2084685Rhodiola-Rosea-a-Phytomedicinal-Overview88 Rhodiola Rosea a Phytomedicinal Overview

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  • 8/15/2019 2084685Rhodiola-Rosea-a-Phytomedicinal-Overview88 Rhodiola Rosea a Phytomedicinal Overview


    HerbalGramThe Journal of the American Botanical Council

    Issue: 56 Page: 405!

    Rhodiola rosea: A Phytomedicinal Overview 

     HerbalGram" !00!#56:405! American Botanical Council $Bu% This Issue&

    'i(ebar: )Clinical Case 'tu(ies *" rosea)

     Rhodiola rosea: A Phytomedicinal Overview 

     b% *ichar( P" Bro+n, -".", Patricia /" Gerbarg, -".", an( a1ir *ama2ano3,Ph".", ."'"

     Rhodiola rosea /", also 1no+n as )gol(en root) or )roseroot) belongs to the lantfamil%  Crassulaceae"  R. rosea gro+s rimaril% in (r% san(% groun( at highaltitu(es in the arctic areas of uroe an( Asia"! The lant reaches a height of !to 70 inches $80cm& an( ro(uces %ello+ blossoms" It is a erennial +ith a thic1rhi2ome, fragrant +hen cut" The Gree1 h%sician, .ioscori(es, first recor(e(me(icinal alications of rodia riza in 88 C"" in De Materia Medica.7 /innaeusrename( it Rhodiola rosea, referring to the roseli1e attar $fragrance& of the freshcut rootstoc1"4

    9or centuries, *" rosea has been use( in the tra(itional me(icine of *ussia,'can(ina3ia, an( other countries" Bet+een 8!5 an( 60, 3arious me(icinalalications of R. rosea aeare( in the scientific literature of '+e(en, ;or+a%,9rance, German%, the 'o3iet loringits (i3erse h%siological effects, an( its current an( future me(ical alications"

    Rhodiola rosea in Traditional Medicine

    Tra(itional fol1 me(icine use( R. rosea to increase h%sical en(urance, +or1ro(ucti3it%, longe3it%, resistance to high altitu(e sic1ness, an( to treat fatigue,(eression, anemia, imotence, gastrointestinal ailments, infections, an(ner3ous s%stem (isor(ers" In mountain 3illages of 'iberia, a bou@uet of roots isstill gi3en to coules rior to marriage to enhance fertilit% an( assure the birth ofhealth% chil(ren"! In -i((le Asia, R. rosea tea +as the most effecti3e treatmentfor col( an( flu (uring se3ere Asian +inters" -ongolian (octors rescribe( it fortuberculosis an( cancer"7 9or centuries, onl% famil% members 1ne+ +here to


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    har3est the +il( )gol(en roots) an( the metho(s of e>traction"! 'iberians secretl%transorte( the herb (o+n ancient trails to the Caucasian -ountains +here it +as tra(e( for Georgian +ines, fruits, garlic, an( hone%" Chinese emerors sente>e(itions to 'iberia to bring bac1 the )gol(en root) for me(icinal rearations"

    /innaeus +rote of R. rosea as an astringent an( for the treatment of hernia,leucorrhoea $3aginal (ischarge&, h%steria, an( hea(ache"4,8 In 855 R. rosea +asinclu(e( in the first '+e(ish Pharmacooeia" i1ings use( the herb to enhancetheir h%sical strength an( en(urance"4 German researchers (escribe( the benefits of R. rosea for ain, hea(ache, scur3%, hemorrhoi(s, as a stimulant, an(as an antiinflammator%"5,6

    In 6, G"" r%lo3, a *ussian botanist an( ta>onomist in the .eartment ofBotan% at the ;o3osibirs1 Branch of the *ussian Aca(em% of 'ciences, le( ane>e(ition to the ce(ar taiga in the Altai -ountains of southern 'iberia +here helocate( an( i(entifie( the )gol(en root) as Rhodiola rosea.8 >tracts of the R.rosea root +ere foun( to contain o+erful a(atogens" *esearch re3eale( that itrotecte( animals an( humans from mental an( h%sical stress, to>ins, an(col("!,8 The @uest for ne+ me(icines to treat (iseases such as cancer an(ra(iation sic1ness, an( to enhance h%sical an( mental erformance, le( to the(isco3er% of a grou of hen%lroanoi(s that are secific to R. rosea" $'eePh%tochemistr% section belo+"&

    Geographical Distribution and Taxonomy o Rhodiola rosea

     ?hile Rhodiola as a genus ma% ha3e originate( in the mountainous regions of'outh+est China an( the Himala%as,= botanists ha3e establishe( that 3arioussecies of the genus Rhodiola naturall% (isla% a circumolar (istribution inmountainous regions in the higher latitu(es an( ele3ations of the ;orthernHemishere" In Central an( ;orthern Asia, the genus is (istribute( from the Altai -ountains across -ongolia into man% arts of 'iberia" Accor(ing to Hegi,its (istribution in uroe e>ten(s from Icelan( an( the British Isles across'can(ina3ia as far south as the P%renees, the Als, the Carathian -ountains an(other mountainous Bal1an regions" 'e3eral 3arieties of Rhodiola secies ha3ealso been i(entifie( across Alas1a, Cana(a, an( the northern mountains of thecontinental

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    (iffering oinions among secialists about +hich ne+ secies shoul( or shoul(not be inclu(e( in the genus Rhodiola" The rationale an( (efining criteria for the boun(aries of the genus remain some+hat contro3ersial" This is not, in itself,necessaril% counterro(ucti3e, since the ac@uisition of botanical 1no+le(geine3itabl% stimulates ne+ un(erstan(ing an( insight, creating the nee( for

    re3ise( s%stems of classification" In the case of R. rosea, ho+e3er, this ta>onomicambiguit% ma% ha3e une>ecte( an( otentiall% negati3e conse@uences"

