21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 257 and 261

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Transcript of 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 257 and 261

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 257 and 261


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    J'B y ,:mtJJori 1,Y 0(' C.G., Twentieth Air Jorae

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    C O P Y N O .

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 257 and 261


    tha,t will be reported 1 m . a se~a.teTactical MissioBReport which rl)ceivesonly lindted distribu:t1.oll.

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 257 and 261


    Tactical N3ttatiTf6. .. .. .. . . . . . . Page,~ 1

    SECRET----- . . . .l;lE..lDQ,U_,RTmS.nI B O M BE R C O MM iU ID

    APO 234

    Field Grdel' No. 97 Missions No. 257 througb 261Targots on. the Isla.nc.!. of Honshu,

    Japan9/10 July 1945

    T .A 13 IE O F C GNl'E N rS

    A.nncx , A . . QperntiQ IlS II .. 'III ., 14

    Part I ...Jlaviga:tion Chart. .. .. .. 15Part II ... Bembi ng .. .. .. .. .. IE.Part II.I .. Mean POj,nts of IlIlpact .. .. 18Part IV .. Flight Engill~ering Ghart .. .. 19Part V .. Radar .. .. .. .. ... .. .. .. .. .. . 20Part VI .. Radar Scop~ Photos .. .. .. Z2Eart VII .. G U n n e z y . . . . . . 27Part VIII .. .Air-Sea; Rescue Chart .. .. ... 28Annex B ,- Jeathar.. .. '. .. .. 0, .. . . . . . . . . 29Part 'I ...Aoatlla:' ~ .. .. 30Part It- Forecast :leo.ther V5.Observed ':1 'eathljr .. .. . . . . . . .32Part nI .. l'rognostie Jlthp.. .. . . . . .. .. 3.3Part IT .. Syl\optio lilap .. .. .. .. .. .. ~ J4Annex C Conmunications................... '... 35Part I .. ..R eM .. .. . . . .. . . . . .. .. .. . . .. . . .3 6

    Part II .. RadiQ" .. .. .. .. ,. .. .. .. .36..I.rmexD - Intelligence .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... 41Part I-EneIJlYair Oppo.sitio.n. .. 42Part II .. EneltCY'ntiaircraft. ., 43Port III .. Iamaga assosStnent .. .. 48

    Soctio.n A - Bendal. Missipn No. 257. 48Scction B - Sakai, Mission No. 258 50Section a ... '.1aka~, Mission a:,. 259 .5 2Section D .. G1tu, MiflS.ion No. 260 ' 5 . 5Section E ... Utsube River Oil Refinery.Mission No. 261 58.Annex E .. Coqaolidated Stati3'Pioa1 SW rmary ... ... 6 5Annex F ...XXI Bomber Coumand Field Ox-der .. 74.Annex G - Distrihu.tion .. " .. ... ... 79

    Prepared ~ I. A-2 Seetin. x : x : t Bomber Cla!maD4

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 257 and 261


    III,IIIIIIIJ&Q.li.iT. ,By .l.utl:1. of tho C.G :I XXI Bombor Ca!mn "'.Ild. ~

    I 9 July 45 J:"D{1' II Date Initials; II I I I ; 1I I : IHELU )QUARTERSXXI BOMBER C~

    APO 234Report of r~ttacka on 4 Urban .!reaa and 1 Oil Refineryon the Island of_Ho,nBhu on 9/10 July 19~5.Comma nQ .ns Gen.eral, 'I 'I 'l 'en tie th A ir F oree I Washingto .n 25, D.C,


    1.. a.Field Order Numbal'97, Headquarte.rs :r .xl Bombe r Command~ted.a .T\l,ly~945,d,irected the 58th, 73rd, 313tl1, 314th and. ~~5th'I!l.b~dm~ .W:Lngs to attack. 1 + urban and 1 industrial ta,rget!l on Hon-shu 1n Miasl.onaN.tmber 257 through 261. - -

    b. Target s Spec it'ied. I(1) :Prima:ry Vi.sual and Radar Tarl:.,eh.:

    Mission Target257258259260261

    58th7.3l 'd313th314th315th

    Sendei urban AreaSake. i Urban .. . reaWeJ

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    SECRET------Wa r plants o Sa ka i a r e ~ortant as possible dispersal points.

    '(3) Mission Number 259: Wakayamais a city of ~.95.000population that is nowprobabty integrated with the Japanese warecono~.. It has 3 new plants, including probable heavy ordnance andchemical.a.~. Wakayama. is'also a junction. i'Oint ot steam. and electricrailroad lines to Osaka. to cities of the south, and inland.(4) MiSo!l'iotll NUmber260I Gifu is the site ot 10 largetextile mills reported to be converted to making component parts for

    the Kagamigahara airoraft plants 5 miles to' the south. Gifu alsoprObably houses a good percentage of the 25,000 employees at thesePlants.. T h e bailt-up area between the railroad yards north to theNag a r a River i s co n ge s t ed. w i t h a popu l a t i o n density of approximately50,000 per square ucile.. Destru~tion of the city would have the t r ipl eeffect of destroying or damaging a i rcr aft component parts plants. de-hOUSing large numbers of Gmployees at the important KagamigaharaPlants, and disrupting ma i a l i n e transportation,faeilities.

    (5) Mission .N.unber 26J.: Tbe Utsube River Oil Re.finery;originally on a par with oil pr oduct i o n . centers at Tokuyama and Otabe,now ranks as the leading center of aviation gasoline production inJapan proper. Its installations inCl"de facilities for synthetic oilrefining (estimated to be 37 per cent of the total Japanese syntheticproduction), natural o il r efi ni ng (output not known). production ottetra-ethyl lead (estimated to be 2 5 per cent or t he J apa ne se total)and extensive oil storage.,

    c. D e tai 18 of P l a n n iM- QP e r a t ional:( . 1 . )IJ:omb iD B Elan!!:

    (a) betersdnation. at U a m b Load:1.. Sendai Urban ...rea--Mission M.un.ber257:

    a. Four Groups at the 58th Wing werescheduled to strike this ta;get, 2 Groups carrying M 4 7 incendiarybombs and 2 Groups carrying M I .7 incendiary clusters. The maintoree was to be preceded by 12 pathfinder airoraft carrying M 4 7incendiary bombs.

    b. The to.rt:;'otncludod mi xo d w oo de n c.tJ ipl::lsterbuildin.:;s in the ra;idonti "1 ;'cn, with n ume ro us s ~o cl ,IIilight concrete structures which requirod modcr~te pcnetr~t~on. TboM 4 7 bQmbs wero s o l octad tor t h o p,,:thtindor fo r c~ ~ d t~o f~rst h , l f oftho m~in foreo to incuro st:rting numerous :lppll -inco fnos before detoDSOBcould overcome tho incondi":ry effect. Tho Ml7 clustors wero selectodfor thoir :'l.doqu'1.tefiro-.sotting ability, propor ponctr,tion. ~nd multi-plieity of hits oxpcotcd within tho rcl . : ; t i v o l ysm'\ll firo d1:nsionsOD_A no~l effort foroo of 4 Groups was oxpccted to p l~ co s ut fl ci on t tno.,3oen tho targat arcr:. to destroy it.

    0.. EudngJ The M 4 7 incendiary banbs wereto haVe instantaneous nose fuzes and the Ml7 inoeQd1ary clusters nereto be tuzed t o open 5000 feet above the target.

    d. IstervalOl!!iter Setting ~ The J 6 4 7 bombsto be released at lOO-root intervals, and the Ml7 cl us te rs w er e~ : r : e dr O P ped at 50 - t o o t intervals, aott~ which w er e s el ect ed to

    obtain maximUm unUorm density 011 the target area.

    - 2 -

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    ,g. Sakai Urban Al:'ea--N.lission Number gS8:Ja. Four ()roups of the 73rd "fing 17ere toattack t,his target, 2 Groups carrying W 4 7 iIl.cendiary bombs and 2~rouPs can-ying ~lusters with M 69 bombs. Twelve aireraft were des-gna~e~ as pathf~nders to precede the main force and were to oarryM 4 7 ~~c,epdiary bamb s.,

    . k. Considerations and reasons for munition,s_electl.Ons, and fuzings were the same as those listed for the SendaiU:ban ~ea att~ck~ Mb9 's were also used because the city 7Tas not ashJ.ghly J.ndustrJ.all.zed as others.

    , ~. Intervalometer Settings: Intervalometers6ttJ.ngS of 100 feet for the 1~7 incendiary bombs and 50 feet for the~ 9 clusters were selected to achieve an adequate density of approx ..llllatel,Y 22.5 tons per square mile on the target area.

    J. i~akavama Urban lirea--Misaion Number 259:1!.. Three Gl.'oups of the 31J th ' :' li ngwere~chedu1ed to attack this target" .On e Grou:pwas to carry M 4 7 i n c e n d . .

    J.~ bombs and 2 Groups ,7ere to carry ! V B .7 incendiary clusters. I'he~ln force was to be preceded by 12 pathfinders carry-ioa M 4 . 7 incend-J.ary bombs. Considerations' and reaeons for munition selections,fuzings and intervalometer settings were the Sfuue as those listedtor the Senda.i urban area a tt ack

    . 1 / ; . Gifu urban ;i:i:'ea--Mission Number 260:~. 'Four Groups of the 314th Wing \fare

    directed to attack th is t ar get , 2 Groups carrying M 4 7 incendiarybombs and 2 Gr-oups carr.ling clusters of . M 6 9 banbs. Twelve path-finder aircraft carrying M47 incendiary bombs were to precede tllemain force. Considerations and reasons for munition salactions,and fuzings and intervalometel!" setti~s were the same ror thismission as those listed for the Sakai urban area str~e.

    ~. Utsube River Oil Refinery~~ssion Number 2 G l t~. APproximataly 60 aircraft of the 31Sth

    Wing \Tere sched.uled to attack this target, carrying soo-pound GeneralPu;'pose bombs.

    b. The target installat~ona were bothstoraB9 and refinery types and were dispersed within the tarset area.The SOO-pound generel purpose bomb was recommended s Inee it was be-lieved that the . l ar ge r n U ll Ib e rof bomb hits and fragments made possibleby the use of this size bomb should result in maximumdamage to bothmanufacturing and storage facilities

    .Q.. FUz1QB: The bombs were to have .025saGOna del~ nose and non-delay tail fuzes., It was believed thatthese :f'uzings Vlould give bamb burst just above floor level and. wo1.lldbe very effective against the refinery and shop installations of thistarset. The non-delay. tail fuze was selected to Give ground le~lburst to n e a r misses and to ~ b t a i n ma ximu m b la st and ~ a g m e n t a t 1 o ne ffe ct a ga in st the refinery installations which Oonst1tuted the majorf a c U i t i e s of t he t ar ge t. Since the m a j o r i t y of the stlorag8 t a n k sin e a c h area v e r e small i t w as b el ie ve d t h at t ho i mpa ct initiationd theDOnoodelay tail fuze would result in su:tt1oient cruahil'lS elf"'to destroy t h e tanks receiviD8 direct hits and therefore delq tuz:lzas.'Ith1eh.'WOtlldallOW penetration of the taDkll, .taa unneoeue.:ry.


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    ~ The b.omb. 'Were to be released at. 25-root1nte rVllls.

