2017 Somerton Public School Annual Report€¦ · Interventions using L3 and TEN strategies are...

Somerton Public School Annual Report 2017 3079 Printed on: 12 April, 2018 Page 1 of 16 Somerton Public School 3079 (2017)

Transcript of 2017 Somerton Public School Annual Report€¦ · Interventions using L3 and TEN strategies are...

Page 1: 2017 Somerton Public School Annual Report€¦ · Interventions using L3 and TEN strategies are implemented to Employment of an SLSO to provide support in the K–2 classroom. $5507.01

Somerton Public SchoolAnnual Report



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The Annual Report for 2017 is provided to the community of Somerton Public School as an account of the school'soperations and achievements throughout the year. 

It provides a detailed account of the progress the school has made to provide high quality educational opportunities forall students, as set out in the school plan. It outlines the findings from self–assessment that reflect the impact of keyschool strategies for improved learning and the benefit to all students from the expenditure of resources, including equityfunding.

I am proud of the academic and personal achievements of our students and the ongoing success of strategies beingimplemented by the school to create quality learning programs which are individualised to meet the needs of ourstudents.

We have a highly dedicated and experienced staff who work together to provide an inclusive environment where allstudents are nurtured and encouraged to achieve their personal best in all they do. Our students are passionate andmotivated with a willingness to learn and participate in a range of education and extra curricular activities provided forthem at school. Our parent body and wider school community offer support and encouragement for both our staff andstudents.

Kylie Lacey


School contact details

Somerton Public SchoolMilkmaid StSomerton, 2340www.somerton-p.schools.nsw.edu.ausomerton-p.School@det.nsw.edu.au6769 7520

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School background

School vision statement

At Somerton Public School we strive to use best practices to improve student learning.  We embrace change and believein leadership for every staff member and student.  We ensure that our students are equipped with 21st Century skillswhich will enable them to reach their full potential and become successful and responsible citizens in a diverse globalsociety.

School context

Somerton Public School is a small rural school situated 30 minutes west from Tamworth.

The school plays an important role in the village. It participates in a number of community events throughout the year.The members of the community make valuable contributions to the school in ways of assisting with community eventsrun by the school, providing transport to excursions, helping to subsidise events and helping in the classroom. Theschool community consists of a mixture of established farming families and families who have located to Somertonbecause of affordable housing and rentals.

Through Early Action for Success the school is provided with an Instructional Leader and additional resources to embedeffective strategies in the teaching of literacy and numeracy in the early years. This includes the regular collection,analysis and use of data to set directions for future teaching as well as personalised learning for K–2 students through atiered intervention approach.

We have the benefit of being located close to a large community which promotes opportunities for physical and humanresources to support the education of our students.

Somerton Public School is committed in providing a sharing of learning with other small schools in our Tamworth SmallSchools cluster.  Our students participate in sport, arts and across curriculum areas on a regular basis.

Where ever possible the school leaders and staff work together collaboratively as a learning team to enhance ourknowledge of current teaching and learning practices.

Self-assessment and school achievement

Self-assessment using the School Excellence Framework

This section of the Annual Report outlines the findings from self–assessment using the School Excellence Framework,school achievements and the next steps to be pursued.

This year, our school undertook self–assessment using the School Excellence Framework. The framework supportspublic schools throughout NSW in the pursuit of excellence by providing a clear description of high quality practiceacross the three domains of Learning, Teaching and Leading.

In the domain of Learning, our efforts have primarily focused on learning culture, wellbeing and curriculum. Theemphasis on promoting student wellbeing has ensured good conditions for student learning. Quality teaching andprofessional practice are evident in every learning environment providing students with opportunities to connect, succeedand thrive. In the domain of Teaching, our efforts have primarily focused on effective classroom practice with attentiongiven to individual learning needs. Student performance data and feedback are regularly used to evaluate theeffectiveness of teaching practice and drive individual learning plans. Teachers work collaboratively to ensureconsistency and strategies for differentiation. In the domain of Leading our priorities have been to develop productiverelationships within the community and our small school network to improve educational outcomes for our students andenhance our aim of educating the whole child. Staff have consistently and effectively implemented our key directions byfollowing clear processes, timelines and milestones. A clear vision for the future of Somerton Public School has resultedin staff working collaboratively to identify directions and priorities to drive our next cycling of school planning. Ourself–assessment process will assist the school to refine our school plan, leading to further improvements in the deliveryof education to our students.

