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Transcript of legacycontent.halifax.calegacycontent.halifax.ca/archives/HalifaxCityMinutes/... · 2017. 6....

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DEG JJIBER 20th. 189.5. 153

Read report. of special Culnmittcc on proposed Summer Carnival. Placed on Order Paper. Read letter from Hon. L. G. Power “re interment of Catholic poor.

Moved by Alderman Ryan, seconded by Alderman Mosher, that the same be referred to the City Health Board. Motion passed.

Read list of salaries paid civic officials and the cost of each "depart- ment submitted by His Worship the Tulayor in response to a resolution of Council. Moved by Alderman Hamilton, seconded by Alderman Redden, that the same be referred to the Special Committee on salaries.

Alderman Mosher rises to a question of privilege and asks if under the terms of the City Charter and Rules of Council, the committee not having reported since its appointment, is still in existence. Alderman Hubley calls for the opinion of His Honor the Reorder on

the subject. His Honor the Recorder in reply states that in his opinion the Committee is still in existence. but is liable to censure for not having reported in the time specified by the Rules of Council, and cannot now report without being granted an extension of time by the Council. Moved by Alderman McFatridge, seconded by Alderman Mitchell. that an extension of time be granted the Special Committee on Salaries in which to report. Motion passed. The original motion is now put and passed. Road City Collectors returns of Rates and Water Rates collecte-l

during the month of November. Also read City Treasurer’s state- ments “ General " " Water "’ and " Balances” for month of November. Moved by Alderman Foster, seconded by Alderman Mosher, that the same be referred to the Committee on Publication of Annual Report. Motion passed.

His Worship the Mayor informs the Council that be was Waited on by Colonel Leitch, relative to the Citizens of Halifax obtaining the privilege of using the Citadel slopes in consequence of the correspon- dence which had passed not being definitely acted upon by the City Council, and the Military authorities being anxious for an early reply. Moved by Alderman Stewart, seconded by Alderman Lane, that the matter be referred to the Department of City Works, together with Alderman Stewart, to report on. Motion passed.

Oansn or THE DAY. No. I, Alderman Stevvart’s notice of reconsideration of application of

City Assessors for an increase of salary. Moved by Alderman Stewart, seconded by Alderman Hubley, that

the resolution passed at last meeting of council granting the increase asked for be now reconsidered. On the vote being taken there appeared.

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15-£« DEC‘EilIBER ;?0th, 1895.

For the Reconsideration. Agfl.il1Stit‘

Aldermen Stewart, Ge-Idert, A.li.ICi'l!‘.e|'l Ryan, Dennis Redrlen, Hamilton, Lane, O’Donnell, Mitchell, Hui-Icy. Eden Creighton, -.\IcFntrirlge. Fostu-.—-8. Masher, Outliit.-8.

His Worship the Mayor votes For reconsideration :1n(l declaien the motion carried. Moved by J‘1l.lcr.:|a.n Stewart, Se-':=‘inilcLl by Altlerman Hainilton,

that the application of the City Assessors for an increase of salary be referro«_l to the Special Comniittee on salariee. Motion paseed.

Moveul by Altlerman lllibley, sccondeil by Ahlcrman O’Donnel|, that the Order of the Day be so.-ape-mled to allow Alulerm.-an Hubley, to int:-orluce a resolution. Motion passed The following Tli.-+:Jl1lLl0I1 is now introduced :

Lsrsol-i-sail‘, That the City Collector be requested to lay r-n the table at our next meeting :1 zrcrtified r.‘.op_\' of rate payers entitled to sign: liquor license applications for the preseiit. year.

.\lover.l by Alrlermrin I-lubley, SCC‘0I'1Il€i'] by .-'Llr.lcrman Foster, and ;'-as»-ell.

Alderman liubley Sul)l‘I]lt-S the following notice of resolution :

1.’. -.-..a*.-...‘_ That the Iieeilriiey be iiistriirted to prepare an Act for submission to the I.e;:i.~5Int in: to zmieud -"!t‘("tIfJI1 479 of the City Charter, that In the second line in said section the word " live ” be inserted for the word “six."

Moved by .-Xlilerman Creighton, seconded by Alderman Dennis, that the Council acljourn. Motion passed.

Council adJ'ourn~; 10.20 rfclock.

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EVENING SESSION. 8.10 o'clock.

DECEMBER 27TH, 1895. A meeting of the City Council was held this c\'ening.. At the above

hour there were prersent His Worship the Ma)-'u1', Aldermen Foster, U’i)onnell, Creighton, Hamilton, Ge-lderr, Jdrisgrave, Mitchell and Hnbley.

Moveal by Alderman Hamilton, .~.-eeonde-I My Alderman Musgrave, that the time for meeting be extended until 8.30 o'clock. Motion passer}.

5.30 Roll r.-nlieri. Present the above namerl, together with Aldermen St.ewart, Dennis, Lane, McFatrirlge, Ryan and Outhit. The Uuuncil was summoned to receive the report of the Special

Committee on Salaries. To proceed with business standing over, and the transaction of other busine.~ss. _ The Minutes of last meeting are reaul and confirmed. Alderman Hamilton, Chairman, submits a report from the Special

Salaries Committee. Alderlrlilll Foster submits a report from the Committee on Public

Accounts. His Wursiiip the Mayor submits the following papers:


Repvrt City Health Board, re burial of dead poor of the Catholic Uhurch. '

Report» Of Board of Police Commissioners on petition of certain poiitilslllefl for an increase of salary.

Letter from Col, Leitch, C. R. E., re admittance of citizens to slopes bitadel with plan.

R8901‘; Victoria School Art and Design. Dfiiffi Ordinance to amend Ordinance 66 of the City of Halifax, re


His Worship the Mayor retires; and Alderman Hamilton takes tile Chair

Moved by Alderman Outhit. seconded by Alderman Foster, that the Order of the Day be suspended to read the papers submitted this meeting. Motion passed.

Read report of Library Cormnittee re Accounts. December ?.?th.

The Library Committee this day present the Chairman, Aldermen Hubley. The following accounts were submitted and ordered to be paid :~—Wn1. M-:*N:1b,

printing.: r:1talo;:11es, $11.00; linowles Bookstore, lettering and rolling books, 35 00; Lane & Connolly, 1 Book, T5 cents.

J. M. GELDERT, Jn., C'hoia-man. I55 '




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DECEMBER 97th, 1895.

The following resolution is now introrlucetl :— . R<’8Oi1‘3r.7, that the report. of the Library C'omm_ittee be receivezl aml conchrrerl

5' -

__ in,:1I]rl I-[is Worsliip the i\l;1_ror alltlrorized to Sign \\_'arTa.I]lS for the pnynierut of -

' the -,u_':‘:'gI.1ntS Ilnllletl therein. Moved by Altlertnan G€lClei'L,SeL'0l'\(l€Il l's_\' Alder- man Iluhley :.nu:l parssetl.

Rear} report of Committee on Public Accounts re Library Appro- i


priation and accounts for payment. Hie Worship the Mayor resumes the Chair.

To {fix I|'orm'u'p Um .l1<-y.mr um! _l!rrn?n‘r.° of lC.‘I£g,.r (‘gum-fl: Dvrcinber '23ril, 1895.

GentIemen,—The i..'ommit.tee on Public Aocomits hog to recommend that His Honor the llecorder he instrurtetl tr- prepare an art. for sli'I:n'.i:ssion to the Ln:-al |.e2i.~':l::.turc at its next Se:-'.‘-:lur1, to amend subsection 16 of Section 291 of the C.':r_\'

I‘_'linrter, enahlimr the Huunril to assess :1 sum not to exceed S?,5'[J|J :1l'II1llal:_V fur the {,'it.i:oens’ Free Library‘. The amount at present as-‘seat’-se l, $i~‘5f}f.|_ being: lllarleqtlllte to meet the requirements of the library.

'1‘l:e i'nllou.'in;_; minieil .-:-_'m11nts l1a\'in;_: been certifiml and founl correct are i':ervu'Etl: 1-vruunnrnclirlerl for [‘r:l}'lIIei1i.. viz: '1‘. L‘. .-iileu ti‘: Cu.‘ printing am]


.er;1tium=r_\' fr-r C'it_\' 'l‘ren.*sIIrer, $4.8“ ; City Uollevtor, 24.5.3 : {.'it_\' Electrician, .?:’n:

' ('it_\' |.'lcrk, :"r.UIJ ', total $35.10.


llltujn T. I"os;i'1=.rt, £'!m."rmrm.


'.llo\'et.l Irv Alderman Foster. seconded by Alderman Outhit, that ..

said report be a:,|opt-ezl. Motion passed. Alrlerinan Hubleytlissenting. i

15 Prerzcnt. .1‘ Reml report. of Board of Police Commissioners on petition of certain


members of the force for an increase of salary. Dzcember ‘27th, 1395.

The Board of Police Cimimissioners met this evening, and beg to report. as follows :

'I‘hc_\' hurl I-More them the accompan_vin<.: minute of the Council, covering a petition from .l:unc.=i Iir-ac-.l-:ett.:1rul other Policemen, asking that their salary be glared at -*3-"=‘-H'.1’Ifi :1 _\‘o;1r after twelve months sntisfat'tor_\‘ service.

. On inrution, the Board rc.'onJmenrl that the prayer of the petitioners he granteti. i

The iniuimum rate of [:-.1_\' for the Police. after t-\\'el\'e months satisf-at'tor_\.' Service 7}: _

he placed :1t.$5IJtI.IrU per annlnn, which will entail an lllL‘l.'e:3.:5B of $62t}.0u over the - pr sent crust of inuintenant-e.

D. ]\IcPm:rso.\', .‘«!a_a_.ror.

Moved by Alderman Hamilton, secoode-l by Alderman McFatridge. that the report be adopted, and His Honor the Recorder instructed to prepare an act in accordance therewith for submission to the Legisla- ture at its next session. Motion passed.

Read report of City Health Board are burial of the dead poor of the l" Catholic Church.

The following resolution is now introduced :

ll’.l:c'runA',It.l1ns been brought to the notice of the Council that the authorities of the Holy Cross Celiietery intend burying the dead in a portion of the ground not in use. R:'$_0z'n'(l', That the report of the Health Board be referred back for further information.

Moved by Alderman Stewart, seconled by Alderman Hamilton. and passed.

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Dla'C}§MBl5'R .'.’}’¢‘.fl'.:, I895. 157

Road lrtter from Co}. Leach, C. R. E, with tracing‘, relative to the: fit]I‘IIi:-hiI)l'| of citizens to the Citadel slope!-5. Mural] by AI-it-rm:m Hamilton, .~auc«m-led by 13Ll:lu1'rrmn '.\'lu.~:grare, that the smln: he re-frarreri In the c0Imnittee_ appoinlzerl at last men.-t.in_r_; of Ununcil in reference: to suit] matter to accept and carry into effect the pmpo.~s'1Lion manic l:_\.'

C0]. Twitch, and also to have an Act prep-trail for the next sessioil of the Leghlaturv I0 laorrow nmne-3' noce.~;.~;sa1'y fur that purpose. '.\Iutim1 sawsesi.


Rem] letter of A. McKay, Secretary of School nf Art am] Design, rotutive to work done in said imtittltion. Moved by Aldcrulan Uutllib. svcondevl by Alderman Fast-er, that the 33.1113 be referred to the (.'UmIniLtue cm Public Accollnts. Motion passed.

Head rlraft ordinance to amenuj or-linauce 66 relative to streets of the (_fit_\_.' of Halifax 1:51. Order Paper.

Read report. of Special Cormrzilstee on Salaries of Civic Oflicials. &c' .\i0vI:Ii by AlI.Iern1an Foster, secon-lezl by Alelerman Mu$gra\'e_.Lh:1t. tho. sarne he I3nr1-;ide1'c:_'\ clause by c'|-«1L1~:e. Motion pa.~ased.

Moveul hy Alderman Dennis, .~‘-econded by Alderman ML-Fatridge. that. thl: (‘:>1mci1 auljnurn. Motion passed

Cmnmil adj«a11r‘g}s 10.15 o'clock.

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AFTER NOON SESSION. 3.10 o'clock.

DECEMBER 30th, 1895. A meeting of the City Council was held this day. At the above

hour there were present, His Worship the Mayor, Aldermen Foster, Dennis, Lane and Creighton. Moved by Alderman Foster. seconded by Alderman Dennis, that

the time for meeting be extended until 3.30 o’clock. Motion passed. 3.30, roll called. Present. the above named, together with Alder-

men Stewart, _Geldert, Mnsgrave. Redden, Butler, Mitchell, Hamilton, O’l)unnell, Ryan, Hubley, McFatridge, Eden, Onthit and Mosher. The Council was summoned to consider the estimates for civic

year 1896-7 to proceed with business standing over and the transac- tion of other business. "'

The minutes of last meeting are read and confirmed. His Worship the Mayor submits the following papers: Letter from the Deputy Minister of Justice in re shortening the

terms of imprisonment of prisoners confined in the City Prison. Letter from S. R. Phelan, Chief Assessor, relative to the salaries of

the ofiices of the Chief and Assistant Assessors._

Report of City Engineer on petition for an electric in the centre of of the north common. Alderman Foster, Chairman of Committee on Public Accounts.

submits the estimates for the civic year 1896-7 with comparative statement.

ORDER OF THE DAY. Moved by Alderman Outhit. seconded by Alderman Creighton, that

the Order of the Day be suspended to read the papers submitted. Motion passed. Read letter from E. L. Newcornbe, Deputy Minister of Justice,

relative to shortening the terms of prisoners confined in the City Prison. Filed. Read letter from S. R. Phelan, Chief Assessor, relative to the

salaries of his oifice. Moved by Alderman Lane, seconded by Alder- man McFatridge, that the same be placed on the Order of the Day for consideration with No. 28 thereon, viz: Report of Special Com- mittee on Salaries of Civic Officials, Ste. Motion passed. Read report of City Engineer on petition of William C. Hodgson

and others for an electric light on centre of north common. Moved 159

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160 DECEMBER 30th, 18.95.

bv Alderman O’Donnell, seconded by Alderman Hubley, that the same be taken up with the estimate for street lighting. Motion passed. The Council now proceeds to consider the estimates for civic year

1896-7. Read statement submitted by Alderman Foster, Chairman of

Public Accounts, relative to the estimates submitted.




