2020-E-1100-40EW-0001 Vegetation Clearing Scope Brief.pdf ...

Clean TeQ Sunrise Project Vegetation Clearing Scope Brief Clean TeQ Doc No: 2020-E-1100-40EW-0001 Other Doc No: N/A Revision Date Issued for Prepared by Reviewed by Approved by A 19/12/2018 Review A Jones A Hall ________________ ________________ ________________

Transcript of 2020-E-1100-40EW-0001 Vegetation Clearing Scope Brief.pdf ...

Clean TeQ Sunrise Project

Vegetation Clearing Scope Brief

Clean TeQ Doc No: 2020-E-1100-40EW-0001

Other Doc No: N/A

Revision Date Issued for Prepared by Reviewed by Approved by

A 19/12/2018 Review A Jones A Hall

________________ ________________ ________________


Vegetation Clearing Scope Brief

2020-E-1100-40EW-0001 Rev A


Revision History

Rev Date Sections Revised Reason for Update


Vegetation Clearing Scope Brief

2020-E-1100-40EW-0001 Rev A



1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................................... 4

2 Scope of Works ........................................................................................................................................ 4


1 Clean TeQ Sunrise Project Location ........................................................................................................ 4


Appendix A. Map

Appendix B. Vegetation Clearance Protocol


Vegetation Clearing Scope Brief

2020-E-1100-40EW-0001 Rev A


1 Introduction

Clean TeQ Holdings Limited (“the Company”) is the proponent of the Clean TeQ Sunrise Nickel / Cobalt /

Scandium Project in NSW, Australia. Sunrise’s unique mineral resource, when combined with the

Company’s proprietary ion exchange extraction and purification processing technology, positions Clean TeQ

to become one of the largest and lowest cost sources of key cathode raw materials to the lithium-ion battery

market – nickel sulphate and cobalt sulphate. The Clean TeQ Sunrise Project will also produce significant

quantities of scandium for the next generation of light-weight aluminium alloys for transportation markets.

The scope consists of clearing all vegetation, both living and dead, all minor man-made structures (such as

fences), all rubbish and other materials as directed, on the Clean TeQ Sunrise Project Site.

The Clean TeQ Sunrise Project Site is situated in central New South Wales, approximately 450km WNW of

Sydney, near the town of Fifield on Wilmatha Road. The project is well supported by major centres, with the

mining communities of Parkes, Dubbo and Condobolin, all located within 130km of the project area. See

Figure 1 below.

Figure 1 Clean TeQ Sunrise Project Location

2 Scope of Works

The Works consist of clearing all vegetation, both living and dead, all minor man-made structures

(such as fences), all rubbish and other materials as directed.

Works include grubbing of trees and stumps from areas as defined in Map – Appendix A. Works to

be staged progressively during 2019, 2020 and 2021 periods.

In advance of, or in conjunction with clearing and grubbing operations, install effective erosion and

sediment control measures in accordance with NSW Blue Book – Soils and Construction: Managing

Urban Stormwater 2004.

Clearing limits defined by Map – Appendix A. Survey to be undertaken and clearing limits to be

marked by pegs at 25m intervals around area to be cleared.

Clearing operations within designated areas to include habitat trees and non habitat trees. Habitat

trees will be marked up by Clean TeQ prior to clearing operations and must be cleared in

accordance with Clean TeQ’s Vegetation Clearance Protocol – Appendix B. Non habitat trees


Vegetation Clearing Scope Brief

2020-E-1100-40EW-0001 Rev A


(generally below 40 DBH) to be cleared prior to habitat trees within each clearing area as per

Vegetation Clearance Protocol.

Clearing of habitat trees will require suitably qualified fauna handler/s to remove native fauna as

required by EIS/development conditions of consent. See Vegetation Clearance Protocol – Appendix

B for details.

Exclusion areas will be clearly marked out by Clean TeQ prior to clearing operations and trees must

not cleared within these areas. Contractor must plan works to ensure that there is no damage to

any trees outside clearing limits and prevent timber falling onto nearby private property.

All trees and stumps, on or within limits of clearing , unable to be felled and removed by the

clearing methods used by Contractor shall be removed by grubbing.

Grubbing operations shall be carried out to a depth of 0.5m below the natural surface or 1.5m

below finished surface level, whichever is lower.

Holes remaining after tress and stumps have been grubbed shall be backfilled promptly with similar

material to existing to prevent infiltration and ponding of water. The backfilling material shall be

compacted to at least relative density of the material existing in the adjacent ground.

Contractor to provide pricing for the following options in regards to removal and/ stockpiling of

cleared vegetation:-

1. Stockpiling of vegetation into designated areas as directed by Clean TeQ

2. Mulching to produce wood-chip derived from crowns of trees and branches of shrubs.

Remaining logs to be stockpiled in designated areas. Mulch material to be placed upon

disturbed areas as part of Erosion and Sediment Control measures for clearing works. a. Note: The wood-chip mulch shall be produced from branches having a maximum diameter of 100

millimetres and the chipping material produced shall not have two orthogonal dimensions

exceeding 75mm and 50mm.


