2018 MAR-APR Newsletter - Byron First Presbyterian...

Byron Presbyterian Church March-April, 2018 The Spirit Easter Season at Byron Presbyterian Church Palm Sunday, March 25, 9:45 AM Hosanna! Bible Study, Tuesday, March 27, 7:00 PM, reading Mark 16:1-8 Maundy Thursday, March 29, 6:30 PM Tenebrae service. Please bring a dish to share, or just come directly from work and enjoy the meal! Good Friday, March 30, 6:30 PM at North Bergen Presbyterian Easter Sunday Celebration, April 1, 9:45 AM Followed by an Easter Egg Hunt for young children on the church lawn. Please bring in One Great Hour of Sharing contributions today Neighborhood Mission Day Saturday, April 28, 9:00 AM - 12:30 PM The Presbyterian Churches of Genesee County, our “Country Neighbors”, will join together for a day of hands-on mission at Crossroads House and the Justice for Children Advocacy Center in Batavia Both are next door to the Batavia Presbyterian Church, where we will meet at 9 AM for a light breakfast before walking over to the two projects. We may be doing painting, so please dress accordingly! This event is for all ages! Please register in advance with Rev. Jim Renfrew. The Basics * Sunday Worship begins at 9:45 AM, * Sunday School and * Christian Education for young children happens during the worship hour. * Nursery Care during the worship hour. * Contact Pastor Jim Renfrew at 548-2800 or at [email protected] An Empty Tomb When the sabbath was over, Mary Magdalene, and Mary the mother of James, and Salome bought spices, so that they might go and anoint him. And very early on the first day of the week, when the sun had risen, they went to the tomb. They had been say- ing to one another, “Who will roll away the stone for us from the entrance to the tomb?” When they looked up, they saw that the stone, which was very large, had already been rolled back. As they en- tered the tomb, they saw a young man, dressed in a white robe, sitting on the right side; and they were alarmed. But he said to them, “Do not be alarmed; you are looking for Jesus of Nazareth, who was crucified. He has been raised; he is not here. Mark 16:1-8

Transcript of 2018 MAR-APR Newsletter - Byron First Presbyterian...

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Byron Presbyterian Church March-April, 2018

The Spirit

Easter Season at Byron Presbyterian Church

Palm Sunday, March 25, 9:45 AM


Bible Study, Tuesday, March 27, 7:00 PM, reading Mark 16:1-8

Maundy Thursday, March 29, 6:30 PM

Tenebrae service. Please bring a dish to share, or just come directly from work and enjoy the meal!

Good Friday, March 30, 6:30 PM

at North Bergen Presbyterian

Easter Sunday Celebration, April 1, 9:45 AM Followed by an Easter Egg Hunt for young children on the church lawn. Please bring in One Great Hour

of Sharing contributions today

Neighborhood Mission Day Saturday, April 28, 9:00 AM - 12:30 PM

The Presbyterian Churches of Genesee County, our “Country Neighbors”, will join together for a day of

hands-on mission at Crossroads House and the Justice for Children Advocacy Center in Batavia Both are next door to

the Batavia Presbyterian Church, where we will meet at 9 AM for a light breakfast before walking over to the two projects. We may be doing painting, so please dress

accordingly! This event is for all ages! Please register in advance with Rev. Jim Renfrew.

The Basics

* Sunday Worship begins at 9:45 AM, * Sunday School and * Christian Education for young children happens during the worship hour. * Nursery Care during the worship hour. * Contact Pastor Jim Renfrew at 548-2800 or at [email protected]

An Empty Tomb

When the sabbath was over, Mary Magdalene, and Mary the mother of James, and Salome bought spices, so that they might go and anoint him. And very early on the first day of the week, when the sun had risen, they went to the tomb. They had been say-ing to one another, “Who will roll away the stone for us from the entrance to the tomb?” When they looked up, they saw that the stone, which was very large, had already been rolled back. As they en-tered the tomb, they saw a young man, dressed in a white robe, sitting on the right side; and they were alarmed. But he said to them, “Do not be alarmed; you are looking for Jesus of Nazareth, who was crucified. He has been raised; he is not here.

