213545787 the-works-of-john-bunyan-vol-1-experimental-doctrinal-practical-ed-george-offor-1855


Transcript of 213545787 the-works-of-john-bunyan-vol-1-experimental-doctrinal-practical-ed-george-offor-1855

  1. 1. OF PR/A,; Iflftr; Bunyan, Johnr"l628-1688 The works of John Bunyan RR 7S .R7 I'fiSS
  2. 2. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2008 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/worksofjohnbunya01buny
  3. 3. ^_ Wij^A^^u^ Q^^Y 'C ^ m 'A I ....^^ ^gicaiSftV^ C^-^^ ^^^^^^-1, ''eittj, Ck m.
  4. 4. >- " - ''ject, as sketched out by Bunyan, from being perceived ; while the reader would be perplexed among the mazes of firsts, seconds, and thirds, that wei-e constantly occurring, and thus much of the profit and enjoyment of the perusal be lost. Great care has been bestowed to remedy these defects by the use of capitals, small capitals, Italic,
  5. 8. PREFACE. V numerals, and figures, as occasion required, to distinguish the various divisions. Headings to the various sections have also been introduced where Bunyan had not given them ; and in some cases these have been likewise needful for the subdivisions : such insertions are always placed within brackets [ ]. These improvements, we trust, wnll greatly add to the pleasure and profit of every reader of these invaluable treatises. Our great object has been to secure accuracy ot text; and to render that text more valuable to the general reader by the addition of select notes, especially to explain obsolete words, local idioms, or allusions to the customs of by-gone days. In some cases the reader's attention is directed by a short note, to the extraordinary beauties which richly abound ; while im- portant doctrines are illustrated and enforced by extracts from other parts of these Works, so as to render Bunyan his own interpreter. Every treatise has an Introduction, shoAving the peculiar circumstances under which it was written, its object, and the mode by which that object was sought to be attained. In editing each of the treatises, much care was taken to extract every sentence that threw a light upon the life, times, contemporaries, and personal experience of the author, with the intention of making his Memoir as far as possible an autobiography. With i-espect to his solemn and most deeply-interesting spiritual life, this was the only source from whence information could be derived. When these extracts were arranged in chro- nological order, with the numerous references to which they led, they were careftiUy compared with every life which has been written of this extraorcUnary and popular man. Those that were written shortly after his decease contain much valuable information and interesting anecdotes, which, being confirmed by eye-witnesses, have been incorporated in the narrative. Of necessity most of his modern biographers copy from those that went before. Much valuable information was obtained by visiting the scenes of his labours ; and in doing this, as well as in searching registersthe church bookthe materials collected by his admiring friends and followers, were opened for my inspection with as much courtesy and kindly feeling, as if the spirit of Bunyan had hovei'ed about usevery hand was extended with cheerful alacrity and self-devotion of time, and the result is to the editor peculiarly gratifying. The satisfaction of being able to unravel all the mystery that liung over Bunyan's release from prison, is very great. That he was solely indebted to the Quakers for it, there could be no reasonable doubt ; but why that debauched monarch Charles II. took a fancy to these prim-moralists, the Quakers, was an insoluble problem, until the discovery of original letters in the archives at Devonshire House revealed the seci-et, and with all the bad quali- ties of that licentious King, proved that he possessed gratitude to the Quaker sailor who nobly saved his life. The character of Bunyan, when a young preacher, drawn by his pastor, ' holy John Gifibrd,' and many deeply-interesting circumstances, are published for the first time. While, connected with so eminent a disciple, much remains to be discovered, our difficulty has been to condense the Memoir into the smallest space, by referring the reader to the copies of State j^apers and other documents printed in the introduction to The, Pilgrim's Prof/ress, and other parts of the Woi-ks, and by abridging as much as pos- sible all our extracts. When Bunyan entered upon ministeiial duties, it was with the deepest anxiety; in proclaiming the unsearchable riches of Christ, his first efibrt was to fix upon his hearers the all-important truth, ' Ye must be born again.' This soon led him into controversy, in