    Poulari2ing a h%tome(icinal lant li1e R. rosea can create confusion +hen theublic is offere( a 3ariet% of ) Rhodiola) ro(ucts using the general lant famil%name instea( of the full botanical name of the articular secies" 9or e>amle,ro(ucts calle( ) Rhodiola s", Tibetan Rhodiola or In(ian Rhodiola) ma%incorrectl% iml% e@ui3alence +ith R. rosea e>tract" Because of significantsecies(een(ent 3ariation in h%tochemistr% an( harmacolog%, the use of) Rhodiola) as a general term is inaccurate an( mislea(ing" The correcti(entification of all Rhodiola secies accor(ing to recise an( generall% accete( botanical, h%tochemical, an( genetic ta>onomic criteria is not merel% anabstract intellectual e>ercise" It is critical for both scientific an(h%toharmacological accurac%, as +ell as for ro(uct labeling for the ublic"Consumers ma% nee( rofessional gui(ance to a3oi( urchasing ineffecti3e bran(s, articularl% those that (o not ro3i(e full information, inclu(ing thecomlete botanical name of the lant secies" Comanies ma% change theirsuliers o3er time" Therefore, consumers shoul( erio(icall% chec1 in(een(entsources of ro(uct e3aluation, as +ell as re@uesting information about @ualit%control an( content from manufacturers"

    The harmacological an( me(icinal roerties of Rhodiola are secies(een(ent henomena"!! f all the Rhodiola secies, R. rosea has been the

    re(ominant subDect of h%tochemical, animal, an( human stu(ies"!,=,!7,!4 Table !comares the research recor( of R. rosea +ith all other secies of the genus Rhodiola" Aro>imatel% 5 ercent of all animal stu(ies an( 4 ercent of allhuman stu(ies con(ucte( on lants in the genus Rhodiola are on the secies R.rosea" nl% R. rosea has asse( e>tensi3e to>icological stu(ies an( has beencertifie( safe for both animals an( humans"!5

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    Phytochemistry o Rhodiola rosea

    The in3estigation of the h%tochemistr% of R. rosea root has re3eale( theresence of si> (istinct grous of chemical comoun(s:

    • Phen%lroanoi(s: rosa3in, rosin, rosarin $secific to R. rosea#• Phen%lethanol (eri3ati3es: sali(rosi(e $rho(iolosi(e&, t%rosol#• 9la3anoi(s: ro(iolin, ro(ionin, ro(iosin, acet%lro(algin, tricin#• -onoterernes: rosiri(ol, rosari(in#• Triterenes: (aucosterol, betasitosterol#• Phenolic aci(s: chlorogenic an( h%(ro>%cinnamic, gallic aci(s"

    The stan(ar(i2ation of R. rosea root e>tracts has gone through t+o (istincthases" Initiall%, in the 80s, the comoun( resonsible for its uni@ueharmacological roerties +as belie3e( to be sali(rosi(e $rho(iolosi(e&"!,!7,!4,!6,!8 Therefore, the first generation of R. rosea tinctureEe>tracts aro3e( b% the*ussian Pharmacooeia Committee +as stan(ar(i2e( to a minimum of 0"=ercent sali(rosi(e content"!5

    In the late =0s, (eman( for R. roseabase( h%tome(icines (ramaticall%increase(" The +il(crafte( ra+ material +as o3erhar3este(, resulting in astea(% (ecline in the @ualit% an( effecti3eness of ) Rhodiola) rearations"'cientific in3estigation re3eale( that other secies of genus Rhodiola $+hich also

    containe( sali(rosi(e& +ere being substitute( for R. rosea" ?hile some of thesemi>e( batches +ere highl% 3ariable in @ualit%, others ha( no harmacologicaleffect" /ogicall%, the susicion arose that the sali(rosi(e stan(ar( +asina(e@uate" Base( on comarati3e anal%sis, the ob3ious h%othesis +as that theoriginal high otenc% ro(uct containe( other acti3e comoun(s secific to R.rosea that ha( not %et been i(entifie("

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    !peciic compounds set Rhodiola rosea apart rom other Rhodiolaspecies

     After more than a (eca(e of research, ur1in an( colleagues resente( e3i(encein =6 that the chemical comosition of R. rosea root is, in fact, (ifferent from

    the other secies of genus Rhodiola"!7


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    Rhodiola rosea in Modern Medicine

    'ince 6, R. rosea has been inclu(e( in official *ussian me(icine" ThePharmacological an( Pharmacooeia Committee of the 'o3iet -inistr% of Healthrecommen(e( me(icinal use an( in(ustrial ro(uction of li@ui( R. rosea e>tract"In 85, the 'o3iet -inistr% of Health aro3e( an( registere( rearation ;o"85E77E4 as a me(icine an( tonic, allo+ing largescale ro(uction un(er thename *ho(iola >tract /i@ui(, an alcoholbase( e>tract $40 ercent eth%lalcohol&" -e(ical an( harmacological te>ts (escribe its use as a stimulant forasthenia $fatigue&, for somatic an( infectious illnesses, in s%chiatric an(neurological con(itions, an( in health% in(i3i(uals to relie3e fatigue an( toincrease attention san, memor%, an( +or1 ro(ucti3it%" The common (ose is 50 (ros !7 times a (a%, 570 minutes before eating for a erio( of 0!0 (a%s"In s%chiatric (isor(ers +ith fatigue, a starting (ose of 0 (ros !7 times a (a% isgra(uall% increase( u to 7040 (ros for ! months"

    In '+e(en, R. rosea +as recogni2e( as an Herbal -e(icinal Pro(uct in =5 an(has been (escribe( as an antifatigue agent in the Textbook of h!tomedicine for harmacists" In the te>tboo1 of harmacolog% for (isenser training in '+e(en, R. rosea is mentione( as a lant +ith a stimulant action" Also, the harmaceutical "ook $ #akemedelsboken 8E=& mentions R. rosea as one of themost commonl% use( s%chostimulants in the grou of officiall% registere( herbalme(icinal ro(ucts" In .enmar1, R. rosea is registere( as a me(ical ro(uct inthe categor% of botanical (rugs" *egistere( rearations are e>tensi3el% use( in

