22 The Power of Positive Aging VHCA 2021

1 MARY ANN JOHNSON VHCA-VCAL ACTIVITY TRAINING June, 2021 THE POWER OF POSITIVE AGING Goals and Objectives At the end of this session, participants will be able to: Define old and state why there needs to be a change in how we look at age State the three possible theories of aging State the importance of providing a positive environment for people as they progress through life Identify physical impairments that may occur with older adults Implement the topics that have been covered in this course 1 2

Transcript of 22 The Power of Positive Aging VHCA 2021

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Goals and Objectives

At the end of this session, participants will be able to:

⚫Define old and state why there needs to be a change in how we look at age

⚫State the three possible theories of aging⚫State the importance of providing a positive

environment for people as they progress through life⚫Identify physical impairments that may occur with

older adults⚫Implement the topics that have been covered in this




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How do you define OLD? Why do we need to change our perspective on what agism is?

Do your Residents look like this?



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⚫Or this?

Or this?



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Who are your residents?

⚫Do you know who is in your unit?⚫Do you consider them OLD?⚫Do they like to see you coming down the hall?⚫Do you have many of them coming to your

activities?⚫Do you look at them as individuals?⚫Do you call him by his name?⚫Do you know what his background is? (lifestyle

before coming into your community, likes, dislikes, etc.)

Normal Aging may result in being:

⚫Slow to recall people’s names or facts from the past.

⚫Possibly feeling the effects of arthritis or other physical issues

⚫Hearing may be difficult⚫Eyesight is not as sharp as it used to be⚫The person may be physically active⚫Most older adults do not have memory




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Normal Memory Changes

Some minor forgetfulness is common in normal, healthy, older adults; significant loss of memory is NOT a normal part of aging.

Other changes as we become Elders

1. Sound- difficulty processing, sensitive to sound, diminished hearing

1. Taste- changes in taste bud sensitivity may interfere with the ability to taste flavors

1. Smell-some may have heightened sense of smell while for others, smell is diminished some may not have any sense of smell.

Alzheimer’s Today, Volume 14, Number 4, Alzheimer’s Foundation of America, 2019



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Other changes as we become Elders

4. Sight- images not interpreted by brain, person disoriented, unable to recognize familiar or peoplemay have motion blindness, impaired depth perception, inability to recognize colors, difficulty seeing contrast in colors

5. Touch-impact of fine motor changes, not being able to button, eat with a fork difficulty feeling and expressing pain

Alzheimer’s Today, Volume 14, Number 4, Alzheimer’s Foundation of America, 2019

Universal Tips for The Senses

1. Soundwatch tone, pitch and volumeminimize background noiseOffer sounds that are pleasing to the listener

2. Tasteuse herbs and spiceschange texturebe aware of changes in eating habits

work with nutritionist to identify food options



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Universal Tips for The Senses (con’t)

3. Smell⚪regularly check smoke and carbon monoxide

detector batteries4. Sight

⚪be aware of wall colors, make sure there are contrasting colors for doors, floors. Use solid colors on floors not huge color blocks of tile

⚪keep color at a minimum5. Touch

⚪give things to hold, or are different textures⚪watch temperature ⚪consider therapeutic touch

Dementia diseases

⚫The person diagnosed with cognitive impairment can be any age, not just in the category of over 60.

⚫Dementia diseases are not part of normal aging.



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Illnesses that Mimic Dementia Diseases

⚫Medication toxicity⚫Infection- UTI or Pneumonia⚫Nutritional Deficiencies⚫Trauma (Physical or emotional injury)⚫Depression⚫Alcohol Abuse⚫Fever

TV ads use some people who are unable to care for themselves, or they may offer medications that will make us feel younger or possibly have some super powers if we take them.

Society does not always provide a model of aging in a positive way.



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Let’s look at some theories of Social Gerontology

Activity Theory

Research shows that:⚫ successful aging: stay active and maintain social

interactions⚫Aging process is delayed and the quality of life is

enhanced.⚫Assumes a positive relationship between activity

and life satisfaction⚫Overlooks qualities in health and economics⚫Some older adults do not desire to engage in new


Social Theories of Aging: Social Gerontology, George Shannon, MSG, PhDFundamentals of Gerontology, American Society on Aging, 2015



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The world that we call aging is changing!