  6. 9. vi PREFACE. which he made marvellous discoveries of the state of societ}- in those eventful times. Strangely absurd errors were promulgated, to conquer which, all the mighty energies of Bunyan's mind, baptized into Scriptural truth, and hallowed b}' heavenly communion, were brought into active exercise. Limited in preaching to the few who were within the sound of his voice, and knowing that poisonous errors had extended throughout the king- dom, he sought the all-powerful aid of the press, and published several searching treatises before his imprisonment. Soon after this, he was called to suffer persecution as a Chris- tian confessor, and then his voice was limited to the walls of his prison, excepting when, by the singular favour of his jailers, he was permitted to make stolen visits to liis fellow- Christians. From the den in this jail issued works which have embalmed his memory in the richest fragrance in the churches of Christ, not only in his native land, but in nearly all tlie Idngdoms of the world. Thus was the folly of persecution demonstrated, while the mad WTath of man promoted the very object Avhich it intended to destroy. Bunyan's name is now as much identified w^ith British literature as that of Milton, or of Shakespeare. Some of his works, printed with patent ink, on vellum paper, with all the elegant illustrations and embellishments Avhicli art can devise, and in sumptuous bindings, adorn the library of our beloved Queen, and the drawing-rooms of her nobles; while millions of copies, in a cheaper form, supply every class of society, even to the humblest cottager. Multitudes also, in other lands and other languages, feel the sanctify- ing and happy effects of reading these works, and imbibing their peaceful spirit; and we trust that to nations yet unborn these happy effects will be increasingly multiplied. Bunyan knew nothing of the art of composing written language. He lived in the atmosphere of the Bible; and its beautiful simplicity of style, and fine old Saxonisms, with its perspicuous brevity, shine through all his writings. His simple and ardent devotion to his Master's glory, in the salvation of sinners, constrained him to write as he felt ; while his fertile imagination, accurate eye, and musical ear, were natural, and ver}^ power- ful aids to correct language. Still it is surprising that, without the advantages of educa- tion, he could wi'ite with such singular accuracy and power of expression. However rich in instruction, and admirable in their tendency, Bunyan's "wiitings were, they had to struggle with no ordinary difficulties. The doctrines of the gospel were not so popular then as in oui- happier age. Free and unfettered inquiries into Divine truth were not even tolerated until after the author's death. While the Act of Toleration per- mitted Christians to exist without persecution in this land of Bibles and of religion, it did not place them on terms of equality. Since that time the spirit of intolerance has been dying by particles, but is still strong in the human mind. These works had to struggle with those prejudices, and that enmity which at all times has opposed the pro- gress of truth. In addition to many other general reasons that might be stated, Avhicli equally apply to the -s^Titings of all godly men, we have to add that Bunyan was a poor mechanic, a Dissenter, and of the Baptist denomination. Although he had come to so careful a decision upon this subject, that he firmly adhered through life to his opinions, yet he never obtruded upon the public his private views on non-essentials ; so that in nearly all his works, water-baptism is sw^allowed up in his earnest desire to win souls to Christ. All his effort is, to fix attention upon that spiritual baptism which is essential to sal- vation, by which the soul passeth from death unto life, and from which springs good-will to man, and glory to God.
