· 2018. 9. 1. · SOCHUM, or the third...


Transcript of · 2018. 9. 1. · SOCHUM, or the third...

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Page 2: · 2018. 9. 1. · SOCHUM, or the third main body of the General Assembly of the United Nations, is in charge of dealing


SOCHUM Topics:

1) Piracy in the West and the horn of Africa. 2) Central America and the Caribbean drugs trafficking problem.


● Jorge Andrés Esguerra. ● Juan Felipe Gómez Bossa.


[email protected][email protected]

Welcome letter: Dear delegates, It is a pleasure for us to be the presidents of this commission and we expect incredible synergy between all of its participants. We know that this will be a big challenge for you and for us, but we will work hard to be the most outstanding commission in all the model of this year. The first step in order to achieve said objective is to be partners, so you all have trust in each other, including us. Teamwork will come along with said trust, and it will enable the whole commission to debate, but also dialogue to reach viable solutions for each of the problems that will be issued. We are very pleased to know that in the school there are students interested in the community and have the wish of aiding the victims of the cruelty of a few men that use violence indiscriminately to reach their personal ambitions. Here, you will learn how to stop conflicts in a diplomatic and assertive way, which is a tough task, but finally it gives the most satisfactory results. Thus, it is imperative for all of you to have clear that the main goal of the commission is to seek peaceful solutions to the conflicts and not to defend your country´s personal interests, otherwise, our objective of teaching you how to become great leaders would have failed. Nevertheless, we also exhort you to feel comfortable and increase your ability from speech to writing, going through investigation, confidence, and so on. The most important thing someone learns from a MUN experience is to express ideas coherently and to convince people through well thought arguments. Ultimately, this is the first step to change the world. Will you embrace the challenge?

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About the commission: SOCHUM, or the third main body of the General Assembly of the United Nations, is in charge of dealing with long term issues against the integrity of the participants of society. It stands for Social, Cultural and Humanitarian body, which clearly assigns a huge responsibility to ensuring international stability of a wide array of aspects. The General Assembly allocates to the Third Committee, agenda items relating to a range of social, humanitarian affairs and human rights issues that affect people all over the world. The Committee discusses questions relating to the advancement of women, the protection of children, indigenous issues, treatment of refugees, the promotion of fundamental freedoms through the elimination of racism and racial discrimination, and the right to self- determination. The Committee also addresses important social development questions such as issues related to youth, family, ageing, and people with disabilities, crime prevention, criminal justice, and international drug control. HANDBOOK USAGE: The standard delegate handbook, which will be given prior to the beginning of the sessions, will exert all its powers. Delegates will be required to present a research folder with the following documents:

1. Opening speech: A written text, taking into account parliamentary language in which the delegation briefly establishes the main points of view and positions it has about the topics of discussion. 1.1. Duration of the speech: Delegates will have 1 minute and 30 seconds to pronounce their speeches in front of the commission.

2. Position paper: This paper must have the most relevant information about the delegate’s country, with statistics, recent history, economical and political allies, geographical information, etc. The position paper is the main guide that the delegate will fall on to solve any situation that comes up during the debate.

2.1. Foreign policy: It is a must for a delegation to know its foreign policy thoroughly, as it ultimately dictates the course of action that its country usually follows when dealing with transnational issues. TOPIC 1: PIRACY IN THE HORN AND THE WEST OF AFRICA. Introduction Historically, the African Continent has suffered the consequences of rising piracy. Despite the international efforts to stop this problem, criminals have adopted new strategies to continue with their illicit activities. The attacks on the west coast have decreased, but due to the internal conflicts and instability of governments in the central African region, sporadic attacks on civilians and illegal economic activities still go on. The whole African community sees the ongoing piracy as an economic and political threat, because the money that comes out of this illegal commerce usually goes to insurgent groups like Boko Haram, which fight against sovereign states and try to establish a