Mark 16:1-8

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Byron PC on Facebook

Byron Presbyterian Church is on Facebook. We’re easy to find, just search for “Byron Presby-terian Church” when you get to Facebook. You can also find a link to the Facebook page when visiting our website, byronfpc.org. Become one of our friends!

Newsletter Information

The newsletter is usually sent bi-monthly, but sometimes more frequently in the fall. The dead-line for submissions is Sunday, April 22 for the May-June newsletter. We would prefer to send the newsletter to you as an e-mail attachment. Please send your e-mail address to the office, at [email protected]. We will not give out your address to anyone else without your permission. The newsletter is always posted to the church website, www.byronfpc.org, If you miss the Sun-day worship service you can see each week’s Sun-day bulletin and most sermons on line, too.

Thank You! We have received many positive comments from our newsletter readers, and we welcome your encourage-ment. We invite you to keep our Byron Presbyterian Church newsletter coming to you in months and years to come. If you are not already a church contributor, your contribution to help cover mailing and Internet costs would be welcomed. Checks may be made out to "Byron Presbyterian Church". Thank you!

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[ ] I prefer to receive the newsletter as an e- mail attachment

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Name Address Town/City State Zip Phone E-mail

Note: we do not circulate or publish e-mail addresses.

Session Notes

Welcome to the 200th year of our church. On the first Sunday of every month we encourage worshipers to wear their 200th Anniversary T-shirts. T-shirts are available in various sizes. Please call the church office for more information. Please note that our Secretary, Janet Pike, will now normally be in the church office on Wednesdays (instead of Thursdays), beginning at 10:00 am. Shannon Thompson is our new Clerk of Session. Our thanks to Kim Dewey for having served in that important role for many years. Welcome to newly in-stalled elders: Chrystal Britt and Ruth Andes. Mary Ann Blair continues in a second term.

Falling Cow Zone

I’ve heard of a “Falling Rocks Zone” and I’ve seen “Cows Crossing” signs, but I haven’t seen this while driving yet: “Caution: Falling Cows”. But I know a place where such a sign would be helpful: along a country road in Newark, where the cows graze on a very steep hill right above the road; I’m sure that one plummets from time to time! I wouldn’t wish a falling cow on anyone, but from time to time strange and unexpected things do happen to us, and we rarely get ad-vance warning like this sign. Our Prayer Chain is one of the places you can turn to when you find yourself praying over the unexpected challenges that come your way, like falling cows, flooded basements, or a top-pling chimney. It’s amazing, you feel like you’re facing the impossible all alone, and then you discover that a lot of people are praying with you. It can’t hurt, and it might help! Please call us at 548-2800 and Janet will get you started!

For Children in Worship

For Sundays when Sunday School is not scheduled or for children who prefer to remain in worship, our CE/Worship Committee has pre-pared colorful activity bags for younger and older children to use and enjoy. They are kept at the rear of the sanctuary. Please return the bags to this same spot after the service. Of course, we are always looking for new volunteers to lead or assist with Sunday School. There is a weekly sign-up list, and the lesson plans have been prepared in advance by Kylie Britt.

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200th Anniversary We have begun our bicentennial year and are gearing up for more celebratory events. A “Save the Date” postcard was mailed out in February – if you did not receive one, please contact Robin Glazier at 585-356-4551 and one will be sent out to you. 200th Anniversary T-Shirt Sunday is the first Sunday of the month and each time we are seeing more gray and blue in the pews. It’s a great way for presenting spiritual camaraderie and also by-passes the “what am I going to wear to church” question! T-shirts are available in all sizes, and "200 Tastes for 200 Years" recipe books are also available from the church. T-shirts vary in price according to size and recipe books are $10. Please call the church office 548-2800 to make arrange-ments to get yours. 200th Anniversary Quilters are meeting to make an Anniversary Quilt for the church, plus plen-ty of other side projects for quilters to take home. For skilled and unskilled quilters. The next date on our calendar is Sunday, March 11, 10:45 AM, after the worship service. Our first event will be “Celebrating 200 Years of Brides – Past, Present & Future”. Please see the following invitation for details:

Byron Presbyterian Church Tea

Celebrating 200 years of Brides - Past, Present & Future

Saturday, April 21, 2018 12:00 – 2:00 PM

Join us for an afternoon of fashion, stories, food & games. *No marriage required! Just a “vow” to share some laughter and fun!