    .1. Missions Number 2571 258, 259 8:nl1260 _replrmneq in the se.memanner lU I other n1gbt incendla.ry strike. of the XX!Bomber Command. The choi ee of the B.X08 of atta.~k .and altiudea ...o.s det-erznined by the be st ra.dar appro~.c hes and IIItiudes ror r a.dar bombi n~ oft h e s e p a r t i c u l a . r t a . r g e t s

    .& . }Hsdon Nwnber 261wa.1l planned to take adTIlh'"'to.ge of the ooa,sta.l fea.tures of' No.goya Bay on whi.chthe tB.l"gert was locatecThis mo..d.EIn excellent. area for 1"o:.da..1"avi!;lltion a.nd target identifij)lILtlot:

    ~. BOlJibi.ngal.ti tudu IlUe-s of Ilttack. end otberpertinent data were aa fonows:

    .~ 58th Wing (Reference XXIBOIII'ber c O I II m & I l4L1tbo ..Mos aie, Sendai 90.10 Ul'blU\)

    !)1tttude: 10,000 ... 10,800 fuhXispf' J...ttg,ck.: 350 degrees trueINti'll Point: 371J.9N - U05930ElMaM Point 9f Im 'QRc t I 057111Length o r Run I 33 mil e a.tiIPe of Bun: 8 m1nutes t 15 aec 0nda~: 4 G,rou"

    L 73rd ~nt (1.eference XXI Bamber eoa-n4Lltbo-MolSdc:, Sakai Area 90.25 Urban)AIUtude:lO,OOO - 10.600 rutMl of Atta9;k I 68 de~reea trueInitial Point: 3419N- 13~41:50EMeop fOint 2( Imll'gt f 081079~1iI6! ) at Ru .nl .. , mU:oo~W of Run' 11minutoaDaI .\ GroupS.A. !lstb WlDt; (Retereno. XXI BOlder Orne,""

    Lltbo-Moaa1G Wakayama ':"ree. ~O.25 Urbe.n)

    Mia or, AttMkC 4& dogre ... 30 minut tr __Ipitial Point I 3351N - 13441S&)!eM roi oS of Im&Ct c OT'Pl0&

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    Tl1rget A right turn ... de.lgaatea attarthe attack.

    Time ot gun ~ 8 m1nute.!. > 1 5 GeeondaForee: 3 Group II

    s . , :314th Wing (Ref'0renM XXI BOlJlber Commo.ndLi.tho-'-"oaaic. Qiru. Area. 90 .20 Urban)

    .Altitqde: 15.000. 15.600 feetA x i s of J..ttac);,: 83 degrees trueIn! tialP 01nt. : ~520N ~ 13605EMeat! PobtofImpaat: 061062r.e'ngth of R u n : n mile II'time of' Runl 6 m i n l l t e s , '0 seconds.Foroe: 4 Groups

    !.. 315tb Wing (Ref'erenoe m Bomber CommandLi.tho-oMoeaic, Yokkaichi. UtS\.I,be River 011 aefinery. Target No. 90. a o -1664) Al tit.ude : 15. 000 - 16. 000 feet

    feris of' ltttack: 320 degreesIn! th,.l Paint: :543430N - 1:3701E.MegnPoi ntof Impact: 066019Lowth of' Run I 24 milosTimo .o t Run: b minutoaForee: 60 nircrnttNaY !cation:(a) Sendal Urban OrEla - 11;Siop Nymbu 257:

    Base to lwo Jimato 3 5 50 - 141l 0EtoTactical DoctrineThill dead reckonl~ point ...... 18ted to misa tbe Chad Point Flak a


    The initial point lIo1ect.d was a sjutting pieO. of llJld DQrt~a8t of!orlyama which was o&ol11y Iderxt1ti.afor thB best radar appro.oh to tb8target.

    37495 .. H05930E

    to3500N - 14130 Thi. dead. reckoDina point .. ..l ..\0 a1sa Inoeaias aircraft .at ofCboe! Point.Taotioal Doc,.trlne

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    Saiki Urban .hre'2! - MisB],on Numb!U 25&.1:BasEl to lil 'l'o Jiml;l.to3331N - 13346E

    TaQtical DOQtr1n~Lp.ndfo.ll V/aS tobs fL juttinr; point ofland. e"'.llt of Kochi. e.ndmak.ln~ almoa't e.:stra,ight route into tho target throughthe initial :point.

    to3419N - 1.344.l30E The initial point waS a.n. easily 14en-ti1'led point on the west lIide o r Owe.Jl

    Shima making the best ~pproaCh to thetarget.

    toTal'gf;ltt olw o Jima.t oBo-se

    j. right turn wae dellignated a.f'terhi tUng the target.' l a c t i e a l Doctrine

    (o.) WM;!Y@;ltto'nban Me9:-_Mtsllion N9!!'bor 2591T ac ti c al D oc tr in ease to Iwo Jlma

    1;03 31S30N - 13410E The easily identified eouthe.rn t1p o rShikoku was seleeted as landfall.to

    33S1N .. lM48E lnithl pain.t WaS to be Bento.n Jlma.,fi.n ea.sily identified iIIllUld ofr thewe&ttern coast of -Shikoku.

    t oTa.rget J,. ri.ght turn was designated alter th&attack on the target.

    tolwo J1.me.t oBaSE !

    Tactical Doctr1rle

    Qifu Utban hrea- MisBiRn Number 260,taotioal DootrineBa.ae to lwo Jlma.t o3553N .. 13608E Landfall WIUI to be the ealily IdentiNepo i n t o f l ~ nd s o u t h w e s t of N~ya.Initial po i n t w a s t o b e F~ n o kl Saki o athe western side o r Blwa. Ko Lake Wmake th~ best ra4ar approach to t b atar~t.

    t o3520N .. 13p05E

    t oT O o t - g e tto:5526N .. 13710Et o~43730N - lZ603Etotw o Jima.to B a . 1 S 1 l

    This point w a S seleoted to avoid tlakareas.fhis point waa d. s i ~ a t . d laa4aeB4T act io al Do ot ri ne

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    (e) UtsuRI River Oil Refinery _ )HsdoD Number 261:B&se tolwo Jlmato343&30N - 13i01E

    Taotical DoctrineThe initial Point was to be Irako SaJd.easi.ly identified point on the entrance toNagoya. Bay, which W.as to be ulled Cor land ...fall and initial 1'IQint.t oTarget :...lett tUrn wa.s spec:$.fied ai'ter the atta.ckto avcld !'l,ak o;rSo.s.t o

    Iwo Jilllo.to

    Ba .seT a ct ica . l D oo t r i n e

    (.3) Flight Eadneerinc;

    bombing runs a.ndfuel economy and

    (0.) F11ght Plan.! An itude sand speeds. except 1'0.1'compression of striking fo.rces were to be fo r maximum:safety .No 0.8 semblies wel"'3 to beeff'ected.(b) korad1 Ill: t

    1. Fuel reserve datil. indica.ted tho:t the 73rd.3l3th, 3l4thand :515th11Vhgs would require no bomb bay tanks for a t~t':ufuel load of approxima.tely 6600 gallons. The 58th Win~ wus to Carry 1 .bomb bay tank.

    :2 . N o . m a xim um .or llIin,ilnll.Jll . loads were specified.~. Potenti.o.l bomb loads were as follows:

    pp]smth1 Qapp.e:l tv(pound.s)11,00017,00017,00016.000la,OOO

    ,jznected +:,vernd(pounds)11.00015,00014.00015,0001 6.000

    ;.. 56thE . . 7~rd.2. 313thJi. 314th.. 315th

    4. J.mmunitioD load WetS estimated to h 300 pounds ..(4) ~l (F.or rader approaoh oharts Ufl .~x A ., Part ~

    (a) 'l'ho i.nitial poil'l.t selected for S&ndol i. easilyidentified since the route from Ched Point slides along the cOQ ,8 t and.otfers many cMckpoints. 'l'he city signal of Senda.i can be identU'iedfrom the 1111h1 point. Two uroratt racto~lell. 1 oast of t h e 01ty and1 just south, gl~ b r i g h t returns a n d a I d i n IdentlfylDg tho cIty r a t u m .

    (b) Sakal is the southern seotion ot the O i t y returno r O~aka. Because of the a b 8 o n O e of ~ good ref er.nee poInts t.o detep-mine t h e Sakal r e t u r n aftd to aId in killing course. it w a . decided t h a t0. dcmnwlnd run with a low drift factor wollld give the be.t Pdlll ts. Alloperators wOllld be able tc Obtain excellent wind runs trom the praminoatpon1nsula on the coast o r Kli-Suldo. r 1 x . d o t t t or o tt .e t a YDDb ro ne u.bCllllb1Dgcol.1lclbe used, employ!n!> the harbor for o.n ott.at rdoa8e 11ae.


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    (c) The best approa,ch toWaJ

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 257 and 261


    _ g . Four lOurface crai't w ere to be stationedduring taa e nt ir e m is si on s at 2830N - 13910E, at 2800N - 14.l20E, a'\2630N - 14D30E. and a t IBDON - 14430.

    A .. Thirteen Dumbos were assigned to the followingpOints at the time! indicated to rema.in on stations I.lnUl all strikeaircraft passed on the return route: at 3520~I - 14110E from 091520Z.a t 3000N - 14125E from 091700Z, a.t 3200N - 13855E from 091525Z,at 3Q O O N13935 from 0916052, a t 3130N - 13720E from 091435Z. at 3000N - 1381S~from 0915002, a t 3300M - 14130E from 091600Z, at 2630N - 13910E from091535Z, a t 2800N - 14120E from 091740Z, a t 2630N - 14030E from 091S1SZ,a.t 2000M - 14330E from 091630Z, nt l600N - IM30E from 09193OZ. and a.tloOOH - 145 20 fr om 091945 Z.

    (b) ~: Thi.s C ommnnd assigned 5 Super-Dumbos to thQf 011owing poi n"ts at the t imoiii i ndi C Il.tad to rema.in on atil.t i o n s until allIS trike ai 1'0ruf t pas se d. on the return route: a.t :3 GoOOH- 13815E rrom091445Z, at 3300N M 136258 from 0911l00Z, at J300N lJ625E from 09140OZ,a .t lalON - 14110E from 0914.15Z, and o.t 38l0N - 14.l10E from 091445Z.

    d. Details of Plo.nning - Intelligence:(1) Enemy Fig hter 0ppoition:

    ( n ) Se n d~ i (Mi s s i o n Number 257)1 It w a s e8tlm~tod tbaa.pproximately 15 airorDft would be a,irborne. probably offerlng no op-position.

    (b) SDk!).! (Mission Numb

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    ~. Axh of Ht!lcl!:: aM l.1tUude I An approacl1from t h e west-southwest was planned. This was an optimum approachfrom a. flak standpoint since it was downwiilc1.,avoided other flak are",and provided for most of the bomb rl.ln to be over vlater. The breakaWaydesignated from the target was to the southeast to avoid otherflakaraas. The planned aLti tude of attack WIl.5 10,000 feet.(0) Mission N\WIber259 -l1[akaYaJ!Ill. Urban eX'ea: Nonntiaircrai't defenses had been pinpointed from photogrtlphs of the .

    Wo.kayamaarea but weak and inaccurate flak ho .d been enceuntiered there.The planned altitude of 10,000 feet was expected to r"flsult in nil tolnec.ger and inaccurate flak. The route V lO .S planned to avoid other flakareas.

    (d) Mis.siQn Num\Jer 2 50 - Gifu Urbg.n 1.r69.:.1 . Antiairoraft De.i'onses I No anti3.1roraft de.

    renass appeo.red on photographa of G1u., bu.t a.t Kll.gamlgahara, just $o.sto f Glfu, there were believed to be 18 heavy o.ntiaircra1't j!;uns,

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    C_ Over Tqrgots I:(1) MisdonNumbar g57:

    (il) Pdmq.ry T(',rg:etlOne hundred twenty three ai rCraft dropped 911.3 tons of bombs on the Senda! urban area fromQg 1503.Z to 091705Z at altitude's r",ngi.ng from 10,000 to iOt ro o reet.