Vegetation Clearing Scope Brief

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Appendix A.



Vegetation Clearing Scope Brief

2020-E-1100-40EW-0001 Rev A


Appendix B.

Vegetation Clearance Protocol

The Vegetation Clearance Protocol (VCP) has been developed to minimise the impact of vegetation

clearance activities on native flora and fauna, including threatened species. The purpose of the VCP is to

minimise the extent of clearing activities in order to minimise impacts on fauna (particularly birds and bats)

and encourage fauna to relocate outside of the disturbance footprint prior to clearing.

The clearing procedure outlines best practice and is designed to be adaptive depending on site-specific

conditions that arise during clearing. The clearing procedure will follow five steps:

1. Pre-clearance Targeted Vertebrate Animal Surveys

2. Planning

3. Clearing of Non-habitat vegetation

4. Remove habitat trees including Hollow-Bearing Trees (HBTs)

5. Reporting

Step 1: Pre-clearance Targeted Vertebrate Animal Surveys

Targeted pre-clearance surveys for vertebrate fauna will be undertaken by a suitably qualified person(s). The

objective of the pre-clearance vertebrate fauna surveys is to identify:

1. habitat features in trees that could harbour vertebrate fauna and place them at risk during vegetation

clearance activities (e.g. tree hollows), or features that could be salvaged and reused such as

mature trees and stags; and

2. vertebrate fauna most likely to be at risk during vegetation clearance activities and those that will be

managed during clearing activities.

The two stages to the pre-clearance surveys are outlined below.

Stage 1 – Habitat Assessment

The first stage of the pre-clearance surveys will involve a habitat assessment to:

identify habitat trees (i.e. trees that contain nests or suspected bat roosts, including mature trees

with hollows);

identify habitat features that will be used in the mine site rehabilitation and habitat enhancement in

the Revegetation Areas (See Biodiversity Management Plan); and

identify seed resources for seedling propagation for mine site rehabilitation.

The first stage of the pre-clearance surveys may be undertaken concurrently with the second stage of the pre-clearance surveys.

Stage 2 – Targeted Vertebrate Animal Surveys


Vegetation Clearing Scope Brief

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Targeted vertebrate fauna surveys will be undertaken to identify species most likely to be at risk during

vegetation clearance activities and those that will be managed during clearing activities, such as hollow-

dwelling fauna (e.g. birds, bats and/or arboreal mammals). Targeted vertebrate animal surveys will be

undertaken in a particular area of habitat within two weeks prior to clearing, so the information can be used

to inform clearance activities.

Step 2: Planning

1. All appropriate licences with respect to working with native fauna are to be obtained prior to any


a) Ecologists working with fauna require a current scientific licence issued by the NSW Office of

Environment and Heritage and ethics approval issued by the Animal Welfare Unit of the NSW

Department of Primary Industries.

b) Ecologists that may handle bats are required to be vaccinated against Lyssavirus.

2. The nearest veterinary clinic and/or Wildlife Carers should be notified of the clearing works prior to

clearing commencing and their phone number on hand in case any fauna are injured or distressed.

Wildlife carer / Vet Contact Number Address

Parkes Vet 02 6862 2527 312 Clarinda Street, Parkes

WIRES 13 000 WIRES or 1300 094 737 N/A

WIRES Dubbo Branch 1300 027 905 N/A

3. Discuss clearing procedure, equipment / machinery required and clearing schedule. All staff and

contractors involved in the clearing will undertake the ecological induction prior to commencing work.

4. Approved disturbance limits near areas to be cleared will be delineated on the ground prior to

clearing activities in order to protect vegetation and fauna habitat outside the approved disturbance


Step 3: Clearing of Non-habitat vegetation Vegetation around habitat trees may be initially cleared so the habitat trees are isolated and less desirable for animals to inhabit them prior to clearance. This will allow displaced fauna to relocate to nearby

suitable habitat. Prior to each tree being pushed over the tree should be nudged or knocked to allow any

birds that may be perched in the canopy to fly away. Removal of non-habitat vegetation (including fallen logs

and timber) should be completed at least one day prior to the removal of habitat trees or HBTs.

Step 4: Removing Habitat Trees and HBTs A suitably qualified ecologist will be present during clearing of habitat trees and HBTs to manage vertebrate fauna that may be disturbed during this activity in accordance with appropriate licenses. The ecologist will also oversee the salvage of tree hollows and the capture and release of animals or the rescue of injured fauna. Habitat trees will be inspected by a suitably qualified ecologist immediately prior to and after felling for fauna.


Vegetation Clearing Scope Brief

2020-E-1100-40EW-0001 Rev A


1. Pre-felling procedures for all trees to be felled will include a visual inspection for fauna immediately

prior to tree removal and care should be taken to allow all fauna to vacate a tree prior to felling. Each

tree is to be nudged and shaken immediately prior to felling to encourage fauna such as birds to

vacate the tree. Felling cannot commence until the supervising ecologist has signalled that it is safe

to do so.