His Worship the l\Ia_vor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 81000 00 Passed. His Honor the Recorder . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1200 00 "

' The City 'l‘reasu1-er.................. . . . . . . . . .. 130000 " City Clerk .......... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......... 1300 00 " AssistantC1erl<................................ 750 00 " '2ndAssistant . . . . . . 6-I000 ‘*

31-dAssistant............................. 45000 " Retiring Alloirance Thos. Rhind . . .. . . . .. . .. T50 00 " St.ipendiar3.' Magistrate 2000 00 " City Engineer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2400 00 " City Auditor . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . ... . . . . . . .. 1500 (JD “ Collector Rates and Taxes and -1 sub-Collectors .. 3400 00 " Clerk in Cr-1leetor,s Office . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . EHO 00 “ City .-\s5efiEsor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1'20-1 00 “ A.-‘»sist:n1ts,2,:1{S1000.................... 2000 GD " Iiu;__rist.r;1r of Voters . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2120 00 " J:1nit::r L‘il_\.' Ifali . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......... 80-) G0 " Cit)‘ .\Iedi1::1l Ufficer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. .. 1000 Gt) “ ]nsp€(‘tr;nr of Health . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 800 00 "

Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 23 F50 O0

Mm-‘ed by Alderlnan Foster, seconded by Alderman Stewart, that the item, salaries $23,750, do pass. Motion passed. '

Ponce DEF.-1.R1‘}lENT. ('l.1ief of Police and men . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. $2395 00

.\Ioved by Alderman Foster, seconded by Alderman O'Donnell, that this item pass. Motion passed.

ROUREEAD Pmsox. Governor and Matron .. .... .... 1200 00 Passed. Ifnticrkeepers a.ndO1fici:1ls . .. . . . .. . .. .. 214-1 00 " 1\laintennnee.... . 5353600 "

_ Less. 5900 00

Public inc-ome.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1200 00

$'§'i'DD 00

Moved. by Alderman Foster, seconded by Alderman O’Donoell, that the Item City Prison E5-L700 do pass. Motion passed.

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DE-UIIMBER 30321;. 159.}. 161

Dzrnannzsr or C1-rs’ WORKS. Streets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19000 00 Passed. Internal Health . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . .. l-1000 U0 “ Horsesand Drivers.... 1500 00 " (aretaker City Property . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1200 00 “ Caretaker Exhibiiion Building . . . . . . ..... . .. .. 364 00 " Fuel.................................... .. 950 00 " Telephones . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113 00 " Lighting City Hall ....... ............... .. 900 00 '-

LightingStree1s........... . . . . . . . . . 1700000 "

Moved. by Alderman Hnbley, seconded by Alderman Dennis, that this item be placed at 317322.46. Motion passed.

Insuranr'e......-... .. . 925 [I0 Passed. Repairs City Property 3000 00 "

TotaI.............. . . . . . . . . . . .. $59274 -15

Moved by Alderman Foster, seconded by Alderman O'Donnell, that the item Department City Works, $50274.-1-6, do now page. .\Ioti=.n pa.-‘.4 erl.

I-‘ire Department . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 39.0000 00 Passed. )i1sce:I.I.A:\‘P:o1's.

I-‘rioting and stationei-_v aano on *-

Interest on Common Com mutation Fund . . . . .. _ 330 5-1 " Contingent Fund ....... .. ...... .... 9392 *1-6 “

Mm-.3:l by Alderman iluliley, seconded by Alderman O'Donnell. that t.liis item be placed at $2000. Motion passed.

Miscellaneous total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . .. 84330 54 Moved h_v Alcilerlnan Foster, seconded by Alderman O'Donnell.

that the item miacellane--us, 8-£830.54-, do pose. Motion passed. Total ordinary expenditure . . . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . .. $150350 00 Passed.

Less PIIDBABLE lxooue. Liquor Licenses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. 12000 00 " T-iaick, Truck and other Licenses . . . . . . . ... . . .. 3000 00 “ Fines and Fees Police and City Courts 7000 00 " RentsCit_v Propert_\'................._......... 2000 no " llog Tax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1250 00 “ Balance current. interest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4500 00 "

Total $30350 00 " Total ordinary assessment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 120000 00 "

Exrna ASSF.SS)lE§'I'S. County of Ho.'lifax.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. $10000 00 " Pnblic'Sol1ools............................... 9000000 " Poo:-‘as Asylum . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 22000 00 " Public Gardens and Common... . . . . . . . . ... .. 5000 00 “ Point Pleasant Park . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2500 00 " Citizens’ Library . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. I600 00 " Halifax Dispensary and Morgue...... .. 750 00 “ ScliooiforBlind............................. 375 00 " School for Deaf‘ and Dumb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. 300 00 " Industrial School for Boys . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ... . .. 1600 00 “ St. Patrick's Reforoaatory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .- 1600 00 " infants‘ Home, Tower Road . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 300 00 “

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162 950254353 30th, 1395.


Infants’ Horne, Brunswick Street . .. . . .. 300 00 Protestant Home for Girls 800 00 Roman Cat-holic Home for Girls. . . . .. . .. 600 00 Truants under Compulsory Act . . . . . . . . . .. _ . . . 1000 00 Dalhousie Uni\'ersit_v .. .. 500 00 County Rifle Association ..... .. ...... .... 50 00 Victoria. School of Art. and Design... .. 500 00 Board offlealth . . . . . . . . . . . 400000 BoardofAppeals.................... . . . . . . . .. 300 00 (Jne—halfSnbsidy to Dry Dock . 5000 00 One-fifth Exhibition Loan, Act. 1891, $15,693,

5th year ..... . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3140 00 Interest one year on $3,140, at 5 per cent . .. 157 00 Hue-fifteenth loan ti pay County, $15,000, 4th

year . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 1000 00 Interest one year on $15,000 at -:5 per cent... . .. 615 00 One-fifth loan for new Fire Engine (315,000).

4th year . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3000 01: Interest one year on $6,000, at 4% per cent . . . . .. 270 00 one-third loan for Repairs to City Property

($5,000), 3rd year . . . . . . . . . .... . . . . ... . ... 1666 00 Interest one year on 31,666, at 4:1. per cent . . . . .. 75 00 Loan for Fire Hose ($5,250), 5 years, 3rd year. . 1050 00 Interest on 33,150, 1 year, at 5 per cent . . .. . . .. 157 50 one-fifth loan {$12,550}. June, 1895 . . . . . .. . . 2510 00 interest on whole amount, 1 year, at 4; per cen 564 75 Retiring allowance ex Stipendiary R. Motton,

2)'ears...... . . . . . . . . . . . . 2000 00

Total . . . . . . . . . 1-50 25

OLD FUNDED DEBT. Hld seweragge debentures, 810,000, at 6 per cent -1200 00 Public Gardens, $15,000, at 6 per cent . . . . . . . . .. 900 00 Exhihition Building, $20,000, at 6 per cent .. . . . 1200 00 City Hall, $50,000, at. 4; . .......... 2125 no

Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... $8425 00

CONSOLIDATED STOCK. $505,000, including; $100,000 special, at 5 per cent 40250 00 .-31,143,100, including new loans, at 4; per cent... 51466 50 $425,050, at -1 per cent . ... 17002 00

Total..... SI[lS?18 50

Less CHARGED TO Wxmx-z DaP.mnm:cr. S 36,000, at 4 per cent . . . . . . . . . . .. 3 1,440 00


l5TJ,[i00, at 4:} per cent . . . . . . . . . . .. 30,58? I230

103,000, at 5 per cent . . . . . . . b\n . . 7,650 00 ,

:: $39672 00 Sinking Fund on special loan, $100,000 . . . . . . . .. S 3000 00

Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......S365,fi1'l 75 Add for shout collection, 1 per cent . . . . . . . . . . .. 3650 00

$369,261 ‘.75

Less taken from unexpended balances . . . . . . . . 15,000 00

. 3354,2151 7-5 b‘ram'lTotal........

Passed. (I


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D150 :'1lfBl'.'R .5-"0M:, ]J_'~‘9.:7. 1 6 3

The follnwirlg resolution is now introduced :

'R""'5"""‘~"f-‘T. That the Geile-rnl City and Ordinary Assessment, amounting to 312C-'.Uuu, and the extra assessment amounting to $249,261.75, -as per estimate, do "‘J“_'.I?4l=5-*5. less $l5,0uo taken from unexpended balances, and that the citizens and their prnla-rt_\‘ be assessed for the total sum of $354,2fil.T5, and that the (City l'lt:rk he flirt.’-t'tB(l to give the usual rmler to the assessors to make up the assess- l3l(#1‘-|- for the year lFI$!6—{-J? on the insis of that amount as directed h_\' law. M"\'9‘1 l’J' Alderlnan Foster, secondecl l)_\‘ Alderrnan 0‘ Donnell, and passed

Mr_Wed l-y Alder-_u1an Mo.-sher, seconded by Alderman Outhit, that the Order of the Day be su-«pended to allow Alderman Mosher to introduce a resolution. Motion passed.

The follniving I‘E'~=nlut.irm is: int.rodncea' :

_ l|'J.'r.=‘r_r_:.v, The hye-laws and ordinances of the city have not been published

Sun-e 18:6‘ :|11rl ma1!_\- new ordinances llave been enacted since tho.‘ lime, and old nlws‘ rv;;c:1l_cil and amcndezl. and it is: important that the present ordinances be pnI:f|.~.-lnful for the information of this [.'I.11ll1l‘.ll and the officials,


W'nrr.forr._- .«'r.-sofa‘.-=r.‘.', That His Honor the Recorder be instructed to colisollrlate and pnlzhsh soul ordinances, and this Council will reinnnerate for such services. Moved by .-llde:-man Mosher, seconded by Alderman Butler, and passed.

Moved by Alderman Hnbley, seconded by Alderman O’D0nnell, that No. 1 on Order paper he now talren up. Motion put and lost-.

lllnreul hy Alderman Foster, seconded by Alderman Dennis. that ho. 28 on Order paper he now taken up. Motion passed.

Read No. 28, via. {eport of Special (lorifinittee on Salaries of Civic Oiiicials, etc.

Moved by Alderman Hamilton, seconded by Alderman Stewart, that clause 1, re Superannuation of J. A. Bell, City Auditor, do pass.

To uhich the following amendment is introduced :

}.'r.~=oh-rd’, 'l‘h;1t. clulise 1 he struck out of the report and the following suhslitnled :v

lfhu-ms, tl\\'ing_r to the ;:rea'.l_\' increased expenditures of the Cit-3,‘, athorough audit and super-\'ision oi‘ the books and accounts of all the departments demands the Si.‘I'\'l:‘0S of an energetic and vigorous man : _ .lmi' mln.'1‘:*<r:?, The superannuation of an official still r_'ap.tlJle of rendering good service \\'I"|1'll{l I've :1 waste of public money ;

Ru-oinrl, That it is the opinion of this Council that the best interests of the City would be server] by the 1'esignnt.inns of John A. Bell and Willlarn L. Brown nfthe oilices now held by them, and by the appointment of said William L. Brown as auditor at :1 S:‘ll:J.r_\' of $1500 per annum, and of the said J. A. Bell as treasurer at $1000 per annum.

Moved by Alderman Dennis, seconded by Alderman Gelclert. Said amendment on being put is lost, 2 voting for the same and 16 against it. Names being called for there appeared:

For said amenclment. Against it. Aldern1en'_Dennis, Aldermen Outhit, Mosher,

Geldert.-2. Creighton, Foster, Eden. Ryan, McFatridge, O’Donnell, Hubley, Mitchel], Lane, Hamilton, Butler, Redden, Musgrave,Stewart.—1G.





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~ 1£i4« D!:.‘C'EMBER 30th, I89-5.

Moved in amendment by Alderman Foster, scconule-'] by Alnlerrnan Musgrave, that .T, A. Bell, City Auditor, he superannuated at an allowance of $1000 per year. to take effect 1st l\Ia__v. I896, anr.l:t.l-mat" His ‘Honor Lhe Record-.-r be inwttucted to prepare an Act to legalize the same. Siiltl amendment on being put is lost.


Mm'ed in amenrlm-.-nt by Alnlerlnan Re-‘lnlen, sseconrled bv Alderrnan Huhley, that the whole report be I'el'erre(l tn 3 new special c-Jmmittee to he appuintml aml who-:e duties are to be -la-liner] by 9. resolution of this Lfnuticil, Halli cuxnznlttee to report before the 1.~;t :lay of May, IBFJG, which .umemlm:.»nb being put is pa.-'-aserl. :2 :1

.\lon--'] by .Altl(.‘I'|1'I}1n F0.~st(:r, .~sec0r.rle-l by Altlerman Iiyan, that the Order of the DJ},-' lac ssurapentled to allow Ahlerman Foster to introduce ,

:1 l"(.‘Sf)ll'ltl.[ln_ Mu'l;lu1': passed. '

'l"r.e follm-ring l'i".'5UlutlOI‘l is now intt'0tl=.1('ed :

R1'sra{:‘:'rI"_ That lfis Honor the l{er:nrder be ;u|t.|n-.-iznnl t"! prepare an AM. tu l‘!-'rl'I'{J\\' an eljnuunt with at-.crued interest, to pay _-tusten |’.1-ntlmrs for Qfiutl feet nf lime and l"0l]].IllIIgS as per rese)I11ti—'m of l.'rm:1ri1, April 2m], IE-93. .\lm':Ll' lI_\.'

Aldn-rm:m Foster, Set'o:nI:>.n1 l.:_\' .\l<'lerm-.1u i*€_\'an, aunl ]=L’L:i$\3(_l.

llloverl by Alderman Masher, secomle-1 l1_\' .-\l¢.lerman Foster, that the (_‘-uum-il a:l_jm1rn. Motioli passer].

Cmuacil auljonrns, 5.-I-.3 o'clock.

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EVENING SESSION. 8.10 o'clock.

JANUARY 8th, 1896. A meeting of the City Cmncil was held this evening. At the

above hour there were present His Worship the Mayor, Aldermen Crelvlert, 0’Donnel|, Butler and Outhit.

Move-.l by Alulerm-in Butler, seem-led by Airlennsn O'Donnell, that the time for meeting be extendel u itil 830 o'clock Motion passed.

8.30. roll cxllel. Present the abwe Tlt"l‘13l, tigether with Alder- men Stewart, Redden, Hamilton, Leno, Hublcy, MeFatridge and Mosher. The council was summoned to proceed with business standing over

and the transaction of other business. The minutes of last meeting; are read and confirmed. Alderunn O'Donnell, chiirniin, sub:n,'g.s a report from the Com-

mittee on City Prison. Alderman Butler, acting chairmm, submits a. report from the

Committee on Charities. His Worship the Mayor submits the following papers: Report City Clerk covering accounts. City Treasurers ca.-sh statements " General,” “Water” and “Balances '

for December, 1895. City Collector's returns of rates and water rates for December.