For more information about the School Excellence Framework:https://education.nsw.gov.au/teaching–and–learning/school–excellence–and–accountability/sef–evidence–guide 

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Strategic Direction 1

Achievement for all in literacy and numeracy


Our teachers are committed to guiding, inspiring and challenging our students, to have a joy of learning and anunderstanding of their world. For the child to improve and progress, teachers will instil a sense of self–confidence andmotivation to become independent and successful learners.

Teachers will engage students in rich learning experiences allowing for vital skills to be developed. Literacy andnumeracy are fundamental to all learning areas. We aim to capture the literacy and numeracy connections evident in allkey learning areas and build each students competency in a systematic and explicit way.

These skills are imperative for each student to develop into a 21st Century learner, thus gaining the independence tobecome a contributing, valued member of society in the 21st Century.

By sharing information about the child’s learning development, teachers engage parents tobecome active participants inchildren’s education at school and at home.

Overall summary of progress

Our continued whole school focus on  improvement in literacy and numeracy has ensured further progress in thisstrategic direction. Professional learning through Early Action for Success and our work with our Instructional Leader hasenabled teachers the capacity to plan, deliver, gather data, evaluate and future plan in terms of their teaching andlearning programs. Through collaborative planning between all staff there has been a focus on interventions andindividualised learning plans being put in place to ensure students are given every opportunity to succeed.

The ability to plan and monitor student progress  in literacy and numeracy using PLAN has enabled teachers to identifystudent needs. Intervention strategies and the use of Individual Learning Plans provide strong and focused support thatis regularly monitored and tracked.

Progress towards achieving improvement measures

Improvement measures(to be achieved over 3 years)

Funds Expended(Resources)

Progress achieved this year

Forward movement along theLiteracy and NumeracyContinuums through consistentand explicit teaching, assessingand tracking.

Funds to employ a secondteacher and form a K–2class.

FTE 0.1

Flexible Funding $14777 forteaching staff

Employment of anInstructional Leader for oneextra day per fortnight(above the EAfS allocation).

$11923 Instructional Leader

All students made forward movement along theliteracy and numeracy continuum. PersonalisedLearning Plans and regular consultation with theInstructional Leader has ensured consistent andexplicit teaching and assessing and tracking atpoint of need for the individual learning of students.Professional learning in the area of Number Sensewith the Instructional Leader and Early Action forSuccess Professional Learning days has resulted inincreased confidence in explicit teaching in thisarea. This led to an increase in studentengagement and improved results.

Through the employment of an SLSO studentswere able to be provided with support in theclassroom and targeted programs such as Minilithave been put in place to ensure continued studentachievement.

Student achievement in literacyand numeracy is tracked andmonitored using PLAN every 5weeks (K–2) and 10 weeks (3–6).Tiered interventions are providedfor students “at risk”.Interventions using L3 and TENstrategies are implemented to

Employment of an SLSO toprovide support in the K–2classroom.

$5507.01 Student LearningSupport Officer

Using PLAN data individual students were identifiedand provided with interventions including learningand support from an SLSO working on class andindividual programs.

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Progress towards achieving improvement measures

Improvement measures(to be achieved over 3 years)

Funds Expended(Resources)

Progress achieved this year

address need in both K–2 and3–6 classrooms.

Using PLAN data individual students were identifiedand provided with interventions including learningand support from an SLSO working on class andindividual programs.

Next Steps

• All students meeting or exceeding their expected growth in PLAN2. • Professional learning in the use of the progressions. • Continue to track and monitor students' literacy and numeracy achievement using the progressions and PLAN2

software to personalise student learning.

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Strategic Direction 2

Outstanding teaching and learning


Our children deserve the best teachers so that they can be the best that they can be!

Our teachers need to improve academic and wider achievement through sustained attention to 21st century learningskills, lesson design, and development of whole school programs boosting teacher capacity, assessment and tracking onthe K–12 continuums to ensure students can meet their potential.

