2020 Presidential...

Davis Model United Nations Conference XVIII 2020 Presidential Elections-Democrats May 16-17, 2020 University of California, Davis Crisis Director: Alisha Hacker Head Chair: Sarah Covault Vice Chair: Valeria Carmona

Transcript of 2020 Presidential...

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Davis Model United Nations Conference XVIII

2020 Presidential


May 16-17, 2020

University of California, Davis

Crisis Director: Alisha Hacker

Head Chair: Sarah Covault

Vice Chair: Valeria Carmona

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Davis Model United Nations Conference XVIII


The following content was developed by members of

the Davis Model United Nations conference planning

team for the sole purpose of framing delegate

discussions and debate at the conference and does

not represent any official position of the University or

anyone engaged in preparing the materials.

Delegates should use this information to guide their

research and preparation for the conference but

should not assume that it represents a complete

analysis of the issues under discussion. The materials

should not be reproduced, circulated or distributed

for any purpose other than as may be required in

order to prepare for the conference.

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Letter from the Head Chair Dear Delegates,

Welcome to the 2020 Davis Model United Conference (DMUNC)! I have the great

pleasure of introducing you to the 2020 Elections: Democrats Crisis Committee. My name

is Sarah Covault and I will be your Head Chair for this year’s DMUNC. I’m a Senior here

at UC Davis and I’ve found a great sense of community in the Davis’ MUN club. I have

had the privilege of chairing some great committees at AggieMUN, our collegiate

conference, CCCMUN and DMUNC. This committee is greatly important to me as I

believe that we all have the power to influence change through democracy. Last year I

had the opportunity to intern at the office of a U.S. Senator who later announced their

candidacy for President. This provided me with a bit of an inside look at the inner

workings of our democracy.

As much as I believe in the seriousness and importance of our democracy, I also

believe in fun. There is no shortage of interesting characters in this committee, so pay

attention to their policies and messages, but feel free to include a few funny quirks your

character might have.

We are here to create a fun, inventive, and productive committee. We want to see

strong stances on important issues because the American people will not be convinced by

a half-hearted plan! We are also looking for people to come up with unique Crisis Arcs

and Directives. The more innovative/original you are, the more you will enjoy the overall

experience the committee has to offer.

In order to be successful, you should come prepared! Read the topic guide and look

up your character’s campaign website, news articles, and previous work on the internet.

Watch the debates and try to build ideas from your character’s policies and plans. Have

fun researching and we will make sure to create a very fun, yet great educational

experience for you at DMUNC! See you all May 16-17!

“So, this year, vote for magic! Good Morning!”

-Marianne Williamson, SNL 2019


Sarah Covault

Head Chair

2020 Presidential Elections-Democrats

Davis Model United Nations XVIII

[email protected]

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Letter from the Crisis Director

Hello Delegates,

My name is Alisha Hacker and I’m a Political Science-Public Service Major. I have

participated in Model United Nations since the 7th grade, and have loved every

experience that Model UN has brought to my life. I’m also very lucky to serve as the SG

of DavisMUN this year.

Aside from Model United Nations, I love to do Crossfit, hike, and hang out in Davis. I

am also a member of the Chi Omega Sorority and I work as the Student Activities

Coordinator for the University Honors Program. During my spare time, I like to watch

TV shows like Parks and Rec, Scandal, and the West Wing. I’m a huge Dodger fan; so I’m

always willing to talk baseball. I’m also a big Seahawks fan even though I’ve never been

to Seattle.

I’m very excited for DMUNC and to crisis direct such an important committee. I look

forward to observing a high level of debate, in depth and creative crisis arcs, and the

development of thoughtful directives. I know that you will all be wonderful delegates

and that we will have a great weekend. If you have any questions pertaining to the

conference or the background guide, please do not hesitate to email me. See you in May!