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    '+e(en an( other 'can(ina3ian countries to increase mental +or1 caacit%(uring stress, as a s%chostimulant, an( as a general strengthener"

    Pharmacological and "linical !tudies

    The tra(itional use of R. rosea as a tonic in 'iberian an( *ussian me(icinestimulate( e>tensi3e research lea(ing to i(entification of R. rosea as ana(atogen F a substance that nonsecificall% increases the resistance of anorganism an( (oes not (isturb normal biological arameters" 'tu(ies in cellcultures, animals, an( humans ha3e re3eale( antifatigue, antistress, antih%o>ic$rotection against (amaging effects of o>%gen (eri3ation&, anticancer,antio>i(ant, immune enhancing an( se>ual stimulating effects"!,=,!4,7=40 'ince the*ussian an( Bulgarian literature is so e>tensi3e, this (iscussion +ill highlightseminal stu(ies an( maDor re3ie+s" The authors +ere fortunate to gain access tooriginal re3ie+s, articles, an( (octoral theses" This o3er3ie+ relies hea3il% onmonograhs an( eerre3ie+e( ublications" The research (ata containe( inthese (ocuments are helful for un(erstan(ing recent human stu(ies in normalan( athological con(itions"

    #ects upon the "entral $ervous !ystem

    The s%stematic stu(% of the harmacological effects of R. rosea, begun in 65,foun( that small an( me(ium (oses ha( a simulating effect, such as lengtheningthe time mice s+im an( remain on 3ertical erches to the limit of their abilities"In contrast, larger (oses +ere foun( to ha3e more se(ati3e effects" 'mall (osesincrease( the bioelectrical acti3it% of the brain, resumabl% b% (irect effects onthe brainstem ascen(ing an( (escen(ing reticular formation"!7!6,7=,7,4 9urtherstu(ies sho+e( that me(ium range (oses, unli1e tran@uili2ers, enhance( the(e3eloment of con(itione( a3oi(ance refle>es in rats an( facilitate( learning base( on emotionall% ositi3e reinforcement"=,4!46 Overall% in small andmedium doses% R. rosea stimulated norepinephrine &$#'% dopamine&DA'% serotonin &()*T'% and nicotinic cholinergic eects in the centralnervous system &"$!'+ ,t also enhanced the eects o theseneurotransmitters on the brain by increasing the permeability o the

     blood brain barrier to precursors o DA and ()*T+!,!7,4!,464

    In comaring stu(ies of R. rosea, Asian ginseng $ anax $insen$ C"A" -e% .% Araliaceae&, meclofeno>ate $centroheno>ine&, iracetam, citicholine, an( othernootroics $substances that enhance cognition, rotect the brain, an( ha3e lo+

    to>icit% an( fe+ si(e effects&, Pet1o3 an( colleagues note( that all of these agentsenhance learning an( memor% in animal mo(els an( increase 5HT le3els in thefrontal cerebral corte>"4650 .iagram illustrates the ossible effects of  R. rosea onneurotransmitters in multile neuronal ath+a%s"(- !tarting in the brainstem% R. rosea promotes release o $#% ()*T% and DA in ascendingpathways that activate the cerebral cortex and the limbic system+.%/0%(1 "onse2uently% the cognitive &thin3ing% analy4ing% evaluating%calculating% and planning' unctions o the cerebral cortex and the

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    attention% memory% and learning unctions o the prerontal androntal cortex are enhanced+ ther neuronal s%stems also contribute to theman% asects of memor%: enco(ing, sorting, storage, an( retrie3al" 9or e>amle,the cholinergic s%stem uses the neurotransmitter acet%lcholine $Ach& an(contributes to memor% function 3ia ath+a%s ascen(ing from the memor%

    storage s%stems of the limbic s%stem to 3arious areas of the cerebral corte>$memor% retrie3al&" Agents that bloc1 Ach suress the acti3it% of theseascen(ing ath+a%s an( interfere +ith memor%" R. rosea re3erses this bloc1a(e"4,50 The (eterioration of these s%stems +ith age results in ageassociate( memor% loss"5!  R. rosea ma% re3ent or ameliorate some agerelate((%sfunction in these neuronal s%stems"

     As an antio>i(ant,5755  R. rosea ma% hel rotect the ner3ous s%stem fromo>i(ati3e (amage b% free ra(icals" 'tress interferes +ith memor% functions an(,o3er time, causes (eterioration in memor% s%stems" In a((ition to enhancing

    cogniti3e functions, learning, an( memor% b% stimulating ;, .A, 5HT, an( Achneuronal s%stems, R. rosea may exert positive eects on memory andcognition by improving resistance to physical and emotional stress"Thus, the (ual action of cogniti3e stimulation an( emotional calming creates benefits for both imme(iate cogniti3e an( memor% erformance an( for the longterm reser3ation of brain functions"

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    The s%chostimulant effects of R. rosea +ere stu(ie( in 57 health% subDects an(4! atients +ith neuroses an( asthenic s%n(romes $of both functional an(organic origin&"565= '%mtoms of asthenia $fatigue, (ecline in +or1 caacit%,trouble falling aslee, oor aetite, irritabilit%, an( hea(aches& reson(e(fa3orabl% to R. rosea 50 mg three times a (a%" Treatment (urations range( from

    0 (a%s to 4 months" The asthenic states inclu(e( both s%chiatric an( h%sicalcauses, for e>amle, follo+ing influen2a or other illness" In an oen stu(% of !=atients age( 855 %ears% R. rosea alleviated atigue% irritability%distractibility% headache% wea3ness and other vegetative symptoms in5/ percent o cases+(6 ,mprovement was assessed by psychologicaltesting and wor3 productivity "

