2019 - vom.com.au · Front Line Ministry This ministry fund directly assists pastors, evangelists...

1 APRIL 2020 How your gifts made an impact in 201 9 SERVING PERSECUTED CHRISTIANS APRIL 2020

Transcript of 2019 - vom.com.au · Front Line Ministry This ministry fund directly assists pastors, evangelists...

Page 1: 2019 - vom.com.au · Front Line Ministry This ministry fund directly assists pastors, evangelists and full-time Christian workers who courageously minister in the face of hostility

1APRIL 2020

How your gifts made an impact in2019


Page 2: 2019 - vom.com.au · Front Line Ministry This ministry fund directly assists pastors, evangelists and full-time Christian workers who courageously minister in the face of hostility

2APRIL 2020

We give God the glory for His provision and faithfulness; and to you, our faithful supporters, I say a heartfelt thank you for being a part of this amazing work with which we are entrusted.

Each time we step out into the mission field, we are constantly reminded how privileged we are to have freedom in Christ. This freedom does, however, come with the responsibility to never forget those who suffer for Him.

“And all these blessings shall come upon you and overtake you, because you obey the voice of the Lord your God” Deuteronomy 28:2.

Thank you for your continued faithfulness in supporting those who suffer for His name.

God bless.

Tony Benjamin CEO

EDITORIAL Dear Friends,

This month, we are pleased to share with you some highlights of our ministry activity in 2019.

We have endeavoured to distribute our funds far and wide, including partnering with churches who felt that VOM offered a wider platform for the commission they are called to complete.

Requests for practical help and spiritual encouragement from persecuted Christians, last year, were more numerous than any year in the past. This is not unexpected; persecution of Christians is at unprecedented levels around the world.

Though there is much opposition experienced in restricted nations, we are encouraged by the reports that more Muslims are coming to Christ now than ever before.

Our increased presence in local churches, along with an overall increase in awareness of VOM and the work we do in restricted nations, has helped us support persecuted Christians around the world.


Pastor Wurmbrand was imprisoned for 14 years in communist Romania between 1948 and 1964. He founded Voice of the Martyrs over 50 years ago to serve persecuted Christians.

“Jesus said, ‘Teach all nations’. He never said that we need governmental permission to evangelise. Faithfulness to God and the Great Commission compels us to reach beyond borders to people in restricted nations.”

Quoted from his book, Tortured for Christ $8.50 Code: B525

Richard Wurmbrand (1909 ─ 2001)

Page 3: 2019 - vom.com.au · Front Line Ministry This ministry fund directly assists pastors, evangelists and full-time Christian workers who courageously minister in the face of hostility

3APRIL 2020

Bibles and Literature

This fund helps VOM print and distribute Bibles to believers who reside in restricted nations, where Bibles are difficult to obtain. This includes producing New Testaments and complete Bibles in both print and digital formats as well as Bible commentaries and inspirational Christian training material.

Front Line Ministry

This ministry fund directly assists pastors, evangelists and full-time Christian workers who courageously minister in the face of hostility and persecution. It includes provision to support underground Bible colleges, leadership training, evangelism resources, computers, transportation, small business equipment, pastor support programmes and equipping churches with resources.


We provide medical assistance for Christians who have been injured or are suffering ill health from persecution, including forced poverty and discrimination. This is accomplished by providing medical examinations, along with testing and treatment including surgery, prescriptions, healthcare supplies, prosthetics, specialised counselling and rehabilitation.

Families of Martyrs

We provide financial assistance for families of Christian martyrs and prisoners until they can find alternative means of support, prison visitation trips, education and orphanages for children impacted by persecution, microbusinesses, training programmes and safe houses for Christians whose lives are in danger.

VOM Ministry Fund

Supports the Australian ministry activities and local initiatives to raise awareness about the persecuted church; also used to fund project shortfalls and emergency projects for persecuted Christians.

FIVE MAIN AIMS• To encourage and empower Christians to fulfil the Great Commission in areas of the world where they are persecuted

for sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

• To provide practical relief and spiritual support for the families of Christian martyrs.