Please RSVP by April 7 Tickets $6.00 per person

Call/text Chrystal Britt Call/text Robin Glazier

Send payment to: Byron Presbyterian Church, PO Box 206, Byron, NY 14422

Other Upcoming Events Include:

Sunday, June 3, 1 1 :00 AM until 2:00 PM, Bicentennial in the Church Park, in the park adjacent to the church. Free hot dogs and ice cream, games for all ages, and music by "The Old Hip-pies". Everyone is welcome.

Saturday, November 17, 5:00 PM, 200th Anniversary Dinner, at the South Byron Rec Hall. A catered meal, with speakers, music, and more! Reservations are needed. Please call the church office at 548-2800. Tickets are $10 per person.

Sunday, November 18, 9:45 AM, 200th Anniversary Worship Celebration at the church. Hopefully, the Planning Committee has offered an event or activity that speaks to your connection with Byron Presbyterian Church! If anyone would like to assist with any of the events, please contact Robin Glazier or Kim Dewey.

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Why Bible Study?

Paul in his letter to the Philippians put it well. “This is my prayer: that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight, so that you may be able to discern what is best and may be pure and blameless for the day of Christ, filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ—to the glory and praise of God” (Philippians 1:9-11, NIV).” Knowledge and insight comes from being familiar with God’s word. It allows our love to grow and enables us to better see what is right in the view of God. As Luan hinted a few Sundays ago we need to do more than just think about things that concern us – we need to take action – and what better action can we take when it comes to God’s word than to read, share and discuss the Bible with others who love God and his Word. There is biblical support for small groups such as our Bible Study. God himself is in a community of three per-sons in one—the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit—who exist in perfect unity. So it is not surprising that from the beginning, God created us to be in community with one another. Genesis 2:18 states: "It is not good for man to be alone." This passage is often used in the context of marriage, but it also speaks to our fundamental need to con-nect with others in the human community. What is striking about this statement is that God makes it before the Fall. There's no sin yet and no disobedience; man is in perfect intimacy with God. And yet, God declares that man is alone and that it is not good. It is in small groups that people can get close enough to know each other, to care and share, to challenge and support, to confide and confess, to forgive and be forgiven, to laugh and weep together, to be accountable to each other, to watch over each other and to grow together. Personal growth does not happen in isolation. It is the result of interactive relationships. Small groups are God's gift to foster changes in character and spiritual growth. If you haven’t tried our group please do! It is not an academic exercise in dissecting God’s word; it is a way to bring it to life and make it personal. Bring your questions, your insights or just come and listen. There is no required preparation, or involvement, or Bible expertise and nobody gets “put on the spot” – just come as you are. We would be so blessed to have you join us! If you would like an email reminder of our studies and/or an outline of the upcoming topic please give me your email address and I’ll add you to our mailing list. We meet on the 4th Tues of most months at the church at 7pm. Come! Yours in Christ, Jim Moore, Bible Study facilitator

Lent and Easter Season from the CE/Worship Committee

Lent and Easter is a time of year for reflection and renewal. We invite everyone to join us as we offer new ways to honor this sacred season. There are Lenten devotional books available (at the back of the sanctuary) for anyone that would like to practice a daily devotion at home. On February 18th, a cross was set up in the front of our sanctuary (thank you Jim and Patty Welch). The cross was put up to start the season of Lent. “Lent provides us with the opportunity to reflect on the life of Je-sus and the path that led him to the cross.” We are inviting our congregants to reflect and then write on the in-dex card (provided in the pew and the back of the sanctuary) any actions, words, or deeds that may have brought distance in your relationship with Jesus. It is an opportunity to “let go” of negative thoughts that may hold you back from fully engaging with those around you and with Christ. Place the card in the envelope (also provided), seal the envelope and tack it to the cross. It is private. No one else will read your words. This is between you and God. Come to church on Easter to witness the transformation of our cross and celebrate your new beginning as promised by the risen Christ! Maundy Thursday is March 28th. Our friends from North Bergen Presbyterian along with their leader, Dave Fish, will join us for a Maundy Thursday dinner at 6:30 pm. Please bring a dish to pass. Table service and drinks provided. We will try something new this year. We will honor the day with a Tenebrae service. During Advent we light the candles one by one as we await the birth of Christ. During the Tenebrae service we will extinguish the candles during a service to remember the suffering of Christ. At the end of the service the Christ candle will be relit to celebrate the resurrection of our Lord. Palm Sunday will be alive with palms and music! This is the trium-phant march. Join us for Sunday service and celebrate as we decorate branches with notes of joy and gratitude for all that we have been given. Easter Sunday – please join us for our Sunday service at 9:45. There will be music and a pretzel for every-one! Why a pretzel? You’ll have to join us to find out!! After the service, all children are invited to participate in our annual Easter Egg hunt – outside if the weather cooperates – inside if not! We are always looking for people to help teach. Grab a friend and sign up! The sign up sheet is in the back of the sanctuary. The lesson plan is ready and waiting for you in a box on the shelf in the main hall located behind the sanctuary (door at the front of the sanctuary). Don’t be shy. If you need help or have questions, contact Kim Dewey. Pastor Renfrew will also be conducting a Confirmation Class for our young people this spring. If you have a teen/older preteen that might be interested please contact Jim as soon as possible. [Kim Dewey]