    In =6 Bear( coine( the term )neurasthenia) to inclu(e 3arious forms ofner3ous asthenia" Contro3ers% o3er this term has centere( on the o3erla ofs%mtomatolog% an( comorbi(it% +ith other con(itions $e"g", (eression,neuroses, somatoform (isor(ers, an( chronic fatigue s%n(rome&" Although this(iagnosis has fallen out of fa3or in the tract& once or t+ice a (a% for !7 +ee1s, beginning se3eral (a%s before intenseintellectual +or1, such as final e>ams"5= The e>tract imro3e( the amount an(@ualit% of +or1 an( in all cases re3ente( asthenic (ecomensation $loss of +or1caacit% (ue to fatigue&" A series of stu(ies using a roofrea(ing test sho+e( thata onetime (ose of R. rosea (i( not significantl% increase the number of s%mbols

    correcte(, but very signiicantly decreased the percent o errors made%particularly over an 7)hour period"65,66 Positi3e results foun( in the stu(iesof roofrea(ing tests +ere base( on 700 mgE(a% or more" In me(ical treatments,the usual (oses are !00600 mgE(a%" R. rosea increase( intellectual caacit%$articularl% b% imro3ing ercetion an( rocessing of information& to a greater(egree than an e>tract of eleuthero, formerl% calle( 'iberian ginseng$ )leutherococcus senticosus *ur" et -a>", Araliaceae&"=

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    The (ecrease in h%sical an( mental erformance of h%sicians on rolonge(night call is +ell 1no+n" /o+ (ose $80 mgE(a%& R. rosea e>tract +as gi3en to 56 %oung, health% h%sicians on night call"= The effect +as measure( as total mentalerformance calculate( as )9atigue In(e>") The tests reflecte( an o3erall le3el ofmental fatigue in3ol3ing comle> cogniti3e functions, such as associati3e

    thin1ing, shortterm memor%, calculation, concentration, an( see( of au(io 3isual ercetion" These arameters +ere teste( before an( after night (ut%(uring three erio(s of t+o +ee1s each in a (oubleblin( crosso3er trial" Astatisticall% significant imro3ement in mental erformance tests +as obser3e( inthe treatment grou $ R. rosea& (uring the first t+o+ee1 erio(" Ho+e3er, at 6 +ee1s the effect aeare( to be lost" ;o si(e effects +ere reorte(" These resultssuggest that R. rosea e>tract can re(uce fatigue un(er certain stressful con(itionsfor some erio( of time" Possible reasons for the loss of efficac% o3er time ma% bethe lo+ (ose use(, the crosso3er (esign, or the o3erall length of night (ut% +ithincrease( fatigue b% +ee1s 5 an( 6"

    'aso3 an( colleagues comare( 00 mgE(a% R. rosea e>tract $'H*5, '+e(ishHerbal Institute, Goteborg, '+e(en# stan(ar(i2e( to 7 ercent rosa3in an( 0"=ercent sali(rosi(e& +ith lacebo in a (oubleblin( !0(a% stu(% of 60 In(ianme(ical stu(ents stu(%ing in *ussia (uring their final e>am erio("7= .esite thelo+ (osage, in3estigators foun( significant imro3ements in general +ellbeing,h%sical fitness, mental fatigue, final e>am gra(es, an( coor(ination, but not insome asects of cogniti3e functioning in stu(ents ta1ing R. rosea e>tractcomare( to lacebo"

    In a (oubleblin( lacebocontrolle( stu(% of 60 foreign stu(ents at a *ussianhigh school, a(ministration of a R. rosea e>tract $660 mgE(a% of a rearationname( *o(a>on& resulte( in an increase in h%sical $3elergometric& +or1

    caacit%, coor(ination, 1inesthetic sensiti3it%, an( general +ellbeing along +itha (ecrease in s%chic fatigue an( situational an>iet%"7 on rearation"

     R. rosea +as beneficial in osttraumatic an( 3ascular lesions of the brain" It +aseseciall% effecti3e in combination +ith iracetam for atients +ith mar1e(cogniti3e (%sfunction"56 Ho+e3er, it (i( not re(uce manic s%mtoms an( coul( +orsen aranoi( states" In one stu(% of more clearl% (eresse( atients, R. rosea in combination +ith tric%clic anti(eressants $TCAs& ro(uce( significantimro3ement in the maDorit% of cases an( (ecrease( si(e effects of the TCAs"68 

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    the% sometimes fail to hel" In schi2ohrenic atients +hose anticholinergicme(ications ha( faile( to relie3e Par1insonian s%mtoms, R. rosea +as foun( to be of benefit"56,6=

     R. rosea ma% affect emotional tone b% influencing neurotransmitter monoamine

    le3els $;, .A, 5HT& in ner3e tracts in3ol3e( in the regulation of moo(, an>iet%,an( emotion in the am%g(ala, hiocamus, h%othalamus, an( mi(brain" Thestimulation of nicotinic cholinergic acti3it% in the emotional circuits of the limbics%stem $in the temoral lobe& ma% also contribute to these effects" Alterations inmonoamine le3els un(erlie this comle> sectrum of s%chotroic acti3it%:stimulating, tran@uili2ing, antistress, an( anti(eressant"

    The authors ha3e foun( that R. rosea can hel atients +ith (eressi3es%n(romes, mental an( h%sical fatigue $secon(ar% to s%chiatric an( me(icalcon(itions&, memor% loss an( cogniti3e (%sfunction from a 3ariet% of causes,se>ual (%sfunction, an( menoausalrelate( (isor(ers" .r" Bro+n an( .r"Gerbarg ha3e successfull% treate( more than 50 in(i3i(uals +ith R. rosea e>tract$7 ercent rosa3in an( ercent sali(rosi(e& an( ha3e suer3ise( the treatmentof more than 00 a((itional cases $'ee Case 'tu(ies&"