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caliphate. We also have to consider that illegal money never supports a country, because taxes are not paid over those assets, hence, the limited economic capacity of some African countries. Furthermore, the operation of illegal exploitation methods of natural resources also weakens the economies of said states. Because of this, the EU intervenes on the African countries because they have geo-strategic interests in this region and they have also already made plans to help African countries in the past. Therefore, it will be of maximum importance for this committee to consider all the different visions from the international community about this topic, and here is where the debate will take place. What is piracy? It is defined as “illegal acts of violence or detention” by the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea. Recent Events: One of the most vulnerable regions in Africa is the Niger Delta, in Nigeria, since there are frequent attacks on any cargo ships around this zone. There have also been attacks in Benin, Ivory Coast, Ghana, Guinea and Togo, according to UNODC. As you can understand, having so many countries under the dangers of piracy and burglary is unacceptable, and deters the economies of the afflicted nations. International insurance rates and the cost of many goods vary whenever pirates steal what could otherwise be economical assets for the developing African Countries. Also, one must not forget that pirate attacks usually have a death toll which is indeed another humanitarian concern. For example, in October 2013, a pirate attack took place within Nigeria’s coastline. It was reported by Reuters news agency that an oil supply vessel was overtaken by pirates, which also kidnapped the captain, an American citizen. Situations such as the aforementioned are of deep concern for the whole international community, as it causes tensions between nations. Another case that illustrates the evils of piracy is what happens in Benin, a nation whose government receives half of its budget, which is destined to help the country grow, from taxes on trade. In 2012, the outrageous amount of pirate attacks led to Lloyd’s Market Association, a group of maritime insurers, to list Nigeria and Berlin, along with their surrounding waters, in the same risk category as Somalia. This situation meant a decrease in maritime traffic and trade in said regions, and consequently, a loss in the total government revenue for Benin. What has the UN done to solve these situations? The following is a summary of the most important ideas on the guidelines issued by the UN to deal with piracy in Africa properly.

Africa: New Regional Anti-Piracy Agreement.

The new Code was also developed pursuant to United Nations Security Council Resolutions 2018(2011) and 2039(2012). (United Nations Documents on Piracy, Division for Ocean Affairs and

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the Law of the Sea, United Nations Oceans & Law of the Sea website (updated May 24, 2012) [scroll down page toSecurity Council resolutions on piracy in the Gulf of Guinea].) These resolutions "expressed concern about the threat that piracy and armed robbery at sea in the Gulf of Guinea pose to international navigation, security and the economic development of states in the region" and encouraged the ECOWAS, ECCAS and GCC states "to develop a comprehensive regional strategy and framework to counter piracy and armed robbery, including information sharing and operational coordination mechanisms in the region, and to build on existing initiatives, such as those under the auspices of IMO." (Press Briefing, IMO, supra.) Signatories to the new Code, according to an IMO summary of the document, intend to cooperate as fully as possible to prevent and repress piracy and armed robbery against ships; transnational organized crime in maritime areas; terrorism at sea; illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing; and other maritime illegal activities. Such cooperation entails: (a) sharing and reporting relevant information; (b) interdicting ships and/or aircraft suspected of engaging in such illegal activities at sea; (c) ensuring that persons committing or attempting to commit illegal activities at sea are apprehended and prosecuted; and (d) facilitating proper care, treatment, and repatriation for seafarers, fishermen, other shipboard personnel and passengers subject to illegal activities at sea, particularly those who have been subjected to violence. (Id.) At the same time, the principles of sovereign equality and territorial integrity of states and of non-intervention in other states' domestic affairs are recognized by the Code. (Id.) Taken from: To read more on the “recent events” section go to the aforementioned website and navigate through its articles. Illegal militant groups: Boko Haram is an illegal Islamist militant group which fights to overthrow the Nigerian government and create an Islamist state, where Muslims are forbidden to take part of any social or political activity related to the Western society. The following image shows the behaviour of the attacks of Boko Haram in the African territory:

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Related organizations, groups, and entities: The whole African community , especially the countries involved in maritime trade, such as Nigeria, Benin, Cameroon, Ghana, Somalia, Kenya. Boko Haram, and any other groups in nearby territories which have established alliances with Boko Haram, such as ISIS. Boko Haram Influence in Nigeria Map:

This is an illustration of the fear of many of the African countries. It is obvious that Boko Haram’s

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tendency is to take territories rather than lose them. Boko Haram and alliances: Boko Haram, being an extremist groups with expansionist tendencies, has previously pledged allegiance to ISIS, another belligerent group which acts in the middle east. An article was posted earlier this year regarding the situation and the possible implications. The alliance formed by these groups could mean many things. One of the most probable scenarios is that both organizations felt weak and in the need of boosting their range of influence and strength. But, what if that is not the case? Remember that the action of Boko Haram is not only of political concern because of the lost territories. It also affects the security of many innocent civilians and it is the Job of this committee to get to effective solutions that empower the African States and allow them to watch over their citizens well being. Article: On the low income of many individuals in Africa It is no mystery that Africa has historically been one of the poorest continents, if not the poorest. Since its takeover at the hands of the European Powers in the late 1800’s and early 1900’s, African countries have been immersed in poverty, civil war, and other conflicts due to their lack of organization and opposing ideals. One of the consequences of the instability of the region has been extremely low income rates for many of the different nations.

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Guiding questions: How will you diminish the presence of insurgent groups and the negative consequences of their actions in the region? What can be done to boost the economy of African Countries? How will the international community reassure African Countries that their sovereignty will not be violated by any external organization or states? Are the established guidelines enough to regulate any actions against piracy? Or is it necessary for the UN to reconsider adding more points? Which would those be? How would those benefit Africa in their fight against piracy? Should Boko Haram and the countries it is present in, such as Nigeria, Chad, Niger and others look for transnational justice? Should Boko Haram be dealt with aggressively, considering that they pose an immediate and serious threat? What are the main difficulties present in the internal and foreign policies of the affected countries, that allow illegal groups such as Boko Haram to continue the expansion on the African territory? TOPIC 2: Central America and the Caribbean drugs trafficking problem. Narcotic: An addictive drug affecting mood or behaviour, especially an illegal one The problematic of drug trafficking in the world is a huge network that has its origins in Central America and the Caribbean. Organized cartels from these countries know that Americans and Europeans have created a dependency on cocaine, which is the main reason why this illicit business is still standing. Drug traffickers have exploited routes in the coasts, where there is a lack of patrolling, in order to transport the drugs in an easier and safer way. Also, drug lords have been motivated to send cocaine to Europe because of the euro’s cost. The annual increase of cocaine consumed is showed in the graph belows:

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(Took from: ) But the problem does not ends here, youth crime, firearms trafficking, and economic crisis are some of the conflicts derived from the drugs trafficking and put in serious doubt the capacity of the Central and South American governments to control the situation. The weakness of those governments has been reflected in the insecurity of their citizens, which are under a great threat because the police and the military body do not give the extent enough to fight the drug lords’ armies. Also, corruption in this countries has make it easier for the cartels to take control of many territories and remain untouched by the legislation. The aforementioned facts are of huge importance, because it makes clear that the main victim of the conflict is the civilians, which are not protected enough by the security bodies and do not receive the correct aid from the authorities. This has clearly called the attention of other powerful countries that also have been affected and want to stop the conflict once for all, but the anti-narcotics plans offered by them are not pleasing for the affected poor countries, because world powers such as U.S.A refuse to put in risk their own national security, and the only answer they have given to them is that these countries need to reinforce their security, which results completely useless, because they know that these third world countries like Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador do not have the economic capacity to execute those international demands. Useful graphics for the topic:

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Go into the link to see clearly the image.

Go into the link to see clearly the image.