    (b) Tar g.etsof Opportunity: One d rc raft dropped6.:3 tons of boffibs on Kaibsuura.

    (2) MUtaton Number?58:t a) Primary Tar g E lt: One hundreds! xte en 11.1o raft

    (inoludihg Vie!1ther a1reraft) dropp&d 778.9 tons of bombs on the Saledurban, area :('rcm 091535Z to 0918 06Zat a.lti tude s rang! ag trom 10.000to 11,350 feet.(b) Targetsn of Opportunity I Tw o e.1rcuft dropped13,:3 tons of bombs en Kochi and 1 Ilircra.ftdropped 6.:5 tons at boo.bs

    on Su.sB.kl.(3)],I18810n Number.259:

    (a )Pr1,marvTarget: One hundred eight aircraftdropped. 800.,3 tons o f bombs on thl "lakayama urban area. from 091458Zto 091648 Z at aId tudes off rom 101 200 to 111 600 f eoat.

    (a) Primary Target; One hundred twenty-nin.e air-eraft dropped. 898.8 tons f!!f bombs on the Gifu urban &rea frOD091434Z to 091620Z. a.t alti tudesre.ng1ng froil! 14.,730 to 17,700 feet.

    (b' Aargets of Opportunitv:

    J .. One s.irerJt dr opped 6.3 too.. of bomblon Shln.gu.'2 One a.iroraf't dro:?ped 2.4. toni of DOI I I b .-"on Nakazumi. Thi 1 '1 al t'creJ't als 0 bombad the primary target.

    (s) Miuion Number 261:(a) Prim,,"! Tl!w~ I Sixty-6ne a . ire raft dropped

    468.1 tone of b omb . ort the Utsube River Oil Refinery trom 091340Zto 0914361. a.t 1.1titlldes ranging from 15.550 to 16,SlSO fel:lt.(b.) Targets of Opportu.ni"iYI One aircraft dropped.

    6 ton~ of b omb s o n Ho n s h u Island.(6) Twenty-one airor.rt were non-efteotiva on thea.

    5 missions.d. Route Baokl There were no dirriawths encountered 011

    the route back. Twenty-one a.ircraft landed at Iwo Jim...

    - 11 ..

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    e. Land.ing I A11'or,a:f't landed a.t ba,.see as follows;M1S1oD Lut Aircraft2572 5 8259260251

    58th73rd31 3t . h3 1 4t h315th


    1001233100054309 230 3 30 9 234'3 Z092237Z

    TOTAL 092015Z 100123Zf. l'Woa1reraf't were los t. Ona cro.she d on take -oiT and

    the other caught fire on the return trip. All members of' both crewswere saved.g. Qpera,tJ(ima.lSurqmary:

    ( ' . 1 ) Navi Illati on: (See Annex A t Part It tor track chart)(raJ Navi gati on on thes e miss ions waS ccna Ldered

    exes llent. Lang rangena vigation was aecollIp11shed by indbid ud a1r-Oil'aft procee ding to p.rimary ta.r gets.. 'target area wi ru 1 de-term1nationend navigation were accompllshed by radar.

    (b) Time control was good., Approximately 90 cruise al-titudes and air speeds.

    _ g . Bom b Ru "nI B ombing w as eo M ilO ted. by i ndi T ldu .airoraft at altitude!! between 10,000 and 17,700 feet.

    A. Return to Bue I Return to base wu GOn4u.o-. ted by individual aircraft, cruising at 14,000 to 16,000 feet forminimum fuel con~umptlon. and desoend1ng into the traffic pattern.

    (b) C9pl!Ient;a No alrplanOll ourl" bOjDb 'bq ~aIIk All t.l1ngs carried full 10a.da of bombs except the :515th which oarrledo.n average of 77 per cent of full load oapacity and. landed with ana v er ag e o f 123 3 gallons o f f~ e l per airoraft.

    (4.) BaWe (Seo Annex .A . Part V, tor detan.)( I S . ) Two hIlndreci th1rty-t1Vft e.1rorat~ de rd.,. rQM.

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 257 and 261


  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 257 and 261



    :Part I .. Naviggtioo Track CbartFe:rt II...ombingFan III .. Me,an Point:s of !io.paetPart IV .. Fl ight Engineering CbartPart V .. RadarPart VI .. Badal!' Approao.h Charts

    Part VIII .. Air-Sea ReaoueChart

    MiAsi91B No. 257. 258 259 2 W .,4 2 6 . l9/10 July 1945

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 257 and 261


    A,pFlIL 19451300 PART I I"JcAVIGATION13,s

    . C l K I N A W A


    - - - - - - - - - -1 - - - - -35

    IIII- - - - _ . _ + -IIII

    LANDFALL TARGET LAND'S ENDIsf. Last091512~ 09170Sl09,16482 091S2 Ie0915.3Z 091704Z-091458Z 09165021 " 4 0 0 ' 0 . , 4 5 2 '


    Last091705c091S06l09164828 ~ ! & 3 g ~1st.__ --- 58tll:- 091415Z- ---13rd.-091622Z= - __ -313th.- 091334Z_ x _ JC --,314th.- 091401i!__ ~ 315th.-091326! 1st.091503l091633209145820914342091340Z


    tAlSE-OfF1st. Last58'h.-0907032 090841Z73rd.- OS0906Z 09103823t3th.- 090aOOr 090848c314th.-090700l090809231~tn.-u5l06~ 0907~$2

    SECRET 3-"- 1



    CHIo.l1 JI"'.o,,.IWO JL A15f.58th-091038l-73rd.- 09 roasz313h.-Q9104f"!314fh.091040i315th.-Q91036l

    Lastg \ Y 2 ~ ~091215209H59 091109Z

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 257 and 261


    Part II - Bgp,hing

    Mission No. 257 - Sendi Urban !.reaafee . .s. The entire force hcmbed frQIl an altitude of 10,000~ ~ndl.cated.. Ole aircraft was dispatched ahead of the mainstTl.king tarce to obtain wind direction and vel~ity by making;;:ra~ ~da: wind runs. 'l'he wind direction and velooity waS thensml.tted an a coded message to the main ferce. Crews were in-s;ructed to use "tpe dat~ transmitted by the 'wind ai~raft'. TheiOce~re of USl.ngan e.l.rc.re.ft to obtain accurate wind runs andranamJ..t it to the m.sln force proved highly .satisfactory.

    b. The weather was olear and good visibility wa.s afford-ed by f' __--"l.l'eS, '''''-.Al.pg it pa3sibla for 93 aircraft to make viSlal runeThe returning crews reported the MPI well oovered by fires. c. The only difficulties eneo.mtered was fr an thermals

    OVer the target after pass-ing the banb release paint. Cbe a"ir-craft reported malfuncticn of T-19 a.dapter and six aireraf't re-ported malfunctions of release systems.

    d. The initial poin.t and axis of a.ttac:k were well plann-~d and contributed considerablY to the ease at executing the mias-lone The average drift reported waa 4 a right. Canpressibilityfor this wing was 122 minutes.

    2. Mission No. 258 - Sakai Urban Area:r a. Aircraft were dispatched fran their bases at 30-seecnd

    intervals to obtain the miDimum canpressibility aver the target.Ille aircraft waS dispatched ahead at the main farce to obtain rind.dirac tion and vel oeiy in the target area by making radar mnd l"U1lIJ.The wind. direoticn and veloeity was then transmitted in a cededm es sage t0 the main force. The 'r7ind obtained by the aircraft a5:!11-igned, proved accurate and 'il8S used by a maj ority at the aircraft.Crews were instructed to use the informaticn received fran the.wind aircl'aft". The reaScn for assigning an aircraft to obtainwind directicn and velceity was to insure a mare ac:ourate .-ind.

    b. The bcmb lce.d ecnsisted of 20 aircraft carrying s. 6inoendiary clusters. 41 aircraft carrying E 36 incendiary cluster.sand 6 4 aircraft carrying M 4 7A 2 incendiary bcmbs.

    c. The mOBt serims diffiou1ty encmntered .-as mal1'UDcUemof bcmbing equipm.ent. Two aireraft rep

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 257 and 261


    this procedure has sham a marked improvement in the canpressib1lityf or the wing.. b. The bonb Load ecnsisted of 38 aircraft carryiIlg Ml7All.lU:endiary clusters and 71 aircraft carrying M47A2incendiary bao.bs.iC' The weather in the target area Taa CAVUand the maj ar-ty of the aircraft banbed visually. The misaim was aceanplishedas briefed. All aircraft banbed the primary and reported excellentr~sult8. Five aircraft reported malfunction of 5-10 shaokles, 2al.rcraft reported malfunction Of A-4 release, 2 aircraft reportedmalfunctim Of A-2 release. and 2 aircraft reported malfunction o rT-l9 cluster adapter.

    d. The initial point and axis of stt9.ck ""leraccnsideredhighly satisfactory. The average drift reported ';las 5 right. Can-pressibility far this ~ing uaa 110 minutes.4. Mission No. 260 - Gifu Urban Area:

    a. Amaster of ceremonies aircraft ':las disuatohed aheadof the, main force to obtain. vlind direction and velccity at the tar-get and transmit it to the main force in a coded message. The mas-ter of ceremonies aircraft also transmitted the leather ccnditionat the target area. The prccedure of using a master Of cerem~iesaircraft ahead of the main farce is acnsidered highly satis:f'actor:r.,/eather in the target area was C.'!.VU,and the maj ority of the bQ::l.bingwas ace anplished by visual sighting. Cre,ls reported results ofbanbing as excellent.

    e. The only difficulty enc cuntered uere malfunotl.cns atbanbing equipnent. Three aircraft reported malfunctim of barrbracks, 3 aircraft reported malfunction of B- l O shackles a cd 2 air-craft reported malfunoticn of anning "ires. C!le aircraft re;lorteda malfunction of undetermined cause.

    d. The ini tiel point and axis of attack ":rererepar1ied assatisfactory and well planned. The average drift repat1:ed ':"r&S 7right. Ccmpressibility for this Il'ing >las 106 minutes

    5. Mission No. 291 - Utsllbe Nver Oil mfip"'O':a. Banbing ':Ias accanplisbed primarily by radar. Ten air-

    craft bonbed by visual means ':7henthe radar eq_uipnent beo3J:Ieinoper-ative.

    b. The greatest difficulty enoQUltered -;oasm a l : u n CUOD c: Ibanb bay door relay fuse. T;-/O aircraft aborted and Jettl.scned b~when engine failure ocourred pri or t,) reaohing the target area.

    e , The I1' and axis at attaok -:lere reported as ~ly sat-isfactory, hcmever, several airoraft failed to make the brl.efedaxis cd ' attaok good. The average drift rep~ed -:

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 257 and 261


    I ~ ~

    ./1 '.). i . . , . j ~ J l . r J ! ~.!.;.~.~~-:~~.. ,i--~~ i J/j ~~ - :~.:;-t:':'2'~1 .= . . i . i .!. ~. . . . . . r - ~ ~ r .

    t3s.ejfY~ /~ a a(t7./~) .I /(J 0 0


    ( .JF~"t)A'1l( 6 ' - ' 1 1 )

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 257 and 261


    1. .R adar Bcinb.ing AN/me 13;a. Number of sets operative at take~off' 491b . Number of sets operative ,over targetl 469 (98%)c. Number of sets operative an landing: 460d. Number of planes using azimuth stabilization I 3 t4 (77.6%)e.. Numbe:Fof set failures in lead. aircraft: None .1 31 ight in t erfereoc e fran other set s was enecunteredog. Average maximum range (in nautical miles) Of targets:

    76 ~ 5.000 to 10.000 feet.72 - 10,000 to 15.000 feet.

    h. Average m.aximumrange (in nautical miles) of targets:121 -5,000 to 10,.000 feet.148 - 10,000 to 15,000 feet.

    i. Ave.rage maximum range of Japanese Coast; 60 nautical miles.j. ~emarks:

    (1) The briefing ma.terial was reparted as excellent. The58th 'iling .reported short range scope photos we.re needed, as theirtBl'get , Send,ai , br oke up at shart ranges.(2) Methods of release;

    (a) Radar direot non~synehrcnQ,ls.(b)" Radar direct synchronms.

