2019IlO MARDEN PARISH COUNCIL Monday = March 2019 at … · Herefo「dshire Council. RESOLVED to:...

2019IlO MARDEN PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of the o「dinary meeting of the Parish Co Monday = March 2019 at 19.30 at Marden Com Present: CIl「s David Bennett (Chair), Kate Ryan, Richard and Pat Meredith. ln Attendance: Ward Cli「 Kema Guthrie; Parish Clerk AIiso 1. ApoIogies for absence - Clirs Sandra Giadvyn, Geoff 2. Declarations of interest - C‖「 Bennett DECし¥RED a Non-Di C=「s Bennett and Ba「「ett DECLARED a Disciosable Pecu面ary l When the item was conside「ed. C冊Me「ed肌DECLARED a Non巾is 3. A「ra○○gements for parish counciI eIectioれS On 2 May - NO On 12 Ma「ch; nonination papers must be submitted by hand Wednesday 3 April; rr面nation papers can be downioaded fr Councii websjtes o「 by contacting the Clerk; CIerk to coll March and deliver on behaIf of C冊S, aS 「equired. 4. PubIic Forum- 4.1. West Mercia Police- Report in Clerk’s lnformatio Pu胡sh police report in News & VieWS. 4.2. Ward CouncilIo「- Repo「t in CIerk’s information She increase approved; Minerals & Waste D「aft Consultati Safe「 Roads Fund; ConsuItation on w訓king, eyCling, bu 4.3. LocaI Resldents - Appiication by Be面ngton Water fo「 COncem about effect on 「oads, locai water supply, to to users of MR3 footpath - Ward Cllr to iiaise w軸C=r BaIfou「 Beatty, Cierk lNSTRUCTED to infom Environ about inc「ease in extraction. AGREED to raise issues COmPany. P「oposed ce間ed Camping & Caravanning C山b site at Ro inapp「opriate as pa巾y ¶ooded, nOiSe from sife and smok Sma= site w冊good access, members only, reSPeCtful to toiiet bIock w剛be bu冊if ce間ed. 5. Minutes of伽e iast meetings - 11 and 18 February 2 6. Request from Marden Recreation Ground T「ust for t「a and Iette「 of autho「isation - RESOLVED to: tranSfer funds to autho「ise t「ansfer and cIosure of account. 7, Financial Procedu「es - The balance of the current acc NOTED, Balan∞ includes: cOmmittcrd 「esenIeS Of donatlOu COmmitted 「eserves of ±27,000 held for loan 「epaymentsr of e320 fron Contingency to Parish Fre鳴hter and i25 fron PaymentS and 「eceipts REVIEWED and AGREED against bu 7 1. Herefordshire TreeWarden Network,倉25, C州1439 - P POWerS 7.2. DC Gardening, Lengthsman,引,703.40 0ne. 2283.9 7.3. SupplyMeF両nt.com Ltd, Bamersfor Fundraising eve 7.4. SLCC, CIerk’s membersh吟p「O-「ata,錬池.50, C州1442

Transcript of 2019IlO MARDEN PARISH COUNCIL Monday = March 2019 at … · Herefo「dshire Council. RESOLVED to:...

Page 1: 2019IlO MARDEN PARISH COUNCIL Monday = March 2019 at … · Herefo「dshire Council. RESOLVED to: glVe Start-uP g「ant Of E600 to Youth Club; Virement of 劃00 f「om Contingency



Minutes of the o「dinary meeting of the Parish CounciI held on

Monday = March 2019 at 19.30 at Marden Community Centre

Present: CIl「s David Bennett (Chair), Kate Ryan, Richard Paske, Robm B「ook, Mike Biake, Pauia Barr料

and Pat Meredith.

ln Attendance: Ward Cli「 Kema Guthrie; Parish Clerk AIison Sutton, and 19 members ofthe pu帥c.

