Williams are very proud of your hard work! The girls defeated