• To equip persecuted Christians to love and win to Christ those who are opposed to the Gospel in their part of the world.

• To undertake projects of encouragement, helping believers rebuild their lives and Christian witness in countries where they have formerly suffered oppression.

• To promote the fellowship of all believers by informing the world of the faith and courage of persecuted Christians, thereby inspiring believers to a deeper level of commitment to Christ and involvement in His Great Commission.


Page 4: 2019 - vom.com.au · Front Line Ministry This ministry fund directly assists pastors, evangelists and full-time Christian workers who courageously minister in the face of hostility

4APRIL 2020

Project: Discipleship Training Literature

Country: China (Communist world)

Over 1,300 book sets comprising comprehensive discipleship training material were given to church leaders. Through this curriculum, Christians are encouraged in the Lord and feel empowered to share the Gospel with others despite the danger. “It is not good here for us now, but we will continue the work for the Lord.” – Chinese believer. The project is continuing in 2020.

Funds provided: $63,243

Project: Right Choices Bible

Country: Egypt (Muslim world)

Around 11,000 copies of the Right Choices Bible, by Josh McDowell, were distributed in Cairo, Alexandria and Upper Egypt. This version is suitable for older children and families. Christian leaders have found this Bible to be a wonderful and valuable tool in the discipleship of Muslim background believers, helping them to grow in faith and knowledge of God.

Funds provided: $67,558

Project: Bibles and Hymn Books for Persecuted Believers

Country: Vietnam (Communist world)

Bibles (300), New Testaments (400) and hymn books (2,000) were supplied to tribal believers in various languages, in remote areas of Vietnam. The Word of God is needed as the church continues to grow. Tribal believers love to worship through song, therefore hymn books are sought after and treasured.

Funds provided: $18,245

Project: : Large Print Bibles

Country: China (Communist world)

Bibles can be purchased at book shops operated by the state-sanctioned Three-Self Patriotic Movement; however, the majority of Christians belong to unregistered, illegal churches. People of all ages are coming to know the Lord in China and there is a great need for Bibles for the rapidly growing church. This project supplied 4,200 Bibles to senior believers with poor eyesight.

Funds provided: $24,000

Project: Bible Balloon Launches

Country: North Korea (Communist world)

Every year VOM sends approximately 40,000 Bibles into North Korea by balloon, aided by GPS positioning technology. The project is continuing in 2020.

Funds provided: $50,000


VOM’s international projects are overseen by our local contacts or are achieved in cooperation with partner ministries.

These select examples have been chosen to provide an overview of how Voice of the Martyrs encouraged and assisted persecuted Christians with the help of our supporters, in 2019.


Page 5: 2019 - vom.com.au · Front Line Ministry This ministry fund directly assists pastors, evangelists and full-time Christian workers who courageously minister in the face of hostility

5APRIL 2020

Project: Supplementary Living Allowance for Pastors and Evangelists

Country: Brunei (Muslim world)

All of the five members of this small group have suffered for their faith. Providing a small allowance helps to supplement their income, to aid them in supporting their families and release them to do ministry work in this severely restricted nation. The project is continuing in 2020.

Funds provided: $21,447

Project: Mission Training School for Youth

Country: Indonesia (Muslim world)

VOM Australia funded 15 students to attend a series of training sessions over twelve months. The students were trained in theology, character building, evangelism and living skills. The goal of the course was to equip these students both for the mission field and to be future Christian leaders.

Funds provided: $9,060

Project: Motorbikes for Frontline Workers

Country: India (Hindu world)

Ten motorbikes were provided to pastors, ministering amongst unreached people groups. These church planters are active both in evangelism and nurturing persecuted Christians in remote, tribal areas. The project will be repeated in 2020.

Funds provided: $16,677

Project: Underground Bible School Student Sponsorship

Country: China (Communist world)

Students are trained in theology in preparation for evangelising and planting churches. The sponsored students could not afford the tuition fees; they are of good character and feel they have a calling on their lives to serve the Lord. As part of their training, they evangelise in unreached areas. There is a great need for educated church leaders in China. The project is continuing in 2020.