Alisha Hacker

Crisis Director

2020 Presidential Elections-Democrats

Davis Model United Nations XVIII

[email protected]

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Committee Information

As the 2020 elections loom nearer, the Democratic Party has been presented with an

abundance of candidates. As this committee begins in August 2019, 26 candidates for the

Democratic nomination remain in the race. The American people are anxiously waiting to

see which candidate will best represent them on important topics like healthcare,

immigration, gun control, foreign policy, and climate change. Additionally, the American

people are looking for a candidate that can go toe to toe with the current president,

Trump. As tensions rise, it is said that the people are increasingly losing interest and hope

in democracy. It is of the utmost importance that they are shown candidates for the office

of the President of the United States that are viable and reasonable. As of now, August

2019, the front runners are Joe Biden, Bernie Sanders, and Elizabeth Warren. However,

things can change in an instant, and an underdog can take the lead.

The Democratic Party has grown increasingly split, with an influx in candidates

drawing lines between groups of people that would’ve formerly been aligned. Phrases

like “Democratic Socialism” or “the Far Left” have been utilized repeatedly by several

news sources. Will Democratic Socialism take the lead and gain the most support from

the people? Or will a more moderate view best “unite the left” and win the primaries?

The first debate has already taken place on June 26th and 27th of this year. Due to the

large number of candidates, this event had to be split into two evenings in order to give

everyone speaking time. During these debates, Harris criticized Biden’s record on busing,

Williamson directly challenged Trump stating that she would, “harness love for political

purposes,” and Warren and de Blasio both stated that they wanted to abolish private

health insurance. Hot topics such as these of civil rights, Trump, and healthcare will

remain prevalent and should be addressed throughout the democratic primaries.

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Current Issues


Due to President Trump’s policies, healthcare is on the line for many voters.

Universal healthcare and women’s reproductive rights have been two topics that are at

the forefront of many discussions. Several candidates have already made “Medicare for

all”, a guarantee of healthcare as a right to all people, a pillar of their campaigns. The

Trump administration has repeatedly threatened women’s reproductive rights through

the targeting of Planned Parenthood and the attempted reversal of Roe v. Wade. The

administration has attempted abortion bans and has implemented several restrictions on

abortion clinics. The Supreme Court will hear a case in 2020, June Medical Services v.

Russo. This case requires clinics that provide abortions to have a hospital within a 30-mile

radius, which would leave only one clinic in the whole of Louisiana (ABCNews).

Gun Control

Gun Control is an increasingly contentious issue in America. Within 46 weeks of the

year 2019, there were 45 school shootings (CNN). This issue has become pressing in the

eyes of the American people, and particularly America’s young population, including

high school students. The March for Our Lives movement was inspired by the 2018

shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High school. This movement was led primarily by

high schoolers, involving school walkouts, protests, and appearances on major news


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From the start of his campaign in 2016, Trump has made building a wall on the US-

Mexico border one of his flashiest priorities. From this has stemmed a plethora of

discriminatory immigration policies, including the implementation of family separation

at the border. This resulted in harmful conditions for children, such as cages and a lack of

food, water, and medical attention. Several children have died in these conditions,

including Jakelin Caal Maquin, who passed away in Border Patrol Custody at age 7, due

to a lack of medical care (CNN). With an influx in migrant caravans and refugees from

Venezuela, Trump’s policies have only grown more and more harsh. Additionally, he has

attempted to revoke DACA status from children who have no memory of being raised in

any other country. All of these issues are those which each democratic candidate must

have a solution for in the coming election.

Foreign Policy

President Trump’s trade deals have caused a great deal of uncertainty on the

international stage as he broadened tariffs on several commodities, which caused tense

trade relations. Trump has sought to extend the Iran arms deal, which will expire in the

near future, allowing Russia and China to sell weapons to Iran. The President’s relations

with North Korea have caused anxiety among many Americans. In 2017, after North

Korea conducted nuclear tests, Trump declared North Korea a state sponsor of terrorism.

He then threatened a military strike on North Korea. Many feel that America’s name has

been tarnished in the international field (CFR). The people need a candidate who will

reinstate America’s international image.