1895. Letter from the Department of Marine and Fisheries re sewer ont-

lct at marine and fisheries wharf. Letter from the City Collector of Rates an-I Taxes relative to the

cillcction of water rates. also letter from same relative to present system of issuing hack and truck licenses.

Reports (3) from the City Engineer. Re Young Avenue Tramway. Re Water construction estimates. Re maitland Street widening. Draft Act re hacks and trucks commission. Draft ordinance re hacks and trucks. Letter from the Clerks of the Department of City Works relative to

the condition of the books of said department. Report City Health ‘_ Board are burial of poor of the Catholic

Church. _ Moved by Alderman Mosher, seconded by Alderman Outhit, that

the Order of -the Day be suspended to read the papers submitted. Motion passed. '


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166 JANUARY 8th, 1896‘.

Rea.-l. report of Camrnittee on Cluritiei For month of December. January 8th, 1896.

To His Worship the Mrtyor and .lI.:m’)rrs of thr City cfouncit :

GI:>t'rL.r:_xrr:ar,—On hohalf‘ of the Charities Committee who me: this day I beg to submit the following report.

Accounts clmrgeable to maintenance to the amount of $2378.03 were examined, found correct and orderetl to be paid

'l‘he supcrintendeut.’s report showed tli=I.t during the month there were 35 :1dmitted,3born, 23 rliscliarged :I.Il‘l 1 died ; total number ofi.-imntes Dec. 31st, 1395, 36.3 ma-,le up as follows. 226 men, 128 women and 11 children.

W. J. F1I."l‘L!-zn, Acting C'hm'rmnn.

The following resolution is now introduced: Its.-solo.-«I, That the repart of the Committee of Charity’ be adopted and that

His Worship the Mayor be authorized to Sign warrants for the payment of accounts mentioned therein. MoveJ by Ahlermn B1.:tlcr,.-secondel by Al.ler:nan Hamiltomanul

passenl. Read report of L ity Prison Committee covering accounts, &c., for

. December.

January Tth 1896. The (Toinmittee on City Prison met this day. Present, the (Thnirman. Alder-

men ltetlrlen, (‘reighton. Lame and Geldert. Your comrnittee beg to recoininend for ayment the underrnentioned accounts

am:.unt.in5; tn $‘_".'5J.fi2. The same having een examined and found correct: R. N. .‘ilc-Jmialll. $25 Tli; Cunnitigham & Cnrren, 21.00; Wm, Robertson. 2.29

Kane, Flct at L'o., 15.82: Lane a: [.‘onnoll}', 5.03: Wm. Roche, '.«".'l.'T; D. H Campbell, SLO? ; J. A. Leaman & Co., 25.U0 ; Irwin 6% Sons, 32.04 ; Muir, Son at Co., 1.3.10; George A. l‘_vl<e. 1.34; Wm. .l()rd.1.n, 7.20; John F. Kelly. 2.25; John J. Cnrriell, €1.25; 3'. 5. Telephone Co., L‘i.(l-, 20.00; W. P. C. Inglis, 4.00; total 397$} (52. The Governor and Matron'a rtturns for month December, 1395, are herewith

snhmittetl. E. W. O'D0x.\'s1.1., Choirntnn.

The following resolution is now introduced: Ii’.-seal:-.-ea’, That the report of the City Prison Committee be adopted and His

Worsliip the llayor authorized to pay the accounts referred to therein. .‘IIo\'ed by Alderman O'Donnell, seconded by Alderman, Retlden and

passed. Read letter from William Smith, Deputy Minister of Marine and

F'i~'heric~:. complaining of a nuisance cau-tell by the discharge of the City sewerage into the dock L‘He(l by the Departtiient of Marine and Fislierieu. Also read a report from the City Engineer relative thereto.

M_\rum: .5: FISHERIES Wmmr 0UTI.ET. January 8th, 1896.

Ills ll‘flTS::l§-I] UH‘ _l-fr:_i,.'r'n'_-

Srs,——I beg to report. on the accom'pa.u3.'ing letter from the Deputy Bilinister of Bgitlrizig anl Fisheries respczitilig the sewer outlet at the Marine and Fisheries

181' .

There is no doubt that any sewer outlet is a. nuisance at best. This outlet has been carried out under the wharf some distance beyond‘ low watermark. The mouth of the sewer is uncovered at low tide, and the only remedy that could be silggested is to extend the sewer below low water mark either by carrying it out at its present grade“ until it runs under water or by putting a hood on the end of

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JANUARY 8th, 1896‘. 167

it turned down under the water so that no gasses would escape from it. recommend that this method be adopted to abate the nuisance.

F. W. W. Dams, City Engineer. Moved by Alderman Hubley. seconled by Alderman Mclfatridge,

that the report of the City Engineer be adopted. Motion passed. Rear! report from the City CJllector of Rites and Taxes relative to

the collection of water rates.


December 5th, I895. To I11’; ll-'ors.'n‘p the Mayor :

Dem Sm,—In accordance with your request, I 1131-.au'itb submit a memo. of a.moun'.s uncollected. and uncclllectable on water account from 185') to 1892 A large proposition of these amounts are for persons who have been returned as tenants and who have either moved or are too poor to pay. The practice of turning the water oil‘ for ncti-pa}-'me:1t of l.'J.la33, wluleit is agoad collector, yet it is very a.nnu_ving and \-'eXa.l.lI31lEl to citizens, besides expensive to the City. were it not for the return system of tenants, the water rates could he collected in the same manner as the taxes. If the law was changed doing away with returned tenants the bills for water rates could be read)’ three months earlier th-a.n at present. Under the present systcnn the mmth of .\[.:.y is allowed for returns to be filed with the Board of Works, therefore the books cannot be completed until the returns so filed are 1'e?!eive.l by this nffir-.e, making it September or 0ct'.ber before the bills can be got out. In the meantime some of the returned tenants have reinoved from the house they were returned for and the C.ty l‘l'.l.'§ lost its claiim on the ow .13: of thfiiroperty by accepting a. return of the tenant.

R. Tnsansros, City Collector. Moved by Alderman Stewart, seconded by Aldermm Butler, that

the report of the City Collector be adopted and His Honor the Recorder be instructed to prepare an Act to carry into efll-zct the amendment to tl1e present law therein contained. Motion passed. Real letter from the City Collector of Rates and Taxes relative to

the present system of issuing hack and truck licenses. January 8th, 1896.

To His l‘l'orship the i‘-foyer .-

Dram Sm,——'I‘|1e present System of issuing I1-nick and truck licenses seems to be very cumbersome, and gives the npplicint a lot of trouble on being obliged to bring to t.he office two rate payers to sign abond tor him in accordance with City Ordirmnce 3) and 3t, old City Ch-_u-ter, p.l.;63 2;! and 243, section 4 and 2, respectively. All tl:-M. slnuld be us-case-a.r_v would be that the applicant should be recoinmerrled by two rate-payers in writing an-.'l the receipt that is now given should be sufficient proof that their licenses hal been properly taken out.

R. Tusucsros, City Collector. Movel by Alderm U1 Stewart, seconded by Alderman Butler, that

the suggestions conta.ine.l in said letter be adopted and His Honor the Recorder instructed to prepare an ordinance to amend the present ordinance therewith. Motion passed. Read report of the City Engineer re Young Avenue Electric

Tramway. Youxo Avsatus Tn.\Mwn'.

January 2nd, 1896. His ll'orsIu'p the Mayor: Sm,—'I‘he Halifax Electric Tramway Co's C_hs.1-ter compels them to constr_uct_a

line of railway on Young Avenue, from Inglis Street to the Park Gates, within

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168 ' JANUARY St}.-., 18.96‘.

two years fro1.: the date of their Charter. I understand that the company did not ask for permission to cn'n.~'strnotf.l1e road on that street, and I feel certain that :1. large inajoritgr of the citizens of I'l':1iif'a..'{ H oulii prefer to ll£l\'e this a\'e:n.ue left int:1.et.a.«i it will he one of the lianslsnmest streets in the City of Ilallifax when completed The I'.‘.01'13l.l‘l1(‘ti0l'I of the road, as far as I can ascertain, is nnt solight for hr any Dwa.-:11 except one or_ two property owntrrs near the Park, to whom the building of the line miglit |nssll)l_v reszilt in financial benefit. I \'roulr.1 urgentljf recoimnend that the Council rouse an Act to be prepnrezl repealing the clause of the charter, \\'i1i(‘.l'l I'I‘LZ‘Lli€'.S it (-.<nnpulsnr_\' to t-.onstru:*t the tr-.un\\'a}' on ‘i'nun,~_v _-\\'BT!ll€'. This wi‘| plat-.e the (’{Jf’llpitY1_\' in the arne position with reszurd to Young: .-\\'enue as in the ease ol':1nf~' other :.=treet- on \\"hir'l1 their lines are not laid, and they must obtain permission from the L.‘it_v |,0!'lIJI.’."ii to huild.

F. ‘N. W. DD.\.\‘|-3, C'ii_i; Erigiama‘.

Moved by Alderman Gelclert, seconried by Alderman Butler. that the report of the City Engineer be aclopterl. Motion pas.-33r.l.

Rear! report of the City Engineer we Water Construction estitnates and reconnnending that an Act he prepared authosizing the borrowing of $25,000 for water construction purposes.

\\'.\1'ER CUK.*5T'lf.l't'.'l‘I0.\' E.-;’rI.\I.\1'.I‘:s.

His ll'r3r.<}rI;: Hrr .\iu_l.fI’JT.' .l';1:1nnr_r ‘Jnrl, 1896. .‘-%m,—'l'he I-‘.sliInate:.i cost for \\".1l"°.3'E.\‘t€‘.'\5i0'i\ anrl Poiietriirtion work zlnri: ,2 the

t':'-min: E-(?:1..m is $33.1‘-<’J"J. '['hi:':' estlnnte does not im_-iurle the Pxfelisinn reporter] on to linviilmal-1. .-\.-9 the revenue on water extension aiinrrst im'.'n'::1bl_\' exceeds the interest on the oi|t!:»i_\'. this lr.-an will not be :m_\’ a:ldition:iI lznruien on the tax- ir.1_\'er.-? : nml I \\':'rl1l ] reuolnrnend that an .-\::t he pre;>:.1re._l :IL1ti1or=2i:ig the lmrruwirlg U1‘ $35,'JHU for water I.‘0lIStI'l]"‘i.i!')I'l purposes.

F. W. W. I)o_i.\'I~;, f.":'£yEirgi::rs-r.

Moved by Aldernian Stewart, seconded by Alderman Redden. that the report of the City Engineer be adopted. Motion passoil.

Read report from the City Engineer, re Maitland Street widening. .\i_-\11'I..\:<1) S'rm'-:81‘ \\'1ne.\‘1_\'n.

His ll’-av.-rlu';u Eh. _'I{n_rrm-.- JflI'IllSl.r_\' ind, ISFJ6. S:n,—.\n Act irns pzwsed in I893 :Iutl1ori:r.ing the lJOI'l'uu'iI1g of 3509" for the

[\1lr[Il'I$L‘ ::l' Wiilonine the north end of Maithmil Street. The a\'::m'l of the &i['}|I'.'li.‘5t‘I‘.-i oninn.-ite:.| to :3ti360. t5uniir_\' expenses in mnnertion with the work anmilntz-il to -‘3‘3?.-‘E3, l‘J‘Ifll(il'l§._£ :1 total to be paid out of i'4Ii35T.SF- :76 was realized I*_\’ the sale of [IoIisa()s,nmi;iI1r_; the amount of money swnilahle St‘»U.'t3i3ll.SS ls-ss llmn the amount re.{nire.l_ 'l‘he properties have all been t;i.ken, but three oi thorn hn\'e not he.-en paid for, and I would reroinmen-I that an .\rt be prepared atltiiiarizilig Ilie l'mrru\\'in;_; of 3311 SS ['3 complete this \\'(-rk.

F. W. W. DLJt.\'t2, (‘ity Hnqinrrr. Moved by Alderman Moshe-r, seconded by Alderman Lane, that the

report of the City Engineer he accepted, but that the amount required (‘$311.88) be paid out of the contingent fund. Motion passed.

Read report of City Health Board re burial of the poor of tie Catholic Faith.

Januarr 8th, 1896. His ll'orxln"n flu» _l-f1'.r.Fra}'.‘


SIR.-At a 11133511}: of the (‘My Health Board. held on Tuesday the Tth inst. the ausconipaning resoliitioii was adopted, and I lJ:1\'e been instructed to forirnrd you a copy.’ for your information.

.\"i(:I!0I..as M EAGI‘! En, Sc*t‘ri=l'ory.

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JA NUARY Silt, 1896. I


~~ ~


~~ ans}

nlth Board by Dr. [Extract from Minutes of City Health Board, June i

il'!u.'rcr.-st, as shown by the report fiiriiislieil to the City ‘ I

Jones in rr the Holy Cross Cemcterjl and the burl‘ of upers therein. stat-In: that the ,=."roun(l to he used for the burial of the sa _ aupers 1% not the unused grntlml to the smith of the In no entrance, but three plots of i.'l'=1_\.1ml I1_ot—__\'vt

occiipicd in different parts of the cemetery papa} of accom madating a l1II1‘.|t(‘£l II11l'I'Jll(‘-1' of lrodies.


.-lmf i.--limos, in the opinion of the H ie Ceir.ete‘ry is now o\'eri'rnt\‘derl. llll-‘ft! being over 1T,'r‘00intern1ents in the Si Cemetery, which has an area nail)‘ nf BOUJIIJU sq. feet, allowing space '0 walllfs, buildings, etc, Inaklllg Hill)’ 11 SI}- fect for each lmdy interred therein.

.1mz' ii-litre-us, tho Rornan f_':i'holir i~Ip13<-.op-.il Corporation is now ready to l.1nr_r p:n1]:ers. if‘neuess:1r_v_ at the Dutch Village Ifenietcry. A _

Tl'n=rr;r'r:Ir:' [t‘t'-‘*O(J'r'I'I, that the Ronian Catliolic Episcopal Corporation be periliittenl tn hur_\' p:1iI.per.-'3, in the grnuiirl lI!r'lit':lt0{l at the I-Io|_\' _Crnss Ceme‘er_v, unto the lire-it d:t_\' of April next, and after that date burials of said pnupers to takr pl:lr‘e ‘_:,

the lJ.iu‘h Village. {A true extract.)_

K. 3lI?._\uL{£:R_ .‘5:'L'i'.'a‘r::‘gl

lllovcd by Alderman McFatridge, seconded by Aldernian llloslier, that said report. be concurred in.- Motion passed.