  7. 10. PREFACE. vii Of all the objections that have been made to Bunyan's works, the most absurd is, that he was poor and unlettered. To despise the poor is an impious reflection upon Divine wisdom. It is true that great grace can keep the scholar humble, and bless his learning to the welflire of the church, but for the welfare of the world we want many Bunyans, and can manage with few Priestleys or Porsons. Bunyan, although unlearned as to the arts and sciences ofthis world, was deeply versed in the mysteries of godliness, and the glories of the world to come. He was a most truth- ful, ino-enious, persuasive, and invaluable writer upon the essentials of human happiness. To refuse his Scriptural instruction, because he was not versed in chemistry, mathematics, Greek, or Latin, would be to proclaim ourselves void of understanding. "We heartily pity those who, with pampered sickly appetites, feed only on vanity, Avhich, however served up in dainty dishes, only fits the soul to become fuel for an eternal fii-ean awful price to pay for such debasing gratifications. They have no part nor lot with those blessed ones who hunger and thirst after righteousness, and who buy the choicest treasures of eternity without money or pricethe free gift of God, to which Bunyan's works constantly point, as the magnetic needle does to the pole. Throughout the whole of his treatises, beautiful and striking passages scintillate and sparkle like well- set diamonds ; they are none borrowed, but all flow from his native genius. Every sentiment is intimately connected with the most important truths, all pointing to one common centre, ' Christ the hope of glory'all tending to fix the value of religion on the mind; and, aided by the Divine blessing, calculated to produce heavenly fruit to the spiritual and temporal happiness of the reader, and to the comfort of the church and of the world. Never was there a period which so imperatively called forth these works as the pre- sent day. Mighty eflbrts are making to exalt the Man of Sin, and again to inthral this country in the satanic yoke of Popery, or that of its dark, ill-shapen brother Puseyism. Bunj-an's book on that awful word Antichrist, is a home-thrust at the enemy ; his work on The Greatness of the Soul excites the deepest interest in its indescribable value ; his Feiv Sighs from Hell alarm the thoughtless, and fill the believer v/ith adoring gratitude for his escape ; his treatise upon Baptism raises us above water, to that one baptism of the Holy Ghost v/hich alone regenerates the soul. Every treatise, while it excites solemn and earnest inquiries after salvation, clearly defines the narrow path which leads to life, abounding with antidotes against despair, and with comfort to the feeble-minded ; they contain milk for babes, and meat for men in Christ. In Bunyan's writings there is no sectarian biasChrist is all in all. He addresses the hearts of the whole family of heaven old or 3^oung, rich or poor, learned or unletteredleading all classes to be found ' looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith.' Every efl'ort has been made to render this Edition useful and popular. It is true that the wealthy are not indulged with large margins and a small stream of letterpress ; but they have a more ample source of gratification, in the reflection that this saving of expense brings valuable treasures within the reach of the poor, and more especially to students training for ministerial labours. Nor must we forget the many thousand pas- tors of churches, who, with their scanty means, will be able to avail themselves of works eminently calculated to render their labours more abundantly useful. No expense has been spared to render the pictorial illustrations worthy such an author. The portraits
  8. 11. viii PREFACE. are fi-om the only two originals known to have been taken from life. The painting by Sadler, and the beautiful and characteristic drawing and engraving by the celebrated K. White, in 1682, preserved in the British Museum. The wood-cuts printed with the original editions of liis works are faithfully copied, together with scenes and relics con- nected with his life. The Index is entirely new, and was the result of great labour. Our hope is that this wdll prove itself a Standard Edition, and be extensively used wherever the English language is knovn;that, by the Divine blessing, it may aid the imperceptible progress of that leaven of the gospel which must eventually bless with a benign influence ' all kindreds, and tongues, and nations that dwell upon the earth.' We owe an ample apology to our Subscribers for having severely taxed their patience by the delay in finishing the Third Volume. The reasons have been our great anxiety to render these important Works as complete as possible^the necessity of visiting the scenes of Bunyan's labours, to do justice to so illustrious a man in the memoir of his experience, his sufferings, his amazing usefulnessand in compiling a comprehensive Index to his Works. A more gratifying duty is to thank our friends for their zealous aid and assist- ance. They are far too numerous to be namedthey will have the pleasure of knowing that they contributed to raise a solid tribute of esteem to om^ great pilgrim forefather. GEORGE OFFOR. Hackney, June, 1853.
  9. 12. w m T[H!1I lP[SEgEIRlMTDrN! m T[U![E [CR[P[L[ lURCM * LONUON,
  10. 13. HiUi jJ?)Wi|iit|f iivmnk X$n&m. i SON, GLASGOW. EDMBURGH tLOKrOK
  11. 14. 1=11 S5. & [UJ]
  12. 15. m" ST PEMIS F01MS SE^KfflP3 M JE[^(llSA[LEi Acts n. 14-40^ BLA.CKIK S( SOH. OUSGOW EDWBUBG-H 8- LONDON
  14. 17. I-
  15. 18. ^^v.: Vl