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One of the most prevalent topics in America at the time is access to college education

and the alleviation of college debt. This is especially important to young voters, a

demographic with whom Bernie Sanders currently maintains popularity. In 2019, the

national student debt reached $1.4 trillion, an all-time high (Experian).


How will you go toe to toe with the current President? His bully rhetoric could

potentially shake a candidate that is ill prepared or faint of heart. The democratic

candidate must be able to show their quick thinking, strong stances, and firm solutions in

a debate against President Trump.

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Possible Solutions

Many candidates have already begun to roll out plans like “Medicare for all”,

Universal College, and a repair of our voting system. The above issues can be dealt with

in a vastly liberal way, as Bernie Sanders might do, or in a more moderate manner, as

Amy Klobuchar might. The American people want to see clear, comprehensive plans for

these issues that would work financially.

Policies of Major Blocs:

Put forth a Democratic candidate for the office of the President of the United States. If

the committee sees fit, it may elect both Presidential and Vice-Presidential candidates.

Goals of Committee:

Elect your candidate for President of the United States, who will run against

Trump, the incumbent.

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Character 1: Bernie Sanders

The previous runner-up in the 2016 Democratic primary, known for “Medicare for

all” and free college tuition. He has been criticized for his socialist viewpoints and is often

referred to as having communist policies.

Character 2: Joe Biden

Former Vice President in the Obama Administration. Joe Biden has been a

frontrunner in this election. Many believe him to be a viable candidate based on his

previous experience.

Character 3: Elizabeth Warren

Senator of Massachusetts. Believes in shifting power to the working people and away

from the rich.

Character 4: Cory Booker

Senator from New Jersey, former mayor of Newark. Has condemned the War on

Drugs. Worked closely on a bill to make lynching a federal hate crime.

Character 5: Kamala Harris

Senator from California, former Attorney General of California, former San Francisco

District Attorney. Lead efforts to combat the separation of families at the border. Lead

efforts on a bill to make lynching a federal hate crime.

Character 6: Tom Steyer

Billionaire former executive. Climate change and impeachment activist.

Character 7: Mike Bloomberg

Billionaire media executive, former mayor of New York City. Recently reversed his

support for aggressive “stop and frisk.”

Character 8: Amy Klobuchar

Senator from Minnesota. Running as an experienced moderate and has released a

$100 billion plan to combat drug and alcohol addiction.

Character 9: Pete Buttigieg

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Commonly referred to as “Mayor Pete.” He is the youngest candidate in the race and

was formerly in the military. He has been strong on climate change and economic


Character 10: Andrew Yang

Supported by his “Yang Gang.” Wants to implement a policy in which every

adult would receive $1,000, Universal Basic Income, also known as the “Freedom


Character 11: Tulsi Gabbard

Congresswoman for Hawaii, Army National Guard Veteran, and focuses on

foreign policy as her chief concern.

Character 12: Marianne Williamson

Self-help author. Wants to create a cabinet-level U.S. Department of Peace and a

U.S. Department of Children and Youth.

Character 13: Julian Castro

Former housing secretary under the Obama Administration, former mayor of San

Antonio. Holds a “people first” policy agenda for a comprehensive approach.

Character 14: Kirsten Gillibrand

Senator from New York, former congresswoman. Wants to defeat President

Trump, flip the Senate, and elect women.

Character 15: Deval Patrick

Former governor of Massachusetts. Entered the race late and has pushed for

legislation that would limit the purchase of firearms.

Character 16: Michael Bennet

Senator from Colorado. Fairly liberal views. Focuses on fixing broken politics,

including voter suppression and foreign actors infiltrating democracy.

Character 17: Delaney

Former congressman from Maryland and former businessman. Promoted

universal health care plan. Wanted “fix broken politics” by ending gerrymandering and

protecting voting rights.

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Character 18: Steve Bullock

Governor of Montana, former state attorney general. Passed legislation to expand

Medicaid, made investments in education, and fights against the influence of money in


Character 19: Sestak

Former congressman from Pennsylvania, former Navy admiral. Supports

expanding middle class tax cuts. Called for the reinstatement of the federal ban on assault


Character 20: Wayne Messam

Mayor of Miramar, Florida. He has gone against the Trump Administration by

offering his city as a “safe zone” for immigrants. Owns a construction company.

