
ASCENDED MASTER KUTHUMI-AGRIPPA ASCENDED MASTER KUTHUMI-AGRIPPA 21:12 Solstice & Energy Activation 21:12 Solstice & Energy Activation CHANNELED THROUGH MICHELLE MANDERS© CHANNELED THROUGH MICHELLE MANDERS© All Rights Reserved & Copyright Michelle Manders Channelled in Johannesburg, South Africa, 21 December 2007 www.palaceofpeace.net Please note that reading this information will have an effect on you, as the information in timeless. You will energetically be linked with the Channelling Being and a similar process facilitated with you, which is just as powerful. Do not concern yourself too much regarding time lines given in the live channelling, if any. You will be taken through a similar one in accordance with your Divine Plan, Timing & Purpose. Revised and updated by Michelle Manders under the auspices of Kuthumi-Agrippa on 28 November 2012 for 21:12:12. This process can be used in conjunction with the free transcripts 12:12:12 Alchemy of Consciousness , 21:12 Ascension Gateway and the live channelling pre-recorded for the 21:12 Crossing the Threshold Celebration This transcript has been published free of charge by Intellectual Property owner Michelle Manders and Palace of Peace in support of people seeking clarity, healing and peace. Therefore, we appreciate the Law of Integrity being honoured and ask that no person, group, organisation, or any body of any sort under any circumstance alter any part of this document or publish it in part or in full for personal financial gain. You are welcome to publish an excerpt with the link to the downloadable full transcript on our website. I am Kuthumi and I come forward upon the Rays of Love and Wisdom to greet you at this time and bring unto you blessings of lightness, trust, clarity and faith. Greetings beloved ones. And it is with great joy and pleasure in our hearts that we may embrace you within the light, the wisdom, truth and wholeness of Father/Mother God's presence. Beloved ones, the celebration of the solstice of the 21 st of December is in fact a preparation of sorts, as much as it is an integration of powerful new energies. The 21:12 Gateway is a preparation for the energy everyone in the Southern and Northern Hemispheres is working with simultaneously, yet working with the opposites which are represented by the hemispheres. This preparation allows the body to experience the journey that has been chosen by the light of the soul, and in so doing, preparing for what the integration day requires from the human self. The actual solstice manifests on the 22 nd of December, however the 21 st is an important day of preparing the body. These energies are not limited to the two dates we have just given you, because energy is ever present, however, the dates we are addressing with you at this time hold a specific vibration that add to that which is being done, yet you will benefit from it’s energy regardless of when it is done. For those of you living in the Northern Hemisphere - you are going through your winter solstice. People in the Southern Hemisphere are undergoing the summer solstice, but there are other energies at play here; ones that all of you need to be aware of. Some of you maybe living in the Southern Hemisphere, but going through the “winter solstice” process of the “dark night,” and there maybe some of you living in the Northern Hemisphere undergoing the “summer solstice” happening within the Southern Hemisphere which is linked to the dream and the time of the honeymoon (honey – moon). This sometimes results in many of you being confused by what you are going through, the reason why this is happening is because you are transforming and Michelle Manders © All rights reserved www.palaceofpeace.net

Transcript of 21_12_SolsticeEnergyActivation_Kuthumi_21_12_07free.pdf

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ASCENDED MASTER KUTHUMI-AGRIPPAASCENDED MASTER KUTHUMI-AGRIPPA21:12 Solstice & Energy Activation21:12 Solstice & Energy Activation


All Rights Reserved & Copyright Michelle Manders Channelled in Johannesburg, South Africa, 21 December 2007


Please note that reading this information will have an effect on you, as the information in timeless. You will energetically be linked with the Channelling Being and a similar process facilitated with you, which is just as powerful. Do not concern yourself too much regarding time lines given in the live channelling, if any. You will be taken through a similar one in accordance with your Divine Plan, Timing & Purpose. Revised and updated by Michelle Manders under the auspices of Kuthumi-Agrippa on 28 November 2012 for 21:12:12. This process can be used in conjunction with the free transcripts 12:12:12 Alchemy of Consciousness, 21:12 Ascension Gateway and the live channelling pre-recorded for the 21:12 Crossing the Threshold Celebration

This transcript has been published free of charge by Intellectual Property owner Michelle Manders and Palace of Peace in support of people seeking clarity, healing and peace. Therefore, we appreciate the Law of Integrity being honoured and ask that no person, group, organisation, or any body of any sort under any circumstance alter any part of this document or publish it in part or in full for personal financial gain. You are welcome to publish an excerpt with the link to the downloadable full transcript on our website.