Read letter from City Clerk covering accounts of T. C. Allen 8: Co. and others for the consideration of‘ the Committee on Public Accounts. .\'lo\'ed by Alderman Stewart. seconded 13'? Alderlnan Butler, that the same be referred to the Coinmittce on Public Accounts. Motion passed. Read cash statements of City Treasurer " General,” “ Water,” and

“ Balances” for month of December. Filed. Read draft Act to amend City Charter appointing a commission to

perform the duties now attended to by the the Committee on Hacks and trucks. Moved by Alderman Stewart, seconded by Alderman Gelclert, that said Act. he adopted and His Honor the Recorder instructed to have the same presented to the Legislature for enact- nient. Motion passed. Read draft ordinance re hacks and trucks. Moved by Alderman

Stewart, seconded by Alderman Hamilton, that said ordinance be referred to His Honor the Recorder for revision and to have the same printed when revised, and that a. copy of the same when recclved be forwarded to each Alderman. Motion passed.

Read letter from the Chief and Assistant Clerks of Works -re book keeping. &c., in ofiice of the Department of City Works. Filed.

ORDER or THE DAY. Moved by Alderman Hamilton, seconded by Alderman Geidcrt,

that the Order of the Day be suspended to allow Alderman Hamilton to introduce a resolution. Motion passed. The following resolution is now introduced :

ll'lurvrr.~=, A large allnount of money was bequeathed by the late Sir Williarn Young to be expended in constructing and Opening up an avenue leading into the Park,

.-lmf 1:-lm-ms, A large amount of money has been already expended, for that p11r,:|)‘ose and further expenditure will be necessary for the completion of the \\'or'.



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170 J.-l£\'UAI1’.Y 8th, 1890'.

.-ind u-}irr.~a.e, In View of such expenditure it is desirable that the City should secure some control over the character and location of buildings to be erected on said avenue and the []ill'pOSe_S for which they can be used,


RrRoE1'r<I‘., That His Worship the Mayor nominate a committee to draft an Act for that purpose.

Moved by Alderman Hamilton, seconded by Alderman Gcldert, and passed.

His Worship the Mayor nominates the following as the committee to carry out the provisions of the foregoing resolution, viz.: The Umnmittee on Laws and Privileges together with His Honor the Recorder and the City Engineer. On motion said nominations are confirmed.

-.‘-loved by Alderman Hubley, seconded by Alderman Redden, that the Order of the Day he further suspended to allow Alderman Hubley to introduce a resolution. Motion passed. The following resolution is now introduced :

II'ln-re.-as, at the last. meeting of this Council it was resolved to refer the report of the Committee on Salaries to a special committee to report on. 3'ilr.r'rr .r‘orr found:-.-;d, that the duties of said committee be defined as follows :— 1. To report on a. table of salaries defining the minimum and maximum amount payable to all ofiiczals in the sever.i.l departments of the City employ. 2. On a sclieme of superannuation for the salaried officials. 3. Un applicants for a position passing an examination by the (Iity Medical

()flii-cr, and what educationa.l requirements are necessary for the several positions. 4. A url rerzom mend any reorganization and revision of salaries in the several

dep:1rtnicnts, and promotion in the e\'ent oi renloval for any cause. Moved by Alderman Hubiey. seconded by Alderman Redden,

an-I passeil. Moved by Alder.-nan Galdrrt, seconded by Alderinan Red-ien, that

No. 0 on. Order Paper be now taken up. Motion passed. Read No. 6, viz.: Report Special Committee on the matter of a

paid Fire Department. .\1oved by Alderman Geldert, seconded by Alderman Redden, that

said report he referred to His Honor the Recorder to make any changes that may be necessary therein, and report the some back to the Council. Motion passed. Moved by Alderman Hnbley, seconded by Alderman O'Donnell,

that No. 26 on Order Paper be now taken up. Motion passed. Road No. 26, viz.: Resolution of Alderman Hubley re Amending

Section -179 of the City Charter as set forth in Minutes of 20th December. “owed lny Alderman Hubley, seconded by Alderman O'Donnell,

that said resolution do now pass. Motion put and lost, 3 voting for the some and 8 against it. Names being called for, there appeared :

For the resolution. Against it. Aldermen McFa.tririge, Aldermen Outhit, Masher,

0'D0I"1ell. Lane, Hamilton, Hubley.——3. Butler, Redden,

Ge-ldert, Stewa.rt.—8.

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JANUARY 8th, 18.96. 171

N Moved by Alderman Ham}i{lton, s-Eondjed fb5(r3Altl€£i;m:?(n Butler, that 0. 3on Order a er. via, e ort oar o ity or s covering a

report from thepCii.y Engineefre Esplanade Sewer and South Hollis Street Ext:-nsion,&c., be struck therefrom. Motion passed. Moved by Alderman Hanfiilton, secorgied by Alderman Blutler, that

No. 5 on Order paper, viz., eports of ity Assessors on via. nations cf property on Lockman and Water Streets, also on value of the Peters estate property, rear of Plecsant Street, he struck therefrom. Motion passed.

No. I on Order paper, viz., Report Committee on Assessment, dated August, 1804, is now taken up. The same is read, and on motion is consiulererl clause by clause. For report. see printed minutes of City Council, November 26th, 1805.

Rear] clause 1, re School Rates and Exemptions from School Rates. Moved h Alderman Masher, seconded by Alderman Butler, that said clan.-e beyamended by substituting the figures $500 for $200 in said clause. Motion passed.

Read clause 2, are Allowance for Short. Collection of Taxes. Moved by Alderman Stewart, seconded by Alderman Mosher, that said clause be amended by striking out thehnord “ be " after the word “ taxes ” in said clause, and substituting t erefor the words “shall not exceed.” Motion passed. Read clause 3 re register of real estate. Moved by Alderman

Stewart, seconded by Alderman Hublcy, that this clause pass. Motion passed. Read clause -i~ re assessment of vacant lands. Moved by Alderman

Stewart, seconded by Alderman Mosher, that said clause be arnended by striking out all the words after the “ whole.” Motion passed. Read clause 5, section (a), recsmmeding that industrial and manu-

facturing enterprises, &c.. be not exempt in future from taxation. Moved by Alderman Hamilton, seconded by Alderman Lane, that this section be struck from the report, Motion passed.

Read section (is), recornmcndincr that certain institutions now exempt be taxed. Moved by Aldeiijman Butler seconded by Alderman Redden, that the Victoria Infirmary be struck from the .list. o institutions to be taxed. Motion passed. .

Read section (a), reconunending certain institut-ionsto be exempt from taxation. Moved b Alderman Stewart, seconded-b Alderman Butler, that the followirig institutions be added to said faction, viz: Victoria Infirmary, Industrial School, St. Patricl<’s Home, and also that the Murphy Gold Cure Institute be exempt from taxation on $10,000 assessed value of any property occupied by them as such institute. Motion passed.

Read Section (ti). 9-e taxation of land upon which church and educational buildings stand.

Moved by Alderman O’Donnell, seconded by Alderman Stewart, that the Salvation Army Head Quarters be included in the operation «of this section. Motion passed.

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.!.ji_-, _

179 JANUARY «Wt, 1896. .-u

Moved by Alderman Stewart, seconded by Alderman Elubley, that clause be adopted as: amended. Motion passer].

Rea-l (fllause 6, re recommending a separate assessment on lands and buildings.

Read Clause 7, -re amen-ling City Charter, enabling one Assessor to take the oath mentioned in Section 332 of City Charter. Read Clause 8.1-e the necessity of having tax bills completed by

the time appointed by law. Moved by Alderman Stewart, seconded |.y Alderman Hubley, that said clauses G, 7 and 8 do now pass. Motion paeserl. Moved by Alllertnan Stewart, seconded by Alderman Hubley, that

said report as amended do now pass as a whole. Motion passed. Itloved by Alderman Gcldert,s-econde-l by Alderman Hamilton, that

No. 11 on Order paper he now taken up. Motion passeil. Read No. 11, via: Report City Engineer on completion of Queen,

Green and Fenwick Streets. '

t.'o.\II*I.1~;'r1o.\' or |.1L'r:i-:.\' STREET, Gm;E_\‘ S'rn.s:1=:I .-..\'I> I"1a.\‘i\'1C:{ Srnriar.

April 26th, 1395. Ill.-a ll'rJr.<l':r‘:J Hr-' .1!-‘I_*p'U?'.'

t:‘|I:.- -.-lever.-ll petitiz.-ns have been presented to tl1e f_‘it_\' ('.‘n1mn.:il asking for the :r.uIin;_- :1t1i'l m.n.lpetim1 of Queen Street, (irceu Street and I-‘enwick Stree '. Tiuese streets are E-in |1i«,:h almvc the natural .~'-7-urf:1r'e of the ground that the filling: would run out lstayrniitl the street lines. and it is therefore necessary to acquire the right to till. réuino of tho lmildiir-,:s will be also atfet-tell. and I have been corres;:o|1rl- ing with the Fart-pert)‘-rJ\\'nc-re; for some time to a.scer't.ain the cost. 1-"roln :'lI)S\\‘El'E§

rot-eiveul I (’..'~.¥lll11:lfE‘i the L'I'I.‘Si. on 19'cnu'ick Street to be SSI'.|t'I, and on Queen Street and Green Street :3'iI‘lJIII. Smnc portions of tliese streets are in -.1 danszerous condit-ion and in case of accident the cost to the C'it_\.' mi;,_:ht be more than the cost to mmiplc-to tlic r.ii.~eing and grading. Some action should be taken in this matter |..icfl.ie it is too late.

F. W. W. Do.-\.\'E, City Engineer.

The following resolution is now introduced: R. .wlr. rl, That the report of the City Engineer he adopted ' that he he directed

tun r-:11-r_\' out the \\'f.‘ITli at the earliest possible date; and that the e.\'penditnre for xmrk and lam] -lmnages be charged to the street appropriation and be extended rwer a period of at least. fire _\‘ear:1.

Itloved by Alderman Geldert, seconded by Alt‘e1-man Stewart, and '[)3.'-::4('.(l.

Moved by Alderman Lane, seconded by Alderman Stewart, that the Council adjourn. Motion passed.

Council adjourne 11.15 o'clock.

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EVENING SESSION. 8.10 o’clock.

Jar.‘ UARY 1 5th, "1896.

A meeting of the City Council was held this evening. At the above hour there were present His Worship the Mayor, Aldermen Hamilton, Mitchell, Outhit, Geldert and O'Donnell. Moved by Alderman Hamilton, seconded by Alderman Mitchell,

that the time for meeting be extended until 8.30 o’clock. Motion passed.

8.30 ro.l called. Present,'thc above named together with Aldermen Creighton, Hubley, Butler, Redden, Stewart, Ryan, McFatridge, Foster, Eden, Lane and Mo.-sher. 1|

The Council was summoned to proceed with business standing over and the transaction of other business. The minutes of last meeting are read and confirmed. Alderman Mosher, acting chairman, submits a report from the

Committee on Laws and Privileges re erection of buildings, &c., on Young Avenue. Alderman Hosher, chairman, submits report from the Committee

on Tenders in re tenders for printing, stationery and advertising. His Worship the Mayor submits the following papers, viz: An Act to amend Chapter 58 of the Acts of 1891 known as the

City Charter; also an Act re boundary lines of Dutch Village lots. Letter from the Hon. the Provincial Secretary covering copies of

two Bills introduced into the House of Assembly, (1) are New Road near the Chain Lakes, (2) re Halifax Electric Tramway Company, Limited.

Letter from William Ackhurst covering account (3150) for alleged services. An Act relating to cabs, hackney carriages, trucks and livery

stables in the City of Halifax. Moved by Alderman Butler, seconded by Alderman Outhit, that

the Order of the Day be suspended to read the papers submitted. Motion passed. Read report of Committee on Laws and Privileges re buildings, &c.,

on Young Avenue—covering a letter from Alfred Whitman relative thereto.


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174 JA NUA R I" I-;3t?e,, 18.96’.

.l'annar_v ltith, 1896. To 11' is [I'nr.<;l’ii'p !i'n= .‘rl'n3,»0i- and .‘|{i-mt~.€r.¢ of City (,‘ot-:.'-lei! :

tir:_\"r1.r..\ri3x,—ln (‘0l'I]t.ll£1.I1('€ with a resz.-lution of Council, passed January Fth inst.,1’n relation to Young .-‘Lvenne. the Cominiftee 011 Laws and l’rivi|eges held a meetiiig on the afternoon of ahnve date, at which there were present, Aldermen M0$l1er,_(:u~tin;z ehairinanl, ;\lel":1tridge and Stewart, together vritli Mr. Justice t_1r:ih:1n1, John Donll, Esq , Aldermen Outhit, Butler and Mlisgraive representing the Coniiiiissioiiers of Point I’lcas:I.nt Park and His Honor the Rerorder and City Eiigineer.

After a full and free diseiission of the subject the unanimous opinion of those present was that ever_\' priissihle step Simllld be innnexliately taken to prevent the ilisfi;,;L1r:=inent. of Young .-\vei~.ue by the ervetion of an inferior class of buildings and to .reserve the gnrid order of the locality by prohibiting shops, and that to effect t ease r-oiirlitioiis the (.'it_v should make some er1niva.lenL concessions to the owners of propert_v frolitirig rm the .-'h'enue. It was also agreetl that the entrance to the Avenue should be n1n:.le an equal \\“l(li.ll with the rest of the street iiece5sit.uti11g the pnrt-liase of a small strip on either side of the northern end. The eoininitlee adopter] the 1'-illrnving resolution and reooinruended it to the

favnrrililo ennsirler.-itinn of the (‘ounc-il, and further that His l‘Iouor the Recorler he i!15tI‘1lt'hE'tl to draft. :1 bill for |a :1-sent-ation to the Legislature at its present .'-_|e:'SSiruI1 to r-nrr_v the some intn effect:

l'l'i’i- i‘-"rm, Young Avenue extends from Inglis Street to the Point Pleasant Park Hates, so I‘;'lll€tl, and said .-\venue is the main entr:1nu:.c to th- said Park ;

.-hm’ l1'.’ui‘«'r.::e, It is rlesirnhle to widen said Avenue at certain points in order to str:ii<,:liten the linestliereuf,er:i11plete the grarliag and make other iinprovernents, and the t"it_v ('u:1nr.-il is ulesimns ol seivering and putting in water in said Avenue when in tlir.-irjliduuieiit it is neres.~ear_v;

’1'.‘i. r-_."=m }.’;,cu1i-.-rf, 'l‘hnt permission he asked the Legislalture for power to widen said .-\venue and to hrirrow suffieient funds for puttin;_5 in sewers and ivater, eliipmveriiig 5-.\i:l L'unnr-.il to regulate the style, Post. and location of an)‘ huil:lin;__vs erected on saiid Avenue, and to prevent. the use or occupation of any huildin;_: on said Avenue as a shop.