1. ApoIogies for absence - Clirs Sandra Giadvyn, Geoff LIoyd and Jenny La「kham.

2. Declarations of interest - C‖「 Bennett DECし¥RED a Non-DiscIosable Pecunia「y lnte「est in item 6.

C=「s Bennett and Ba「「ett DECLARED a Disciosable Pecu面ary lnte「est in item 9.3 and left the meeting

When the item was conside「ed. C冊Me「ed肌DECLARED a Non巾isclosable inte「est in item 9.1 ,

3. A「ra○○gements for parish counciI eIectioれS On 2 May - NOTED that: Noti∞ Of Eiection period sta巾S

On 12 Ma「ch; nonination papers must be submitted by hand to EiectoraI ServICeS by 16.00 on

Wednesday 3 April; rr面nation papers can be downioaded from the parish ∞unCii o「 Herefo「dshire

Councii websjtes o「 by contacting the Clerk; CIerk to collect nomination papers at lO.00 on Thu「sday 28

March and deliver on behaIf of C冊S, aS 「equired.

4. PubIic Forum-

4.1. West Mercia Police- Report in Clerk’s lnformation Sheet NOTED. Cierk iNSTRUCTED to

Pu胡sh police report in News & VieWS.

4.2. Ward CouncilIo「- Repo「t in CIerk’s information Sheet NOTED: Co…CiI Tax rate of4.9%

increase approved; Minerals & Waste D「aft Consultation, Police and Crimre Commissione「S

Safe「 Roads Fund; ConsuItation on w訓king, eyCling, bus and space imp「ovements in He「eford.

4.3. LocaI Resldents - Appiication by Be面ngton Water fo「 140% increase in extraction ofwater,

COncem about effect on 「oads, locai water supply, to面es up and down God AImielhty H町danger

to users of MR3 footpath - Ward Cllr to iiaise w軸C=r Baker and foliowup 「oads issue w肌

BaIfou「 Beatty, Cierk lNSTRUCTED to infom Environme巾Agency that parishioners concemed

about inc「ease in extraction. AGREED to raise issues oftra怖c and timing when meet w肘I


P「oposed ce間ed Camping & Caravanning C山b site at Rose VIiLa, ∞nCem that site

inapp「opriate as pa巾y ¶ooded, nOiSe from sife and smoke from ba「beques. Landowne「- leveI,

Sma= site w冊good access, members only, reSPeCtful to neishbours, Planted t「ees as buffer,

toiiet bIock w剛be bu冊if ce間ed.

5. Minutes of伽e iast meetings - 11 and 18 February 2019 ADOPTED and SiGNED・

6. Request from Marden Recreation Ground T「ust for t「ansfer of funds held as Custodian Trustee

and Iette「 of autho「isation - RESOLVED to: tranSfer funds and raise cheque to pay funds; S鳴n letter

to autho「ise t「ansfer and cIosure of account.

7, Financial Procedu「es - The balance of the current account ofE67,065.76 as at 27 February 2019 was

NOTED, Balan∞ includes: cOmmittcrd 「esenIeS Of donatlOus for Community Fac=師es (CF) ofe4,333,09;

COmmitted 「eserves of ±27,000 held for loan 「epaymentsroF work. RESOLVED to undertake vi「eme巾

of e320 fron Contingency to Parish Fre鳴hter and i25 fron Contingeney to Subscriptions. Actuai

PaymentS and 「eceipts REVIEWED and AGREED against budget as in appendjx attached:

7 1. Herefordshire TreeWarden Network,倉25, C州1439 - Paid =/2/19 under CIerk’s delegated


7.2. DC Gardening, Lengthsman,引,703.40 0ne. 2283.9O VAT), C州1440

7.3. SupplyMeF両nt.com Ltd, Bamersfor Fundraising events, e432 0nc. e72 VAT), C州1441

7.4. SLCC, CIerk’s membersh吟p「O-「ata,錬池.50, C州1442

Page 2: 2019IlO MARDEN PARISH COUNCIL Monday = March 2019 at … · Herefo「dshire Council. RESOLVED to: glVe Start-uP g「ant Of E600 to Youth Club; Virement of 劃00 f「om Contingency