I am Kuthumi and I come forward upon the Rays of Love and Wisdom to greet you at this time and bring unto you blessings of lightness, trust, clarity and faith. Greetings beloved ones. And it is with great joy and pleasure in our hearts that we may embrace you within the light, the wisdom, truth and wholeness of Father/Mother God's presence.

Beloved ones, the celebration of the solstice of the 21st of December is in fact a preparation of sorts, as much as it is an integration of powerful new energies. The 21:12 Gateway is a preparation for the energy everyone in the Southern and Northern Hemispheres is working with simultaneously, yet working with the opposites which are represented by the hemispheres. This preparation allows the body to experience the journey that has been chosen by the light of the soul, and in so doing, preparing for what the integration day requires from the human self.

The actual solstice manifests on the 22nd of December, however the 21st is an important day of preparing the body. These energies are not limited to the two dates we have just given you, because energy is ever present, however, the dates we are addressing with you at this time hold a specific vibration that add to that which is being done, yet you will benefit from it’s energy regardless of when it is done.

For those of you living in the Northern Hemisphere - you are going through your winter solstice. People in the Southern Hemisphere are undergoing the summer solstice, but there are other energies at play here; ones that all of you need to be aware of. Some of you maybe living in the Southern Hemisphere, but going through the “winter solstice” process of the “dark night,” and there maybe some of you living in the Northern Hemisphere undergoing the “summer solstice” happening within the Southern Hemisphere which is linked to the dream and the time of the honeymoon (honey – moon). This sometimes results in many of you being confused by what you are going through, the reason why this is happening is because you are transforming and

Michelle Manders © All rights reserved www.palaceofpeace.net

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transmuting from the very core of the energies held within your DNA. This is not limited to the genetic timeline of the here and now; it taps into every single timeline you are currently experiencing. This means, if you look at your family tree for instance, you may discover that even though you are based in the Southern Hemisphere, much of your energy is held within the Northern Hemisphere based on your genetics and on how far back that energy goes and vice versa.

Thus, do not limit yourself to where you are currently geographically located. These two types of healing, if I can call it this, are very important right now, and at every solstice and equinox these energies are very important, because it is the change over of the seasons, it is your change over; one you need to be aware of. By being conscious of what this is presenting you with you are able to step further into the light of your true self. This particular solstice blessing is one that reveals to you the essence of your true self. Your true self is you, the you who is not inhibited by the external worlds judgments of you, the you that is not inhibited by anything that society projects onto you. A truly free spirit is in essence living their life truthfully, and living your life truthfully is about allowing your truth; your true self to be alive and to be the part of you that expresses itself.

Take a moment now and think about how much of your true self is clearly evident in who you are in your life right now. How much of the real you is present, grounded in your body, living your life, interacting with your loved ones, your friends and your acquaintances? I am asking you who is truly living your life? This adds new meaning to the question “who am I?” Whenever you find yourself asking that question, your true self is trying to catch your attention; the essence of who you truly are needs to be expressed through you so that you can move into the next stage of your cycle - the cycle of expressing who you are, the cycle of being and living your truth. This does not mean to say the cycle will come to an end and you will no longer be living your truth, all it means is that as each cycle completes itself you complete a part of you and the next level of your truth steps in.

You are ready. If you are reading these words you are ready to step into the next cycle of your truth and reclaim the next level of your authentic self as it is often referred to. By embracing this divine part of you, you are allowing yourself to explore realms within life and, especially within your own life, that you as yet have not encountered, and the gift of this solstice beloved ones is for you to understand the essence of ego.