Overall summary of progress

Somerton Public School has utilised financial resources to ensure small class sizes with many individual learningopportunities. This along with the teachers transferring knowledge from professional learning into practice has ensured aculture of collaborative learning environments where students are engaged with learning programs that are meaningfulhas continued to be developed. Student learning is continually monitored and regularly assessed and tracked along theK–12 continuum are encouraged to take an active role and responsibility in their learning.

Progress towards achieving improvement measures

Improvement measures(to be achieved over 3 years)

Funds Expended(Resources)

Progress achieved this year

Focused professional learningand development that creates aculture where every staffmemberis engaged in on–going, relevantand evidence based learning andpractice at an individual andcollective level.

$4006 ProfessionalLearning

Regular Professional Learning with the InstructionalLeader in the areas of Literacy and Numeracytargeting planning and teaching of differentiatedlessons to cater for students' individual needs withina multistage setting.

L3K training for the K–2 teacher has ensuredrelevant professional learning to support systematicand explicit teaching in literacy. Having theopportunity to meet regularly with a trainer hasensured relevant and timely feedback and theopportunity to build collegial networks.

Professional Learning within the Tamworth SmallSchools' Network focusing on assessment andconsistent teacher judgement.

EarlyAction for Success (EAfS)enabling early intervention inLiteracy and Numeracy skills forK–2 children. The InstructionalLeader supporting staff inteaching and learning strategies,data collection, analysis andrecording.

$4107.74 Resources andcasual relief

Regular professional learning with the InstructionalLeader in the area of Numeracy targeting NumberSense.

K–2 teacher and Instructional Leader workedtogether on a weekly basis to co–plan usingevidenced based using data for the forthcomingweek.

K–2 teacher and Instructional Leader workedtogether on a weekly basis to co–teach the

K–2 class targeting specific learning requirementsof individual students.

Next Steps

• Continued use of learning support personnel and Instructional Leader  to guide staff to strategically implementlearning plans for targeted students.

• Utilisation of data to inform key decisions and guide literacy and numeracy teaching practice to meet the needs of

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the students and achieve curriculum outcomes. • Further professional learning with other small schools in our community of schools group, The Winanga–li Learning

Alliance in the area of consistency of teacher judgement and the development of an assessment schedule andnew literacy and numeracy scope and sequence documents.

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Strategic Direction 3

Community Partnerships


We believe if an effective partnership is developed between the family, the school and the community ourstudents willimprove and achieve. This relationship is based on trust and mutual respect. The school acknowledges families are thefirst educators of young people and are a significant influence on young people’s growth, development and educationalsuccess. The school expects parents/carers to takean active involvement in their child’s education. The school expectsstaff to keep the family informed of any concerns with the child.

We believe partnerships between schools will help to improve student and staff achievements. Professional growthbetween colleagues is pivotal to ensuring teacher quality is maintained and developed.  We acknowledge that schoolsare dynamic ever changing environments whereby staff need to have the opportunity to share and refine their teachingskills and resources for the educational benefit of all.

Overall summary of progress

A collaborative effort from staff and the P&C has encouraged parent and community involvement in the school.Increased parent involvement has been invaluable in terms of children's learning and progress, confidence and pride.

Somerton PS has continued to build partnerships with other small schools. We attended a week long excursion toSydney with Carroll PS, hosted NAIDOC  Day and an author visit with students from Currabubula PS, Attunga PS,Bendemeer PS and Carroll PS joining us for the day. We also hosted Carroll PS for Life Education Van and joined withother small schools in various sporting activities.

Somerton PS staff worked closely with staff from small schools in the Tamworth Network engaging in many professionallearning opportunities and in term 4 the Winanga–li Learning Alliance was established with Currabubula PS, Duri PS,Attunga PS and Woolomin PS that will take us through the 2018–2020 planning cycle.

The continuation of our playgroup resulted in many parents from the community bringing their children to the school toparticipate in fortnightly activities. The school worked to created a beautiful space equipped with new furniture andresources for the playgroup to utilise.

The increase in parent involvement in the P&C resulted in an increase in their involvement in the school and the runningof more social functions encompassing the broader community. These activities have showcased our school and helpedto build our community profile. There was a 100% attendance rate by staff at all functions to ensure partnerships withlocal community members could be established and built upon.