    #ects on Physical 8or3 "apacity

     A number of stu(ies ha3e sho+n that R. rosea increase( h%sical +or1 caacit%an( (ramaticall% shortene( the reco3er% time bet+een bouts of highintensit%e>ercise" These stu(ies inclu(e( normal in(i3i(uals e>ose( to ma>imal +or1 ona bic%cle ergometer an( l%micle3el cross countr% s1iers an( biathletes"6 Inone stu(%, 5! men $=!4 %ears of age& +ere gi3en one (ose of either 5 (ros of R. rosea e>tract, ! ml eleuthero, or ml of a ercent solution iri(rol $astimulating s%chotroic similar to meth%lheni(ate&" 9ifteen (ros of R. rosea e>tract is aro>imatel% e@ui3alent to 50 mg of (r% encasulate( root e>tractstan(ar(i2e( to 7 ercent rosa3in an( ercent sali(rosi(e" After 70 minutes,the% e(ale( an electric bic%cle ergometer to ro(uce a recise amount of +or1in(uce( baseline fatigue" After a 5minute rest, the% erforme( further +or1 to(etermine the ma>imal (uration of +or1 the% coul( accomlish at a secificintensit%" .uring the secon( erio( of +or1, R. rosea (ros, eleuthero e>tract,an( iri(rol increase( +or1 caacit% b% ercent, 6 ercent, an( 6 ercentresecti3el% $0"04& comare( to lacebo controls" *eco3er% +as (efine( b% thetime of normali2ation of heart rate an( arterial ressure" .uring the reco3er%erio(, at 0 minutes, the ulse slo+e( b% a factor of !"5 $68 beats er minute& in

    the R. rosea grou 3ersus " $=8 beats er minute& in the control grou" .uringthe 7(a% total reco3er% erio(, subDects gi3en iri(rol comlaine( of insomnia,e>citabilit%, an( irritabilit%# +hereas those gi3en R. rosea ha( no a(3erse si(eeffects an( no comlaints"

    n(urance is the caacit% to maintain +or1 (esite fatigue" 9ort%t+o masterle3el cometiti3e s1iers $!0!5 %ears of age& too1 either R. rosea e>tract orlacebo 7060 minutes before training races $70 1m& an( a biathlon $!0 1m race

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    on s1is carr%ing a rifle an( shooting targets at stos&" Athletes gi3en R. rosea ha(statisticall% significant increase( shooting accurac%, less arm tremor an( bettercoor(ination" Thirt% minutes after +or1 erformance, the heart rate in the R.rosea grou +as 0406 ercent of baseline, 3ersus !="8 ercent in the lacebogrou $0"0!&" R. rosea imro3e( reco3er% time, strength, en(urance,

    car(io3ascular measures, an( coor(ination"


     A(atogens (iffer from other stimulants (uring force(, e>hausti3e muscular +or1" ?ith classical stimulants the initial increase in +or1caacit% is follo+e( b%a erio( of substantiall% (ecrease( $mar1e(l% belo+ a3erage& +or1caacit%"*eeate( use of C;' stimulants (eletes brain catecholamines an( (ecreasescon(itione( refle>es" In contrast, +ith e>tracts of  R. rosea, the initial increase in +or1caacit% is follo+e( b% a lesser (iminution, such that the +or1caacit%continues to be abo3e a3erage"80

     Animal stu(ies suggest mechanisms that ma% be in3ol3e( in these effects" R.rosea increase( essential energ% metabolites, a(enosine trihoshate $ATP&, an(creatine hoshate in the muscle an( brain mitochon(ria in mice ma(e to s+imto their limit"8 It ma% also enhance the ammonia reassimilation an( energ%metabolism of the cell b% increasing ATP, ribonucleic aci( $*;A&, rotein, an(amino aci( s%nthesis"8! In animal stu(ies, R. rosea increase( metabolism of fatst+ice as much as eleuthero87 an( imro3e( energ% metabolism in the brain(uring intensi3e muscular +or1loa(s"84

     Adaptogenic% Anti)!tress% and $euroendocrine #ects

    In their classic 6= aer, 'o3iet harmacologists Bre1hman an( .ar(%mo3sur3e%e( the literature on = me(icinal lants an( i(entifie( fi3e $inclu(ing R.rosea& that met the three (efining criteria for an a(atogen:85

    •  An adaptogen should be innocuous and cause minimaldisturbance o the normal physiological unctions o anorganism9

    • The action o an adaptogen should be nonspeciic &i+e+% it shouldincrease resistance to adverse inluences o a wide range oharmul actors o physical% chemical% and biological nature'9

    •  An adaptogen may possess normali4ing action irrespective othe direction o the preceding pathological changes &i+e+% i a

     body parameter is high% the adaptogen brings it down towards

    normal9 i a parameter is low% the adaptogen brings it uptowards normal'+

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    The force( s+imming test, use( b% *ussian scientists to measure nonsecificresistance to stress, +as later name( after Porsolt +ho assigne( secificarameters such as +ater temerature an( the (imensions of the glass c%lin(er in +hich a mouse or rat +as force( to s+im to e>haustion $about 5 minutes&" Afteran initial erio( of 3igorous acti3it%, the ro(ent a(ots a characteristic immobileosture, ma1ing onl% the minimal mo3ements necessar% to sta% afloat"86 The 3ali(it% of the Porsolt s+im test an( its relationshi to (eression ha3e been(iscusse( e>tensi3el% 88,8= an( it subse@uentl% became a screening test foranti(eressant agents b% harmaceutical comanies" Although (ifferentlaboratories ha3e ma(e minor technical mo(ifications, the fun(amentals of thetest remain the same" A(atogens an( anti(eressants increase the amount oftime the animal is able to 1ee s+imming acti3el%"85 Panossian an( colleaguesroose to u(ate the (efinition of a(atogen b% highlighting more secific biochemical actions as metabolic regulators"80 The +i(e range of me(ical benefitsan( h%siological actions ma% be base( on the effects of a(atogens on regulator%s%stems foun( in man% organs an( tissues $e"g", immune, hormonal, C;',car(io3ascular, muscular, etc"&" The% h%othesi2e that a(atogens re(uce (amagefrom stressors b% altering the reacti3it% of the organisms (efense s%stem,inclu(ing the h%othalamic ituitar% a>is $HPA& an( the efferent s%mathoa(renal s%stem $'A'&"80 