2. The “slow drop” technique is to be employed when felling all habitat trees and HBTs. This technique

aims to lower habitat trees and HBTs to the ground whilst minimising disturbance to hollows or other

habitat features (e.g. cracks, fissures, openings). This involves nudging and shaking the tree,

followed by lowering the tree to the ground. Practical execution of this method may involve the use of

the bull dozer blade or mulcher bar to push the tree mid-trunk to initiate felling, followed by lowering

the blade / bar to the base of the tree trunk. It is essential to ensure that suitable exclusion zones are

implemented during these activities and personnel are not exposed to falling tree hazards by

implementing these procedures.

3. Once felled, any hollows are to be inspected by the ecologist for resident fauna. If any fauna are

present they would be captured and relocated into surrounding suitable habitat. Injured or juvenile

animals would be assessed by the ecologist to determine the most appropriate method of care.

Injured fauna should assessed by the ecologist and if necessary, taken to the veterinary clinic

(details above). Juvenile fauna may be taken to WIRES if it is not possible to relocate them to a

suitable location. The ability for the parents to continue to care for the juvenile fauna should be

considered at this stage.

4. All felled habitat trees or HBT’s will be left in situ overnight to enable remaining animals to exit. Any

habitat trees or HBT’s with fauna left inside will be re-checked the following day to ensure the fauna

have relocated during the evening.

5. Details of any injured or relocated fauna must be reported to Clean TeQ Environment Team within

24 hours.

6. All data on fauna species and number of hollow dependent fauna are to be recorded.

7. Tree hollows will be salvaged from removed trees and any other significant fauna habitat features

and relocated to adjoining vegetation, or vegetation stockpile areas nearby.

8. Seed will be opportunistically collected from felled trees if available at the time of clearing.

Step 5: Reporting Following the clearing activities, a report will be prepared by the project ecologist outlining the habitat

assessment, fauna surveys, and results of the clearing activities. This will include a summary of trees

cleared, the number and sizes of hollows, any fauna encountered, location of any fauna relocated, and the

fate of injured or juvenile animals.

Communication Positive communication between the ecologist supervising the clearing and the machinery operator is

paramount to clearing being undertaken in a safe and efficient manner. Communication will be consistent

with the following procedure:

1. Daily discussion prior to work commencing, outlining the areas of operation for the day.

2. A 2-way radio, which will be set on a dedicated channel where available, will be used for communication.

3. The ecologist will outline the clearing procedure to be followed. This will include outlining the following

communication points during the clearing process:


Vegetation Clearing Scope Brief

2020-E-1100-40EW-0001 Rev A


a. Confirm location the ecologist should stand to observe felling. Safe distance when felling will be assessed

and detailed in the SWMS.

b. ‘Go ahead’ to nudge the tree.

c. ‘Go ahead’ to start felling the tree.

d. ‘Go ahead’ for ecologist to inspect hollows in felled tree (once felling has been completed and machinery

has been switched off).

e. Stop clearing due to fauna observed or alternatively move to next operational area.

An indicative vegetation clearance timeline has been provided below as a guideline to the sequence of

activities undertaken pre, during and post clearing works.

Indicative Vegetation Clearance Timeline


Description Action Needed

2 weeks prior to

commencement of


Assign ecologist Engagement of suitably qualified

Ecologist (Clean TeQ to organise)

48 hours prior to

commencement of


Advise Clean TeQ Environment team

of clearing

Project Manager to contact Clean TeQ

Environment team of clearing at least 48

hours before clearing is to commence.

Clearing area to be delineated by Project

Manager and confirmed by Clean TeQ

Environment team. Pre-clearance survey

Pre-clearance survey will be completed

approximately 48 hours before

vegetation clearance commences to

ensure flagging tape and hollow-bearing

trees are sprayed with spray paint for

easy identification.

During Vegetation

clearance works

Supervision of vegetation clearing by


Results of clearing activities including

details of fauna recorded provided to

Clean TeQ Environment team.

Any injured fauna reported to Clean TeQ

Environment team within 24 hours.

All felled habitat trees and HBT’s must

remain in situ for 24 hours after clearing

works to allow fauna to escape.

Supervision of habitat trees by


Results of clearing activities including

details of fauna recorded provided to

Clean TeQ.

Any injured fauna reported to Clean TeQ

within 24 hours.

All felled habitat trees and HBT’s must

remain in situ for 24 hours after clearing


Vegetation Clearing Scope Brief

2020-E-1100-40EW-0001 Rev A


works to allow fauna to escape. Post vegetation

clearance works

Compliance report to be prepared by

ecologist and provided to Clean TeQ,

confirming all details of clearing

activities including that fauna

collection and relocation has been

undertaken (photographs and notes

of any species found and details of

relocation should be included).

The project Ecologist will prepare a

vegetation clearance compliance report

following vegetation clearance works.


2020-E-1100-40EW-0001 Rev A


Clean TeQ Holdings Limited

12/21 Howleys Rd Notting Hill, Victoria 3168 Australia