A new newsletter, letterhead and signage has also promoted Somerton PS and communicated the to the widercommunity the pride we have in our great school.

Progress towards achieving improvement measures

Improvement measures(to be achieved over 3 years)

Funds Expended(Resources)

Progress achieved this year

Increased parent participation inSomerton Public School by 20%inclusive of P&C and in schoolinvolvement.  

Community gatherings,Playgroup school events$2620.52

Somerton PS actively encouraged families toparticipate in all facets of school life during the 2017school year. Parents and community memberswere invited to join the school in a variety of waysincluding involvement in P&C, working bees, schoolfundraisers and school functions held both in theschool and within the community. During the 2017school year 45% of our families were activelyinvolved in the P&C attending regular monthlymeetings and organising fundraising events and64% of our parents regularly attended the school forassemblies, celebration days and other schoolfunctions. During Term 1 we held parent meetingsto ensure there was a collaborative approach to theplanning of Individual Learning Plans. 73% offamilies attended these meetings.

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Next Steps

• To continue to with and expand the Playgroup activities as well as broadening the clientele through advertising inthe newsletter and with local businesses.

• Increase the attendance at P&C meetings to 60%. • To continue interaction with other small schools including our newly formed Winanga–li Learning Alliance with

Woolomin PS, Currabubula PS, Duri PS and Attunga PS creating learning opportunities for staff and learning,cultural and social opportunities for students.

• Continue the use of multimedia, email and the local newspaper to broaden the impact of the school's activitieswithin the community.

• Continue to work with the P&C to host social events in the community as a way of both raising funds to put backinto the school and to promote our school within the community.

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Key Initiatives Resources (annual) Impact achieved this year

Aboriginal background loading $3139.57 – SLSO

$1936.25 – AboriginalCultural Projects

Strategic Direction 1 and 2

All students have an Individual Learning Planand are making progress across the literacycontinuums. Cultural significance is includedin all ILPs in consultation with parents. AStudent Learning Support Officer was alsoemployed to work with students both in classand individually targeting specific skills.

Low level adjustment for disability $5507.01 – SLSO These funds were expended to employ atemporary teacher and supplement  casualSASS and SLSO wages to support programswithin the classroom.

Quality Teaching, SuccessfulStudents (QTSS)

FTE 0.027 Strategic Direction 1 and 2

With the aid on an Instructional Leader,teachers developed skills in assessment,reporting and tracking.

Socio–economic background FTE 0.1

Flexible Funding $14777 –Teaching staff

These funds were expended to employ atemporary teacher and supplement  casualSASS and SLSO wages to support programswithin the classroom.

Early Action for Success $4107.74 – Resources andcasual relief

$11923.00 – InstructionalLeader

Strategic Direction 1 and 2

The Early Action for Success Project aims toraise the literacy and numeracy levels of ourstudents through quality teacher leadershipand targeted intervention under the guidanceof an Instructional Leader (IL). The IL worksalongside the teachers in the classroomproviding professional learning and effectivepractice in the teaching of literacy andnumeracy in the early years of schooling. TheIL supports the teachers to deign andimplement tiered interventions, in the closetracking of student achievement as well asproviding teachers the opportunity tocollaborate in how to best personalise thelearning for each student to achieve growth.Once a term teachers participate in aplanning day where each child's work isexamined and discussed and future plans aremade to encourage further progress.

Somerton Public School prides itself on ourhighly effective collaborative model under theEarly Action for Success initiative.Professional Learning under this initiative hasensured the delivery of systematic and explicitteaching in Literacy and Numeracy resultingin improved student outcomes.

Students with additional leaning needsreceive timely and targeted support which isregularly monitored and adjusted as neededto encourage continued growth in literacy andnumeracy.  

EAfS/L3/Intense instruction for 3–6 This key initiative isincluded in the above EarlyAction for Successexpenditure.

Strategic Direction 1 and 2

The collection and analysis of data:

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EAfS/L3/Intense instruction for 3–6 This key initiative isincluded in the above EarlyAction for Successexpenditure.