8. _\]o:=.lII-:3, .'l(‘I£'i!fl' Chairman. Inlovecl lay Alll€l'iD3n Mo.-ilier, seconriei] by Alderman Stewart, that

ssaiml report he «'1ll0pl..PIl and the Uity Clerk instructed to acknowledge the receipt of Mr. \'t-'hitinan's letter. Motion passed.

Read report of Coininittee on Tenders on tenders for printing, s<t.ntio1-ery and arliwsrtflsing from January, 1895, to 30th April, 1897.

['i':m1uittee ltoolu, City Hall, January lith, 1396. Tu Hi’ ll'u:-21:5}: H.-r _‘|Iu3.ror rum‘ _lz'r’m-l:<:'S of City t‘rnmci2' :

U1:_\"rI.i-;.\1a.\:,—'l'l1e t'::ll1£l'lit.te(‘,' on Tenders held a 1neet.i:1;' this dav,atwl1ich there were present _-llilerinen Iilraslier, ehairinun, U’Donnell and Butler. Tenders for the sixteen nnanths, from .lnnuar_v, 1896, to 31:13.‘, 189?, for the following .~aervit-es were npeiied, viz: l‘rintin<_;, Book-bindin;e:, Stationery and Advertising.

'l‘en:l:=.1'.*: were rer-eiveul as follows: Advertising, Blorning Chronicle and AL‘1\tll:1t1 Re-rrnri,le|'; l’riIit-ingr, Blair-l:a:lnr Bros, William '.\It'.\'ab, Tlieal-rston oi C0. and T. (_'. Allen «R (_‘o.; Hook-bixirliiig, T. L‘-. Allen 0'; Co. and Williain M.cNal3; St-:1tiouer_\'. T. C. Allen rt C‘o Your colmnittee ['C:‘LlIllIllellLl the arceptalnce of the following tenders: Advertis

in-_r, C|1ronir_-In and ltemrdnr; printing, statioziery anrl bool:—binding, Messrs. '1‘. C. Allen & Co. Your ('om1nit.tee have Iniieh pleasure in reportirig that the figures in these

tenders are mlnrli lower than in previous years, and it- is expected that the cut in t.l1e_a1nonnt of the miitrnrts. together with the additional $00 placed in the estimates, will (':1rr_v the printing and stationery .aecount over the period of isixteen months without a deiicit.

All above mentioned tenders are submitted herewith. S. MOSHEB, Chctiriairiii.

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JANUARY I-Stir, I896. 175

Moved by Alderman Mosher, seconded by Alderman 0’Donnell, that said report be adopted. Motion passed. Read letter from William Ackhurst, covering account for $150

for alleged services in Board of Works Office. Moved by Alderman McFatridge, seconded by Alderman Stewart, that the same be referred to the Department of City Works for report. Motion passed.

Read Bill to amend Charter of Halifax E'ectric Tramway Company» Limited. Moved by Alderman Stewart, seconded by Alderman Mitchell, that the same be referred to His \-Vorship the Mayor, His Honor the Recorder and the City Engineer for report. Motion assed. p Read an Act entitled “ An Act relating to C.‘-abs. Hackney Carriages,

Trucks and Livery Stable Keepers in the City of Halifax.” Moved by Alderman Hamilton, seconded by Alderman Mitchell, that said Act he adopted. and forwarded to the Legislature for enactment. Motion passed. Head draft Act entitled, An Act to settle the disputes as to the

boundary lines of the Dutch Village lots in the County of Halifax. Moved by Alderman Butler, seconded h Alderman Onthil, that the same be adopted and forwarded to the Legislature for enactment. Motion passed. Read draft Act entitled, An Act to amend Chapter 58 of the Acts

of I891 known as the City Charter. On motion the same is con- sidered clause by clause.

Read clause 1, re City Seal. Moved by Alderman Stewart, seconded by Alderman Outhit, that this clause do pass. Motion passed. Read clauses 2 to 13 inclusive, re Widening of Lockrnan Street.

Moved by Alderman Foster, seconded by Alderman Stewart, that said clauses 2 to 13 inclusive be adopted. Motion passed. Read clauses 14 to 26 inclusive, re An Ofiicial Plan of the City of

Halifax and the opening of new streets, highways or public places, and the extending, widening, straightening, altering or locating anew these already in existence, Ste. Moved by Alderman Stewart, seconded by Alderman Geldert, that said clauses 14 to 26 inclusive, do pass. Motion passed.

Read clause 27, re Permanent Paving of Sidewalks. On motion said clause 27 is adopted.

Read clauses 28 and 29. re Paid Fire Department. Moved be Alderman Foster, seconded by Alderman Ryan, that clause 28 be amended by sub-tituting the word “majority” for the words “two thirds.” and by inserting the word “whole” after the word “ the ” on the sixteenth line of said clause.

That clause 29 be amended by striking out all the words after the words “ at all fires" on the twelfth line of said clause and by inserting in lieu thereof the following: “In such a way as he may deem most useful for extinguishing fires,” "And the senior office of said fire department," "in the absence of the chief oflicer shall at fires have




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176 JA:rL-vim’ Jan, z.5e.9o'.

all the powers of the chief,” and that said clauses 28 and 29 do pass as so amended. i\Iot.ion passed. Read clause 30, re Collection of Water Bates. Moved by Alder-

man Stewart, secondeil by Ahlerman McFatrirlge, that this clause pass. Motion passer}.

Rear} clause 31, re Powers of the City of Halifax in laying pipes on any oi‘ the streets of said City. Moved byA|rle1'rnan Stewart, secnlitlerl by Alderman Geldert, that clause 31 do pass. Motion pzissed.

Read clause :32, re Electric Tratnway on Young Avenue. Moved by Alderman Hamilton, .~;econr.lod by Alderman Gelilert, that this clause do paces. Motion pasesed. Read clause 33, re monthly rstatenient to be furnished by City

Tl‘ti£l.‘5l]1"€I' and over expeI1dit:11'e.-5 hy (iommittee. Moved by Alder- man Ste-wa1'£'._ ."3eC0f1l.i8ti by AI:.lerrna.n Mtchell, that this clause do pass. .\lotion pusrieal.

Rear‘! clauwe 3-1», we Shortening 'I'crm=i of Imprisonment of PI‘iS0l'1EI‘.~?.

conliiied in City Pri-son. Moves] by Alderman .\ici"atri:_lge, seconded l‘-_\* Alulerioan i*'o.'~.zLer, that clause TH passe. Motion passetl.

[in-mi r:l:m~o 35, '.-‘r3 Water Service Pipes. Mnwetl by Alilerinan I\IcI“;111i-.lgc. H'.'("v')]1ltfvl hy Alderman Outhit, that this clauee do pass. .\i0tiIa11 pa.~'.-‘eLl.

Read clam-2 36, re Salaries of Policemen. Moves] by Alderman l"o~:ter, .~1econr|eLl by Alderman HcFatriI:lge, that this clause (lo pass. -.\Iotion pass:-ul. Read clause 37, re Appropriation for Citizen.-I Free Librarv.

Elovcrl by :'LlLlerrn:1n Geldert, seconded by Aldernlaln Foster, that this Cl£1'Ll.~%(: pass. Motion passed.

ll-.~.a¢.l clause 38, re Brick Building District of the City. Moved by Alihrromn ()uthit, .---conded by Alden-nnan Butler, that said clause do pass. Motion pass;-nl.

Rearl elanxe 219. re Estiniate for Short Collection of Taxes. Moved l‘-‘V Al:Jei‘m:1n Hauiilton, isecondetl by Alclertnan Butler, thalt clause 39 do pa»-5. Motion pilssetl.

Roar! claiises -I-0 and 41, re School Rates. -.\Io\'ed by Alderman liamilton. .-secorulel by Alderman Stewart, that ClE.lllr‘eE‘S -3:0 and -L1 do pews. .\lolion pE]..*5."SI’_‘ll.

Read clatu~;e ~12. re A~=sosa:,'111ent of V:=.cant Llizcls. lllovetl by Alder- man Stewart. .-:9-:'o11alen'l by Alderman Blitler, that this clause PASS. Motion pasa:-soil.

Road (?lflLl-:1’? 43, sections 6:, h and c. -re Taxes and Exemption on C!mrche.~; and certain Instituitione. -.\Ioved by Alderman Stewart. .=;econrled by Alderman limnilton, that the same do now pa.-“s. Hotion 1.aa.~;.~sed.

Read clause -14. re Oath to be taken by the City Assessor.-3. Moved by Alnlwtnnn Butler, seconds‘-l by Alderman Stewart, that this clause pa..~sE=. Motion passed.

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JA NUARY 15th, 1896. 177

Read clause 43, re Official Plan of the City. Moved by Alderman Stewart, seconded by Alderman Hubley. that said clause do pass. Motion passed. Read clause 46, re Ordinance re Horses and Cattle. Moved by

Alderman Geldert, seconded by Alderman Stewart, that this clause pass. Motion passed. ‘_:

Read clauses 47 and 48, in Stock Certificates and Debentures. Moverl by Alderrnan Hamilton, seconded by Alderman Foster, that said clauses 47 and 48 do pass. Motion passed.

Rood clause 49, 7'8 City's Eiinliing Fond. Mos-'ed by Alderman Foster, seconded by Aldcrm1n Mitcliell, that this clause pass. ;\Iotion ':a.s:-‘ed.

. I

Read clause :30, re Police Superannuation Fund. Moved by Alder- man Hamilton, seconded l.-y Alderman Lane, that said clause do pass. .lotion passed.

‘Head clause .31, re Ordinance in relation to Animals. Move-;l by Alderman Geldcrt, seconded by Alderman Stewart, that this clause do pass. Motion passed.

Read clause 52. re Borrowing Honey for certain purposes. Moved la)‘ Alderman 1-Iamilton, seconded by Alderman Foster, and passed.

Read Clause ,-id, -re Borrowing money'ior Water Extension. Moved I

1-)‘ Alderman Oothit, seconded by Alderman Hamilton, that clause 53 do pass. Motion passed. Read clause 54:, -re Proceedings under City Ordinances. Moved by .

Alderman Hamilton, seconded by Alderman Stewart, that this clause ,

do pass. Motion passed. -

Read clause 55, we Ordinance regulating Poles and Wires. Moved by Alderman Hamilton, seconded by Alderman Mitchell, that this clause do pass. Motion passed. Read clause 57. re Repealing Inconsistent Acts. Moved by Alder-

man Stewart, seconded by Alderman Hubley, that said clause pass. ==,

Motion passed. Read clause 56, re Times and Hours for the Transaction of City

Business. Moved by Alderman Gcldert, seconded by Alderman Hamilton, and passed. Moved by Alderman Hamilton, seconded by Alderman Mitchell,

that said draft Act as amended do now pass as a whole and His Honor the Recorder authorized to submit the same to the Legislature. Motion passad. Read letter from the Hon. the Provincial Secretary covering Bills

affecting the City of Halifax now before the Legislature". Moved by Alderman Hamilton. seconded by Alderman Lane, that His Worship the Mayor and His Honor the Recorder and the City Engineer be a -.

committee to watch the progress of hills effecting the City of Halifax through the Legislature. Motion passed. '

His Worship the Mayor brought to the notice of the Council that the claim of H. W. Went-cell 35 Co. against the City for rlarnag-es to their property by the City ladder Waggon still remains unsettled and

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173 J11 A-‘our R Y mm, 18.96.

asks that -aome action be taken in the matter. Moved by Alrlennan Butler. secomlerl by Alderman Hamilton. that the same he referred to the Committee on Public Accounts together with the Chairman of the Board of Fire Wardens for report. Motion passed. Read petition of William Delday and other residents of Jubilee Road

and Maple Street for water cxten-sion. Moved by Alderman Butler, .‘-'~CCUTl.li{3fi hy Alderman Lane, that the name he referred to the Depart- ment of Ci ty Works for report at next meeting of Council. Motion 1-:1~'.~zeiI.

His Wor.-:hip the Mayor nominates the following as a Committee on Hiiiaries of Civic Ofiicials according to resolution passer} 30th Decem- lam", lSE}5.nml 8111.1-1nuar3', 18536: Aldermen Cielclert, Butler, Mitclicll, [-1111,19.“ Euler], and Outhit. Moved by Alderman Stewart, .=..--zconilerl

hy Alnicrman Hamilton, that said nominations be confirmeul, Motion ]:.\.=.~.<se»l.

Hie Waaraliip the Mayor calls the attention of the Council toa report in the Mornin;_§ Chronicle of the l3th January, in.~st., of a meet- in;_': hold in the First Bapti-t Church on Satunlay afternoon last in which report Mr. Janaea 1'-Iackinto.=ah is atateal to have said: The Him element \l.'.'1S enormously strong, as within 24- hours of the last time he ran for Mayor, ileil-\\‘8B_{_I 334-000 and 85000 was rai.~.=erl to defeat him. He was tolil hy a man after the election that he was elected but diil not get the position. He also got similar information to the above from City oliiciala. and aaks that some steps be taken by the Council to inve-ti;._{ate the matter. Moved h_\_' Alderman Stewart, .‘-§(‘I;‘i)nIlt:nl lay Alilerrnan Uehlert, that the City Clerk be instructed to \rrite _\[r. M:l('.ia'.il!1t0~4l‘u asking him if he was correctly reported in tho pap:-r reE'errez_l to. Motion pa~'=4e:'l.

His Woruliip the Mayor now retires and Alderman Hamilton, ll:-poly Mayor. takes the chair.

Elm.-cal l._v Al-lerlnan U’Donnell, zaecondenl by Alderman Foster, that the lilruler of the Day be snlepelided to allow Alderman O‘D0nnell to introduce a re.-solution. Motion passed.

