213567 - Analysis of the Down Payments in SD

7/21/2019 213567 - Analysis of the Down Payments in SD http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/213567-analysis-of-the-down-payments-in-sd 1/5 SAP Note Header Data Symptom Analysis of down payment processing in SD Other Terms OVBP, OBXR, OBB8, V/08, F-37 KFREL, BONSM, XANET, KURRF, ZFBDT VF525, VF050, RW023, F5568, F5704, F5808, F5847 Reason and Prerequisites Useful information on down payment processing in SD: 1. Header/item billing plan 2. Percentage/value-based down payments 3. Maintain pricing procedure (V/08) 4. Statistical/inactive conditions 5. Taxes/tax accounts/requirement 84/gross/net procedure down payments 6. Negative down payments 7. Currency change, DM/EURO (Note 118807) 8. Messages in the FI/CO interface 9. Terms of payment 10. Installment plan 11. Print 12. Down payment clearing 13. Cancel item by item 14. Sales document with "pure" down payment items 15. Alternative payer Solution If you want to use down payment processing in SD, this is only possible via the functions of the billing plan and only if it is order-related. 1. Header/item billing plan To create a billing plan on header level, a milestone billing plan type must be assigned to the order type (Transaction OVBP).The header billing plan is an entry aid and in each case, one or more item billing plans are also generated.As long as the 'HeaderBillPlan' indicator is found on the 'Item billing plan' view (RV60F-KFREL), the item billing plan is controlled via the header.The indicator can be changed as long as no date has been billed yet. 2. Percentage down payments are implemented with billing rule 4, value-based down payments are implemented with billing rule 5. a) For value-based down payments, the '%' (FPLT-FPROZ) field is not ready for input.If you enter a billing document value (FPLT-FAKWR) in the header billing plan, the system distributes the value proportionally to the corresponding item billing plans.If an item billing plan is involved, exactly this entered value is treated as a billing document value and is billed. Maintain pricing procedure (V/08) b) In the initial screen of pricing procedure maintenance (V/08), the indicator 'Specific proc.'(V_T683-BONSM) must not be set, otherwise the pricing procedure is redetermined and the AZWR is not changed internally to a pricing condition. If this is an item billing plan, this entered value is assumed to be the billing document value and billed. 3. Maintain pricing procedure (V/08) In the initial screen of pricing procedure maintenance (V/08), the 'Pricing procedure for rebate documents' flag (V-T683-BONSM) must not be set, otherwhise, the pricing procedure is redetermined and AZWR is not changed to a pricing condition internally. Generally, this causes double amounts. 4. Statistical/inactive conditions 213567 - Analysis of the down payments in SD Version 6 Validity:  09.09.2002 - active Language English Released On 09.09.2002 19:05:20 Release Status Released for Customer Component SD-BIL-IV-DP Down Payments FI-AR-AR-J Integration/Accounting Interface Priority Recommendations / Additional Info Category Consulting Other Components

Transcript of 213567 - Analysis of the Down Payments in SD

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SAP Note 

Header Data


Analysis of down payment processing in SD

Other Terms 

OVBP, OBXR, OBB8, V/08, F-37

KFREL, BONSM, XANET, KURRF, ZFBDTVF525, VF050, RW023, F5568, F5704, F5808, F5847

Reason and Prerequisites 

Useful information on down payment processing in SD:1. Header/item billing plan2. Percentage/value-based down payments3. Maintain pricing procedure (V/08)4. Statistical/inactive conditions5. Taxes/tax accounts/requirement 84/gross/net procedure down payments6. Negative down payments7. Currency change, DM/EURO (Note 118807)8. Messages in the FI/CO interface9. Terms of payment

10. Installment plan11. Print12. Down payment clearing13. Cancel item by item14. Sales document with "pure" down payment items15. Alternative payer


If you want to use down payment processing in SD, this is only possible via the functions of thebilling plan and only if it is order-related.

1. Header/item billing planTo create a billing plan on header level, a milestone billing plan type must be assigned to theorder type (Transaction OVBP).The header billing plan is an entry aid and in each case, one or

more item billing plans are also generated.As long as the 'HeaderBillPlan' indicator is found onthe 'Item billing plan' view (RV60F-KFREL), the item billing plan is controlled via theheader.The indicator can be changed as long as no date has been billed yet.