EAfS Week 5 and 10 data collection analysis. • Standardised K–6 testing in English • SENA testing • Monitor tracking on learning continuums.These assessment procedures and analysisof data enabled teachers to future plan andprogram.

Improved writing skills and strategies forstudents. This will also remain a focus in2018. 

Building teacher capacity $4006.00 TeacherProfessional Learning

Strategic Direction 1 and 2

Differentiated professional learning for all staffenabled them to develop a culture of inquiringand innovation, where creative explorationand independent learning are valued and putinto practice.

Community Involvement in everypossible aspect of the school

$506 – new school signage

$2973.65 – Refurbishmentof administration area

$1327.50 – Graphicdesigner set up of newtemplates for newsletter,letterhead and signage

$1179.11 – Libraryrelocation andrefurbishment

$3371.03 – Improvement toschool grounds andgardens and playgroundarea

$1000 – Playgroup

$300 – payment toSomerton Hall Committeefor unlimited use of the hallfor the year to enable us tohold community events

$770 – John Heffernanvisiting author

$72.30 – NAIDOC Day andcommunity day

$304.52 – CommunityBBQs and gatherings at theschool to celebrate specialdays

$1400 – subsidy for wholeschool excursion to Sydney

Strategic Direction 3

The school staff worked to create anattractive and stimulating physicalenvironment that supports and encourageslearning and parent involvement and instilspride in our school.

The main and communal area wererefurbished to create an inviting atmosphereand positive first impression of the school.

The school logo was worked on by a graphicdesigner to sharpen the images and improvethe colour. Two signs for the front of schoolwere also designed and erected and a newletter head and newsletter were designed.The newsletter was distributed to the widercommunity through email, the post and localbusinesses.

The library was relocated from the K–2classroom to the spare classroom in the mainbuilding. Equipment and furniture waspurchased to ensure a beautiful space wasachieved where students could enjoy quitetimes and encourage a love of reading andbooks.

A community working bee was held duringTerm 1 to refurbish gardens, establish anative garden, relocate equipment andgenerally tidy up our physical surrounds.Staff, students and parents participated andstudents then continued to take the pride intheir surrounds and look after the gardensand equipment. Work continued throughoutthe year with the cubby house being paintedand equipment being recycled into a pirateship for students to enjoy in the playground.

The former canteen building was transformedinto the new space for our playgroup.Equipment and furniture was purchased toensure a warm and inviting space wascreated for our playgroup families andprospective enrolments.

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Community Involvement in everypossible aspect of the school

$506 – new school signage

$2973.65 – Refurbishmentof administration area

$1327.50 – Graphicdesigner set up of newtemplates for newsletter,letterhead and signage

$1179.11 – Libraryrelocation andrefurbishment

$3371.03 – Improvement toschool grounds andgardens and playgroundarea

$1000 – Playgroup

$300 – payment toSomerton Hall Committeefor unlimited use of the hallfor the year to enable us tohold community events

$770 – John Heffernanvisiting author

$72.30 – NAIDOC Day andcommunity day

$304.52 – CommunityBBQs and gatherings at theschool to celebrate specialdays

$1400 – subsidy for wholeschool excursion to Sydney

The sports shed was relocated to the GAshed to ensure sports equipment was easilyaccessible to every student. The GA shedwas relocated to the old sports store whichalso provided the GA with a larger facility andease of access.

The school and the hall committee made anagreement that for an annual fee of $300, thehall could be accessed by the school andP&C an unlimited number of times throughthe year. This strengthened ties within thecommunity and encouraged more P&Cfunctions throughout the year ultimatelyincreasing the community engagement withthe school.

The P&C began having regular monthlymeetings with an increase in familyinvolvement. Staff were also actively involvedin all P&C activities and all functions werewell attended and received by the community.The P&C utilised funds to pay for new blindsfor the K–2 classroom, fund the bus forthe intensive swimming program and topay for the celebration day at the end of theyear. 

The school was host to NAIDOC Dayinvolving 2 other small schools and author,John Heffernan involving 3 other smallschools. We also participated in a wholeschool excursion to Sydney with anothersmall school.