7.5. He「efordshire Counc叫Pa「ish freighte「s x2, E816, C/N 1443

7.6. HALC, Subsc「iPtion 2019-20, C854.88 (inC. t142・48 VAT), CIN 1444

7.7. Income f「om Fund「aising G「oup fo「 Community FaciiitleS,鋤70.

8. PIanning Applications-

8.1. P190643/○○ Land at White Gates Fa「m, LitmarSh - P「oposed erection of4 no. dweliings and ∴

garaging and const「uction of a new vehicular ac∞SS - RESOLVED to object and comment:

OutSide se請ement boundary fo「 LltmarSh; tO 「etain 「ural cha「acte「 ofthe settlement, in Ma「den

NDP no sIte WaS aiiocated ln Litma「Sh; aPPiicatiOn does not conform to Ma「den NDP poIiCy M2.

8.2. NOTED P183722/FH / P183723/L, Heb「on House, Ma「den, HR1 3EW- Proposed aite「atiOnS

and singIe sto「ey extension - App「OVed with conditions

8.3. NOTED P183520/FH / P183521/」うAshg「ove Farm, Marden, HR1 3EY- Proposed part

demoiition and extension to existing singie sto「ey extension, With 「OOf works and removaI of

mode「n waiIs to 「e-0「der internai space - App「OVed with conditions

9. Parish Reports and issues-

9 1・ Lengthsman Scheme, gene「ai maintenance a=d g「ass cu請ng - Report in Cierk’s info「mation

Sheet NOTED: Check of drain tops and grips; instaiiation of gates and new ditCh b「idge on MR21 ;

delivery of SiD to S皿On COntractO「. AGREED to defer kerb ciearing and conside「 next meeting・

9.2. Footpath Offlcer - Report in Clerk,s information Sheet NO丁ED‥ neW gateS and footb「idge

instaiied on MR21 between Burma「sh and opposite Marden ChapeI, improving access on circuIar

「oute f「om Ma「den via Sutton Wa=s, neW Signage on dog fouiing instaiIed at Ma「den end of

MR24, Start Of MR21 (north side) and start ofMR22A; damage to brIdieway MR19 and MR12

being inVeStigated. NOTED more dog fouling signs o「de「ed, tO be instaiied on north side of

Cl 124 and 「epiace cu「rent Iaminated signs.

9.3. Communfty Fac冊ies G「oup - Report in CIe「k’s infomat10n Sheet NOTED: g「OuP Seeks app「ovai

to work on base case new buiId on New House Farm gifted iand, 262m2, 2 community 「ooms

WIth sIlding Pa輔on waiI to open into l 「OOm, kjtchen, 10bby, tOjIets, StO「age; base case totai

bu=d cost of±400,000, Of whlCh E300,000 loan funded from aI「eady increased precept, C40,000

aI「eady in reServeS, E60,00O to師d; g「OuP Seeks approvaI to continue with meetlng With

PIanning Obiigations Manage「, Planning, Ma「den Vi=age T「ust, Academy and P「e-SChooi re

reieasing some funding from givIng uP Current buiIding, tO eXPand funding and size of base case

new buiId; nOthing shouId unde「mine continued operation of Academy and P「e-SChooI;

imp「ovements to othe「 venues〃ac酷es and Iatest do=atio= from Fund「aisjng G「OuP. RESOLVED

that: Community Fac輔es G「OuP Start WOrk on plans and costings to take base case new buiid

forward; and arrange meeting wjth reIevant partleS tO COnSider hoiistic plan re cu「rent bu脚ng.

Wa「d Cii「 w冊ng to attend meeting and offe「ed to help ldentify suitabIe contacts fo「 meeting at

Herefo「dshire Council. RESOLVED to: glVe Start-uP g「ant Of E600 to Youth Club; Virement of

劃00 f「om Contingency to G「ants.

9.4. T「affic Management Group- Report NOTED 3 cycIes shown SID continuing tO function, though

data coilection =Ot aiways useful. Clerk lNSTRUCTED to contact Sutton and suggest it keeps

SID tiil end of Ap「iI・ CIl「 B「ook and CIerk to instali bridge signs as soon as possibie・ AGREED

T「a簡c Management G「oup to conside「 use of SlO6 monies f「om New House Fam.