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Go into the link to see clearly the image. What has happened? Article from: The New York Times Latin American Allies Resist U.S. Strategy in Drug Fight

BOGOTÁ, Colombia — Colombia just discarded a cornerstone of the American-backed fight against drugs, blocking the aerial spraying of coca, the plant used to make cocaine. Bolivia kicked out the United States Drug Enforcement Administration years ago and allows farmers to grow small amounts of the crop. Chile, long one of Latin America’s most socially conservative countries, is gathering its first medical marijuana harvest.

Across the Americas, governments are increasingly resisting the tenets of the United States-led approach to fighting drugs, often challenging traditional strategies like prohibition, the eradication of crops, and a militarized stance to battling growers in a fundamental shift in the region.

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Read more at: )

Opinion article from: THE WORLD POST

Will Latin America Again Become an Arena for Great Power Conflict?

For almost two centuries, the Monroe Doctrine has shaped great power interactions with Latin

America. Designed to provide a framework for protecting nascent Latin American republics from

European colonial interference, the Monroe Doctrine grew into a vision of United States (U.S.)

leadership, if not hegemony and domination.

The Soviet Union made important inroads into the region during the Cold War, causing concern (and

overreaction) among policymakers in Washington, but never really threatened U.S. hegemony. Today,

however, the growth of China's economic relations with Latin America has the potential to erode U.S.

leadership in the region. And with some Latin American countries chafing under American

hegemony, China could make political and military inroads as well. Indeed, China's growing

economic and military strength could provide the biggest challenge to the Monroe Doctrine in two

centuries, leading to the question: will the U.S. respond? And if so, how?

Read more at:

What has the UN done?

The United Nations have acted throughout the UNODC consolidating drugs and crime cooperation

programmes. Furthermore, this organization has demanded to the countries to reinforce the maritime

security. Many aspects need to be taken into consideration when solving this topic. Things such as

border security, the sovereignty of the states, and the right of people which have been living near the

conflict areas throughout their lives.

Points to take into consideration:

1. Similarly to topic one in this document, the illegal activity of drug trafficking costs a lot of

human lives and causes serious economical problems for the countries fighting against it. The

budget spent by Latin American governments on military assets, weaponry and other such

things could easily be redirected to improving life standards for civilians.

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2. Drug trafficking is an activity that fuels illegal groups such as FARC with money to keep

fighting against the state. Take into consideration the influence of such groups within the

business of drug trafficking.

Guiding questions:

1. Should Latin American countries confront the drug trafficking problem together? Should each

country handle its internal affairs with little to no external help? Why/why not?

2. What measures should European countries take in order to cut the flow of drugs into their


3. What are the effects of the constant American and Chinese influence on emerging markets?

Should they be reduced in order to fight the drug trafficking problem? Should they be

expanded for the countries to receive more economical assets to fight these threats?

4. Should drugs be legalized? What consequences would follow the hypothetical legalization of


Works Cited

"Boko Haram and ISIS: New Allies? (Opinion) -" CNN. Cable News Network, n.d. Web.

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"European External Action Service." European Union. N.p., n.d. Web. 08 Aug. 2015.


Neuman, William, and Simon Romero. "Latin American Allies Resist U.S. Strategy in Drug Fight."

The New York Times. The New York Times, 15 May 2015. Web. 08 Aug. 2015.



N.p., n.d. Web. <


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"Piracy in West Africa | Africa Renewal Online." UN News Center. UN, Dec. 2013. Web. 08 Aug.

2015. <>.

"Piracy in West Africa | Africa Renewal Online." UN News Center. UN, n.d. Web. 08 Aug. 2015.


"UN General Assembly - Third Committee - Social, Humanitarian & Cultural." UN News Center.

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"Who Are Nigeria's Boko Haram Islamists? - BBC News." BBC News. N.p., n.d. Web. 08 Aug. 2015.


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"World Bank Blogs." World Bank Blogs. N.p., n.d. Web. 08 Aug. 2015.


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