    2 B e. lil.ar B om bin g AN /A PQ.. 7 Ia. Number of set s operative en take-aft I b o ob. NUmber of sets operative O'ler the target I 57.c ; Number of sets operative on iandingl 5~.d. A.verage maximum range of radar beacQl reoept1C111 120 nauti-

    cal miles at 11,000 feet.Average maximum ra1l,ge of radar targetsl 60 nautioal Idlesat 15.000 feet.e .

    t. Average maxiDlumrange at :Japanese Coast I 6S nautical miles.Equipment failuresl 3

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 257 and 261


    (.2) IaRdfsll an(l. ll' .Jere easily identified.(3) Cornmeutson briefing were sat isfac.tory.(4) Aimj,ngpoint was identified. at 30 nautical miles

    .3. BadarNavigationAlN 4 Md. AIN 9:a. Number of fixes reporhd .. .3278.b. Antenna u.sed and useable maximum range (in nautical miles)

    were as fol1oiu:31Fixed TraUing

    6 6 71325

    (1) 01:'cund-.~ave 4871175 13192) Sky-Wave

    o Inopera tive set 8: 14.4. IFF - SCR 695:

    a , Sets tuned on and Of f as per SOP.b. Number oft imes ehec ked: average.3 8 time s,

    . s . Absolute Altimeter - SCR-Zl8:c:. NQmalfunctim was reported

    a. Number of operative set SI 233 b. Number of :i.noperati'tlie sets: 2.

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 257 and 261


    Pmrt VII -GunnerY

    1. No. of A le f'iringl_.....S _2. Average turret lo;..dl

    UA :r 18 : y:29,3..75 366.6293.75 300(315th 'dg-1425ras)reu:nd.s fired in Cembat per tuttet;LFoU Fo T1 4 0 LAo

    4. No. of rmnd:s fired in canbat:_3....~ O : . .. . _ _.5 . .No. of rcunds used for test firing: 44756. Guns 1Cilided: 58th ','{iM 73rd ,/ina 313th ,ling 314.th ':ling:3l5tt. ' ,'line:Hot Cold Hot Hot Cold7. Malfunctions: O.F.G. Servo had elevation tube ort . Cal 50 M.G.Belt t'fI'isted,

    weak firing spring end3D APG-mal.:f'unotiC!lS.

    8. Pereentage of 6g_uipment opera.tive iG.F.C .. GAL. 5 0 M. G.99,66%

    Remarks: CunneJ;:Ydiscipline was excellent. Whenenemy fightersWere s-aen fire was '.vi thheld unt il 'positive attack was made by theenemy. . A n u:m,suac'essfulbanbing attem:,;Jt118Smade by ene enemy plane.

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 257 and 261


    Il.PRIL 1945

    2qO_. -





    -,---_.-- - \ _. -. -II1




    . /

    \_-_--_\_ -3\\\

    ,._-.--+--J IMA I



  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 257 and 261



    Part I WeatberPart II _ Chart - Forecast vs -

    Observed deatherPart n_ Frcgn oat Lc M apPa.wt IV - Synoptic' ~

    Misaions No. 257. 258. 251:J. 260 And 26110 M a Y ' 1945


  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 257 and 261


    Part_ I-Weather SummaryPlanning Forecast - Missions liTo. 257' thrrugh 261

    Bases: 4/10 10.1cLcuds , base 2000 ft, tOR 6000 it in morning in-creasing by 0800Z to 6/10 baas 1400 ft, tops 12-20,000 ft.wi th mGderete shcmers and aone tbunderst arnlS.

    Rou.te I To 20'N: as bases.To 33'N: 4-7/10 lav cl cuds , base 2500 ft, tops 6000 ft. withfeu tops to 20,000 ft. innarrC1.7bands acreas ra;.te.To coast I 10/10 low, middle and high cLcuds in frCtlt witht~s t o 28,000 ft. layers ue11 defined a n d dell spaced ex-cept in narrcm zone 33 to 3 4 < N .1'arge ts I All : Br oken layera of 1C7i7, middle and high cl ruds. layers~ell spaced and uel1 defined with feu scattered areas wherecLcud diminishes to scattered especially OIl north coaat.

    OP ER\T ICNA. L FOREX ::A SI 'Bases at Scattered 100 cLorde, broken middle and high clmds vithTa.ke-Of'f: scattered shaver. reducing visibility to 2 miles.Route: Scattered 10.1and middle cLcuds and broken high clcuds to20~. Frcm 20CN'o 220 there uill be broken 10:7clcuds nthta:lering c1llmllus to 20,000 ft. and shO>1ers; scattered middle

    clcuds and broken high clQlds. Fran 22

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 257 and 261


    Target s = Sandai : 3/10 1C1 i1 C1mds, no upper e1cuds, v.is i bit ity unreatriated. Wi.nds at 10,000 ft. 'i'isre 320 at : : 1 5 knots.Sami: Clear to 1/10 lOi1 C 1cuds 'i'iith scatteTsd middleclcuds to 15,000 ft. and visibility unrestricted. l'linds at10,000 ft.were 2650 at 20 knots.'ilaka,yamEH Olear to 1/10 10;'1ol.oada TI'ith scattered middleclQl,ds to 15,000 ft. and visibility unrestrieted. Winds at10,000 f't. were 3150at 18 knots.GiN.1 Olear. Visibility unrestricted. l'Ii.nds at 16,d)00 ft.I7B;r-S 315'" ' a't 35 knots.Yokkaiehil Olear e~cept for scattered middle elOlds. Visi~bihty u:nrestriete.d. '!linds at 15,000 ft. neTe 3150 at 35knots. .Bases on 3-5/10 1011cImds, base 1800 ft, tops 7000 ft.'I'Iithscettsr.Return: ed mlddie and aigh clcuds. and light shooers. Visibility un-restri.cted excs!lt 4 llI.i1es in shcmers.

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 257 and 261


    \In(t). . . . .



  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 257 and 261




    ~ IWO JIMA

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 257 and 261


    i 'PALAU

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 257 and 261




    Part I - &'iliar Oounter lllTeaaureaPart It Bania

    MisaicnS tic. 257. 25a. 259. 260 a n d 2619/10 July 1945

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 257 and 261


    Ru-t 1 - ReM

    1. Purpose;a.. To D/F earlY uarning and gun-lay.ing radars.'iH To conduct ~ gene.ral seasch in the 20-3000 mc. regiQ}..~. To barrage Jam the enemy gun-laying and searchlight ra-dar ~ntRe ~2-84 me. and ~90-2l~mc. regions and to spot jamany gun-1ay~ng or searchl1ght a~snals appear~g OJ..tside the bar-

    rage.d. To confuse enemy searchlight end gun-laying redars bythe use of ro:pe.2. Metbod:

    a. T\7enty-five ReM Observers participated ana used thef' 01100ing equ.ipment t 0 ace

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 257 and 261


    SEC RET-_ . . . . . ' _ . . . . . . . -LIST O F mTERCEPTS

    00042 0000 00 2740li! 14140E 0'7104$ 0303 21 121 S00046 0000 00 3600lQ 14130E 071045 0555 21 121 S00046 0000 00 3600N 14110E 07104,5 0555 ; 2l. 12 1 S0004B 0000 00 3620N 14UOE 071045 0556 21 121 S00052 0000 00 3620N 14110E 071045 0557 21 121 S00069 0450 30 32251q 140S0E 071045 0464 21 121 ~ E W c a l00071 0450 3B 3510.N 13950E 071045 0507 Zl 12 2 P El l ' C H I00076 1000 BO 31501~ 13530E 071045

    0105 21 121 S E lY mn00078 1000 55 32001'1 1351SE 071045 0108 21 121 S E\ 7 C H I00078 0000 08 3250N 14150E 071045 0630 21 121 P G L OT A 0 3OQ078 0750 99 S2G5N 13510E 071045 cue 21 121 S E li C R I00080 1920 18 3350b! 13628E 071045 0045 21 121 S00084 0500' 50 3a l O N 13500E 071045 0112 21 121 S Eli C H I00090 0368 24 290QN 13750E 070945 2 321 21 12 1 S Eh" 00101020200091 0450 40 35071'1"HOOOE 071045 0500 2 :1 122 P :Eli 00101020200095 0750 18 3220N 13500E 011045 0114 21 12 1 S Eli C I : : IOG097 07'50 20 3230li 13455E 071045 011 6 21 121 S J i l i l C S!00098 0'750 15 32 35N 13450E 071045 0117 21 12 1 S E il C H I00103 0480 14 3439N 13801E 071045 OH-6 21 12 1 S ]fI:. 00101 0 a:J 200106 0360 2 8 35 35H 13651E 071045 0125 21 121 S Eli 00101020200108 0485 16 3514H 1360t< E 071045 0110 21 121 S Eli 00101020200109 0791 .27 3355N 13818E 071045 0117 21 12 1 S Err C E :oen.o 1490 15 3370N 13630E 071045

    0040 21 121 S E 'J 00101000200142 049 .2 04 3405N 1360?E 0710

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 257 and 261


    Part II - Ra di01. Strike Reports I There \'lere 41 Strike Reports trananitted byaircxaft over the target. A.ll \1sre received by the Gro.mdStation.One aircri3.ft of the 731'd'l/ing, unable to contact the GrQUldStatianr~layed its report thrcugh another aircraft. FollOiling are the number

    of r~pfJl'ts received by each ','/ing: 73rd.8; 313th, 6; 58th. 91 314th. 10;and 3J.5th. 8.2~. Fox Transmissions: The 314th ;ling reported one "Fn type mes-sage was transmitted frem the Grcund Station. Olt of 130 radio operat-ors interr~ated. 118 received the message. The 58th '.(ing transmitted

    2 Fox messages Q1ehundred and twenty-t1,70aircraft operators rea:eivedthe first message. Cbe hundred received the sec end message for an aver-age Of 89.3 per cent. The 313th 'iiing transmitted 2 Fox messages, with98 percent on all operators legging these transmissiCXls. The 73rdWing reported tWGIIFn type messages ..ere traIJBIllit ad fran the GrrundStation, with 87 per cent of the operators l

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 257 and 261


    (2)Y'ery Gf'fective. V's and Jap characters bet1

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 257 and 261


    n. 6640 KcSI Inte"Imittep,t O W l trallBlIlissi alB fran l030Z to1400Z woro 'tn~ffsl;tive .

    o, 10965 Kill:!; Poss! ble noise jamming fran. 13.30Zto 173lZw a s 1nefeetiv9&

    7. Illistre BSI seve:ual airc raft transmi tte dmessages calcero1ngthe sighting of a crashed aircraft and survivors, giving positicnand other needed inf ormati 01. Oneaircraft transmit ted inform.e.tiQltGAir.Sea Rescue Station at lw0 Jima and 1 buoy transmitter wasdrqpped. at the scene of the crash..

    o ! j , , " EQuipment Malfundt49P.,;1 ANIART . 13: 1 fixed antenna. brcken,1 n G ai.de tene; 1 dYnamo-\;or burned Qlt; .t keying re lay stuck I lchanne Island 2 W.OJ.ldn o t channel~ .BG-348; 1 inoperative; 1 C:l oscillatorinoperative. .Al1N-7i 1ntenna. lead-in broken; 1 loop antenna inoperative;1 aense antenna broken; 1. inoperative. lnterphcn.el 3 mierophmebuttClj.s inoperative! i dynaJI\otor"noiSYI 2 shorted jac-k ba:tes1 2 inteIl-phorresystans inopera..tive;. 1 jack box leakage; 1 microphone .swit..ehshorted; 1 amplifier tube burnea rut; 1 foot switoh inoperative; SCR-522;2 in "Weretive ] 1 dynamotor burned rut; 1 Ohannel C inopera tiveI 1TraJil.si"llit:ter inoperetl.ve~SGR-27~, 1 inoperative, 2 intermittent operatialeR,L-42, 4 inoperative, 1ticking.