     A recent stu(% sho+e( that R. rosea an( eleuthero rotecte( the embr%os offresh+ater snails $ #!mnaea sta$nalis& from a 3ariet% of en3ironmentalstressors"8 nhancement in resistance +as stu(ie( b% al%ing h%toa(atogene>tracts for a erio( of !0 hours to 7(a% ol( #. sta$nalis lar3ae" 'ubse@uentl%the lar3ae +ere e>ose( to the follo+ing highl% to>ic en3ironmental stressors: ah%sical stress $heat shoc1: 47 (egrees C for 4 minutes an o>i(ati3e stress$suero>i(e ra(icals in(uce( b% mena(ione 600 micro- for ! hours an( hea3%

    metalin(uce( stress $coer 50 micro- for hour or ca(mium !0 micro- for hour&" Both eleuthero an( R. rosea strongl% rotecte( snail embr%os from lethalheat shoc1, from the a(3erse effects of mena(ionein(uce( suero>i(e ra(icals,an( from to>ic e>osure to hea3% metals $coer an( ca(mium&" Although the(egree to +hich resistance +as enhance( (een(e( on the t%e of stressoralie(, these results confirm the (efinition of h%toa(atogens as beinguni3ersal enhancers of nonsecific resistance against (ifferent 1in(s of stresscon(itions" The mechanisms of nonsecific resistance are not entirel% clear, but

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    robabl% in3ol3e imro3ements in cellular energ% metabolism, base( in art on ATP $as (iscusse( abo3e&"

    In higher animals an( humans, nonsecific resistance ma% also be enhance( b%imro3ements in the neurological mechanisms of (ealing +ith stress

    $catecholamines, serotonin, an( en(orhins&" The serotonin s%stem is necessar%for the stress resonse reaction, a(atation to ne+ en3ironmental con(itions,an( tolerance of h%o>ia" ;umerous stressors (ecrease serotonin in theh%othalamus" Theoreticall%, the abilit% of R. rosea to increase the nonsecificresistance of animals ma% be relate( to its caacit% to increase serotonin in theh%othalamus an( mi(brain" A((itional research sho+e( that an intacth%othalamic ituitar% a(renal a>is an( articiation of the gona(s an( th%mus +ere necessar% for this antistress effect"! 9urthermore, R" rosea re(uces theacti3ation of se3eral comonents of the stress resonse s%stem" 9or e>amle, itmo(estl% increase( serum betaen(orhins that rotecte( rats againstsubse@uent stressin(uce( e>cess en(orhin ele3ation"=0 In a((ition, R. rosea mo(erates the release of oioi( eti(es that occurs as art of the ituitar%a(renal a>is resonse to stress" This re(uce( release rotects against su((ene>cess oioi( an( catecholamine $; an( .A& le3els $+hich interfere +ithnormal brain functions an( can lea( to heart (amage&, +hile allo+ing a moremo(erate release that increases stress tolerance +ithout (amaging the centralner3ous s%stem or the car(io3ascular s%stem $see .iagram !&" R. rosea e>tractsalso rotect the brain an( heart b% re(ucing the secretion of corticotrohinreleasing factor $C*9& un(er stress"=0,= 

    #ndocrine and Reproductive #ects

    ;euroen(ocrine animal stu(ies sho+e( that R. rosea, li1e other a(atogens,enhance( th%roi( function +ithout causing h%erth%roi(ism"= In a((ition, theth%mus glan( functione( better an( +as rotecte( from the in3olution that

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    occurs +ith aging" The a(renal glan(s functione( +ith better reser3e an( +ithoutthe 1in( of h%ertroh% cause( b% other s%chostimulants"

    gg maturation +as enhance( in rats an( an anabolic effect in males $increase(muscle buil(ing an( gona( strengthening similar to effects of lo+(ose

    testosterone& +as obser3e( in a number of secies" A(ministration of rho(osin$e>tract of R. rosea for intra3enous, intramuscular, or eritoneal inDection& tose>uall% mature female mice o3er a erio( of 4 +ee1s rolonge( menstruationfrom "7 (a%s $control& to !"= (a%s $rho(osin treate(&, re(uce( the resting erio(from 7"= (a%s $control& to !"! (a%s $rho(osin treate(&, an( increase( the relati3enumber of estrus (a%s from ! ercent to 56 ercent" In the maDorit% of rho(osintreate( animals, the number of gro+ing follicles, the ooc%te 3olumes, theaccumulation of *;A in ooc%te c%tolasm, the roliferation of the lining an(glan(ular cells of the uterine horns, an( the rearation of uterine mucosa forfertili2ation all increase(" In se>uall% mature mice, rho(osin increase( the mean +eight of the uterine horns from 7"64" mg to 5"5"5 mg an( the mean +eight of the o3aries from 6"40"65 mg to "0"45 mg" Ho+e3er, thea(ministration of rho(osin to se>uall% immature female +hite mice for 7 +ee1s(i( not affect se>ual maturation, the onset of estrus, the +eight of o3aries oruterine horns, or the maturation of follicles" Thus, it is robable that theestrogenic effects of R. rosea rearations (een( uon a secific hormonalmilieu"=!,=7

    These reclinical in3estigations le( to a stu(% of R. rosea e>tract in +omensuffering from amenorrhea $loss of menstrual c%cles&" 9ort% +omen +ithamenorrhea +ere gi3en R. rosea $either 00 mg R. rosea e>tract orall% t+ice a(a% for ! +ee1s, or ml rho(osin intramuscularl% for 0 (a%s&" In some subDectsthe treatment c%cle +as reeate( !4 times" ;ormal menses +ere restore( in !5

     +omen, of +hom became regnant" In those +ith normal menses, the meanlength of the uterine ca3it% increase( from 5"5 cm to 8"0 cm $normal& after R.rosea treatment"=!,=7 ne of the authors $.r" Bro+n& has treate( in his racticese3eral +omen +ho ha( faile( to concei3e +ith stan(ar( fertilit% (rugs, an( +ho become regnant +ithin se3eral months of beginning R. rosea e>tract" Thesereliminar% clinical obser3ations +arrant controlle( follo+u clinical trials"tractsho+e( strong estrogen bin(ing roerties that re@uire further characteri2ation"

