2020 DIGITAL MEDIA INTERNSHIP TEST Fund Use: Score______ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY Applicant’s Name____________________________________________ Email Address _________________________________________ College/University___________________________________________________________ Phone Number (_____)_____________ Name and Title of Monitor_________________________________________________________ Phone Number (_____)_____________ Monitor’s Address_______________________________ City_______________________________State________________ ZIP_________ Monitor’s Email Address______________________________________________________________ Test Date _____/_____/2019 Monitor’s Signature_________________________________________________________________________________________ Applicant statement: I applied for/plan to apply for an internship at dowjonesnewsfund.org __Yes __ No INSTRUCTIONS This test has a one-hour time limit. Please print clearly using a dark pencil or pen. Cell phones are not permitted. Participants and monitors should not divulge the contents of this test and no parts can be reproduced without permission. Copyright © 2019 Dow Jones News Fund, Inc. PART 1 – CURRENT EVENTS. 1. Protests by several hundred thousand citizens of _______________________________ led to their governor’s resignation. 2. This year marks the ____________________________ anniversary of Africans being sold as slaves at Jamestown, Virginia. 3. Fifty years ago, ______________________________ landed on the surface of the moon. 4. American-born British duchess ____________________________________ gave birth to a son named Archie. 5. Retired Justice __________________________________________ was laid to rest after a service at the nation’s high court. 6. Former Colorado governor _________________________________________ dropped out of the Democratic race for president. 7. _________________________________’s story-telling skills created a comic book dynasty and blockbuster movie franchise. 8. _____________________________________ testified reluctantly before Congress about his Russia probe and extensive report. 9. A federal judge in ___________________________________________________ blocked the state’s new ban on abortion. 10. British Prime Minister _________________________ shutdown Parliament for several weeks as the Brexit deadline approached. 100 TOTAL 20 TOTAL; 2 PTS EACH PUERTO RICO 400TH APOLLO 11 MEGHAN MARKLE JOHN PAUL STEVENS JOHN HICKENLOOPER STAN LEE ROPBERT MUELLER MISSOURI BORIS JOHNSON

Transcript of 2020 DIGITAL MEDIA INTERNSHIP TEST - Dow Jones & Company


Fund Use: Score______



Applicant’s Name____________________________________________ Email Address _________________________________________

College/University___________________________________________________________ Phone Number (_____)_____________

Name and Title of Monitor_________________________________________________________ Phone Number (_____)_____________

Monitor’s Address_______________________________ City_______________________________State________________ ZIP_________

Monitor’s Email Address______________________________________________________________ Test Date _____/_____/2019

Monitor’s Signature_________________________________________________________________________________________

Applicant statement: I applied for/plan to apply for an internship at dowjonesnewsfund.org __Yes __ No


This test has a one-hour time limit. Please print clearly using a dark pencil or pen. Cell phones are not permitted. Participants and monitors should not divulge the contents of this test and no parts can be reproduced without permission.

Copyright © 2019 Dow Jones News Fund, Inc.


1. Protests by several hundred thousand citizens of _______________________________ led to their governor’s resignation.

2. This year marks the ____________________________ anniversary of Africans being sold as slaves at Jamestown, Virginia.

3. Fifty years ago, ______________________________ landed on the surface of the moon.

4. American-born British duchess ____________________________________ gave birth to a son named Archie.

5. Retired Justice __________________________________________ was laid to rest after a service at the nation’s high court.

6. Former Colorado governor _________________________________________ dropped out of the Democratic race for president.

7. _________________________________’s story-telling skills created a comic book dynasty and blockbuster movie franchise.

8. _____________________________________ testified reluctantly before Congress about his Russia probe and extensive report.

9. A federal judge in ___________________________________________________ blocked the state’s new ban on abortion.

10. British Prime Minister _________________________ shutdown Parliament for several weeks as the Brexit deadline approached.













PART 2 – GRAMMAR & SPELLING. Select the better answer.