Funds provided: $56,760

Project: Radio Broadcasts

Country: North Korea (Communist world)

Broadcasting Christian content proclaims the Gospel and helps to equip and encourage the North Korean church. Episodes of Faith Comes by Hearing’s dramatised Korean New Testament are broadcast, along with sermons and guidance from persecuted Christians. The project is continuing in 2020.

Funds provided: $17,786


Project: Eye Screenings and Operations

Country: Pakistan (Muslim world)

VOM funded eye screenings and life-changing vision operations in Pakistan. One hundred and thirty people had cataract surgery, completely restoring their eyesight. Another 37 people were treated for prolonged discomfort or infection which could lead to blindness if not corrected. Almost all the patients were Christians, living in slum areas below the poverty line, who had been enduring eye problems, in some cases for years, due to lack of finances.

Funds provided: $33,290

Project: Mobile Medical Clinics

Country: Egypt (Muslim world)

Five mobile medical clinics in Christian villages in Upper Egypt treated approximately 750 people. Christians in Egypt (particularly Muslim background believers) face many difficulties including being disowned by their families and being fired from their jobs. Many experience poverty as a result of persecution, making medical care unaffordable. The medical clinics’ GPs and specialists provided free medical care along with Christian encouragement. The project will be repeated in 2020.

Funds provided: $5,303


Page 6: 2019 - vom.com.au · Front Line Ministry This ministry fund directly assists pastors, evangelists and full-time Christian workers who courageously minister in the face of hostility

6APRIL 2020

Project: Income-generating sewing machines

Country: India (Hindu world)

This project assisted 20 women suffering from poverty as a result of persecution. The ladies were provided with sewing machines in addition to training and working capital. These women are now sufficiently supporting themselves. They operate from home and provide finished clothing items to a local church; the items are then sold in regional markets. As they grow in skill and experience, there is an increasing demand for the items made by these women. The project will be repeated in 2020.

Funds provided: $15,230

Project: Training Centre Evangelism

Country: Egypt (Muslim world)

This training centre is accessed by Muslim background believers (MBBs) and curious Muslims. It offers vocational training workshops and an opportunity to hear the Gospel. The centre is effectively reaching out to the community and is a safe place for MBBs to receive spiritual, emotional and social support in an area of Egypt which is hostile to new believers. The project is continuing in 2020.

Funds provided: $15,030

Project: Children’s Crisis Care

Country: Nigeria (Muslim world)

Accommodation, quality education and medical care is being provided for children who are victims of persecution, including Boko Haram Islamist terrorism and Fulani Muslim militant attacks. The goal is that the children will emerge

from their time at the crisis centre healed physically, psychologically and spiritually, with a strong faith in Jesus Christ. The crisis centre equips them with the education and vocational skills and character needed to be a blessing to their family and neighbours in rebuilding their community. This is an ongoing project run by a local partner ministry.

Funds provided: $30,000

Project: Schools for Persecuted Children

Country: Pakistan (Muslim world)

VOM is helping to support six schools, provided by a partner ministry, for poor and marginalised Christian children. In government schools, Christian children face humiliation and discrimination; there is also the threat of abduction and forced conversion. This alternative provides education in a safe and nurturing Christian environment. This project is continuing in 2020.

Funds provided: $7,500

Project: Emergency Financial Assistance

Country: Vietnam (Communist world)

The church in Vietnam continues to grow. The local authorities do all they can to try to prevent frontline workers from advancing the Kingdom. This project provides for persecuted Christians requiring emergency financial aid resulting from beatings, destruction of property, confiscation of land, etc. The project is also used to aid families of Christians imprisoned for their faith. The project is continuing in 2020.

Funds provided: $10,384


Page 7: 2019 - vom.com.au · Front Line Ministry This ministry fund directly assists pastors, evangelists and full-time Christian workers who courageously minister in the face of hostility

7APRIL 2020

The Australian ministry will continue in 2020 to share the message of VOM and awaken the Western church to the needs of our persecuted brothers and sisters. With our theme, ‘Bound With Them’, based on Hebrews 13:3, we hope and pray that our supporters gain a deeper understanding of the work we do and our impact continues.