We have observed how out of balance the understanding of ego has become. It has literally moved from one extreme to the other. One needs to understand that the human experience is not a bad thing; your ego is not a bad thing, it is not something to be rejected, it is something to be understood, and it is something to master. As long as you embody a human body you will embody ego, and there are different levels of the ego. Ego in fact motivates you many times, and had it not been present your complacency would have been more damaging than the presence of ego is.

People have become very quick in their reactions to point the ego out to everyone - that in itself is a judgement and rejection of ego present within another, it is also the judgement of another person’s truth within that moment. The judgement is in itself an ego motivated act. I want you to understand the place from which ego comes; ego is an aspect of self serving a greater purpose, and when you are able to embrace the ego’s greater purpose you merge with it, you work with it, however, what has happened is that most people have tried to reject the ego, and when I say “most people,” I am speaking of people on the spiritual path predominantly, because that is where

Michelle Manders © All rights reserved www.palaceofpeace.net

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the awareness of ego is greatest.

So all of you have to now look at the ego with different eyes and embrace it as a very important part of you, not as a part that is going to rob you of anything divine or holy, but to rather see the ego as a divine and holy ally, because your ego will keep you in check as much as you have been taught to keep your ego in check. It is about creating a harmonious and balanced relationship with this part of self.

One of the most important things people like yourselves are ready to understand and truly integrate into your consciousness and into your awareness, and actually begin living it is this: that to be human is a holy and sacred experience, to be present within a physical body is a divine and sacred experience. It is vital that this understanding be integrated into the being, and this is what the preparation energy is all about - opening your being, preparing it to fully integrate the understanding of the importance of being present within your human self, embracing the essence of your ego which embodies parts of your true self so that you can be true to yourself so that you can live in your truth.

To love yourself you must be willing and able to love yourself, to love your physical body, to love your personality, to love your uniqueness, to love yourself like you love others. Think about someone whom you love very much. Look at what it is that you love about that person. There are certain things that they do, that they say, the way they are and how they express themselves that you love and it is present within them; it is unique within that person, it is what attracts you to them, it’s what you love about them, and these are the qualities you need to love about yourself - your uniqueness, your quirkiness, all your idiosyncrasies, all those little things that make you who you are in truth without trying to censor it, sabotage or suppress it. The days of suppressing, repressing, depressing and stifling you cannot and will not continue because your ego is now undergoing a very powerful cycle of transformation and will result in an incredible transmutation taking place. Having said this, it is also imperative you understand that when we speak of being yourself and being authentic always means that you acting in a way that harms no-one in any negative way intentionally, maliciously or vindictively. If this is what you see as being your authentic self, then we encourage you to work with someone you trust and address you negative emotions and motivations.

The energy that will come as a result of what you have been prepared for, which will seep into your body on the 22nd of December, or any other time when you choose to work with this energy again, will open your eyes to what the ego will now do with you, and do for you. This is the time of embracing the dream that exists within the summer solstice; the celebration of the honeymoon (honey – moon). It is also the time where you might go into the dark night so as to to let go and release so that “North and South” unite, “winter and summer” embrace one another and there is no separation. There is never separation in essence, there is only the illusion of separation; the perception of difference, which is what leads to people separating themselves from others who are true to them, from themselves and from life because they perceive themselves, or others, as insufficient, incomplete and not measuring up to some ridiculous set of rules that have been man-made.

Therefore, I want you to sit quietly everyday, for just two minutes, and during those two minutes I want you to embrace your ego and love it, thank it for everything it has brought to your attention.

Michelle Manders © All rights reserved www.palaceofpeace.net

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Without the presence of your ego you will have not learnt the lessons you have. By embracing your ego in this way you are mastering one of the most difficult things a Lightworker, in the sense of a “spiritual seeker,” will ever have to master in relation to living a human-physical-spiritual experience.

Feel where in your body you may be feeling a bit of anxiety, perhaps tension; any kind of discomfort, especially when I say your ego is good. Where in your body do you feel discomfort or, anything for that matter, when I tell you your ego is an important part of your physical life journey? These two areas in your body may be different or in the same place, are indicating to you where the misconception and distorted perceptions of ego are being held within your body, and I want you now to focus your attention on both of those places, if it is the same place in your body then just focus on that one place. Now wrap your arms around this place of your body, imagine yourself hugging it like you would be hugging a person whom you love.