Character 21: Beto O’Rourke

Former congressman from Texas. Beto O’Rourke gained support during his run

for Senate against the incumbent Ted Cruz. Supports universal background checks for the

purchase of firearms and does not support single-payer healthcare.

Character 22: Tim Ryan

Congressman from Ohio, former congressional staff member. Believes in

reestablishing climate change policies, as they were in Obama’s time. He is a cosponsor of

the Medicare for all bill.

Character 23: Bill de Blasio

Mayor of New York City. Running to “put working people first.” Wants to

establish a $15 minimum wage.

Character 24: Seth Moulton

Congressman from Massachusetts, Iraq war veteran.

Character 25: Jay Inslee

Governor of Washington State, former congressman.

Character 26: Hickenlooper

Former governor of Colorado, former mayor of Denver.

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1. Burns, Alexander, et al. “Who's Running for President in 2020?” The New York Times,

The New York Times, 21 Jan.

2019, www.nytimes.com/interactive/2019/us/politics/2020-presidential-


2. CFR. “North Korean Nuclear Negotiations: A Brief History.” Council on

Foreign Relations, Council on Foreign Relations, 2020, www.cfr.org/timeline/north-


3. Harris, Bryant. “Intel: Trump Administration Seeks to Extend UN Arms Embargo on

Iran.” Al, 28 Feb. 2020, www.al-monitor.com/pulse/originals/2020/02/intel-trump-


4. Svokos, Alexandra. “Supreme Court Set to Hear Critical Louisiana Abortion Case.”

ABC News, ABC News Network, 1 Mar. 2020, abcnews.go.com/US/supreme-court-set-


5. Tatham, Matt. “Student Loan Debt Climbs to $1.4 Trillion in 2019.” Experian,

Experian, 6 Sept. 2019, www.experian.com/blogs/ask-experian/state-of-student-loan-


6. “Trump's Trade War Timeline: An Up-to-Date Guide.” PIIE, 27 Feb.

2020, www.piie.com/blogs/trade-investment-policy-watch/trump-trade-war-china-


7. Vera, Amir. “Autopsy Determines 7-Year-Old Guatemalan Girl Died from Sepsis

While in US Custody.” CNN, Cable News Network, 30 Mar. 2019,


8. Wolfe, Elizabeth, and Christina Walker. “In 46 Weeks This Year, There Have Been 45

9. School Shootings.” CNN, Cable News Network, 19 Nov. 2019,


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Davis Model United Nations Conference XVIII


Conference Information

DMUNC is an annual conference hosted by the student-run organization, Model

United Nations at UC Davis, on the University of California, Davis campus. Every May,

more than 500 students from across California and the U.S. come to UC Davis to

participate in a weekend of stimulating debate. Through simulation of UN bodies and

other historical committees, we hope to spread international awareness, appreciation for

diplomacy, and a dedication to improving the world. Our goal is to create an enriching

educational experience for students to realize their personal potential to be strong leaders,

confident public speakers, and concerned global citizens.

With a reputation as one of California’s outstanding Model United Nations

conferences, DMUNC strives to continue its history of seventeen years of distinction as a

novice learning conference for delegates. We thank you for your interest in this

conference. As we have from the beginning, DMUNC promises an exceptional

educational opportunity for delegates.

For more logistical information, questions or concerns, please visit the DMUNC

website at dmunc.org or email the Secretary General, Sapna Bhakta, at

[email protected].

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Sapna Sal Bhakta Secretary General

Justin Yap Director General

Katie Ciulla Under Secretary General of Staff &

Under Secretary General of Finance

Alexander Cohen Under Secretary General of General Assemblies

Sarah Mark Under Secretary General of Crisis

Zara Fatteh Under Secretary General of Delegate Services

Sarah Vawter Under Secretary General of Public Relations

Brittany Tang Under Secretary General of Technology