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Church Information

Sunday Worship & Sunday School: 9:45 AM Sunday School and Christian Education for young

children happens during the worship hour.

Church Office: 548-2800 [[email protected]]

Church Web Page: www. byronfpc. org Facebook: Byron First Presbyterian Church

Pastor: James Renfrew (548-2800 office) [[email protected]]

Clerk of Session: Shannon Thompson

Treasurer: Robin Glazier

Organist & Choir Director: Laurence Tallman

Board of Trustees: Ron & Robin Glazier

Sexton: Penny Kennett

Secretary: Janet Pike

Bookkeeper: Sheri Abdoo

March Birthdays 1 Melissa Marquez 2 Jessica Beglinger 3 Michaela White, Madison Thompson 4 Ruth McCracken 5 Lee Blair Jr, Catherine Mathes 9 Mike Simmons 11 Amanda Gouger, John Johnson, Matthew Hilbert 20 Eleanor Johnson 23 Elizabeth Davlin, 27 Heather Ezard

28 Richard Mathes

March Anniversaries 12 Robin Dunnington & Rev. Jim Renfrew


Music Notes

It is so hard for me to believe that David and I are coming up on one year of musical and spiritual service to our church! It has been a joyful year, and I know that I have been moved by the spirit of our wonderful choir and many guest musicians! In honor of my year “anniversary” here, I would like to once again extend the invitation for you, as members of the congregation, to send any ideas for hymns that you would like to hear in the future and any musical ideas you would like to see come to fruition. As always, there is an open invitation for all to join our fabulous choir, or share any of your musical talents with us! We have many exciting musical opportunities for all of you in the next couple of months, beginning with guest flautist Cindi Keller joining us for our March 4th service! On behalf of David and I, thank you for making our first year here one of tremendous joy! It is a blessing to serve with all of you, in music and in spirit! [Laurence Tallman]

CHOIR REHEARSAL SCHEDULE FOR MARCH & APRIL (NOTE: There are several changes to be aware in March!) Tuesday, March 6: 7:00 PM Sunday, March 18: 9:00 AM Wednesday, March 21: 7:00 PM Sunday, March 25: 9:00 AM Palm Sunday Anthem Wednesday, March 28: 7:00 PM Sunday, April 1: 9:00 AM with Organist Emeritus, Elizabeth Weber; Easter Anthem Wednesday, April 11: 6:30 PM Wednesday, April 18: 7:00 PM Wednesday, April 25: 7:00 PM Sunday, April 29: 9:00 AM Anthem Sunday

April Birthdays 1 Robert Wilson 2 Linda Engle 8 Connie Swanson 11 Hayley Stein 18 Ryan Glazier 19 Cheryl Toal 21 Jackie Johnson 22 Bethany Ezard 25 Lori Simmons

April Anniversaries

April 5 – John and Janet Pike April 12 – Chris and Mallory Scopano

Birthdays and Anniversaries

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A Witness to Resurrection Hope One Great Hour of Sharing