1. Several U.S. cities have adopted pay parity / pay disparity legislation.

2. Changes in IRS funding are most likely to affect / effect the corporate audit rate.

3. A new men’s jewelry line at Tiffany & Co. will get its / it’s own floor space in 200 stores.

4. Motorized scooter trips accounted for almost half of eighty-four / 84 million rides in 2017 in 100 cities.

5. The National Trust for Historic Preservation decimated / demolished a lockhouse along the Erie Canal.

6. The Superdome will undergo / endure a $450 million facelift aimed at keeping the Saints in New Orleans.

7. Newark, New Jersey, rebuffed / rebutted claims of lead-tainted water while distributing thousands of bottles.

8. Prosecutors violated a court order by monitoring inmates’ / inmates communications with their attorneys.

9. The makers of OxyContin provides / provide proprietary data to research on causes of drug addiction.

10. Protesters / Protestors blockaded the route to construction of a telescope on Mauna Kea in Hawaii.

Student Name/University/Date________________________________________


20 TOTAL; 2 PTS EACHPART 3 – DIGITAL LITERACY. Select the best answer.

1. What is the primary purpose of data encryption?

a. to keep websites from crashing b. to protect a user’s private information


a. gigabyte b. megabyte c. terabyte


3. Which is largest?

4. Conversion rate is the percentage of visitors to a website that complete a desired action on the site. True

5. Reasons to create a mobile website instead of an app.a. it is instantly accessible b. it is easy to upgrade c. it can act like an app d. all of the above

6. A website created with responsive design will ___ADAPT________ the display to a variety of devices, windows and screen sizes.

7. Wi-Fi is a technology thata. splits broadband frequencies into channels b. uses radio waves to provide network connectivity

8. A URL isa. the name of the website b. Uniform Resource Locator c. both d. neither

9. SEO stands for _________search engine optimization_____________________________________________

10. How are cookies used?a. They track a computer user’s interaction with a websiteb. They are designed to spread malwarec. They are templates for web designers

Google is retraining its ___SEARCH________________ algorithm to wipe out bias against words like gay, lesbian and transgender.

Student Name/University/Date________________________________________


The Federal Judicial Center publishes a biographical directory of Article III federal judges. Please select as many entries as are appropriate to illustrate the sampling of data.

a. interactive U.S. Map

b. pie chart

c. line graph

d. photographs

e. multimedia slideshow

f. all of the above

Write a line crediting the source of the data. The Federal Judicial Center__

Write a one-line headline for the graphic with up to 40 characters including spaces.

Site lists judges appointed to federal bench__


PART 5 – STORY TREATMENT. Write an SEO headline for the story with up to 40 characters including spaces and a tweet. In the left margin, list three elements you will use to illustrate the story and list spelling errors.

SEO U.S. is overflowing with natural gas but for many there 's no way to get it


America is awash in natural gas. In parts of the country there’s hardly a drop to burn.

Earlier this year, two utilities that service the New York City area stopped accepting new natural-gas customers in two boroughs and several suburbs. Citing jammed supply lines running into the city on the coldest winter days, they said they couldn’t guarantee they’d be able to d eliver gas to a dditional furnaces. Never mind that the country’s most profligate gas field, the Marcellus Shale, is only a three-hour drive away.

Meanwhile, in West Texas, drillers have so much excess natural gas they are simply burning it off, roughly enough each day to fuel every home in the state.

U.S. gas production rose to a record of more than 37 trillion cubic feet last year, up 44% from a decade earlier. Yet the infrastructure needed to move gas around the country hasn’t kept up. Pipelines aren’t in the right places, and when they are, they’re usually decades old and often too small.

Elsewhere, prices soared due to bouts of cold weather coupled with supply disruptions, including an explosion along a British Columbian pipeline and a leaky underground storage facility near Los Angeles. At a trading hub in Sumas, Wash., natural gas rose to $200 per million British thermal units in March, the highest ever recorded in the U.S. In Southern California, prices went as high as $23; the average over the winter was a record $7.23.

“I don’t recall a situation when we’ve had the highs and lows happen in such extremes and in such relatively close proximity,” says Rusty Braziel, a former gas trader who now advises energy producers, industrial gas buyers and pipeline investors.

With U.S. homes, power plants and factories using more natural gas than ever, the uneven distribution of the shale boom’s bounty means that consumers can end up paying more or even become starved for fuel, while companies that can’t get it to market loose out on profits.

One reason for the problem is that pipelines have become political. Proponents of reducing the use of fossil fuels have had little luck limiting drilling in energy-rich regions. Instead, they’ve turned to fighting pipeline projects on environmental grounds in regions like New York and the Pacific Northwest, where they have a more sympathetic ear.

FINAL INSTRUCTIONS: When you have finished, return this test to your monitor whose signature will certify it was completed within one hour. The monitor must mail your test postmarked by Nov. 8, 2019, to the Dow Jones News Fund, P.O. Box 300, Princeton, NJ 08543-0300.

Student Name/University/Date________________________________________

prolific, not profligate OR question use of the word; lose not loose

Infrastructure lags behind natural gas production causing glut and waste in some markets and shortage in other where demand and need are high

6 points

10 pts

6 points

10 points

Three elements

Photograph of old and damaged pipeline;national map showing distribution of gas production sites compared to markets where it is needed; graphic showing producton volume compared to demand