2019-PLG-DOTCP PHONE: 08645-295696. EMAIL: dtcp ... A P...This plan also useful asa guide...

F ile No .MAU03-17/409/2019-PL G- DOT CP PHONE: 08645-295696. EMAIL : d t cp .ap @g mail.co m GOVERNMENT OF ANDHRA PRA DESH T OWN ANDCOUNT RY PLANNING DEPART MENT Fr om The Di r ector of Tow n and C ountry Pl anni ng, Govt. of Andhr a Pr adesh, MGM C apital, D.N o. 2 41, NH - 16, Near NR I Hospital Fl yover , C hi na Kakani , Mangal agi r i , Guntur Di stri ct - 522508. To The C ommi ssi oner , CR D A, Vij ayaw ada. The MC .,VMR D A I VK- PC PI R SDA, All The ViceC hai r man's, UD As. All the Municipal Commi ssioner 's . Lr.Ro c.N0.6333/2019/P, d t. -06-2020 Si r , Sub: - O/o the DT&C P - The A. P Regul ar izati on of unappr oved Layouts and Pl ots R ul es, 2020 - Pr epar ati onof Ar ea Devel opment fo r ULBand UD A ar eas - Regar di ng. Ref. - 1. G. O. Ms.N o. 223, Dt. 09- 07- 2018 of MA & UD Dept 2. G. O.Rt. N o. 6 50, Dt. 03- 10- 2019 of MA & UD Dept 3. G.O.Ms.N o.10, Dt. 08- 01- 2020 of MA & UD Dept. , @@@ l in vi t e att ention to subj ect cited, the Government vi de r eferen ce 2" ci ted have specified the j ob chart of the w ar d secr etar i es w or ki ng in War d Secr etar i ats in Muni ci pal i ties and Muni ci pal C or por ations in thestate incl udi ng War d Pl anni ng Regul at ory Secr et ari es. Accord i ngly, and 2645 WPRS have alre ady been w orki ng in var ious Muni ci pali ties, Muni ci pal C or por ati on and UD As In th e r eferen ce 1" ci ted th e Govern ment haveissued cert ain amen dment s to AP Buil di ng Rul es, 2017 in R ul e 53 of G.O.Ms.N o.119 MA, Dt. 28- 03- 2017 as fo llow s: " In case of Si tes in C ategory - A, if a Si teis abutti ng to a r oad w hi ch is less than 9m in w idth, a buil di ng may be per mitt ed w itha maxi mum hei ght of 1 Omin such si tes by insi sti ng w i deni ng of r oad to 9m or lesser w idt h as per the ci r cul ation networ k ap pro vedby th e Comp e tent Auth ori ty" . In th e r efer en ce 3" ci ted the Govern ment have issued ord ers for r egul ar izationof unappr oved layouts and pl ots vide G.O.Ms.N o.10 MA, Dt. 08- 01- 2020. Accordi ngl y, ind i vi dual pl ots whi ch are r egist ere dbef ore 31- 08- 2019 in unauthor ized sub di vi sionof landar eeli gi bl e fo r regul ar ization aft er approval of in- pr i nci pl e Layout Patt ern by the competent author iti es. In thi s r egar d,it is observ ed that 7,770 unauthor i sed layouts identified and upl oaded in w ebsite as on23- 06-

Transcript of 2019-PLG-DOTCP PHONE: 08645-295696. EMAIL: dtcp ... A P...This plan also useful asa guide...

Page 1: 2019-PLG-DOTCP PHONE: 08645-295696. EMAIL: dtcp ... A P...This plan also useful asa guide forgranting building permissions and also to take up anydevelopmentactivitiesin the area.

File No.MAU03-17/409/2019-PLG-DOTCPPHONE: 08645-295696.

EMAIL: [email protected]


FromThe Director of Town andCountry Planning,Govt. of Andhra Pradesh,MGMCapital, D.No.241, NH-16,Near NRI Hospital Flyover,China Kakani, Mangalagiri,Guntur District - 522508.

ToThe Commissioner,CRDA, Vijayawada.The MC.,VMRDA I VK-PCPIRSDA,All The Vice Chairman's,UDAs.All the Municipal Commissioner's .