⚫ We should look at people for what they can do and not put labels on them.

⚫ Many people in the 60- 105 are capable of doing more than we can imagine.

⚫ There is a great need to look at people for what they can continue to do, rather it is a sporting activity or continuing to work.

⚫ It may be that we need to allow the person to tell us what they are capable of doing.

Disengagement theory

⚫Solution to old age problems encourage aged to withdraw

This theory suggests:⚫Withdrawal is inevitable⚫Withdrawal is functional for society and the

individualHowever:This theory fails to consider individual personal

factors of aged personsAll elderly do NOT want to withdraw- nor do their

families & friends want them to retreat from society

Social Theories of Aging: Social Gerontology, George Shannon, MSG, PhDFundamentals of Gerontology, American Society on Aging, 2015



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Other theories

Socio-emotional selectivity theory• Categorical aging and associated

intentions(elders like to do this)

⚪Changing values- (from time to time in programming)

⚪Social network is growing or withdrawing over time (take the changes in the person into consideration)

With these theories………..

⚫The culture of the person is not taken into consideration

⚫There is no flexibility⚫There is an assumption that the person’s

personality changes and withdraws⚫The activities are planned without

consideration for who the person is, what is his culture, what are his likes and dislikes.



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As years are added to people’s lives, howcan we make these years positive…..

⚫How do you assess your residents for activities?

⚫How do you assess your residents in independent living for activities?

⚫What age range of activities do you offer your residents in health care, assisted living, independent living?

The population today is…………………

⚫Increasing with those over the age of 65 as the Baby Boomers begin to reach 65

⚫This age group is not entering residential communities as quickly as those in the past.

⚫If a person does enter an assisted living or a health care unit, he will most likely, be older than those that have been placed in the past.



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Culture Change

The person that we have worked with in the past who may have grown up during the depression and World War II will not be who we work with in today’s culture.

The Baby Boomers

⚫grew up in the land of plenty and if something got broken, it was thrown away.

⚫want responses instantly

⚫may want more passive activities

⚫Either retire prior to the age of 62 or 65 or work well into their seventies and eighties.



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➔Are more diverse and inclusive than they used be.

➔Provide more global experiences or access to more global information.

➔May be different because of where the person was born and grew up and then influenced by where they have traveled.

What types of programming do you provide?

⚫Do you show old movies from the 40’s and early 50’s?

⚫What type of music to you play?⚫Are you providing music?⚫Are you providing opportunities for the residents to

express themselves?⚫Do you include the residents in your activity

planning?⚫Are you including activities that give the person an

opportunity to do something for someone else?



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Let’s talk……………………………………….

⚫What cultures do you have in your work environment?

⚫Are the residents and your co-workers just from the area where your facility is located?

⚫What is the culture of the area where you work?

⚫Is there a language barrier?

What did you learn this week and why?

Resident’s RightsSpirit ConnectionBudgetsPIECustomer ServiceEnd of Life activitiesDifficult BehaviorsHow we ageEthics

DocumentationPolicies and ProceduresRegulationsMedicationsTransforming from Institution to

HouseholdsPlanning for dementia residents



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Now it is Your turn…..

⚫Get a partner and think about how you are providing programming before you attended this training?

⚫How will you change what you have been doing?

⚫Will it change the way you work with your peers and the nurses and CNAs?

⚫Describe an activity that you have done in the past and tell us how you will change that activity to meet all levels of care in your community.


⚫May include intergenerational activities

⚫Interaction of families in the activities

⚫Not always conducted in the residential community



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Programming for the now and the future will have to change if our facilities are to attract new residents!

Advice from the Wisdom of a 92 Year Old

⚫“Old age is like a bank account, you withdraw from what you’ve put in. So, my advice to you would be to deposit a lot of happiness in the bank account of memories

⚫Remember the five simple rules to be happy: ⚫1. Free your heart from hatred. ⚫2. Free your mind from worries.⚫ 3. Live simply. ⚫4. Give more. ⚫5. Expect less



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Activities for a Positive Environment

⚫Enjoy what you do⚫Ask the residents for input in the planning

process⚫Every now and then, include a surprise⚫Humor is crucial in providing activities

⚫Fill the resident’s memory banks with positive and interesting programs


⚫Fundamentals of Gerontology, University of Southern California, 2015

Mary Ann Johnson, MA, [email protected]

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