The following resolution is now introduced :

l.’..\-.u';--..r‘, 'l'h:11 11:0 Chief lnspm-tor of Licenses: lay upon the table for the infrurrnntir-I1 of this l'nnm-il at its next ll'I(‘!E’t'll12 the number ofprosecntons for \"r-ilutirni ml‘ the l:I\r ¢-l;1.~'.~.4ii'_\'in;: wl-.otl:er wholesale shops or hotel.-‘sortln-Se hnvina‘ I]-I Iii’-an:-'I.'. <_-Erin-_: tlir Ii:-st, so‘-uini or tlnril ::i‘I'e:-..==es the names of those and the Imiitlnsér or-111it1t~.1 and the nnml-or runricterl (luring the past tn'eI\‘e? Inonths.

hIl"I\‘t‘Li by Alderman O'Donnell, seconded by Alderman Butler, and passor.l. Moved by Alclerman Butler, seconded hv Alderman Stewart, that

No. 16 on Order Paper. viz: Annual Report of City Engineer 1894.--5 he referred to the Connni_ttee on Publication of Annual Report. Motion pa.-user].

v.\Io\-‘ell _by Alderman Foster, seconded by Alderman Outhit, that 30. 4 on Urder Paper, viz: Letter of City Clerk covering letter and

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-I.—1_\'[':iRY I-Jtfe, 18.96. 1751

award of ar'oil.rators on land.-s expropriated for the new pipe line with account for services=, be struck therefrom. Motion pas-?e-;l

Move-l by Altierinan Stewart, aaeconded by Alclerman Geldert. that .\'n. is on Order Paper be taketi up. Motion passed.

Head No. [8, viz: Resolution of Alulerman Danni.-5' ‘rt.’ widening of Quinpool Road. (See rninutes of Council 5th November, 1333.: .\lm‘ed by Aldernlan §$t.e\.varl'-, seconderl by AlderLuan GclderI:.tl1-at said resolution he now adopter}. .\loti0n passed.

Moved by Alderman Rudzlen, secon-led by Al-‘lerman Lane, that lli.-4 lionm‘ the Recorder, together with the City Enqiileer, 1'-_e-,5

in.=.-tructeul to prepare an Act and stiotiiit the some to the Le '-"l re at its prr-.-tent session, enabling tho. City Council to light the 5' lug.-

el-zctricity. -.\Iotion passecl. Move-Ll 1'-fr Alderman Foster, seconded by Alderman R _1leI'I.’£l1'.-It.

the Council arljourn. Motion passed. Council adjourns 11.15 o’clock.

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EVENING SESSION. 8.10 o’clock. ~~

JANUARY 23rd, 1896. A meeting of the City Council was held this evening. At the

above liourthere were present His Worship the Mayor, Aldermen lreighton, Ryan, Outhit, O’Donnell and Hnbley. Moved by Alderman Outhit. seconded by Alderman Hubley, that

the time for meeting be extended until 8.30 o'clock. Motion passed. 8.30 roll called; present the above named together with Aldermen

Geldert, Musgrave, Redden, Mitchell, Hamilton, Laue, McFatridge, Eden. The Council was summoned to proceed with business standing

over and the transaction of other business. -

The minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed. Alderman Ryan, chairman, submits a report from the Board of

Fire Wards and Fire Commissioners. His Worship the Mayor submitted the following papers, viz: Report License Inspector on prosecutions for violations of Liquor

License Act. Letter from Miss Antoinette Nordbeck re sewer assessment on her

property Coburg Road. Report City Engineer re Water extension Campbell Road. Application of A. E Cashen for position of hay weigher. Letter J. C. Mackintosh in reply to letter City Clerk re election of

Mayor McPherson. Invitation to City Council to attend annual meeting of Local

Council of Women of Halifax. Moved by Alderman Ryan, seconded by Alderman Outhit, that the

Order of the Day be suspended to read the papers submitted. Motion assed. P Read report H. Havelock Banks, License Inspector, on prosecutions

for violations of Liquor License Act. Moved by Alderman 0’Donneil, seconded by Alderman Hubley, that the report be referred back to the License Inspector for further information. lst, whether the persons named more than once in his report were charged the second time they were brought before the court with a second offence under the Act, and the third time with a third offence, or whether each time they were charged with and convicted for a first offence; 2nd, the amount of penalty imposed and the amount collected in each case, and the total amount collected. Motion passed.


Q. ‘P.

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182 JA NUARI’ £?5’rd, I896‘.

Read report. Board of Fire Words and Fire Commissioner on various suijeclss.

January 23rd, 1896. The Board of Fire Wards and Fire Cnrniiiissioners met this tiny. Present, the

l'.'hair|.nau, Aldermen Ueldert, liedden, I\IcFatridge and htoeher. The Bo:1r.l beg t - recouunenul as fr)iir;\\'S: ]e.t. That le§.ri—~'l'.1tion he ruhtaine-l to empower the Council when it deems

expedient to borro\\' nm11e_\.' to purchase or ronstrncra steam ho-at fur pm.-tertinn of property Im the water lront from fire. and -also for ]':o\\'er to assess the citizens for the mztirrtermnce of the 9-un1t‘e,nr if the (_'onnL~.il prefers su'l)sidiz1ng a boat l'--rthe purpose to ask for power to assess the citizens for the 1'-a)'uIe11t of said :l1lJSi:i_\’.

211d. That in reference to the Sl:m';1;:£' of pelrolenm in the Cit)’ of Halifax the ‘lominirm (.§u\‘<-.rn:m=nt he fBl]l]t".".li2€'.ri to enforce the regulntiotle providerl under lluminiov. Iegrislutiun, no the B-.u:r.] zmri Hrs Honor the ii6('r:f¢iET «lo not consider l: in the internals gft.]1c (.?it_v to pass an 'D'dinam'e bearing; on the subject.

3rd. That’. the Board be empmrered to ask for tenders for the ere:-rim: of 21 new engine house on the pr(1[:crt_\‘ at the corner of West. and -Iaunes Streets aceordiiig to plan and S])BClfi(.';lii0ll prepared b_\' W. B. Fidlcr.

-lth. That i(‘.\_{i?ii:I1irlll be obtained to ernpmver the Cntmcil to borrow the stun of 5'2,.-’}!H) fur the purchase of an extension 1a1hier—-.-§ldernu‘n .\[.-slaer and ll-IcI-'at.rid;:e Iiité-uelltllig. -

Eath. Th-.11 the f«_»llo\\-in;__' u:'uI.'.l1I1tS, l1:u"mg been certified and found correct, be paid :

[T1-nggx Brr._\;. Lk I_‘rn _

}|.'1rdx.\-gu-e_ 39.1.50; Vt’. N Br:m'n, \\‘o1'h and n1:1‘.e|-inls, 13.135‘, John .‘-.'-mrr, Sun & I'n._ Ltd

. fir-- alarm box, Lltru, 62.9-I: I. B Slinlfer or L‘o., feed,

:'r2.t31 ; Wm. .‘ét:1i'r.~‘-, .‘-_iu11 (K: .\lnrrou, brass, 260: Daniel .\lr'.Leod, hm-so shoeing,

11.54; Wm. .Iur:I:m, ilul'(.’.-3'iIrI|_3i'IIg, $l3 9'2: i.‘l1i0l1 Axe U0, I-urlder service, 3T.5l|; Win. i\'<1:'|It'. r.-mil. 1144; 1.’-I-.1:-la lire-3. & lo, lI:1r:l\\'nre, 1.7:»; liremner Bros ,

t11rke_\'S. 35.61: W. r\': L‘. §'_~'iI\'or, quilt, 4.50; J.'tIne:'i Detngwster at‘. (_'r)., lumber. 10 51'}: (“.}1:1rle:-5 .-\11n:\ln], :|,l\'t,-rtisingg. 522; H. II. |' I.1ih’.'l‘ S: [.‘o., Imrdw-are,3')‘3-1: John iiolt-_\'. unison work, »l.'.’t1: John {}’(_'onnell. horeeslloeing, 2-5.96; Mztrtin, QR Munro, pnilitiiig :m(l glnzin-,', 13. I15

: G. ‘.\l.(Tr1lIs-n&('u._ glazing, Sf 10 ; Power at Pu, |1lIImluin;:, T.II||: Il:I._\‘ (K: I\'insman, phunhilig and stove fitting, 34.24: llewulf. Linn ii; l_‘u._ curriaire reinlirs. ll.'.‘~.Tt‘I; l. B. e‘sh;1[i'ner (Q Ca, feed, 20 accounts ‘.’1'.l.IT'. .5mstin i’-ru_~.s.. oil, 30,34; ‘lira. .-\insle_\', carriage hire, 2.HU; R. Martin: .K'.

(_‘n , ropnf-ring hnrnes.~', 73.21): lfiirqllllnr Urns , plumbin;_=_', 1-£0.08 .-—-Tot-.11, $100-1.96.

JXO. F. R‘;'\.\', Ciulirnlrm.

Morel] ‘by Alderman Ryan seconded by Alderman Reddcn that the smile he consideled clause by clause. Motion passed.

Read clause one, we purchasing or subsidizing a steer-n boat for pro- tection of property on water front from fire. Objected to and piaced on the Order of the Day. Read clause two, are storage of petroleum in the citv of Halifax.

Moved by Alderman Ryan, seconded by Alderman Elli.-Fatridge, that this clause pass. Motion passed. Read ciauise three, re calling for tenders for erection of a new engine

house at corner of West and James streets. Moved by Alderman Mcifatridge, seconded by Alderman Ryan, that this clause pass. Motion passed. Read clause four re purchase of an extension ladder. Moved by

Alderman Ryan, seconded by Aldermen Redden, that this clause do

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JANUARY 23rd, 1896’. 18:‘.

pass. Motion put and lost, Four voting for the some and eiglitagnimt 1t. Names being called for, were recorded thus :

For the Motion. Against it.

A.lLlermen Redden, Aldermen Musg-rave, Lane, Hamilton, Mitchell, Huhley. O'Donnell, Eden, MeFatridge, Ryan-—-1-. Creighton, Outhit—-8.

Aiderinan Gcldcrt excuieul from v ating. Read clause five, recommending sundry accounts for payment. The following resolution is intro lucel :

Rr.’.k'rJ.l'r':'rl', 'l'li:1t clause 5 of the Board of Fire Wards and Fire Coinmissinners rs-

ni-c.-ounts; he re.-:.+i\'ed and concurred in, and that His Worship the .\_la_\'or be ai:.=1

i.-5 :I.uthori7.e.'i to sign \\'-.-:.rr-nuts for the puyinent of the accounts therein. Moved by Alderman Ryan, seeon-led by Ahlerlnan McFatt-idge, an-.l

asset]. P Read invitation to His Worship the Mayor and Council to atten-l

the annual meeting of Local Council of Women of Halifax January 30th inst. Moved by Al-lerman Lane. seconded by Altlerimn Min chell, that the invitation he accepted,'i1nl that the thanks of th: Council be tendered to the Council of Women for the same. Motion passed. -


Read report City Engineer, January 23rd, 1896, are water extension Campbell Road, covering report April 9th, 1895, on same subject. and petition John O'Snllivan at at for the said water extension.

W-rriin Ex'n:.\‘s1o.\' CA.\l.l’BHi.1. Rom. January :?3rJ, 1396.

His‘ ll‘ru'.~'l'u'p I-7:1‘ .‘l{::yor.- ::‘:m,——[ be-.' to return herewith former report on extension of water on Campbell

Road. from Mnlgr-ave Park to the Round House. The circumstances h:1\‘e cliiiiiged coll:-iitleruliiy since the date of that report (April 9th, 1895.} The cost of the whole exlenslon is Istimated at $4,532.17. The interest on the

outlay, including fire llyilrants we 11:] be about S35U.0[l. '1‘he estimated revenue on the houses within the district to he supplies! would be S18-LIID. Under these circliiilstances 1 could not 1’EL‘()l'l‘Ill‘lel1l'.l the extension when reporting before. Since that time, however, I have had several conferences with the Chief Engineer of the Iutercolonial Raili\‘a_\'. They pay the Cit)‘ $3"'3.0U per annum for suppiv delivered in the reservoir at Mul:_fr:I.\‘e Park. The agreement has not been \-er} satisfartr r_\' to either side, and hearing that an extension was proposed on Campbell Road, Mr. Arcliibaild oflered to pay an Rt.lditiOIl8.l $100 0|} 0!‘ $900.00 per aiinmu for a Sltppl_\’ delivered to the Round House through a 9 inch pipe with permission to take two branches at their own expense from the main, putting in hydrants on the railway property. This offer was not considered satisfactory, and after consider-.ible discussion and correspondence, an additional ofl‘er was innde to the railuuiy authorities to enter into a new agreement to supply water at Richmond at a minimum rate of.'3l,0GJ a year for an a\'erage:daiI_v sup 13' of 40000 gallons, any excess in omsuinption to be paid for by meter rate. he railwar authorities have acne ted this offer. The result will be to give ‘an increase (Zr revenue of $380 00 at east, while the interest on the outlay is only $250.00. Under these circumstances. I would recommend that a new agreement be

made with the Railway Department on the conditions named above, and that the water. be extended on (Jampbeli Road by a 9 inch main from the end ofthe present 9 inch main to the Round House. .

F. W’. W. Do.=i:\'E, City Enginrrr.







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18+ JANUARY ;?3rd. 1896'.

Moved by Alderman McFatridge, seconded by Alderman Creighton, that the report of City Engineer. January 23rd, be received and con- curred in. Motion passed.

lead application A. E. Cashen for the position of weigher of bundled ha_v. Moved by Alderman McFatridge, seconded by Alderman Eden, that Mr. Casher be appointed weigher of bundled hay under the 1e:-ms of Ordinance No. 61 relating to the weighing of hay. Motion put and passed, eleven voting for the same and two against it. Names being called for, the following voted:

F01-the Motion. Against it.

Aldermen lllusgrave. Geldert, Aldermen lzlubley, Redden, Hamilton, Creighton. --2. Lane, Mitchell. O'Donnell, Ryan, Eden, l'l1cFatridge, Outhil'..—ll.

Read letter Miss Antoinette Nordbeclr re sewer assessment on her property, Cuburg road. Moved by Alderman Hamilton, seconded by Alderman O'Donnell, that said letter be referred to the City Engineer for report. Motion passed.