Lr.Roc.N0.6333/2019/P, dt. -06-2020Sir,

Sub:- O/o the DT&CP -The A.P Regularization of unapproved Layouts andPlots Rules, 2020 - Preparation of Area Development for ULB andUDA areas - Regarding.

Ref.- 1. G.O.Ms.No.223, Dt.09-07-2018 of MA & UD Dept2. G.O.Rt.No.650, Dt.03-10-2019 of MA & UD Dept3. G.O.Ms.No.10, Dt.08-01-2020 of MA & UD Dept.,


l invite attention to subject cited, the Government vide reference 2" cited

have specified the job chart of the ward secretaries working in Ward Secretariats in

Municipalities and Municipal Corporations in the state including Ward Planning

Regulatory Secretaries. Accordingly, and 2645 WPRS have already been working in

various Municipalities, Municipal Corporation and UDAs

In the reference 1" cited the Government have issued certain amendments to

AP Building Rules, 2017 in Rule 53 of G.O.Ms.No.119 MA, Dt.28-03-2017 as follows:

"In case of Sites in Category-A, if a Site is abutting to a road which is less

than 9m in width, a building may be permitted with a maximum height of 1 Om in such

sites by insisting widening of road to 9m or lesser width as per the circulation

network approved by the Competent Authority".

In the reference 3" cited the Government have issued orders for

regularization of unapproved layouts and plots vide G.O.Ms.No.10 MA, Dt.08-01-

2020. Accordingly, individual plots which are registered before 31-08-2019 in

unauthorized sub division of land are eligible for regularization after approval of in­

principle Layout Pattern by the competent authorities. In this regard, it is observed

that 7,770 unauthorised layouts identified and uploaded in website as on 23-06­

Page 2: 2019-PLG-DOTCP PHONE: 08645-295696. EMAIL: dtcp ... A P...This plan also useful asa guide forgranting building permissions and also to take up anydevelopmentactivitiesin the area.

File No.MAU03-17/409/2019-PLG-DOTCP2020, but only 617 layouts initiated process for approval of In-Principle Layout

Pattern. It is evident from the above, the progress of In-Principle Layout Pattern isvery poor and it is to be improved immediately.

To overcome all above issues, all the Municipal Commissioners of ULBs in

the state and V.C's of all UDAs are requested to involve the Ward PlanningRegulatory Secretaries and prepare Area Development plan for their jurisdictionindicating following information under the guidance of TP Officials.

1. All approved layouts

2. RLP 2008 Layouts

3. Weaker Section Layouts4. All Unauthorised Layouts

5. Untitled Congested Areas / Settlement / Gram Khantam / Slums /Abadi.

6. All developed areas where granting permissions by collecting 14% open·space charges.

7. Width of existing roads and proposed roads as per master Plan /ZDP


8. All layout open spaces / Parks/ Play grounds9. Burial ground/ Grave Yards

10. Government Lands and Municipal Lands11. Municipal Properties.

12. Water Bodies

13. Religious Buildings

14. Government Buildings

15. Government Schools/ Colleges

16. Heritage Structures / Monuments17. Slaughter Houses

18. Stadiums

19. Market Yard.

20. Rythu Bazzar

21.HT Lines22. Defense Establishment


and other important features.

Note:-Nomenclature of Area Development Plan shall be as ADP-1 for Ward

Secretariat-1, ADP-2 for Ward Secretariat -2, likewise.

Page 3: 2019-PLG-DOTCP PHONE: 08645-295696. EMAIL: dtcp ... A P...This plan also useful asa guide forgranting building permissions and also to take up anydevelopmentactivitiesin the area.

File No.MAU03-17/409/2019-PLG-DOTCPThe ADP prepared capturing the above information duly utilizing GIS Base

Maps, will be useful to process approval of In-Principle Layout Pattern as required in

L.R.S. This plan also useful as a guide for granting building permissions and also to

take up any development activities in the area.

Therefore, all the M.C's., and V.C's., UDAs are requested to involve the

WPRS and TP Staff to prepare plan indicating above information to resolve all issues

relating to development permissions and planned development of areas

Yours faithfully,

Director of Town andCountry Planning

Copy submitted to Secretary, Municipal Administration & Urban Development forfavour of information.

SignatureDigital "VEEDate:Reas