“I tremble because of the sufferings of those persecuted in different lands. I tremble thinking about the eternal destiny of their torturers. I tremble for Western Christians who don’t help their persecuted brethren ... The West sleeps and must be awakened to see the plight of the captive nations.” Richard Wurmbrand

The Australian ministry is a vital part of the work we do at Voice of the Martyrs and, without it, the collective voice of our persecuted brothers and sisters would not be heard. Our goal at VOM is the same as when it began, that is, to be more than just a whisper, but a voice in Australia for persecuted Christians around the world. We do this by sharing their stories and shedding a light on persecution in restricted nations.

The work we do in Australia helps us raise awareness and funds, as well as increase much needed prayer support for those who are suffering persecution. Alongside their stories of suffering, we are also able to share in their victory and the hope they receive through our work.

Practically, the VOM Ministry Fund supports the Australian office and all local initiatives while also funding project shortfalls and emergency projects. The fund supports several activities to inform and update our supporters and new audiences on all international news and projects including: the production and mail-out of the monthly newsletter and subsequent email marketing and App development, plus advertising across a range of platforms including print and digital, radio broadcasts and social media content.

In addition, it allows us to arrange regular deputations at churches around the country, as well as organise events including our annual fundraising dinners. In 2019, over 500 people attended our fundraising dinners across Sydney and Brisbane. During these events, guests enjoyed a meal while hearing from international speakers who shared about their own experiences with persecution. In 2020, a fundraising dinner will also take place in Perth for the very first time.


The annual Voice of the Martyrs fundraising dinners are back in 2020. The events in June will run in both Sydney and Brisbane and for the very first time, the dinner will also be held in Perth in October. Join us as we enjoy a delicious three-course meal, share in Christian fellowship and hear from renowned international speakers. Tickets are just $35 each and available now for purchase. Tables of 10 can also be booked so we encourage guests to invite friends and family along. Bookings can be made on EventBrite via www.vom.com.au or please call us on 02 4759 7000 if you wish to book over the phone. For more information, please visit our website.

Page 8: 2019 - vom.com.au · Front Line Ministry This ministry fund directly assists pastors, evangelists and full-time Christian workers who courageously minister in the face of hostility


Christians face significant persecution in many predominantly Islamic countries today. Most of these countries are closed to the Gospel and hostile towards Christianity. Muslim

background believers face harsh persecution, not only from the government, but also from family and friends.

During Ramadan, Christians worldwide commit to pray for Christian ministry to Muslims using the 30 Days of Prayer booklet. This comprehensive daily prayer guide will inspire you to intercede for people of the Muslim world.

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It’s illegal to read, write or even speak the sacred Scriptures in English at William’s time, but William defies the authorities and begins the dangerous work of translating the Bible. This episode of The Torchlighters follows William’s adventures as he works in secret, moving from

town to town as a fugitive to avoid capture. Children will be challenged by William’s devotion to bring God’s Word to every man, even at the risk of his own life.

$15.00 $12.00 Code D007

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Westpac: BSB: 032 271 Account No: 251377 Swift: WPACAU2S (for international transfers)

Please include your name or supporter number in the description line. Voice of the Martyrs PO Box 250 Lawson NSW 2783 Australia phone 02 4759 [email protected] www.vom.com.au

Remember the prisoners as if chained with them — those who are mistreated — since you yourselves are in the body also.Hebrews 13:3

Published by and © Voice of the Martyrs Ltd 2020 unless otherwise indicated. Names may have been changed to protect individuals' identities. Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture quotations are taken from the New King James Version of the Holy Bible. Copyright © 1982 Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

All donations over $2 to Voice of the Martyrs Australia are tax deductible.


International Projects/Ministry International Projects/Ministry $2,024,083

Australian Ministry $675,451

Administration $608,543

Total $3,308,077