2. Percentage down payments are implemented with billing rule 4, value-based down payments areimplemented with billing rule 5.

a) For value-based down payments, the '%' (FPLT-FPROZ) field is not ready for input.If youenter a billing document value (FPLT-FAKWR) in the header billing plan, the systemdistributes the value proportionally to the corresponding item billing plans.If an itembilling plan is involved, exactly this entered value is treated as a billing document valueand is billed.Maintain pricing procedure (V/08)

b) In the initial screen of pricing procedure maintenance (V/08), the indicator 'Specificproc.'(V_T683-BONSM) must not be set, otherwise the pricing procedure is redetermined andthe AZWR is not changed internally to a pricing condition.

If this is an item billing plan, this entered value is assumed to be the billing documentvalue and billed.

3. Maintain pricing procedure (V/08)In the initial screen of pricing procedure maintenance (V/08), the 'Pricing procedure for rebatedocuments' flag (V-T683-BONSM) must not be set, otherwhise, the pricing procedure isredetermined and AZWR is not changed to a pricing condition internally. Generally, this causesdouble amounts.

4. Statistical/inactive conditions

213567 - Analysis of the down payments in SD 

Version  6 Validity: 09.09.2002 - active Language  English

Released On  09.09.2002 19:05:20

Release Status  Released for Customer

Component  SD-BIL-IV-DP Down Payments

FI-AR-AR-J Integration/Accounting InterfacePriority  Recommendations / Additional Info

Category  Consulting

Other Components

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In the case of down payment items in the billing document, statistical or inactive conditionsare not copied as the standard behavior.You can change this standard behavior by implementingthe workaround from Note 174608.

5. Taxes/tax accounts/requirement 84/gross/net procedure down payments

a) Down payments can be posted as gross or net, depending on the tax code of the determinedG/L account.With Transaction OBXR, special G/L accounts are assigned to the particularreconciliation accounts for the special G/L indicators F (down payment requests) and A (downpayments).These are either indicated as net or gross (Transaction FS03, field SKB1-MWSKZ)and are found during the corresponding postings.If a net down payment exists, the indicatorBSEG-XANET = 'X' is set.

¡ Relevant notes: 129473, 145542, 181183, 206622, 207835, 153602

b) FI does not generally allow the posting of the down payment request with Tax JurisdictionCode because a down payment request in FI only displays one noted item on the customeraccount.If down payment processing is carried out with Tax Jurisdiction Code, the changesmust be transferred from Note 97288 (requirement '84', LV61A084).

CAUTION: Tax Jurisdiction Code cannot be used in connection with Note165856 (Gross value check). 

Requirement '84' ensures that no tax line is created in accordance with thebilling rule.This always occurs if the billing rule is '4' or '5' which means that it involves downpayment transactions.Consequently, these functions can generally be used if down paymenttransactions should be handled as non-taxable transactions.

c) The following rules apply for internal tables XACCIT and XACCCR (FI/CO interface) fordown payment requests:A tax line is created for every tax type used in the document and a customer item is created

for each tax line.The installment plan is the only exception in this case.6. Negative down paymentA down payment request has at least one item with a negative value.The down payment request istransferred to FI and a down payment that has been made is assigned to the request.The postingsare carried out with reversed debit/credit indicators for the item with a negative value.In SD,these postings can only be interpreted as down payments made if Notes 193872 and 199571 havebeen implemented.

7. Currency change, DM/EURO (Note 118807)

a) A currency change is only permitted into euro for partially billed SD documents. Thiscurrency code must be maintained in table EWUKEYS.

b) After the currency has been changed to euro in these documents, a subsequent currencychange is no longer possible, not even to the original currency.

c) In the billing plan, dates that have already been billed are converted to euro.

d) Before the currency is changed, you must ensure that all billing documents of thedocument to be converted have been transferred to Financial Accounting.

e) After the currency conversion, billing documents billed in the old document currency canno longer be cancelled.

f) Minor rounding differences may occur in the case of the statistics and the credit values.

g) Documents with down payments that were already billed cannot be converted if Note 207070has not been implemented.Restriction:This function is only possible if internal number assignment was set for thenumber range interval of the FI document to be created.

