
Get Homework/Assignment Done Homeworkping.com Homework Help https://www.homeworkping.com/ Research Paper help https://www.homeworkping.com/ Online Tutoring https://www.homeworkping.com/ click here for freelancing tutoring sites Daily Schedule and Arrival . 8:00 AM Facility Open/Morning Set Up -TUTORS 9:15 AM Opening Assembly (Nursery children should be dropped off before Opening Assembly.) 9:30 AM Foundations Classes Begin 12:00 PM Lunch- this should be a time of fellowship. Please no wild play. 12:30 PM “Recess” (Playground and back field) 12:55 PM Clean up and head home!


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Transcript of 241913222-CC-Handbook

Page 1: 241913222-CC-Handbook

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Daily Schedule and Arrival .

8:00 AM Facility Open/Morning Set Up -TUTORS9:15 AM Opening Assembly (Nursery children should be dropped off before Opening Assembly.)

9:30 AM Foundations Classes Begin 12:00 PM Lunch- this should be a time of fellowship. Please no wild play.12:30 PM “Recess” (Playground and back field)12:55 PM Clean up and head home!

Opening Assembly **Family Presentation schedule can be found on our website http://fairfaxcctrivium.wix.com/ccfairfax**

Opening Assembly begins promptly at 9:15 AM in the Sanctuary. Children should be seated with their parents or quietly seated with friends.

Each week, one family will give a presentation about their family. This will take place during the Assembly.

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Please keep your presentation under 5 minutes! After 3 P’s, announcements will be given and students will then be dismissed to their classes and escorted

by their respective tutors to their rooms. Parents please arrive promptly to your assigned class.

Weather Cancellation Policy

We don’t always follow Fairfax County Public Schools. An email and or TEXT notification will be sent to parents as soon as the decision to cancel is made, so please check your emails before you leave the house Thursday mornings. If we do end up needing to have to cancel one week, we will make the missed class. Of course, we don’t want to have to cancel our classes unless absolutely necessary.

Lunch Hour  

Please have your family bring a bag lunch and a drink and stay for picnic lunch and fellowship. In an attempt to keep the classrooms tidy we ask that children remain outside during playground time. This being said, on rainy or particularly hot days, you may supervise your children in the nursery in lieu of playing on the playground when necessary ( As always, remember to tidy up after play time.) During the “recess”/lunch break it is not uncommon to find children playing in the bathroom or wandering in and out of classrooms. Please do not allow them to go into the rooms or bathrooms unattended to play, we are guests at FBC, it is better for children to be outside when it is not classroom time.

Please keep your children with you at all times during lunch. (12:00-12:35) This allows everyone to eat and be still a while with little distraction. Please remember that you are responsible for your children during this break, and they should be with you or eating with a friend during the lunch break. **At 12:35, families should begin cleaning their eating area.


For Nursery Children:

A labeled diaper bag containing diapers, wipes, change of clothes for those potty training, etc. A labeled cup/bottle per child

For Foundations Children:

Drink with lid {preferably water or other non-staining juice} Presentation/Show-&-Tell items Tin Whistle {weeks 7-12} Paint Shirt {weeks 13-18}

For Foundations Parents:

Lunch for your family Snack for children Your Foundations Guide


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And What to Leave …

Electronic devices are not needed on campus. This program only meets for a few hours a week, and all families are encouraged to use this interaction time to its fullest by leaving electronic games, etc. at home. In addition, for the safety of all, items such as pocketknives, BB guns, rip sticks, and the like are not to be brought to campus or used as part of a presentation. Cell phones or other devices should not be out or used during class time. Parents, please step out of the room if there is an emergency requiring your immediate attention so the class is not interrupted and please keep texting during class to a minimum. The tutors rely on your assistance and the students see you as a role model for what is acceptable during class time.

Sick Child Policy

What signs should I monitor to see if my child should stay home from CC or away from other children? Ask yourself these questions:

1) Does my child feel well enough to comfortably participate in the program’s activities? Sick children who are lethargic or whiny are often giving clues that they would be better off resting at home.

2) Can the tutor attend to your sick children without risk to others?

3) Did the doctor diagnose a contagious illness that should keep your sick child at home? Illnesses such as pink eye, scabies, head lice, impetigo, strep infection, whooping cough, and chicken pox are highly contagious. In this case, your child should remain isolated from others until the risk of infecting others has passed.

Does your child have any of these symptoms?

Fever above 99 degrees Fahrenheit

Signs of possible severe illness such as uncontrolled coughing, difficulty breathing, wheezing, persistent crying or lethargy. Diarrhea {loose or runny stools}, a stool that runs out of a diaper, or a sick child who can’t reach the bathroom in time. Vomiting … most healthcare providers recommend or require a child to stay away from other children for a minimum of 24

hours. Any sort of rash, especially when accompanied by a fever or behavioral changes.

If so, most providers indicate that your child should stay at home until the illness is no longer contagious {i.e., 24 hours fever and symptom free} and she/he feels well enough to participate in the activities.

While having a sick child is a hardship for most families, it is important that parents follow the Golden Rule. Thank you for considering these recommendations and implementing them for your children during the program.


Parent– The parent is the primary teacher. He/She is fully responsible for the student’s

education. Parents are required to stay in the classroom during Foundations and Essentials.

Tutor– The tutor provides weekly academic support in the classroom by facilitating

activities and modeling the classical method.

Student– The student will participate in class and will work on the weekly program at

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home to the best of his/her ability.

“By definition, discipleship can only come through relationships. A parent who spends many years

studying with a child to show themselves approved unto God, a workman that needeth not be ashamed,

rightly dividing the work of truth (2 Timothy 2:15) is far more effective than a stranger with a textbook for

a semester.” –Leigh Bortins

Discipline Policy Classical Conversations is committed to helping our enrolled students develop Christian character in their studies. Therefore, encouraging one another to exhibit Godly character is an important part of our entire program.

Specific standards that will be upheld on our campus include:

Treating each person with gentleness and respect. Obeying authority. Answering and making eye contact when speaking. Exhibiting a respectful tone of voice. Using courtesies like “please” and “thank you.” Demonstrating respect to people and property.

For conflicts that arise within the classroom and on our campus, we will adhere to the Biblical standard set forth in Matthew 18.

If there is a problem with a child disrupting the class or acting in a manner that is disrespectful to others, he/she will be lovingly, but firmly advised to stop the behavior.

If the child continues to be disrespectful or disruptive, the child may be asked to leave the room and sit with the parent. A follow-up phone call from the tutor to the parent will occur to discuss the situation, and the Director will be advised of the situation.

If the problem persists, then further action may be necessary and could result in being asked to leave the program.

As parents and tutors, it is our privilege and responsibility to encourage and equip our children for success in the classroom and in group activities. Let us pursue an attitude of grace with one another and use discretion with our spoken words. Our communications should always build up, not tear down.

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Romans 14:19, “So then we pursue the things which make for peace and the building up of one another.”

“Whatever you do, do your work heartily, as for the Lord rather than for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the

inheritance. It is the Lord Christ whom you serve.” Colossians 3:23-24

Through wisdom a house is built; and by understanding it is established; through knowledge its rooms are filled

with rare and beautiful treasures.”

~ Proverbs 24:3-4 ~