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 257 and 261



    Part I~n e m w A ir O ppo si ti cnPart II-Enem;yAntiairc.raftPart III _ Jhma,n!' Assessment

    Missa, alSg t \ n f 2 6 f 58. 252.-9/10 ~:b' 1 9 l 1 5

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 257 and 261


    PART I - ENOO AIR QPPUSlTICN1. SWlIIlarr.: An estimated 50 Jap aircraft made 1i attacks Ql theSendai-Sakai-Wakayama-Gifu-Yokkaichi night strikes of 9/10 July 1945.The lIlterceptars damaged at least 3 B-29's. Superi'art crews :made noc laiIilBo2. Observati ans:

    tive ..

    a. Missicn 257. 58th IVing. Sandai:(1) Fighter appeai tian wa S extremely light and very i.lleffec-Of the 10 interceptors only 1 attacted.(2) Fran reports of returning crews it was believed thatall fighters in Senda;i area depended en coordination and cmtrol C 'Lsearchlights or the use of landing lights far night attacks. Theblinking of navigation lights indicated the continued use of trickeryto att~act B-29 fire ..

    "C . Mission 258. 73r d '.'11M. Salsai I(1) An estimated 10 to 15 enemyaircraft were enco.w.tered

    and .5 attacks were su.stained while the B-29's were illuminated bysearchlights or were in the vicinityof' the target. Oneof the F-29'sreceived minor damageas a result of canbined E/A and A/A activity.(2) Evasive action taken ccnsisted of' slight turns and

    changes in altitude.(3) 'rIvocrews at 10,800 feet observed the Tokushimaand

    Akenqgahara airfields to be illummated and enEmlY aircraft taking ott.c. Missicn 359. 313th :Hng. Wakavamaa

    (1) A maximum of 10 enemyaircraft were Sighted, all tut1n the target area.(2) Onepossible attack w a s sustained by the B-29's.The enemy aircraft Was believed to be a TIE which fired 2 quick burstsfran 5 o'clock. The attack was so sudden and unexpected that fire WISS

    not returned.d. Mission 260 . 314th lling. Girur A . probable 10 to 15 airoraftmade 3 attacks. Most of the enemy aircraft enocuntered were tl3'inSarQlnd in the target area with their lights al. They were reported tobe shooting at randan rather than attacking an individual B-29. Cklecase was reparted at an attack being made en a plane picked up by ssearchlight near Kitagata. &dde~ the searchl18ht held the attackingfighter in its beeun and not the B-29. It was believed by acme at thecrew that the night fighters were attempting to lcoate possible target.visuall.y~ The eneuy fighters passed the B-29's, high. lar or en eitbarside. They also creased the O

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 257 and 261


    (2) Just before bcmbs away1 B-29 was caught in 6 ar 7searchlight- beams which interseoted CNerthe target. The aircraft 'Wasat an altitude of' 15,000 feet., Rope was thrarm Olt but appeared to beineffective. The enemy airoraft oame in fran 5 o'clock lcm. Exami-nati em of the B- 29 indicated peretrat i . aD. by a projectile in the 'fuselage.(3) There w as a considerable decrease in the munber ate oQrdinated simulated attacks as ccmparedwith the last mission.(4) One possible attempt at ramning 'l7as reported. i1hen

    the 1l-29 \'TaS 75 miles Q.lt frem land's end, the enemyaircraft, indentifiedas an Irving, came in fran 5 o'elook level at 17,000 feet. It closedto within less than 50 yards. The enemy aircraft was close enOlgh fori t s i Rs ign ia to be seen. The enemyairaraft had 2 lights on its w i n gon the port side. These were turned Off and a large light appeared.

    PARI' II - :EmMY ANTIAIRCRAr l '1. Missi on No. 2)7 - Sendai Urban Area;

    a. The primary target was bcmbed by 123 aircraft of the 58th',"ling between 150 3Z~-1705Z fran 10,000-10,700 feet. Axis at attackvaried fran 341-360. iieather 'Wasreported as CAW-3/10 undereastwith snoke frcm target fires supplementing the undereast.

    b. En rOlte to the target flak was enewntered as fol.la7slLoca.ti

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 257 and 261




    t. Searohlights were repOrted as tolla'1s:Location

    (1) Ole large phosphorus flak rurst "as reported (Nerg. Miscellane9.1S Antiaireraft ObservatiClls~

    the target ..(2) Several creliS repar-ted observing brilliant greenflashes or glavs en the grcund in the target area. Their d:eseript1C1lclosely fits the re.]lcrt, of similar flashe3 described in the Tollyo area.(3) One squadrca painted rrith the jet black paint rep unable totrack them.2. Mission No. 258 - Sakai Urban Area:

    a. The pr:imary targetii'as banbed by 115 aircraft at the 73rdWing betueen 1633Z-HlO6z fran 10.000-11.3.50 feet. Axis of attackvaried fran. 55-89. '.'Ieather was reported as 1/10-2/10 undercast,with winds of 23 lmots being fran 290.

    b.. E n rOlte to the target flak was nil.e. OVer the target area flak was generally meager, inaccurateand heavy. As usual, cn1y aircraft which were illuminated by searoh-

    lights received fire. Aircraft illuminated fer more than 1 milJoltereported moderate flak. Al~ aircraft sustaining flak damageverailluminated when hit. Che ReM aircraft orbited the area fer 40 m1D.I.tee."as illuminatee. by numercus searchlights ,- and received moderate andaccurate, ccmtinucusl.y pointed heavy flak resulting in c1sDage. TIroaircraft banbed Koahi as a T. a . . and encQlD.tered a meager, inaccurate,mediutn barrage.

    d. Searchlight Activity OVer the Target I(1) The searohlight defenses in the target area veraextremely effective and tlell cOOl'dinated with the guns. A total at 63

    aircraft cut at 115 were illuminated far varying leIlgths d tlJll8e(2)

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 257 and 261


    b. En rOte to the targe t flak was ni1.e. Over the target area flak rraa described as meager,inaccurate. heavy and medium 'by two-thirds Of the aireraft. 'Fharemaining ene-third described flak as nil. Frur to six ineffectivesearchlights TIere reported 1 to 4 ~iles N~iOf Gifu.d. On l'IithdI"a7lalmeager, inaccurate and mediumflak wasreported as folioae'

    Location Coordinates RemarkB3436N-1381JE3352N- l 3838E313:5N-1384583524N...IJ654E Me-agerand inaccurate, heavy.

    Surface VesseiSurface VesselXagam.ig~hara

    e. No aircraft were lost or damagedas a result of flak c :nthis miss! Cill.

    f. Misceilane ms Antiaircraft Observati c!!s:(1) Blackcut at the target was complete.(2) Cbe aircraft reparted that medium. fire '!las beingdiTscted at falling banbs. This tactic has bean reported en a previQl.s

    strike,(3) (be aircraft reported a parachute bano aver the target.It tlcated dam slally emitting a red glew and then exploded.

    5~ Mi$si9ll Nlc. 261 ...UtAAbe Riyer Oil liefinery at YoldglighUa. The primary target TIaS bombedby 61aircraft of' the 3I5thInng between 1_340z.,J438Z fran 15,550.16,950 feet. Axis ~ attack variedfran 310-320., ";Ieather >raS repOl'tedas OAW-l/lO undercast.b. En rcute t.o the target flak was enccuntered as followsl

    lpeatiC!1. Ooordinateslandfall (Nakiri) 3416N-13652E Meager to moderate and inaccurate,heavy and medium.

    Meager and inacourate, white phcepIUnIAflak.Taketcuo . 3 4 5 O N . l 3 6 5 . 5 E

    Hied ,344J.N...13630E3437N-1360SE

    Meager and inaccurate, heavy.Meager and inacourate, heavy (2 gWlB).Nabari

    o. OV'erthe target flak was desoribed as mea.ger to moderate,inacourate and heavy. Twelve heavy guns were observecl tiring in the timmediate target arsa. 'I'en searchlight beamswere obaerve4 in the tarsearea. Bops proved very satisfaot cry in eluding lights which ba4 acme4aircraft ..

    cU Flak was ni1 Ql withdrawa4

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 257 and 261


    a.. No aircraft were loot to fl~k Q this mi.ss.i.Ql, and at t,lairoraft banbing aJ.l;y ale, or 1..6 4 % . su~tained flak damage.

    f . Additional searchlights were repcr:ted at the follall1.ng1eatiQ'lS1Looation coordiqat!SNearta.i 0 Sa.ki 3 4 l 8 N . .1 3 6 S oE

    3433N13b59E3435N-13703E3 4 3S N . . 1 3 7 1 7 E "3450N-13b55 E345.3N-1b36 E32t4JN . . 13631E3 4 1 . 5 N - 1 3 6 3 o E3 3 4 ~ 1 3 6 0 0 E34a~137 '03E

    1to 6Kam i . Shim.aIrago Saki 2


    Taketaj'oKambaNear TSIl 2

    Sbipgu 4 toS2

    Nlf of TargetS at TargetN of Target

    g.. Blackrut o r the targl'lt area ;JaB g,oocl.


  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 257 and 261


    1. Summa;q of Damage!Built-up areal Sq. M. Total - 4.53; _Sq. M. destroyed ... 1.22Per cent destrcued ... 27

    Planned target area 3.0 sq. mi. Per oant destroyed - 41Total damage to date 1. 22 sq. mi. 1"e Cleot of bu .ilt-Ull UEle, - 27Targets damaged by' current strike: 4 m.unberedl 2 otber.l..i:m:itatians of coverage. Targets 1104 and XXI 6214 lack coverage.Note: All damage listed is new- figures represent totala.