Your ego is not the enemy, and this part of your body, where the distortion has been held, is ready to release the energy within it which has lead to feeling, being and behaving in a manner that creates separation as a result of rejecting the ego. Breathe love into this part of you and become familiar with your ego; see the ego as an aspect of you that has been holding an important part of your truth all along. Your ego has very important qualities that you need to reclaim, fully embrace and accept so that you can move forward.

Many times, beloved ones, your rejection and judgement of the ego has resulted in you experiencing lack, poverty, conditional love and victim consciousness. Separating yourself from the gifts of your ego has separated you from many valuable qualities in your life. The aspects of your ego we are referring to are the parts of you that drive and motivate you to succeed regardless of what your definition of success is. Your ego; the part that you are now needing to befriend, is the part of you that ignites fire and passion inside of you, the part of you that wants to reach out to the world and make a difference, the part of you that has the spark and the spunk to do whatever you need to do to make sure that you have at your disposal the means to bring your greatest dreams to life.

How many times have you or someone you know - and now you need to be brutally honest with yourself - looked at a successful person and judged them? How many times have you accused them in the silence of your own mind and heart of being egoistical, money-hungry, greedy and/or lustful? Why is success, achievement, attainment and the manifestation of comfort perceived as ego, and as a result, rejected because it does not fit into the norm in terms of society’s definition of what good, spiritual and saintly people experience - the code by which they live and how they live?

Sacrifice is not something that makes you noble. Sacrifice leaves you suffering, separate and isolated, therefore, the activation of this vital energy, which is brought to you through the energies of the 21:12 Gate is bringing humanity the opportunity to embrace ego with a healthy sense of self, with self love intact, self worth, self discipline and a sense of self so strong, so healthy that the individual is able to utilise the vibrations and frequencies of the quantum field to such a degree that you manifest your needs as met, and when you embrace your ego in that way you are grounded in your body - your ego grounds you in your body. Thus, the more you separate yourself from it and reject it the less grounded you are, and you know that the less grounded you are the

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more difficult it is for you to manifest your needs as met within your physical reality, regardless of what your belief systems are.

You can tell yourself until you are blue in the face that you are ready to manifest abundance, but if you are rejecting the ego, judging and rejecting anybody else’s ego, then you are not grounded within your power to utilise the power of the ego and bring this new vibration into it’s full manifestation.

Take a deep breath in, now exhaling through your mouth, as you let go and settle into your physicalness, inhale energy into these parts of you that you have been embracing, and now transform this part of your body into a form like that of a human and look at it as you would a person and see this person as someone with feelings, hopes, wishes, dreams, fears and insecurities, like you, and acknowledge that this “person” is a part of you; an extension of you living out what you project onto it.

This means everything you believe to be true about the ego is played out through this specific form. The more you look at this part of you the more you connect with it’s vulnerability, it’s need for love and for acknowledgment, but I want you to also connect with it’s power and ability to fuel your truth. Now, ask your ego what it’s greatest strength is right now. I want you to tell your ego that you are ready and willing to consciously embrace that strength and allow it to be expressed as a part of your true self, because it is, and then you need to be honest with yourself and answer what it is that you fear will happen if you embrace this part of your ego. If you allow that strength to be expressed through you what do you think will happen? Perhaps you are afraid people will reject you, judge you and criticize you?

Now think about this: people judge you, criticize you and reject you anyway, even when you are separate from that part of your ego, even when you are not expressing that power you are still experiencing rejection, criticism and judgement, therefore, what difference will it make? It will make a very big difference in fact beloved ones. The difference is that you will be expressing a part of your truth. It won’t make any difference to who judge and reject you, because they will continue to judge you and criticize you if that is what they choose, but for you it will be a very big difference because you will embrace an aspect of your power that has been hidden within this form labelled “ego” which you have been conned into believing is such a bad part of you, whereas it has always been a part of your truth and a part of your power; a part of you that is a Key to your Freedom.