    In an oen stu(%, !6 out of 75 men +ith erectile (%sfunction an(Eor remature

    eDaculation $of !0 %ears (uration& reson(e( to R" rosea $50!00 mgE(a% for 7months& +ith substantiall% imro3e( se>ual function, normali2ation of rostaticflui(, an( an increase in 81etosteroi(s in urine"56,6

    "ardioprotective #ects

    Car(iorotecti3e effects of R. rosea inclu(e: re3ention of stressin(uce( car(iac(amage,=0,=,=4 (ecrease( m%ocar(ial catecholamines an( c%clic a(enosine

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    monohoshate $cA-P& le3els# an( re(uce( a(renal catecholamine release=0,= $see 9igure !&" 9urthermore, R. rosea acti3ation of muoiate recetors in heartmuscle re3ente( reerfusion arrh%thmias in animal hearts" This effect coul( be bloc1e( b% nalo>one inDection $1no+n to inhibit muoiate recetors&, thusconfirming that the antiarrh%thmic effect of  R. rosea is associate( +ith the mu

    oiate recetors in m%ocar(ial $heart& muscle"


    In a series of Doint '+e(ish an( *ussian (oubleblin(, ran(omi2e( lacebocontrolle( stu(ies,=5 0 health% but se(entar% men $ages !07 %ears& +eree3aluate(" T+ent% ercent of the subDects ha( a3erage h%sical +or1 caacit% asmeasure( b% Po+er ?or1 Caacit% $P?C80& an( =0 ercent ha( belo+a3erageP?C80, in(icating a lo+ le3el of h%sical training $P?C80 is a calculation base( on the amount of +or1 erforme( b% a man if his heart rate reaches 80 beats er minute, bm&" A se@uence of comle> to 8(a% trials comare( theeffects of an a(atogen formula, a mi>ture of mono an( ol%henolica(atogens $--PA&" ach tablet containe( the follo+ing ingre(ients: 7 mgrho(iolosi(e from R. rosea root e>tract, 50 mg# 7 mg total sum of isofra>i(ine,s%ringine, an( s%ringaresinoiegl%cosi(es from eleuthero root e>tract, 00 mg#an( 4 mg schi2an(rine an( gammaschi2an(rine from schisan(ra $ Schisandrachinensis $Turc2"& Baill", /amiaceae& fruit e>tract, 50 mg"

    .uring the 8(a% a(atogen trial, subDects +ere gi3en 7 casules $containing atotal of 50 mg R. rosea& t+ice a (a% on (a%s 7# 4 casules $!00 mg R. rosea&t+ice a (a% on (a%s 46, an( 4 casules once on (a% 8" The mean increase inh%sical +or1 caacit% +as != ercent +ith (ose( h%sical loa(s in subDectstreate( +ith the a(atogen formula" Thus, se(entar% subDects gi3en thea(atogen +ere able to erform in the lo+er le3el of traine( athletes +ithout an%

    e>ercise training" Their heart rate 3ariabilit% an( inotroic $strength of heartmuscle contractilit%& functions imro3e("

    Both the s%mathetic an( aras%mathetic inuts to the heart +ere enhance(such that the heart sho+e( increase( reser3es un(er stress of greater intensit%"The autonomic ner3ous s%stem controls automatic or in3oluntar% functions of the bo(%" It has t+o comonents: the s%mathetic an( the aras%mathetic ner3es$see .iagram !&" The s%mathetic ner3ous s%stem is the )fightorflight) s%stem

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    that hels the organism reson( to stress $e"g", b% increasing heart rate,resirator% rate, an( muscle tone&" The aras%mathetic ner3ous s%stemconser3es an( restores energ% $e"g", b% slo+ing the heart rate, resirator% rate,an( metabolism&" B% enhancing the functions of the s%mathetic an(aras%mathetic s%stems, R. rosea enables the organism to ut out more energ%

    (uring stress +hile at the same time maintaining higher energ% reser3es" ne ofthe challenges resente( b% research on a multiingre(ient formula is that it isnot usuall% ossible to attribute the results to the acti3it% of an% one single herbalcomonent" Ho+e3er, the results of this stu(% are consistent +ith results of otherresearch con(ucte( solel% on R. rosea monorearations"

     Antioxidant and Anti)carcinogenic #ects

     R. rosea is rich in henolic comoun(s, 1no+n to ha3e strong antio>i(antroerties"57,=6 Animal stu(ies ha3e sho+n that R. rosea (ecreases to>icit% fromc%clohoshami(e, rubom%cin, an( a(riam%cin $anticancer (rugs&, +hile itenhances their anticarcinogenic effects"=8=

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    the li3er&" These serious si(e effects +ere significantl% ameliorate( b% ***"Thus, the research suggests that *** can both enhance tumor inhibition b%chemotheraeutic (rugs +hile alle3iating (angerous si(e effects"

    'ubstances that re(uce the inci(ence of chromosomal aberrations are terme(antimutagenic" 'ali1ho3a an( colleagues foun( that in mice inDecte( +ithc%clohoshami(e, *** $minimum 0"= ercent sali(rosi(e an( 7 ercentrosa3in& ha( antimutagenic effects" Comare( to lacebo controls, ***re(uce( the (e3eloment of chromosomal aberrations b% 50 ercent an( re(uce(the inci(ence of cells +ith micronuclei b% more than 50 ercent" *** alsoincrease( in(ices of .;A reair in bone marro+ cells after e>osure to themutagen ;nitroso;meth%lurea $;-tracts to augment tumorinhibition an( re(uce to>ic effects of chemothera% agents are nee(e("

    Toxicity% !ide #ects% and "ontraindications

     R. rosea has a 3er% lo+ le3el of to>icit%" In rat to>icit% stu(ies, the /.50 $lethal(ose at +hich 50 ercent of animals (ie& +as calculate( to be !="6 mlE1g,aro>imatel% 7,760 mgE1g"!5 The e@ui3alent (osage in a 80 1g man +oul( beabout !75 gm or !75,000 mg" 'ince the usual clinical (oses are !00600 mgE(a%,there is a huge margin of safet%"=8