    2. Report IDamage within limits o r built-up gea.

    D e etro:IedSq, i.e . Sg, w. lor ! lent1. lusa. damaged .fran currept strike

    Built ...up azea (Urban)Built-up area (Industrial)Built-up area (Total)4.53 1.22 -nNot measured Be~te174-53 1.22 'Z T

    b. Damageto targetSlN u m b s r 'fatal 8m,,"9 0 . l 0 . . .X I 6 2 2 3 ( A )

    a X X I 6 2 2 3 ( B ) X X I 6 2 2 3 ( 0 )

    P .R YardBG e . s \' 1 orksGovernment MonopolyMilitary installation\ < f portion of oity)AnDy &ildings

    c. Damage9ltsi4a built.up wea (witbin 5 mile radius of centerat' oity) id. Area domage fran ourrent strip I NCIl8.e. P m W A A to targets,} , )amber Totol ?emne

    GoV'ernllumt A l C parts plant 5 IfReterence. AAFl~ir ObjeeUve Folder ~.10 18 SeptEDber 1944Inclasure: Enlargement annotated to sbar damage tollora thi ..,Uaa. &aed CIlXXI B.C. o ro D.A. BepQl't No. 141

    - 48 -

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 257 and 261


  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 257 and 261


    1.. SUmmAry of' DAmage.&tilt~up areal Sq.lMi. total ~ 2.32, Sq.-Hi. destroyed _ 1..02

    Per eeht destroyed - 44Planned target areal 1..8 sq. mi. Per cent destroyedl 57. Total damage to date I. 1.02 sq. mit Per cent b..J.ilt-up areOI 44Targets damaged by current strike, 1 rumbered,. 4 UD.r&lmbered and 5industrial areas,Note: No previoos damage. Phot.;:a are good..

    2... Damage IVihin Iimits at by 11t.up area:a. Area damage fran curreot strikel

    Sg,m. DestroyedSa. 111. Per oentBuilt-up area (Urban) 1.75Bui1t-u~ area (Industrial) . 5 7Built-up area (Total) 2.32

    . 9 4 -.08l..O23. Damageto targets!

    $0.25- 383 De.i Nippen Celluloid 00..90.25-1782 Osaka Metal Industry

    2 C L ' C destrqvedNo demase

    Annotations (Industri al e.reas)1. 30% destrq(ed (Including a raper mill l . C I O % deetrqred).2. 30 % destrcued (including a kiln. drug tactar'Y. RR

    statim - all l . O O S d8eb"cqed).3 . 60% destroyed4. 10%destrcued5.. 60%destroyed4.. !?emepa9ltside built.uP a r e A ('Qith 5 mile radius cI ... er f1

    city) - no previQ.ls damage

    5. Area dero'Se trQl 9urrent strigl J small, spared)' buil~l'industrial m:eas just cuts1de ad wst d tbe blllt-up ana -destrqred.6. Dwpou to Target. (exolusive f1OII.lIa) I

    90.2.5-1710 Jlfo~No c1aa6I 'No clauseNo ..... 0 . . . . . .Bo deMIPTaka4a , u W ! l .i l: L u t l raoe t :Jr1a.aka;Ii..Cerpnldt l'aptr hoe f:I7HanDi 1I0alen KillH1DQloio Irca WcrDTextile Kill&11 & H1sbn7 brlcJau

    IDolcsul'8 , AlmoiatecllllCI8Aio to .b

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 257 and 261


  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 257 and 261


    PART 111- SECTICN C - Wl\XAYNM - DJ\Ml!.,GEASSES~1. ~llllla.r:y of D am e Be;Built-up area: Sq. Mi .. Total - 4 . .0; Sq.Mi. destroyed _ 2.1Fer oent destroyed - 52.5

    Planned target areal 2.0 sq. mi. Per oen.t destroyed - 109Per ce.nt c1 ' ruilt-up area: 52.5otal damage to datel 2.1 sq. mi.

    Note:Targets damagedby current strike: 2 numbered, ll? other.

    data in this report supersedes that listed in all preTicua repl%'ts.2. Report I

    Iamege within limits of built-up areala. Ansa damage fran current strike: DestroyedS9' Mi, Sa, M. Per cent

    Built-up area (Urban)Bunt.up area (Industrial)Built-up area (Total)b. Damageto targets:

    Numbered: None in built-up areaOther: 17AnnotationNumber (This is first strlko)~23~78910II121 3l41 51 61718192030292 12 3242 5224283 1

    Dempoba,,shiPlant at Dail'JaBaseki 100%gutt~dUnidentified Ihdustr,y 9 0 % guttedUnidentified Industry 100%gutted!\aBege.Fuobi Boseki 100%guttedKi-No-K!l.waPlant of D!!.iwaBosr;ki 100%guttedUnidentified Textile Mill 100%guttedKoyosenko IQ{ - Dyeing Plant 8 0 % guttedSumitano KogyoXX- SpeoiAl Steel Nane visibleUnidentified Textile Mill Nene visibleUnidentified Industrial Area 90%destr~ed or guttedToakogyo Textile Mill 9 0 % destr~d cr guttedGun~oKogyoXl{ (Spinning) 100%guttedKiyo Shukuta (Ileaving) 100%destroyed or 8IlUedi'laterworka Ncne visibleToho Denryoka DDPower Plant NCIleVisibleUnidentified Industr,y 9 Q % destrqredTebina Plant Dai~a Boseki (Spinning) None visibleKoe.Boseki (Spinning) 5 % damageCClIIIlercial District. Adjacent to castle90$ destrqyed ar SJotte4Castle GrQ.lnds Castle 100%aestrqredNakayana Selko x x . Yura Seiko KK 5 % damageUnidentified llool .leaving Mill Nene visibleUnlde.nt1tied Industry NODevisibleUnidentified Industry Nane visible'o'IakeySlllllenko XXOotten l4ill Nane visib16Nankal RR':.aminal _ building 4~ 4eatrqyedRRStatien & : Yarda _ N part at city NonevisibleGas lIorlai . Nane Tisible - probabletire d a I I I a a e~U41Dsa a ) ' I C d88uqyed

    NODeviaiblaZ7 Military Hq. & : Parade Gra .a .Dda26 HanwaTerm1nal Baed emXXI 1).0. DIll' D.A. itepart .No. 14S .- S2-2 R I , , l R . l l l 1 ' l r

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 257 and 261


    In additicn not less than 26 small unidentified industrial plants c1vario.J.s types were destroyed.e. Damage 9ltside built-up area: (within 5 mile radius at

    center of city).d. Area Damage fran current strike: EUrIledQlt areas en il'est

    bank of river scuth Q f' highway bridge, barracks area !lIld small industrialand urban area adjaoent to Target DtI 5047 amc:untto .0 9 sq~mi.e. Damage to targets,Number D a m a g e

    XXI 5047 Sumltano Metal Industry, Ltd. 1 0 % destroyed

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 257 and 261


    PARI' III - SEeTHE D GUV D. '!M4. \GE ASSES~"1. SUmma r y c t: l?e. r!@ge:

    a.. Damage'to the city of Gitu resulting fran XXI BanberCamnandMissicn 260. 9/10 .July 1$45.. totals 1.93 sq.,mi.~ 'Ilhichrepresents abmt 7lif. of the entire b.liltup ptrticn at the city(2.6 sqo mi. , as detennined frQII reo onniassance phot c:e). Chly omallareas in the narthea.st, east and SQl.th secticnsranain undamaged.

    b. Damage ootside the built-up porticn c t: the city amcuntsto .13 sq. mi., bringing the total area destroyed to 2.06 sq. mi.c.' There are no numbered industrial targets within the limits

    of the' built-up area. HOiJevar.the railrcnd statiCll, freight 'Rare-hooses . and a large industrial plant ... Fuj iGas Textile M.iss (repcrtsdKawasaki .11./0) Ref. 1 .1 . . . . in the sooth central seetion at the eity veredestroyed. other small isolated, unidentified industrial plants,probably textile mills (Ref., A) scattered thrcuShoot the city werealB 0 destrc;yed.

    'd.., Oneunidentified indushial plant, probably a textile mill(Ref. A)., eorering a grO.lnd area of ap:prOICimately 1.901,000 sq. ,ft.,in the east secticn of the oity. is undamaged. .

    e. t~ddit1Ql8.l damage in isolated secti

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 257 and 261


    2. Tcrgets_uith~n Built-up AreaJNumbered Targets: None

    Railrcad Staticn and Yat'asother Targets: PBm age

    60.2~ damg.ged by previaLSmisBionKegami@hara Military Airport 75.4% damaged by previcuamissionNone visibleNone visible

    Da i-Ni ppon Spinning Mi11Nippal Woolen Mill!Mine Electric Railway CanpanyKyodo Textlls MllNo. 1Kycdo Textile Mill No.2E;yodoTextile Mill No.3Kyodo Textile Mill No.4Fu jiGas Yarn MillNippcn Spinning and Weaving CanpanyNippon Wollen Thread ComparwXanegl1.fuchi Spinning MillRegimental District Headquarters3. Ta.rgets O J . tside Built-up Area Icenter of city).

    N umb er ed T ar ge ts ,Jiaw8saki Aircraft iVorks

    90.20- 24990.20-181190.20-181290.20-1833

    Qgaki Ir (Xl i10rpKagmnigahara Machioe WorksMitsubishi Aircrftft Worp,Kagamiga~~ra Plant

    Other Targets,Powder Magazine and Infantry BarraoksJmpartant "TransftX'IIlElr StatialTextile Mill (repcrted 3.5 miles s Qlth

    o t Gitu)Tw 0 small industries in tClin 3.5 milesscuth of Gi:tll. also two smallindustries lVest of Gifu

    Statim damaged.yardsprobably damagedNcne Visible~% destrqyed100%destroyed100%destroyedl oc% destroye d100%destroyed100%destroyed100%destroyed100%destroyed100%destroyed100%destroyed100%destroyed

    (i7i thin 5 mile radius ~

    7 7 . 5 % damaged by" preTiQl.Smissico

    Ncme visibleNone visibleNale visible

    Ncne visible

    Beferenoesl sss Air Objeotive Folder 90.28. , luly 1~4.&ergenoy PrO'lisiQ1al Edition, GUll Prefeoture,laois 84-1 .

    -.s& -& - i t 1111 lAi

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 257 and 261


  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 257 and 261



    1. SJ..nmary of DamageIa. This report assesses damageto the above target resultingfran XXI Bomber GcnmandMissions 209, 218, 232 and 261 of 18. 22, 26June and 9/10 July l5*'t5.b. Roof area damaget as a reaul t of these nUssion.s, is938.370 sq. ft., 0' 49.4% of the total roof area, Tanks with accmbined capacity of 84,240 barrels. 4 % of the total original refinerytank capacity. qere damaged..c. Roof area damage, as a result of missions 209. 218 and232. is 645.760 sq. ft or 3 4 % of the total roof area. Tanks fiitha canbined capacity of 33.870 barrels, 1.'% of the total originalrefinery tank capacity. were destroyed.d.. Roof area damage, asa result of mission 261, is292.610sq. ft.. or 15.4% of the tetal roof ar(O.a. Tanks wi tb a canbined

    oapacity of 50.5'itl barrels, 2.4% of the original refinery tank capacity,were destroyed..e. Rem~al activity at this r efi ne ry ha s been extensive

    since the first coverage C 3 P R 4 M 8 - 13 November 1944). Te.nks witb acanbined capacity Qf 86.>2,700 barrels, 41.6% of the original refinerytank e.apaeitiY'. and tvo buildinS;3 l7ith a t0tal roof area of 17,400 sq.ft. have been removed.f. Damagefar all missions is scattered thrrughw.t the

    entire refinery 'i'I'.ithtl:J.e hea,viest ccncentration being in the SQltb.-east seeticn \"Therenearly every building is damagedcr destroyed..

    2. Statistical Sumnary of Iamage: (See ctriginal repat)

    Based en XXI B.C. OIU D.A. Report No. 141.

    - 58-~.Q1iZl~!n1lA.