Even before Hurricane Maria made landfall in September 2017, the Rev. Edwin González-Castillo and other Presbyterian leaders in Puerto Rico received promises of help from Presbyterian Disaster Assistance (PDA). González-Castillo, the stated clerk of the Presbytery of San Juan, says PDA lived up to its word quickly. Days after the storm hit, the first wave of PDA grants ar-rived and community needs were being met. In the presbytery, funds were distributed among each of the 15 congregations, and the presbytery matched PDA’s initial funding for community assistance. Desperately needed items such as food, water, diapers and medical supplies were swiftly in the hands of hurricane survivors. “We were able to help families who had lost al-most everything,” González-Castillo said. Hurri-cane Maria’s 150 mph winds destroyed homes, in-frastructure and vegetation across the island and resulted in a large number of deaths and injuries. In addition, the hurricane left millions without electricity or drinkable water. One Great Hour of Sharing gifts helped PDA respond immediately after three major hurri-canes pounded the United States and/or the Car-ibbean, a devastating earthquake shook Central Mexico, and raging wildfires wreaked havoc across the Pacific Northwest. Thanks to One Great Hour of Sharing, PDA can mount responses that are timely, nimble and effective. In Puerto Rico, Presbyterians never doubted that PDA would respond fast, and they know that PDA will remain for the long haul, González-Castillo says. “The help PDA brings is long-term, and we are grateful that when other groups leave Puerto Rico, we will still have PDA giving us a hand.” Puerto Rican Presbyterians appreciate the prayer support and encouraging words they have received from across the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), González-Castillo said. When people from the mainland ask them about providing tan-gible help, González-Castillo says Puerto Rican Presbyterian leaders have a standard reply: “We tell everybody the best way to help us is through PDA.” The hurricane response has elevated Presby-terian visibility in Puerto Rican communities, and González-Castillo expects that the denomination’s name recognition will continue to grow as the re-covery efforts continue. “In many places here, Presbyterians are not very well known, but through things like this, when we attend to disasters and when our com-


munities get the kind of help PDA provides, the Presbyterian name becomes familiar and people see that our church is here to help,” he said. Beyond disaster relief: In addition to PDA, the One Great Hour of Sharing Offering supports the Presbyterian Hunger Program (PHP) and the Presbyterian Committee on the Self-Development of People (SDOP). It is received by most congrega-tions on Palm Sunday or Easter. All three ministries that benefit from the offering work for change that makes a lasting difference. In Africa, one way the Presbyterian Hunger Program strives for long-term change is by helping families who are at risk of losing their farmland. One such family is led by Najjuma, a 56-year-old widow in Uganda. She grows enough food on eight acres to feed the three children and eight or-phaned grandchildren in her care. Without the crops that spring from this soil she carefully tends, Najjuma has no means to support these children. However, while Najjuma was providing the nur-ture her children and grandchildren needed, her in-laws ordered her to leave the land her husband had inherited. Fortunately, Najjuma learned that laws were in place to protect widows like her. One Great Hour of Sharing gifts empowered Najjuma to ex-cise her lawful right to remain on the property. Thanks to training programs held by Action for Rural Women’s Empowerment (ARUWE), a partner of PHP, Najjuma knew the law was on her erside. She successfully appealed for help through local land governance structures. Yet, too often, widows aren’t aware of their rights, explained Sylvia Nalu-bega, program officer for ARUWE. “When widows do not know their entitlement to their property or if the husband doesn’t leave a will, many times they are evicted and have nowhere to go,” Nalubega said. One Great Hour of Sharing gifts helped Najjuma avoid this fate. “Najjuma depends on the land for her liveli-hood,” added Agnes Mirembe, program manager for ARUWE. “It is everything to her. Her income is tied to the land.” In addition to benefiting from ARUWE’s legal aid clinics, Najjuma also learned more efficient farming techniques from this group. She planted two acres of corn and beans that serve as demon-stration plots for her neighbors. She freely shares how she increases crop yields that enable her to take better care of her children and grandchildren. Najjuma could have been without a place to plant even a single seed, a plight that would have spelled disaster for her family. One Great Hour gifts helped keep this from happening.