    3erall, R. rosea has 3er% fe+ si(e effects" -ost users fin( that it imro3es their

    moo(, energ% le3el, an( mental clarit%" 'ome in(i3i(uals, articularl% those +hoten( to be an>ious, ma% feel o3erl% acti3ate(, Ditter%, or agitate(" If this occurs,then a smaller (ose +ith 3er% gra(ual increases ma% be nee(e(" R. rosea shoul( be ta1en earl% in the (a% because it can interfere +ith slee or cause 3i3i( (reams$not nightmares& (uring the first fe+ +ee1s" It is contrain(icate( in e>cite(states" Because R. rosea has an acti3ating anti(eressant effect, it shoul( not beuse( in in(i3i(uals +ith biolar (isor(er +ho are 3ulnerable to becoming manic +hen gi3en anti(eressants or stimulants"

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    authors a(3ise caution in atients +ith biolar sectrum (isor(ers" The herb(oes not aear to interact +ith other me(ications, though it ma% ha3e a((iti3eeffects +ith other stimulants" It is best absorbe( +hen ta1en on an emt%stomach 70 minutes before brea1fast an( lunch" As +ith an% herbal rearation,atients shoul( inform their rimar% healthcare ractitioner +hen ta1ing R.


    Rhodiola in the uture

    -ore scientific research is nee(e( to confirm the re3enti3e an( curati3e benefitsof R. rosea" Controlle( stu(ies are +arrante( to e>lore its use in anti(eressantaugmentation, (isor(ers of memor% an( cognition, attention (eficit (isor(er,traumatic brain inDur%, Par1insons (isease, rotection against arrh%thmias,sorts erformance, a3iation an( sace me(icine $enhancing h%sical an( mentalerformance +hile re(ucing stress reactions&, en(ocrine (isor(ers $infertilit%,remenstrual (isor(er, menoause&, se>ual (%sfunction, (isor(ers of the stressresonse s%stem $fibrom%algia, chronic fatigue s%n(rome, an( ost traumatic

    stress (isor(er&, an( enhancement of chemothera%Era(iation +ith ameliorationof to>icit%"

    In the course of e3olution, R. rosea has a(ate( to the harsh con(itions of highaltitu(e $e>treme col(, lo+ o>%gen, little rainfall, an( intense irra(iation from thesun& b% ro(ucing a grou of o+erful rotecti3e comoun(s that ha3e (i3erse beneficial effects in animals an( humans" ne is struc1 b% the 3ersatilit% of R.rosea, from its (escrition in Gree1 me(icine, !000 %ears ago to its use b% !0thcentur% cosmonauts" It is time for mo(ern research, using controlle( clinicaltrials, to (e3elo the otential me(ical alications of this uni@ue h%toa(atogen"

     Richard . "ro*n% M.D.% is &ssociate (linical rofessor of s!chiatr! at(olumbia +niversit! (olle$e of h!sicians and Sur$eons in ,e* ork (it!. Hereceived his M.D. in /00 from (olumbia +niversit! (olle$e of h!sicians and Sur$eons in ,e* ork. Dr. "ro*n com1leted his Residenc! in s!chiatr! and a 2ello*shi1 in s!chobiolo$! and s!cho1harmacolo$! at ,e* ork Hos1ital. Dr. "ro*n is the reci1ient of numerous a*ards% includin$ a Mead-3ohnson ,euro1s!cho1harmacolo$! Travel 2ello*shi1% a Mallinckrodt Scholar a*ard%and a 2ello*shi1 in ,eurosciences and "rain 'ma$in$ from the Dana

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     2oundation. He has had a lon$standin$ interest in herbal and com1lementar!medicine% es1eciall! as relevant to 1s!chiatr!. 'n 4555% he co-authored thebook% 'to .eression ;o+ % *hich 1resents a holistic a11roach to the treatmentof de1ression% includin$ S&M-e. Since ///% Dr. "ro*n has tau$ht a full da!course on Herbs and ,utrients in s!chiatr! at the annual meetin$s of the

     &merican s!chiatric &ssociation. Dr. "ro*n has no financial interest in*ho(iola rosea.

     atricia #. Gerbar$% M.D.% is &ssistant (linical rofessor in s!chiatr! at ,e*ork Medical (enter. She $raduated from Harvard Medical School in /06 andcom1leted her s!chiatr! Residenc! at "eth 'srael Hos1ital in "oston in /0/. She finished 1s!choanal!tic trainin$ at the "oston s!choanal!tic Societ! and 'nstitute in //4 and has maintained a 1rivate 1s!chiatric 1ractice for 47 !ears. Dr. Gerbar$ has tau$ht and lectured on a ran$e of to1ics in 1s!chiatr! and 1s!choanal!sis. 8ver the 1ast ei$ht !ears she has been increasin$l! involved inresearch and *ritin$ about alternative and com1lementar! medicine in 1s!chiatr! and has co-authored numerous articles and book cha1ters *ith Dr. "ro*n. Dr. Gerbar$ has no financial interest in *ho(iola rosea"

     9akir Ramazanov% h.D.% D.S.% is rofessor of "iochemistr! at #as almasTechnolo$ical 'nstitute% S1ain. 'n /0: he received a bachelor;s de$ree *ith adouble ma The authors are $rateful to Dr. "ertalan Galambosi from &$rifood Research 2inland% )colo$ical roduction% of Mikkeli% 2inland% for 1rovidin$ the 1hoto$ra1hs of *ho(iola rosea.


    " ngler A" S!llabus der flanzenfamilien" ol" !" Berlin, German%:Borntraeger# 64" " !00"

    !" 'arati1o3 A', rasno3 A" Rhodiola rosea is a valuable medicinal 1lant?Golden Root &" Toms1, *ussia: Toms1 'tate

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