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Student information

Student enrolment profile


Students 2014 2015 2016 2017

Boys 7 7 8 10

Girls 5 5 7 6

Student attendance profile


Year 2014 2015 2016 2017

K 97.8 87.2 91.6 93.5

1 96.6 92.3 84.9 94.1

2 90.2 98.2 96.8 89.8

3 97.9 95.1 91.4 98.4

4 98.2 97.8 85.5 97.8

5 93.1 88.5 96.2 79.6

6 96.7 93.4 91.4 97.8

All Years 96.5 92.8 91.6 92.9

State DoE

Year 2014 2015 2016 2017

K 95.2 94.4 94.4 94.4

1 94.7 93.8 93.9 93.8

2 94.9 94 94.1 94

3 95 94.1 94.2 94.1

4 94.9 94 93.9 93.9

5 94.8 94 93.9 93.8

6 94.2 93.5 93.4 93.3

All Years 94.8 94 94 93.9

Management of non-attendance

Somerton Public School follows the Attendance PolicyProcedures provided by the Department of Education.Attendance is recorded daily and a roll call conductedbefore the first lesson of the day. Any non–attendancefrom school should be explained within 7 days of theabsence. We are also required to inform parentspromptly of any unexplained absences. This iscompleted weekly.

The students who have fallen below the 85%attendance level are identified. The strategies that areplaced to improve student attendance include supportfrom the Home School Liaison Officer, inclusion ofattendance articles in the school newsletter, parentmeetings and correspondence with parents via letters

and phone where necessary.

Class sizes

Class Total


Workforce information

Workforce composition

Position FTE*

Principal 1

Deputy Principal(s) 0

Assistant Principal(s) 0

Head Teacher(s) 0

Classroom Teacher(s) 0.24

Teacher of Reading Recovery 0

Learning & Support Teacher(s) 0.2

Teacher Librarian 0.08

Teacher of ESL 0

School Counsellor 0

School Administration & SupportStaff


Other Positions 0

*Full Time Equivalent

Somerton Public School currently has two staffmembers who identify as Aboriginal. Both staffmembers work closely with the parents and community.

Teacher qualifications

All teaching staff meet the professional requirementsfor teaching in NSW public schools. 

Teacher qualifications

Qualifications % of staff

Undergraduate degree or diploma 100

Postgraduate degree 0

Professional learning and teacher accreditation

Professional learning continues to be a focus atSomerton Public School. As Somerton Public School isan active member of the Tamworth Small Schools'Network, we enjoyed to ability to be able to participate

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in professional learning as a part of a group of schools.We dedicated our staff development days to workingwith other small schools on literacy and assessmentstrategies. As an EAfS school we utilised ourInstructional Leader and staff meetings to support staffthrough professional learning in the areas of literacyand numeracy.

Staff Development Days for 2017

Term 1 – Mandatory modules for Child Protection,Anaphylaxis and Code of Conduct.

Term 2 – English Syllabus and English planning andprogramming with an Instructional Leader at TintinhullPS.

Term 3 – Small Schools' Network came together atTintinhull PS to work on assessment and reportingstrategies.

Term 4 – Winanga–li Learning Alliance schools cametogether at Somerton PS to work on the assessmentschedule and wrote new scope and sequencedocuments for Literacy and Numeracy. Code ofConduct and Child Protection training also occurred inreadiness for the new 2018 school year.

Financial information (for schoolsusing both OASIS and SAP/SALM)

Financial information

The three financial summary tables cover 13 months(from 1 December 2016 to 31 December 2017). 

The financial summary consists of school incomebroken down by funding source and is derived from theschool Annual Financial Statement. 

Somerton Public School has chosen to ultilise funds toemploy a second teacher 5 days per week to teach theK–2 class. We employed an Instructional Leader oneday per fortnight and a Student Learning SupportOfficer to assist in targeted support for individualstudents.

Receipts $

Balance brought forward 71,576

Global funds 60,521

Tied funds 41,396

School & community sources 6,526

Interest 907

Trust receipts 542

Canteen 0

Total Receipts 109,892


Teaching & learning

Key Learning Areas 1,752

Excursions 2,669

Extracurricular dissections 7,071

Library 890

Training & Development 27

Tied Funds Payments 57,994

Short Term Relief 11,641

Administration & Office 23,338

Canteen Payments 0

Utilities 6,906

Maintenance 4,907

Trust Payments 542

Capital Programs 0

Total Payments 117,737

Balance carried forward 63,731

Figures presented in this report may be subject torounding so may not reconcile exactly with the bottomline totals, which are calculated without any rounding. 