Read letter from J. C. Mackintosh in reply to letter from City Clerk -re election of Mayor McPherson. Filed.

ORDER or THE Dar. Moved by Alderman Mitchell, seconded by Alderman Lane, that-No.

2 on Order of the Day be now taken up. Motion passed. Read No. 2. viz: Report City Engineer re sidewalk on wmt side of

llollis Street in front of Province B-uilrling, covering a letter from the l).~puty Cumrnissioner of Works and Mines reqne-"ting construction of the same.

PHov1x('E BFI[.DiXCr S1r)aiv_xI.i-i.

Mn)‘ lfi, 1894. {fie |l'oa‘.e.l'n"n flu‘ .‘lfo_:;or.-

Sin, — In accordance with your ilistnlction, I beg to report on the accoliipanying letter fr.:m the Deputy Commissioner of Public \\'or‘.'.s and ln1ine3,:I.slr.ine. for 3 1-mcr-wte sitlewallz on the west side of Fhltis street in front of the Province l'»'1lilvllI1‘.='- 'l‘|n=-re is no .’e'ldB\\'tllli there now at all except cIa-}'- The government are ll’-3Sil'Ol1S of lI'.I\'lt‘l;_' a sicl-ewalk l.I.i-.1 by the ('l.L_\-" as the city has the plant and sicillel men. The estimated cost of the work is 81.30).

F. W. W. Do.-Lxe, City Engineer.

.\loved by Alderman Mitchell, seconded by Alderman Lane, that the report of the Engineer be received and concurred in, and the Engineer instructed to proceed with the work. Motion passed.

Moved by Aldernnn Redden, seconded by Alderman Lane, that the Order of the Day be suspended to allovr Alderman Lane to introduce a resolution. Motion passed.


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JANUARY F332-d, 18.96. 185

The following resolution is now introduced :

Ilissnlrrrl, That the following clause be added to the city bill now before the local legislature, entitled an Act 1;: amend chapter 53 of the Acts of 1891 :

‘ Every person undertaking any contract to he performed wholly or partially within the City of Halifax. and who is not a taxpayer assessed upon property in the City or County of Halifax within one year previous to said contract, shall pay to the city collector a sum equal to $2 on the 8:00 on the amount to bccofne payable l_i_\' virtiie of cve1'_v such contract into which he shall enter, which sum may be recovered as at debt at the Suit of the City of Halifax in any court of competent jiirisdiction.

Moved by Alderman Lane, seconded by Alderman O'Donnell. On the vote being taken and nanies being called for there appeared:

1-‘or the Resolution. ' Against it.

Aldermen Eden, McFa.trid,r:e, Aldermen Outhit, Ryan, 0’Donnell, Creighton, Hubley, Mitchell, Hamilton, Redden, Lane, ilIusgi'a.ve.~$. GeIdei't.—9.

His Worship the Mayor declares the resolution lost on the ground that the subject of it is new matter and therefore to pass should receive a. two-thirds vote of the whole"'Council. Which ruling was concurred in by His Honor the Recorder.

Moved by Alderman Lane, seconded by Alderman R.-sdden. that the Urder of the Day be l‘u_rther suspended to allow Alderman Redden to move a resolution. Motion passed. The following resolution is now introduced :

ll'lm-i-ris, A resolution passed this Council on April 26,1895, authorising the pnynieiit of the sum of two hundred dollars to Mr. W. L_. Brown for services per- formed in the Wziter Departgneiit,

.-Ind wi:lirrcu.-, Under reconsideration‘ on life)’ 8, 1895, this matter was referred to the Special Committee on Salaries, -

.lna’. ii-lie:-ms, That Committee has not made fl.IJ_\' recommendation to this Council :

fI‘lu're;!'orr rcsuhw‘, Tliat His Worship the Mayor, as head of the Works Depart- ment, ascertain if this amoiiiit is justly due Mr. Brown, and ifso, to pay him.

Moved by Alderman Redden, seconded by Alderman Geldert, and passed. Moved by Alderman Lane, seconded by Alderman Geldert, that the

Order of the Day be further suspended to allow Alderman Ge-ldert to introduce a. resolution. Motion passed and the following resolution is in trod uced :

R£‘s‘o(t-‘ed, That His Honor the Recorder be empowered to add to the City Bill now before the legislature it clause or clauses amending the present building law, 1st. By requiring all persons who contemplate building to furnish the Cityfilngineer with :1statemeutshou'ing{o}the location of the proposed build- ing; [In the material of which it is to be erected, and (c) the purpose for which it is to be used. End. Einpoweriniz the City Engineer to determine the line upon wliich said building shall be erected. 3rd._ All applications in relation to proposed buildings to he reported upon by the City Engineer, and passed by the Council. 4th. In cases where the character of the building or the purpose for which it is to be used is likely to prejudice other properties in the neighbor- hood, the Council to have power to refuse its sanction to such erection.

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186 JANUARY 23rd, 1896‘.

: .1 if

:. ' On the vote being taken and names being called for there appeared ,

‘fl For the Motion. Agsinfit it- l_

"E f Aldermen Musgrave. Geldert, Aldermen Hubley,


' Redden, Hamilton, 0’Donnell.—2. Lane, Mitchell‘, Ryan, McFatridge, Eden, Creighton.-10.

His Worship the Mayor declares the resolution lost on the ground that being new matter it could not pass without a two-thirds vote of the whole council. His Worship’s ruling is concurred in by His Honor the Record er. Moved by Alderman Redden. seconded by Alderman Mitchell, that

the Order of the Day be further suspended to allow Alderman Mitchell i

- to move a resolution. Motion passed and the following resolution is introduced :

Resolved, That His Honor the Recorderbe instructed to apply to the Legislature at its present session for an amendment of Rule 8, sixth ine, of the Charter of Halifax, Electric Tramway Company, and all other sections of the said Charter so that wherever in said Charter any matter or thing is to be done or determined by the City Engineer that His Worship the Mayor be associated with the Engineer in connection therewith. Moved by Alderman Mitchell, seconded by Alderman Redden, and

assed. P Moved by Alderman Eden, seconded by Alderman Outhit, that No.

1 on Order of the Day. viz. clause 2 of Draft Act to amend City Charter be struck therefrom. Motion passed. Moved by Alderman Geldert, seconded by Alderman Redden, that

No. 17 on Order of the Day be now taken up. Motion passed. Read No. 17, viz: Report Special Committee on proposed summer carni- val. Moved by Alderman Geldert, seconded by Alderman Lane, that the report be referred back to the Committee for further report. Motion passed. Moved by Alderman Hubley, seconded by Alderman Eden, that the

Council adjourn. Motion passed. Council adjourns 10.30 o'clock.

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EVENING SESSION. 8.10 o'clock.


Jaxuiinr 29 th, 1896.

A meeting of the City Council was held this evening. At the above hour there were present His Worslnip the Mayor, Aldermen Hamilton, Mitchell, O'Donnell and Outliit.

Movetl by Alderman Hamilton, seconrled by Alderman Mitchell, that the time for meeting be extended until 830 o’cl0ck. Motion passed.

8.30 roll called. Present, the ahove named together with Aldermen Stewart, Rerlrlcn, Butler, Lane, Ryan, Hubley, Foster. Creighton, McFatridge and Gelclert. The Council was summoned to consider matters in connection with

the Provincial Exhibition, to proceed witifbusiness standing over and the transaction of other hm.-iness. The minutes of last meeting were read and approved. Alderman Hamilton. chairman, submitted a report from the

Exhibition Sites Committee of the Exhibition Conimission. 1-[is Worship the Mayor submitter] the following papers: Letter A. E. Cashen, weigher of bun-;lle hay, asking for appointment

of a. third weigher of hay. Application of James Corish for position of weigher of bundle hay. Report City Engineer on letter William Ackhurst, covering account

$150 for alleged service. Letter City Health Board re Oflicials of the Infectious Diseases

Hospital. Moved by Alderman Outhit, seconded by Alderman Creighton, that

the Order of the Day be suspended to read the papers submitted. Motion passed. Read report City Engineer on letter and account for services from

Vifilliam Ackhurst. Wittmit Acicrrunsi-‘s Prrmo.\'.

His ll'orsllip the .\Ia,r:o3- .- January 29th, 1896. S:l:,——I have interviewed 1-2.x‘-Mayor Keefe in reference to Mr. Acl<hurst’s claim

for three months’ Salary, and he informs me that Mr. Aekhurst was paid in full. He was em loyed at $0.00 a month. and was paid for all the work he did for the City. As at as I can ascertain he has no ground for making any claim for salary. as the clause to which he possibly refers in his petition only applies to the oliicials named in the clause. It would not include Mr. Ankh-.1)-st.

F. W. \V. Doasz-:, City Engineer. 187



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133 JA NUARY 2?9!!i,, 1896’.

Moved by by Alderman Huhley. seconded by Alderman O’Donnell, that the report of the City Engineer he received and concurred in. Motion passed. Read letter City Health Board asking Council to concur in legisla-

tion to authorize the Health Board to appoint or dismiss ofiicials of the Infection». Diseases Hospital. Mived by Alderman Foster, seconded by Alderman O'Donnell, that the request of the City Health Board be not concurred in. .\[otion passed. Read letter A. E. Cashen askirig for the appointment of a third

vveigher oi’ bundle hay. Also read application of James Corish for position of weigher of

bundle hay. Placed on Order of the Day. Read report Exhibition Sites Committee of the Exhibition Com-

mission I'econ1mendin;_{ that legislation be applied for to empower the Council to provide halt’ the cost nee-lful to acquire ,r:roun-'i~', erect hiiilrlings, assure a. prize list, Sac, for a. Provincial Exhibition in the City‘ of Halifax on condition that the Provincial Government will provide the other hall".

I.\' RI-1 I~I.\‘IIIl:i'I':o_\' I_\' CITY or H.iI.1r_i.\‘.

'Your(,‘oni1nittee. app:-inter] mitts! time ago, beg leave to report that shortly after their aippuintmcnt tlm-._\' inet the executive of the Partners‘ .-L-'s.~sor'iatinri, \\'l1r'I

fe'.tt.h:1t the exliihitinu rune \rnrth_\- ofthis ‘l"ro\“1:iceJel1r.-ull he held in the City nf Halii':i_\' (’.'3l'i1 _\'car_. con1mem'in_:: in the Fall of next year [_I5iJF'i

.\':.nr,tlu». prrrpositi-‘ii: is I-II l : The Provincial} Governlncnt he asked to pr-nviile hnlftlm l‘lL‘-iI:l.llLi the (_.'it)' of Halifax the other half ncedfiil to acquire groI1nr.l_ erect huilclinz.-3, assure -.1 good |irl?.P list and any other matter nvedful therewith. Your tfmninittee liirlhcr l'l'I‘01lIII]L"I'IIl that if this meets with the npproval ofthe

Cmincil, that they he. and arc1iercl.i_\‘ illlt-iIL)1'i?1Cti to act for t.he Council in the preparation of any leg,-l:sl;1t.ii_i|1 that may be deemed necessnr_\' to carry the pro- posetl scheme into cllect.

'_J. T. H_\mI."1‘r:-_\', Ciaairziiuii. Ilalifax, Jalnniu-_\' 291.11. 130:3.

Moved by Alderinan Lane, seconded by Alderman Hamilton, that lir. E. P». Elderkin and Mr. G. C. Lawrence. representatives of the F-arniers’ Association of .\io\'-a Scotia, being present he heard by the Council on the matter. Motion passed. Having been called upon by His Worship the Mayor the above

named gentlemen respectively addressed the Council, advocating the holding of a Provincial Exhibition in the City of Halifax annually in the interests of the Province at large as well as of the City of Halifax. They believed that the Local Government would be nearly unani-

mous in their efforts to assist the City Council if they adopted the the recommendations contained in the committees report-.- About $100,000 would be required as a nucleus, and though some Ifliflhfi think the amount too great it would be better to ask for that sum and meet with the agreeable surprise of a balance to credit after the plans were completed than it would be to ask for an amount that would not be sufficient and be under the necessity of making .a second

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JANUARY 29th, 1896. 189

application. The majority of the Farmers’ Association was in 1.-'_].'mpatl]_)’ with the proposition now before the Council.

Moved by Alderman Hamilton, seconded by Alderman Lane. that the report of the committee be received and concurred in. Motion pas.-zed unanimously. The following resolution is now introduced: 1.52401:-(Jr! .' Tliat His Honor the Iiecorcler be autllorized tn‘dr:Lft an .-\t'’( for

llrl-‘I-3|.-?]1Bll.l-iI,’}l‘| to the Local Gs':\'erIn11ent at its present Seeslon giving: this Cotini-ll ;\::\\'t’r to sell the present exhibition ;:ru11I1d:s and buildings if :11; :1 future date the I‘n||m-il Ll(2l.!l{ll3 h_\' it |n:ijorit_v rote to do so.

llloved by Alderman Hamilton, seconnled by Alalerlnan d'I[Cl.“i].tf'il.l":':(‘,

and passed. Ono:-:1: or THE DAY.

.\loverl by Alderman Lane. seooniled by Alderman Huhley, that No. 17 on Order of the Day be now taken up. Motion passed.

Rt-arl No. 17, via: Resolution of Alderman Lane TC non-assessed crmtractors. (See minutes of Council, January 23:11, 1896.) M0\'ef.l

by Alderman Lane, seconded by Alderman O'Donnell, that said resolution be now adopterl. Moved in amendment by Alderman Foster, st-coriiierl by Alderman Hainilton, that the resolution be referred to the Assesstnent Comniissioui appointed by the Provincial {.lo\’e':‘nlnent. The amendment on heing put was "lost, three voting for the same and nine against it. Names being called for appeared thus :

For the Amendment. Against it. Aldermen Stewart, Aldermen Geldert, Ii'lcFatriil_r_:e,

Hamilton, Redulen, Butler, Foster.——3. Mitchell, O'Donnell,

Hubley, Lane, Ryan.——9.