Presbyterians Today, February/March 2018

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Next time you travel by the church, LOOK UP - at long last, the church roof is being replaced! GNZ Construction began work on February 6th on the main structure with the tear off of existing roof and repair/replacement of decking, fascia and gut-ters as needed. Installation of the steel shingles began last week and went up quickly. The Fellow-ship hall area is next and then the steeple, which may be delayed until favorable weather. An inside project that has been completed was the installation of a new floor in the church office. Thank you to those who helped with this project – it looks great! Looking ahead, spring cleanup is not that far off! Extra attention will be needed for the lawn areas affected by the construction vehicles and snowplowing. We will keep you posted on when the cleanup date is chosen.

With the old shingles removed, workers are installing new metal shingles.

Working on the Fellowship Hall roof, the chimney has now been removed.

News About Members & Friends

Please pray with us. Don’t forget, we have a cupboard of Prayer Shawls that you can share with your friends in need of some extra love and care. Congratulations to Kylie Britt, who has be-gun a new teaching assignment at an Islamic School in Brighton.


We will be meeting on Sunday, March 11 with our new members to discuss plans for the coming year. We welcome Danielle Cummings and Nancy Curran to Deacons! We will discuss Easter for older home-bound members and other ideas for people who need help in our church and community. I would like to thank Jane for taking the food donated by members to the Salvation Army. Thanks to the congre-gation for the donations. We welcome dona-tions of canned and dry food like macaroni. A box is at the back of the sanctuary for food or else at the side door there is a shopping cart. Thanks for your help. We are admiring the new flooring in the church office. Thank you, Trustees!

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Church Leaders

Session: Rev. James R. Renfrew, Moderator Shannon Thompson, Clerk of Session Class of 2018 Class of 2019 Class of 2020 Jim Moore Jim Welch Chrystal Britt Audrey Blount Laura Bestehorn Ruth Andes Shannon Thompson Lee Blair, Jr. Mary Ann Blair

Deacons: Janet Pike, Moderator Sara Geissler, Treasurer Elizabeth Shuknecht, Secretary Class of 2018 Class of 2018 Class of 2020 Ruth McCracken Faline Tyler Danielle Cummins Hayley Stein Sara Geissler Kim Dewey Janet Pike Eliz. Shuknecht David Keller

Trustees: Ron & Robin Glazier, Co-Chairs Robin Shuknecht, Secretary Class of 2017 Class of 2018 Class of 2020 Robin Glazier Jeanie Sloat Marc Kenward Ron Glazier Tom Nesbitt Nancy Curran Robin Shuknecht Pam Lynch Luan Riner

Mission Associate: Jordan Sloat


“An Incomplete Story!” In Mark’s version of the Easter story the women enter the tomb and Jesus’ body is not there. End of story. We wish that Mark had more to say about this. In Mark’s Gospel we never meet Jesus, we’re just left with that empty tomb. But this is the version I like the most. The reason is that we have to supply the ending ourselves. It means that we have to find the risen Christ for ourselves. We have to look for him in our world. Not in the pages of an ancient book, but right here, in this world where we live. Our faith cannot rest upon stories and rumors, we have to find him for ourselves. Mark’s version does not allow us to be spectators. For the story to make sense, for it to matter, we have to get involved with it, we have to look for the risen Christ ourselves. In Isaiah 42:1-9 we hear powerful words reminding us that we should look for him in places where his work is already being done, in those places where the Spirit is alive, where his justice is practiced, where eyes are opening, where those overwhelmed by darkness are being brought into light. “Spring forth” is the phrase that I noticed as I studied Isaiah this past week, “Spring forth”. And this means we head out the doors of the church on Easter morning in a different way than usual, we step out into the world with a hope that will not be defeated. As we spring forth from this place we will continue to see many, many crosses in the world around us, powerful crosses that have been erected to discourage us and defeat us, but on Easter morning we laugh and smile when we see them, for now we know the true power of God. If God could move the stone way from the entrance to the tomb, imagine what God can do in your life. Spring forth! Jim Renfrew, Pastor

An Offering of Letters

Following the recent mass-murder of 17 school children in Florida, Deacon Luan Riner invited worship participants on February 25th to send letters to the White House, Congress and other elected officials, with their best ideas for reducing gun violence. Luan was careful not to say what the message of each letter should be, but felt strongly that all of our ideas are important to add to the debate. She provided an address list, paper, envelopes, pens and stamps. Please speak to Luan if you would like to join the effort.