So, take a little more time to sit with this part of your ego, and perhaps for the two minutes everyday that I have asked you to take out with your ego, entertain this part, speak to it and ask it how it serves you, and how the two of you can work together as allies to make your dreams a reality. See your ego as your anchor within the physical world and remember, you are changing your attitude toward ego. Your ego is your ally, it is not there to sabotage or to deny you anything; it is your fears that do that. Take another deep breath in, and as you exhale, allow your body to relax and surrender to this whole new concept of what your ego truly is all about. You are now ready to fully embrace the Light Side of your ego – Light reflecting Light.

Feel the parts of you that are true; in other words the real you, the you that you do not show the rest of the world, stepping out of the masks, the cloaks and boxes it has been confined to -

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stepping out into the world and showing themselves, and every single one of them, a part of you, a truth. Just allow them to keep on coming out, and as each one steps out they stand alongside one another and now observe each of them.

Some of you may find that as you observe each of these parts of yourself you recognise qualities or behaviour these parts embody that were rejected by people close to you, sometimes rejected by strangers as well. Just observe, for these are the parts of yourself you have not allowed out.

Between the 21st and the 22nd of December you will undergo the accelerated process of preparation and integration - the integration of all the parts of you that have now stepped out of the shadows and into the light of the strength you embody, and all of these parts of you are linked to this other part of you called “ego.” All these parts of you are noqw going to join forces and highlight and amplify one another’s strengths and work together using those strengths to take your life to the next step, and place you in a position where you can look into your own eyes, and look at your own self, and confidently feel the power of your love for self, the power of your understanding that your truth is important; that your truth is so empowering that it cannot be hidden from the world, because to hide it from the world denies the world the blessing and gift of your strengths, of your power and what you are able to give to the world, do for the world and with the world as a result of what you embody.

Therefore, give yourself the gift of your truth and everyday make the effort to live truthfully, to allow your truth to shine through regardless of what anyone else will think, do or say. This aspect of your ego is a quality of light, therefore, it is not something that will harm anyone else maliciously, deliberately or with any intention to deprive or deny anyone else anything. This is your time of developing trust with and in the light-side of your ego. A whole new relationship is born, a whole new power comes to the fore as the shadow and light join forces and a new power is born, one that sets you free, one that liberates you to feel the essence of your inner power, which is a motivating force leading you in the direction of manifesting your dreams and needs as met in your reality.

Take another deep breath in, and as you exhale, give thanks to your ego. Take another deep breath in, exhaling, giving thanks to all the parts of you that have stepped out, all the parts of you ready to shine, to greet the world and share their light with the rest of the world. Bear in mind that this is your time of developing a whole new way of relating to yourself and to your ego. There is no place for judgement; not of yourself or any other. To be a master you need to master the part of you that by choice breaks down the self by breaking down others.

You are ready to consciously understand the technical aspects of the ego in terms of it’s relation to your soul and your spirit, and the various levels of the ego and it’s power, and this is how you will also embrace the Alchemy of Consciousness and utilise Alchemy CConsciousness, for it is the wise who know and recognize the treasures that reside within the ego.

Beloved ones, I suggest that you stay within the silence for a few more minutes, just connecting with this part of yourself that you know is your ego that you have been afraid of, that you have been taught to shy away from, and get to know yourself better. Whilst you do this we embrace you within the light of all that which lies within you; all of that which embodies and reflects your truth. We trust that peace and love of self will always be present, guiding you and motivating you. Know

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that we are ever present, watching over you, walking with you, guiding you, loving you and serving alongside you.

I am Kuthumi, Chohan of the Golden Ray of Love and Wisdom and I greet and bless you in love. Adonai. If you have access to Face Book, you can join our Palace of Peace Group for guidance and support from the community, or visit our website www.palaceofpeace.net for more teachings and messages such as this one to help you along.

Copyright Notice - We ask that you honour the Laws of Trust and Integrity and acknowledge that none of this information may be used for monetary gain, be altered, translated, reproduced, digitally recorded or deleted in part or whole or built upon in any way whatsoever. The Palace of Peace has assigned translators for the channellings and may not be translated by anyone other than these people. Please contact us [email protected] if you would like this channelling in another language, or if you would like to translate this material into your language. This information remains the sole intellectual property of Michelle Manders at all times.

Michelle Manders © All rights reserved www.palaceofpeace.net