The information provided in the financial summaryincludes reporting from 1 January 2017 to 31December 2017. 

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2017 Actual ($)

Opening Balance 0

Revenue 68,763

Appropriation 63,731

Sale of Goods and Services 58

Grants and Contributions 4,973

Gain and Loss 0

Other Revenue 0

Investment Income 0

Expenses -45,212

Recurrent Expenses -45,212

Employee Related -35,009

Operating Expenses -10,203

Capital Expenses 0

Employee Related 0

Operating Expenses 0



Balance Carried Forward 23,551

The Opening balance for the 2017 school financial yearis displayed in the OASIS table as Balance broughtforward. The financial summary table for the yearended 31 December 2017 shows the Opening balanceas $0.00 because the Opening balance for the 2017school financial year is reported in the OASIS table (asBalance brought forward). 

The amount displayed in the Appropriation category ofthe financial summary table is drawn from the Balancecarried forward shown in the OASIS table and includesany financial transactions in SAP the school hasundertaken since migration from OASIS to SAP/SALM.For this reason the amount shown for Appropriation willnot equal the OASIS Balance carried forward amount. 

Financial summary equity funding

The equity funding data is the main component of the'Appropriation' section of the financial summary above. 

2017 Actual ($)

Base Total 261,287

Base Per Capita 2,292

Base Location 7,516

Other Base 251,478

Equity Total 52,363

Equity Aboriginal 3,743

Equity Socio economic 24,935

Equity Language 0

Equity Disability 23,685

Targeted Total 0

Other Total 16,066

Grand Total 329,715

Figures presented in this report may be subject torounding so may not reconcile exactly with the bottomline totals, which are calculated without any rounding. 

A full copy of the school’s financial statement is tabledat the annual general meetings of the parent and/orcommunity groups. Further details concerning thestatement can be obtained by contacting the school.

School performance


In the National Assessment Program, the results acrossthe Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 literacy andnumeracy assessments are reported on a scale fromBand 1 to Band 10. The achievement scalerepresents increasing levels of skillsand understandings demonstrated in theseassessments.

The My School website provides detailedinformation and data for national literacy and numeracytesting. Go to http://www.myschool.edu.au to accessthe school data.

Policy requirements

Aboriginal education

Somerton Public School embeds Aboriginalperspectives throughout all Key Learning Areas andrecognises key celebrations and commemorativeevents in Australia. We acknowledged  NAIDOC Dayby hosting Bendemeer PS and Currabubula PS in aday of celebration. Students were engaged in story

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telling and a smoking ceremony performed by LenWaters and they listened to the authentic sounds of thedidgeridoo played by Mark Atkins, one of Australia'sfinest didgeridoo players. On the day students alsoparticipated in activities focusing on traditional stories,food, art and games. Students acknowledged SorryDay and engaged in learning activities about the StolenGenerations. We acknowledged and celebratedReconciliation Day promoting cultural exchange andunderstanding. In our unit Heroes, students studiedIndigenous people from all over the world who havemade a difference to society. We specifically focusedon and students completed projects on Eddie Mabo,Charles Perkins and Albert Namatijira and theircontributions to Australia and its rich cultural history.

At key events we acknowledge the traditionalcustodians in line with departmental policy. We also flythe Aboriginal Flag along with the Australian Flag.

Multicultural and anti-racism education

Somerton Public School embeds multiculturalperspectives throughout all learning areas. Wecelebrated Harmony Day which included targetedgames and perspectives promoting multiculturalperspectives and harmony. We also focused onmulticultural perspectives through our CWA CountryStudy of Nepal where students studied the countryduring Term 2 in geography and then presentedprojects to the CWA at a celebration day at theSomerton Memorial Hall. Through the inclusion of theprogram Behind the News students were able to learnabout and better understand current issues and eventsin the world. Through the study of My Place studentslearned about the history of Australia and how ourcountry has grown to be the multicultural society is ittoday. This text helped them to understand changingattitudes, values and perspectives in Australia overtime.

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