The original resolution is now put and passed. Alderman Hamilton gives notice of reconsideration. Moved by All-lerman Redden, seconded by Alderman Mitchell, that

the Order of the Day be suspended to allow Alderman Geldert to introduce a resolution. Motion passed. The following resolution is now submitted :

ll'lu-rm.<_ .-\_ Bill now liefore the P‘l'O\‘il'1L'l£ll Legislature proposes to take :l.\\':'l_\‘

Iron. the (‘it-_r ('.‘r.mm:il of llalifux the appointment of a civic otiirer and rests the $.1L1I(! in the t'§o\'ern|nent of the I‘ro\'inr:e,

R:-.-m{I'i':{, That this Uonnril protests agrtirlst such legislation as an Iiricallerl For and unjnstiiiable atknol: upon the privileges of this Council,

1.’.-mi:-r-rf, That copies of this resolution be sent to the House of Asseu:bl_\' itnrl I.cg_islalive Pouncil:

Pit:-rhrr Ir‘.-mu’:-rrl, That steps be tal-sen to procure the repeal ofa|1_\' le,rzisl.-ition of :1 like chzlrav.-tor enacteil in the past, and to seizure to this Council the ri_~_-lat of :!.|v,noinI.ment of all orficials for whose salaries the city is required to provide, and ‘-that the Recorder be authorized to prepare legislation to that etfet-t.

Moved by Alderman Geldert, seconded by Alderman McFatriclge, and passed.

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~ 190 JANUARY 99th, 1896'.

Moved by Alderman Gelderb, seconded by Alderman Mitchell, that No. 18 on Order of the Day be now taken up. Motion passed. . Read No. 18, viz.: Resolution of Alderman Geldert re amending

Building Act. (See Minutes of Council, January 23rd.) Moved by Alderman Geln:lert_ seconded by Alderman Lane, that

said rea0l_ul‘.ion do now pass. Motion passed. «

Moved by Alderman Foster, seconded by Alderman Mitchell, that the Council adjourn. Motion passed. The Council adjourns 10.30 o’elocl<.

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EVENING SESSION. 8.10 o'clock.

11TH, 1896. At the above~

hour there were present His Worship the O'Donnell, Dennis, F0-':«t(‘1“ and Mosher. Moved by Alderman Dennis, second-233 Alderman Foster, that the

time for meeting be extended o'clock. Motion passed. 8 30 Roll called. Presentthe ab "named, together with Aldermen

Stewart, Musgrave. Redden, ‘l ,*“Mitchell, Hamilton, McFatridge, Ryan, Creighton, Outhit, Lane nd Eden. The Council was summoned to appoint a Chief License Inspector, to

consider applications for licenses to sell liquor in the City of Halifax. to proceed with business stan ling over and the transaction of other business. The Minutes of last meeting were read and approved. Alderman Foster, Chairman, submits a report from the Committee

on Public Accounts. Alderman O’Donnell, Chairman, submits a report from the Com-

mittee on City Prison. Alderman Ryan, Chairman, submits a report from the Board of Fire

Wards and Fire Commissioners. His Worship the Mayor submits the following papers, viz. :

Resignation of John J. Inglis of position of Hay Wcigher. Application of Joseph Thompson for position of Hay Weigher. Application of William Johnston for position of Hay Weigher. Letter and resolution of Halifax Local Council of the National

Council of Women of Canada, re protection of youths. Report Special Committee on proposed Summer Carnival. Letter Harriet F. Allison. Secretary of lhe Ladies’ Auxilliary of the

Society for the Prevention of Cruelty, re Drinking Fountains. Report from His Honor the Recorder, re suits City of Halifax versus

Lithgow, and Ellis versus the City of Halifax. Application of H. Havelock Banks, License Inspector. for position

of License Inspector. Letter H. Havelock Banks, License Inspector, covering applications,

petitions, objections, declarations, evidence, and his several reports in respect to licenses for year 1896-97.

City Trea.surer’s Cash Statements, General, Water and Balances for month of January, 1896.


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192 FEBR on-.1 R Y‘ rut, I896.

City Collector’s returne of Rates and Water Rites eoliecterl during January, 1896.


Moved by Alderman Mo.-her, siecon-led by Aldermin Hubley, that the Order of th; Day be sux-pen-leul to read the papers .-submitted. Motion passed. Read report Bowl of Fire W.-min‘ an-l Fire CJt‘I’t.'I1i~i‘§i'IIfJBl‘1' re

application 0t‘ Thomas Bottornley for perlmssion to operate a. steam: planing mill Atlantic and Plover Streets.

.Tumiat_\- 31st, 1696.

The 11,035 of Fire Wzmls and Fire Cmmnis-iioners met this ulay. Present, the Chairman, Allie:-.ne|1 II—_m:1|trm, Uelulert, Mu.'Fat-ridgelaml Hfiaiujell.


Your board ‘neg to report on '(.i1E"£lppiil"z‘l.liOl'l of Thomas 'BotroInle_\' for permission to operaxe a atealii pliil-mg: mill, At]-.+.t1t.irr and i.’lu\'er Streets- recomrnemling that the same be gramtecl.

J.\'o. F. R\'.:i3‘, !."l'miran1n.

M. wed by Alderrnan Ryan, secou le.‘.I by Al-lerrn-in -.\1u-;.-_3_'r-.).\.'e_ that said report be receive] and c incurred in. i\1otion pas=e='{.

Read report Corrmiittee on City Prison reconnm-3miin;_\;' payment of eeeoiints for month of January. .

Feliruary ~ltI:. 1856. T119 C1'lFI'III'1iitC‘|'." on City Pris: m met this d'.L_\'. Present the Clmirtimil, .-Xldermeu

1-fin-{en and L'r--i:.{i1t.uI1.‘ Your Comnrlirtee be; to re ':'::nrn-enl for pm’ In .-nt the fall m'1ng l'lCr.'0i.11'ItS.

:m1-1l1nt-iur_- to $10.3’ '_’-'2. The 51:11? I1.-1\‘iI1-__; lieeal e nn'i1ie:'l and found C-'Jrrm:t.. _\l. :<r-.1nl-an & :5-3:1, 5111.8")-. R. 5?. \IuD._a-.11l:i. $15.75: Bill1nan.t.‘i1is'h-olni & Co._

SI-‘I011.-'1 ; ll. 1'1. Fuller r.\I Cu._ 55.65; J. .-L Leamzln or (Jo., i-’lF.:3U ;

Wm. Jordan, $3.-L3 :

Heorge Rent, S18 6? : Wm. l{ocl1e,Sll 07. Total $103.25. The Gowriior and .\I:\tr.m:= returns for the Inontb of J-:.1iu:1r_\', 1896, are here-

with aubiraittect


Ii‘. W. U'Do'.\‘.\'1-:I.L, C'.'u.u'rmcn.=.

3Iove.I by Alnlerin-an U’Uon.'1e-il, SEC-’)n'I_IeIi by Alnlerunn Creighton. R. .~‘-fJti'EtF’ rflmt the report of the City Prison Committee be 3-.lopteJ, and that the

ar-zrotlnts n:3.meLl therein be paid. Hotion passed. Road Report C-.):nInit.t.ee on Public Aieca-.1nt-. l'eE0l1'll‘£‘l;‘l"I ling payment

of sundry account.-. Fehrliar)‘ 11th, 1896.

To His li'r.r.eI.-£;a the _1f<:3.ror mm‘ :;-mnlarrs of {by City ('ounr’='F .‘

flrzsri.-.:>1E.\',—'l'l1e Comrnittoe on Public .—\.r::onnt3 be; to recommend that the following an.-mnntsr lmving been certified and found correct be paid. viz. :—T. L". Allen at [_‘o

. fhr Prmtiiigx and ."5tatioI1er\' for December.

For f‘it_\' C'ol1e<~tor_ Si’. 93-. City Tr:-asnrer, 313.4!) and 5135 SD ; L‘.:t_\‘ Auditor, 5-10.60:

City Assesrsnr, '~lS.Tll : City Clerk. Si:').‘2.'3'; City Recorder, $9.135. Total $134.05. For January. —For City Auditor, $l.li2; City Treasurer, 37.30 ;\ Cit)’ Assessor,

$13.53; City Re:-order.S’l.5fi: City Collector, $25.94; City Clerk. S15-.79; Chief of Police, $1,u2. Total -‘3tiS 25.

lridu3tria1S(‘hool for TI‘LI:1l]lS, $60.00 ; Industrial School for other than Truants,- S‘2'a'9.?-l'. C‘-liarles Aiinand. Chroniu-le, to Dec. 31st, 1895, 36.00; Herald P. P. Co., Herald to Dec. Slot, I395, 3-5.0:”!-_ St, Patrick's I-[ome for Truant-3, $193. 55. Total‘ $T3T.tifi.

Mrxea T. Fosrea, (‘Imh-mcm.

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FEBRUARY 11th, 1896.

Tim l'ollowir1_g resolution is i|"lt['rJ'l‘.IC-:I'l :

Run-r;l'r=.-~rJ'_ That the Report of the Co:n:riittee on Public Accounts subuiitted this e\'en:n:.'. be rer-eiverl and concurred in, and His Worship the .\[ayor _authorized to sign warrants. for the paygueut of the various accounts named therein amount- ing to $.73'i'.GU.

Moved by Alderman Foster, seconded by Alderman Butler. and passed.

R-earl letter and resolution from the Halifax L')ca.| Council of the National Council of Women of Canada, petitioning the City Council to enact regulations to procure the better protection of the children and youth of this city. Placed on Order of the Day.

Rear] resignation of John J. Inglis as St City Hay Weigher. Moved by Alderman Stewart, secoulle-l by Alderman Musgrave, that

the resignation be accepted. Motion passed. Rcaul applications of Joseph Thornpsm an-l Williano Johnston for

the position of Weiglier of bundle Hay. Placed on Order of the Day with No. 18 thereon, viz. :

“ Letter of A. E. Cashen askiogfor appoint- ment ol’ 3 third weigher of bundle Hay and application of James COPl$h for said position." Read letter Harriet F. Allison, Secretary of the La.rlie.~s' Auxiliary

of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty. asking for permission to erect in some convenient place in the City 3. Drinking Fountain for animals. Placed on the Order of the Day.

Read report Special Comoziittee on proposed Summer Carnival, recommending that the Council should support the undertaking‘ by guaranteeing the sum of $1,500, and that any legislation required he at once procured.

February 11th, 1898. To His lI'or.~‘}ii'p Hit’ .-‘lfctyor mid _llcm.?)rr.e ofrlee City Council .-

The volnmittee appointed to consider the :I.dvis:i.bilit_\’ of lloluling a. Summer Carnival in this city :lnrin«: the present Summer, and to confer with other l}-'J{.lieS

and societies in reference thereto, 1-eg to make a further report as follows :

At. a meeting of the coin-nittee of the Council with represelitntives of the Board of '|'r:u{c and \'u.rious other or_-_roI1iz-atious. it was decided to appoint rommittces to c:1m';1ss the various wards of the city with the object ofseeing what financirll support the citiia-+113 were disposed to give to the movement, the cost of which had been estlmaterl as i:e'arl_\' as possible at six_tl.1ous8,nd dollars. The collectors liave not vet fully cornpleted their work, but In one ward of the

cit)',\\':1rd Three. nearly two thons-.\n.l ilollar.-3 has already been subscribed. and it is anticipated tliut suhsi.-ription-3 in other wards will produce a. total amount of at least four tl1t‘:I1.'SL!'l‘.Cl five lmndrerl dollars. As the proposed carnival will greatly benefit the trade of the city and produce good effects of alasting character, and as the scheme now proposed is one that meets with general favor in the rit—_v, and has been the subject of favorable comment in other places, the <‘ornn1it.tee are strongly of the opinion that this colmoil should support the under- taking by gimraiiteeing the required lnlaiice of fifteen hundred dollars, and reeomilietld that whatever legislation l'l'I:'I._\-“ be necessary for that purpose be at once procured.

J. M. GELDERT, Chairman.

Moved by Alderman Ryan, seconded by Alderman Redden, that ‘said report be received and concurred in. Motion passed.

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194 FEBRUARY 11th, 1896.

Read report from His Honor the Recorder informing the Council that in the suit brought by the City of Halifax against J. R. Lithgow the Supreme Court had given Judgment against the City and that he had appealed the case; also that in the cane Ellis vs. City the County Court had given judgment in favor of the Clt._t'. Placed on Order of the Day.

CITY or H .u.:r-‘Ax vs. L1-nlcow. 1-"ebrum-_\' llth, 1:196.

A doubt ha\'in,c_r arisen as regards certain owners of property as to their liability for sidewall: rates when an old bi-1ck side walk was taken up which had been supplied under an old Act hr the owner, a stated case was submitted to the Supreme Lourt and three Ju¢l~_-ea to two decided the owner under such circum- stances was not liable. As the matter involved a liability to the City of about $40,000, and being of opinion that the rlecinion of the two Judges in favor of the tity was correct, l have appealed and taken all the necessary steps to perfect it.

ELLIS \‘.~'-i. TIIP. CITY or-‘ HALIF.-\'.'{.

This was an action brought. against the C ity to recover furcx_tr:1 work and labor performed tlirotigli an allegetl mistake of the A£lSl3l5aI‘ll£F.l'I;!I1‘lEel'. ’]'he matter was tried before ‘the County Court Judge, and Judgment given in favor of the



WlLLI.i.\1 1-‘. M_\cCo\', Rrcorrfrr.

Reed City Treasurer's cash statements, "general," “ water" and " balances ” for January, I896; also City Collector's returns of " rates "

and "water rates ” collected rluring the month of January. Filed. In reference to Xo. 1 on the Order of the Day, viz: Alderman

Han:ilton’s notice of reconsideration of resolution we non-assessed contractors, Alderman Hamilton says he does not intend to move for the reconsideration of the matter, and the item is dropped from the Order Paper.

Read application of H. Havelock Banks for position of Chief License Inspector for the City of Halifax. Mover] by Alderman Mitchell, that Mr. Banks be appointed Chief License Inspector for the City of Halifax. Motion put and passed, thirteen voting for the same and one against it. The following named voting for the motion :——Alderrnen Musgrave, Stewart, Redden, Butler, Hamilton, lt'litche1l,Huble_v, Ryan, McFatridge, Foster, Creighton, Mosher, Outhit, and Alderman O’Donnell against it.

His \\"or.~sliip the Mayor declared l-I. I-Iavelock Banks duly elected Chief License Inszpcctor for the City of Halifax.

Read letter H. Havelock Banks, Chief License Inspector, coverin applications, petitions, objections, declarations, evidence and his several reports in respect to Licenses applied for, for the license year 1896-97,

WARD No. ONE. Read report H. H. Banks, License Inspector. recommending that

a. license be granted to each of the following named applicants for Ward No. One;

.\‘.-mic. (‘harm-tcr of I.iccn:‘~c. Pl'el'I1i$EEl.

John Courtney, Shop. North side head Gas Lane. James Finlay, Shop, 1? Victoria Lane.