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 257 and 261


    - -'I\;.IJ;N:ITalclN.O::>

    ' ; : 1ox :< >:::II... . ,"od

    .p.~IgooooooOOOOO~~OOOO. OOOOO.OOOOooo.ono. 000~~~~om~OOOOIDO OOQOO

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 257 and 261


    0 0 0C O Lf;I 0~ r -I 0. . .. "' . . . . . 10-til r-I

    Il)Lf;I: : ' lo. , ; ; :

    0.o. , ; ; : '= - -'"

    0000000000000000000000000000OOOOOOOOOOCOOONOOOOOOOOOOCO~O~ r - I r - I r - I r - I r- I r - I . - I r - I r - Ir - I r - I r - I r - I ~ r - 1 r - 1 r - 1 r - 1 r - 1 . - 1 . - 1 r - 1 r - 1 ~


    "d 00 000000 0 0 0 a 0 en ~0, II} lI) r-I 0 to-~t- ro OJ;) N tQ t- Kl Klr-I t

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 257 and 261


    .eg~' T1! IJ i l l! 3 :a rsnoo

    .pd 0d ..0 De " c_ O!) e Q 0 Qc:: I .-[ O Jd 1 -0 ..-i 'O e e l l l '0 ~ ..:l : : - h:: - 1: -c ~ c O _ I oj 'N d o~~o ~ o d E- < ...:I r . . : j ro

    .p . . . . . ~Il. 0

    0 0 00 00 000 0 ID ID 01:0 Me MIP (D NN N;Q t'J t. . . .roo. . . . . . . . . .

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 257 and 261



    . . . . , V ol .~:: t.!Ii 1 '1 . . . .. . . . . " " .'d ."Ii r " " " i = :: . . . .o .,-t :: s: :s ,.0p M~.

    0 0ro N0 e-. . 0"fl Mi-'i0Q 0 0W \l') 0 ~ . . . .I.D N

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 257 and 261


    CONFIDENTIALD/A Report. 141, cont'd.

    ITEMIZATION OF NEW TANK D AMAGENwnber No. of V o l u m e Percent!Ret A l Tanks (barre1s2 Destro;ted of volume Function of tank i comment6 3 2 10;000 5;000 50 Acid tanks - 1 destroyed127 18 23jooo 6;200 22 Run-down tanks - 4 destroyed140 15 61900 1;840 26 Small run-down tanks - 4 dest.141 14 llj320 5 , 8 0 0 52 II II II II - 2 dest.154 1 6 j 2OO 6 ; 2 00 100 large . . . . II - 1 dest.15 7 1& 32,400 3;600 II Small II " 11 - 1 dest.17 1 17 3 8 ; 0 0 0 20;800 55 Run-dom tanks - 9 destroyed294 8 8,340 1,500 18 Storage tanks (camouflaged) - 1 dest,309 1 1;2'50 li220 100 Large storage tank - 1 dest.TOTAL: 52,190

    IT E UIZ .l I. ' i 'Im r O F O L D T A N K D .!\M A G E8,006 _. 100920 8.1920 8.15,700 1005;700 1005;700 1005;700 100

    1;250 1003 3 , 8 9 0

    Small rtm-down tanks - 2 dest~II II II 11 _ 2 dest.Lal'ge II II II _1. dest.II II II II _ 1dest ,II II II II _1est ~II II II II _ 1dest,Storage tank - destroyed

    T A N K R E ID V AL~~--~~----~~~------------~Percentof volUD1e FUnction of tank commentemoved2:,7602;7602;3003 ; 6 8 06~2QO

    40 Small run-d(),wtn tanks - 6 :removed24 II II II 6 removed20 II n n 5 removed53 II II II 8 removed100 Not listed in (Ref A) but are similar

    to tank 156.b 1 6,200 6,200 100 II II IT II II 1/ U IIC 1 6 , 2 00 6,200 100 II II II II 11 If II If15 7 18 32,400 18,000 5 5 Small run-dcwn tanks- 10 removed

    15 8 l e 32-;400 12,600 39 II n II 7 r e m ov ed299 1 7 2 , 0 0 0 72;000 100 Large storage tank - removed302 1 72;000 72,000 100 II II II II303 1 72;000 72:,000 10 0 II n II II304 1 7 2 : ; 0 0 0 72;000 100 If II 11 II3D, 1 72,000 72;000 100 II II If II308 1 29;000 29,000 100 If II 11 II310 1 29;000 29;000 100 II II II If311 1 96,000 96,000 100 II II If II3 12 1 96,000 96,000 100 II II II If314 1 96,000 96;000 100 II II If II315 1 96,000 26100 0 100 II II II IIT O T A L : a 62 ,7OOReferences: A. AC/AS,Functional Analysis Report No. F/A-155, 12 Jtme 1945

    Target. 90.20-168:4B. eIUDa.:nageAssessment Report 106, 28 June 1945, Yold(aichiPhotos used: Pre-strij~e: 3PR4MB-3t 1, 2; 3PR5M287-2: 21-23 >Post-strike: 3PR5M315-4L: 11-14; 3PR5M331-4R: 20, 21Inclosures: l~ Blol'l'-up (3PR5Ml.74-2: 27) showing damage and removal2. Post-strike mosa.ic

    DISTRIBUTION; 1 1 1 3 "

    APproved.~J.j}. L.~ ..h~ l J . . l~ .. , H AMILTOIIJ"D . D ARBY 1r' f.iAJOR, ACCONF IDENT IAL


  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 257 and 261


    POST :!IT" I""!::TARGET 9(l,20-1684UTSU BE Oil REF.)0(1 BOM COM - MISSION261 -9-10 JUlY 4'tJI IL _""M lIiP.. .s""'::IIHoI'I~UjD.A. Report 141

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 257 and 261



    MhsiOns No..257,25e I 259. 260 and2519/10 July 1945

    - 6.5-: . 11Q Ii-!Ll

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 257 and 261



    enzoI ! I ! I I ! ! I I I I I I Il-e:(0:::I . L JQ ..ol-e:(O J:eooL Lo> -0::: :E2::>CJ)..Jo~t-C/)-,tct-(f)CI . L J~o-.o(/)zoo

    ozc(~: : i ! lGoa:I . & Jm2:om


    oC \I . '

    ~, o" ' "

    . . . ~ .'' E ~ s :I0


  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 257 and 261



    .. . . .

    , . . : . l t I

    c !I>

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 257 and 261


    . . . .~~> ..0 ('I') t ""'l NI:l 0 .-4~~~ ,

    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .~= - ~I:J CI' \ ~ (Y),- _ ; -

    . HI-;0 ; ' : 1t ! : z : t0.-i : ' : 1E Inl0Q~~,00. c : :~.Bc:-.-IJc;0-' ":1 . .J .... . . . C !) 10~0kI-; 0t ~.!::o < I I. . . . .

    . .. .. ~ J. o . go do ~ ......< 1 " ' . . . .I-t 8 . ,Qa ...t:: S .g l ! . - f. c : : 0S . ! 1 !3 1 1 1 ]S 03~H

    " " A t ' "

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 257 and 261


    I I I I I & I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I

    .-j c:rCTlI g : : ~ N " " " l'-~ ~- e l " ' l ~I~ IldG~ uJ 0 000 ~ 00 01"" 1J~ r i l l ON . . .;: -.0 00~~ .- I . . - I . - I . . . . . .~

    C I l J I l l ',,0'G. Nt:'!

    p~ L1 .-, ...0 o-, e- OJ

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 257 and 261



  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 257 and 261


    ...; ~

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 257 and 261


  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 257 and 261


    MISSIONS 257 - 461D ATE 9 July 1945

    FLIGH T D ATA & F UE L C ON SUMP TIO NM ISSION NtiJI~BE k #257 #258 #259 #260 6261U N I T I 58TH I ' I / 1 N G 73RD \'lING 31JTH WINe 31JSH V i I N ( 315T H W lN l--. _A IR CRAY f CON SID E RE D 102 116 100 124 60AV ERAGE fLU NG TIME 15:.35 13:28 13:24 l.4:39 13:32F UE L C ON SUME D :

    Average 5967 5779 .5647 5970 5549M a x i m u m 6500 6451 I 6109 6478 5949Min imum 5580 5134 5160 5 60 8 5 2 1 7

    FU EL .~!A I ~1IN G:Average 673 812 951 6 8 5 1233

    ~ Max irn t'UIl 1075 1431 1340 uz; 568Minimum 2 00 63 5 1 9 1'19 ?7lAVG. GALS. US ED PER H O UR 383.0 429.0 z z i . ; 407.5 41 .1TOTAL U S ED O N A IRB ORN E A/e 788555 693938 61744J. 810339 )48205

    " E I G H T DATA. : N ~ . . .A IRCRAFT A IRBORNE 131 125 109 1 3 5 64AV G. BAGIC V I T . OF A IR CR P~ 74925 7 5 0 5 0 7 4 7 6 8 7 5 6 5 3 71328AV~_GE USEFUL LOAD 5 9 5 2 8 5 8 6 3 7 5 9 0 1 8 59948 62608AV G. 1>0. O F BOMBS LOAD ED M ixed L oa ( M ixod L oa . Mixed Loal Mixed Loa IU.xf : l< i Lo aAVO. WT. or BOMBS LOADED 14.372 13972 1 4 6 1 7 1 4 6 7 6 168llAVERAGE FUEL LOADED 6646 ~93 6 5 8 6 6657 6 ? 8 5AV O. w r. O F FUEL L O A D E D 3 9 8 7 6 39558 3 9 5 1 6 . 3 ~ 40710

    AV ERAGE MISC. W EIGH T 5280 5 1 0 7 48~ 5 . 3 . 3 0 S087AV O. GRpSS \iT. AT TAK~ OFF 13445;3 1 . 3 3 6 8 7 l J 3 7 8 6 l . 3 5 6 0 1 1339.36

    B om b W ei gh ts : M - 1 7 A l - 4 6 5 lbs.M -4 7 A 2 . - '10 l b s .E - 4 6 - 425 I b s .E-36 -)60 l b s .11.-46 ._ 5 2 l b s .11.-64 (TNr) - 535 l b s .M- C4 ( C amp B ) _ 55 0 1~a .

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    Misigns N o . 257. 258. ;: 59, 2Dg rwd 261!9 /10 July 1945

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    F~ OIIDERS )N T J M l 5 E R 97 )

    ~~.~ la l~~0 1 4ate: 3~_YX X I ! ' lO M B T I; R C O M M A !> lDG U A M8 July 1945 - 1700K

    1. Omittea2. XXI 13emtJer GGlllIlWld attacks SEND .U, SAK AI, K OFU , a nd V IAK l\ .YAMAUrba nAreas on ni:-ht 9/10 July 1945.3. a 5Sth 11mg : :

    (1) Primary~Visual and Radar Target; SEN.DAIUrban A;rea.MPI Foree, Reqlrired057111 Normal EffortMPI Reference: :XXIBomGomLitho-Mosaic SWAI90.3B Urban.

    (2) Route:BaseIwo Jima35S0N - 14110E3749N - l405930E (IF)Tarp;etRi~ht'PurnJ500N.: 141JOE1'1'10 JimaB a : s e ~

    C;) Altitude Enroute to Target: 5,000 to 5,800 ft." and B,OOOto @ ISO O ft .

    (4) Altitude of Attack; 10,000 to 10,800 ft.(5 ) Bomb Load: 2 Groups - M-47 lEs2 groups - M-17 Clusters.(6) Banibing Airspeed: 195 C.LA.S.(7) Altitude Enroute rom Target~ 12,000 ft. or above.(8) Two (2) !I..C.M. aircraft-will orbit target area dU!'in5

    strike at 14,000 an~ 15,000 ft.(9) Takeoff: 091 70OK.

    b. 7,Jrd Wing:( 1 ) P r i m a r y V i s w i l . ' " ar i d R a d a r T a r g e t : S A K A I U r b a n A re a

    MPI Foree RequiredOB1079 Normal EffortMPI Re1"erence: XXI B om ).Q m Litho-Moeaie SAKAI .AJ '&a 9 Q .0 ?: 5 -lJrban.

