21 reasons to practice yoga regularly

21 Reasons to Practice Yoga http://healthluv.co m


These are some amazing facts about yoga, which make you fall in love with yoga forever. This content is also published at http://healthluv.com/yoga-health-benefits/

Transcript of 21 reasons to practice yoga regularly

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21 Reasons to Practice Yoga


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1. Yoga boosts brain power

There are various studies suggest that doing yoga regularly improves IQ level, memory, and reaction time. Yoga helps you to control your thoughts which ultimately results in improved concentration level, and you can solve any problem in less time.

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2. Yoga controls blood sugar

Yoga helps to control blood sugar by decreasing bad cholesterol LDL (Low-density lipoprotein) and increasing good cholesterol HDL (High-density lipoprotein), and by encouraging weight loss. People with low blood sugar can avoid the chances of blindness, kidney failure, and heart attack.

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3. Yoga builds strength

Yoga is a nice way to attain stronger muscles and improve your physical look. If you’ve strong muscles, you can easily avoid a number of pains and aches. The main benefit of yoga over gym is you get both strength and flexibility. But in the gym you could lose your flexibility.

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4. Yoga for lungs

This is another benefit of yoga. It improves the lung function, by improving the maximum volume of the breath and the effectiveness of the exhalation. Yoga also encourages breathing through the nose, which filters the air, humidifies it, warms it, and removes the dirt before reaching to the lungs.

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5. Yoga for posture

Yoga improves your posture. By spending your time in learning crucial yoga posture, you actually help your body to stay in right posture all the time. We all spend huge time in our daily work activities and if our sitting and standing posture is not correct, then our bodies feel very much tired and fatigue. This can also cause neck, back and other muscle pain. But having the right posture all the time, we can easily get rid of such tiredness and pains.

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6. Yoga improves heart rate

There are few yoga practices which boost your heart rate and as a result you get relieved from depression and lower the risk of heart attack. It also increases the uptake of oxygen during exercise.

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7. Yoga prevents joint problem

During yoga practicing, you generally stretch all of your body joints and help to stay active. This way you can avoid arthritis problem, by using joint cartilage which generally used quite less.

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8. Yoga for strong bones

Are you aware that lifting weight helps your bones to get stronger, that’s why there are various yoga positions that requires you to lift your own weight. So by practicing those yoga positions, you’re actually strengthening your own bones.

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9. Yoga improves blood circulation

Yoga improves the blood circulation in your body, and helps getting more oxygen to your cells. Yoga also improves the hemoglobin and red blood cells (RBC) in the blood which works to transport oxygen to various tissues. Yoga also decreases the chances of heart attack and strokes, by reducing the chances of blood clots. Blood clots generally cause strokes and heart attacks.

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10. Yoga controls cortisol level

When cortisol levels stay high for a longer period, it can negatively affect the immune system and may cause permanent changes in the brain. Higher Cortisol may lead to depression, osteoporosis and makes you eat more whenever you’re angry, stressed, or upset. As a result your body starts getting extra calories or fat which causes weight gain and increases the risk of heart attack and diabetes. But the good news is you can control cortisol with regular yoga practicing.

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11. Yoga for self-esteem

Many people suffers from low self-esteem, and generally considers taking various drugs but it ultimately causes a bad impact on the body. But if you do meditation regularly, it’ll help you to improve your self confidence. However, meditation is not as easy as it looks but certainly not impossible. You need to keep practicing continuously as it has various benefits.

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12. Yoga for lymphatic system

When you’re regularly involved in Yoga and practice various poses, stretches or exercises. This actually improves your lymphatic system and become stronger to fight against infections, cancerous cells, and clean toxic wastes of cellular functioning.

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13. Yoga controls blood pressure

If you’re suffering from high blood pressure or hypertension, then you could be benefited with Yoga. Savasana (Corpse Pose) yoga poses can help you to control your blood pressure. This has been proved by the studies published in British medical journal The Lancet.

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14. Yoga for weight loss

Yoga also helps you to lose weight; Regular yoga practices burn body calories. Yoga also makes you sensitive to choose the right kind of food and time to eat, this way you can avoid extra intakes of calories. Hence, you’ll get slim and active body.

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15. Yoga for pregnancy

Yoga helps to build strength and stamina in expecting mother by deep breathing practice. This is a great way to get prepared for labor. Labor sometimes becomes a really tough task to perform and by actively participating in yoga you can do the proper practice of labor.

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16. Yoga improves nervous system

Yoga helps to improve your nervous system, as it slows your breath, encourage you to relax. Yoga also lowers heart rates, decreases blood pressure and increases the blood flow to the intestines and reproductive organs. This all is the result of relaxation of your body which derived from Yoga.

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17. Yoga enhances flexibility

I guess you all would aware of this fact that yoga enhances flexibility of your body. There are a number of yoga stretches which make your body fully flexible. I know you can’t do all of these exercises (stretches) perfectly from day one, but slowly you’ll be able to do it all. It only requires your continuous efforts and dedication.

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18. Yoga improves sleep

Sleep is really essential for keeping our bodies active and healthy. So if you’re not able to take proper at night, then yoga can help you to resolve this problem. If you practice yoga regularly then it’ll improve your sleep pattern and hence you’ll feel less tired and more active.

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19. Yoga for constipation

Yoga eases constipation, as the moving body improves the transport of food and waste material through the bowels.

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20. Yoga boosts relationships

Apart from having numerous health benefits, yoga also helps to improve you emotionally. It develops and improves friendliness, compassion, and higher equanimity. If you have these qualities then you can build strong and reliable relations with other people.

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21. Yoga for spinal disc

It’s really essential for any fit, active and healthy body. It helps to do our various daily life activities. And by practicing good asana or postures, you can keep your spinal disc strong and flexible.

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