Texts for Preaching

MAR 4 John 2:13-22 “This and That” MAR 11 John 3:14-21 “What Do You Love?” MAR 18 John 12:20-33 “A Grain of Wheat” MAR 25 Mark 11:1-11 “Mount of Olives” APR 1 Mark 16:1-8 “An Incomplete Story” APR 8 Guest preacher APR 15 Luke 24:36b-48 “The Obvious is Hidden” APR 22 Pulpit exchange with Attica PC APR 29 John 15:1-8 “Connectional”

Mission Committee

The Mission Committee will meet on Monday, March 19, 7:30 PM, at the church. We will dis-cuss the following: Neighborhood Mission Day in Batavia on Saturday, April 28, the status of the Backpack Project, One Great Hour of Sharing, and other ideas for continuing and new mission. It’s been a while since we last met, so let’s gath-er to move forward in mission! Visitors to the committee are always welcome!

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Byron Presbyterian Church - March 2018 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 2 3

7:00 PM Town Park


4 5 6 7 8 9 10

9:45 AM Worship 10:00 AM Janet in office

9:45 AM Sunday School 5:00 PM T.O.P.S.

10:45 AM Fellowship Hour 7:00 PM 200th 7:00 PM Choir

T-SHIRT SUNDAY!! Anniversary Planning 7:30 PM Trustees

7:30 PM - AA meets

11 DAYLIGHT SAVINGS 12 13 14 15 16 17

9:45 AM Worship . 10:00 AM Janet in office 7:00 PM Session St. Patrick’s Day

9:45 AM Sunday School 7:00 PM 5:00 PM T.O.P.S

10:45 AM Quilting Party . Stewardship & Finance 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM Choir 7:00 PM Trustees

10:45 AM Deacons

7:30 PM AA meets

18 9:00 AM Choir 19 20 21 22 23 24

9:45 AM Worship 10:00 AM Janet in office

and Communion 5:00 PM T.O.P.S

9:45 AM Sunday School 7:30 PM 7:00 – 8 :00 PM Choir

Mission Committee 7:30 PM AA meets

25 9:00 AM Choir 26 27 28 29 30 31

9:45 AM Worship 10:00 AM Janet in office

9:45 AM Sunday School 7:00 PM Bible Study 5:00 PM T.O.P.S. 6:30 PM Maundy 6:30 PM Good Friday

7:00 - 8:00 PM Choir Thursday Service at North Bergen PC


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Byron Presbyterian Church - April 2018 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 EASTER SUNDAY 2 3 4 5 6 7

9:00 AM Choir 10 AM Janet in Office

9:45 AM Easter Worship 5:00 PM T.O.P.S.

10:45 AM 7:00 PM

Easter Egg Hunt 7:30 PM AA meets Town Park Committee

8 9 10 11 12 13 14

9:45 AM Worship 10 AM Janet in Office

9:45 AM Sunday School 5:00 PM T.O.P.S.

6:30-7:30 PM Choir

7:30 PM Trustees .

7:30 PM - AA meets

15 16 17 18 19 20 21

9:45 AM Worship 10 AM Janet in Office Brides of Byron

9:45 AM Sunday School 5:00 PM T.O.P.S Church Tea

. 7:00 - 8:00 PM Choir 7:00 PM 12 Noon - 2 PM

Session 200th Anniversary

7:30 PM AA meets Special Event

22 23 24 25 26 27 28

9:45 AM Worship 10 AM Janet in Office Neighborhood

and Communion 5:00 PM T.O.P.S. Mission Day

9:45 AM Sunday School 7:00 PM 7:00 – 8 :00 PM Choir 9:00 AM at

Bible Study 7:30 PM AA meets Batavia PC

29 9:00 AM Choir 30

9:45 AM Worship .

9:45 AM Sunday School

Page 11: 2018 MAR-APR Newsletter - Byron First Presbyterian Churchbyronfpc.com/.../2018/03/2018-MAR-APR-Newsletter-3.pdf · Byron Presbyterian Church March-April, 2018 The Spirit Easter Season

Now Available!

200th Anniversary Cookbooks Only $10

200th Anniversary T-Shirts Variety of sizes and styles

Only $8 - $12

Contact the Church Office to get yours!

1st Presbyterian Church of Byron P.O. Box 206 Byron, NY 14422-0206