¡ Other relevant note: 122264

8. Messages in the FI/CO interface

a) VF525: "Total of down payment to be billed too high." VF050: "Document & saved (noaccounting document generated)"

In the standard system, you cannot perform a clearing of down payment itemswith a total that is higher than the value of the corresponding item to be settled from the partialor final invoice.A billing document is created, but it cannot be transferred to Financial Accountingbecause sending credit memos to customers as part of down payments is not supported.However, you dohave the option to adjust the value of the down payment clearing item (condition AZWR) according tothe item to be settled when you create the invoice.In this case, the remainder of the down paymentassigned to this item is proposed again for clearing in the next partial or final invoice.

b) F5808: "Field Business area is a required field for G/L account & &".The business area is not transferred from the down payment item.In the field status of theG/L account, the business area is entered as a required-entry field.

¡ Relevant notes: 155138, 115949

c) RW023: "FI/CO interface: No clear transaction currency".A currency change is allowed in the sales document.If different document currencies exist, asplit of the accounting document occurs;that is, the down payment clearing is posted in thecurrency of the down payment made.The actual billing item is posted in the document currencyof the billing document.

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¡ Relevant note: 207070Restriction:This function is only possible if internal number assignment was set for thenumber range interval of the FI document to be created.

d) F5568: "Fiscal year & is not allowed".You want to clear a down payment that was made and received in the previous year with amilestone billing document or final invoice (billing date of the current year).The systemissues the above error message during the transfer of this billing document to FinancialAccounting.

¡ Relevant note: 189502Error after Support Package SAPKH40B21 is imported

e) F5704: "Inconsistent amounts".Error occurs while posting a billing document's in which down payment clearing with negative

amounts happens.

¡ Relevant note: 199571

f) F5847: "Down payment & & & was already cleared and cannot be used in offsetting".Billing documents with down payment clearing items should be reposted to individualcomponents of Accounting.The error occurs during the reposting.

¡ Relevant note: 143820

g) F1805: "Clearing: Line item & in document & & & already cleared".The situation can occur if several down payment requests should be cancelled at the sametime with Transaction VF11 or as soon as the down payment request to be cancelled was postedin the previous fiscal year and the document contains more than one down payment requestitem.

¡ Relevant notes: 120050, 161864

h) F5611: "Acct determination for & with keys & & not defined in ch/acts &".The down payment account is set to gross.The determination of the down payment clearingaccount is always carried out with the account modification 'A' and not with the setting inaccordance with Transaction OBXR or OBXB.

¡ Relevant note: 129473

9. Terms of paymentWhen you post a down payment request to FI (Transaction:F-37), you can only enter a due date.You cannot enter terms of payment. Therefore, terms of payment must not be transferred from SDeither.For this reason, only the payment baseline date (ZFBDT) is transferred to FI. This is generallythe billing date.Alternatively however, you can influence the calculation of the paymentbaseline date via Transaction OBB8 'Change terms of payment' as follows:

l Entering a fixed day

l Entering additional months

The terms of payment are deleted in the SD/FI interface.

¡ Relevant note: 180344

10. Installment plan.The installment plan function can also be used for the down payment via the terms of payment.

¡ Relevant note: 134405

11. Print.The value of the down payments made is displayed in the customer invoice.

a) The sales tax contained in the down payment is displayed as well as the final amountstill to be paid.Furthermore, a payment overview of the down payments made with individualamounts and the sales tax included in the individual amounts is implemented.

¡ Relevant note: 304408

b) In the billing document printout, the down payment clearing items are also used for thedetermination of the weights and volumes.These units are then displayed incorrectly.