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 257 and 261


    0771D2 3 groups

    F~O.#97(2) Route:

    BaseIwbJima3 3 3 l N - 1 3 : 3 4 6 ' 834:1,.9N - 1;344130E ( IIi')TargetHi ; : ;M; TurnIwo JimaBase.,

    (3) Altitude Enrcute to Tareet: 5,000 to 5- ,800 ft ., and 8,000t o S , S O O ft .(4) AJ;titW'le of Attaek: 10,000 to 10,800 ft.(5) Bonbinr: Airspeed: 220 O.l .A.S,( 6 ) BQ : r r b Load: 2 group s - M-47 ill52 :,:l'oUps - Clusters containin~ U-69 bombs,( 7 ) Altitud'e Enrout e from Tar(:et: 1 2 , 0 0 0 ft. or above.(8) Takeoff: b9 19 00 K .,

    e. 3.13th Wing:(1) Primary Vfsual and. Radar Target: WAKAYAMArban Area

    M P I Force Required

    MPI Reference; XXI BomOomL i tho - :Mosa ic "IAK!1Y AMA Area 90.25Urban .efts< a t Aim ine; Po in t: 00 $020.Route:BaseIwo Jirra3 3 1 5 3 0 N - 1 3 4 1 0 E3351N - 13448E (IF)TareetRi~iht TurnIwo JimaBase.

    (3 .) J'ltituie Enrcute to Target: 4,000 to 4,800 re,; IU1d7,000to 7,800 ft.(4) Altituie of Attack: 10,000 to 10,800 ft.(5) Bomb Load: 2 f;roups - M-47 lBs1roup - M-17 Olusters,(6) Bombinr, Airspeed: 195 C.I.A.S.(7) Alt:itude Enroute from Target: 12,000 ft. or above.(8) 'fakaols 09JJ300K..

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    f:I) Air craft

    F.0. #9 7d., .3J..4t.h ~'finG:

    (1) Pt'll:llll~:rer;.Vi~ 'and,Radar'farget; . GIFU Urban Area.MPI Force Required061062 Normal EffortMPI Reference: XXIDomComLith o-Mosai c GlFtJ !'.rea 90.2{1Urban.

    (2) Route:EaseIw o Jina3 3 5 3 N - 1 J 6 0 B E3520N - 13605E (IF)Tarc_iet352aN - 13710E343730N - 13B03Envo JimaB a s e ,

    (3) Altiwde Enroute to T1U'{~et: 3,000 to 3,800 ft., 6p::IJ to6,800 ft., and 9,000 to 9,000 ft.(4) Altitude o f Attack: 15,000 to 15,aOO ft.C 5 ) 130mb Load: .2 r;roups - M-47 IDs,2 ero ups - ClusterS cont aini~ n-69 bombs ,(6) BOl1h i -ne Airspeed: 195 C.LA.S.(7) Altitude EnI'Oute from TarGet: 15,000 ft. or above.(8) Takeoff: o91700[t

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    SECRETF. o , # 9 7

    (5) Altitude Enroute from T~eet: Climb immedhte1y after. bombs ;;ty;ayta 17,000 ft~ in order to avoid approaChing IFfor GIli'll.

    (6) Takeeff: 091'700lt:.,x, (1) Metbod.of Att.,ekl By individual aircraft compressins forceinto strike time of 70 minutes ma::d.murl'u(2) ArC~loariedw i. th M-47 ISs wili ta.kc off in order to strike

    f~rst~(3) BombFuzing: U-4.7 lEa - instantaneous noseAll cl\ll3te!'s ... fused to open 5,000 ft. abovethe tar.',:et.(4) Intervalometer Settil""lf,: U-47 lBs- 100 n.All Clusters - 50 ft.

    4. Tactl..cal Mission Numbers:SENDA!SAKAIW f I K i ,Y f , M AG I F U1684

    No ~ 2 57No ~ 2 5 BN o . 2 5 9N o . 260N o . 4 6 1 .

    5 . a. (1) XXI BomCemsol and SOP for strike reports, contectreports and IFF procedures.(2) Eadl fiie;bt squadron vdllbe equipped to barru3e jam the

    re:p.an 190-210 megacyCle 5(3) Observations of the 6J1.tent and rel:i.e.bility of the barras-e

    will be ll'Idewhile over the tar~et.(4) Spot j9l1lf l l inr: ; will be cendic ted over the frequency ran:;es

    100-190 and 21.0-220 mer;acycles, as des;i.red by the wingCOlllllBnding General aId as governed by the capacity of eachwing.

    (5) Jern.merswill be kept in operation at all times when closertl'fln 50 miles to HONSHUard will be turned off nt allot.her time s , except for pre fl.:i.,;:ht!'nd postUidlt frequencychecks ,whi ch

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 257 and 261





    Missions }fo. 257. 258. 252, 260 ~

    - 79

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 257 and 261


  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 257 and 261


    Ill:CI.ASSIFll'lJ_ .AW.\J"I I" IJIU~'1"oo.z.l

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 257 and 261


  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 257 and 261



    JULY 19~5 SHEET RM-5


    ALT. APPROX. 10,000' TO 15,000'CIU XXI B. C.

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    SHEET RM-39

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 257 and 261


    " ~~ 80-r .~ 0t- o0Iix~0Q..I < > 1 - w a : :~~(/) a . . 1 10e(,)

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 257 and 261


    00. . .~&1Z:I

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 257 and 261


    1234 ,. . 5618910111213141 51 61 7181 920212223 .. 242 .52b .. 27282~ .. . 5 334, - '3 63 738 ..6 16 8 ~ 6 1 j 17 0

    717273747 57677787~-80


    Commending General ~ Army Air ForcesCowna:nd~ng General; U.S." A rmy Strategic lir Forces (Rear)Conmaru:i1.IIgGeneral. U.S. Army Str.a'Pegic Ur Forces (Guem)Chief .of Staff'. U.S. Array Stra.tegic ".\.ir Forces (G\J&D:)Commanding General ; Twentieth A.ir Fqrce .Co:t.")1"lla.D.ili.llgener'sl ~ Eighth Air Force' (Ojrioawe.)CO!llIll6.uderin Chief'. U.S. kr:rJJy force s , PacificChief of Naval Opetatiens. OP-l6.;Vcormnander in Chief.; Pacific Fleet (Mv 8q)Commanderin Chief." Pacific Fleet (Rear H q)Cornma:D!i6XAir F'Ol'ce, Pacific Fleet ..O o m m a n d e r ; Third Flee~C o m m a n d e r ; Fifth FleetCommander; First Carrier Task F.orceComman!iler.MarianasCon::mandioeGeneral,; U.,s. 4 : r : r r J Y Forces I'!!Lidie Paci.i'icCommanding General, Allied Air Ferce$. S\1PACommanding General; ,Far East Ail' ForcesCOIIIlllaldingGeneral; u.s, Strategic .ur Foroes in ~opeCommaIiding General ~Mediterranean Allied Air ForeesCO!IlJllS.ndingGeneral, Fifteenth .Air ForceConmaniing Ge,neral; Seventh Air ForceOom rna :r di ~ General.; VII Bomber C o m m a r a dQonmatding General,VlI Fighter C o m m a meoll l ! l l IDld iug General; Eleventh .Air ForceCommaruling' General . 301st Figliter WingComnand Hq, Allied Air Forces. s:I1'A'NITNr Senior J;:ntHliaenoe or~icer. R . l . ...I..F.Commander in Chief. U.S. Artily Forces. Pacii'i e

    X J l 1 ' : N : 1l-2 (For 5ection22 RW)Officer in Charge t J.oint Intelligence Center:Pacific oesen AreasOomnarding General, Arm'! iir r"OrcesA1"iNI A o l AS IntelligenoaConmanAiDg General, A r m : ! Air Forees.\TTNI AC/...s. Intelligence. Collect ion :Jivi slonCommanding General. U.S. ).:rrrJy StrategiC ..tir ForOOS (Gu . sD . )ATTN; IntelligenoeCommaldingGeneralt U.S. ArrJrI StrategiC .lit' rore~ (Guam)~~ CommunicationsF O R l Counter Measures jur J.nalysil!l Center .COlIl!llandingOffic.et. Twentieth . . u . r loroe Lead c r e w SchoolBr'igedier Genetal. H.S. HanseU. Jr.~hief .of Staff. Twentieth . A1 r roroeDeputy O/S, OpOSo 'lWentieth Air rorceACof S. "\'-2, Twentieth Air ForceChemical Warfare" Of'ticeI'. 'l'irentietb Air rOT -Ordnano9 Officer. TWentieth .oUr ForceDirector of' Tacti.cA. A-3. Twentieth Air r o r C f jHist.orical Officer. Twen.tieth Air Force

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 257 and 261


    818 28 3848 5868788899 091' f I 29 3~49 .59 6979899100101102103lOl! .1 0 . 510610 7108109no111112l 1 3114USl l b117 - 130

    80mmanding General' 58th Bgmbar4LmentwingOom!lJ8lding General~ 73rd Bombardroont 7liogOommanding Ge~erd.; 31,3th Bombardment !lingCommandililg Gep;era1 ~ 314th Bombardment 'TlinJ;ComID'< l .nd i .ng Genera1' 315th Bombardment ',1in eCommal'lding Officer; 3rd Photo Raconn.aieeanee SqOOlJllll8Ilt'ling Officeri 41st Photo Reconnaissance SqClDtmDandingOfficer, 55th Reconnaissance Sq, long Range',1eather 'COIlllM.nding Officer, Twentieth Air Fore,e Comba.t StagingCenter (Provisional)Commanding Officer; 33rd Statistiea1Control UnitCormnanding Officer', 6th Bomb Group ( V H )COlIll!landiog Officer j 9th BOIIlbGroup (VH)CornmandJng Officer; 16th Bomb Group (V'H)Commanding Of'ficsr~ 19th Bomb Group (VB)CQrrnnaaditlg Officer . ; 29th . B omb Group ( VB )Commanding Of'ficer~ 39th Bomb Group (VE)Cornmanding Off'icer~ 40th Bootb Group (VB)Commal ! l d ipg Officer; 330th Bomb Group (ia)Commanding Officer; 331st : Bcmb Group (VJ i )Command i I l g Officer;. 444th Bomb Group ( V H )ComiJl!;J.ndihg Officer; 4b2nd Bomb Group (YH)Coimnanding Qffieer; 468th Bomb Group (VH)C0I!lIllanding Qff'ieer; lI.97tb Bomb Group (VB)GommandiRS Qffieer~ 498th B omb Group (VH)GCI!Ili11.andingOf'ficer~ 499th Bomb Group (VB)Command iI:)g Officer~ SOOth Bomb Group (VH)Commanding Officer; 501st Bomb Gt-oup (VB)Commanding Officer; 502nd Bomb Group (VH)Commanding Officer~. 50lj:th Bomb Group (Vii)Command:iM Officer; 505th Bomb Group (VB)CommandiM Of'fi cer ~ 509th Composi te Group.Commanding Off'iGe:t' ; 15th Fig);lter Group \VIR)COmmanding Officer. 21st Fighter Group (VIR)Cormnand ing ,Qfficer; 4lJ.j:th Fighter lJrou.p (VIR)Commanding Officer. 'S06th Fighter Grou,p (VLR)Reporting Unit; A-2i Twentieth Air Force (File Copy)Reportins Unit. ;.,..2. Twentieth Air Foree