9.5. Marden ¶ag competitjon, requeSt fo「曇500 fo「 flag manufacture and ±60 fo「 flag competition

Prizes - Defe「 untiI next meeting.

9・6. Neighbourhood DeveIopment Pia=ning and updated NPPF - RESOLVED to conside「 「eforming

NDP G「oup at end of 2019/beginning of 2020 to work aiongside 「eview of Herefordshire

CounciI’s Core St「ategy.

9,7. FIowertubs and trees- RESOLVED to accept offe「from Ga「dene「S’Ciub to pIant bulbs, Clerk to

request infomation of where pianted" Clerk INSTRUC丁ED to ask Guides/Brownies what pIants

requ一「ed fo「 piante「 and t。 iook afte「 pIa=te「・ Cii「 Ryan to ask fo「 quote to make wooden plante「・

9.8. Making good ofve「ge§ and 「oads by Gigaclea「- NOTED ve「ges, PaVementS and roadsw川be

made good; SOme dangerou§ Sites need add「essing now, CIe「k lNSTRUCTED to 「eport once

given detaiIsi

9.9.Responses f「om parish businesses to letter f「om PC re meetings - CIerk lNSTRUCTED to:

「espond to S&A that weIcome 6 Liajson Group meetings pe「 yea「 but disappointed that not

Wiiiing to meet as inapp「op「iate for Chair to participate in meeting just with Ward CiI「. hope



Page 3: 2019IlO MARDEN PARISH COUNCIL Monday = March 2019 at … · Herefo「dshire Council. RESOLVED to: glVe Start-uP g「ant Of E600 to Youth Club; Virement of 劃00 f「om Contingency


company wi-i attend if more pianning appIications submitted; arrange meeting with Berrington

Wate「 as soon as possibie, C=rs Bennett, Ryan' Ba「「ett and LIoyd if availabie.

9.10. Access to p「oposed Camping and Caravanning Ciub Ce間ed Sjte at Rose VⅢa - Cierk

iNSTRUCTED to inform Camping and Caravanning CIub that 2 parlShIOne「S 「aised concems.

10" HoIding a separate Annuai Parish Meeting - RESOLVED to have separate meeting' CIerk

iNSTRUCTED to contact aIi pa「ish groups and invite to give short talk/demonst「ation about group.

11. Cor「espondeれce - Correspondence in Cie「k,s lnfomation Sheet NOTED" Cierk lNSTRUCTED to

contact Baifou「 Beafty to get signage and ma「kings fuily instaIled at Frankiand’s Co「ne「"

12" Matters fo「 next agenda o「 for Clerk’s action unde「 deIegated authority

Next agenda:

.  Post office shop fo「 sale

●   As above.

Cle「k’s actjon:

・  Contact S&A 「e opportunity for shared initiative re shop

●  Contact Herefordshi「e Councii Funding O師cer for advjce

. A「range cheque fo「 Ma「den Recreation Ground T「ust and cIosure of deposit aCCOunt

.  Virement of鋤00什om Contingency to Grants

・  Arrange cheque for Ma「den Youth Club

・  Arrange dates/times fo「 smaii groups fo「 st「ategy

●   As above.

13, Date of next meeting - Monday 8 Ap「il at 19,30.

14. Exclude pu師c from item 15- Not requi「ed.

15, Response 「eIating to JudiciaI Review - No 「esponse as yet"

This meeting was dec看a「ed cIosed at 21.29.

二三三三卦へ亀一幸き三一David Bennett, Chaiman

DATE: g国、、

Page 4: 2019IlO MARDEN PARISH COUNCIL Monday = March 2019 at … · Herefo「dshire Council. RESOLVED to: glVe Start-uP g「ant Of E600 to Youth Club; Virement of 劃00 f「om Contingency

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Page 5: 2019IlO MARDEN PARISH COUNCIL Monday = March 2019 at … · Herefo「dshire Council. RESOLVED to: glVe Start-uP g「ant Of E600 to Youth Club; Virement of 劃00 f「om Contingency