¡ Relevant note: 209636

12. Down payment clearing.

When you post a milestone billing document or a final invoice, the posted downpayments are proposed for clearing.The maximum amount for clearing is the amount received as a down

payment, minus down payments that were already cleared.The amount to be cleared can be changedmanually on condition level (standard: condition AZWR).A plausibility check (requirement 48 in thepricing procedure) ensures that this manual change does not exceed the amount of the down paymentmade, that is, the system issues a warning message if the amount displayed for the down payment tobe cleared is too high.That is, you can then save the billing document after confirming thismessage.However, a transfer to Financial Accounting is not possible because another check is carriedout in the FI/CO interface.All down payments paid to this sales order should have been taken into account in the final invoice.However, no final check is carried out.If a down payment is therefore not cleared completely, anopen item remains in Financial Accounting.This can be cleared, for example, by a credit memo or a

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refund by bank transfer to the customer.

a) If the down payment request is posted, paid and cleared with a defined accounting rate(field:VBRK-KURRF), a split of the billing document occurs during the posting of thesubsequent milestone billing document or final invoice to another accounting rate.Thebilling item and the down payment clearing item are created in different billing documentsbecause the rate is part of the header information of the billing document.After you implement Note 150893, the accounting rate of the milestone billing document/finalinvoice is transferred to the down payment clearing item and a billing split is consequentlyavoided.

¡ Other relevant notes: 164422, 170679

b) Note 162321 must be implemented to avoid that the down payment clearing item in a billingdocument writes the sales volume to the Sales Information System (SIS) and thus the sales

volume in the SIS doubles.

c) In a milestone billing document or final invoice, the system incorrectly proposes downpayment clearing line items twice for clearing.This incorrect behaviour has been correctedwith Note 178003.

¡ Other relevant notes: 166909, 173442, 179670

d) A billing document contains additional clearing items instead of the expected downpayment clearing items.This is due to previously cancelled down payment clearing items thatare interpreted as down payments made.Note 163323 corrects this error behaviour.

e) One of the following errors occurs if down payment requests were created in Release 3*and cleared with the new down payment processing as of Release 4*:

l The amount of the down payment amount to be cleared is incorrect.

¡ Relevant note: 153559

l A down payment clearing is carried out in the billing document intended for this purpose, but nodown payment clearing postings are transferred to the FI/CO interface. A down payment repostingis not performed.

Note:This error is not necessarily connected with documents from Releases Releases 3.x.It alwaysoccurs if the down payment made was not created for a down payment request but an assignment wascarried out via the sales document number.

¡ Relevant note: 182417

13. Cancel item by item.Cancelling item by item is possible for a down payment request as well as for a milestonebilling document or final invoice.

¡ Relevant notes: 182617, 187721, 192623

a) If a down payment request is already cleared in Financial Accounting, item by itemcancellation can still be carried out.With Note 182617, this behavior is no longer allowed.

b) In the case of billing items with down payment clearing items, the system does not checkwhether all dependent items were selected.Such a check is carried out when you implementNote 182617. Billing items with dependent down payment clearing items can only be cancelleditem by item together.Incorrect selection of down payment clearing items when cancellingitem by item.

c) Incorrect selection of down payment clearing items during the cancellation by item. Thiserror is corrected with Note 187721.

14. Sales document with "pure" down payment items.

After you implement Note 306151, it is possible to create an item in the sales document whichonly includes down payment dates in the billing plan.These dates can be billed and transferredas a down payment request to Financial Accounting.The down payment made then appears in the nextmilestone billing document or the next final invoice as an independent item and can be cleared.

Additional information on July 26th, 2002 Note 306151 (workaround for missing functions) was archived. The implementation of the functions ofthe 'pure' down payment items occurred with Note 528608.

15. Alternative payerIf a sales document contains items with a billing plan in which down payment dates exist, for amilestone or final invoice, the system imports all down payments made for this salesdocument.This occurs for the first determined down payment date and consequently with thecustomer number (payer/sold-to party) of the item to be processed of the sales document.If the system determines an item with an alternative payer, it branches to down paymentprocessing again to import the down payments made for this customer.If down payments for these two customers are still open, the system generates corresponding down

payment clearing items.

¡ Relevant note: 366213


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This document is not restricted to a software component or software component version


This document refers to:

SAP Notes 

This document is referenced by:

SAP Notes (4) 

864319 Billing data transfer in spite of net value of small DP 

506933 Baseline date for payment for down payment dates from SD 

213444  Advice note, down payment processing SD/FI 

113347 Down payment process. as of Release 4.0x (standard) 

113347 Down payment process. as of Release 4.0x (standard) 

213444  Advice note, down payment processing SD/FI 

864319 Billing data transfer in spite of net value of small DP 

506933 Baseline date for payment for down payment dates from SD